
# VCStudio

New And Improved Movie Creation Tool, Based on [Blender Organizer](https://github.com/JYamihud/blender-organizer).

## Features

The features of VCStudio include.

**Managing Projects**


VCStudio compared to Blender-Organizer has a project manager. Which means you install it ones. And do not care about installing it later. While with Blender-Organizer every project had a separate installation of the program. 

This **Project Manager** is capable of Creating New Projects, Finding those already on the computer. Including those from Blender-Organizer. Converting projects from Blender-Organizer to VCStudio in a such a way that it's not really breaking Blender-Organizer's installation inside the project. Also Installing updates is done from the Project Manager. So to prevent any installation frustration after the initial installation.

**Writing Scripts**


To make a movie of any kind. Whether it's animation project done with Blender. Or any other type of movie. You need a screen-play. A script. A story. And usually people don't really connnect the story into the produciton of the movie very well. VCStudio is fixing it by making the script a central point in the pipeline.

On the picture above you see a test scene written with VCStudio with shots and assets marked right in the script. The creation of the assets is done primarily while writing. 


The script it self is broken into scenes in a simple node system. Every scene is a node. And connecting scene nodes will give you the contnuity of the story. This make it possible to have multiple versions of the scene or of the entire script which are not effecting the main story. Since they are not connected to the main plot line. ( The one coming from the Start Node all the way through the story and to the End node. )

**Asset Management**


Of course if you have characters or any other type of assets in the story. You want to be able to manage them. For which VCStudio has an asset manager. Where you can create Blender Files. Create and manage tasks. Schedule tasks for various people. Have access to the list of mentions of a particular asset in the story. And have a link system of the assets when you want to animate them based on the story.



The goal of any project. Is to start at 0% and end up at 100% over a certain period of time. With VCStudio you have the ability to set Start Date and Deadline. Compare current time to the completion of the movie. See a graph of progress with 3 different algorithms. And manage schedules and history for any specific date.


*The multiuser feature is under development but it will allow you sync multiple computers with the same project. Such as multiple people could work in the same time.* 

## Video Overview


## Installation
For the installation please read the [wiki page.](https://notabug.org/jyamihud/VCStudio/wiki/Documenation+%7C+Installation+%7C+Version+20.128)

## Contact Information

If you have any type of comment related to this project and want to contact me. There are few ways.

- **NotABug**. Well this site as any other Git repository has an [issues page.](https://notabug.org/jyamihud/VCStudio/issues)

- **Telegram**. With Blender-Organizer there was a [Telegram Group](https://t.me/blenderorganizer) that still lives. But I'm not active on it for a while. And I don't know how much time will I be without Telegram. 

- **Blender.Chat**. Rescently I discovered another good open project. By our beloved [Blender](https://www.blender.org/). Which is [Blender.Chat](https://blender.chat/home). On which the hash for the group is **#blenderorganizer_vcstudio** .

- **DevTalk**. Also you can ask questions on [Devtalk.Blender.Org](https://devtalk.blender.org/t/blender-organizer-vcstudio-organization-of-the-projects).

- **LBRY**. For **support** , tutorials and general update information. You can use project's [LBRY channel](https://open.lbry.com/@blender-organizer:5?r=GLhXoQ3zcpvm6rzd9Z6dAyasTpmk1FUY) 

**I don't guarantee that will answer**. I don't have any permanent access to the internet or any other form of communication. This computer that I'm using to type this sentense this very moment ( and to develop most of the VCStudio ) is not mine. And it could be taken from me at any moment. I don't own a cell-phone and don't want to own one. Tho even if I wanted. I don't have any resources to get one anyway. So you are on the mercy of the Gods in terms of communicating with me.

## Reasons to Re-do Blender-Organizer

The old Blender Organizer project was using an outdated Python2 for the entire system.
It became such a hard thing to make work on a new system. Since Python2 is not longer supported by most destributions. And so the decision was made in 2020 to move to Python3. The problem was that the gtk module of python2 is similar but not the same as Gtk3 that comes with python3. And so a complite rewrite of the blender organizer is nessesary.

The Blender Organizer also had some questionable desing elements that made it hard to implement new feratures and settings without clusterring the project folder. And also it had a wierd way of handinling multiple projects.

## Blender Organizer still lives.
I think for most people who are Using the Blender Organizer. To switch to an untested new project would be a terrible thing. This is why I'm not using the Blender Organizer repository for the rewrite, but instead choosing to create this new one. Which gonna go away from being named after Blender but more after the little studio title we have for our animation project. VCS (Violence, Children, Studio).

## Credits and thanks

Main project developer is J.Y.Amihud aka Blender-Dumbass (me).

Thanks to :
* Richard Stallman (GNU / GPL)
* Linus Torvalds (Linux / Git)
* Ton Roosendaal (Blender)
* bipiffa (my brother) (This laptop)

And probaly thousands and millions of Free Software contributers I don't know about and probably never will know about. But thank you all. 


[VCStudio](https://notabug.org/jyamihud/VCStudio) and [Blender-Organizer](https://github.com/JYamihud/blender-organizer) are [free-software](https://www.fsf.org/) packages for organizing animated project. Primarily to work with [Blender3D](https://www.blender.org/). It's written in [python](https://www.python.org/) and distributed as a set of scripts. So in theory with little work you can make it run on any OS. It's licensed with a [GNU](https://www.gnu.org/) [GPLv2](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL) license. Primarily developer of the project (2018 - 2020) is J.Y.Amihud (also known as Blender Dumbass). Some projects done with this software may include [I'm Not Even Human](https://open.lbry.com/@VCS:7/Imnotevenhumanshortfilm:3?r=GLhXoQ3zcpvm6rzd9Z6dAyasTpmk1FUY), [The Package, The Car & The Time Is Running Out](https://open.lbry.com/@VCS:7/ThePackageTheCarAndTheTimeIsRunningOut:3?r=GLhXoQ3zcpvm6rzd9Z6dAyasTpmk1FUY) and [Moria's Race](https://t.me/moriasrace).