# THIS SOFTWARE IS A PART OF FREE COMPETITOR PROJECT # THE FOLLOWING SOURCE CODE I UNDER THE GNU # AGPL LICENSE V3 OR ANY LATER VERSION. # This project is not for simple users, but for # web-masters and a like, so we are counting on # your ability to set it up and running. import os import json from modules import missing from difflib import SequenceMatcher # checks how similar are two strings def similar(a, b): # I guess it simpifies the syntax for SequenceMatcher # In the previous version we use Lavenshtain but it made # it an issue for some people to install. return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio() def search_app(name): # This function output a json of an app that's the closest # match to the requested name. closest = {} match = 0 all_apps = [] for i in os.listdir("apps"): if i.endswith(".json"): try: with open("apps/"+i) as json_file: idata = json.load(json_file) except Exception as e: print("Error!", i, e) idata = {} all_apps.append(idata) # Round 1. By the name for i in all_apps: for n in i.get("names",[]): m = similar(n.lower(), name.lower()) if m > match and m > 0.6: closest = i match = m if closest: missing.remove(closest["names"][0]) return closest, match # If there was no match for the program by name # we are saving the name into a special file so # the operator of the website could see that there # was a name that didn't have a file for it. missing.add(name) match = 0 closest = {} # Round 2. By Generic name for i in all_apps: for n in i.get("generic_name",[]): m = similar(n.lower(), name.lower()) if m > match and is_free(i): closest = i match = m if closest: return closest, match def suggest(json_data): # This function will suggest found = [] all_apps = [] for i in os.listdir("apps"): if i.endswith(".json"): try: with open("apps/"+i) as json_file: idata = json.load(json_file) except Exception as e: idata = {} all_apps.append(idata) for i in all_apps: score = 0 for c in ["generic_name", "networks_read", "networks_write", "formats_read", "formats_write"]: for b in json_data.get(c, []): if b in i.get(c, []): score += 1 # Pass the found datapoint into the renderer try: i[c][i[c].index(b)] = "*"+b except Exception as e: print(e) # If software has issues of any kind we move it down. if "issues" in i and score: score = max(0.1, score - len(i["issues"])) found.append([score, i]) try: found.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) found = list(reversed(found)) except Exception as e: print("Found problem:", e) fount = [] return found def is_free(app): if "licenses" in app and app["licenses"]: with open("data/licenses.json", "r") as data: all_licenses = json.load(data)["licenses"] for al in all_licenses: # Making longer loop once for l in app["licenses"]: if l in [al.get("licenseId",""),al.get("name","")]\ and al.get("isFsfLibre", False): return True #print("License Error! "+app.get("names",[])[0], "Check with data/licenses.json 'licenseId'") return False