diff --git a/lbrynet/extras/daemon/Daemon.py b/lbrynet/extras/daemon/Daemon.py
index a7dbde6da..c50455fbf 100644
--- a/lbrynet/extras/daemon/Daemon.py
+++ b/lbrynet/extras/daemon/Daemon.py
@@ -1663,9 +1663,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
-    async def jsonrpc_claim_search(
-            self, name=None, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None,
-            channel_id=None, channel_name=None, winning=False, page=1, page_size=10):
+    async def jsonrpc_claim_search(self, **kwargs):
         Search for stream and channel claims on the blockchain.
@@ -1673,7 +1671,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
             claim_search [<name> | --name=<name>] [--claim_id=<claim_id>] [--txid=<txid> --nout=<nout>]
-                         [--channel_id=<channel_id>] [--channel_name=<channel_name>] [--winning] [--page=<page>]
+                         [--channel_id=<channel_id>] [--channel_name=<channel_name>] [--is_winning] [--page=<page>]
@@ -1683,45 +1681,19 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
             --nout=<nout>                 : (str) find a claim with this txid:nout
             --channel_id=<channel_id>     : (str) limit search to specific channel claim id (returns stream claims)
             --channel_name=<channel_name> : (str) limit search to specific channel name (returns stream claims)
-            --winning                     : (bool) limit to winning claims
+            --is_winning                     : (bool) limit to winning claims
             --page=<page>                 : (int) page to return during paginating
             --page_size=<page_size>       : (int) number of items on page during pagination
         Returns: {Paginated[Output]}
-        claims = []
-        if name is not None:
-            claims = await self.ledger.network.get_claims_for_name(name)
-        elif claim_id is not None:
-            claim = await self.wallet_manager.get_claim_by_claim_id(claim_id)
-            if claim and claim != 'claim not found':
-                claims = {'claims': [claim]}
-        elif txid is not None and nout is not None:
-            claim = await self.wallet_manager.get_claim_by_outpoint(txid, int(nout))
-            if claim and claim != 'claim not found':
-                claims = {'claims': [claim]}
-        elif channel_id is not None or channel_name is not None:
-            channel_url = f"{channel_name}{('#' + str(channel_id)) if channel_id else ''}" if channel_name else None
-            if channel_id and not channel_name:
-                claim = await self.wallet_manager.get_claim_by_claim_id(channel_id)
-                if claim and claim != 'claim not found':
-                    channel_url = f"{claim['name']}#{claim['claim_id']}"
-            if channel_url:
-                resolve = await self.resolve(channel_url, page=page, page_size=page_size)
-                resolve = resolve.get(channel_url, {})
-                claims = resolve.get('claims_in_channel', []) or []
-                total_pages = 0
-                if claims:
-                    total_pages = int((resolve['total_claims'] + (page_size-1)) / page_size)
-                #sort_claim_results(claims)
-                return {"items": claims, "total_pages": total_pages, "page": page, "page_size": page_size}
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Must specify either name, claim_id, or txid:nout.")
-        if claims:
-            resolutions = await self.resolve(*(f"{claim['name']}#{claim['claim_id']}" for claim in claims['claims']))
-            claims = [value.get('claim', value.get('certificate')) for value in resolutions.values()]
-            sort_claim_results(claims)
-        return {"items": claims, "total_pages": 1, "page": 1, "page_size": len(claims)}
+        page_num, page_size = abs(kwargs.pop('page', 1)), min(abs(kwargs.pop('page_size', 10)), 50)
+        kwargs.update({'offset': page_size * (page_num-1), 'limit': page_size})
+        page = await self.ledger.claim_search(**kwargs)
+        return {
+            "items": page.txos, "page": page_num, "page_size": page_size,
+            "total_pages": int((page.total + (page_size-1)) / page_size)
+        }
     CHANNEL_DOC = """
     Create, update, abandon and list your channel claims.
@@ -2641,14 +2613,13 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
         account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
         amount = self.get_dewies_or_error("amount", amount)
-        claim = await account.ledger.get_claim_by_claim_id(claim_id)
-        claim_name = claim['name']
-        claim_address = claim['address']
+        claim = await self.ledger.get_claim_by_claim_id(claim_id)
+        claim_address = claim.get_address(self.ledger)
         if not tip:
             claim_address = await account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
         tx = await Transaction.support(
-            claim_name, claim_id, amount, claim_address, [account], account
+            claim.claim_name, claim_id, amount, claim_address, [account], account
         if not preview:
diff --git a/lbrynet/schema/page.py b/lbrynet/schema/page.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8262f11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lbrynet/schema/page.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import base64
+import struct
+from typing import List
+from lbrynet.schema.types.v2.page_pb2 import Page as PageMessage
+from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output
+class Page:
+    __slots__ = 'txs', 'txos', 'offset', 'total'
+    def __init__(self, txs, txos, offset, total):
+        self.txs: List[Transaction] = txs
+        self.txos: List[Output] = txos
+        self.offset = offset
+        self.total = total
+    @classmethod
+    def from_base64(cls, data: str) -> 'Page':
+        return cls.from_bytes(base64.b64decode(data))
+    @classmethod
+    def from_bytes(cls, data: bytes) -> 'Page':
+        page_message = PageMessage()
+        page_message.ParseFromString(data)
+        tx_map, txo_list = {}, []
+        for tx_message in page_message.txs:
+            tx = Transaction(tx_message.raw, height=tx_message.height, position=tx_message.position)
+            tx_map[tx.hash] = tx
+        for txo_message in page_message.txos:
+            output = tx_map[txo_message.tx_hash].outputs[txo_message.nout]
+            if txo_message.WhichOneof('meta') == 'claim':
+                claim = txo_message.claim
+                output.meta = {
+                    'is_winning': claim.is_winning,
+                    'effective_amount': claim.effective_amount,
+                    'trending_amount': claim.trending_amount,
+                }
+                if claim.HasField('channel'):
+                    output.channel = tx_map[claim.channel.tx_hash].outputs[claim.channel.nout]
+            txo_list.append(output)
+        return cls(list(tx_map.values()), txo_list, page_message.offset, page_message.total)
+    @classmethod
+    def to_base64(cls, tx_rows, txo_rows, offset, total) -> str:
+        return base64.b64encode(cls.to_bytes(tx_rows, txo_rows, offset, total)).decode()
+    @classmethod
+    def to_bytes(cls, tx_rows, txo_rows, offset, total) -> bytes:
+        page = PageMessage()
+        page.total = total
+        page.offset = offset
+        for tx in tx_rows:
+            tx_message = page.txs.add()
+            tx_message.raw = tx['raw']
+            tx_message.height = tx['height']
+            tx_message.position = tx['position']
+        for txo in txo_rows:
+            txo_message = page.txos.add()
+            txo_message.tx_hash = txo['txo_hash'][:32]
+            txo_message.nout, = struct.unpack('<I', txo['txo_hash'][32:])
+            if 'channel_txo_hash' in txo and txo['channel_txo_hash']:
+                txo_message.claim.channel.tx_hash = txo['channel_txo_hash'][:32]
+                txo_message.claim.channel.nout, = struct.unpack('<I', txo['channel_txo_hash'][32:])
+            if 'is_winning' in txo:  # claim
+                txo_message.claim.is_winning = bool(txo['is_winning'])
+                txo_message.claim.activation_height = txo['activation_height']
+                txo_message.claim.effective_amount = txo['effective_amount']
+                txo_message.claim.trending_amount = txo['trending_amount']
+        return page.SerializeToString()
diff --git a/lbrynet/schema/types/v2/page_pb2.py b/lbrynet/schema/types/v2/page_pb2.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58b622456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lbrynet/schema/types/v2/page_pb2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
+# source: page.proto
+import sys
+_b=sys.version_info[0]<3 and (lambda x:x) or (lambda x:x.encode('latin1'))
+from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor
+from google.protobuf import message as _message
+from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection
+from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database
+# @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
+_sym_db = _symbol_database.Default()
+DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor(
+  name='page.proto',
+  package='pb',
+  syntax='proto3',
+  serialized_options=None,
+  serialized_pb=_b('\n\npage.proto\x12\x02pb\"]\n\x04Page\x12\x18\n\x04txos\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32\n.pb.Output\x12\x1c\n\x03txs\x18\x02 \x03(\x0b\x32\x0f.pb.Transaction\x12\r\n\x05total\x18\x03 \x01(\r\x12\x0e\n\x06offset\x18\x04 \x01(\r\"O\n\x06Output\x12\x0f\n\x07tx_hash\x18\x01 \x01(\x0c\x12\x0c\n\x04nout\x18\x02 \x01(\r\x12\x1e\n\x05\x63laim\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\r.pb.ClaimMetaH\x00\x42\x06\n\x04meta\"\x8a\x01\n\tClaimMeta\x12\x1b\n\x07\x63hannel\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\n.pb.Output\x12\x12\n\nis_winning\x18\x02 \x01(\x08\x12\x19\n\x11\x61\x63tivation_height\x18\x03 \x01(\x04\x12\x18\n\x10\x65\x66\x66\x65\x63tive_amount\x18\x04 \x01(\x04\x12\x17\n\x0ftrending_amount\x18\x05 \x01(\x04\"<\n\x0bTransaction\x12\x0b\n\x03raw\x18\x01 \x01(\x0c\x12\x0e\n\x06height\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\x12\x10\n\x08position\x18\x03 \x01(\rb\x06proto3')
+_PAGE = _descriptor.Descriptor(
+  name='Page',
+  full_name='pb.Page',
+  filename=None,
+  containing_type=None,
+  fields=[
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='txos', full_name='pb.Page.txos', index=0,
+      number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='txs', full_name='pb.Page.txs', index=1,
+      number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=[],
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='total', full_name='pb.Page.total', index=2,
+      number=3, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='offset', full_name='pb.Page.offset', index=3,
+      number=4, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+  ],
+  extensions=[
+  ],
+  nested_types=[],
+  enum_types=[
+  ],
+  serialized_options=None,
+  is_extendable=False,
+  syntax='proto3',
+  extension_ranges=[],
+  oneofs=[
+  ],
+  serialized_start=18,
+  serialized_end=111,
+_OUTPUT = _descriptor.Descriptor(
+  name='Output',
+  full_name='pb.Output',
+  filename=None,
+  containing_type=None,
+  fields=[
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='tx_hash', full_name='pb.Output.tx_hash', index=0,
+      number=1, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=_b(""),
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='nout', full_name='pb.Output.nout', index=1,
+      number=2, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='claim', full_name='pb.Output.claim', index=2,
+      number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+  ],
+  extensions=[
+  ],
+  nested_types=[],
+  enum_types=[
+  ],
+  serialized_options=None,
+  is_extendable=False,
+  syntax='proto3',
+  extension_ranges=[],
+  oneofs=[
+    _descriptor.OneofDescriptor(
+      name='meta', full_name='pb.Output.meta',
+      index=0, containing_type=None, fields=[]),
+  ],
+  serialized_start=113,
+  serialized_end=192,
+_CLAIMMETA = _descriptor.Descriptor(
+  name='ClaimMeta',
+  full_name='pb.ClaimMeta',
+  filename=None,
+  containing_type=None,
+  fields=[
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='channel', full_name='pb.ClaimMeta.channel', index=0,
+      number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=None,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='is_winning', full_name='pb.ClaimMeta.is_winning', index=1,
+      number=2, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=False,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='activation_height', full_name='pb.ClaimMeta.activation_height', index=2,
+      number=3, type=4, cpp_type=4, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='effective_amount', full_name='pb.ClaimMeta.effective_amount', index=3,
+      number=4, type=4, cpp_type=4, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='trending_amount', full_name='pb.ClaimMeta.trending_amount', index=4,
+      number=5, type=4, cpp_type=4, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+  ],
+  extensions=[
+  ],
+  nested_types=[],
+  enum_types=[
+  ],
+  serialized_options=None,
+  is_extendable=False,
+  syntax='proto3',
+  extension_ranges=[],
+  oneofs=[
+  ],
+  serialized_start=195,
+  serialized_end=333,
+_TRANSACTION = _descriptor.Descriptor(
+  name='Transaction',
+  full_name='pb.Transaction',
+  filename=None,
+  containing_type=None,
+  fields=[
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='raw', full_name='pb.Transaction.raw', index=0,
+      number=1, type=12, cpp_type=9, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=_b(""),
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='height', full_name='pb.Transaction.height', index=1,
+      number=2, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+    _descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+      name='position', full_name='pb.Transaction.position', index=2,
+      number=3, type=13, cpp_type=3, label=1,
+      has_default_value=False, default_value=0,
+      message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None,
+      is_extension=False, extension_scope=None,
+      serialized_options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR),
+  ],
+  extensions=[
+  ],
+  nested_types=[],
+  enum_types=[
+  ],
+  serialized_options=None,
+  is_extendable=False,
+  syntax='proto3',
+  extension_ranges=[],
+  oneofs=[
+  ],
+  serialized_start=335,
+  serialized_end=395,
+_PAGE.fields_by_name['txos'].message_type = _OUTPUT
+_PAGE.fields_by_name['txs'].message_type = _TRANSACTION
+_OUTPUT.fields_by_name['claim'].message_type = _CLAIMMETA
+  _OUTPUT.fields_by_name['claim'])
+_OUTPUT.fields_by_name['claim'].containing_oneof = _OUTPUT.oneofs_by_name['meta']
+_CLAIMMETA.fields_by_name['channel'].message_type = _OUTPUT
+DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['Page'] = _PAGE
+DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['Output'] = _OUTPUT
+DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['ClaimMeta'] = _CLAIMMETA
+DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['Transaction'] = _TRANSACTION
+Page = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Page', (_message.Message,), dict(
+  __module__ = 'page_pb2'
+  # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:pb.Page)
+  ))
+Output = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Output', (_message.Message,), dict(
+  __module__ = 'page_pb2'
+  # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:pb.Output)
+  ))
+ClaimMeta = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('ClaimMeta', (_message.Message,), dict(
+  __module__ = 'page_pb2'
+  # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:pb.ClaimMeta)
+  ))
+Transaction = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Transaction', (_message.Message,), dict(
+  __module__ = 'page_pb2'
+  # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:pb.Transaction)
+  ))
+# @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
diff --git a/lbrynet/testcase.py b/lbrynet/testcase.py
index cc508d3a8..fc9cd84ef 100644
--- a/lbrynet/testcase.py
+++ b/lbrynet/testcase.py
@@ -265,6 +265,14 @@ class CommandTestCase(IntegrationTestCase):
             await self.on_transaction_dict(tx)
         return tx
+    async def support_create(self, claim_id, bid='1.0', confirm=True, **kwargs):
+        tx = await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_support_create(claim_id, bid, **kwargs))
+        if confirm:
+            await self.on_transaction_dict(tx)
+            await self.generate(1)
+            await self.on_transaction_dict(tx)
+        return tx
     async def resolve(self, uri):
         return await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_resolve(uri))
diff --git a/lbrynet/wallet/ledger.py b/lbrynet/wallet/ledger.py
index 35eceb57e..c122249b3 100644
--- a/lbrynet/wallet/ledger.py
+++ b/lbrynet/wallet/ledger.py
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 import asyncio
 import logging
 from binascii import unhexlify
+from typing import Optional
 from torba.client.baseledger import BaseLedger
+from lbrynet.schema.page import Page
 from lbrynet.wallet.dewies import dewies_to_lbc
 from lbrynet.wallet.resolve import Resolver
 from lbrynet.wallet.account import Account
 from lbrynet.wallet.network import Network
 from lbrynet.wallet.database import WalletDatabase
-from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction
+from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output
 from lbrynet.wallet.header import Headers, UnvalidatedHeaders
@@ -52,16 +54,18 @@ class MainNetLedger(BaseLedger):
     def resolve(self, page, page_size, *uris):
         return self.resolver.resolve(page, page_size, *uris)
-    async def get_claim_by_claim_id(self, claim_id):
-        result = (await self.network.get_claims_by_ids(claim_id)).pop(claim_id, {})
-        return await self.resolver.parse_and_validate_claim_result(result)
+    async def claim_search(self, **kwargs) -> Page:
+        return Page.from_base64(await self.network.claim_search(**kwargs))
-    async def get_claim_by_outpoint(self, txid, nout):
-        claims = (await self.network.get_claims_in_tx(txid)) or []
-        for claim in claims:
-            if claim['nout'] == nout:
-                return await self.resolver.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim)
-        return 'claim not found'
+    async def get_claim_by_claim_id(self, claim_id) -> Optional[Output]:
+        page = await self.claim_search(claim_id=claim_id)
+        if page.txos:
+            return page.txos[0]
+    async def get_claim_by_outpoint(self, txid, nout) -> Optional[Output]:
+        page = await self.claim_search(txid=txid, nout=nout)
+        if page.txos:
+            return page.txos[0]
     async def start(self):
         await super().start()
diff --git a/lbrynet/wallet/manager.py b/lbrynet/wallet/manager.py
index 8a9f3c2e9..bd8070598 100644
--- a/lbrynet/wallet/manager.py
+++ b/lbrynet/wallet/manager.py
@@ -307,9 +307,3 @@ class LbryWalletManager(BaseWalletManager):
     def save(self):
         for wallet in self.wallets:
-    def get_claim_by_claim_id(self, claim_id):
-        return self.ledger.get_claim_by_claim_id(claim_id)
-    def get_claim_by_outpoint(self, txid, nout):
-        return self.ledger.get_claim_by_outpoint(txid, nout)
diff --git a/lbrynet/wallet/network.py b/lbrynet/wallet/network.py
index 85aa46a60..af71a87e8 100644
--- a/lbrynet/wallet/network.py
+++ b/lbrynet/wallet/network.py
@@ -4,20 +4,23 @@ from torba.client.basenetwork import BaseNetwork
 class Network(BaseNetwork):
     def get_server_height(self):
-        return self.rpc('blockchain.block.get_server_height')
+        return self.rpc('blockchain.block.get_server_height', [])
     def get_values_for_uris(self, block_hash, *uris):
-        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.getvaluesforuris', block_hash, *uris)
+        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.getvaluesforuris', [block_hash, *uris])
     def get_claims_by_ids(self, *claim_ids):
-        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsbyids', *claim_ids)
+        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsbyids', claim_ids)
     def get_claims_in_tx(self, txid):
-        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsintx', txid)
+        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsintx', [txid])
     def get_claims_for_name(self, name):
-        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsforname', name)
+        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsforname', [name])
     def get_transaction_height(self, txid):
         # 1.0 protocol specific workaround. Newer protocol should use get_transaction with verbose True
-        return self.rpc('blockchain.transaction.get_height', txid)
+        return self.rpc('blockchain.transaction.get_height', [txid])
+    def claim_search(self, **kwargs):
+        return self.rpc('blockchain.claimtrie.search', kwargs)
diff --git a/lbrynet/wallet/server/block_processor.py b/lbrynet/wallet/server/block_processor.py
index 7259dd258..3f13528ec 100644
--- a/lbrynet/wallet/server/block_processor.py
+++ b/lbrynet/wallet/server/block_processor.py
@@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
-import struct
-import msgpack
-from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output
-from torba.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str
 from torba.server.block_processor import BlockProcessor
-from lbrynet.schema.claim import Claim
-from lbrynet.wallet.server.model import ClaimInfo
+from lbrynet.schema.claim import Claim
+from lbrynet.wallet.server.db import SQLDB
 class LBRYBlockProcessor(BlockProcessor):
@@ -17,126 +10,25 @@ class LBRYBlockProcessor(BlockProcessor):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         if self.env.coin.NET == "regtest":
             self.prefetcher.polling_delay = 0.5
         self.should_validate_signatures = self.env.boolean('VALIDATE_CLAIM_SIGNATURES', False)
-        self.logger.info("LbryumX Block Processor - Validating signatures: {}".format(self.should_validate_signatures))
+        self.logger.info(f"LbryumX Block Processor - Validating signatures: {self.should_validate_signatures}")
+        self.sql: SQLDB = self.db.sql
     def advance_blocks(self, blocks):
-        # save height, advance blocks as usual, then hook our claim tx processing
-        height = self.height + 1
-        super().advance_blocks(blocks)
-        pending_undo = []
-        for index, block in enumerate(blocks):
-            undo = self.advance_claim_txs(block.transactions, height + index)
-            pending_undo.append((height+index, undo,))
-        self.db.write_undo(pending_undo)
+        self.sql.begin()
+        try:
+            super().advance_blocks(blocks)
+            self.sql.delete_dereferenced_transactions()
+        except:
+            self.logger.exception(f'Error while advancing transaction in new block.')
+            raise
+        finally:
+            self.sql.commit()
-    def advance_claim_txs(self, txs, height):
-        # TODO: generate claim undo info!
-        undo_info = []
-        add_undo = undo_info.append
-        update_inputs = set()
-        for etx, txid in txs:
-            update_inputs.clear()
-            tx = Transaction(etx.serialize())
-            for index, output in enumerate(tx.outputs):
-                if not output.is_claim:
-                    continue
-                if output.script.is_claim_name:
-                    add_undo(self.advance_claim_name_transaction(output, height, txid, index))
-                elif output.script.is_update_claim:
-                    update_input = self.db.get_update_input(output.claim_hash, tx.inputs)
-                    if update_input:
-                        update_inputs.add(update_input)
-                        add_undo(self.advance_update_claim(output, height, txid, index))
-                    else:
-                        info = (hash_to_hex_str(txid), output.claim_id,)
-                        self.logger.error("REJECTED: {} updating {}".format(*info))
-            for txin in tx.inputs:
-                if txin not in update_inputs:
-                    abandoned_claim_id = self.db.abandon_spent(txin.txo_ref.tx_ref.hash, txin.txo_ref.position)
-                    if abandoned_claim_id:
-                        add_undo((abandoned_claim_id, self.db.get_claim_info(abandoned_claim_id)))
-        return undo_info
-    def advance_update_claim(self, output: Output, height, txid, nout):
-        claim_id = output.claim_hash
-        claim_info = self.claim_info_from_output(output, txid, nout, height)
-        old_claim_info = self.db.get_claim_info(claim_id)
-        self.db.put_claim_id_for_outpoint(old_claim_info.txid, old_claim_info.nout, None)
-        if old_claim_info.cert_id:
-            self.db.remove_claim_from_certificate_claims(old_claim_info.cert_id, claim_id)
-        if claim_info.cert_id:
-            self.db.put_claim_id_signed_by_cert_id(claim_info.cert_id, claim_id)
-        self.db.put_claim_info(claim_id, claim_info)
-        self.db.put_claim_id_for_outpoint(txid, nout, claim_id)
-        return claim_id, old_claim_info
-    def advance_claim_name_transaction(self, output: Output, height, txid, nout):
-        claim_id = output.claim_hash
-        claim_info = self.claim_info_from_output(output, txid, nout, height)
-        if claim_info.cert_id:
-            self.db.put_claim_id_signed_by_cert_id(claim_info.cert_id, claim_id)
-        self.db.put_claim_info(claim_id, claim_info)
-        self.db.put_claim_id_for_outpoint(txid, nout, claim_id)
-        return claim_id, None
-    def backup_from_undo_info(self, claim_id, undo_claim_info):
-        """
-        Undo information holds a claim state **before** a transaction changes it
-        There are 4 possibilities when processing it, of which only 3 are valid ones:
-         1. the claim is known and the undo info has info, it was an update
-         2. the claim is known and the undo info doesn't hold any info, it was claimed
-         3. the claim in unknown and the undo info has info, it was abandoned
-         4. the claim is unknown and the undo info does't hold info, error!
-        """
-        undo_claim_info = ClaimInfo(*undo_claim_info) if undo_claim_info else None
-        current_claim_info = self.db.get_claim_info(claim_id)
-        if current_claim_info and undo_claim_info:
-            # update, remove current claim
-            self.db.remove_claim_id_for_outpoint(current_claim_info.txid, current_claim_info.nout)
-            if current_claim_info.cert_id:
-                self.db.remove_claim_from_certificate_claims(current_claim_info.cert_id, claim_id)
-        elif current_claim_info and not undo_claim_info:
-            # claim, abandon it
-            self.db.abandon_spent(current_claim_info.txid, current_claim_info.nout)
-        elif not current_claim_info and undo_claim_info:
-            # abandon, reclaim it (happens below)
-            pass
-        else:
-            # should never happen, unless the database got into an inconsistent state
-            raise Exception("Unexpected situation occurred on backup, this means the database is inconsistent. "
-                            "Please report. Resetting the data folder (reindex) solves it for now.")
-        if undo_claim_info:
-            self.db.put_claim_info(claim_id, undo_claim_info)
-            if undo_claim_info.cert_id:
-                cert_id = self._checksig(undo_claim_info.value, undo_claim_info.address)
-                self.db.put_claim_id_signed_by_cert_id(cert_id, claim_id)
-            self.db.put_claim_id_for_outpoint(undo_claim_info.txid, undo_claim_info.nout, claim_id)
-    def backup_txs(self, txs):
-        self.logger.info("Reorg at height {} with {} transactions.".format(self.height, len(txs)))
-        undo_info = msgpack.loads(self.db.claim_undo_db.get(struct.pack(">I", self.height)), use_list=False)
-        for claim_id, undo_claim_info in reversed(undo_info):
-            self.backup_from_undo_info(claim_id, undo_claim_info)
-        return super().backup_txs(txs)
-    def backup_blocks(self, raw_blocks):
-        self.db.batched_flush_claims()
-        super().backup_blocks(raw_blocks=raw_blocks)
-        self.db.batched_flush_claims()
-    async def flush(self, flush_utxos):
-        self.db.batched_flush_claims()
-        return await super().flush(flush_utxos)
-    def claim_info_from_output(self, output: Output, txid, nout, height):
-        address = self.coin.address_from_script(output.script.source)
-        name, value, cert_id = output.script.values['claim_name'], output.script.values['claim'], None
-        assert txid and address
-        cert_id = self._checksig(value, address)
-        return ClaimInfo(name, value, txid, nout, output.amount, address, height, cert_id)
+    def advance_txs(self, height, txs):
+        undo = super().advance_txs(height, txs)
+        self.sql.advance_txs(height, txs)
+        return undo
     def _checksig(self, value, address):
diff --git a/lbrynet/wallet/server/db.py b/lbrynet/wallet/server/db.py
index c7c1b6062..17ccedf1e 100644
--- a/lbrynet/wallet/server/db.py
+++ b/lbrynet/wallet/server/db.py
@@ -1,176 +1,450 @@
-import msgpack
+import sqlite3
 import struct
-import time
-from torba.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str
+from typing import Union, Tuple, Set, List
+from binascii import unhexlify
 from torba.server.db import DB
+from torba.server.util import class_logger
+from torba.client.basedatabase import query, constraints_to_sql
+from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError
-from lbrynet.wallet.server.model import ClaimInfo
+from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output
+class SQLDB:
+    TRENDING_BLOCKS = 300  # number of blocks over which to calculate trending
+    PRAGMAS = """
+        pragma journal_mode=WAL;
+    """
+    CREATE_TX_TABLE = """
+        create table if not exists tx (
+            tx_hash bytes primary key,
+            raw bytes not null,
+            position integer not null,
+            height integer not null
+        );
+    """
+        create table if not exists claim (
+            claim_hash bytes primary key,
+            tx_hash bytes not null,
+            txo_hash bytes not null,
+            height integer not null,
+            activation_height integer,
+            amount integer not null,
+            effective_amount integer not null default 0,
+            trending_amount integer not null default 0,
+            claim_name text not null,
+            channel_hash bytes
+        );
+        create index if not exists claim_tx_hash_idx on claim (tx_hash);
+        create index if not exists claim_txo_hash_idx on claim (txo_hash);
+        create index if not exists claim_activation_height_idx on claim (activation_height);
+        create index if not exists claim_channel_hash_idx on claim (channel_hash);
+        create index if not exists claim_claim_name_idx on claim (claim_name);
+    """
+        create table if not exists support (
+            txo_hash bytes primary key,
+            tx_hash bytes not null,
+            claim_hash bytes not null,
+            position integer not null,
+            height integer not null,
+            amount integer not null,
+            is_comment bool not null default false
+        );
+        create index if not exists support_tx_hash_idx on support (tx_hash);
+        create index if not exists support_claim_hash_idx on support (claim_hash, height);
+    """
+        create table if not exists tag (
+            tag text not null,
+            txo_hash bytes not null,
+            height integer not null
+        );
+        create index if not exists tag_tag_idx on tag (tag);
+        create index if not exists tag_txo_hash_idx on tag (txo_hash);
+        create index if not exists tag_height_idx on tag (height);
+    """
+        create table if not exists claimtrie (
+            claim_name text primary key,
+            claim_hash bytes not null,
+            last_take_over_height integer not null
+        );
+        create index if not exists claimtrie_claim_hash_idx on claimtrie (claim_hash);
+    """
+        PRAGMAS +
+        CREATE_TX_TABLE +
+    )
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        self._db_path = path
+        self.db = None
+        self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+    def open(self):
+        self.db = sqlite3.connect(self._db_path, isolation_level=None, check_same_thread=False)
+        self.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+        self.db.executescript(self.CREATE_TABLES_QUERY)
+    def close(self):
+        self.db.close()
+    @staticmethod
+    def _insert_sql(table: str, data: dict) -> Tuple[str, list]:
+        columns, values = [], []
+        for column, value in data.items():
+            columns.append(column)
+            values.append(value)
+        sql = (
+            f"INSERT INTO {table} ({', '.join(columns)}) "
+            f"VALUES ({', '.join(['?'] * len(values))})"
+        )
+        return sql, values
+    @staticmethod
+    def _update_sql(table: str, data: dict, where: str,
+                    constraints: Union[list, tuple]) -> Tuple[str, list]:
+        columns, values = [], []
+        for column, value in data.items():
+            columns.append("{} = ?".format(column))
+            values.append(value)
+        values.extend(constraints)
+        return f"UPDATE {table} SET {', '.join(columns)} WHERE {where}", values
+    @staticmethod
+    def _delete_sql(table: str, constraints: dict) -> Tuple[str, dict]:
+        where, values = constraints_to_sql(constraints)
+        return f"DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {where}", values
+    def execute(self, *args):
+        return self.db.execute(*args)
+    def begin(self):
+        self.execute('begin;')
+    def commit(self):
+        self.execute('commit;')
+    def insert_txs(self, txs: Set[Transaction]):
+        if txs:
+            self.db.executemany(
+                "INSERT INTO tx (tx_hash, raw, position, height) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+                [(sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash), sqlite3.Binary(tx.raw), tx.position, tx.height) for tx in txs]
+            )
+    def _upsertable_claims(self, txos: Set[Output]):
+        claims, tags = [], []
+        for txo in txos:
+            tx = txo.tx_ref.tx
+            try:
+                assert txo.claim_name
+            except (AssertionError, UnicodeDecodeError):
+                self.logger.exception(f"Could not decode claim name for {tx.id}:{txo.position}.")
+                continue
+            try:
+                claim = txo.claim
+                if claim.is_channel:
+                    metadata = claim.channel
+                else:
+                    metadata = claim.stream
+            except DecodeError:
+                self.logger.exception(f"Could not parse claim protobuf for {tx.id}:{txo.position}.")
+                continue
+            txo_hash = sqlite3.Binary(txo.ref.hash)
+            channel_hash = sqlite3.Binary(claim.signing_channel_hash) if claim.signing_channel_hash else None
+            claims.append({
+                'claim_hash': sqlite3.Binary(txo.claim_hash),
+                'tx_hash': sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash),
+                'txo_hash': txo_hash,
+                'channel_hash': channel_hash,
+                'amount': txo.amount,
+                'claim_name': txo.claim_name,
+                'height': tx.height
+            })
+            for tag in metadata.tags:
+                tags.append((tag, txo_hash, tx.height))
+        if tags:
+            self.db.executemany(
+                "INSERT INTO tag (tag, txo_hash, height) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", tags
+            )
+        return claims
+    def insert_claims(self, txos: Set[Output]):
+        claims = self._upsertable_claims(txos)
+        if claims:
+            self.db.executemany(
+                "INSERT INTO claim (claim_hash, tx_hash, txo_hash, channel_hash, amount, claim_name, height) "
+                "VALUES (:claim_hash, :tx_hash, :txo_hash, :channel_hash, :amount, :claim_name, :height) ",
+                claims
+            )
+    def update_claims(self, txos: Set[Output]):
+        claims = self._upsertable_claims(txos)
+        if claims:
+            self.db.executemany(
+                "UPDATE claim SET "
+                "    tx_hash=:tx_hash, txo_hash=:txo_hash, channel_hash=:channel_hash, "
+                "    amount=:amount, height=:height "
+                "WHERE claim_hash=:claim_hash;",
+                claims
+            )
+    def clear_claim_metadata(self, txo_hashes: Set[bytes]):
+        """ Deletes metadata associated with claim in case of an update or an abandon. """
+        if txo_hashes:
+            binary_txo_hashes = [sqlite3.Binary(txo_hash) for txo_hash in txo_hashes]
+            for table in ('tag',):  # 'language', 'location', etc
+                self.execute(*self._delete_sql(table, {'txo_hash__in': binary_txo_hashes}))
+    def abandon_claims(self, claim_hashes: Set[bytes]):
+        """ Deletes claim supports and from claimtrie in case of an abandon. """
+        if claim_hashes:
+            binary_claim_hashes = [sqlite3.Binary(claim_hash) for claim_hash in claim_hashes]
+            for table in ('claim', 'support', 'claimtrie'):
+                self.execute(*self._delete_sql(table, {'claim_hash__in': binary_claim_hashes}))
+    def split_inputs_into_claims_and_other(self, txis):
+        all = set(txi.txo_ref.hash for txi in txis)
+        claims = dict(self.execute(*query(
+            "SELECT txo_hash, claim_hash FROM claim",
+            txo_hash__in=[sqlite3.Binary(txo_hash) for txo_hash in all]
+        )))
+        return claims, all-set(claims)
+    def insert_supports(self, txos: Set[Output]):
+        supports = []
+        for txo in txos:
+            tx = txo.tx_ref.tx
+            supports.append((
+                sqlite3.Binary(txo.ref.hash), sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash),
+                sqlite3.Binary(txo.claim_hash), tx.position, tx.height,
+                txo.amount, False
+            ))
+        if supports:
+            self.db.executemany(
+                "INSERT INTO support (txo_hash, tx_hash, claim_hash, position, height, amount, is_comment) "
+                "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", supports
+            )
+    def delete_other_txos(self, txo_hashes: Set[bytes]):
+        if txo_hashes:
+            self.execute(*self._delete_sql(
+                'support', {'txo_hash__in': [sqlite3.Binary(txo_hash) for txo_hash in txo_hashes]}
+            ))
+    def delete_dereferenced_transactions(self):
+        self.execute("""
+            DELETE FROM tx WHERE (
+                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM claim WHERE claim.tx_hash=tx.tx_hash) +
+                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM support WHERE support.tx_hash=tx.tx_hash)
+                ) = 0
+        """)
+    def _make_claims_without_competition_become_controlling(self, height):
+        self.execute(f"""
+            INSERT INTO claimtrie (claim_name, claim_hash, last_take_over_height)
+            SELECT claim.claim_name, claim.claim_hash, {height} FROM claim
+                LEFT JOIN claimtrie USING (claim_name)
+                WHERE claimtrie.claim_hash IS NULL
+                GROUP BY claim.claim_name HAVING COUNT(*) = 1
+        """)
+        self.execute(f"""
+            UPDATE claim SET activation_height = {height}
+            WHERE activation_height IS NULL AND claim_hash IN (
+                SELECT claim_hash FROM claimtrie
+            )
+        """)
+    def _update_trending_amount(self, height):
+        self.execute(f"""
+            UPDATE claim SET
+                trending_amount = COALESCE(
+                    (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM support WHERE support.claim_hash=claim.claim_hash
+                     AND support.height > {height-self.TRENDING_BLOCKS}), 0
+                )
+        """)
+    def _update_effective_amount(self, height):
+        self.execute(f"""
+            UPDATE claim SET
+                effective_amount = claim.amount + COALESCE(
+                    (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM support WHERE support.claim_hash=claim.claim_hash), 0
+                )
+            WHERE activation_height <= {height}
+        """)
+    def _set_activation_height(self, height):
+        self.execute(f"""
+            UPDATE claim SET
+                activation_height = {height} + min(4032, cast(
+                (
+                    {height} -
+                    (SELECT last_take_over_height FROM claimtrie
+                     WHERE claimtrie.claim_name=claim.claim_name)
+                ) / 32 AS INT))
+            WHERE activation_height IS NULL
+        """)
+    def get_overtakings(self):
+        return self.execute(f"""
+            SELECT winner.claim_name, winner.claim_hash FROM (
+                SELECT claim_name, claim_hash, MAX(effective_amount)
+                FROM claim GROUP BY claim_name
+            ) AS winner JOIN claimtrie USING (claim_name)
+            WHERE claimtrie.claim_hash <> winner.claim_hash
+        """)
+    def _perform_overtake(self, height):
+        for overtake in self.get_overtakings():
+            self.execute(
+                f"UPDATE claim SET activation_height = {height} WHERE claim_name = ?",
+                (overtake['claim_name'],)
+            )
+            self.execute(
+                f"UPDATE claimtrie SET claim_hash = ?, last_take_over_height = {height}",
+                (sqlite3.Binary(overtake['claim_hash']),)
+            )
+    def update_claimtrie(self, height):
+        self._make_claims_without_competition_become_controlling(height)
+        self._update_trending_amount(height)
+        self._update_effective_amount(height)
+        self._set_activation_height(height)
+        self._perform_overtake(height)
+        self._update_effective_amount(height)
+        self._perform_overtake(height)
+    def get_transactions(self, tx_hashes):
+        cur = self.db.cursor()
+        cur.execute(*query("SELECT * FROM tx", tx_hash__in=tx_hashes))
+        return cur.fetchall()
+    def get_claims(self, cols, **constraints):
+        if 'is_winning' in constraints:
+            constraints['claimtrie.claim_hash__is_not_null'] = ''
+            del constraints['is_winning']
+        if 'name' in constraints:
+            constraints['claim.claim_name__like'] = constraints.pop('name')
+        if 'claim_id' in constraints:
+            constraints['claim.claim_hash'] = sqlite3.Binary(
+                unhexlify(constraints.pop('claim_id'))[::-1]
+            )
+        if 'channel_id' in constraints:
+            constraints['claim.channel_hash'] = sqlite3.Binary(
+                unhexlify(constraints.pop('channel_id'))[::-1]
+            )
+        if 'txid' in constraints:
+            tx_hash = unhexlify(constraints.pop('txid'))[::-1]
+            if 'nout' in constraints:
+                nout = constraints.pop('nout')
+                constraints['claim.txo_hash'] = sqlite3.Binary(
+                    tx_hash + struct.pack('<I', nout)
+                )
+            else:
+                constraints['claim.tx_hash'] = sqlite3.Binary(tx_hash)
+        cur = self.db.cursor()
+        cur.execute(*query(
+            f"""
+            SELECT {cols} FROM claim
+            LEFT JOIN claimtrie USING (claim_hash)
+            LEFT JOIN claim as channel ON (claim.channel_hash=channel.claim_hash)
+            """, **constraints
+        ))
+        return cur.fetchall()
+    def get_claims_count(self, **constraints):
+        constraints.pop('offset', None)
+        constraints.pop('limit', None)
+        constraints.pop('order_by', None)
+        count = self.get_claims('count(*)', **constraints)
+        return count[0][0]
+        'name', 'claim_id', 'txid', 'nout', 'channel_id', 'is_winning', 'limit', 'offset'
+    }
+    def claim_search(self, constraints) -> Tuple[List, List, int, int]:
+        assert set(constraints).issubset(self.SEARCH_PARAMS), \
+            f"Search query contains invalid arguments: {set(constraints).difference(self.SEARCH_PARAMS)}"
+        total = self.get_claims_count(**constraints)
+        constraints['offset'] = abs(constraints.get('offset', 0))
+        constraints['limit'] = min(abs(constraints.get('limit', 10)), 50)
+        constraints['order_by'] = ["claim.height DESC", "claim.claim_name ASC"]
+        txo_rows = self.get_claims(
+            """
+            claim.txo_hash, channel.txo_hash as channel_txo_hash,
+            claim.activation_height, claimtrie.claim_hash as is_winning,
+            claim.effective_amount, claim.trending_amount
+            """, **constraints
+        )
+        tx_hashes = set()
+        for claim in txo_rows:
+            tx_hashes.add(claim['txo_hash'][:32])
+            if claim['channel_txo_hash'] is not None:
+                tx_hashes.add(claim['channel_txo_hash'][:32])
+        tx_rows = self.get_transactions([sqlite3.Binary(h) for h in tx_hashes])
+        return tx_rows, txo_rows, constraints['offset'], total
+    def advance_txs(self, height, all_txs):
+        sql, txs = self, set()
+        abandon_claim_hashes, stale_claim_metadata_txo_hashes = set(), set()
+        insert_claims, update_claims = set(), set()
+        delete_txo_hashes, insert_supports = set(), set()
+        for position, (etx, txid) in enumerate(all_txs):
+            tx = Transaction(etx.serialize(), height=height, position=position)
+            claim_abandon_map, delete_txo_hashes = sql.split_inputs_into_claims_and_other(tx.inputs)
+            stale_claim_metadata_txo_hashes.update(claim_abandon_map)
+            for output in tx.outputs:
+                if output.is_support:
+                    txs.add(tx)
+                    insert_supports.add(output)
+                elif output.script.is_claim_name:
+                    txs.add(tx)
+                    insert_claims.add(output)
+                elif output.script.is_update_claim:
+                    txs.add(tx)
+                    update_claims.add(output)
+                    # don't abandon update claims (removes supports & removes from claimtrie)
+                    for txo_hash, input_claim_hash in claim_abandon_map.items():
+                        if output.claim_hash == input_claim_hash:
+                            del claim_abandon_map[txo_hash]
+                            break
+            abandon_claim_hashes.update(claim_abandon_map.values())
+        sql.abandon_claims(abandon_claim_hashes)
+        sql.clear_claim_metadata(stale_claim_metadata_txo_hashes)
+        sql.delete_other_txos(delete_txo_hashes)
+        sql.insert_txs(txs)
+        sql.insert_claims(insert_claims)
+        sql.update_claims(update_claims)
+        sql.insert_supports(insert_supports)
+        sql.update_claimtrie(height)
 class LBRYDB(DB):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.claim_cache = {}
-        self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache = {}
-        self.outpoint_to_claim_id_cache = {}
-        self.claims_db = self.signatures_db = self.outpoint_to_claim_id_db = self.claim_undo_db = None
-        # stores deletes not yet flushed to disk
-        self.pending_abandons = {}
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.sql = SQLDB('claims.db')
     def close(self):
-        self.batched_flush_claims()
-        self.claims_db.close()
-        self.signatures_db.close()
-        self.outpoint_to_claim_id_db.close()
-        self.claim_undo_db.close()
-        self.utxo_db.close()
+        self.sql.close()
-    async def _open_dbs(self, for_sync, compacting):
-        await super()._open_dbs(for_sync=for_sync, compacting=compacting)
-        def log_reason(message, is_for_sync):
-            reason = 'sync' if is_for_sync else 'serving'
-            self.logger.info('{} for {}'.format(message, reason))
-        if self.claims_db:
-            if self.claims_db.for_sync == for_sync:
-                return
-            log_reason('closing claim DBs to re-open', for_sync)
-            self.claims_db.close()
-            self.signatures_db.close()
-            self.outpoint_to_claim_id_db.close()
-            self.claim_undo_db.close()
-        self.claims_db = self.db_class('claims', for_sync)
-        self.signatures_db = self.db_class('signatures', for_sync)
-        self.outpoint_to_claim_id_db = self.db_class('outpoint_claim_id', for_sync)
-        self.claim_undo_db = self.db_class('claim_undo', for_sync)
-        log_reason('opened claim DBs', self.claims_db.for_sync)
-    def flush_dbs(self, flush_data, flush_utxos, estimate_txs_remaining):
-        # flush claims together with utxos as they are parsed together
-        self.batched_flush_claims()
-        return super().flush_dbs(flush_data, flush_utxos, estimate_txs_remaining)
-    def batched_flush_claims(self):
-        with self.claims_db.write_batch() as claims_batch:
-            with self.signatures_db.write_batch() as signed_claims_batch:
-                with self.outpoint_to_claim_id_db.write_batch() as outpoint_batch:
-                    self.flush_claims(claims_batch, signed_claims_batch, outpoint_batch)
-    def flush_claims(self, batch, signed_claims_batch, outpoint_batch):
-        flush_start = time.time()
-        write_claim, write_cert = batch.put, signed_claims_batch.put
-        write_outpoint = outpoint_batch.put
-        delete_claim, delete_outpoint = batch.delete, outpoint_batch.delete
-        delete_cert = signed_claims_batch.delete
-        for claim_id, outpoints in self.pending_abandons.items():
-            claim = self.get_claim_info(claim_id)
-            if claim.cert_id:
-                self.remove_claim_from_certificate_claims(claim.cert_id, claim_id)
-            self.remove_certificate(claim_id)
-            self.claim_cache[claim_id] = None
-            for txid, tx_index in outpoints:
-                self.put_claim_id_for_outpoint(txid, tx_index, None)
-        for key, claim in self.claim_cache.items():
-            if claim:
-                write_claim(key, claim)
-            else:
-                delete_claim(key)
-        for cert_id, claims in self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache.items():
-            if not claims:
-                delete_cert(cert_id)
-            else:
-                write_cert(cert_id, msgpack.dumps(claims))
-        for key, claim_id in self.outpoint_to_claim_id_cache.items():
-            if claim_id:
-                write_outpoint(key, claim_id)
-            else:
-                delete_outpoint(key)
-        self.logger.info('flushed at height {:,d} with {:,d} claims, {:,d} outpoints '
-                         'and {:,d} certificates added while {:,d} were abandoned in {:.1f}s, committing...'
-                         .format(self.db_height,
-                                 len(self.claim_cache), len(self.outpoint_to_claim_id_cache),
-                                 len(self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache), len(self.pending_abandons),
-                                 time.time() - flush_start))
-        self.claim_cache = {}
-        self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache = {}
-        self.outpoint_to_claim_id_cache = {}
-        self.pending_abandons = {}
-    def assert_flushed(self, flush_data):
-        super().assert_flushed(flush_data)
-        assert not self.claim_cache
-        assert not self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache
-        assert not self.outpoint_to_claim_id_cache
-        assert not self.pending_abandons
-    def abandon_spent(self, tx_hash, tx_idx):
-        claim_id = self.get_claim_id_from_outpoint(tx_hash, tx_idx)
-        if claim_id:
-            self.logger.info("[!] Abandon: {}".format(hash_to_hex_str(claim_id)))
-            self.pending_abandons.setdefault(claim_id, []).append((tx_hash, tx_idx,))
-            return claim_id
-    def put_claim_id_for_outpoint(self, tx_hash, tx_idx, claim_id):
-        self.logger.info("[+] Adding outpoint: {}:{} for {}.".format(hash_to_hex_str(tx_hash), tx_idx,
-                                                                     hash_to_hex_str(claim_id) if claim_id else None))
-        self.outpoint_to_claim_id_cache[tx_hash + struct.pack('>I', tx_idx)] = claim_id
-    def remove_claim_id_for_outpoint(self, tx_hash, tx_idx):
-        self.logger.info("[-] Remove outpoint: {}:{}.".format(hash_to_hex_str(tx_hash), tx_idx))
-        self.outpoint_to_claim_id_cache[tx_hash + struct.pack('>I', tx_idx)] = None
-    def get_claim_id_from_outpoint(self, tx_hash, tx_idx):
-        key = tx_hash + struct.pack('>I', tx_idx)
-        return self.outpoint_to_claim_id_cache.get(key) or self.outpoint_to_claim_id_db.get(key)
-    def get_signed_claim_ids_by_cert_id(self, cert_id):
-        if cert_id in self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache:
-            return self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache[cert_id]
-        db_claims = self.signatures_db.get(cert_id)
-        return msgpack.loads(db_claims, use_list=True) if db_claims else []
-    def put_claim_id_signed_by_cert_id(self, cert_id, claim_id):
-        msg = "[+] Adding signature: {} - {}".format(hash_to_hex_str(claim_id), hash_to_hex_str(cert_id))
-        self.logger.info(msg)
-        certs = self.get_signed_claim_ids_by_cert_id(cert_id)
-        certs.append(claim_id)
-        self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache[cert_id] = certs
-    def remove_certificate(self, cert_id):
-        msg = "[-] Removing certificate: {}".format(hash_to_hex_str(cert_id))
-        self.logger.info(msg)
-        self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache[cert_id] = []
-    def remove_claim_from_certificate_claims(self, cert_id, claim_id):
-        msg = "[-] Removing signature: {} - {}".format(hash_to_hex_str(claim_id), hash_to_hex_str(cert_id))
-        self.logger.info(msg)
-        certs = self.get_signed_claim_ids_by_cert_id(cert_id)
-        if claim_id in certs:
-            certs.remove(claim_id)
-        self.claims_signed_by_cert_cache[cert_id] = certs
-    def get_claim_info(self, claim_id):
-        serialized = self.claim_cache.get(claim_id) or self.claims_db.get(claim_id)
-        return ClaimInfo.from_serialized(serialized) if serialized else None
-    def put_claim_info(self, claim_id, claim_info):
-        self.logger.info("[+] Adding claim info for: {}".format(hash_to_hex_str(claim_id)))
-        self.claim_cache[claim_id] = claim_info.serialized
-    def get_update_input(self, claim_id, inputs):
-        claim_info = self.get_claim_info(claim_id)
-        if not claim_info:
-            return False
-        for input in inputs:
-            if (input.txo_ref.tx_ref.hash, input.txo_ref.position) == (claim_info.txid, claim_info.nout):
-                return input
-        return False
-    def write_undo(self, pending_undo):
-        with self.claim_undo_db.write_batch() as writer:
-            for height, undo_info in pending_undo:
-                writer.put(struct.pack(">I", height), msgpack.dumps(undo_info))
+    async def _open_dbs(self, *args):
+        await super()._open_dbs(*args)
+        self.sql.open()
diff --git a/lbrynet/wallet/server/model.py b/lbrynet/wallet/server/model.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a8ad9baf0..000000000
--- a/lbrynet/wallet/server/model.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-from collections import namedtuple
-import msgpack
-# Classes representing data and their serializers, if any.
-class ClaimInfo(namedtuple("NameClaim", "name value txid nout amount address height cert_id")):
-    '''Claim information as its stored on database'''
-    @classmethod
-    def from_serialized(cls, serialized):
-        return cls(*msgpack.loads(serialized))
-    @property
-    def serialized(self):
-        return msgpack.dumps(self)
diff --git a/lbrynet/wallet/server/session.py b/lbrynet/wallet/server/session.py
index 074cea0c7..f1d265b65 100644
--- a/lbrynet/wallet/server/session.py
+++ b/lbrynet/wallet/server/session.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from torba.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str
 from torba.server.session import ElectrumX
 from torba.server import util
+from lbrynet.schema.page import Page
 from lbrynet.schema.uri import parse_lbry_uri, CLAIM_ID_MAX_LENGTH, URIParseError
 from lbrynet.wallet.server.block_processor import LBRYBlockProcessor
 from lbrynet.wallet.server.db import LBRYDB
@@ -22,13 +23,12 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(ElectrumX):
         self.daemon = self.session_mgr.daemon
         self.bp: LBRYBlockProcessor = self.session_mgr.bp
         self.db: LBRYDB = self.bp.db
-        # fixme: lbryum specific subscribe
-        self.subscribe_height = False
     def set_request_handlers(self, ptuple):
         handlers = {
             'blockchain.transaction.get_height': self.transaction_get_height,
+            'blockchain.claimtrie.search': self.claimtrie_search,
             'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimbyid': self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid,
             'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsforname': self.claimtrie_getclaimsforname,
             'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsbyids': self.claimtrie_getclaimsbyids,
@@ -42,67 +42,8 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(ElectrumX):
             'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimssignedbyid': self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid,
             'blockchain.block.get_server_height': self.get_server_height,
-        # fixme: methods we use but shouldnt be using anymore. To be removed when torba goes out
-        handlers.update({
-            'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe': self.numblocks_subscribe,
-            'blockchain.utxo.get_address': self.utxo_get_address,
-            'blockchain.transaction.broadcast':
-                self.transaction_broadcast_1_0,
-            'blockchain.transaction.get': self.transaction_get,
-        })
-    async def utxo_get_address(self, tx_hash, index):
-        # fixme: lbryum
-        # Used only for electrum client command-line requests.  We no
-        # longer index by address, so need to request the raw
-        # transaction.  So it works for any TXO not just UTXOs.
-        self.assert_tx_hash(tx_hash)
-        try:
-            index = int(index)
-            if index < 0:
-                raise ValueError
-        except ValueError:
-            raise RPCError(1, "index has to be >= 0 and integer")
-        raw_tx = await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash)
-        if not raw_tx:
-            return None
-        raw_tx = util.hex_to_bytes(raw_tx)
-        tx = self.coin.DESERIALIZER(raw_tx).read_tx()
-        if index >= len(tx.outputs):
-            return None
-        return self.coin.address_from_script(tx.outputs[index].pk_script)
-    async def transaction_broadcast_1_0(self, raw_tx):
-        # fixme: lbryum
-        # An ugly API: current Electrum clients only pass the raw
-        # transaction in hex and expect error messages to be returned in
-        # the result field.  And the server shouldn't be doing the client's
-        # user interface job here.
-        try:
-            return await self.transaction_broadcast(raw_tx)
-        except RPCError as e:
-            return e.message
-    async def numblocks_subscribe(self):
-        # fixme workaround for lbryum
-        '''Subscribe to get height of new blocks.'''
-        self.subscribe_height = True
-        return self.bp.height
-    async def notify(self, height, touched):
-        # fixme workaround for lbryum
-        await super().notify(height, touched)
-        if self.subscribe_height and height != self.notified_height:
-            self.send_notification('blockchain.numblocks.subscribe', (height,))
-    async def transaction_get(self, tx_hash, verbose=False):
-        # fixme: workaround for lbryum sending the height instead of True/False.
-        # fixme: lbryum_server ignored that and always used False, but this is out of spec
-        if verbose not in (True, False):
-            verbose = False
-        return await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash, verbose)
     async def get_server_height(self):
         return self.bp.height
@@ -197,6 +138,11 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(ElectrumX):
             return claims
         return {}
+    async def claimtrie_search(self, **kwargs):
+        if 'claim_id' in kwargs:
+            self.assert_claim_id(kwargs['claim_id'])
+        return Page.to_base64(*self.db.sql.claim_search(kwargs))
     async def batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(self, claim_ids):
         claims = await self.daemon.getclaimsbyids(claim_ids)
         result = []
@@ -217,9 +163,7 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(ElectrumX):
         if 'name' in claim:
             name = claim['name'].encode('ISO-8859-1').decode()
-        claim_id = claim['claimId']
-        raw_claim_id = unhexlify(claim_id)[::-1]
-        info = self.db.get_claim_info(raw_claim_id)
+        info = self.db.sql.get_claims(claim_id=claim['claimId'])
         if not info:
             #  raise RPCError("Lbrycrd has {} but not lbryumx, please submit a bug report.".format(claim_id))
             return {}
diff --git a/lbrynet/wallet/transaction.py b/lbrynet/wallet/transaction.py
index 53007d6cb..5e92b10ce 100644
--- a/lbrynet/wallet/transaction.py
+++ b/lbrynet/wallet/transaction.py
@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@ class Output(BaseOutput):
     script: OutputScript
     script_class = OutputScript
-    __slots__ = 'channel', 'private_key'
+    __slots__ = 'channel', 'private_key', 'meta'
     def __init__(self, *args, channel: Optional['Output'] = None,
                  private_key: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> None:
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.channel = channel
         self.private_key = private_key
+        self.meta = {}
     def update_annotations(self, annotated):
@@ -50,6 +51,10 @@ class Output(BaseOutput):
     def is_claim(self) -> bool:
         return self.script.is_claim_name or self.script.is_update_claim
+    @property
+    def is_support(self) -> bool:
+        return self.script.is_support_claim
     def claim_hash(self) -> bytes:
         if self.script.is_claim_name:
diff --git a/tests/integration/test_claim_commands.py b/tests/integration/test_claim_commands.py
index 534661e19..75f77a0af 100644
--- a/tests/integration/test_claim_commands.py
+++ b/tests/integration/test_claim_commands.py
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ class StreamCommands(CommandTestCase):
         channel_id, txid = channel['outputs'][0]['claim_id'], channel['txid']
         value = channel['outputs'][0]['value']
-        claims = await self.claim_search('@abc')
+        claims = await self.claim_search(name='@abc')
         self.assertEqual(claims[0]['value'], value)
         claims = await self.claim_search(txid=txid, nout=0)
@@ -695,10 +695,10 @@ class StreamCommands(CommandTestCase):
         signed = await self.stream_create('on-channel-claim', '0.0001', channel_id=channel_id)
         unsigned = await self.stream_create('unsigned', '0.0001')
-        claims = await self.claim_search('on-channel-claim')
+        claims = await self.claim_search(name='on-channel-claim')
         self.assertEqual(claims[0]['value'], signed['outputs'][0]['value'])
-        claims = await self.claim_search('unsigned')
+        claims = await self.claim_search(name='unsigned')
         self.assertEqual(claims[0]['value'], unsigned['outputs'][0]['value'])
         # list streams in a channel
@@ -725,25 +725,24 @@ class StreamCommands(CommandTestCase):
         tx = await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_fund(None, None, '0.001', outputs=100, broadcast=True)
         await self.confirm_tx(tx.id)
-        # 4 claims per block, 3 blocks. Sorted by height (descending) then claim_id (ascending).
+        # 4 claims per block, 3 blocks. Sorted by height (descending) then claim name (ascending).
         claims = []
         for j in range(3):
             same_height_claims = []
             for k in range(3):
                 claim_tx = await self.stream_create(f'c{j}-{k}', '0.000001', channel_id=channel_id, confirm=False)
-                same_height_claims.append(claim_tx['outputs'][0]['claim_id'])
+                same_height_claims.append(claim_tx['outputs'][0]['name'])
                 await self.on_transaction_dict(claim_tx)
             claim_tx = await self.stream_create(f'c{j}-4', '0.000001', channel_id=channel_id, confirm=True)
-            same_height_claims.append(claim_tx['outputs'][0]['claim_id'])
-            same_height_claims.sort(key=lambda x: int(x, 16))
+            same_height_claims.append(claim_tx['outputs'][0]['name'])
             claims = same_height_claims + claims
         page = await self.claim_search(page_size=20, channel_id=channel_id)
-        page_claim_ids = [item['claim_id'] for item in page]
+        page_claim_ids = [item['name'] for item in page]
         self.assertEqual(page_claim_ids, claims)
         page = await self.claim_search(page_size=6, channel_id=channel_id)
-        page_claim_ids = [item['claim_id'] for item in page]
+        page_claim_ids = [item['name'] for item in page]
         self.assertEqual(page_claim_ids, claims[:6])
         out_of_bounds = await self.claim_search(page=2, page_size=20, channel_id=channel_id)
diff --git a/tests/integration/test_wallet_server.py b/tests/integration/test_wallet_server.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3cf51768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/test_wallet_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from lbrynet.testcase import CommandTestCase
+class TestClaimtrie(CommandTestCase):
+    def get_claim_id(self, tx):
+        return tx['outputs'][0]['claim_id']
+    async def assertWinningClaim(self, name, tx):
+        other = (await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_claim_search(name=name, is_winning=True)))['items'][0]
+        self.assertEqual(self.get_claim_id(tx), other['claim_id'])
+    async def test_designed_edge_cases(self):
+        tx1 = await self.channel_create('@foo', allow_duplicate_name=True)
+        await self.assertWinningClaim('@foo', tx1)
+        tx2 = await self.channel_create('@foo', allow_duplicate_name=True)
+        await self.assertWinningClaim('@foo', tx1)
+        tx3 = await self.channel_create('@foo', allow_duplicate_name=True)
+        await self.assertWinningClaim('@foo', tx1)
+        await self.support_create(self.get_claim_id(tx3), '0.09')
+        await self.assertWinningClaim('@foo', tx3)
+        await self.support_create(self.get_claim_id(tx2), '0.19')
+        await self.assertWinningClaim('@foo', tx2)
+        await self.support_create(self.get_claim_id(tx1), '0.19')
+        await self.assertWinningClaim('@foo', tx1)
diff --git a/tests/unit/wallet/server/test_sqldb.py b/tests/unit/wallet/server/test_sqldb.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc4d3e39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/wallet/server/test_sqldb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import unittest
+from torba.client.constants import COIN, NULL_HASH32
+from lbrynet.schema.claim import Claim
+from lbrynet.wallet.server.db import SQLDB
+from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Input, Output
+def get_output(amount=COIN, pubkey_hash=NULL_HASH32):
+    return Transaction() \
+        .add_outputs([Output.pay_pubkey_hash(amount, pubkey_hash)]) \
+        .outputs[0]
+def get_input():
+    return Input.spend(get_output())
+def get_tx():
+    return Transaction().add_inputs([get_input()])
+class OldWalletServerTransaction:
+    def __init__(self, tx):
+        self.tx = tx
+    def serialize(self):
+        return self.tx.raw
+class TestSQLDB(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.sql = SQLDB(':memory:')
+        self.sql.open()
+        self._current_height = 0
+    def _make_tx(self, output):
+        tx = get_tx().add_outputs([output])
+        return OldWalletServerTransaction(tx), tx.hash
+    def get_channel(self, title, amount, name='@foo'):
+        claim = Claim()
+        claim.channel.title = title
+        channel = Output.pay_claim_name_pubkey_hash(amount, name, claim, b'abc')
+        channel.generate_channel_private_key()
+        return self._make_tx(channel)
+    def get_stream(self, title, amount, name='foo'):
+        claim = Claim()
+        claim.stream.title = title
+        return self._make_tx(Output.pay_claim_name_pubkey_hash(amount, name, claim, b'abc'))
+    def get_stream_update(self, tx, amount):
+        claim = Transaction(tx[0].serialize()).outputs[0]
+        return self._make_tx(
+            Output.pay_update_claim_pubkey_hash(
+                amount, claim.claim_name, claim.claim_id, claim.claim, b'abc'
+            )
+        )
+    def get_support(self, tx, amount):
+        claim = Transaction(tx[0].serialize()).outputs[0]
+        return self._make_tx(
+            Output.pay_support_pubkey_hash(
+                amount, claim.claim_name, claim.claim_id, b'abc'
+             )
+        )
+    def get_controlling(self):
+        for claim in self.sql.execute("select claim.*, raw from claimtrie natural join claim natural join tx"):
+            txo = Transaction(claim['raw']).outputs[0]
+            controlling = txo.claim.stream.title, claim['amount'], claim['effective_amount'], claim['activation_height']
+            return controlling
+    def get_active(self):
+        controlling = self.get_controlling()
+        active = []
+        for claim in self.sql.execute(
+                f"select claim.*, raw from claim join tx using (tx_hash) "
+                f"where activation_height <= {self._current_height}"):
+            txo = Transaction(claim['raw']).outputs[0]
+            if controlling and controlling[0] == txo.claim.stream.title:
+                continue
+            active.append((txo.claim.stream.title, claim['amount'], claim['effective_amount'], claim['activation_height']))
+        return active
+    def get_accepted(self):
+        accepted = []
+        for claim in self.sql.execute(
+                f"select claim.*, raw from claim join tx using (tx_hash) "
+                f"where activation_height > {self._current_height}"):
+            txo = Transaction(claim['raw']).outputs[0]
+            accepted.append((txo.claim.stream.title, claim['amount'], claim['effective_amount'], claim['activation_height']))
+        return accepted
+    def advance(self, height, txs):
+        self._current_height = height
+        self.sql.advance_txs(height, txs)
+    def state(self, controlling=None, active=None, accepted=None):
+        self.assertEqual(controlling or [], self.get_controlling())
+        self.assertEqual(active or [], self.get_active())
+        self.assertEqual(accepted or [], self.get_accepted())
+    def test_example_from_spec(self):
+        # https://spec.lbry.com/#claim-activation-example
+        advance, state = self.advance, self.state
+        stream = self.get_stream('Claim A', 10*COIN)
+        advance(13, [stream])
+        state(
+            controlling=('Claim A', 10*COIN, 10*COIN, 13),
+            active=[],
+            accepted=[]
+        )
+        advance(1001, [self.get_stream('Claim B', 20*COIN)])
+        state(
+            controlling=('Claim A', 10*COIN, 10*COIN, 13),
+            active=[],
+            accepted=[('Claim B', 20*COIN, 0, 1031)]
+        )
+        advance(1010, [self.get_support(stream, 14*COIN)])
+        state(
+            controlling=('Claim A', 10*COIN, 24*COIN, 13),
+            active=[],
+            accepted=[('Claim B', 20*COIN, 0, 1031)]
+        )
+        advance(1020, [self.get_stream('Claim C', 50*COIN)])
+        state(
+            controlling=('Claim A', 10*COIN, 24*COIN, 13),
+            active=[],
+            accepted=[
+                ('Claim B', 20*COIN, 0, 1031),
+                ('Claim C', 50*COIN, 0, 1051)]
+        )
+        advance(1031, [])
+        state(
+            controlling=('Claim A', 10*COIN, 24*COIN, 13),
+            active=[('Claim B', 20*COIN, 20*COIN, 1031)],
+            accepted=[('Claim C', 50*COIN, 0, 1051)]
+        )
+        advance(1040, [self.get_stream('Claim D', 300*COIN)])
+        state(
+            controlling=('Claim A', 10*COIN, 24*COIN, 13),
+            active=[('Claim B', 20*COIN, 20*COIN, 1031)],
+            accepted=[
+                ('Claim C', 50*COIN, 0, 1051),
+                ('Claim D', 300*COIN, 0, 1072)]
+        )
+        advance(1051, [])
+        state(
+            controlling=('Claim D', 300*COIN, 300*COIN, 1051),
+            active=[
+                ('Claim A', 10*COIN, 24*COIN, 1051),
+                ('Claim B', 20*COIN, 20*COIN, 1051),
+                ('Claim C', 50*COIN, 50*COIN, 1051)],
+            accepted=[]
+        )
+        # beyond example
+        advance(1052, [self.get_stream_update(stream, 290*COIN)])
+        state(
+            controlling=('Claim A', 290*COIN, 304*COIN, 1052),
+            active=[
+                ('Claim B', 20*COIN, 20*COIN, 1052),
+                ('Claim C', 50*COIN, 50*COIN, 1052),
+                ('Claim D', 300*COIN, 300*COIN, 1052),
+            ],
+            accepted=[]
+        )