# THIS FILE IS A PART OF VCStudio # PYTHON 3 # This a console project manager. import os import math # GTK module ( Graphical interface import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf import cairo # Own modules from settings import settings from settings import talk # UI from UI import UI_color def roundrect(layer, win, x, y, width, height, r, button=False, icon=False, tip="", fill=True, url="", clip=False): # This function draws a rectangle with rounded edges. # A button variable is a calable for the button action. Basically it's a # function. Roundrect will act as a button. if button: #if not current url in the software if url and url != win.url: # So icons would not disappear LOL if icon: image(layer, win, "settings/themes/"\ +win.settings["Theme"]+"/icons/"+icon+".png", x, y) return # If UI testing is on preview. Buttons. if win.current["testing"]: UI_color.set(layer, win, "testing_banner") layer.rectangle(x,y,width,height) layer.stroke() if win.current['mx'] in range(int(x), int(x+width)) \ and win.current['my'] in range(int(y), int(y+height)) : do = True if clip: if win.current['mx'] in range(int(clip[0]), int(clip[0]+clip[2])) \ and win.current['my'] in range(int(clip[1]), int(clip[1]+clip[3])) : do = True else: do = False else: do = False if do: # If holding click if win.current["LMB"]: UI_color.set(layer, win, "button_clicked") else: UI_color.set(layer, win, "button_active") # If clicked if win.previous["LMB"] and not win.current["LMB"]: button() # Button might have a tooltip as well if tip: tooltip(win, tip) else: do = True if do: # Making sure that round rectangle will not be smaller then it's round- # ness. Also with width and height zero, it's going to draw a circle. if width < r*2: width = r*2 if height < r*2: height = r*2 # actuall drawing layer.move_to(x,y+r) layer.arc(x+r, y+r, r, math.pi, 3*math.pi/2) layer.arc(x+width-r, y+r, r, 3*math.pi/2, 0) layer.arc(x+width-r, y+height-r, r, 0, math.pi/2) layer.arc(x+r, y+height-r, r, math.pi/2, math.pi) layer.close_path() if fill: layer.fill() # Icon is a continuation of the button part. Because you need a way to see # that that the button is even there to begin with. if icon: image(layer, win, "settings/themes/"\ +win.settings["Theme"]+"/icons/"+icon+".png", x, y) def animate(name, win, v1=0, v2=None, time=10, force=False): # This function will make animating values over time possible. For smooth # Transisions and things like this it's going to be very usefull. # Let's clear mess in case they I'm lazy to make all the things if v2 == None: v2 = v1 # Set up the animation into the animations. If it's not there yet. if name not in win.animations or force: win.animations[name] = [ v1, v2, time, win.current["frame"] ] # Let's get data out of the win.animation[name] v1 = win.animations[name][0] v2 = win.animations[name][1] time = win.animations[name][2] start = win.animations[name][3] frame = win.current["frame"] # If animation is over. if start + time < frame: return v2 # If v1 and v2 are the same. I'm doing it here. In case the value would be # Animated later. So it will create the animation instance. if v1 == v2: return v2 if v1 < v2: vN = v1 + ((v2 - v1)/time*(frame-start)) else: vN = v1 - ((v1 - v2)/time*(frame-start)) return vN def blur(surface, win, amount): # This function will blur a given layer by scaling it down and scaling it # back up. It will be doing it only when a given blur setting it active. # To avoid all kinds of Zero devision problems. And speed up the draw if # using animated blur values. if amount < 3: # When Blue value was less then 3 it felt sharp but not enough return surface # Which caused sense of uneasiness. # Setting up initial Blur if not "Blur" in win.settings: settings.write("Blur", True) # Writing to file win.settings = settings.load_all() # Loading file back to RAM # If to active blur. Will be changed in the graphics settings. if win.settings["Blur"]: # scaling down surface1 = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, win.current['w'], win.current['h']) slacedownlayer = cairo.Context(surface1) slacedownlayer.scale(1/amount, 1/amount) slacedownlayer.set_source_surface(surface, 0 , 0) slacedownlayer.paint() #scaling back up surface2 = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, win.current['w'], win.current['h']) slaceuplayer = cairo.Context(surface2) slaceuplayer.scale(amount, amount) slaceuplayer.set_source_surface(surface1, 0 , 0) slaceuplayer.paint() return surface2 else: return surface def image(layer, win ,path, x, y, width=0, height=0, fit="crop"): # This module will handle drawing images to the layers. It's not that hard # to do in cairo by default. But i'm doing it at every frame. And so it # means a system of images should exist to take out the load. Basically # it will make sure the images is loaded only ones. And for the next draw # calls it will forward the old image. # Attempt of optimization. Keeping in mind the nature of the programm. Basi- # cally I will not load image unless x and y are in frame. Kind a ugly. I # know. But I don't want to even bother checking the resolution of the image # if it's not in a frame. Roughly speaking. Will see maybe I will make do # something to make it better. if int(x) not in range(int(0-width ), int(win.current["w"])) or \ int(y) not in range(int(0-height), int(win.current["h"])) : return # If you ran this software you probably noticed that images are loading # dynamically. I did it using this following crazy algorythm borowed from # the old organizer. Basically for each image I see it's any image is loading # at the moment. If yes, wait. If not loading. Meaning it can take the turn # I create a thread using GLib. Because I'm lazy. Which is loading the image. # Basically the UI keeps working before all images are loaded. if path not in win.images or win.images[path] == "LOADING-IMAGE": win.images[path] = "LOADING-IMAGE" if not win.imageload: win.imageload = True def loadimage(layer, win ,path, x, y, width, height, fit): # Loading the image into the cairo. try: # It could be not PNG try: loadimage = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(path) except: # If it's not png it's gonna take few steps # First we need to make a pixbuf. load1 = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(path) Px = load1.get_width() Py = load1.get_height() # Then to convert the pixbuf to a cairo surface loadimage = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, Px, Py) imagedraw = cairo.Context(loadimage) Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf( imagedraw, load1, 0, 0) imagedraw.paint() # If I want to resize the image for an icon or something. There is # gonna be the folowing algorythm. if width or height: dx = 0 dy = 0 imagesurface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) imagedraw = cairo.Context(imagesurface) # Crop effect. Really hard on my brains. if fit == 'crop': if height > loadimage.get_height()\ or width > loadimage.get_width(): dx = (width/2) -(loadimage.get_width() /2) dy = (height/2)-(loadimage.get_height()/2) else: factor = 1 if (loadimage.get_height()*(width/loadimage.get_width()))\ < height: factor = height / loadimage.get_height() else: factor = width / loadimage.get_width() #factor = 0.1 imagedraw.scale(factor, factor) dx = (width/2)/factor -(loadimage.get_width() /2) dy = (height/2)/factor -(loadimage.get_height()/2) imagedraw.set_source_surface(loadimage, dx, dy) imagedraw.paint() else: imagesurface = loadimage except Exception as e: print(e) imagesurface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 10, 10) # Saving it into the win.images win.images[path] = imagesurface win.imageload = False GLib.timeout_add(1, loadimage, layer, win ,path, x, y, width, height, fit) #loading it back else: if win.images[path] != "LOADING-IMAGE": imagesurface = win.images[path] # Writting the image to the screen layer.set_source_surface(imagesurface, x, y) layer.paint() # And if testing if win.current["testing"]: UI_color.set(layer, win, "testing_image") layer.rectangle(x,y,imagesurface.get_width(),imagesurface.get_height()) layer.stroke() def tooltip(win, text): layer = win.tooltip # This function draws a tooltip helper window. # Just in case text = str(text) # Let's get dimantions of the cube first. lines = 0 maxletters = 0 for line in text.split("\n"): lines += 1 if len(line) > maxletters: maxletters = len(line) # Now when we now the mount of lines and the max lenght of a line. We can # start actually drawing something. # Let's try to make so it's not out of the frame. sx = win.current["mx"] sy = win.current["my"] if sx+(maxletters*9)+40 > win.current["w"]: sx = win.current["w"] - ((maxletters*9)+40) if sy+(lines*20)+10 > win.current["h"]: sy = win.current["h"] - ((lines*20)+10) # Rectangle UI_color.set(layer, win, "node_background") roundrect(layer, win, sx, sy, (maxletters*9)+40, (lines*20)+10, 10) # Text it self layer.select_font_face("Monospace", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) layer.set_font_size(15) UI_color.set(layer, win, "text_normal") for num, line in enumerate(text.split("\n")): layer.move_to(sx+20, sy+20+(20*num) ) layer.show_text(line) def scroll_area(layer, win, name, x, y, width, height, maxlength, bar=False,sideways=False, mmb=False, mmb_only=False, url=""): # This function going to handle all the scrolling windows. Making it so it's # relativelly simple to set up big widgets with in small areas. # It will handle only the value of the scroll stored in win.scroll[name] if maxlength == 0: maxlength = 1 # First let's set one up if it's not setup if name not in win.scroll: win.scroll[name] = 0 return # Getting scroll amount based on all kinds of settings. AT THIS MOMENT # IT'S IN AN ALPHA BECAUSE I'M LAZY. I GONNA IMPLEMENT THING AS I NEED THEM # Or you can do that. IDK... amount = 0.0 if win.current['mx'] in range(x, x+width) \ and win.current['my'] in range(y, y+height) : if not mmb_only: if not sideways: amount = win.current["scroll"][1]*50 else: amount = win.current["scroll"][0]*50 if mmb_only: mmb = True # Middle mouse button scroll, or using a graphical tablet. if mmb: if win.current["MMB"]: amount = 0 - ( win.current["my"] - win.previous["my"] ) # I guess I need to separate the logic into a separate minifunction. # I will use later for the scroll bar thingy. So not to rewrite the code # Here is a function thingy. def logic(): if url and url != win.url: return # Scroll logic win.scroll[name] -= amount # If too low if win.scroll[name] < (1-maxlength+height): win.scroll[name] = (1-maxlength+height) # If too high if win.scroll[name] > 0: win.scroll[name] = 0 logic() # Not BAR. Which is going to be drawn at a side of what ever content there # Basically a scrollbar. But implemented from scratch. Because I'm crazy. # and have nothing better to do now. if bar: # For now I'm going to implement only vertical bar. I gonna implement # the horisontal one when the time comes. if not sideways: # Fist let's make some math in front. Because things like this # require ton of maths. And it's good to have some predone. tobreak = False # Also if we can abort the operation early with it. fraction = height / maxlength # Similar to progress bar for now if fraction > 1: tobreak = True # To break parameter basically says. To draw it the bar only when # it's actully needed. When content aka maxlength is bigger then # our viewport. if not tobreak: # Now the offset value. That will move our progress bar with # the scroll value. offset = (height-60)*( (1-win.scroll[name]) / maxlength ) # Background bar UI_color.set(layer, win, "background") roundrect(layer, win, (x+width)-20, y+30, 10, height-60, 5 ) # Active bar UI_color.set(layer, win, "button_active") # Let's save a little bit more math because it's going to be # vild. And I love it. Lx = (x+width)-20 LSx = 10 Ly = y+30+offset LSy = (height-60)*fraction # Mouse over thingy. To make the bat a tiny bit brighter. # indicating to the user that it's now could be used. if win.current['mx'] in range(int(Lx), int(Lx+LSx)) \ and win.current['my'] in range(int(Ly), int(Lx+LSy)) : UI_color.set(layer, win, "button_clicked") # Now separatelly we gonna check for if the mouse pressed. # Remember if it's not pressed it's False. It's written in one # of the files. Basically I want to be able to move the mouse # outside the bar while moving. And so it won't cancel the motion. # It seems like I did something wrong. Anyways it works. if win.current["LMB"]: if int(win.current['LMB'][0]) in range(int(Lx), int(Lx+LSx)) \ and int(win.current['LMB'][1]) in range(int(Ly), int(Lx+(height-60))) : UI_color.set(layer, win, "button_clicked") # A bit more math to set the value back. amount = ( win.current["my"] - win.previous["my"] ) / \ (height-60) * maxlength logic() # Yeah. Look a few lines back. # And only after all of this nonsense we can draw the cube. Or # should I say roundrect? A button? Aaaaaa.... roundrect(layer, win, Lx, Ly, LSx, LSy, 5 ) def text(outlayer, win, name, x, y, width, height, set_text="", parse=False, fill=True, editable=True, multiline=False , linebreak=False, centered=False): # This function will handle all the text writting in the software. # I'm not sure about how parsing going to work for script files later. # But if it's currently works, means that I already implemented it into # the program. # Making the layer surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) layer = cairo.Context(surface) layer.select_font_face("Monospace", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) layer.set_font_size(20) # Some challenges that it will have is how to correctly store data about # the text in the system. I think we can use the win.text variable to store # directories of the data. if name not in win.text: # I need to get something done before I can pu scroll in. scrollname = name while scrollname in win.scroll: scrollname = scrollname+"_text" win.text[name] = { "text" :set_text, # Actuall text you are editing. "cursor":[len(str(set_text)),len(str(set_text))], # Cursor "insert":False, # Whether the insert mode is on "scroll":scrollname # If multiline. The pointer for the scroll value. } # Background if fill: UI_color.set(layer, win, "darker_parts") roundrect(layer, win, 0, 0, width, height, 10) layer.fill() # Now after filling it up. I want to clip everything. SO no text will get # out of a given area. roundrect(layer, win, 0, 0, width, height, 10, fill=False) layer.clip() # Now I want to give a preview of the text it self. BUT. I need to be sure # that if the text longer then a given width and there is no multiline or a # linebreak. Then it scrolls sideways to the cursor. # Automatic scroll system: Based on the position of the cursor. offsetX = 0 cursor2location = win.text[name]["cursor"][1]*12 + offsetX while cursor2location > width - 50: offsetX -= 1 cursor2location = win.text[name]["cursor"][1]*12 + offsetX # Text selection. AKA cursor # So here we draw the cursor if editable: UI_color.set(layer, win, "node_blendfile") if win.text[name]["cursor"][0] == win.text[name]["cursor"][1]: layer.rectangle( win.text[name]["cursor"][0]*12+5 +offsetX, 5, (win.text[name]["cursor"][1]*12)-(win.text[name]["cursor"][0]*12)+2, 30 ) else: roundrect(layer, win, win.text[name]["cursor"][0]*12+5 +offsetX, 5, (win.text[name]["cursor"][1]*12)-(win.text[name]["cursor"][0]*12)+2, 30, 5, fill=False ) if win.textactive == name: layer.fill() else: layer.stroke() # Making sure that cursor is correct. Because a lot of bugs are happening # with it and it's not cool. # Mouse select if win.current["LMB"]: if int(win.current["mx"]) in range(int(x), int(x+width))\ and int(win.current["my"]) in range(int(y), int(y+height)): win.text[name]["cursor"][0] = int((win.current["LMB"][0]-x-offsetX)/12) win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = int((win.current["mx"]-x-offsetX)/12) # If second part of selection ends up bigger then the first. Reverse them. if win.text[name]["cursor"][0] > win.text[name]["cursor"][1]: win.text[name]["cursor"] = [ win.text[name]["cursor"][1], win.text[name]["cursor"][0]] # If any part ends up beyond the text. Clip them in. if win.text[name]["cursor"][0] < 0: win.text[name]["cursor"][0] = 0 if win.text[name]["cursor"][1] < 0: win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = 0 if win.text[name]["cursor"][0] > len(str(win.text[name]["text"])): win.text[name]["cursor"][0] = len(str(win.text[name]["text"])) if win.text[name]["cursor"][1] > len(str(win.text[name]["text"])): win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = len(str(win.text[name]["text"])) # Drawing the text UI_color.set(layer, win, "text_normal") layer.move_to(5+offsetX, height/2+5) if centered: layer.move_to(width/2-len(str(win.text[name]["text"]))*12/2, height/2+5) layer.show_text(str(win.text[name]["text"])) # Editing the text if win.current["keys"] and editable and name == win.textactive: # Let's filter the input first. # For example if not multiline: #Removing enter key press if 65293 in win.current["keys"] or 65421 in win.current["keys"]: win.current["key_letter"] = "" prevlen = len(win.text[name]["text"]) clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) regularclean = True ORD = 0 try: ORD = ord(win.current["key_letter"]) except: pass backremove = False # Whether to make selection go to 0 width thing #print(ORD, win.text[name]["cursor"][0]) # Backspace if 65288 in win.current["keys"]: if win.text[name]["cursor"][0] != 0 and win.text[name]["cursor"][0]\ == win.text[name]["cursor"][1]: win.text[name]["text"] = win.text[name]["text"]\ [:win.text[name]["cursor"][0]-1]+\ win.text[name]["text"]\ [win.text[name]["cursor"][1]:] elif win.text[name]["cursor"][1] != 0 and win.text[name]["cursor"][0]\ != win.text[name]["cursor"][1]: win.text[name]["text"] = win.text[name]["text"]\ [:win.text[name]["cursor"][0]]+\ win.text[name]["text"]\ [win.text[name]["cursor"][1]:] backremove = True # Ctrl - C elif ORD == 3: cliptext = str(clipboard.wait_for_text()) clipboard.set_text( win.text[name]["text"]\ [win.text[name]["cursor"][0]:win.text[name]["cursor"][1]], -1) # Ctrl - V elif ORD == 22: cliptext = str(clipboard.wait_for_text()) win.text[name]["text"] = win.text[name]["text"]\ [:win.text[name]["cursor"][0]]\ + cliptext +\ win.text[name]["text"]\ [win.text[name]["cursor"][1]:] win.text[name]["cursor"][0] = win.text[name]["cursor"][1] # Ctrl - A elif ORD == 1: win.text[name]["cursor"][0] = 0 win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = len(win.text[name]["text"]) # To clear up the Controll elif 65507 in win.current["keys"]: pass # Shift elif 65506 in win.current["keys"]: # Right if 65363 in win.current["keys"]: win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = win.text[name]["cursor"][1] + 1 #win.current["keys"].remove(65363) # Left elif 65361 in win.current["keys"]: if win.text[name]["cursor"][1] > win.text[name]["cursor"][0]: win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = win.text[name]["cursor"][1] - 1 #win.current["keys"].remove(65361) # Right button elif 65363 in win.current["keys"]: win.text[name]["cursor"][0] = win.text[name]["cursor"][0] + 1 win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = win.text[name]["cursor"][0] win.current["keys"].remove(65363) # Left button elif 65361 in win.current["keys"]: win.text[name]["cursor"][0] = win.text[name]["cursor"][0] - 1 win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = win.text[name]["cursor"][0] win.current["keys"].remove(65361) # Escape elif 65307 in win.current["keys"]: win.textactive = "" win.current["keys"].remove(65307) else: win.text[name]["text"] = win.text[name]["text"]\ [:win.text[name]["cursor"][0]]\ + win.current["key_letter"]+\ win.text[name]["text"]\ [win.text[name]["cursor"][1]:] # Auto moving the cursor nowlen = len(win.text[name]["text"]) if win.text[name]["cursor"][0] == win.text[name]["cursor"][1]: win.text[name]["cursor"][0] = win.text[name]["cursor"][0] + (nowlen - prevlen) win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = win.text[name]["cursor"][0] elif backremove: win.text[name]["cursor"][1] = win.text[name]["cursor"][0] if nowlen != prevlen and regularclean: # Deleting all the keys from the keys. So yeah. win.current["keys"] = [] # Outputing to the outlayer. outlayer.set_source_surface(surface, x, y) outlayer.paint() # Button if editable. if editable: def do(): win.textactive = name roundrect(outlayer, win, x, y, width, height, 10, fill=False, button=do) outlayer.stroke() if win.textactive == name: UI_color.set(outlayer, win, "button_active") roundrect(outlayer, win, x, y, width, height, 10, fill=False) outlayer.stroke()