# THIS FILE IS A PART OF VCStudio # PYTHON 3 import os # GTK module ( Graphical interface import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gdk import cairo # Own modules from settings import settings from settings import talk from project_manager import pm_project from studio import analytics from studio import studio_gtk #UI modules from UI import UI_elements from UI import UI_color def layer(win): # Making the layer surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, win.current['w'], win.current['h']) layer = cairo.Context(surface) #text setting layer.select_font_face("Monospace", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) UI_color.set(layer, win, "darker_parts") UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 50, 5, win.current["w"] - 55, win.current["h"] - 30, 30) # Little verion thing in the bottom corner UI_color.set(layer, win, "testing_banner") layer.set_font_size(15) layer.move_to(win.current["w"]-80, win.current["h"] - 7) layer.show_text(str(win.version)) # Side bar. First 3. New project / Search Projects / Configure Project. # New Project def do(): print("New Project") win.url = "new_project" UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 5, 5, 40, 40, 10, do, "new_file", talk.text("createnewproject_tooltip"), url="project_manager") # Search for projects def do(): win.url = "scan_projects" UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 5, 55, 40, 40, 10, do, "search_file", talk.text("scanforprojects_tooltip"), url="project_manager") # Configure if win.current["project"] and pm_project.is_legacy(win.current["project"]): def do(): print("configure") GLib.timeout_add(1, studio_gtk.run, win ) UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 5, 110, 40, 40, 10, do, "configure_file", talk.text("convertoldproject_tooltip"), url="project_manager") # Side bar. Last 3. Internet things / Updater / Settings # Internet things def do(): win.url = "help_layer" UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 5, win.current["h"]-150, 40, 40, 10, do, "question", talk.text("pm_internet_tooltip"), url="project_manager") # Update def do(): win.url = "update_layer" UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 5, win.current["h"]-95, 40, 40, 10, do, "update", talk.text("Update"), url="project_manager") # I gonna draw a little thingy for if a new update is available try: if win.update["count"]: count = str(win.update["count"]) UI_color.set(layer, win, "node_background") UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 30, win.current["h"]-100, len(count)*12+6, 25, 5) layer.fill() UI_color.set(layer, win, "text_normal") layer.set_font_size(20) layer.move_to(33,win.current["h"]-80) layer.show_text(count) except: pass # Settings def do(): win.url = "settings_layer" UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 5, win.current["h"]-45, 40, 40, 10, do, "settings", talk.text("Settings"), url="project_manager") # Now let's make previews of projects. I think each one will be it's own # layer thingy. Just so I could draw things inside them. # Clipping so it wont draw beyon the frame UI_elements.roundrect(layer, win, 50, 5, win.current["w"] - 55, win.current["h"] - 30, 30, fill=False) layer.clip() # Setting up scroll for Projects if "pm_scroll" not in win.current: win.current["pm_scroll"] = 0.0 # Setting up tilling tileY = 0 tileX = 0 if "pm_main" not in win.scroll: win.scroll["pm_main"] = 0 for num, project in enumerate(pm_project.get_list()): if tileX > (win.current["w"]-55)-391: tileY += 330 tileX = 0 project_node(layer, win, 60+tileX, 15+tileY+ win.scroll["pm_main"], project) tileX += 360 UI_elements.scroll_area(layer, win, "pm_main", 50, 5, win.current["w"] - 55, win.current["h"] - 30, tileY+340, bar=True, mmb=True, url="project_manager" ) return surface def project_node(layer, win, x, y, project): # This function will draw a project to a given place. node_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, win.current['w'], win.current['h']) node = cairo.Context(node_surface) node.select_font_face("Monospace", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) # Before we gonna do clip. Let's put here the logic of the node. def do(): print(project) win.current["project"] = project Legacytip = "" nameonly = project[project.rfind("/")+1:] timefraction = 0.0 projectfraction = 0.0 if pm_project.is_legacy(project): Legacytip = "\nLegacy (Blender-Organizer)" # Getting info about the project. For now only Legacy. Since nothing is # written for the new stuff. try: if project not in win.projects: win.projects[project] = analytics.get_legacy(project) nameonly = win.projects[project]["name"] timefraction = win.projects[project]["timepassed"] projectfraction = win.projects[project]["fraction"] except: pass node.set_line_width(10) UI_elements.roundrect(node, win, x-5, y-5, 350+10, 320+10, 20+5, button=do, fill=False, tip=project+Legacytip, url="project_manager") node.stroke() # If project is selected if win.current["project"] == project and win.previous["project"] == project: UI_color.set(node, win, "button_active") UI_elements.roundrect(node, win, x-5, y-5, 350+10, 320+10, 20+5, button=False, fill=False ) node.stroke() def do(): pm_project.load(project) Gtk.main_quit() # Here I might do some kind a setting later UI_elements.roundrect(node, win, x-5, y-5, 350+10, 320+10, 20+5, button=do, fill=False, url="project_manager" ) # Enter keys if win.url == "project_manager": if 65293 in win.current["keys"] or 65421 in win.current["keys"]: do() win.current["keys"].remove(65293) win.current["keys"].remove(65421) # This next roundrect will both be the backdrop of the node and both will # clip the node content. All folowing graphics will be drawn clipped to the # current roundrect. UI_color.set(node, win, "node_background") UI_elements.roundrect(node, win, x, y, 350, 320, 20) # Clip UI_elements.roundrect(node, win, x, y, 350, 320, 20, fill=False) node.clip() if os.path.exists(project+"/py_data/banner.png"): UI_elements.image(node, win, project+"/py_data/banner.png", x,y,350,320) else: UI_elements.image(node, win, "icon.png", x,y,350,320) # Top Banner thingy if pm_project.is_legacy(project): UI_color.set(node, win, "node_badfile") else: UI_color.set(node, win, "node_blendfile") node.rectangle(x,y,350,40) node.fill() # Name of the project UI_color.set(node, win, "text_normal") node.set_font_size(20) node.move_to(x+175-len(nameonly)*12/2,y+25) node.show_text(nameonly) # Bottom widget part UI_color.set(node, win, "node_background") node.rectangle(x,y+250,350,100) node.fill() # Finally the progress bar HELL YEAH. (I had to write 3 hard parsing # algorythms only to read percentage from the project) #Background UI_color.set(node, win, "progress_background") UI_elements.roundrect(node, win, x+20, y+280, 310, 10, 10) #Time-passed UI_color.set(node, win, "progress_time") UI_elements.roundrect(node, win, x+20, y+280, 310*timefraction, 10, 10) #Done UI_color.set(node, win, "progress_active") UI_elements.roundrect(node, win, x+20, y+280, 310*projectfraction, 10, 10) # Drawing the Node on the main layer. layer.set_source_surface(node_surface, 0,0) layer.paint()