checkingpythonmodules = [Checking PYTHON modules...]
checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Checking VCStudio...]
desktopcreated = [ VCStudio configuration Complite. Look for VCStudio in the Launcher.]
checked = [Okay]
cancel = [Cancel]
failed = [Failed]
missingmoduleserror = [Errors found. Type Fix to attempt fixing.]
missingmodulenotification = [Module error. Look into the console for details.]
imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) I'm happy to see you.]
PMConsoleExplanation = [
   This is a console version of the VCStudio's Project-Manager. 
    Keep in mind that console mode is limited in functionality and is used only
for most notoroius reasons.

    Type help to get available functions.]
pm_console_help = [

help          - This help dialogue.
set_language  - changes language settings.
projects_list - see projects list.
set_folder    - set a folder where a new project is created.
new_project   - creates a new project.
project       - launch a given project.
scan          - scans systems for VCStudio or Blender-Organizer projects.
convert       - convert Blender-Organizer project to VCStudio project. (Please have a back up when using this one.)
exit          - exits.
pm-do-new-project-error = [You didn't specify folder where to create a project.
Use set_folder to specify it.]
Current = [Current]
Name = [Name]
Wait = [Wait]
project-manager = [Project - Manager]
createnewproject_tooltip = [Start a New Project]
scanforprojects_tooltip = [Scan the OS for existing projects
both VCStudio and the Blender-Organizer]
convertoldproject_tooltip = [Convert selected Blender-Organizer
project into a VCStudio project.]
pm_internet_tooltip = [Help / About / Tutorials / Forums
Other Internet links]
Update = [Update]
Settings = [Settings]
UI_testing_tooltip = [Tougle "UI Testing" Mode]
pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [Choose where on the system to
create the project's folder.]
new_project_name = [New Project Name]
duringscanningforprojects = [Scanning the OS, wait...]
Developer = [Developer]
help_movies_done_title = [Movies done using VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):]
In_Production = [In Production]
help_tutorial_title = [Video Tutorials:]
ClickToWatch = [Click to watch.]
tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analitycs - Tutorial]
tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Story-Editor - Tutorial]
tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Assets - Tutorial]
Expand = [Expand]
Compress = [Compress]
update_see_history = [See changes to the file]
update_read_version_notes = [Read about this version]
update_available = [Available]
update_current = [Current]
update_previous = [Previous]
update_all = [Update all]
files = [files]
update_install = [Install Updates]
update_all_tooltip = [Instead of downloading only the current update.
Download all the files. You can use it to fix broken files, for example.]
update_installing = [Installing the Updates...]
change_language = [Select a Language]
set_language = [Set ]
Blur = [Blur]
Auto_De-Blur = [Deactivate Blur Below 10 FPS]
help_stallman = [Richard Matthew Stallman

The founder of GNU. Which stands for GNU's not Unix. This man made VCStudio
possible and he probably doesn't even know about it's existance. In the early
80's he started the GNU project. An operating system project to free people from
the propietery world of non-free software. The free-software. Free as in Freedom.
Is the idea of GNU. 

Every program has to have 4 basic freedoms. 
0 Freedom to run the program for any reason at any time.
1 Freedom to study and modify the source code.
2 Freedom to redestribute the software to help others.
3 Freedom to redestribute modified copies of the software.

GNU in GNU /  Linux stands for his GNU project. Click to read more...
help_torvalds = [Linus Torvalds

In the early 90s the GNU Operating System was almost finished on top of non-free
UNIX. The only thing missing was the Kernel. The main program that's managing
the other programs that run on top of it. 

Such a Kernel was written by Linus Torvalds. This program is known as Linux.
Which is a combination of the name Linus and x from the Unix. It's the most 
popular peace of software in the world. Maybe not yet in the PC market. But 
most certainly in Servers and Mobile devices. (Android has a Linux kernel).

Linux in GNU / Linux comes from this peace of software.
help_roosendaal = [Ton Roosendaal

The man behind Blender. The package for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, video
editing and many more. Which is THE BEST software of it's kind. And is a Free-
Software. (Free as in Freedom).

While it's possible to run this software on many operating systems. It's mainly 
developed for use under GNU / Linux and uses a license written by Richard
Stallman. This ensures that Blender will always have the 4 basic freedoms.  

VCStudio (Blender-Organizer) would not exist if Blender would not exist.
help_indirect_credits = [Special people who helped in-directly:]
help_read_wiki = [VCStudio Wiki (Text Manuals and Release Notes)]
Start = [Start]
End = [End]
analytics_tooltip = [See Project's Analytics / History / Scheduling]
new_scene_tooltip = [Create a new scene node.]
link_asset_tooltip = [Link asset to the story space.]
link_file_tooltip = [Link a file to the story space.]
event_tooltip = [Make an event. Group scenes into a frame.
(Similar to Blender's Frame)]
marker_tooltip = [Mark a place on the story space.]
render_lists_tooltip = [Current Renders]
vse_tooltip = [VSE Video Editors
(Blendfiles for editing the movie)]
multiuser_tooltip = [Multiuser. Sync of the project between
more then one computer. Used for groups projects.]
chr = [Characters]
veh = [Vehicles]
loc = [Locations]
obj = [Other Assets]
mus = [Music / Sounds]
blend_files_folder = [Blend Files]
reference_folder = [References]
tex_folder = [Textures]
renders_folder = [Renders]
DeleteQuestion = [Are you sure, you want to Delete?]
OperationIrrevesable = [Operation Non-Reversable!]
Scenes = [Scenes]
LinksToFiles = [Links To Files]
LinksToAssets = [Links To Assets]
Markers = [Markers]
project_folder = [Project's Folder]
outside_folder = [From outside the project]
project_name = [Project's Name]
project_director = [Project's Director]
project_status = [Project's Comment]
project_banner = [Background Image]
project_startdate = [Start Date]
project_deadline = [Deadline]
username = [Your Username]
create_new_asset = [Create New Asset:]
copy_file_as = [Copy a File As:]
create_new_blend_file = [Create a New Blend File:]
add_new_task = [New Task]
add_new_subtask = [New Sub-Task]
user_schedules = [User:]
add_phrase_tooltip = [Adding a Dialogue part to the script. 


            James Hacker           
       Hello World. How is my
       Gnomovision doing?     

It will give you a good margin like in
a real script. And as you export. You
will have a nice looking script frames.]
add_shot_tooltip = [Mark part of the script
as a shot.]
add_asset_tooltip = [Mark an asset. Character
or other type of asset.]
add_image_script_tooltip = [Insert Image]
add_shot_live_checklist = [Live Action Shot]
add_shot_anim_checklist = [Animation Shot]
add_shot_vfx_checklist = [VFX Shot]
add_scene_checklist = [Create Scene Checklist]
link_shot_blend_tooltip = [Link assets into ]
render_shot_blend_tooltip = [VCStudio Renderer for ]
link_mode_link = [Just link the assets into the Blend-File.]
link_mode_overrides = [Link and Make Library-Overrides to the assets.]
link_mode_proxy = [Link and Make Proxy to the Rigs.]
link_add_from_scene = [Add assets marked in the scene.]
link_asset_not_configured = [Asset not configured. Please configure the asset.
Without configuration the asset will not be linked.]
asset_configuration_step_1 = [Step 1: Make the Asset.]
asset_configuration_step_2 = [Step 2: Copy Blend file to /ast/.]
asset_configuration_step_3 = [Step 3: Choose Collection and Rig.]
render_avarage_time = [Average Time:]
render_remaining_time = [Time Left:]
clean_render_folder = [Delete all the frames in the folder before starting render.
Else it will continue from the last frame that exists in the folder.]
recommended_yes = [Recommeded]
recommended_not = [Not recommeded]
readme = [Readme]
license = [License]
documentation_installation = [Installation]
documentation_project_manager = [Project Manager]
documentation_story_editor = [Story Editor]
documentation_script_writer = [Script Writer]
documentation_analytics = [Analytics]
documentation_assets = [Assets]
documentation_link_assets = [Linking Assets]
documentation_render = [Render]
documentation_multiuser = [Multiuser]
documentation_type_scene = [Read Online]
documentation_type_update = [Update Information]
documentation_type_video = [Video Tutorial]
notabug_markdown = [Commit Changes]
edit_markdown = [Edit Text]
multiuser_server_start = [Start the Multiuser Server on this computer.]
multiuser_server_stop = [Kill the Multiuser Server.
Warning! Potential data loss could acur.]
change_theme = [Change Theme]
set_theme = [Change Theme to: ]
export_tooltip = [Export story to ODT.
(LibreOffice format. Readable by most office suits.)]
sc_help = [

help              - returns this help
asset             - choose and asset
assets            - list existsing assets
scene             - read a scene
scenes            - lists available scenes
scenes_main_chain - list only scenes from the main chain
shot              - choose a shot
shots             - list shots of a given scene
file              - open a file from a given asset or shot
files             - list all files from a given asset or shot
multiuser_start   - starts multiuser server for this project
multiuser_stop    - stops multiuser
multiuser_users   - list of users connected to multiuser
multiuser_message - message users on multiuser
vse               - starts a vse file
vses              - lists all vse files
render            - render a given file from a shot
render_server     - become a render server for users on multiuser
render_not_server - stop being a render server for users
eval              - run a python expression
exit              - exit

press_to_continue = [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE]
contact_us_now = [Video Call the Developer]
contact_us_tip = [
Open a Jitsi Conference where J.Y.Amihud, the developer of VCStudio is
constantly working on improving the software or does any other project.

Jitsi does not require you to have a login. Just type your name, allow
access to your microphone and start talking. Talk freely in either
English, Russian or Hebrew. No moderation of curse words. So be free to
yell at me.

If I don't respond or there is no-one in the conferense. I'm either away
from the computer or asleep.
report_bug_now = [Report Bugs]
report_bug_tip = [
Open the NotABug git repository issues page where you can post your problem.
Please be descriptive. And make sure that we can re-create the bug. Use screen
shots or files that have problems if needed.

Type freely using English, Russian or Hebrew.
tutorial_video_installation = [VCStudio: Installation Tutorial]
tutorial_video_project_manager = [VCStudio: Project-Manager Tutorial]
auto_download_images = [Auto Download Images]
check-for-updates = [Check For Updates at Launch]
PixelBlur = [Blur Pixelated]
GenerateSubfolders = [Generate Subfolders]
GenerateSubfoldersTip = [Generate Missing Common Subfolders.]
copy_checklist_to_clipboard = [Copy to Clipboard]
new_checklist_from_clipboard = [From Clipboard]
copy_to_checklist_from_clipboard = [Paste To The End]
days_a_week = [Days per Week]
back_up_tooltip = [Launch Automatic Backing Up Program.]
Remote_Server = [Remote Server]
Remote_Server_tip = [Work on a project hosted on a remote machine.]
remote-update-initial = [Update Project]
remote-update-initial-tip = [Download initial project files and replace
the ones on the computer with
the downloaded files.]
remote-server-url = [The hostname of the remote server.]
MissingFiles = [Missing Files]
ChangedFiles = [Changed Files]
RemoteAssetUpdates = [Remote Asset Updates]
RemoteShotUpdates = [Remote Shot Updates]
DownloadRemoteServer = [Download Files]
blender-bash = [Command To Start Blender]
StillLoadingRemoteData = [Still Loading ...]
ToggleVisible = [Toggle Visible]