#### Blender-Organizer checklist file. ( do not remove 1rst 9 lines ) #### INDINTATION (4 SPACES LONG) #### STR means Start date of the ASSET #### FIN means Finish deadline of the asset #### [ ] means that task is on list #### [V] means that tast is finished #### DO NOT USE EMPTY LINES STR 00/00/0000 FIN 01/00/0000 [ ].Concept [ ] Research [ ] Concept Art [ ] Strait Angle Reference [ ].Modeling [ ].Head [ ] Sculpting [ ] Retopology [ ] Hair [ ].Body [ ] Sculpting [ ] Retopology [ ].Cloth [ ] Modeling [ ] Simulating / Sculpting Cloth Details [ ].Materials [ ].Skin Shader [ ] SSS Setup [ ].Textures [ ] Color [ ] Bump [ ] Shine [ ] SSS Layers [ ] Eyes [ ].Cloth [ ] Textures [ ] Shader setup [ ].Rigging [ ].Body [ ] Making Rig [ ] Assining The Rig [ ].Fixing [ ] Adjusting weights [ ] Making corrective ShapeKeys [ ].Face [ ] Eyes [ ] Eyebrows [ ] Mouth area [ ].Rendering [ ] Make Preview [ ] Edit Preview [ ] Ready to configure /AST/