# THIS FILE IS A PART OF VCStudio # PYTHON 3 import os w, h = os.get_terminal_size() from settings import settings from settings import talk from troubleshooter import fix commands = [] def completer(text, state): options = [i for i in commands if i.startswith(text)] if state < len(options): return options[state] else: return None try: import readline readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(completer) except: print("NO TABS, SORRY!") def cls(): #cleaning the terminal os.system("clear") global w global h w, h = os.get_terminal_size() if (w % 2) == 0: w = w - 1 def output(form, text=""): #Basically a fancy print() function while len(text) < w: text = text + " " print(form + text) # COFIGURING LANGUAGE def lang_setting(): title = "TYPE YOUR LANGUAGE AND HIT ENTER" while True: cls() #getting the configuration language = settings.read("Language") # Testing if I cal load the language file. try: open("settings/languages/"+language+".data") return except: pass talk.alert("Select Language. Look in console.") # Getting list of available languages all_langs = settings.list_languages() # Make them auto-comelitable global commands commands = [] for lang in all_langs: commands.append(lang) # Counting them len_langs = len(all_langs) output("\033[1;44m") #Title output("\033[1;44m", \ " " * int(round((w-len(title))/2)) \ + title + \ " " * int((w-len(title))/2) \ ) output("\033[1;44m") for raws in range(int((h-5-len_langs)/2)): output("\033[1;40m") for lang in all_langs: output("\033[1;40m", \ " " * int(round((w-len(lang))/2)) \ + lang + \ " " * int((w-len(lang))/2) \ ) for raws in range(int((h-5-len_langs)/2)): output("\033[1;40m") print("\033[1;m") # Trying to write language setting. command = input(":") if command != "": if command not in all_langs: title = "THERE IS NO " + command + " FILE" else: settings.write("Language",command) return lang_setting() def modules_test(Modules, title, setting): # TESTING THAT MODULES ARE INSTALLED CORRECTLY cls() import time # IK it's crazy but user needs to understand what's # going on. So there be some delay between them. title = talk.text(title) def drawmodules(): cls() output("\033[1;44m") output("\033[1;44m", \ " " * int((w-len(title))/2) \ + title + \ " " * int((w-len(title))/2) \ ) output("\033[1;44m") for raws in range(int((h-5-len(Modules))/2)): output("\033[1;40m") for mod2 in Modules: if Modules[mod2] == None: ans = mod2 output("\033[1;40m", " "+ans) elif Modules[mod2] == True: ans = mod2 + " "*int(w/2-len(mod2)) + talk.text("checked") output("\033[1;42m", " "+ans) else: ans = mod2 + " "*int(w/2-len(mod2)) + talk.text("failed") output("\033[1;41m", " "+ans) for raws in range(int((h-6-len(Modules))/2)): output("\033[1;40m") errors = 0 for mod in Modules: drawmodules() try: try: exec( "import " + mod) Modules[mod] = True except: Modules[mod] = False errors = errors + 1 except: pass time.sleep(0.1) drawmodules() if errors: global commands commands = ["Fix"] talk.alert(talk.text("missingmodulenotification")) title = str(errors)+" "+talk.text("missingmoduleserror") output("\033[1;40m\033[1;31m", \ " " * int((w-len(title))/2) \ + title + \ " " * int((w-len(title))/2) \ ) #fix thing print("\033[1;m") command = input(":") if command == "Fix": fix.autofix(Modules) else: #if no errors settings.write(setting, "Checked-by-troubleshooter") print("\033[1;m") if not settings.read("Python-is-good"): Modules = { "os":None, "gi":None, "gi.repository.Gtk":None, "gi.repository.GLib":None, "cairo":None, "PIL":None, "PIL.Image":None, "subprocess":None, "datetime":None, "sys":None, "urllib":None, "urllib3":None, "socket":None, "readline":None } modules_test(Modules, "checkingpythonmodules", "Python-is-good") if not settings.read("VCStudio-is-good"): OwnModules = { "settings.settings":None, "settings.talk":None, "troubleshooter.troubleshooter":None, "troubleshooter.fix":None, "project_manager.pm_console":None, "project_manager.pm_gtk":None, "project_manager.pm_project":None, "project_manager.pm_mainLayer":None, "UI.UI_color":None, "UI.UI_elements":None, "UI.UI_testing":None, } modules_test(OwnModules, "checkingpartsoftheprogramm", "VCStudio-is-good")