Digital Restrictions Management or DRM are systems that are defective by design. Instead of developing a good tool that actually helps the user. Tools with DRM makes the life of the user harder. Some people call DRM like systems "Copy Protection" because most often than not they are advertised as a kind of Copyright enforcement tools. But we all know that <a href="">Fair Use</a> exists. And people want to be able to use whatever players they want and whatever devices they want. Which means, they need to be able to make copies of files that they have. And to make those copies freely. But quite frankly, it seems like "Copy Protection" is not what really drives the proponents of DRM. But rather the availability of this very convenient law - the DMCA, which makes anyone who implement DRM basically a godlike figure who can punish anyone for anything. DRM is both an injustice from the basic inconvenience of it. And both an injustice from the fact that it's a tool of oppression. Learn more about DRM and why it's terrible on <a href="">DEFECTIVE BY DESIGN . ORG</a>.