[] checkingpythonmodules = [Checking PYTHON modules...] checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Checking VCStudio...] checked = [Okay] cancel = [Cancel] failed = [Failed] missingmoduleserror = [Errors found. Type Fix to attempt fixing.] missingmodulenotification = [Module error. Look into the console for details.] imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) I'm happy to see you.] PMConsoleExplanation = [ This is a console version of the VCStudio's Project-Manager. You have been launched in this version because our troubleshooter can't find some critical module to enable graphical interface. Also you can enter this mode manually using -c. Keep in mind that console mode is limited in functionality and is used only for most notoroius reasons. Type help to get available functions.] pm_console_help = [ help - This help dialogue. set_language - changes language settings. projects_list - see projects list. set_folder - set a folder where a new project is created. new_project - creates a new project. project - launch a given project. scan - scans systems for VCStudio or Blender-Organizer projects. convert - convert Blender-Organizer project to VCStudio project. (Please have a back up when using this one.) exit - exits. ] pm-do-new-project-error = [You didn't specify folder where to create a project. Use set_folder to specify it.] Current = [Current] Name = [Name] Wait = [Wait] project-manager = [Project - Manager] createnewproject_tooltip = [Start a New Project] scanforprojects_tooltip = [Scan the OS for existing projects both VCStudio and the Blender-Organizer] convertoldproject_tooltip = [Convert selected Blender-Organizer project into a VCStudio project.] pm_internet_tooltip = [Help / About / Tutorials / Forums Other Internet links] Update = [Update] Settings = [Settings] UI_testing_tooltip = [Tougle "UI Testing" Mode] pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [Choose where on the system to create the project's folder.] new_project_name = [New Project Name] duringscanningforprojects = [Scanning the OS, wait...] Developer = [Developer] help_movies_done_title = [Movies done using VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):] In_Production = [In Production] help_tutorial_title = [Video Tutorials:] ClickToWatch = [Click to watch.] tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analitycs - Tutorial] tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Story-Editor - Tutorial] tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Assets - Tutorial] Expand = [Expand] Compress = [Compress] update_see_history = [See changes to the file] update_read_version_notes = [Read about this version] update_available = [Available] update_current = [Current] update_previous = [Previous] update_install = [Install Updates] update_installing = [Installing the Updates...] change_language = [Select a Language] set_language = [Set ] Blur = [Blur] Auto_De-Blur = [Deactivate Blur Below 10 FPS]