diff --git a/torba/.gitignore b/torba/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61da1711d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# packaging
+# PyCharm
+# testing
+# cache and logs
+# OS X DS_Store
diff --git a/torba/.travis.yml b/torba/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e5893468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+dist: xenial
+sudo: true
+language: python
+python: "3.7"
+ include:
+ - stage: code quality
+ name: "pylint & mypy"
+ install:
+ - pip install pylint mypy
+ - pip install -e .
+ script:
+ - pylint --rcfile=setup.cfg torba
+ - mypy --ignore-missing-imports torba
+ after_success: skip
+ - &tests
+ stage: tests
+ env: TESTTYPE=unit
+ install:
+ - pip install tox-travis
+ script: tox
+ - <<: *tests
+ env: TESTTYPE=integration
+ - pip install coverage
+ - coverage combine tests/
+ - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
+ directories:
+ - $HOME/.cache/pip
diff --git a/torba/CHANGELOG.md b/torba/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/torba/LICENSE b/torba/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53ed0f582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2018 LBRY Inc.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/torba/MANIFEST.in b/torba/MANIFEST.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..731c2743e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/MANIFEST.in
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+include README.md
+include CHANGELOG.md
+include LICENSE
+recursive-include torba *.txt *.py
diff --git a/torba/README.md b/torba/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff0f03dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Torba [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lbryio/torba.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lbryio/torba) [![Test Coverage](https://codecov.io/gh/lbryio/torba/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/lbryio/torba)
+A new wallet library to help bitcoin based projects build fast, correct and scalable crypto currency wallets in Python.
diff --git a/torba/setup.cfg b/torba/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..606714539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+branch = True
+source =
+ torba
+ .tox/*/lib/python*/site-packages/torba
+ignore_missing_imports = True
+ fixme,
+ broad-except,
+ no-else-return,
+ cyclic-import,
+ missing-docstring,
+ duplicate-code,
+ expression-not-assigned,
+ inconsistent-return-statements,
+ too-few-public-methods,
+ too-many-locals,
+ too-many-branches,
+ too-many-arguments,
+ too-many-statements,
+ too-many-public-methods,
+ too-many-instance-attributes,
+ protected-access,
+ unused-argument
diff --git a/torba/setup.py b/torba/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..784a27a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+import torba
+BASE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+with open(os.path.join(BASE, 'README.md'), encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ long_description = fh.read()
+ 'aiohttp==3.5.4',
+ 'cffi==1.12.1', # TODO: 1.12.2 fails on travis in wine
+ 'coincurve==11.0.0',
+ 'pbkdf2==1.3',
+ 'cryptography==2.5',
+ 'attrs==18.2.0',
+ 'pylru==1.1.0'
+if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+ REQUIRES.append('plyvel==1.0.5')
+ name='torba',
+ version=torba.__version__,
+ url='https://github.com/lbryio/torba',
+ license='MIT',
+ author='LBRY Inc.',
+ author_email='hello@lbry.io',
+ description='Wallet client/server framework for bitcoin based currencies.',
+ long_description=long_description,
+ long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
+ keywords='wallet,crypto,currency,money,bitcoin,electrum,electrumx',
+ classifiers=[
+ 'Framework :: AsyncIO',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+ 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
+ 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+ 'Topic :: Internet',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Testing',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
+ 'Topic :: System :: Benchmark',
+ 'Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing',
+ 'Topic :: Utilities',
+ ],
+ packages=find_packages(exclude=('tests',)),
+ python_requires='>=3.6',
+ install_requires=REQUIRES,
+ extras_require={
+ 'gui': (
+ 'pyside2',
+ )
+ },
+ entry_points={
+ 'console_scripts': [
+ 'torba-client=torba.client.cli:main',
+ 'torba-server=torba.server.cli:main',
+ 'orchstr8=torba.orchstr8.cli:main',
+ ],
+ 'gui_scripts': [
+ 'torba=torba.ui:main [gui]',
+ 'torba-workbench=torba.workbench:main [gui]',
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/__init__.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/__init__.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_blockchain_reorganization.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_blockchain_reorganization.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f0d1587d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_blockchain_reorganization.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import logging
+from torba.testcase import IntegrationTestCase
+class BlockchainReorganizationTests(IntegrationTestCase):
+ VERBOSITY = logging.WARN
+ async def assertBlockHash(self, height):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.ledger.headers.hash(height).decode(),
+ await self.blockchain.get_block_hash(height)
+ )
+ async def test_reorg(self):
+ # invalidate current block, move forward 2
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.headers.height, 200)
+ await self.assertBlockHash(200)
+ await self.blockchain.invalidate_block(self.ledger.headers.hash(200).decode())
+ await self.blockchain.generate(2)
+ await self.ledger.on_header.where(lambda e: e.height == 201)
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.headers.height, 201)
+ await self.assertBlockHash(200)
+ await self.assertBlockHash(201)
+ # invalidate current block, move forward 3
+ await self.blockchain.invalidate_block(self.ledger.headers.hash(200).decode())
+ await self.blockchain.generate(3)
+ await self.ledger.on_header.where(lambda e: e.height == 202)
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.headers.height, 202)
+ await self.assertBlockHash(200)
+ await self.assertBlockHash(201)
+ await self.assertBlockHash(202)
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_reconnect.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_reconnect.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0be16e012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_reconnect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import logging
+import asyncio
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+from torba.client.basenetwork import BaseNetwork
+from torba.rpc import RPCSession
+from torba.testcase import IntegrationTestCase, AsyncioTestCase
+class ReconnectTests(IntegrationTestCase):
+ VERBOSITY = logging.WARN
+ async def test_connection_drop_still_receives_events_after_reconnected(self):
+ address1 = await self.account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ self.ledger.network.client.connection_lost(Exception())
+ sendtxid = await self.blockchain.send_to_address(address1, 1.1337)
+ await self.on_transaction_id(sendtxid) # mempool
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ await self.on_transaction_id(sendtxid) # confirmed
+ await self.assertBalance(self.account, '1.1337')
+ # is it real? are we rich!? let me see this tx...
+ d = self.ledger.network.get_transaction(sendtxid)
+ # what's that smoke on my ethernet cable? oh no!
+ self.ledger.network.client.connection_lost(Exception())
+ with self.assertRaises(asyncio.CancelledError):
+ await d
+ # rich but offline? no way, no water, let's retry
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ConnectionError, 'connection is not available'):
+ await self.ledger.network.get_transaction(sendtxid)
+ # * goes to pick some water outside... * time passes by and another donation comes in
+ sendtxid = await self.blockchain.send_to_address(address1, 42)
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ # omg, the burned cable still works! torba is fire proof!
+ await self.ledger.network.get_transaction(sendtxid)
+ async def test_timeout_then_reconnect(self):
+ await self.conductor.spv_node.stop()
+ self.assertFalse(self.ledger.network.is_connected)
+ await self.conductor.spv_node.start(self.conductor.blockchain_node)
+ await self.ledger.network.on_connected.first
+ self.assertTrue(self.ledger.network.is_connected)
+class ServerPickingTestCase(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def _make_fake_server(self, latency=1.0, port=1337):
+ # local fake server with artificial latency
+ proto = RPCSession()
+ proto.handle_request = lambda _: asyncio.sleep(latency)
+ server = await self.loop.create_server(lambda: proto, host='', port=port)
+ self.addCleanup(server.close)
+ return ('', port)
+ async def test_pick_fastest(self):
+ ledger = Mock(config={
+ 'default_servers': [
+ await self._make_fake_server(latency=1.5, port=1340),
+ await self._make_fake_server(latency=0.1, port=1337),
+ await self._make_fake_server(latency=1.0, port=1339),
+ await self._make_fake_server(latency=0.5, port=1338),
+ ],
+ 'connect_timeout': 30
+ })
+ network = BaseNetwork(ledger)
+ self.addCleanup(network.stop)
+ asyncio.ensure_future(network.start())
+ await asyncio.wait_for(network.on_connected.first, timeout=1)
+ self.assertTrue(network.is_connected)
+ self.assertEqual(network.client.server, ('', 1337))
+ # ensure we are connected to all of them
+ self.assertEqual(len(network.session_pool.sessions), 4)
+ self.assertTrue(all([not session.is_closing() for session in network.session_pool.sessions]))
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_sync.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_sync.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfb22755c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_sync.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import asyncio
+import logging
+from torba.testcase import IntegrationTestCase, WalletNode
+from torba.client.constants import CENT
+class SyncTests(IntegrationTestCase):
+ VERBOSITY = logging.WARN
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.api_port = 5280
+ self.started_nodes = []
+ async def asyncTearDown(self):
+ for node in self.started_nodes:
+ try:
+ await node.stop(cleanup=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ await super().asyncTearDown()
+ async def make_wallet_node(self, seed=None):
+ self.api_port += 1
+ wallet_node = WalletNode(
+ self.wallet_node.manager_class,
+ self.wallet_node.ledger_class,
+ port=self.api_port
+ )
+ await wallet_node.start(self.conductor.spv_node, seed)
+ self.started_nodes.append(wallet_node)
+ return wallet_node
+ async def test_nodes_with_same_account_stay_in_sync(self):
+ # destination node/account for receiving TXs
+ node0 = await self.make_wallet_node()
+ account0 = node0.account
+ # main node/account creating TXs
+ node1 = self.wallet_node
+ account1 = self.wallet_node.account
+ # mirror node/account, expected to reflect everything in main node as it happens
+ node2 = await self.make_wallet_node(account1.seed)
+ account2 = node2.account
+ self.assertNotEqual(account0.id, account1.id)
+ self.assertEqual(account1.id, account2.id)
+ await self.assertBalance(account0, '0.0')
+ await self.assertBalance(account1, '0.0')
+ await self.assertBalance(account2, '0.0')
+ self.assertEqual(await account0.get_address_count(chain=0), 20)
+ self.assertEqual(await account1.get_address_count(chain=0), 20)
+ self.assertEqual(await account2.get_address_count(chain=0), 20)
+ self.assertEqual(await account1.get_address_count(chain=1), 6)
+ self.assertEqual(await account2.get_address_count(chain=1), 6)
+ # check that main node and mirror node generate 5 address to fill gap
+ fifth_address = (await account1.receiving.get_addresses())[4]
+ await self.blockchain.send_to_address(fifth_address, 1.00)
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ account1.ledger.on_address.first,
+ account2.ledger.on_address.first
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(await account1.get_address_count(chain=0), 25)
+ self.assertEqual(await account2.get_address_count(chain=0), 25)
+ await self.assertBalance(account1, '1.0')
+ await self.assertBalance(account2, '1.0')
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ # pay 0.01 from main node to receiving node, would have increased change addresses
+ address0 = (await account0.receiving.get_addresses())[0]
+ hash0 = self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address0)
+ tx = await account1.ledger.transaction_class.create(
+ [],
+ [self.ledger.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(CENT, hash0)],
+ [account1], account1
+ )
+ await self.broadcast(tx)
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ account0.ledger.wait(tx),
+ account1.ledger.wait(tx),
+ account2.ledger.wait(tx),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(await account0.get_address_count(chain=0), 21)
+ self.assertGreater(await account1.get_address_count(chain=1), 6)
+ self.assertGreater(await account2.get_address_count(chain=1), 6)
+ await self.assertBalance(account0, '0.01')
+ await self.assertBalance(account1, '0.989876')
+ await self.assertBalance(account2, '0.989876')
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ # create a new mirror node and see if it syncs to same balance from scratch
+ node3 = await self.make_wallet_node(account1.seed)
+ account3 = node3.account
+ await self.assertBalance(account3, '0.989876')
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_transactions.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_transactions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdbd51dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/integration/test_transactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import logging
+import asyncio
+from itertools import chain
+from torba.testcase import IntegrationTestCase
+from torba.client.util import satoshis_to_coins, coins_to_satoshis
+class BasicTransactionTests(IntegrationTestCase):
+ VERBOSITY = logging.WARN
+ async def test_variety_of_transactions_and_longish_history(self):
+ await self.blockchain.generate(300)
+ await self.assertBalance(self.account, '0.0')
+ addresses = await self.account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ # send 10 coins to first 10 receiving addresses and then 10 transactions worth 10 coins each
+ # to the 10th receiving address for a total of 30 UTXOs on the entire account
+ sends = list(chain(
+ (self.blockchain.send_to_address(address, 10) for address in addresses[:10]),
+ (self.blockchain.send_to_address(addresses[9], 10) for _ in range(10))
+ ))
+ # use batching to reduce issues with send_to_address on cli
+ for batch in range(0, len(sends), 10):
+ txids = await asyncio.gather(*sends[batch:batch+10])
+ await asyncio.wait([self.on_transaction_id(txid) for txid in txids])
+ await self.assertBalance(self.account, '200.0')
+ self.assertEqual(20, await self.account.get_utxo_count())
+ # address gap should have increase by 10 to cover the first 10 addresses we've used up
+ addresses = await self.account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(30, len(addresses))
+ # there used to be a sync bug which failed to save TXIs between
+ # daemon restarts, clearing cache replicates that behavior
+ self.ledger._tx_cache.clear()
+ # spend from each of the first 10 addresses to the subsequent 10 addresses
+ txs = []
+ for address in addresses[10:20]:
+ txs.append(await self.ledger.transaction_class.create(
+ [],
+ [self.ledger.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(
+ coins_to_satoshis('1.0'), self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address)
+ )],
+ [self.account], self.account
+ ))
+ await asyncio.wait([self.broadcast(tx) for tx in txs])
+ await asyncio.wait([self.ledger.wait(tx) for tx in txs])
+ # verify that a previous bug which failed to save TXIs doesn't come back
+ # this check must happen before generating a new block
+ self.assertTrue(all([
+ tx.inputs[0].txo_ref.txo is not None
+ for tx in await self.ledger.db.get_transactions(txid__in=[tx.id for tx in txs])
+ ]))
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ await asyncio.wait([self.ledger.wait(tx) for tx in txs])
+ await self.assertBalance(self.account, '199.99876')
+ # 10 of the UTXOs have been split into a 1 coin UTXO and a 9 UTXO change
+ self.assertEqual(30, await self.account.get_utxo_count())
+ # spend all 30 UTXOs into a a 199 coin UTXO and change
+ tx = await self.ledger.transaction_class.create(
+ [],
+ [self.ledger.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(
+ coins_to_satoshis('199.0'), self.ledger.address_to_hash160(addresses[-1])
+ )],
+ [self.account], self.account
+ )
+ await self.broadcast(tx)
+ await self.ledger.wait(tx)
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ await self.ledger.wait(tx)
+ self.assertEqual(2, await self.account.get_utxo_count()) # 199 + change
+ await self.assertBalance(self.account, '199.99649')
+ async def test_sending_and_receiving(self):
+ account1, account2 = self.account, self.wallet.generate_account(self.ledger)
+ await self.ledger.subscribe_account(account2)
+ await self.assertBalance(account1, '0.0')
+ await self.assertBalance(account2, '0.0')
+ addresses = await self.account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ txids = await asyncio.gather(*(
+ self.blockchain.send_to_address(address, 1.1) for address in addresses[:5]
+ ))
+ await asyncio.wait([self.on_transaction_id(txid) for txid in txids]) # mempool
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ await asyncio.wait([self.on_transaction_id(txid) for txid in txids]) # confirmed
+ await self.assertBalance(account1, '5.5')
+ await self.assertBalance(account2, '0.0')
+ address2 = await account2.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ tx = await self.ledger.transaction_class.create(
+ [],
+ [self.ledger.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(
+ coins_to_satoshis('2.0'), self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address2)
+ )],
+ [account1], account1
+ )
+ await self.broadcast(tx)
+ await self.ledger.wait(tx) # mempool
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ await self.ledger.wait(tx) # confirmed
+ await self.assertBalance(account1, '3.499802')
+ await self.assertBalance(account2, '2.0')
+ utxos = await self.account.get_utxos()
+ tx = await self.ledger.transaction_class.create(
+ [self.ledger.transaction_class.input_class.spend(utxos[0])],
+ [],
+ [account1], account1
+ )
+ await self.broadcast(tx)
+ await self.ledger.wait(tx) # mempool
+ await self.blockchain.generate(1)
+ await self.ledger.wait(tx) # confirmed
+ tx = (await account1.get_transactions())[1]
+ self.assertEqual(satoshis_to_coins(tx.inputs[0].amount), '1.1')
+ self.assertEqual(satoshis_to_coins(tx.inputs[1].amount), '1.1')
+ self.assertEqual(satoshis_to_coins(tx.outputs[0].amount), '2.0')
+ self.assertEqual(tx.outputs[0].get_address(self.ledger), address2)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.outputs[0].is_change, False)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.outputs[1].is_change, True)
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/__init__.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/key_fixtures.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/key_fixtures.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5cdc04c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/key_fixtures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+expected_ids = [
+ b'948adae2a128c0bd1fa238117fd0d9690961f26e',
+ b'cd9f4f2adde7de0a53ab6d326bb6a62b489876dd',
+ b'c479e02a74a809ffecff60255d1c14f4081a197a',
+ b'4bab2fb2c424f31f170b15ec53c4a596db9d6710',
+ b'689cb7c621f57b7c398e7e04ed9a5098ab8389e9',
+ b'75116d6a689a0f9b56fe7cfec9cbbd0e16814288',
+ b'2439f0993fb298497dd7f317b9737c356f664a86',
+ b'32f1cb4799008cf5496bb8cafdaf59d5dabec6af',
+ b'fa29aa536353904e9cc813b0cf18efcc09e5ad13',
+ b'37df34002f34d7875428a2977df19be3f4f40a31',
+ b'8c8a72b5d2747a3e7e05ed85110188769d5656c3',
+ b'e5c8ef10c5bdaa79c9a237a096f50df4dcac27f0',
+ b'4d5270dc100fba85974665c20cd0f95d4822e8d1',
+ b'e76b07da0cdd59915475cd310599544b9744fa34',
+ b'6f009bccf8be99707161abb279d8ccf8fd953721',
+ b'f32f08b722cc8607c3f7f192b4d5f13a74c85785',
+ b'46f4430a5c91b9b799e9be6b47ac7a749d8d9f30',
+ b'ebbf9850abe0aae2d09e7e3ebd6b51f01282f39b',
+ b'5f6655438f8ddc6b2f6ea8197c8babaffc9f5c09',
+ b'e194e70ee8711b0ed765608121e4cceb551cdf28'
+expected_privkeys = [
+ b'95557ee9a2bb7665e67e45246658b5c839f7dcd99b6ebc800eeebccd28bf134a',
+ b'689b6921f65647a8e4fc1497924730c92ad4ad183f10fac2bdee65cc8fb6dcf9',
+ b'977ee018b448c530327b7e927cc3645ca4cb152c5dd98e1bd917c52fd46fc80a',
+ b'3c7fb05b0ab4da8b292e895f574f8213cadfe81b84ded7423eab61c5f884c8ae',
+ b'b21fc7be1e69182827538683a48ac9d95684faf6c1c6deabb6e513d8c76afcc9',
+ b'a5021734dbbf1d090b15509ba00f2c04a3d5afc19939b4594ca0850d4190b923',
+ b'07dfe0aa94c1b948dc935be1f8179f3050353b46f3a3134e77c70e66208be72d',
+ b'c331b2fb82cd91120b0703ee312042a854a51a8d945aa9e70fb14d68b0366fe1',
+ b'3aa59ec4d8f1e7ce2775854b5e82433535b6e3503f9a8e7c4e60aac066d44718',
+ b'ccc8b4ca73b266b4a0c89a9d33c4ec7532b434c9294c26832355e5e2bee2e005',
+ b'280c074d8982e56d70c404072252c309694a6e5c05457a6abbe8fc225c2dfd52',
+ b'546cee26da713a3a64b2066d5e3a52b7c1d927396d1ba8a3d9f6e3e973398856',
+ b'7fbc4615d5e819eee22db440c5bcc4ff25bb046841c41a192003a6d9abfbafbf',
+ b'5b63f13011cab965feea3a41fac2d7a877aa710ab20e2a9a1708474e3c05c050',
+ b'394b36f528947557d317fd40a4adde5514c8745a5f64185421fa2c0c4a158938',
+ b'8f101c8f5290ae6c0dd76d210b7effacd7f12db18f3befab711f533bde084c76',
+ b'6637a656f897a66080fbe60027d32c3f4ebc0e3b5f96123a33f932a091b039c2',
+ b'2815aa6667c042a3a4565fb789890cd33e380d047ed712759d097d479df71051',
+ b'120e761c6382b07a9548650a20b3b9dd74b906093260fa6f92f790ba71f79e8d',
+ b'823c8a613ea539f730a968518993195174bf973ed75c734b6898022867165d7b'
+expected_hardened_privkeys = [
+ b'abdba45b0459e7804beb68edb899e58a5c2636bf67d096711904001406afbd4c',
+ b'c9e804d4b8fdd99ef6ab2b0ca627a57f4283c28e11e9152ad9d3f863404d940e',
+ b'4cf87d68ae99711261f8cb8e1bde83b8703ff5d689ef70ce23106d1e6e8ed4bd',
+ b'dbf8d578c77f9bf62bb2ad40975e253af1e1d44d53abf84a22d2be29b9488f7f',
+ b'633bb840505521ffe39cb89a04fb8bff3298d6b64a5d8f170aca1e456d6f89b9',
+ b'92e80a38791bd8ba2105b9867fd58ac2cc4fb9853e18141b7fee1884bc5aae69',
+ b'd3663339af1386d05dd90ee20f627661ae87ddb1db0c2dc73fd8a4485930d0e7',
+ b'09a448303452d241b8a25670b36cc758975b97e88f62b6f25cd9084535e3c13a',
+ b'ee22eb77df05ff53e9c2ba797c1f2ebf97ec4cf5a99528adec94972674aeabed',
+ b'935facccb6120659c5b7c606a457c797e5a10ce4a728346e1a3a963251169651',
+ b'8ac9b4a48da1def375640ca03bc6711040dfd4eea7106d42bb4c2de83d7f595e',
+ b'51ecd3f7565c2b86d5782dbde2175ab26a7b896022564063fafe153588610be9',
+ b'04918252f6b6f51cd75957289b56a324b45cc085df80839137d740f9ada6c062',
+ b'2efbd0c839af971e3769c26938d776990ebf097989df4861535a7547a2701483',
+ b'85c6e31e6b27bd188291a910f4a7faba7fceb3e09df72884b10907ecc1491cd0',
+ b'05e245131885bebda993a31bb14ac98b794062a50af639ad22010aed1e533a54',
+ b'ddca42cf7db93f3a3f0723d5fee4c21bf60b7afac35d5c30eb34bd91b35cc609',
+ b'324a5c16030e0c3947e4dcd2b5057fd3a4d5bed96b23e3b476b2af0ab76369c9',
+ b'da63c41cdb398cdcd93e832f3e198528afbb4065821b026c143cec910d8362f0'
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_account.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_account.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ca2cf33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_account.py
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+from binascii import hexlify
+from torba.testcase import AsyncioTestCase
+from torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit import MainNetLedger as ledger_class
+from torba.client.baseaccount import HierarchicalDeterministic, SingleKey
+from torba.client.wallet import Wallet
+class TestHierarchicalDeterministicAccount(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ await self.ledger.db.open()
+ self.account = self.ledger.account_class.generate(self.ledger, Wallet(), "torba")
+ async def asyncTearDown(self):
+ await self.ledger.db.close()
+ async def test_generate_account(self):
+ account = self.account
+ self.assertEqual(account.ledger, self.ledger)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(account.seed)
+ self.assertEqual(account.public_key.ledger, self.ledger)
+ self.assertEqual(account.private_key.public_key, account.public_key)
+ addresses = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 0)
+ addresses = await account.change.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 0)
+ await account.ensure_address_gap()
+ addresses = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 20)
+ addresses = await account.change.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 6)
+ addresses = await account.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 26)
+ async def test_generate_keys_over_batch_threshold_saves_it_properly(self):
+ async with self.account.receiving.address_generator_lock:
+ await self.account.receiving._generate_keys(0, 200)
+ records = await self.account.receiving.get_address_records()
+ self.assertEqual(201, len(records))
+ async def test_ensure_address_gap(self):
+ account = self.account
+ self.assertIsInstance(account.receiving, HierarchicalDeterministic)
+ async with account.receiving.address_generator_lock:
+ await account.receiving._generate_keys(4, 7)
+ await account.receiving._generate_keys(0, 3)
+ await account.receiving._generate_keys(8, 11)
+ records = await account.receiving.get_address_records()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [r['position'] for r in records],
+ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
+ )
+ # we have 12, but default gap is 20
+ new_keys = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(len(new_keys), 8)
+ records = await account.receiving.get_address_records()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [r['position'] for r in records],
+ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
+ )
+ # case #1: no new addresses needed
+ empty = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(len(empty), 0)
+ # case #2: only one new addressed needed
+ records = await account.receiving.get_address_records()
+ await self.ledger.db.set_address_history(records[0]['address'], 'a:1:')
+ new_keys = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(len(new_keys), 1)
+ # case #3: 20 addresses needed
+ await self.ledger.db.set_address_history(new_keys[0], 'a:1:')
+ new_keys = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(len(new_keys), 20)
+ async def test_get_or_create_usable_address(self):
+ account = self.account
+ keys = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(keys), 0)
+ address = await account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ self.assertIsNotNone(address)
+ keys = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(keys), 20)
+ async def test_generate_account_from_seed(self):
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(
+ self.ledger, Wallet(), {
+ "seed": "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword "
+ "toast envelope bottom stomach absent",
+ "address_generator": {
+ 'name': 'deterministic-chain',
+ 'receiving': {'gap': 3, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 1},
+ 'change': {'gap': 2, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 1}
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ account.private_key.extended_key_string(),
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3TsAz5efNV8K93g3Ms3FXcjaWB9fVUsMwAoE3ZT4vYymkp5BxK'
+ 'Kfnpz8J6sHDFriX1SnpvjNkzcks8XBnxjGLS83BTyfpna'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ account.public_key.extended_key_string(),
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFwwe67Bfjd53h5WXmKm6tqfBJZZH3pQLoy8Nb6mKUMJFc7UbpV'
+ 'NzmwFPN2evn3YHnig1pkKVYcvCV8owTd2yAcEkJfCX53g'
+ )
+ address = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(address[0], '1CDLuMfwmPqJiNk5C2Bvew6tpgjAGgUk8J')
+ private_key = await self.ledger.get_private_key_for_address('1CDLuMfwmPqJiNk5C2Bvew6tpgjAGgUk8J')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ private_key.extended_key_string(),
+ 'xprv9xV7rhbg6M4yWrdTeLorz3Q1GrQb4aQzzGWboP3du7W7UUztzNTUrEYTnDfz7o'
+ 'ptBygDxXYRppyiuenJpoBTgYP2C26E1Ah5FEALM24CsWi'
+ )
+ invalid_key = await self.ledger.get_private_key_for_address('BcQjRlhDOIrQez1WHfz3whnB33Bp34sUgX')
+ self.assertIsNone(invalid_key)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ hexlify(private_key.wif()),
+ b'1c01ae1e4c7d89e39f6d3aa7792c097a30ca7d40be249b6de52c81ec8cf9aab48b01'
+ )
+ async def test_load_and_save_account(self):
+ account_data = {
+ 'name': 'My Account',
+ 'modified_on': 123.456,
+ 'seed':
+ "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toast envelope bottom stomac"
+ "h absent",
+ 'encrypted': False,
+ 'private_key':
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3TsAz5efNV8K93g3Ms3FXcjaWB9fVUsMwAoE3ZT4vYymkp'
+ '5BxKKfnpz8J6sHDFriX1SnpvjNkzcks8XBnxjGLS83BTyfpna',
+ 'public_key':
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFwwe67Bfjd53h5WXmKm6tqfBJZZH3pQLoy8Nb6mKUMJFc7'
+ 'UbpVNzmwFPN2evn3YHnig1pkKVYcvCV8owTd2yAcEkJfCX53g',
+ 'address_generator': {
+ 'name': 'deterministic-chain',
+ 'receiving': {'gap': 5, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 2},
+ 'change': {'gap': 5, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 2}
+ }
+ }
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(self.ledger, Wallet(), account_data)
+ await account.ensure_address_gap()
+ addresses = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 5)
+ addresses = await account.change.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 5)
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ account_data['ledger'] = 'btc_mainnet'
+ self.assertDictEqual(account_data, account.to_dict())
+ def test_apply_diff(self):
+ account_data = {
+ 'name': 'My Account',
+ 'modified_on': 123.456,
+ 'seed':
+ "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toast envelope bottom stomac"
+ "h absent",
+ 'encrypted': False,
+ 'private_key':
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3TsAz5efNV8K93g3Ms3FXcjaWB9fVUsMwAoE3ZT4vYymkp'
+ '5BxKKfnpz8J6sHDFriX1SnpvjNkzcks8XBnxjGLS83BTyfpna',
+ 'public_key':
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFwwe67Bfjd53h5WXmKm6tqfBJZZH3pQLoy8Nb6mKUMJFc7'
+ 'UbpVNzmwFPN2evn3YHnig1pkKVYcvCV8owTd2yAcEkJfCX53g',
+ 'address_generator': {
+ 'name': 'deterministic-chain',
+ 'receiving': {'gap': 5, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 2},
+ 'change': {'gap': 5, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 2}
+ }
+ }
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(self.ledger, Wallet(), account_data)
+ self.assertEqual(account.name, 'My Account')
+ self.assertEqual(account.modified_on, 123.456)
+ self.assertEqual(account.change.gap, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(account.change.maximum_uses_per_address, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(account.receiving.gap, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(account.receiving.maximum_uses_per_address, 2)
+ account_data['name'] = 'Changed Name'
+ account_data['address_generator']['change']['gap'] = 6
+ account_data['address_generator']['change']['maximum_uses_per_address'] = 7
+ account_data['address_generator']['receiving']['gap'] = 8
+ account_data['address_generator']['receiving']['maximum_uses_per_address'] = 9
+ account.apply(account_data)
+ # no change because modified_on is not newer
+ self.assertEqual(account.name, 'My Account')
+ account_data['modified_on'] = 200.00
+ account.apply(account_data)
+ self.assertEqual(account.name, 'Changed Name')
+ self.assertEqual(account.change.gap, 6)
+ self.assertEqual(account.change.maximum_uses_per_address, 7)
+ self.assertEqual(account.receiving.gap, 8)
+ self.assertEqual(account.receiving.maximum_uses_per_address, 9)
+class TestSingleKeyAccount(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ await self.ledger.db.open()
+ self.account = self.ledger.account_class.generate(
+ self.ledger, Wallet(), "torba", {'name': 'single-address'})
+ async def asyncTearDown(self):
+ await self.ledger.db.close()
+ async def test_generate_account(self):
+ account = self.account
+ self.assertEqual(account.ledger, self.ledger)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(account.seed)
+ self.assertEqual(account.public_key.ledger, self.ledger)
+ self.assertEqual(account.private_key.public_key, account.public_key)
+ addresses = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 0)
+ addresses = await account.change.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 0)
+ await account.ensure_address_gap()
+ addresses = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(addresses[0], account.public_key.address)
+ addresses = await account.change.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(addresses[0], account.public_key.address)
+ addresses = await account.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(addresses[0], account.public_key.address)
+ async def test_ensure_address_gap(self):
+ account = self.account
+ self.assertIsInstance(account.receiving, SingleKey)
+ addresses = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(addresses, [])
+ # we have 12, but default gap is 20
+ new_keys = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(len(new_keys), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(new_keys[0], account.public_key.address)
+ records = await account.receiving.get_address_records()
+ self.assertEqual(records, [{
+ 'position': 0, 'chain': 0,
+ 'account': account.public_key.address,
+ 'address': account.public_key.address,
+ 'used_times': 0
+ }])
+ # case #1: no new addresses needed
+ empty = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(len(empty), 0)
+ # case #2: after use, still no new address needed
+ records = await account.receiving.get_address_records()
+ await self.ledger.db.set_address_history(records[0]['address'], 'a:1:')
+ empty = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(len(empty), 0)
+ async def test_get_or_create_usable_address(self):
+ account = self.account
+ addresses = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 0)
+ address1 = await account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ self.assertIsNotNone(address1)
+ await self.ledger.db.set_address_history(address1, 'a:1:b:2:c:3:')
+ records = await account.receiving.get_address_records()
+ self.assertEqual(records[0]['used_times'], 3)
+ address2 = await account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ self.assertEqual(address1, address2)
+ keys = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(keys), 1)
+ async def test_generate_account_from_seed(self):
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(
+ self.ledger, Wallet(), {
+ "seed":
+ "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toas"
+ "t envelope bottom stomach absent",
+ 'address_generator': {'name': 'single-address'}
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ account.private_key.extended_key_string(),
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3TsAz5efNV8K93g3Ms3FXcjaWB9fVUsMwAoE3ZT4vYymkp'
+ '5BxKKfnpz8J6sHDFriX1SnpvjNkzcks8XBnxjGLS83BTyfpna',
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ account.public_key.extended_key_string(),
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFwwe67Bfjd53h5WXmKm6tqfBJZZH3pQLoy8Nb6mKUMJFc7'
+ 'UbpVNzmwFPN2evn3YHnig1pkKVYcvCV8owTd2yAcEkJfCX53g',
+ )
+ address = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.assertEqual(address[0], account.public_key.address)
+ private_key = await self.ledger.get_private_key_for_address(address[0])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ private_key.extended_key_string(),
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3TsAz5efNV8K93g3Ms3FXcjaWB9fVUsMwAoE3ZT4vYymkp'
+ '5BxKKfnpz8J6sHDFriX1SnpvjNkzcks8XBnxjGLS83BTyfpna',
+ )
+ invalid_key = await self.ledger.get_private_key_for_address('BcQjRlhDOIrQez1WHfz3whnB33Bp34sUgX')
+ self.assertIsNone(invalid_key)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ hexlify(private_key.wif()),
+ b'1c92caa0ef99bfd5e2ceb73b66da8cd726a9370be8c368d448a322f3c5b23aaab901'
+ )
+ async def test_load_and_save_account(self):
+ account_data = {
+ 'name': 'My Account',
+ 'modified_on': 123.456,
+ 'seed':
+ "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toast envelope bottom stomac"
+ "h absent",
+ 'encrypted': False,
+ 'private_key':
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3TsAz5efNV8K93g3Ms3FXcjaWB9fVUsMwAoE3ZT4vYymkp'
+ '5BxKKfnpz8J6sHDFriX1SnpvjNkzcks8XBnxjGLS83BTyfpna',
+ 'public_key':
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFwwe67Bfjd53h5WXmKm6tqfBJZZH3pQLoy8Nb6mKUMJFc7'
+ 'UbpVNzmwFPN2evn3YHnig1pkKVYcvCV8owTd2yAcEkJfCX53g',
+ 'address_generator': {'name': 'single-address'}
+ }
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(self.ledger, Wallet(), account_data)
+ await account.ensure_address_gap()
+ addresses = await account.receiving.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 1)
+ addresses = await account.change.get_addresses()
+ self.assertEqual(len(addresses), 1)
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ account_data['ledger'] = 'btc_mainnet'
+ self.assertDictEqual(account_data, account.to_dict())
+class AccountEncryptionTests(AsyncioTestCase):
+ password = "password"
+ init_vector = b'0000000000000000'
+ unencrypted_account = {
+ 'name': 'My Account',
+ 'seed':
+ "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toast envelope bottom stomac"
+ "h absent",
+ 'encrypted': False,
+ 'private_key':
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3TsAz5efNV8K93g3Ms3FXcjaWB9fVUsMwAoE3ZT4vYymkp'
+ '5BxKKfnpz8J6sHDFriX1SnpvjNkzcks8XBnxjGLS83BTyfpna',
+ 'public_key':
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFwwe67Bfjd53h5WXmKm6tqfBJZZH3pQLoy8Nb6mKUMJFc7'
+ 'UbpVNzmwFPN2evn3YHnig1pkKVYcvCV8owTd2yAcEkJfCX53g',
+ 'address_generator': {'name': 'single-address'}
+ }
+ encrypted_account = {
+ 'name': 'My Account',
+ 'seed':
+ "MBTMoaSjZfyyvw7ELMCqAYTWJ61aV7K4lmd2hR11g9dpdnnpCb9f9j3zLZHRv7+"
+ "bIkZ//trah9AIkmrc/ZvNkC0Q==",
+ 'encrypted': True,
+ 'private_key':
+ 'MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMLkWikOLScA/ZxlFSGU7dl//7Q/1gS9h7vqQyrd8DX+'
+ 'jwcp7SwlJ1mkMwuraUaWLq9/LxiaGmqJBUZ50p77YVZbDycaCN1unBr1/i1q6RP'
+ 'Ob2MNCaG8nyjxZhQai+V/2JmJ+UnFMp3nHany7F8/Hr0g=',
+ 'public_key':
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFwwe67Bfjd53h5WXmKm6tqfBJZZH3pQLoy8Nb6mKUMJFc7'
+ 'UbpVNzmwFPN2evn3YHnig1pkKVYcvCV8owTd2yAcEkJfCX53g',
+ 'address_generator': {'name': 'single-address'}
+ }
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ def test_encrypt_wallet(self):
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(self.ledger, Wallet(), self.unencrypted_account)
+ account.private_key_encryption_init_vector = self.init_vector
+ account.seed_encryption_init_vector = self.init_vector
+ self.assertFalse(account.serialize_encrypted)
+ self.assertFalse(account.encrypted)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(account.private_key)
+ account.encrypt(self.password)
+ self.assertFalse(account.serialize_encrypted)
+ self.assertTrue(account.encrypted)
+ self.assertEqual(account.seed, self.encrypted_account['seed'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.private_key_string, self.encrypted_account['private_key'])
+ self.assertIsNone(account.private_key)
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['seed'], self.encrypted_account['seed'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['private_key'], self.encrypted_account['private_key'])
+ account.serialize_encrypted = True
+ account.decrypt(self.password)
+ self.assertEqual(account.private_key_encryption_init_vector, self.init_vector)
+ self.assertEqual(account.seed_encryption_init_vector, self.init_vector)
+ self.assertEqual(account.seed, self.unencrypted_account['seed'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.private_key.extended_key_string(), self.unencrypted_account['private_key'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['seed'], self.encrypted_account['seed'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['private_key'], self.encrypted_account['private_key'])
+ self.assertFalse(account.encrypted)
+ self.assertTrue(account.serialize_encrypted)
+ account.serialize_encrypted = False
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['seed'], self.unencrypted_account['seed'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['private_key'], self.unencrypted_account['private_key'])
+ def test_decrypt_wallet(self):
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(self.ledger, Wallet(), self.encrypted_account)
+ self.assertTrue(account.encrypted)
+ self.assertTrue(account.serialize_encrypted)
+ account.decrypt(self.password)
+ self.assertEqual(account.private_key_encryption_init_vector, self.init_vector)
+ self.assertEqual(account.seed_encryption_init_vector, self.init_vector)
+ self.assertFalse(account.encrypted)
+ self.assertTrue(account.serialize_encrypted)
+ self.assertEqual(account.seed, self.unencrypted_account['seed'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.private_key.extended_key_string(), self.unencrypted_account['private_key'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['seed'], self.encrypted_account['seed'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['private_key'], self.encrypted_account['private_key'])
+ account.serialize_encrypted = False
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['seed'], self.unencrypted_account['seed'])
+ self.assertEqual(account.to_dict()['private_key'], self.unencrypted_account['private_key'])
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_bcd_data_stream.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_bcd_data_stream.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..527d4418b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_bcd_data_stream.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import unittest
+from torba.client.bcd_data_stream import BCDataStream
+class TestBCDataStream(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_write_read(self):
+ s = BCDataStream()
+ s.write_string(b'a'*252)
+ s.write_string(b'b'*254)
+ s.write_string(b'c'*(0xFFFF + 1))
+ # s.write_string(b'd'*(0xFFFFFFFF + 1))
+ s.write_boolean(True)
+ s.write_boolean(False)
+ s.reset()
+ self.assertEqual(s.read_string(), b'a'*252)
+ self.assertEqual(s.read_string(), b'b'*254)
+ self.assertEqual(s.read_string(), b'c'*(0xFFFF + 1))
+ # self.assertEqual(s.read_string(), b'd'*(0xFFFFFFFF + 1))
+ self.assertEqual(s.read_boolean(), True)
+ self.assertEqual(s.read_boolean(), False)
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_bip32.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_bip32.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0547d730a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_bip32.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
+from torba.testcase import AsyncioTestCase
+from client_tests.unit.key_fixtures import expected_ids, expected_privkeys, expected_hardened_privkeys
+from torba.client.bip32 import PubKey, PrivateKey, from_extended_key_string
+from torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit import MainNetLedger as ledger_class
+class BIP32Tests(AsyncioTestCase):
+ def test_pubkey_validation(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'chain code must be raw bytes'):
+ PubKey(None, None, 1, None, None, None)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid chain code'):
+ PubKey(None, None, b'abcd', None, None, None)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid child number'):
+ PubKey(None, None, b'abcd'*8, -1, None, None)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid depth'):
+ PubKey(None, None, b'abcd'*8, 0, 256, None)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'pubkey must be raw bytes'):
+ PubKey(None, None, b'abcd'*8, 0, 255, None)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'pubkey must be 33 bytes'):
+ PubKey(None, b'abcd', b'abcd'*8, 0, 255, None)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid pubkey prefix byte'):
+ PubKey(
+ None,
+ unhexlify('33d1a3dc8155673bc1e2214fa493ccc82d57961b66054af9b6b653ac28eeef3ffe'),
+ b'abcd'*8, 0, 255, None
+ )
+ pubkey = PubKey( # success
+ None,
+ unhexlify('03d1a3dc8155673bc1e2214fa493ccc82d57961b66054af9b6b653ac28eeef3ffe'),
+ b'abcd'*8, 0, 1, None
+ )
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid BIP32 public key child number'):
+ pubkey.child(-1)
+ for i in range(20):
+ new_key = pubkey.child(i)
+ self.assertIsInstance(new_key, PubKey)
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(new_key.identifier()), expected_ids[i])
+ async def test_private_key_validation(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'private key must be raw bytes'):
+ PrivateKey(None, None, b'abcd'*8, 0, 255)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'private key must be 32 bytes'):
+ PrivateKey(None, b'abcd', b'abcd'*8, 0, 255)
+ private_key = PrivateKey(
+ ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ }),
+ unhexlify('2423f3dc6087d9683f73a684935abc0ccd8bc26370588f56653128c6a6f0bf7c'),
+ b'abcd'*8, 0, 1
+ )
+ ec_point = private_key.ec_point()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ec_point[0], 30487144161998778625547553412379759661411261804838752332906558028921886299019
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ec_point[1], 86198965946979720220333266272536217633917099472454294641561154971209433250106
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(private_key.address(), '1GVM5dEhThbiyCZ9gqBZBv6p9whga7MTXo' )
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid BIP32 private key child number'):
+ private_key.child(-1)
+ self.assertIsInstance(private_key.child(PrivateKey.HARDENED), PrivateKey)
+ async def test_private_key_derivation(self):
+ private_key = PrivateKey(
+ ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ }),
+ unhexlify('2423f3dc6087d9683f73a684935abc0ccd8bc26370588f56653128c6a6f0bf7c'),
+ b'abcd'*8, 0, 1
+ )
+ for i in range(20):
+ new_privkey = private_key.child(i)
+ self.assertIsInstance(new_privkey, PrivateKey)
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(new_privkey.private_key_bytes), expected_privkeys[i])
+ for i in range(PrivateKey.HARDENED + 1, private_key.HARDENED + 20):
+ new_privkey = private_key.child(i)
+ self.assertIsInstance(new_privkey, PrivateKey)
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(new_privkey.private_key_bytes), expected_hardened_privkeys[i - 1 - PrivateKey.HARDENED])
+ async def test_from_extended_keys(self):
+ ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ from_extended_key_string(
+ ledger,
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K2dyhK7SevfRG72bYDRNv25yKPWWm6dqApNxm1Zb1m5gGcBWYfbsPjTr2v5joit8Af2Zp5P'
+ '6yz3jMbycrLrRMpeAJxR8qDg8',
+ ), PrivateKey
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ from_extended_key_string(
+ ledger,
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcF84AR8yfHoMzf4S2ct6mPJtvBtvNeyN9hBHuZ6uGJszkTSn5fQUCdz3XU17eBzFeAUwV6f'
+ 'iW44g14WF52fYC5J483wqQ5ZP',
+ ), PubKey
+ )
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_coinselection.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_coinselection.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a5d38c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_coinselection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+from types import GeneratorType
+from torba.testcase import AsyncioTestCase
+from torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit import MainNetLedger as ledger_class
+from torba.client.coinselection import CoinSelector, MAXIMUM_TRIES
+from torba.client.constants import CENT
+from client_tests.unit.test_transaction import get_output as utxo
+NULL_HASH = b'\x00'*32
+def search(*args, **kwargs):
+ selection = CoinSelector(*args, **kwargs).branch_and_bound()
+ return [o.txo.amount for o in selection] if selection else selection
+class BaseSelectionTestCase(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ await self.ledger.db.open()
+ async def asyncTearDown(self):
+ await self.ledger.db.close()
+ def estimates(self, *args):
+ txos = args[0] if isinstance(args[0], (GeneratorType, list)) else args
+ return [txo.get_estimator(self.ledger) for txo in txos]
+class TestCoinSelectionTests(BaseSelectionTestCase):
+ def test_empty_coins(self):
+ self.assertEqual(CoinSelector([], 0, 0).select(), [])
+ def test_skip_binary_search_if_total_not_enough(self):
+ fee = utxo(CENT).get_estimator(self.ledger).fee
+ big_pool = self.estimates(utxo(CENT+fee) for _ in range(100))
+ selector = CoinSelector(big_pool, 101 * CENT, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(selector.select(), [])
+ self.assertEqual(selector.tries, 0) # Never tried.
+ # check happy path
+ selector = CoinSelector(big_pool, 100 * CENT, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(selector.select()), 100)
+ self.assertEqual(selector.tries, 201)
+ def test_exact_match(self):
+ fee = utxo(CENT).get_estimator(self.ledger).fee
+ utxo_pool = self.estimates(
+ utxo(CENT + fee),
+ utxo(CENT),
+ utxo(CENT - fee)
+ )
+ selector = CoinSelector(utxo_pool, CENT, 0)
+ match = selector.select()
+ self.assertEqual([CENT + fee], [c.txo.amount for c in match])
+ self.assertTrue(selector.exact_match)
+ def test_random_draw(self):
+ utxo_pool = self.estimates(
+ utxo(2 * CENT),
+ utxo(3 * CENT),
+ utxo(4 * CENT)
+ )
+ selector = CoinSelector(utxo_pool, CENT, 0, '\x00')
+ match = selector.select()
+ self.assertEqual([2 * CENT], [c.txo.amount for c in match])
+ self.assertFalse(selector.exact_match)
+ def test_pick(self):
+ utxo_pool = self.estimates(
+ utxo(1*CENT),
+ utxo(1*CENT),
+ utxo(3*CENT),
+ utxo(5*CENT),
+ utxo(10*CENT),
+ )
+ selector = CoinSelector(utxo_pool, 3*CENT, 0)
+ match = selector.select()
+ self.assertEqual([5*CENT], [c.txo.amount for c in match])
+ def test_prefer_confirmed_strategy(self):
+ utxo_pool = self.estimates(
+ utxo(11*CENT, height=5),
+ utxo(11*CENT, height=0),
+ utxo(11*CENT, height=-2),
+ utxo(11*CENT, height=5),
+ )
+ selector = CoinSelector(utxo_pool, 20*CENT, 0)
+ match = selector.select("prefer_confirmed")
+ self.assertEqual([5, 5], [c.txo.tx_ref.height for c in match])
+class TestOfficialBitcoinCoinSelectionTests(BaseSelectionTestCase):
+ # Bitcoin implementation:
+ # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/wallet/coinselection.cpp
+ #
+ # Bitcoin implementation tests:
+ # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/wallet/test/coinselector_tests.cpp
+ #
+ # Branch and Bound coin selection white paper:
+ # https://murch.one/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/erhardt2016coinselection.pdf
+ def make_hard_case(self, utxos):
+ target = 0
+ utxo_pool = []
+ for i in range(utxos):
+ amount = 1 << (utxos+i)
+ target += amount
+ utxo_pool.append(utxo(amount))
+ utxo_pool.append(utxo(amount + (1 << (utxos-1-i))))
+ return self.estimates(utxo_pool), target
+ def test_branch_and_bound_coin_selection(self):
+ self.ledger.fee_per_byte = 0
+ utxo_pool = self.estimates(
+ utxo(1 * CENT),
+ utxo(2 * CENT),
+ utxo(3 * CENT),
+ utxo(4 * CENT)
+ )
+ # Select 1 Cent
+ self.assertEqual([1 * CENT], search(utxo_pool, 1 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT))
+ # Select 2 Cent
+ self.assertEqual([2 * CENT], search(utxo_pool, 2 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT))
+ # Select 5 Cent
+ self.assertEqual([3 * CENT, 2 * CENT], search(utxo_pool, 5 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT))
+ # Select 11 Cent, not possible
+ self.assertEqual([], search(utxo_pool, 11 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT))
+ # Select 10 Cent
+ utxo_pool += self.estimates(utxo(5 * CENT))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [4 * CENT, 3 * CENT, 2 * CENT, 1 * CENT],
+ search(utxo_pool, 10 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT)
+ )
+ # Negative effective value
+ # Select 10 Cent but have 1 Cent not be possible because too small
+ # TODO: bitcoin has [5, 3, 2]
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [4 * CENT, 3 * CENT, 2 * CENT, 1 * CENT],
+ search(utxo_pool, 10 * CENT, 5000)
+ )
+ # Select 0.25 Cent, not possible
+ self.assertEqual(search(utxo_pool, 0.25 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT), [])
+ # Iteration exhaustion test
+ utxo_pool, target = self.make_hard_case(17)
+ selector = CoinSelector(utxo_pool, target, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(selector.branch_and_bound(), [])
+ self.assertEqual(selector.tries, MAXIMUM_TRIES) # Should exhaust
+ utxo_pool, target = self.make_hard_case(14)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(search(utxo_pool, target, 0)) # Should not exhaust
+ # Test same value early bailout optimization
+ utxo_pool = self.estimates([
+ utxo(7 * CENT),
+ utxo(7 * CENT),
+ utxo(7 * CENT),
+ utxo(7 * CENT),
+ utxo(2 * CENT)
+ ] + [utxo(5 * CENT)]*50000)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [7 * CENT, 7 * CENT, 7 * CENT, 7 * CENT, 2 * CENT],
+ search(utxo_pool, 30 * CENT, 5000)
+ )
+ # Select 1 Cent with pool of only greater than 5 Cent
+ utxo_pool = self.estimates(utxo(i * CENT) for i in range(5, 21))
+ for _ in range(100):
+ self.assertEqual(search(utxo_pool, 1 * CENT, 2 * CENT), [])
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_database.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_database.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..268917695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_database.py
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+import unittest
+import sqlite3
+from torba.client.wallet import Wallet
+from torba.client.constants import COIN
+from torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit import MainNetLedger as ledger_class
+from torba.client.basedatabase import query, constraints_to_sql, AIOSQLite
+from torba.testcase import AsyncioTestCase
+from client_tests.unit.test_transaction import get_output, NULL_HASH
+class TestAIOSQLite(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.db = await AIOSQLite.connect(':memory:')
+ await self.db.executescript("""
+ pragma foreign_keys=on;
+ create table parent (id integer primary key, name);
+ create table child (id integer primary key, parent_id references parent);
+ """)
+ await self.db.execute("insert into parent values (1, 'test')")
+ await self.db.execute("insert into child values (2, 1)")
+ @staticmethod
+ def delete_item(transaction):
+ transaction.execute('delete from parent where id=1')
+ async def test_foreign_keys_integrity_error(self):
+ self.assertListEqual([(1, 'test')], await self.db.execute_fetchall("select * from parent"))
+ with self.assertRaises(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
+ await self.db.run(self.delete_item)
+ self.assertListEqual([(1, 'test')], await self.db.execute_fetchall("select * from parent"))
+ await self.db.executescript("pragma foreign_keys=off;")
+ await self.db.run(self.delete_item)
+ self.assertListEqual([], await self.db.execute_fetchall("select * from parent"))
+ async def test_run_without_foreign_keys(self):
+ self.assertListEqual([(1, 'test')], await self.db.execute_fetchall("select * from parent"))
+ await self.db.run_with_foreign_keys_disabled(self.delete_item)
+ self.assertListEqual([], await self.db.execute_fetchall("select * from parent"))
+ async def test_integrity_error_when_foreign_keys_disabled_and_skipped(self):
+ await self.db.executescript("pragma foreign_keys=off;")
+ self.assertListEqual([(1, 'test')], await self.db.execute_fetchall("select * from parent"))
+ with self.assertRaises(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
+ await self.db.run_with_foreign_keys_disabled(self.delete_item)
+ self.assertListEqual([(1, 'test')], await self.db.execute_fetchall("select * from parent"))
+class TestQueryBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_dot(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({'txo.position': 18}),
+ ('txo.position = :txo_position0', {'txo_position0': 18})
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({'txo.position#6': 18}),
+ ('txo.position = :txo_position6', {'txo_position6': 18})
+ )
+ def test_any(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({
+ 'ages__any': {
+ 'txo.age__gt': 18,
+ 'txo.age__lt': 38
+ }
+ }),
+ ('(txo.age > :ages__any0_txo_age__gt0 OR txo.age < :ages__any0_txo_age__lt0)', {
+ 'ages__any0_txo_age__gt0': 18,
+ 'ages__any0_txo_age__lt0': 38
+ })
+ )
+ def test_in(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({'txo.age__in#2': [18, 38]}),
+ ('txo.age IN (:txo_age__in2_0, :txo_age__in2_1)', {
+ 'txo_age__in2_0': 18,
+ 'txo_age__in2_1': 38
+ })
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({'txo.name__in': ('abc123', 'def456')}),
+ ('txo.name IN (:txo_name__in0_0, :txo_name__in0_1)', {
+ 'txo_name__in0_0': 'abc123',
+ 'txo_name__in0_1': 'def456'
+ })
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({'txo.age__in': 'SELECT age from ages_table'}),
+ ('txo.age IN (SELECT age from ages_table)', {})
+ )
+ def test_not_in(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({'txo.age__not_in': [18, 38]}),
+ ('txo.age NOT IN (:txo_age__not_in0_0, :txo_age__not_in0_1)', {
+ 'txo_age__not_in0_0': 18,
+ 'txo_age__not_in0_1': 38
+ })
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({'txo.name__not_in': ('abc123', 'def456')}),
+ ('txo.name NOT IN (:txo_name__not_in0_0, :txo_name__not_in0_1)', {
+ 'txo_name__not_in0_0': 'abc123',
+ 'txo_name__not_in0_1': 'def456'
+ })
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ constraints_to_sql({'txo.age__not_in': 'SELECT age from ages_table'}),
+ ('txo.age NOT IN (SELECT age from ages_table)', {})
+ )
+ def test_in_invalid(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'list, set or string'):
+ constraints_to_sql({'ages__in': 9})
+ def test_query(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ query("select * from foo"),
+ ("select * from foo", {})
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ query(
+ "select * from foo",
+ a__not='b', b__in='select * from blah where c=:$c',
+ d__any={'one__like': 'o', 'two': 2}, limit=10, order_by='b', **{'$c': 3}),
+ (
+ "select * from foo WHERE a != :a__not0 AND "
+ "b IN (select * from blah where c=:$c) AND "
+ "(one LIKE :d__any0_one__like0 OR two = :d__any0_two0) ORDER BY b LIMIT 10",
+ {'a__not0': 'b', 'd__any0_one__like0': 'o', 'd__any0_two0': 2, '$c': 3}
+ )
+ )
+ def test_query_order_by(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ query("select * from foo", order_by='foo'),
+ ("select * from foo ORDER BY foo", {})
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ query("select * from foo", order_by=['foo', 'bar']),
+ ("select * from foo ORDER BY foo, bar", {})
+ )
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'order_by must be string or list'):
+ query("select * from foo", order_by={'foo': 'bar'})
+ def test_query_limit_offset(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ query("select * from foo", limit=10),
+ ("select * from foo LIMIT 10", {})
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ query("select * from foo", offset=10),
+ ("select * from foo OFFSET 10", {})
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ query("select * from foo", limit=20, offset=10),
+ ("select * from foo LIMIT 20 OFFSET 10", {})
+ )
+class TestQueries(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ await self.ledger.db.open()
+ async def asyncTearDown(self):
+ await self.ledger.db.close()
+ async def create_account(self):
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.generate(self.ledger, Wallet())
+ await account.ensure_address_gap()
+ return account
+ async def create_tx_from_nothing(self, my_account, height):
+ to_address = await my_account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ to_hash = ledger_class.address_to_hash160(to_address)
+ tx = ledger_class.transaction_class(height=height, is_verified=True) \
+ .add_inputs([self.txi(self.txo(1, NULL_HASH))]) \
+ .add_outputs([self.txo(1, to_hash)])
+ await self.ledger.db.insert_transaction(tx)
+ await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(tx, to_address, to_hash, '')
+ return tx
+ async def create_tx_from_txo(self, txo, to_account, height):
+ from_hash = txo.script.values['pubkey_hash']
+ from_address = self.ledger.hash160_to_address(from_hash)
+ to_address = await to_account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ to_hash = ledger_class.address_to_hash160(to_address)
+ tx = ledger_class.transaction_class(height=height, is_verified=True) \
+ .add_inputs([self.txi(txo)]) \
+ .add_outputs([self.txo(1, to_hash)])
+ await self.ledger.db.insert_transaction(tx)
+ await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(tx, from_address, from_hash, '')
+ await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(tx, to_address, to_hash, '')
+ return tx
+ async def create_tx_to_nowhere(self, txo, height):
+ from_hash = txo.script.values['pubkey_hash']
+ from_address = self.ledger.hash160_to_address(from_hash)
+ to_hash = NULL_HASH
+ tx = ledger_class.transaction_class(height=height, is_verified=True) \
+ .add_inputs([self.txi(txo)]) \
+ .add_outputs([self.txo(1, to_hash)])
+ await self.ledger.db.insert_transaction(tx)
+ await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(tx, from_address, from_hash, '')
+ return tx
+ def txo(self, amount, address):
+ return get_output(int(amount*COIN), address)
+ def txi(self, txo):
+ return ledger_class.transaction_class.input_class.spend(txo)
+ async def test_queries(self):
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_address_count())
+ account1 = await self.create_account()
+ self.assertEqual(26, await self.ledger.db.get_address_count())
+ account2 = await self.create_account()
+ self.assertEqual(52, await self.ledger.db.get_address_count())
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count())
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_utxo_count())
+ self.assertEqual([], await self.ledger.db.get_utxos())
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_txo_count())
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_balance())
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=account2))
+ tx1 = await self.create_tx_from_nothing(account1, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=account2))
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_utxo_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_txo_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_txo_count(account=account2))
+ self.assertEqual(10**8, await self.ledger.db.get_balance())
+ self.assertEqual(10**8, await self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=account2))
+ tx2 = await self.create_tx_from_txo(tx1.outputs[0], account2, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(2, await self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=account2))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_utxo_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_txo_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_utxo_count(account=account2))
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_txo_count(account=account2))
+ self.assertEqual(10**8, await self.ledger.db.get_balance())
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(10**8, await self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=account2))
+ tx3 = await self.create_tx_to_nowhere(tx2.outputs[0], 3)
+ self.assertEqual(2, await self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(2, await self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=account2))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_utxo_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_txo_count(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_utxo_count(account=account2))
+ self.assertEqual(1, await self.ledger.db.get_txo_count(account=account2))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_balance())
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=account1))
+ self.assertEqual(0, await self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=account2))
+ txs = await self.ledger.db.get_transactions()
+ self.assertEqual([tx3.id, tx2.id, tx1.id], [tx.id for tx in txs])
+ self.assertEqual([3, 2, 1], [tx.height for tx in txs])
+ txs = await self.ledger.db.get_transactions(account=account1)
+ self.assertEqual([tx2.id, tx1.id], [tx.id for tx in txs])
+ self.assertEqual(txs[0].inputs[0].is_my_account, True)
+ self.assertEqual(txs[0].outputs[0].is_my_account, False)
+ self.assertEqual(txs[1].inputs[0].is_my_account, False)
+ self.assertEqual(txs[1].outputs[0].is_my_account, True)
+ txs = await self.ledger.db.get_transactions(account=account2)
+ self.assertEqual([tx3.id, tx2.id], [tx.id for tx in txs])
+ self.assertEqual(txs[0].inputs[0].is_my_account, True)
+ self.assertEqual(txs[0].outputs[0].is_my_account, False)
+ self.assertEqual(txs[1].inputs[0].is_my_account, False)
+ self.assertEqual(txs[1].outputs[0].is_my_account, True)
+ self.assertEqual(2, await self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=account2))
+ tx = await self.ledger.db.get_transaction(txid=tx2.id)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.id, tx2.id)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.inputs[0].is_my_account, False)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.outputs[0].is_my_account, False)
+ tx = await self.ledger.db.get_transaction(txid=tx2.id, account=account1)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.inputs[0].is_my_account, True)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.outputs[0].is_my_account, False)
+ tx = await self.ledger.db.get_transaction(txid=tx2.id, account=account2)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.inputs[0].is_my_account, False)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.outputs[0].is_my_account, True)
+ # height 0 sorted to the top with the rest in descending order
+ tx4 = await self.create_tx_from_nothing(account1, 0)
+ txos = await self.ledger.db.get_txos()
+ self.assertEqual([0, 2, 1], [txo.tx_ref.height for txo in txos])
+ self.assertEqual([tx4.id, tx2.id, tx1.id], [txo.tx_ref.id for txo in txos])
+ txs = await self.ledger.db.get_transactions()
+ self.assertEqual([0, 3, 2, 1], [tx.height for tx in txs])
+ self.assertEqual([tx4.id, tx3.id, tx2.id, tx1.id], [tx.id for tx in txs])
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_hash.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_hash.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19ad79249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_hash.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from unittest import TestCase, mock
+from torba.client.hash import aes_decrypt, aes_encrypt, better_aes_decrypt, better_aes_encrypt
+class TestAESEncryptDecrypt(TestCase):
+ message = 'The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks'
+ expected = 'ZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZjlrKptoKD+MFwDxcg3XtCD9qz8UWhEhq/TVJT5+Mtp2a8sE' \
+ 'CaO6WQj7fYsWGu2Hvbc0qYqxdN0HeTsiO+cZRo3eJISgr3F+rXFYi5oSBlD2'
+ password = 'bubblegum'
+ @mock.patch('os.urandom', side_effect=lambda i: b'd'*i)
+ def test_encrypt_iv_f(self, _):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ aes_encrypt(self.password, self.message),
+ 'oF+6PGSxru3+VR63ybkXLNM75s/qVw+dnKVAkI8OfoVnJvGRSc49e38'
+ )
+ @mock.patch('os.urandom', side_effect=lambda i: b'f'*i)
+ def test_encrypt_iv_d(self, _):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ aes_encrypt(self.password, self.message),
+ 'ZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZjlrKptoKD+MFwDxcg3XtCD9qz8UWhEhq/TVJT5+Mtp2a8sE'
+ 'CaO6WQj7fYsWGu2Hvbc0qYqxdN0HeTsiO+cZRo3eJISgr3F+rXFYi5oSBlD2'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ aes_decrypt(self.password, self.expected),
+ (self.message, b'f' * 16)
+ )
+ def test_encrypt_decrypt(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ aes_decrypt('bubblegum', aes_encrypt('bubblegum', self.message))[0],
+ self.message
+ )
+ def test_better_encrypt_decrypt(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ b'valuable value',
+ better_aes_decrypt(
+ 'super secret',
+ better_aes_encrypt('super secret', b'valuable value')))
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_headers.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_headers.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3aa37d3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_headers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import os
+from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
+from torba.testcase import AsyncioTestCase
+from torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit import MainHeaders
+def block_bytes(blocks):
+ return blocks * MainHeaders.header_size
+class BitcoinHeadersTestCase(AsyncioTestCase):
+ # Download headers instead of storing them in git.
+ HEADER_URL = 'http://headers.electrum.org/blockchain_headers'
+ HEADER_FILE = 'bitcoin_headers'
+ HEADER_BYTES = block_bytes(32260) # 2.6MB
+ RETARGET_BLOCK = 32256 # difficulty: 1 -> 1.18
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ self.header_file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.HEADER_FILE)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.header_file_name):
+ req = Request(self.HEADER_URL)
+ req.add_header('Range', 'bytes=0-{}'.format(self.HEADER_BYTES-1))
+ with urlopen(req) as response, open(self.header_file_name, 'wb') as header_file:
+ header_file.write(response.read())
+ if os.path.getsize(self.header_file_name) != self.HEADER_BYTES:
+ os.remove(self.header_file_name)
+ raise Exception(
+ "Downloaded headers for testing are not the correct number of bytes. "
+ "They were deleted. Try running the tests again."
+ )
+ def get_bytes(self, upto: int = -1, after: int = 0) -> bytes:
+ with open(self.header_file_name, 'rb') as headers:
+ headers.seek(after, os.SEEK_SET)
+ return headers.read(upto)
+ async def get_headers(self, upto: int = -1):
+ h = MainHeaders(':memory:')
+ h.io.write(self.get_bytes(upto))
+ return h
+class BasicHeadersTests(BitcoinHeadersTestCase):
+ async def test_serialization(self):
+ h = await self.get_headers()
+ self.assertEqual(h[0], {
+ 'bits': 486604799,
+ 'block_height': 0,
+ 'merkle_root': b'4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b',
+ 'nonce': 2083236893,
+ 'prev_block_hash': b'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ 'timestamp': 1231006505,
+ 'version': 1
+ })
+ self.assertEqual(h[self.RETARGET_BLOCK-1], {
+ 'bits': 486604799,
+ 'block_height': 32255,
+ 'merkle_root': b'89b4f223789e40b5b475af6483bb05bceda54059e17d2053334b358f6bb310ac',
+ 'nonce': 312762301,
+ 'prev_block_hash': b'000000006baebaa74cecde6c6787c26ee0a616a3c333261bff36653babdac149',
+ 'timestamp': 1262152739,
+ 'version': 1
+ })
+ self.assertEqual(h[self.RETARGET_BLOCK], {
+ 'bits': 486594666,
+ 'block_height': 32256,
+ 'merkle_root': b'64b5e5f5a262f47af443a0120609206a3305877693edfe03e994f20a024ab627',
+ 'nonce': 121087187,
+ 'prev_block_hash': b'00000000984f962134a7291e3693075ae03e521f0ee33378ec30a334d860034b',
+ 'timestamp': 1262153464,
+ 'version': 1
+ })
+ self.assertEqual(h[self.RETARGET_BLOCK+1], {
+ 'bits': 486594666,
+ 'block_height': 32257,
+ 'merkle_root': b'4d1488981f08b3037878193297dbac701a2054e0f803d4424fe6a4d763d62334',
+ 'nonce': 274675219,
+ 'prev_block_hash': b'000000004f2886a170adb7204cb0c7a824217dd24d11a74423d564c4e0904967',
+ 'timestamp': 1262154352,
+ 'version': 1
+ })
+ self.assertEqual(
+ h.serialize(h[0]),
+ h.get_raw_header(0)
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ h.serialize(h[self.RETARGET_BLOCK]),
+ h.get_raw_header(self.RETARGET_BLOCK)
+ )
+ async def test_connect_from_genesis_to_3000_past_first_chunk_at_2016(self):
+ headers = MainHeaders(':memory:')
+ self.assertEqual(headers.height, -1)
+ await headers.connect(0, self.get_bytes(block_bytes(3001)))
+ self.assertEqual(headers.height, 3000)
+ async def test_connect_9_blocks_passing_a_retarget_at_32256(self):
+ retarget = block_bytes(self.RETARGET_BLOCK-5)
+ headers = await self.get_headers(upto=retarget)
+ remainder = self.get_bytes(after=retarget)
+ self.assertEqual(headers.height, 32250)
+ await headers.connect(len(headers), remainder)
+ self.assertEqual(headers.height, 32259)
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_ledger.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_ledger.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e077b441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_ledger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+import os
+from binascii import hexlify
+from torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit import MainNetLedger
+from torba.client.wallet import Wallet
+from client_tests.unit.test_transaction import get_transaction, get_output
+from client_tests.unit.test_headers import BitcoinHeadersTestCase, block_bytes
+class MockNetwork:
+ def __init__(self, history, transaction):
+ self.history = history
+ self.transaction = transaction
+ self.address = None
+ self.get_history_called = []
+ self.get_transaction_called = []
+ self.is_connected = False
+ async def get_history(self, address):
+ self.get_history_called.append(address)
+ self.address = address
+ return self.history
+ async def get_merkle(self, txid, height):
+ return {'merkle': ['abcd01'], 'pos': 1}
+ async def get_transaction(self, tx_hash):
+ self.get_transaction_called.append(tx_hash)
+ return self.transaction[tx_hash]
+class LedgerTestCase(BitcoinHeadersTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = MainNetLedger({
+ 'db': MainNetLedger.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': MainNetLedger.headers_class(':memory:')
+ })
+ await self.ledger.db.open()
+ async def asyncTearDown(self):
+ await self.ledger.db.close()
+ def make_header(self, **kwargs):
+ header = {
+ 'bits': 486604799,
+ 'block_height': 0,
+ 'merkle_root': b'4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b',
+ 'nonce': 2083236893,
+ 'prev_block_hash': b'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ 'timestamp': 1231006505,
+ 'version': 1
+ }
+ header.update(kwargs)
+ header['merkle_root'] = header['merkle_root'].ljust(64, b'a')
+ header['prev_block_hash'] = header['prev_block_hash'].ljust(64, b'0')
+ return self.ledger.headers.serialize(header)
+ def add_header(self, **kwargs):
+ serialized = self.make_header(**kwargs)
+ self.ledger.headers.io.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+ self.ledger.headers.io.write(serialized)
+ self.ledger.headers._size = None
+class TestSynchronization(LedgerTestCase):
+ async def test_update_history(self):
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.generate(self.ledger, Wallet(), "torba")
+ address = await account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ address_details = await self.ledger.db.get_address(address=address)
+ self.assertEqual(address_details['history'], None)
+ self.add_header(block_height=0, merkle_root=b'abcd04')
+ self.add_header(block_height=1, merkle_root=b'abcd04')
+ self.add_header(block_height=2, merkle_root=b'abcd04')
+ self.add_header(block_height=3, merkle_root=b'abcd04')
+ self.ledger.network = MockNetwork([
+ {'tx_hash': 'abcd01', 'height': 0},
+ {'tx_hash': 'abcd02', 'height': 1},
+ {'tx_hash': 'abcd03', 'height': 2},
+ ], {
+ 'abcd01': hexlify(get_transaction(get_output(1)).raw),
+ 'abcd02': hexlify(get_transaction(get_output(2)).raw),
+ 'abcd03': hexlify(get_transaction(get_output(3)).raw),
+ })
+ await self.ledger.update_history(address, '')
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.network.get_history_called, [address])
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.network.get_transaction_called, ['abcd01', 'abcd02', 'abcd03'])
+ address_details = await self.ledger.db.get_address(address=address)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ address_details['history'],
+ '252bda9b22cc902ca2aa2de3548ee8baf06b8501ff7bfb3b0b7d980dbd1bf792:0:'
+ 'ab9c0654dd484ac20437030f2034e25dcb29fc507e84b91138f80adc3af738f9:1:'
+ 'a2ae3d1db3c727e7d696122cab39ee20a7f81856dab7019056dd539f38c548a0:2:'
+ )
+ self.ledger.network.get_history_called = []
+ self.ledger.network.get_transaction_called = []
+ await self.ledger.update_history(address, '')
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.network.get_history_called, [address])
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.network.get_transaction_called, [])
+ self.ledger.network.history.append({'tx_hash': 'abcd04', 'height': 3})
+ self.ledger.network.transaction['abcd04'] = hexlify(get_transaction(get_output(4)).raw)
+ self.ledger.network.get_history_called = []
+ self.ledger.network.get_transaction_called = []
+ await self.ledger.update_history(address, '')
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.network.get_history_called, [address])
+ self.assertEqual(self.ledger.network.get_transaction_called, ['abcd04'])
+ address_details = await self.ledger.db.get_address(address=address)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ address_details['history'],
+ '252bda9b22cc902ca2aa2de3548ee8baf06b8501ff7bfb3b0b7d980dbd1bf792:0:'
+ 'ab9c0654dd484ac20437030f2034e25dcb29fc507e84b91138f80adc3af738f9:1:'
+ 'a2ae3d1db3c727e7d696122cab39ee20a7f81856dab7019056dd539f38c548a0:2:'
+ '047cf1d53ef68f0fd586d46f90c09ff8e57a4180f67e7f4b8dd0135c3741e828:3:'
+ )
+class MocHeaderNetwork:
+ def __init__(self, responses):
+ self.responses = responses
+ async def get_headers(self, height, blocks):
+ return self.responses[height]
+class BlockchainReorganizationTests(LedgerTestCase):
+ async def test_1_block_reorganization(self):
+ self.ledger.network = MocHeaderNetwork({
+ 20: {'height': 20, 'count': 5, 'hex': hexlify(
+ self.get_bytes(after=block_bytes(20), upto=block_bytes(5))
+ )},
+ 25: {'height': 25, 'count': 0, 'hex': b''}
+ })
+ headers = self.ledger.headers
+ await headers.connect(0, self.get_bytes(upto=block_bytes(20)))
+ self.add_header(block_height=len(headers))
+ self.assertEqual(headers.height, 20)
+ await self.ledger.receive_header([{
+ 'height': 21, 'hex': hexlify(self.make_header(block_height=21))
+ }])
+ async def test_3_block_reorganization(self):
+ self.ledger.network = MocHeaderNetwork({
+ 20: {'height': 20, 'count': 5, 'hex': hexlify(
+ self.get_bytes(after=block_bytes(20), upto=block_bytes(5))
+ )},
+ 21: {'height': 21, 'count': 1, 'hex': hexlify(self.make_header(block_height=21))},
+ 22: {'height': 22, 'count': 1, 'hex': hexlify(self.make_header(block_height=22))},
+ 25: {'height': 25, 'count': 0, 'hex': b''}
+ })
+ headers = self.ledger.headers
+ await headers.connect(0, self.get_bytes(upto=block_bytes(20)))
+ self.add_header(block_height=len(headers))
+ self.add_header(block_height=len(headers))
+ self.add_header(block_height=len(headers))
+ self.assertEqual(headers.height, 22)
+ await self.ledger.receive_header(({
+ 'height': 23, 'hex': hexlify(self.make_header(block_height=23))
+ },))
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_mnemonic.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_mnemonic.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9aab1271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_mnemonic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import unittest
+from binascii import hexlify
+from torba.client.mnemonic import Mnemonic
+class TestMnemonic(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_mnemonic_to_seed(self):
+ seed = Mnemonic.mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic=u'foobar', passphrase=u'torba')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ hexlify(seed),
+ b'475a419db4e991cab14f08bde2d357e52b3e7241f72c6d8a2f92782367feeee9f403dc6a37c26a3f02ab9'
+ b'dec7f5063161eb139cea00da64cd77fba2f07c49ddc'
+ )
+ def test_make_seed_decode_encode(self):
+ iters = 10
+ m = Mnemonic('en')
+ for _ in range(iters):
+ seed = m.make_seed()
+ i = m.mnemonic_decode(seed)
+ self.assertEqual(m.mnemonic_encode(i), seed)
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_script.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9adfb09a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+import unittest
+from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+from torba.client.bcd_data_stream import BCDataStream
+from torba.client.basescript import Template, ParseError, tokenize, push_data
+from torba.client.basescript import PUSH_SINGLE, PUSH_INTEGER, PUSH_MANY, OP_HASH160, OP_EQUAL
+from torba.client.basescript import BaseInputScript, BaseOutputScript
+def parse(opcodes, source):
+ template = Template('test', opcodes)
+ s = BCDataStream()
+ for t in source:
+ if isinstance(t, bytes):
+ s.write_many(push_data(t))
+ elif isinstance(t, int):
+ s.write_uint8(t)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError()
+ s.reset()
+ return template.parse(tokenize(s))
+class TestScriptTemplates(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_push_data(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parse(
+ (PUSH_SINGLE('script_hash'),),
+ (b'abcdef',)
+ ), {
+ 'script_hash': b'abcdef'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(parse(
+ (PUSH_SINGLE('first'), PUSH_INTEGER('rating')),
+ (b'Satoshi', (1000).to_bytes(2, 'little'))
+ ), {
+ 'first': b'Satoshi',
+ 'rating': 1000,
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(parse(
+ (OP_HASH160, PUSH_SINGLE('script_hash'), OP_EQUAL),
+ (OP_HASH160, b'abcdef', OP_EQUAL)
+ ), {
+ 'script_hash': b'abcdef'
+ }
+ )
+ def test_push_data_many(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parse(
+ (PUSH_MANY('names'),),
+ (b'amit',)
+ ), {
+ 'names': [b'amit']
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(parse(
+ (PUSH_MANY('names'),),
+ (b'jeremy', b'amit', b'victor')
+ ), {
+ 'names': [b'jeremy', b'amit', b'victor']
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(parse(
+ (OP_HASH160, PUSH_MANY('names'), OP_EQUAL),
+ (OP_HASH160, b'grin', b'jack', OP_EQUAL)
+ ), {
+ 'names': [b'grin', b'jack']
+ }
+ )
+ def test_push_data_mixed(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parse(
+ (b'jeremy', b'lex', b'amit', b'victor', b'jack', b'grin', b'NH')
+ ), {
+ 'CEO': b'jeremy',
+ 'CTO': b'grin',
+ 'Devs': [b'lex', b'amit', b'victor', b'jack'],
+ 'State': b'NH'
+ }
+ )
+ def test_push_data_many_separated(self):
+ self.assertEqual(parse(
+ (PUSH_MANY('Chiefs'), OP_HASH160, PUSH_MANY('Devs')),
+ (b'jeremy', b'grin', OP_HASH160, b'lex', b'jack')
+ ), {
+ 'Chiefs': [b'jeremy', b'grin'],
+ 'Devs': [b'lex', b'jack']
+ }
+ )
+ def test_push_data_many_not_separated(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ParseError, 'consecutive PUSH_MANY'):
+ parse((PUSH_MANY('Chiefs'), PUSH_MANY('Devs')), (b'jeremy', b'grin', b'lex', b'jack'))
+class TestRedeemPubKeyHash(unittest.TestCase):
+ def redeem_pubkey_hash(self, sig, pubkey):
+ # this checks that factory function correctly sets up the script
+ src1 = BaseInputScript.redeem_pubkey_hash(unhexlify(sig), unhexlify(pubkey))
+ self.assertEqual(src1.template.name, 'pubkey_hash')
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(src1.values['signature']), sig)
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(src1.values['pubkey']), pubkey)
+ # now we test that it will round trip
+ src2 = BaseInputScript(src1.source)
+ self.assertEqual(src2.template.name, 'pubkey_hash')
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(src2.values['signature']), sig)
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(src2.values['pubkey']), pubkey)
+ return hexlify(src1.source)
+ def test_redeem_pubkey_hash_1(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.redeem_pubkey_hash(
+ b'30450221009dc93f25184a8d483745cd3eceff49727a317c9bfd8be8d3d04517e9cdaf8dd502200e'
+ b'02dc5939cad9562d2b1f303f185957581c4851c98d497af281118825e18a8301',
+ b'025415a06514230521bff3aaface31f6db9d9bbc39bf1ca60a189e78731cfd4e1b'
+ ),
+ b'4830450221009dc93f25184a8d483745cd3eceff49727a317c9bfd8be8d3d04517e9cdaf8dd502200e02d'
+ b'c5939cad9562d2b1f303f185957581c4851c98d497af281118825e18a830121025415a06514230521bff3'
+ b'aaface31f6db9d9bbc39bf1ca60a189e78731cfd4e1b'
+ )
+class TestRedeemScriptHash(unittest.TestCase):
+ def redeem_script_hash(self, sigs, pubkeys):
+ # this checks that factory function correctly sets up the script
+ src1 = BaseInputScript.redeem_script_hash(
+ [unhexlify(sig) for sig in sigs],
+ [unhexlify(pubkey) for pubkey in pubkeys]
+ )
+ subscript1 = src1.values['script']
+ self.assertEqual(src1.template.name, 'script_hash')
+ self.assertEqual([hexlify(v) for v in src1.values['signatures']], sigs)
+ self.assertEqual([hexlify(p) for p in subscript1.values['pubkeys']], pubkeys)
+ self.assertEqual(subscript1.values['signatures_count'], len(sigs))
+ self.assertEqual(subscript1.values['pubkeys_count'], len(pubkeys))
+ # now we test that it will round trip
+ src2 = BaseInputScript(src1.source)
+ subscript2 = src2.values['script']
+ self.assertEqual(src2.template.name, 'script_hash')
+ self.assertEqual([hexlify(v) for v in src2.values['signatures']], sigs)
+ self.assertEqual([hexlify(p) for p in subscript2.values['pubkeys']], pubkeys)
+ self.assertEqual(subscript2.values['signatures_count'], len(sigs))
+ self.assertEqual(subscript2.values['pubkeys_count'], len(pubkeys))
+ return hexlify(src1.source)
+ def test_redeem_script_hash_1(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.redeem_script_hash([
+ b'3045022100fec82ed82687874f2a29cbdc8334e114af645c45298e85bb1efe69fcf15c617a0220575'
+ b'e40399f9ada388d8e522899f4ec3b7256896dd9b02742f6567d960b613f0401',
+ b'3044022024890462f731bd1a42a4716797bad94761fc4112e359117e591c07b8520ea33b02201ac68'
+ b'9e35c4648e6beff1d42490207ba14027a638a62663b2ee40153299141eb01',
+ b'30450221009910823e0142967a73c2d16c1560054d71c0625a385904ba2f1f53e0bc1daa8d02205cd'
+ b'70a89c6cf031a8b07d1d5eb0d65d108c4d49c2d403f84fb03ad3dc318777a01'
+ ], [
+ b'0372ba1fd35e5f1b1437cba0c4ebfc4025b7349366f9f9c7c8c4b03a47bd3f68a4',
+ b'03061d250182b2db1ba144167fd8b0ef3fe0fc3a2fa046958f835ffaf0dfdb7692',
+ b'02463bfbc1eaec74b5c21c09239ae18dbf6fc07833917df10d0b43e322810cee0c',
+ b'02fa6a6455c26fb516cfa85ea8de81dd623a893ffd579ee2a00deb6cdf3633d6bb',
+ b'0382910eae483ce4213d79d107bfc78f3d77e2a31ea597be45256171ad0abeaa89'
+ ]),
+ b'00483045022100fec82ed82687874f2a29cbdc8334e114af645c45298e85bb1efe69fcf15c617a0220575e'
+ b'40399f9ada388d8e522899f4ec3b7256896dd9b02742f6567d960b613f0401473044022024890462f731bd'
+ b'1a42a4716797bad94761fc4112e359117e591c07b8520ea33b02201ac689e35c4648e6beff1d42490207ba'
+ b'14027a638a62663b2ee40153299141eb014830450221009910823e0142967a73c2d16c1560054d71c0625a'
+ b'385904ba2f1f53e0bc1daa8d02205cd70a89c6cf031a8b07d1d5eb0d65d108c4d49c2d403f84fb03ad3dc3'
+ b'18777a014cad53210372ba1fd35e5f1b1437cba0c4ebfc4025b7349366f9f9c7c8c4b03a47bd3f68a42103'
+ b'061d250182b2db1ba144167fd8b0ef3fe0fc3a2fa046958f835ffaf0dfdb76922102463bfbc1eaec74b5c2'
+ b'1c09239ae18dbf6fc07833917df10d0b43e322810cee0c2102fa6a6455c26fb516cfa85ea8de81dd623a89'
+ b'3ffd579ee2a00deb6cdf3633d6bb210382910eae483ce4213d79d107bfc78f3d77e2a31ea597be45256171'
+ b'ad0abeaa8955ae'
+ )
+class TestPayPubKeyHash(unittest.TestCase):
+ def pay_pubkey_hash(self, pubkey_hash):
+ # this checks that factory function correctly sets up the script
+ src1 = BaseOutputScript.pay_pubkey_hash(unhexlify(pubkey_hash))
+ self.assertEqual(src1.template.name, 'pay_pubkey_hash')
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(src1.values['pubkey_hash']), pubkey_hash)
+ # now we test that it will round trip
+ src2 = BaseOutputScript(src1.source)
+ self.assertEqual(src2.template.name, 'pay_pubkey_hash')
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(src2.values['pubkey_hash']), pubkey_hash)
+ return hexlify(src1.source)
+ def test_pay_pubkey_hash_1(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.pay_pubkey_hash(b'64d74d12acc93ba1ad495e8d2d0523252d664f4d'),
+ b'76a91464d74d12acc93ba1ad495e8d2d0523252d664f4d88ac'
+ )
+class TestPayScriptHash(unittest.TestCase):
+ def pay_script_hash(self, script_hash):
+ # this checks that factory function correctly sets up the script
+ src1 = BaseOutputScript.pay_script_hash(unhexlify(script_hash))
+ self.assertEqual(src1.template.name, 'pay_script_hash')
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(src1.values['script_hash']), script_hash)
+ # now we test that it will round trip
+ src2 = BaseOutputScript(src1.source)
+ self.assertEqual(src2.template.name, 'pay_script_hash')
+ self.assertEqual(hexlify(src2.values['script_hash']), script_hash)
+ return hexlify(src1.source)
+ def test_pay_pubkey_hash_1(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.pay_script_hash(b'63d65a2ee8c44426d06050cfd71c0f0ff3fc41ac'),
+ b'a91463d65a2ee8c44426d06050cfd71c0f0ff3fc41ac87'
+ )
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_transaction.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_transaction.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1839aea06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_transaction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+import unittest
+from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+from itertools import cycle
+from torba.testcase import AsyncioTestCase
+from torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit import MainNetLedger as ledger_class
+from torba.client.wallet import Wallet
+from torba.client.constants import CENT, COIN
+NULL_HASH = b'\x00'*32
+FEE_PER_CHAR = 200000
+def get_output(amount=CENT, pubkey_hash=NULL_HASH, height=-2):
+ return ledger_class.transaction_class(height=height) \
+ .add_outputs([ledger_class.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(amount, pubkey_hash)]) \
+ .outputs[0]
+def get_input(amount=CENT, pubkey_hash=NULL_HASH):
+ return ledger_class.transaction_class.input_class.spend(get_output(amount, pubkey_hash))
+def get_transaction(txo=None):
+ return ledger_class.transaction_class() \
+ .add_inputs([get_input()]) \
+ .add_outputs([txo or ledger_class.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(CENT, NULL_HASH)])
+class TestSizeAndFeeEstimation(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ def test_output_size_and_fee(self):
+ txo = get_output()
+ self.assertEqual(txo.size, 46)
+ self.assertEqual(txo.get_fee(self.ledger), 46 * FEE_PER_BYTE)
+ def test_input_size_and_fee(self):
+ txi = get_input()
+ self.assertEqual(txi.size, 148)
+ self.assertEqual(txi.get_fee(self.ledger), 148 * FEE_PER_BYTE)
+ def test_transaction_size_and_fee(self):
+ tx = get_transaction()
+ self.assertEqual(tx.size, 204)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.base_size, tx.size - tx.inputs[0].size - tx.outputs[0].size)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.get_base_fee(self.ledger), FEE_PER_BYTE * tx.base_size)
+class TestAccountBalanceImpactFromTransaction(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_is_my_account_not_set(self):
+ tx = get_transaction()
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot access net_account_balance"):
+ _ = tx.net_account_balance
+ tx.inputs[0].txo_ref.txo.is_my_account = True
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot access net_account_balance"):
+ _ = tx.net_account_balance
+ tx.outputs[0].is_my_account = True
+ # all inputs/outputs are set now so it should work
+ _ = tx.net_account_balance
+ def test_paying_from_my_account_to_other_account(self):
+ tx = ledger_class.transaction_class() \
+ .add_inputs([get_input(300*CENT)]) \
+ .add_outputs([get_output(190*CENT, NULL_HASH),
+ get_output(100*CENT, NULL_HASH)])
+ tx.inputs[0].txo_ref.txo.is_my_account = True
+ tx.outputs[0].is_my_account = False
+ tx.outputs[1].is_my_account = True
+ self.assertEqual(tx.net_account_balance, -200*CENT)
+ def test_paying_from_other_account_to_my_account(self):
+ tx = ledger_class.transaction_class() \
+ .add_inputs([get_input(300*CENT)]) \
+ .add_outputs([get_output(190*CENT, NULL_HASH),
+ get_output(100*CENT, NULL_HASH)])
+ tx.inputs[0].txo_ref.txo.is_my_account = False
+ tx.outputs[0].is_my_account = True
+ tx.outputs[1].is_my_account = False
+ self.assertEqual(tx.net_account_balance, 190*CENT)
+ def test_paying_from_my_account_to_my_account(self):
+ tx = ledger_class.transaction_class() \
+ .add_inputs([get_input(300*CENT)]) \
+ .add_outputs([get_output(190*CENT, NULL_HASH),
+ get_output(100*CENT, NULL_HASH)])
+ tx.inputs[0].txo_ref.txo.is_my_account = True
+ tx.outputs[0].is_my_account = True
+ tx.outputs[1].is_my_account = True
+ self.assertEqual(tx.net_account_balance, -10*CENT) # lost to fee
+class TestTransactionSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_genesis_transaction(self):
+ raw = unhexlify(
+ '01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4d04'
+ 'ffff001d0104455468652054696d65732030332f4a616e2f32303039204368616e63656c6c6f72206f6e20'
+ '6272696e6b206f66207365636f6e64206261696c6f757420666f722062616e6b73ffffffff0100f2052a01'
+ '000000434104678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4c'
+ 'ef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5fac00000000'
+ )
+ tx = ledger_class.transaction_class(raw)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.version, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.locktime, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(tx.inputs), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(tx.outputs), 1)
+ coinbase = tx.inputs[0]
+ self.assertTrue(coinbase.txo_ref.is_null, NULL_HASH)
+ self.assertEqual(coinbase.txo_ref.position, 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ self.assertEqual(coinbase.sequence, 4294967295)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(coinbase.coinbase)
+ self.assertIsNone(coinbase.script)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ coinbase.coinbase[8:],
+ b'The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks'
+ )
+ out = tx.outputs[0]
+ self.assertEqual(out.amount, 5000000000)
+ self.assertEqual(out.position, 0)
+ self.assertTrue(out.script.is_pay_pubkey)
+ self.assertFalse(out.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash)
+ self.assertFalse(out.script.is_pay_script_hash)
+ tx._reset()
+ self.assertEqual(tx.raw, raw)
+ def test_coinbase_transaction(self):
+ raw = unhexlify(
+ '01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4e03'
+ '1f5a070473319e592f4254432e434f4d2f4e59412ffabe6d6dcceb2a9d0444c51cabc4ee97a1a000036ca0'
+ 'cb48d25b94b78c8367d8b868454b0100000000000000c0309b21000008c5f8f80000ffffffff0291920b5d'
+ '0000000017a914e083685a1097ce1ea9e91987ab9e94eae33d8a13870000000000000000266a24aa21a9ed'
+ 'e6c99265a6b9e1d36c962fda0516b35709c49dc3b8176fa7e5d5f1f6197884b400000000'
+ )
+ tx = ledger_class.transaction_class(raw)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.version, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(tx.locktime, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(tx.inputs), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(tx.outputs), 2)
+ coinbase = tx.inputs[0]
+ self.assertTrue(coinbase.txo_ref.is_null)
+ self.assertEqual(coinbase.txo_ref.position, 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ self.assertEqual(coinbase.sequence, 4294967295)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(coinbase.coinbase)
+ self.assertIsNone(coinbase.script)
+ self.assertEqual(coinbase.coinbase[9:22], b'/BTC.COM/NYA/')
+ out = tx.outputs[0]
+ self.assertEqual(out.amount, 1561039505)
+ self.assertEqual(out.position, 0)
+ self.assertFalse(out.script.is_pay_pubkey)
+ self.assertFalse(out.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash)
+ self.assertTrue(out.script.is_pay_script_hash)
+ self.assertFalse(out.script.is_return_data)
+ out1 = tx.outputs[1]
+ self.assertEqual(out1.amount, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(out1.position, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ hexlify(out1.script.values['data']),
+ b'aa21a9ede6c99265a6b9e1d36c962fda0516b35709c49dc3b8176fa7e5d5f1f6197884b4'
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(out1.script.is_return_data)
+ self.assertFalse(out1.script.is_pay_pubkey)
+ self.assertFalse(out1.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash)
+ self.assertFalse(out1.script.is_pay_script_hash)
+ tx._reset()
+ self.assertEqual(tx.raw, raw)
+class TestTransactionSigning(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ await self.ledger.db.open()
+ async def asyncTearDown(self):
+ await self.ledger.db.close()
+ async def test_sign(self):
+ account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(
+ self.ledger, Wallet(), {
+ "seed": "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword "
+ "toast envelope bottom stomach absent"
+ }
+ )
+ await account.ensure_address_gap()
+ address1, address2 = await account.receiving.get_addresses(limit=2)
+ pubkey_hash1 = self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address1)
+ pubkey_hash2 = self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address2)
+ tx_class = ledger_class.transaction_class
+ tx = tx_class() \
+ .add_inputs([tx_class.input_class.spend(get_output(2*COIN, pubkey_hash1))]) \
+ .add_outputs([tx_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(int(1.9*COIN), pubkey_hash2)]) \
+ await tx.sign([account])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ hexlify(tx.inputs[0].script.values['signature']),
+ b'304402205a1df8cd5d2d2fa5934b756883d6c07e4f83e1350c740992d47a12422'
+ b'226aaa202200098ac8675827aea2b0d6f0e49566143a95d523e311d342172cd99e2021e47cb01'
+ )
+class TransactionIOBalancing(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.ledger = ledger_class({
+ 'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:'),
+ 'headers': ledger_class.headers_class(':memory:'),
+ })
+ await self.ledger.db.open()
+ self.account = self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(
+ self.ledger, Wallet(), {
+ "seed": "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword "
+ "toast envelope bottom stomach absent"
+ }
+ )
+ addresses = await self.account.ensure_address_gap()
+ self.pubkey_hash = [self.ledger.address_to_hash160(a) for a in addresses]
+ self.hash_cycler = cycle(self.pubkey_hash)
+ async def asyncTearDown(self):
+ await self.ledger.db.close()
+ def txo(self, amount, address=None):
+ return get_output(int(amount*COIN), address or next(self.hash_cycler))
+ def txi(self, txo):
+ return ledger_class.transaction_class.input_class.spend(txo)
+ def tx(self, inputs, outputs):
+ return ledger_class.transaction_class.create(inputs, outputs, [self.account], self.account)
+ async def create_utxos(self, amounts):
+ utxos = [self.txo(amount) for amount in amounts]
+ self.funding_tx = ledger_class.transaction_class(is_verified=True) \
+ .add_inputs([self.txi(self.txo(sum(amounts)+0.1))]) \
+ .add_outputs(utxos)
+ await self.ledger.db.insert_transaction(self.funding_tx)
+ for utxo in utxos:
+ await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(
+ self.funding_tx,
+ self.ledger.hash160_to_address(utxo.script.values['pubkey_hash']),
+ utxo.script.values['pubkey_hash'], ''
+ )
+ return utxos
+ @staticmethod
+ def inputs(tx):
+ return [round(i.amount/COIN, 2) for i in tx.inputs]
+ @staticmethod
+ def outputs(tx):
+ return [round(o.amount/COIN, 2) for o in tx.outputs]
+ async def test_basic_use_cases(self):
+ self.ledger.fee_per_byte = int(.01*CENT)
+ # available UTXOs for filling missing inputs
+ utxos = await self.create_utxos([
+ 1, 1, 3, 5, 10
+ ])
+ # pay 3 coins (3.02 w/ fees)
+ tx = await self.tx(
+ [], # inputs
+ [self.txo(3)] # outputs
+ )
+ # best UTXO match is 5 (as UTXO 3 will be short 0.02 to cover fees)
+ self.assertEqual(self.inputs(tx), [5])
+ # a change of 1.98 is added to reach balance
+ self.assertEqual(self.outputs(tx), [3, 1.98])
+ await self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)
+ # pay 2.98 coins (3.00 w/ fees)
+ tx = await self.tx(
+ [], # inputs
+ [self.txo(2.98)] # outputs
+ )
+ # best UTXO match is 3 and no change is needed
+ self.assertEqual(self.inputs(tx), [3])
+ self.assertEqual(self.outputs(tx), [2.98])
+ await self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)
+ # supplied input and output, but input is not enough to cover output
+ tx = await self.tx(
+ [self.txi(self.txo(10))], # inputs
+ [self.txo(11)] # outputs
+ )
+ # additional input is chosen (UTXO 3)
+ self.assertEqual([10, 3], self.inputs(tx))
+ # change is now needed to consume extra input
+ self.assertEqual([11, 1.96], self.outputs(tx))
+ await self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)
+ # liquidating a UTXO
+ tx = await self.tx(
+ [self.txi(self.txo(10))], # inputs
+ [] # outputs
+ )
+ self.assertEqual([10], self.inputs(tx))
+ # missing change added to consume the amount
+ self.assertEqual([9.98], self.outputs(tx))
+ await self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)
+ # liquidating at a loss, requires adding extra inputs
+ tx = await self.tx(
+ [self.txi(self.txo(0.01))], # inputs
+ [] # outputs
+ )
+ # UTXO 1 is added to cover some of the fee
+ self.assertEqual([0.01, 1], self.inputs(tx))
+ # change is now needed to consume extra input
+ self.assertEqual([0.97], self.outputs(tx))
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_utils.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d9e19d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import unittest
+from torba.client.util import ArithUint256
+from torba.client.util import coins_to_satoshis as c2s, satoshis_to_coins as s2c
+class TestCoinValueParsing(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_good_output(self):
+ self.assertEqual(s2c(1), "0.00000001")
+ self.assertEqual(s2c(10**7), "0.1")
+ self.assertEqual(s2c(2*10**8), "2.0")
+ self.assertEqual(s2c(2*10**17), "2000000000.0")
+ def test_good_input(self):
+ self.assertEqual(c2s("0.00000001"), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(c2s("0.1"), 10**7)
+ self.assertEqual(c2s("1.0"), 10**8)
+ self.assertEqual(c2s("2.00000000"), 2*10**8)
+ self.assertEqual(c2s("2000000000.0"), 2*10**17)
+ def test_bad_input(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ c2s("1")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ c2s("-1.0")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ c2s("10000000000.0")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ c2s("1.000000000")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ c2s("-0")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ c2s("1")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ c2s(".1")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ c2s("1e-7")
+class TestArithUint256(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_arithunit256(self):
+ # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/test/arith_uint256_tests.cpp
+ from_compact = ArithUint256.from_compact
+ eq = self.assertEqual
+ eq(from_compact(0).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x00123456).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x01003456).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x02000056).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x03000000).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x04000000).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x00923456).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x01803456).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x02800056).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x03800000).value, 0)
+ eq(from_compact(0x04800000).value, 0)
+ # Make sure that we don't generate compacts with the 0x00800000 bit set
+ uint = ArithUint256(0x80)
+ eq(uint.compact, 0x02008000)
+ uint = from_compact(0x01123456)
+ eq(uint.value, 0x12)
+ eq(uint.compact, 0x01120000)
+ uint = from_compact(0x01fedcba)
+ eq(uint.value, 0x7e)
+ eq(uint.negative, 0x01fe0000)
+ uint = from_compact(0x02123456)
+ eq(uint.value, 0x1234)
+ eq(uint.compact, 0x02123400)
+ uint = from_compact(0x03123456)
+ eq(uint.value, 0x123456)
+ eq(uint.compact, 0x03123456)
+ uint = from_compact(0x04123456)
+ eq(uint.value, 0x12345600)
+ eq(uint.compact, 0x04123456)
+ uint = from_compact(0x04923456)
+ eq(uint.value, 0x12345600)
+ eq(uint.negative, 0x04923456)
+ uint = from_compact(0x05009234)
+ eq(uint.value, 0x92340000)
+ eq(uint.compact, 0x05009234)
+ uint = from_compact(0x20123456)
+ eq(uint.value, 0x1234560000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
+ eq(uint.compact, 0x20123456)
diff --git a/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_wallet.py b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_wallet.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afe8ea14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tests/client_tests/unit/test_wallet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import tempfile
+from binascii import hexlify
+from torba.testcase import AsyncioTestCase
+from torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit import MainNetLedger as BTCLedger
+from torba.coin.bitcoincash import MainNetLedger as BCHLedger
+from torba.client.basemanager import BaseWalletManager
+from torba.client.wallet import Wallet, WalletStorage
+class TestWalletCreation(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.manager = BaseWalletManager()
+ config = {'data_path': '/tmp/wallet'}
+ self.btc_ledger = self.manager.get_or_create_ledger(BTCLedger.get_id(), config)
+ self.bch_ledger = self.manager.get_or_create_ledger(BCHLedger.get_id(), config)
+ def test_create_wallet_and_accounts(self):
+ wallet = Wallet()
+ self.assertEqual(wallet.name, 'Wallet')
+ self.assertEqual(wallet.accounts, [])
+ account1 = wallet.generate_account(self.btc_ledger)
+ wallet.generate_account(self.btc_ledger)
+ wallet.generate_account(self.bch_ledger)
+ self.assertEqual(wallet.default_account, account1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(wallet.accounts), 3)
+ def test_load_and_save_wallet(self):
+ wallet_dict = {
+ 'version': 1,
+ 'name': 'Main Wallet',
+ 'accounts': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'An Account',
+ 'ledger': 'btc_mainnet',
+ 'modified_on': 123.456,
+ 'seed':
+ "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toast envelope bottom stomac"
+ "h absent",
+ 'encrypted': False,
+ 'private_key':
+ 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3TsAz5efNV8K93g3Ms3FXcjaWB9fVUsMwAoE3Z'
+ 'T4vYymkp5BxKKfnpz8J6sHDFriX1SnpvjNkzcks8XBnxjGLS83BTyfpna',
+ 'public_key':
+ 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFwwe67Bfjd53h5WXmKm6tqfBJZZH3pQLoy8Nb6'
+ 'mKUMJFc7UbpVNzmwFPN2evn3YHnig1pkKVYcvCV8owTd2yAcEkJfCX53g',
+ 'address_generator': {
+ 'name': 'deterministic-chain',
+ 'receiving': {'gap': 17, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 3},
+ 'change': {'gap': 10, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 3}
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ storage = WalletStorage(default=wallet_dict)
+ wallet = Wallet.from_storage(storage, self.manager)
+ self.assertEqual(wallet.name, 'Main Wallet')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ hexlify(wallet.hash), b'9f462b8dd802eb8c913e54f09a09827ebc14abbc13f33baa90d8aec5ae920fc7'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(len(wallet.accounts), 1)
+ account = wallet.default_account
+ self.assertIsInstance(account, BTCLedger.account_class)
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ self.assertDictEqual(wallet_dict, wallet.to_dict())
+ encrypted = wallet.pack('password')
+ decrypted = Wallet.unpack('password', encrypted)
+ self.assertEqual(decrypted['accounts'][0]['name'], 'An Account')
+ def test_read_write(self):
+ manager = BaseWalletManager()
+ config = {'data_path': '/tmp/wallet'}
+ ledger = manager.get_or_create_ledger(BTCLedger.get_id(), config)
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as wallet_file:
+ wallet_file.write(b'{"version": 1}')
+ wallet_file.seek(0)
+ # create and write wallet to a file
+ wallet = manager.import_wallet(wallet_file.name)
+ account = wallet.generate_account(ledger)
+ wallet.save()
+ # read wallet from file
+ wallet_storage = WalletStorage(wallet_file.name)
+ wallet = Wallet.from_storage(wallet_storage, manager)
+ self.assertEqual(account.public_key.address, wallet.default_account.public_key.address)
diff --git a/torba/torba.png b/torba/torba.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e06e8e16
Binary files /dev/null and b/torba/torba.png differ
diff --git a/torba/torba/__init__.py b/torba/torba/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b90c3d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+__path__: str = __import__('pkgutil').extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+__version__ = '0.5.7'
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/__init__.py b/torba/torba/client/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/baseaccount.py b/torba/torba/client/baseaccount.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..391973650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/baseaccount.py
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+import json
+import time
+import asyncio
+import random
+import typing
+from typing import Dict, Tuple, Type, Optional, Any, List
+from torba.client.mnemonic import Mnemonic
+from torba.client.bip32 import PrivateKey, PubKey, from_extended_key_string
+from torba.client.hash import aes_encrypt, aes_decrypt, sha256
+from torba.client.constants import COIN
+if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
+ from torba.client import baseledger, wallet as basewallet
+class AddressManager:
+ name: str
+ __slots__ = 'account', 'public_key', 'chain_number', 'address_generator_lock'
+ def __init__(self, account, public_key, chain_number):
+ self.account = account
+ self.public_key = public_key
+ self.chain_number = chain_number
+ self.address_generator_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, account: 'BaseAccount', d: dict) \
+ -> Tuple['AddressManager', 'AddressManager']:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def to_dict(cls, receiving: 'AddressManager', change: 'AddressManager') -> Dict:
+ d: Dict[str, Any] = {'name': cls.name}
+ receiving_dict = receiving.to_dict_instance()
+ if receiving_dict:
+ d['receiving'] = receiving_dict
+ change_dict = change.to_dict_instance()
+ if change_dict:
+ d['change'] = change_dict
+ return d
+ def apply(self, d: dict):
+ pass
+ def to_dict_instance(self) -> Optional[dict]:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _query_addresses(self, **constraints):
+ return self.account.ledger.db.get_addresses(
+ account=self.account,
+ chain=self.chain_number,
+ **constraints
+ )
+ def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_public_key(self, index: int) -> PubKey:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ async def get_max_gap(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ async def ensure_address_gap(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ async def get_addresses(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints) -> List[str]:
+ records = await self.get_address_records(only_usable=only_usable, **constraints)
+ return [r['address'] for r in records]
+ async def get_or_create_usable_address(self) -> str:
+ addresses = await self.get_addresses(only_usable=True, limit=10)
+ if addresses:
+ return random.choice(addresses)
+ addresses = await self.ensure_address_gap()
+ return addresses[0]
+class HierarchicalDeterministic(AddressManager):
+ """ Implements simple version of Bitcoin Hierarchical Deterministic key management. """
+ name = "deterministic-chain"
+ __slots__ = 'gap', 'maximum_uses_per_address'
+ def __init__(self, account: 'BaseAccount', chain: int, gap: int, maximum_uses_per_address: int) -> None:
+ super().__init__(account, account.public_key.child(chain), chain)
+ self.gap = gap
+ self.maximum_uses_per_address = maximum_uses_per_address
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, account: 'BaseAccount', d: dict) -> Tuple[AddressManager, AddressManager]:
+ return (
+ cls(account, 0, **d.get('receiving', {'gap': 20, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 1})),
+ cls(account, 1, **d.get('change', {'gap': 6, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 1}))
+ )
+ def apply(self, d: dict):
+ self.gap = d.get('gap', self.gap)
+ self.maximum_uses_per_address = d.get('maximum_uses_per_address', self.maximum_uses_per_address)
+ def to_dict_instance(self):
+ return {'gap': self.gap, 'maximum_uses_per_address': self.maximum_uses_per_address}
+ def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
+ return self.account.private_key.child(self.chain_number).child(index)
+ def get_public_key(self, index: int) -> PubKey:
+ return self.account.public_key.child(self.chain_number).child(index)
+ async def get_max_gap(self) -> int:
+ addresses = await self._query_addresses(order_by="position ASC")
+ max_gap = 0
+ current_gap = 0
+ for address in addresses:
+ if address['used_times'] == 0:
+ current_gap += 1
+ else:
+ max_gap = max(max_gap, current_gap)
+ current_gap = 0
+ return max_gap
+ async def ensure_address_gap(self) -> List[str]:
+ async with self.address_generator_lock:
+ addresses = await self._query_addresses(limit=self.gap, order_by="position DESC")
+ existing_gap = 0
+ for address in addresses:
+ if address['used_times'] == 0:
+ existing_gap += 1
+ else:
+ break
+ if existing_gap == self.gap:
+ return []
+ start = addresses[0]['position']+1 if addresses else 0
+ end = start + (self.gap - existing_gap)
+ new_keys = await self._generate_keys(start, end-1)
+ await self.account.ledger.announce_addresses(self, new_keys)
+ return new_keys
+ async def _generate_keys(self, start: int, end: int) -> List[str]:
+ if not self.address_generator_lock.locked():
+ raise RuntimeError('Should not be called outside of address_generator_lock.')
+ keys = [(index, self.public_key.child(index)) for index in range(start, end+1)]
+ await self.account.ledger.db.add_keys(self.account, self.chain_number, keys)
+ return [key[1].address for key in keys]
+ def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
+ if only_usable:
+ constraints['used_times__lt'] = self.maximum_uses_per_address
+ if 'order_by' not in constraints:
+ constraints['order_by'] = "used_times ASC, position ASC"
+ return self._query_addresses(**constraints)
+class SingleKey(AddressManager):
+ """ Single Key address manager always returns the same address for all operations. """
+ name = "single-address"
+ __slots__ = ()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, account: 'BaseAccount', d: dict)\
+ -> Tuple[AddressManager, AddressManager]:
+ same_address_manager = cls(account, account.public_key, 0)
+ return same_address_manager, same_address_manager
+ def to_dict_instance(self):
+ return None
+ def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
+ return self.account.private_key
+ def get_public_key(self, index: int) -> PubKey:
+ return self.account.public_key
+ async def get_max_gap(self) -> int:
+ return 0
+ async def ensure_address_gap(self) -> List[str]:
+ async with self.address_generator_lock:
+ exists = await self.get_address_records()
+ if not exists:
+ await self.account.ledger.db.add_keys(
+ self.account, self.chain_number, [(0, self.public_key)]
+ )
+ new_keys = [self.public_key.address]
+ await self.account.ledger.announce_addresses(self, new_keys)
+ return new_keys
+ return []
+ def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
+ return self._query_addresses(**constraints)
+class BaseAccount:
+ mnemonic_class = Mnemonic
+ private_key_class = PrivateKey
+ public_key_class = PubKey
+ address_generators: Dict[str, Type[AddressManager]] = {
+ SingleKey.name: SingleKey,
+ HierarchicalDeterministic.name: HierarchicalDeterministic,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', wallet: 'basewallet.Wallet', name: str,
+ seed: str, private_key_string: str, encrypted: bool,
+ private_key: Optional[PrivateKey], public_key: PubKey,
+ address_generator: dict, modified_on: float) -> None:
+ self.ledger = ledger
+ self.wallet = wallet
+ self.id = public_key.address
+ self.name = name
+ self.seed = seed
+ self.modified_on = modified_on
+ self.private_key_string = private_key_string
+ self.password: Optional[str] = None
+ self.private_key_encryption_init_vector: Optional[bytes] = None
+ self.seed_encryption_init_vector: Optional[bytes] = None
+ self.encrypted = encrypted
+ self.serialize_encrypted = encrypted
+ self.private_key = private_key
+ self.public_key = public_key
+ generator_name = address_generator.get('name', HierarchicalDeterministic.name)
+ self.address_generator = self.address_generators[generator_name]
+ self.receiving, self.change = self.address_generator.from_dict(self, address_generator)
+ self.address_managers = {am.chain_number: am for am in {self.receiving, self.change}}
+ ledger.add_account(self)
+ wallet.add_account(self)
+ @classmethod
+ def generate(cls, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', wallet: 'basewallet.Wallet',
+ name: str = None, address_generator: dict = None):
+ return cls.from_dict(ledger, wallet, {
+ 'name': name,
+ 'seed': cls.mnemonic_class().make_seed(),
+ 'address_generator': address_generator or {}
+ })
+ @classmethod
+ def get_private_key_from_seed(cls, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', seed: str, password: str):
+ return cls.private_key_class.from_seed(
+ ledger, cls.mnemonic_class.mnemonic_to_seed(seed, password)
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def keys_from_dict(cls, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', d: dict) \
+ -> Tuple[str, Optional[PrivateKey], PubKey]:
+ seed = d.get('seed', '')
+ private_key_string = d.get('private_key', '')
+ private_key = None
+ public_key = None
+ encrypted = d.get('encrypted', False)
+ if not encrypted:
+ if seed:
+ private_key = cls.get_private_key_from_seed(ledger, seed, '')
+ public_key = private_key.public_key
+ elif private_key_string:
+ private_key = from_extended_key_string(ledger, private_key_string)
+ public_key = private_key.public_key
+ if public_key is None:
+ public_key = from_extended_key_string(ledger, d['public_key'])
+ return seed, private_key, public_key
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', wallet: 'basewallet.Wallet', d: dict):
+ seed, private_key, public_key = cls.keys_from_dict(ledger, d)
+ name = d.get('name')
+ if not name:
+ name = 'Account #{}'.format(public_key.address)
+ return cls(
+ ledger=ledger,
+ wallet=wallet,
+ name=name,
+ seed=seed,
+ private_key_string=d.get('private_key', ''),
+ encrypted=d.get('encrypted', False),
+ private_key=private_key,
+ public_key=public_key,
+ address_generator=d.get('address_generator', {}),
+ modified_on=d.get('modified_on', time.time())
+ )
+ def to_dict(self):
+ private_key_string, seed = self.private_key_string, self.seed
+ if not self.encrypted and self.private_key:
+ private_key_string = self.private_key.extended_key_string()
+ if not self.encrypted and self.serialize_encrypted:
+ assert None not in [self.seed_encryption_init_vector, self.private_key_encryption_init_vector]
+ private_key_string = aes_encrypt(
+ self.password, private_key_string, self.private_key_encryption_init_vector
+ )
+ seed = aes_encrypt(self.password, self.seed, self.seed_encryption_init_vector)
+ return {
+ 'ledger': self.ledger.get_id(),
+ 'name': self.name,
+ 'seed': seed,
+ 'encrypted': self.serialize_encrypted,
+ 'private_key': private_key_string,
+ 'public_key': self.public_key.extended_key_string(),
+ 'address_generator': self.address_generator.to_dict(self.receiving, self.change),
+ 'modified_on': self.modified_on
+ }
+ def apply(self, d: dict):
+ if d.get('modified_on', 0) > self.modified_on:
+ self.name = d['name']
+ self.modified_on = d.get('modified_on', time.time())
+ assert self.address_generator.name == d['address_generator']['name']
+ for chain_name in ('change', 'receiving'):
+ if chain_name in d['address_generator']:
+ chain_object = getattr(self, chain_name)
+ chain_object.apply(d['address_generator'][chain_name])
+ @property
+ def hash(self) -> bytes:
+ return sha256(json.dumps(self.to_dict()).encode())
+ async def get_details(self, show_seed=False, **kwargs):
+ satoshis = await self.get_balance(**kwargs)
+ details = {
+ 'id': self.id,
+ 'name': self.name,
+ 'coins': round(satoshis/COIN, 2),
+ 'satoshis': satoshis,
+ 'encrypted': self.encrypted,
+ 'public_key': self.public_key.extended_key_string(),
+ 'address_generator': self.address_generator.to_dict(self.receiving, self.change)
+ }
+ if show_seed:
+ details['seed'] = self.seed
+ return details
+ def decrypt(self, password: str) -> None:
+ assert self.encrypted, "Key is not encrypted."
+ try:
+ seed, seed_iv = aes_decrypt(password, self.seed)
+ pk_string, pk_iv = aes_decrypt(password, self.private_key_string)
+ except ValueError: # failed to remove padding, password is wrong
+ return
+ try:
+ Mnemonic().mnemonic_decode(seed)
+ except IndexError: # failed to decode the seed, this either means it decrypted and is invalid
+ # or that we hit an edge case where an incorrect password gave valid padding
+ return
+ try:
+ private_key = from_extended_key_string(
+ self.ledger, pk_string
+ )
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ return
+ self.seed = seed
+ self.seed_encryption_init_vector = seed_iv
+ self.private_key = private_key
+ self.private_key_encryption_init_vector = pk_iv
+ self.password = password
+ self.encrypted = False
+ def encrypt(self, password: str) -> None:
+ assert not self.encrypted, "Key is already encrypted."
+ assert isinstance(self.private_key, PrivateKey)
+ self.seed = aes_encrypt(password, self.seed, self.seed_encryption_init_vector)
+ self.private_key_string = aes_encrypt(
+ password, self.private_key.extended_key_string(), self.private_key_encryption_init_vector
+ )
+ self.private_key = None
+ self.password = None
+ self.encrypted = True
+ async def ensure_address_gap(self):
+ addresses = []
+ for address_manager in self.address_managers.values():
+ new_addresses = await address_manager.ensure_address_gap()
+ addresses.extend(new_addresses)
+ return addresses
+ async def get_addresses(self, **constraints) -> List[str]:
+ rows = await self.ledger.db.select_addresses('address', account=self, **constraints)
+ return [r[0] for r in rows]
+ def get_address_records(self, **constraints):
+ return self.ledger.db.get_addresses(account=self, **constraints)
+ def get_address_count(self, **constraints):
+ return self.ledger.db.get_address_count(account=self, **constraints)
+ def get_private_key(self, chain: int, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
+ assert not self.encrypted, "Cannot get private key on encrypted wallet account."
+ return self.address_managers[chain].get_private_key(index)
+ def get_public_key(self, chain: int, index: int) -> PubKey:
+ return self.address_managers[chain].get_public_key(index)
+ def get_balance(self, confirmations: int = 0, **constraints):
+ if confirmations > 0:
+ height = self.ledger.headers.height - (confirmations-1)
+ constraints.update({'height__lte': height, 'height__gt': 0})
+ return self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=self, **constraints)
+ async def get_max_gap(self):
+ change_gap = await self.change.get_max_gap()
+ receiving_gap = await self.receiving.get_max_gap()
+ return {
+ 'max_change_gap': change_gap,
+ 'max_receiving_gap': receiving_gap,
+ }
+ def get_utxos(self, **constraints):
+ return self.ledger.db.get_utxos(account=self, **constraints)
+ def get_utxo_count(self, **constraints):
+ return self.ledger.db.get_utxo_count(account=self, **constraints)
+ def get_transactions(self, **constraints):
+ return self.ledger.db.get_transactions(account=self, **constraints)
+ def get_transaction_count(self, **constraints):
+ return self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=self, **constraints)
+ async def fund(self, to_account, amount=None, everything=False,
+ outputs=1, broadcast=False, **constraints):
+ assert self.ledger == to_account.ledger, 'Can only transfer between accounts of the same ledger.'
+ tx_class = self.ledger.transaction_class
+ if everything:
+ utxos = await self.get_utxos(**constraints)
+ await self.ledger.reserve_outputs(utxos)
+ tx = await tx_class.create(
+ inputs=[tx_class.input_class.spend(txo) for txo in utxos],
+ outputs=[],
+ funding_accounts=[self],
+ change_account=to_account
+ )
+ elif amount > 0:
+ to_address = await to_account.change.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ to_hash160 = to_account.ledger.address_to_hash160(to_address)
+ tx = await tx_class.create(
+ inputs=[],
+ outputs=[
+ tx_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(amount//outputs, to_hash160)
+ for _ in range(outputs)
+ ],
+ funding_accounts=[self],
+ change_account=self
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('An amount is required.')
+ if broadcast:
+ await self.ledger.broadcast(tx)
+ else:
+ await self.ledger.release_tx(tx)
+ return tx
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/basedatabase.py b/torba/torba/client/basedatabase.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b496c7e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/basedatabase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+import logging
+import asyncio
+from asyncio import wrap_future
+from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Callable, Any, Awaitable, Iterable
+import sqlite3
+from torba.client.basetransaction import BaseTransaction
+from torba.client.baseaccount import BaseAccount
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class AIOSQLite:
+ def __init__(self):
+ # has to be single threaded as there is no mapping of thread:connection
+ self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
+ self.connection: sqlite3.Connection = None
+ @classmethod
+ async def connect(cls, path: Union[bytes, str], *args, **kwargs):
+ db = cls()
+ db.connection = await wrap_future(db.executor.submit(sqlite3.connect, path, *args, **kwargs))
+ return db
+ async def close(self):
+ def __close(conn):
+ self.executor.submit(conn.close)
+ self.executor.shutdown(wait=True)
+ conn = self.connection
+ if not conn:
+ return
+ self.connection = None
+ return asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop().call_later(0.01, __close, conn)
+ def executemany(self, sql: str, params: Iterable):
+ def __executemany_in_a_transaction(conn: sqlite3.Connection, *args, **kwargs):
+ return conn.executemany(*args, **kwargs)
+ return self.run(__executemany_in_a_transaction, sql, params)
+ def executescript(self, script: str) -> Awaitable:
+ return wrap_future(self.executor.submit(self.connection.executescript, script))
+ def execute_fetchall(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable = None) -> Awaitable[Iterable[sqlite3.Row]]:
+ parameters = parameters if parameters is not None else []
+ def __fetchall(conn: sqlite3.Connection, *args, **kwargs):
+ return conn.execute(*args, **kwargs).fetchall()
+ return wrap_future(self.executor.submit(__fetchall, self.connection, sql, parameters))
+ def execute(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable = None) -> Awaitable[sqlite3.Cursor]:
+ parameters = parameters if parameters is not None else []
+ return self.run(lambda conn, sql, parameters: conn.execute(sql, parameters), sql, parameters)
+ def run(self, fun, *args, **kwargs) -> Awaitable:
+ return wrap_future(self.executor.submit(self.__run_transaction, fun, *args, **kwargs))
+ def __run_transaction(self, fun: Callable[[sqlite3.Connection, Any, Any], Any], *args, **kwargs):
+ self.connection.execute('begin')
+ try:
+ result = fun(self.connection, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
+ self.connection.commit()
+ return result
+ except (Exception, OSError): # as e:
+ #log.exception('Error running transaction:', exc_info=e)
+ self.connection.rollback()
+ raise
+ def run_with_foreign_keys_disabled(self, fun, *args, **kwargs) -> Awaitable:
+ return wrap_future(
+ self.executor.submit(self.__run_transaction_with_foreign_keys_disabled, fun, *args, **kwargs)
+ )
+ def __run_transaction_with_foreign_keys_disabled(self,
+ fun: Callable[[sqlite3.Connection, Any, Any], Any],
+ *args, **kwargs):
+ foreign_keys_enabled, = self.connection.execute("pragma foreign_keys").fetchone()
+ if not foreign_keys_enabled:
+ raise sqlite3.IntegrityError("foreign keys are disabled, use `AIOSQLite.run` instead")
+ try:
+ self.connection.execute('pragma foreign_keys=off')
+ return self.__run_transaction(fun, *args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ self.connection.execute('pragma foreign_keys=on')
+def constraints_to_sql(constraints, joiner=' AND ', prepend_key=''):
+ sql, values = [], {}
+ for key, constraint in constraints.items():
+ tag = '0'
+ if '#' in key:
+ key, tag = key[:key.index('#')], key[key.index('#')+1:]
+ col, op, key = key, '=', key.replace('.', '_')
+ if key.startswith('$'):
+ values[key] = constraint
+ continue
+ elif key.endswith('__not'):
+ col, op = col[:-len('__not')], '!='
+ elif key.endswith('__is_null'):
+ col = col[:-len('__is_null')]
+ sql.append(f'{col} IS NULL')
+ continue
+ elif key.endswith('__is_not_null'):
+ col = col[:-len('__is_not_null')]
+ sql.append(f'{col} IS NOT NULL')
+ continue
+ elif key.endswith('__lt'):
+ col, op = col[:-len('__lt')], '<'
+ elif key.endswith('__lte'):
+ col, op = col[:-len('__lte')], '<='
+ elif key.endswith('__gt'):
+ col, op = col[:-len('__gt')], '>'
+ elif key.endswith('__gte'):
+ col, op = col[:-len('__gte')], '>='
+ elif key.endswith('__like'):
+ col, op = col[:-len('__like')], 'LIKE'
+ elif key.endswith('__not_like'):
+ col, op = col[:-len('__not_like')], 'NOT LIKE'
+ elif key.endswith('__in') or key.endswith('__not_in'):
+ if key.endswith('__in'):
+ col, op = col[:-len('__in')], 'IN'
+ else:
+ col, op = col[:-len('__not_in')], 'NOT IN'
+ if constraint:
+ if isinstance(constraint, (list, set, tuple)):
+ keys = []
+ for i, val in enumerate(constraint):
+ keys.append(f':{key}{tag}_{i}')
+ values[f'{key}{tag}_{i}'] = val
+ sql.append(f'{col} {op} ({", ".join(keys)})')
+ elif isinstance(constraint, str):
+ sql.append(f'{col} {op} ({constraint})')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"{col} requires a list, set or string as constraint value.")
+ continue
+ elif key.endswith('__any') or key.endswith('__or'):
+ where, subvalues = constraints_to_sql(constraint, ' OR ', key+tag+'_')
+ sql.append(f'({where})')
+ values.update(subvalues)
+ continue
+ elif key.endswith('__and'):
+ where, subvalues = constraints_to_sql(constraint, ' AND ', key+tag+'_')
+ sql.append(f'({where})')
+ values.update(subvalues)
+ continue
+ sql.append(f'{col} {op} :{prepend_key}{key}{tag}')
+ values[prepend_key+key+tag] = constraint
+ return joiner.join(sql) if sql else '', values
+def query(select, **constraints):
+ sql = [select]
+ limit = constraints.pop('limit', None)
+ offset = constraints.pop('offset', None)
+ order_by = constraints.pop('order_by', None)
+ constraints.pop('my_account', None)
+ account = constraints.pop('account', None)
+ if account is not None:
+ if not isinstance(account, list):
+ account = [account]
+ constraints['account__in'] = [
+ (a.public_key.address if isinstance(a, BaseAccount) else a) for a in account
+ ]
+ where, values = constraints_to_sql(constraints)
+ if where:
+ sql.append('WHERE')
+ sql.append(where)
+ if order_by:
+ sql.append('ORDER BY')
+ if isinstance(order_by, str):
+ sql.append(order_by)
+ elif isinstance(order_by, list):
+ sql.append(', '.join(order_by))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("order_by must be string or list")
+ if limit is not None:
+ sql.append('LIMIT {}'.format(limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ sql.append('OFFSET {}'.format(offset))
+ return ' '.join(sql), values
+def rows_to_dict(rows, fields):
+ if rows:
+ return [dict(zip(fields, r)) for r in rows]
+ else:
+ return []
+class SQLiteMixin:
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self._db_path = path
+ self.db: AIOSQLite = None
+ self.ledger = None
+ async def open(self):
+ log.info("connecting to database: %s", self._db_path)
+ self.db = await AIOSQLite.connect(self._db_path)
+ await self.db.executescript(self.CREATE_TABLES_QUERY)
+ async def close(self):
+ await self.db.close()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _insert_sql(table: str, data: dict, ignore_duplicate: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, List]:
+ columns, values = [], []
+ for column, value in data.items():
+ columns.append(column)
+ values.append(value)
+ or_ignore = ""
+ if ignore_duplicate:
+ or_ignore = " OR IGNORE"
+ sql = "INSERT{} INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})".format(
+ or_ignore, table, ', '.join(columns), ', '.join(['?'] * len(values))
+ )
+ return sql, values
+ @staticmethod
+ def _update_sql(table: str, data: dict, where: str,
+ constraints: Union[list, tuple]) -> Tuple[str, list]:
+ columns, values = [], []
+ for column, value in data.items():
+ columns.append("{} = ?".format(column))
+ values.append(value)
+ values.extend(constraints)
+ sql = "UPDATE {} SET {} WHERE {}".format(
+ table, ', '.join(columns), where
+ )
+ return sql, values
+class BaseDatabase(SQLiteMixin):
+ PRAGMAS = """
+ pragma journal_mode=WAL;
+ """
+ create table if not exists pubkey_address (
+ address text primary key,
+ account text not null,
+ chain integer not null,
+ position integer not null,
+ pubkey blob not null,
+ history text,
+ used_times integer not null default 0
+ );
+ """
+ create index if not exists pubkey_address_account_idx on pubkey_address (account);
+ """
+ create table if not exists tx (
+ txid text primary key,
+ raw blob not null,
+ height integer not null,
+ position integer not null,
+ is_verified boolean not null default 0
+ );
+ """
+ create table if not exists txo (
+ txid text references tx,
+ txoid text primary key,
+ address text references pubkey_address,
+ position integer not null,
+ amount integer not null,
+ script blob not null,
+ is_reserved boolean not null default 0
+ );
+ """
+ create index if not exists txo_address_idx on txo (address);
+ """
+ create table if not exists txi (
+ txid text references tx,
+ txoid text references txo,
+ address text references pubkey_address
+ );
+ """
+ create index if not exists txi_address_idx on txi (address);
+ create index if not exists txi_txoid_idx on txi (txoid);
+ """
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def txo_to_row(tx, address, txo):
+ return {
+ 'txid': tx.id,
+ 'txoid': txo.id,
+ 'address': address,
+ 'position': txo.position,
+ 'amount': txo.amount,
+ 'script': sqlite3.Binary(txo.script.source)
+ }
+ async def insert_transaction(self, tx):
+ await self.db.execute(*self._insert_sql('tx', {
+ 'txid': tx.id,
+ 'raw': sqlite3.Binary(tx.raw),
+ 'height': tx.height,
+ 'position': tx.position,
+ 'is_verified': tx.is_verified
+ }))
+ async def update_transaction(self, tx):
+ await self.db.execute(*self._update_sql("tx", {
+ 'height': tx.height, 'position': tx.position, 'is_verified': tx.is_verified
+ }, 'txid = ?', (tx.id,)))
+ def save_transaction_io(self, tx: BaseTransaction, address, txhash, history):
+ def _transaction(conn: sqlite3.Connection, tx: BaseTransaction, address, txhash, history):
+ for txo in tx.outputs:
+ if txo.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash and txo.script.values['pubkey_hash'] == txhash:
+ conn.execute(*self._insert_sql(
+ "txo", self.txo_to_row(tx, address, txo), ignore_duplicate=True
+ ))
+ elif txo.script.is_pay_script_hash:
+ # TODO: implement script hash payments
+ log.warning('Database.save_transaction_io: pay script hash is not implemented!')
+ for txi in tx.inputs:
+ if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
+ txo = txi.txo_ref.txo
+ if txo.get_address(self.ledger) == address:
+ conn.execute(*self._insert_sql("txi", {
+ 'txid': tx.id,
+ 'txoid': txo.id,
+ 'address': address,
+ }, ignore_duplicate=True))
+ conn.execute(
+ "UPDATE pubkey_address SET history = ?, used_times = ? WHERE address = ?",
+ (history, history.count(':')//2, address)
+ )
+ return self.db.run(_transaction, tx, address, txhash, history)
+ async def reserve_outputs(self, txos, is_reserved=True):
+ txoids = ((is_reserved, txo.id) for txo in txos)
+ await self.db.executemany("UPDATE txo SET is_reserved = ? WHERE txoid = ?", txoids)
+ async def release_outputs(self, txos):
+ await self.reserve_outputs(txos, is_reserved=False)
+ async def rewind_blockchain(self, above_height): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+ # TODO:
+ # 1. delete transactions above_height
+ # 2. update address histories removing deleted TXs
+ return True
+ async def select_transactions(self, cols, account=None, **constraints):
+ if 'txid' not in constraints and account is not None:
+ constraints['$account'] = account.public_key.address
+ constraints['txid__in'] = """
+ SELECT txo.txid FROM txo
+ JOIN pubkey_address USING (address) WHERE pubkey_address.account = :$account
+ SELECT txi.txid FROM txi
+ JOIN pubkey_address USING (address) WHERE pubkey_address.account = :$account
+ """
+ return await self.db.execute_fetchall(
+ *query("SELECT {} FROM tx".format(cols), **constraints)
+ )
+ async def get_transactions(self, my_account=None, **constraints):
+ my_account = my_account or constraints.get('account', None)
+ tx_rows = await self.select_transactions(
+ 'txid, raw, height, position, is_verified',
+ order_by=["height=0 DESC", "height DESC", "position DESC"],
+ **constraints
+ )
+ if not tx_rows:
+ return []
+ txids, txs, txi_txoids = [], [], []
+ for row in tx_rows:
+ txids.append(row[0])
+ txs.append(self.ledger.transaction_class(
+ raw=row[1], height=row[2], position=row[3], is_verified=bool(row[4])
+ ))
+ for txi in txs[-1].inputs:
+ txi_txoids.append(txi.txo_ref.id)
+ annotated_txos = {
+ txo.id: txo for txo in
+ (await self.get_txos(
+ my_account=my_account,
+ txid__in=txids
+ ))
+ }
+ referenced_txos = {
+ txo.id: txo for txo in
+ (await self.get_txos(
+ my_account=my_account,
+ txoid__in=txi_txoids
+ ))
+ }
+ for tx in txs:
+ for txi in tx.inputs:
+ txo = referenced_txos.get(txi.txo_ref.id)
+ if txo:
+ txi.txo_ref = txo.ref
+ for txo in tx.outputs:
+ _txo = annotated_txos.get(txo.id)
+ if _txo:
+ txo.update_annotations(_txo)
+ else:
+ txo.update_annotations(None)
+ return txs
+ async def get_transaction_count(self, **constraints):
+ constraints.pop('offset', None)
+ constraints.pop('limit', None)
+ constraints.pop('order_by', None)
+ count = await self.select_transactions('count(*)', **constraints)
+ return count[0][0]
+ async def get_transaction(self, **constraints):
+ txs = await self.get_transactions(limit=1, **constraints)
+ if txs:
+ return txs[0]
+ async def select_txos(self, cols, **constraints):
+ return await self.db.execute_fetchall(*query(
+ "SELECT {} FROM txo"
+ " JOIN pubkey_address USING (address)"
+ " JOIN tx USING (txid)".format(cols), **constraints
+ ))
+ async def get_txos(self, my_account=None, **constraints):
+ my_account = my_account or constraints.get('account', None)
+ if isinstance(my_account, BaseAccount):
+ my_account = my_account.public_key.address
+ if 'order_by' not in constraints:
+ constraints['order_by'] = ["tx.height=0 DESC", "tx.height DESC", "tx.position DESC"]
+ rows = await self.select_txos(
+ "tx.txid, raw, tx.height, tx.position, tx.is_verified, txo.position, chain, account",
+ **constraints
+ )
+ txos = []
+ txs = {}
+ for row in rows:
+ if row[0] not in txs:
+ txs[row[0]] = self.ledger.transaction_class(
+ row[1], height=row[2], position=row[3], is_verified=row[4]
+ )
+ txo = txs[row[0]].outputs[row[5]]
+ txo.is_change = row[6] == 1
+ txo.is_my_account = row[7] == my_account
+ txos.append(txo)
+ return txos
+ async def get_txo_count(self, **constraints):
+ constraints.pop('offset', None)
+ constraints.pop('limit', None)
+ constraints.pop('order_by', None)
+ count = await self.select_txos('count(*)', **constraints)
+ return count[0][0]
+ @staticmethod
+ def constrain_utxo(constraints):
+ constraints['is_reserved'] = False
+ constraints['txoid__not_in'] = "SELECT txoid FROM txi"
+ def get_utxos(self, **constraints):
+ self.constrain_utxo(constraints)
+ return self.get_txos(**constraints)
+ def get_utxo_count(self, **constraints):
+ self.constrain_utxo(constraints)
+ return self.get_txo_count(**constraints)
+ async def get_balance(self, **constraints):
+ self.constrain_utxo(constraints)
+ balance = await self.select_txos('SUM(amount)', **constraints)
+ return balance[0][0] or 0
+ async def select_addresses(self, cols, **constraints):
+ return await self.db.execute_fetchall(*query(
+ "SELECT {} FROM pubkey_address".format(cols), **constraints
+ ))
+ async def get_addresses(self, cols=('address', 'account', 'chain', 'position', 'used_times'),
+ **constraints):
+ addresses = await self.select_addresses(', '.join(cols), **constraints)
+ return rows_to_dict(addresses, cols)
+ async def get_address_count(self, **constraints):
+ count = await self.select_addresses('count(*)', **constraints)
+ return count[0][0]
+ async def get_address(self, **constraints):
+ addresses = await self.get_addresses(
+ cols=('address', 'account', 'chain', 'position', 'pubkey', 'history', 'used_times'),
+ limit=1, **constraints
+ )
+ if addresses:
+ return addresses[0]
+ async def add_keys(self, account, chain, keys):
+ await self.db.executemany(
+ "insert into pubkey_address (address, account, chain, position, pubkey) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ ((pubkey.address, account.public_key.address, chain,
+ position, sqlite3.Binary(pubkey.pubkey_bytes))
+ for position, pubkey in keys)
+ )
+ async def _set_address_history(self, address, history):
+ await self.db.execute(
+ "UPDATE pubkey_address SET history = ?, used_times = ? WHERE address = ?",
+ (history, history.count(':')//2, address)
+ )
+ async def set_address_history(self, address, history):
+ await self._set_address_history(address, history)
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/baseheader.py b/torba/torba/client/baseheader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51749bdf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/baseheader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import os
+import asyncio
+import logging
+from io import BytesIO
+from typing import Optional, Iterator, Tuple
+from binascii import hexlify
+from torba.client.util import ArithUint256
+from torba.client.hash import double_sha256
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class InvalidHeader(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, height, message):
+ super().__init__(message)
+ self.message = message
+ self.height = height
+class BaseHeaders:
+ header_size: int
+ chunk_size: int
+ max_target: int
+ genesis_hash: Optional[bytes]
+ target_timespan: int
+ validate_difficulty: bool = True
+ def __init__(self, path) -> None:
+ if path == ':memory:':
+ self.io = BytesIO()
+ self.path = path
+ self._size: Optional[int] = None
+ self._header_connect_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+ async def open(self):
+ if self.path != ':memory:':
+ if not os.path.exists(self.path):
+ self.io = open(self.path, 'w+b')
+ else:
+ self.io = open(self.path, 'r+b')
+ async def close(self):
+ self.io.close()
+ @staticmethod
+ def serialize(header: dict) -> bytes:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @staticmethod
+ def deserialize(height, header):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_next_chunk_target(self, chunk: int) -> ArithUint256:
+ return ArithUint256(self.max_target)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_next_block_target(chunk_target: ArithUint256, previous: Optional[dict],
+ current: Optional[dict]) -> ArithUint256:
+ return chunk_target
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ if self._size is None:
+ self._size = self.io.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) // self.header_size
+ return self._size
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return True
+ def __getitem__(self, height) -> dict:
+ assert not isinstance(height, slice), \
+ "Slicing of header chain has not been implemented yet."
+ return self.deserialize(height, self.get_raw_header(height))
+ def get_raw_header(self, height) -> bytes:
+ self.io.seek(height * self.header_size, os.SEEK_SET)
+ return self.io.read(self.header_size)
+ @property
+ def height(self) -> int:
+ return len(self)-1
+ def hash(self, height=None) -> bytes:
+ return self.hash_header(
+ self.get_raw_header(height if height is not None else self.height)
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def hash_header(header: bytes) -> bytes:
+ if header is None:
+ return b'0' * 64
+ return hexlify(double_sha256(header)[::-1])
+ async def connect(self, start: int, headers: bytes) -> int:
+ added = 0
+ bail = False
+ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
+ async with self._header_connect_lock:
+ for height, chunk in self._iterate_chunks(start, headers):
+ try:
+ # validate_chunk() is CPU bound and reads previous chunks from file system
+ await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.validate_chunk, height, chunk)
+ except InvalidHeader as e:
+ bail = True
+ chunk = chunk[:(height-e.height)*self.header_size]
+ written = 0
+ if chunk:
+ self.io.seek(height * self.header_size, os.SEEK_SET)
+ written = self.io.write(chunk) // self.header_size
+ self.io.truncate()
+ # .seek()/.write()/.truncate() might also .flush() when needed
+ # the goal here is mainly to ensure we're definitely flush()'ing
+ await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.io.flush)
+ self._size = None
+ added += written
+ if bail:
+ break
+ return added
+ def validate_chunk(self, height, chunk):
+ previous_hash, previous_header, previous_previous_header = None, None, None
+ if height > 0:
+ previous_header = self[height-1]
+ previous_hash = self.hash(height-1)
+ if height > 1:
+ previous_previous_header = self[height-2]
+ chunk_target = self.get_next_chunk_target(height // 2016 - 1)
+ for current_hash, current_header in self._iterate_headers(height, chunk):
+ block_target = self.get_next_block_target(chunk_target, previous_previous_header, previous_header)
+ self.validate_header(height, current_hash, current_header, previous_hash, block_target)
+ previous_previous_header = previous_header
+ previous_header = current_header
+ previous_hash = current_hash
+ def validate_header(self, height: int, current_hash: bytes,
+ header: dict, previous_hash: bytes, target: ArithUint256):
+ if previous_hash is None:
+ if self.genesis_hash is not None and self.genesis_hash != current_hash:
+ raise InvalidHeader(
+ height, "genesis header doesn't match: {} vs expected {}".format(
+ current_hash.decode(), self.genesis_hash.decode())
+ )
+ return
+ if header['prev_block_hash'] != previous_hash:
+ raise InvalidHeader(
+ height, "previous hash mismatch: {} vs expected {}".format(
+ header['prev_block_hash'].decode(), previous_hash.decode())
+ )
+ if self.validate_difficulty:
+ if header['bits'] != target.compact:
+ raise InvalidHeader(
+ height, "bits mismatch: {} vs expected {}".format(
+ header['bits'], target.compact)
+ )
+ proof_of_work = self.get_proof_of_work(current_hash)
+ if proof_of_work > target:
+ raise InvalidHeader(
+ height, "insufficient proof of work: {} vs target {}".format(
+ proof_of_work.value, target.value)
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_proof_of_work(header_hash: bytes) -> ArithUint256:
+ return ArithUint256(int(b'0x' + header_hash, 16))
+ def _iterate_chunks(self, height: int, headers: bytes) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, bytes]]:
+ assert len(headers) % self.header_size == 0
+ start = 0
+ end = (self.chunk_size - height % self.chunk_size) * self.header_size
+ while start < end:
+ yield height + (start // self.header_size), headers[start:end]
+ start = end
+ end = min(len(headers), end + self.chunk_size * self.header_size)
+ def _iterate_headers(self, height: int, headers: bytes) -> Iterator[Tuple[bytes, dict]]:
+ assert len(headers) % self.header_size == 0
+ for idx in range(len(headers) // self.header_size):
+ start, end = idx * self.header_size, (idx + 1) * self.header_size
+ header = headers[start:end]
+ yield self.hash_header(header), self.deserialize(height+idx, header)
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/baseledger.py b/torba/torba/client/baseledger.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6a5f8a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/baseledger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+import os
+import asyncio
+import logging
+from functools import partial
+from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+from io import StringIO
+from typing import Dict, Type, Iterable, List, Optional
+from operator import itemgetter
+from collections import namedtuple
+from torba.tasks import TaskGroup
+from torba.client import baseaccount, basenetwork, basetransaction
+from torba.client.basedatabase import BaseDatabase
+from torba.client.baseheader import BaseHeaders
+from torba.client.coinselection import CoinSelector
+from torba.client.constants import COIN, NULL_HASH32
+from torba.stream import StreamController
+from torba.client.hash import hash160, double_sha256, sha256, Base58
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+LedgerType = Type['BaseLedger']
+class LedgerRegistry(type):
+ ledgers: Dict[str, LedgerType] = {}
+ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
+ cls: LedgerType = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
+ if not (name == 'BaseLedger' and not bases):
+ ledger_id = cls.get_id()
+ assert ledger_id not in mcs.ledgers,\
+ 'Ledger with id "{}" already registered.'.format(ledger_id)
+ mcs.ledgers[ledger_id] = cls
+ return cls
+ @classmethod
+ def get_ledger_class(mcs, ledger_id: str) -> LedgerType:
+ return mcs.ledgers[ledger_id]
+class TransactionEvent(namedtuple('TransactionEvent', ('address', 'tx'))):
+ pass
+class AddressesGeneratedEvent(namedtuple('AddressesGeneratedEvent', ('address_manager', 'addresses'))):
+ pass
+class BlockHeightEvent(namedtuple('BlockHeightEvent', ('height', 'change'))):
+ pass
+class TransactionCacheItem:
+ __slots__ = '_tx', 'lock', 'has_tx'
+ def __init__(self,
+ tx: Optional[basetransaction.BaseTransaction] = None,
+ lock: Optional[asyncio.Lock] = None):
+ self.has_tx = asyncio.Event()
+ self.lock = lock or asyncio.Lock()
+ self._tx = self.tx = tx
+ @property
+ def tx(self) -> Optional[basetransaction.BaseTransaction]:
+ return self._tx
+ @tx.setter
+ def tx(self, tx: basetransaction.BaseTransaction):
+ self._tx = tx
+ if tx is not None:
+ self.has_tx.set()
+class BaseLedger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
+ name: str
+ symbol: str
+ network_name: str
+ database_class = BaseDatabase
+ account_class = baseaccount.BaseAccount
+ network_class = basenetwork.BaseNetwork
+ transaction_class = basetransaction.BaseTransaction
+ headers_class: Type[BaseHeaders]
+ pubkey_address_prefix: bytes
+ script_address_prefix: bytes
+ extended_public_key_prefix: bytes
+ extended_private_key_prefix: bytes
+ default_fee_per_byte = 10
+ def __init__(self, config=None):
+ self.config = config or {}
+ self.db: BaseDatabase = self.config.get('db') or self.database_class(
+ os.path.join(self.path, "blockchain.db")
+ )
+ self.db.ledger = self
+ self.headers: BaseHeaders = self.config.get('headers') or self.headers_class(
+ os.path.join(self.path, "headers")
+ )
+ self.network = self.config.get('network') or self.network_class(self)
+ self.network.on_header.listen(self.receive_header)
+ self.network.on_status.listen(self.process_status_update)
+ self.accounts = []
+ self.fee_per_byte: int = self.config.get('fee_per_byte', self.default_fee_per_byte)
+ self._on_transaction_controller = StreamController()
+ self.on_transaction = self._on_transaction_controller.stream
+ self.on_transaction.listen(
+ lambda e: log.info(
+ '(%s) on_transaction: address=%s, height=%s, is_verified=%s, tx.id=%s',
+ self.get_id(), e.address, e.tx.height, e.tx.is_verified, e.tx.id
+ )
+ )
+ self._on_address_controller = StreamController()
+ self.on_address = self._on_address_controller.stream
+ self.on_address.listen(
+ lambda e: log.info('(%s) on_address: %s', self.get_id(), e.addresses)
+ )
+ self._on_header_controller = StreamController()
+ self.on_header = self._on_header_controller.stream
+ self.on_header.listen(
+ lambda change: log.info(
+ '%s: added %s header blocks, final height %s',
+ self.get_id(), change, self.headers.height
+ )
+ )
+ self._tx_cache = {}
+ self._update_tasks = TaskGroup()
+ self._utxo_reservation_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+ self._header_processing_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+ self._address_update_locks: Dict[str, asyncio.Lock] = {}
+ self.coin_selection_strategy = None
+ @classmethod
+ def get_id(cls):
+ return '{}_{}'.format(cls.symbol.lower(), cls.network_name.lower())
+ @classmethod
+ def hash160_to_address(cls, h160):
+ raw_address = cls.pubkey_address_prefix + h160
+ return Base58.encode(bytearray(raw_address + double_sha256(raw_address)[0:4]))
+ @staticmethod
+ def address_to_hash160(address):
+ return Base58.decode(address)[1:21]
+ @classmethod
+ def is_valid_address(cls, address):
+ decoded = Base58.decode(address)
+ return decoded[0] == cls.pubkey_address_prefix[0]
+ @classmethod
+ def public_key_to_address(cls, public_key):
+ return cls.hash160_to_address(hash160(public_key))
+ @staticmethod
+ def private_key_to_wif(private_key):
+ return b'\x1c' + private_key + b'\x01'
+ @property
+ def path(self):
+ return os.path.join(self.config['data_path'], self.get_id())
+ def add_account(self, account: baseaccount.BaseAccount):
+ self.accounts.append(account)
+ async def _get_account_and_address_info_for_address(self, address):
+ match = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
+ if match:
+ for account in self.accounts:
+ if match['account'] == account.public_key.address:
+ return account, match
+ async def get_private_key_for_address(self, address):
+ match = await self._get_account_and_address_info_for_address(address)
+ if match:
+ account, address_info = match
+ return account.get_private_key(address_info['chain'], address_info['position'])
+ async def get_public_key_for_address(self, address):
+ match = await self._get_account_and_address_info_for_address(address)
+ if match:
+ account, address_info = match
+ return account.get_public_key(address_info['chain'], address_info['position'])
+ async def get_account_for_address(self, address):
+ match = await self._get_account_and_address_info_for_address(address)
+ if match:
+ return match[0]
+ async def get_effective_amount_estimators(self, funding_accounts: Iterable[baseaccount.BaseAccount]):
+ estimators = []
+ for account in funding_accounts:
+ utxos = await account.get_utxos()
+ for utxo in utxos:
+ estimators.append(utxo.get_estimator(self))
+ return estimators
+ async def get_spendable_utxos(self, amount: int, funding_accounts):
+ async with self._utxo_reservation_lock:
+ txos = await self.get_effective_amount_estimators(funding_accounts)
+ selector = CoinSelector(
+ txos, amount,
+ self.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(COIN, NULL_HASH32).get_fee(self)
+ )
+ spendables = selector.select(self.coin_selection_strategy)
+ if spendables:
+ await self.reserve_outputs(s.txo for s in spendables)
+ return spendables
+ def reserve_outputs(self, txos):
+ return self.db.reserve_outputs(txos)
+ def release_outputs(self, txos):
+ return self.db.release_outputs(txos)
+ def release_tx(self, tx):
+ return self.release_outputs([txi.txo_ref.txo for txi in tx.inputs])
+ async def get_local_status_and_history(self, address):
+ address_details = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
+ history = address_details['history'] or ''
+ parts = history.split(':')[:-1]
+ return (
+ hexlify(sha256(history.encode())).decode() if history else None,
+ list(zip(parts[0::2], map(int, parts[1::2])))
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_root_of_merkle_tree(branches, branch_positions, working_branch):
+ for i, branch in enumerate(branches):
+ other_branch = unhexlify(branch)[::-1]
+ other_branch_on_left = bool((branch_positions >> i) & 1)
+ if other_branch_on_left:
+ combined = other_branch + working_branch
+ else:
+ combined = working_branch + other_branch
+ working_branch = double_sha256(combined)
+ return hexlify(working_branch[::-1])
+ async def start(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.path):
+ os.mkdir(self.path)
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ self.db.open(),
+ self.headers.open()
+ ])
+ first_connection = self.network.on_connected.first
+ asyncio.ensure_future(self.network.start())
+ await first_connection
+ await self.join_network()
+ self.network.on_connected.listen(self.join_network)
+ async def join_network(self, *args):
+ log.info("Subscribing and updating accounts.")
+ await self.update_headers()
+ await self.network.subscribe_headers()
+ await self.subscribe_accounts()
+ await self._update_tasks.done.wait()
+ async def stop(self):
+ self._update_tasks.cancel()
+ await self._update_tasks.done.wait()
+ await self.network.stop()
+ await self.db.close()
+ await self.headers.close()
+ async def update_headers(self, height=None, headers=None, subscription_update=False):
+ rewound = 0
+ while True:
+ if height is None or height > len(self.headers):
+ # sometimes header subscription updates are for a header in the future
+ # which can't be connected, so we do a normal header sync instead
+ height = len(self.headers)
+ headers = None
+ subscription_update = False
+ if not headers:
+ header_response = await self.network.get_headers(height, 2001)
+ headers = header_response['hex']
+ if not headers:
+ # Nothing to do, network thinks we're already at the latest height.
+ return
+ added = await self.headers.connect(height, unhexlify(headers))
+ if added > 0:
+ height += added
+ self._on_header_controller.add(
+ BlockHeightEvent(self.headers.height, added))
+ if rewound > 0:
+ # we started rewinding blocks and apparently found
+ # a new chain
+ rewound = 0
+ await self.db.rewind_blockchain(height)
+ if subscription_update:
+ # subscription updates are for latest header already
+ # so we don't need to check if there are newer / more
+ # on another loop of update_headers(), just return instead
+ return
+ elif added == 0:
+ # we had headers to connect but none got connected, probably a reorganization
+ height -= 1
+ rewound += 1
+ log.warning(
+ "Blockchain Reorganization: attempting rewind to height %s from starting height %s",
+ height, height+rewound
+ )
+ else:
+ raise IndexError("headers.connect() returned negative number ({})".format(added))
+ if height < 0:
+ raise IndexError(
+ "Blockchain reorganization rewound all the way back to genesis hash. "
+ "Something is very wrong. Maybe you are on the wrong blockchain?"
+ )
+ if rewound >= 100:
+ raise IndexError(
+ "Blockchain reorganization dropped {} headers. This is highly unusual. "
+ "Will not continue to attempt reorganizing. Please, delete the ledger "
+ "synchronization directory inside your wallet directory (folder: '{}') and "
+ "restart the program to synchronize from scratch."
+ .format(rewound, self.get_id())
+ )
+ headers = None # ready to download some more headers
+ # if we made it this far and this was a subscription_update
+ # it means something went wrong and now we're doing a more
+ # robust sync, turn off subscription update shortcut
+ subscription_update = False
+ async def receive_header(self, response):
+ async with self._header_processing_lock:
+ header = response[0]
+ await self.update_headers(
+ height=header['height'], headers=header['hex'], subscription_update=True
+ )
+ async def subscribe_accounts(self):
+ if self.network.is_connected and self.accounts:
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ self.subscribe_account(a) for a in self.accounts
+ ])
+ async def subscribe_account(self, account: baseaccount.BaseAccount):
+ for address_manager in account.address_managers.values():
+ await self.subscribe_addresses(address_manager, await address_manager.get_addresses())
+ await account.ensure_address_gap()
+ async def announce_addresses(self, address_manager: baseaccount.AddressManager, addresses: List[str]):
+ await self.subscribe_addresses(address_manager, addresses)
+ await self._on_address_controller.add(
+ AddressesGeneratedEvent(address_manager, addresses)
+ )
+ async def subscribe_addresses(self, address_manager: baseaccount.AddressManager, addresses: List[str]):
+ if self.network.is_connected and addresses:
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ self.subscribe_address(address_manager, address) for address in addresses
+ ])
+ async def subscribe_address(self, address_manager: baseaccount.AddressManager, address: str):
+ remote_status = await self.network.subscribe_address(address)
+ self._update_tasks.add(self.update_history(address, remote_status, address_manager))
+ def process_status_update(self, update):
+ address, remote_status = update
+ self._update_tasks.add(self.update_history(address, remote_status))
+ async def update_history(self, address, remote_status,
+ address_manager: baseaccount.AddressManager = None):
+ async with self._address_update_locks.setdefault(address, asyncio.Lock()):
+ local_status, local_history = await self.get_local_status_and_history(address)
+ if local_status == remote_status:
+ return
+ remote_history = await self.network.get_history(address)
+ cache_tasks = []
+ synced_history = StringIO()
+ for i, (txid, remote_height) in enumerate(map(itemgetter('tx_hash', 'height'), remote_history)):
+ if i < len(local_history) and local_history[i] == (txid, remote_height):
+ synced_history.write(f'{txid}:{remote_height}:')
+ else:
+ cache_tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self.cache_transaction(txid, remote_height)
+ ))
+ for task in cache_tasks:
+ tx = await task
+ check_db_for_txos = []
+ for txi in tx.inputs:
+ if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
+ continue
+ cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(txi.txo_ref.tx_ref.id)
+ if cache_item is not None:
+ if cache_item.tx is None:
+ await cache_item.has_tx.wait()
+ assert cache_item.tx is not None
+ txi.txo_ref = cache_item.tx.outputs[txi.txo_ref.position].ref
+ else:
+ check_db_for_txos.append(txi.txo_ref.id)
+ referenced_txos = {
+ txo.id: txo for txo in await self.db.get_txos(txoid__in=check_db_for_txos)
+ }
+ for txi in tx.inputs:
+ if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
+ continue
+ referenced_txo = referenced_txos.get(txi.txo_ref.id)
+ if referenced_txo is not None:
+ txi.txo_ref = referenced_txo.ref
+ synced_history.write(f'{tx.id}:{tx.height}:')
+ await self.db.save_transaction_io(
+ tx, address, self.address_to_hash160(address), synced_history.getvalue()
+ )
+ await self._on_transaction_controller.add(TransactionEvent(address, tx))
+ if address_manager is None:
+ address_manager = await self.get_address_manager_for_address(address)
+ if address_manager is not None:
+ await address_manager.ensure_address_gap()
+ async def cache_transaction(self, txid, remote_height):
+ cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(txid)
+ if cache_item is None:
+ cache_item = self._tx_cache[txid] = TransactionCacheItem()
+ elif cache_item.tx is not None and \
+ cache_item.tx.height >= remote_height and \
+ (cache_item.tx.is_verified or remote_height < 1):
+ return cache_item.tx # cached tx is already up-to-date
+ async with cache_item.lock:
+ tx = cache_item.tx
+ if tx is None:
+ # check local db
+ tx = cache_item.tx = await self.db.get_transaction(txid=txid)
+ if tx is None:
+ # fetch from network
+ _raw = await self.network.get_transaction(txid)
+ if _raw:
+ tx = self.transaction_class(unhexlify(_raw))
+ await self.maybe_verify_transaction(tx, remote_height)
+ await self.db.insert_transaction(tx)
+ cache_item.tx = tx # make sure it's saved before caching it
+ return tx
+ if tx is None:
+ raise ValueError(f'Transaction {txid} was not in database and not on network.')
+ if remote_height > 0 and not tx.is_verified:
+ # tx from cache / db is not up-to-date
+ await self.maybe_verify_transaction(tx, remote_height)
+ await self.db.update_transaction(tx)
+ return tx
+ async def maybe_verify_transaction(self, tx, remote_height):
+ tx.height = remote_height
+ if 0 < remote_height <= len(self.headers):
+ merkle = await self.network.get_merkle(tx.id, remote_height)
+ merkle_root = self.get_root_of_merkle_tree(merkle['merkle'], merkle['pos'], tx.hash)
+ header = self.headers[remote_height]
+ tx.position = merkle['pos']
+ tx.is_verified = merkle_root == header['merkle_root']
+ async def get_address_manager_for_address(self, address) -> Optional[baseaccount.AddressManager]:
+ details = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
+ for account in self.accounts:
+ if account.id == details['account']:
+ return account.address_managers[details['chain']]
+ return None
+ def broadcast(self, tx):
+ return self.network.broadcast(hexlify(tx.raw).decode())
+ async def wait(self, tx: basetransaction.BaseTransaction, height=-1, timeout=None):
+ addresses = set()
+ for txi in tx.inputs:
+ if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
+ addresses.add(
+ self.hash160_to_address(txi.txo_ref.txo.script.values['pubkey_hash'])
+ )
+ for txo in tx.outputs:
+ addresses.add(
+ self.hash160_to_address(txo.script.values['pubkey_hash'])
+ )
+ records = await self.db.get_addresses(cols=('address',), address__in=addresses)
+ _, pending = await asyncio.wait([
+ self.on_transaction.where(partial(
+ lambda a, e: a == e.address and e.tx.height >= height and e.tx.id == tx.id,
+ address_record['address']
+ )) for address_record in records
+ ], timeout=timeout)
+ if pending:
+ raise TimeoutError('Timed out waiting for transaction.')
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/basemanager.py b/torba/torba/client/basemanager.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37f3eaefb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/basemanager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import asyncio
+import logging
+from typing import Type, MutableSequence, MutableMapping
+from torba.client.baseledger import BaseLedger, LedgerRegistry
+from torba.client.wallet import Wallet, WalletStorage
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class BaseWalletManager:
+ def __init__(self, wallets: MutableSequence[Wallet] = None,
+ ledgers: MutableMapping[Type[BaseLedger], BaseLedger] = None) -> None:
+ self.wallets = wallets or []
+ self.ledgers = ledgers or {}
+ self.running = False
+ @classmethod
+ def from_config(cls, config: dict) -> 'BaseWalletManager':
+ manager = cls()
+ for ledger_id, ledger_config in config.get('ledgers', {}).items():
+ manager.get_or_create_ledger(ledger_id, ledger_config)
+ for wallet_path in config.get('wallets', []):
+ wallet_storage = WalletStorage(wallet_path)
+ wallet = Wallet.from_storage(wallet_storage, manager)
+ manager.wallets.append(wallet)
+ return manager
+ def get_or_create_ledger(self, ledger_id, ledger_config=None):
+ ledger_class = LedgerRegistry.get_ledger_class(ledger_id)
+ ledger = self.ledgers.get(ledger_class)
+ if ledger is None:
+ ledger = ledger_class(ledger_config or {})
+ self.ledgers[ledger_class] = ledger
+ return ledger
+ def import_wallet(self, path):
+ storage = WalletStorage(path)
+ wallet = Wallet.from_storage(storage, self)
+ self.wallets.append(wallet)
+ return wallet
+ async def get_detailed_accounts(self, **kwargs):
+ ledgers = {}
+ for i, account in enumerate(self.accounts):
+ details = await account.get_details(**kwargs)
+ details['is_default'] = i == 0
+ ledger_id = account.ledger.get_id()
+ ledgers.setdefault(ledger_id, [])
+ ledgers[ledger_id].append(details)
+ return ledgers
+ @property
+ def default_wallet(self):
+ for wallet in self.wallets:
+ return wallet
+ @property
+ def default_account(self):
+ for wallet in self.wallets:
+ return wallet.default_account
+ @property
+ def accounts(self):
+ for wallet in self.wallets:
+ for account in wallet.accounts:
+ yield account
+ async def start(self):
+ self.running = True
+ await asyncio.gather(*(
+ l.start() for l in self.ledgers.values()
+ ))
+ async def stop(self):
+ await asyncio.gather(*(
+ l.stop() for l in self.ledgers.values()
+ ))
+ self.running = False
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/basenetwork.py b/torba/torba/client/basenetwork.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b3c8aeca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/basenetwork.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+import logging
+import asyncio
+from asyncio import CancelledError
+from time import time
+from typing import List
+from torba.rpc import RPCSession as BaseClientSession, Connector, RPCError
+from torba import __version__
+from torba.stream import StreamController
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ClientSession(BaseClientSession):
+ def __init__(self, *args, network, server, **kwargs):
+ self.network = network
+ self.server = server
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._on_disconnect_controller = StreamController()
+ self.on_disconnected = self._on_disconnect_controller.stream
+ self.bw_limit = self.framer.max_size = self.max_errors = 1 << 32
+ self.max_seconds_idle = 60
+ self.ping_task = None
+ async def send_request(self, method, args=()):
+ try:
+ return await super().send_request(method, args)
+ except RPCError as e:
+ log.warning("Wallet server returned an error. Code: %s Message: %s", *e.args)
+ raise e
+ async def ping_forever(self):
+ # TODO: change to 'ping' on newer protocol (above 1.2)
+ while not self.is_closing():
+ if (time() - self.last_send) > self.max_seconds_idle:
+ await self.send_request('server.banner')
+ await asyncio.sleep(self.max_seconds_idle//3)
+ async def create_connection(self, timeout=6):
+ connector = Connector(lambda: self, *self.server)
+ await asyncio.wait_for(connector.create_connection(), timeout=timeout)
+ self.ping_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ping_forever())
+ async def handle_request(self, request):
+ controller = self.network.subscription_controllers[request.method]
+ controller.add(request.args)
+ def connection_lost(self, exc):
+ super().connection_lost(exc)
+ self._on_disconnect_controller.add(True)
+ if self.ping_task:
+ self.ping_task.cancel()
+class BaseNetwork:
+ def __init__(self, ledger):
+ self.config = ledger.config
+ self.client: ClientSession = None
+ self.session_pool: SessionPool = None
+ self.running = False
+ self._on_connected_controller = StreamController()
+ self.on_connected = self._on_connected_controller.stream
+ self._on_header_controller = StreamController()
+ self.on_header = self._on_header_controller.stream
+ self._on_status_controller = StreamController()
+ self.on_status = self._on_status_controller.stream
+ self.subscription_controllers = {
+ 'blockchain.headers.subscribe': self._on_header_controller,
+ 'blockchain.address.subscribe': self._on_status_controller,
+ }
+ async def start(self):
+ self.running = True
+ connect_timeout = self.config.get('connect_timeout', 6)
+ self.session_pool = SessionPool(network=self, timeout=connect_timeout)
+ self.session_pool.start(self.config['default_servers'])
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.client = await self.pick_fastest_session()
+ if self.is_connected:
+ await self.ensure_server_version()
+ log.info("Successfully connected to SPV wallet server: %s:%d", *self.client.server)
+ self._on_connected_controller.add(True)
+ await self.client.on_disconnected.first
+ except CancelledError:
+ self.running = False
+ except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+ log.warning("Timed out while trying to find a server!")
+ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ log.exception("Exception while trying to find a server!")
+ if not self.running:
+ return
+ elif self.client:
+ await self.client.close()
+ self.client.connection.cancel_pending_requests()
+ async def stop(self):
+ self.running = False
+ if self.session_pool:
+ self.session_pool.stop()
+ if self.is_connected:
+ disconnected = self.client.on_disconnected.first
+ await self.client.close()
+ await disconnected
+ @property
+ def is_connected(self):
+ return self.client is not None and not self.client.is_closing()
+ def rpc(self, list_or_method, args):
+ if self.is_connected:
+ return self.client.send_request(list_or_method, args)
+ else:
+ raise ConnectionError("Attempting to send rpc request when connection is not available.")
+ async def pick_fastest_session(self):
+ sessions = await self.session_pool.get_online_sessions()
+ done, pending = await asyncio.wait([
+ self.probe_session(session)
+ for session in sessions if not session.is_closing()
+ ], return_when='FIRST_COMPLETED')
+ for task in pending:
+ task.cancel()
+ for session in done:
+ return await session
+ async def probe_session(self, session: ClientSession):
+ await session.send_request('server.banner')
+ return session
+ def ensure_server_version(self, required='1.2'):
+ return self.rpc('server.version', [__version__, required])
+ def broadcast(self, raw_transaction):
+ return self.rpc('blockchain.transaction.broadcast', [raw_transaction])
+ def get_history(self, address):
+ return self.rpc('blockchain.address.get_history', [address])
+ def get_transaction(self, tx_hash):
+ return self.rpc('blockchain.transaction.get', [tx_hash])
+ def get_transaction_height(self, tx_hash):
+ return self.rpc('blockchain.transaction.get_height', [tx_hash])
+ def get_merkle(self, tx_hash, height):
+ return self.rpc('blockchain.transaction.get_merkle', [tx_hash, height])
+ def get_headers(self, height, count=10000):
+ return self.rpc('blockchain.block.headers', [height, count])
+ def subscribe_headers(self):
+ return self.rpc('blockchain.headers.subscribe', [True])
+ def subscribe_address(self, address):
+ return self.rpc('blockchain.address.subscribe', [address])
+class SessionPool:
+ def __init__(self, network: BaseNetwork, timeout: float):
+ self.network = network
+ self.sessions: List[ClientSession] = []
+ self._dead_servers: List[ClientSession] = []
+ self.maintain_connections_task = None
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ # triggered when the master server is out, to speed up reconnect
+ self._lost_master = asyncio.Event()
+ @property
+ def online(self):
+ for session in self.sessions:
+ if not session.is_closing():
+ return True
+ return False
+ def start(self, default_servers):
+ self.sessions = [
+ ClientSession(network=self.network, server=server)
+ for server in default_servers
+ ]
+ self.maintain_connections_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ensure_connections())
+ def stop(self):
+ if self.maintain_connections_task:
+ self.maintain_connections_task.cancel()
+ for session in self.sessions:
+ if not session.is_closing():
+ session.abort()
+ self.sessions, self._dead_servers, self.maintain_connections_task = [], [], None
+ async def ensure_connections(self):
+ while True:
+ await asyncio.gather(*[
+ self.ensure_connection(session)
+ for session in self.sessions
+ ], return_exceptions=True)
+ await asyncio.wait([asyncio.sleep(3), self._lost_master.wait()], return_when='FIRST_COMPLETED')
+ self._lost_master.clear()
+ if not self.sessions:
+ self.sessions.extend(self._dead_servers)
+ self._dead_servers = []
+ async def ensure_connection(self, session):
+ if not session.is_closing():
+ return
+ try:
+ return await session.create_connection(self.timeout)
+ except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+ log.warning("Timeout connecting to %s:%d", *session.server)
+ except asyncio.CancelledError: # pylint: disable=try-except-raise
+ raise
+ except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ if 'Connect call failed' in str(err):
+ log.warning("Could not connect to %s:%d", *session.server)
+ else:
+ log.exception("Connecting to %s:%d raised an exception:", *session.server)
+ self._dead_servers.append(session)
+ self.sessions.remove(session)
+ async def get_online_sessions(self):
+ self._lost_master.set()
+ while not self.online:
+ await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
+ return self.sessions
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/basescript.py b/torba/torba/client/basescript.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..560525c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/basescript.py
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+from itertools import chain
+from binascii import hexlify
+from collections import namedtuple
+from typing import List
+from torba.client.bcd_data_stream import BCDataStream
+from torba.client.util import subclass_tuple
+# bitcoin opcodes
+OP_0 = 0x00
+OP_1 = 0x51
+OP_16 = 0x60
+OP_VERIFY = 0x69
+OP_DUP = 0x76
+OP_HASH160 = 0xa9
+OP_EQUAL = 0x87
+OP_PUSHDATA1 = 0x4c
+OP_PUSHDATA2 = 0x4d
+OP_PUSHDATA4 = 0x4e
+OP_RETURN = 0x6a
+OP_2DROP = 0x6d
+OP_DROP = 0x75
+# template matching opcodes (not real opcodes)
+# base class for PUSH_DATA related opcodes
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+PUSH_DATA_OP = namedtuple('PUSH_DATA_OP', 'name')
+# opcode for variable length strings
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+# opcode for variable size integers
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+# opcode for variable number of variable length strings
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+PUSH_MANY = subclass_tuple('PUSH_MANY', PUSH_DATA_OP)
+# opcode with embedded subscript parsing
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+PUSH_SUBSCRIPT = namedtuple('PUSH_SUBSCRIPT', 'name template')
+def is_push_data_opcode(opcode):
+ return isinstance(opcode, (PUSH_DATA_OP, PUSH_SUBSCRIPT))
+def is_push_data_token(token):
+ return 1 <= token <= OP_PUSHDATA4
+def push_data(data):
+ size = len(data)
+ if size < OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(size)
+ elif size <= 0xFF:
+ yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(OP_PUSHDATA1)
+ yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(size)
+ elif size <= 0xFFFF:
+ yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(OP_PUSHDATA2)
+ yield BCDataStream.uint16.pack(size)
+ else:
+ yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(OP_PUSHDATA4)
+ yield BCDataStream.uint32.pack(size)
+ yield bytes(data)
+def read_data(token, stream):
+ if token < OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ return stream.read(token)
+ if token == OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ return stream.read(stream.read_uint8())
+ if token == OP_PUSHDATA2:
+ return stream.read(stream.read_uint16())
+ return stream.read(stream.read_uint32())
+# opcode for OP_1 - OP_16
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+SMALL_INTEGER = namedtuple('SMALL_INTEGER', 'name')
+def is_small_integer(token):
+ return OP_1 <= token <= OP_16
+def push_small_integer(num):
+ assert 1 <= num <= 16
+ yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(OP_1 + (num - 1))
+def read_small_integer(token):
+ return (token - OP_1) + 1
+class Token(namedtuple('Token', 'value')):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ name = None
+ for var_name, var_value in globals().items():
+ if var_name.startswith('OP_') and var_value == self.value:
+ name = var_name
+ break
+ return name or self.value
+class DataToken(Token):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '"{}"'.format(hexlify(self.value))
+class SmallIntegerToken(Token):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'SmallIntegerToken({})'.format(self.value)
+def token_producer(source):
+ token = source.read_uint8()
+ while token is not None:
+ if is_push_data_token(token):
+ yield DataToken(read_data(token, source))
+ elif is_small_integer(token):
+ yield SmallIntegerToken(read_small_integer(token))
+ else:
+ yield Token(token)
+ token = source.read_uint8()
+def tokenize(source):
+ return list(token_producer(source))
+class ScriptError(Exception):
+ """ General script handling error. """
+class ParseError(ScriptError):
+ """ Script parsing error. """
+class Parser:
+ def __init__(self, opcodes, tokens):
+ self.opcodes = opcodes
+ self.tokens = tokens
+ self.values = {}
+ self.token_index = 0
+ self.opcode_index = 0
+ def parse(self):
+ while self.token_index < len(self.tokens) and self.opcode_index < len(self.opcodes):
+ token = self.tokens[self.token_index]
+ opcode = self.opcodes[self.opcode_index]
+ if token.value == 0 and isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SINGLE):
+ token = DataToken(b'')
+ if isinstance(token, DataToken):
+ if isinstance(opcode, (PUSH_SINGLE, PUSH_INTEGER, PUSH_SUBSCRIPT)):
+ self.push_single(opcode, token.value)
+ elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_MANY):
+ self.consume_many_non_greedy()
+ else:
+ raise ParseError("DataToken found but opcode was '{}'.".format(opcode))
+ elif isinstance(token, SmallIntegerToken):
+ if isinstance(opcode, SMALL_INTEGER):
+ self.values[opcode.name] = token.value
+ else:
+ raise ParseError("SmallIntegerToken found but opcode was '{}'.".format(opcode))
+ elif token.value == opcode:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ParseError("Token is '{}' and opcode is '{}'.".format(token.value, opcode))
+ self.token_index += 1
+ self.opcode_index += 1
+ if self.token_index < len(self.tokens):
+ raise ParseError("Parse completed without all tokens being consumed.")
+ if self.opcode_index < len(self.opcodes):
+ raise ParseError("Parse completed without all opcodes being consumed.")
+ return self
+ def consume_many_non_greedy(self):
+ """ Allows PUSH_MANY to consume data without being greedy
+ in cases when one or more PUSH_SINGLEs follow a PUSH_MANY. This will
+ prioritize giving all PUSH_SINGLEs some data and only after that
+ subsume the rest into PUSH_MANY.
+ """
+ token_values = []
+ while self.token_index < len(self.tokens):
+ token = self.tokens[self.token_index]
+ if not isinstance(token, DataToken):
+ self.token_index -= 1
+ break
+ token_values.append(token.value)
+ self.token_index += 1
+ push_opcodes = []
+ push_many_count = 0
+ while self.opcode_index < len(self.opcodes):
+ opcode = self.opcodes[self.opcode_index]
+ if not is_push_data_opcode(opcode):
+ self.opcode_index -= 1
+ break
+ if isinstance(opcode, PUSH_MANY):
+ push_many_count += 1
+ push_opcodes.append(opcode)
+ self.opcode_index += 1
+ if push_many_count > 1:
+ raise ParseError(
+ "Cannot have more than one consecutive PUSH_MANY, as there is no way to tell which"
+ " token value should go into which PUSH_MANY."
+ )
+ if len(push_opcodes) > len(token_values):
+ raise ParseError(
+ "Not enough token values to match all of the PUSH_MANY and PUSH_SINGLE opcodes."
+ )
+ many_opcode = push_opcodes.pop(0)
+ # consume data into PUSH_SINGLE opcodes, working backwards
+ for opcode in reversed(push_opcodes):
+ self.push_single(opcode, token_values.pop())
+ # finally PUSH_MANY gets everything that's left
+ self.values[many_opcode.name] = token_values
+ def push_single(self, opcode, value):
+ if isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SINGLE):
+ self.values[opcode.name] = value
+ elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_INTEGER):
+ self.values[opcode.name] = int.from_bytes(value, 'little')
+ elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SUBSCRIPT):
+ self.values[opcode.name] = Script.from_source_with_template(value, opcode.template)
+ else:
+ raise ParseError("Not a push single or subscript: {}".format(opcode))
+class Template:
+ __slots__ = 'name', 'opcodes'
+ def __init__(self, name, opcodes):
+ self.name = name
+ self.opcodes = opcodes
+ def parse(self, tokens):
+ return Parser(self.opcodes, tokens).parse().values
+ def generate(self, values):
+ source = BCDataStream()
+ for opcode in self.opcodes:
+ if isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SINGLE):
+ data = values[opcode.name]
+ source.write_many(push_data(data))
+ elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_INTEGER):
+ data = values[opcode.name]
+ source.write_many(push_data(
+ data.to_bytes((data.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='little')
+ ))
+ elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SUBSCRIPT):
+ data = values[opcode.name]
+ source.write_many(push_data(data.source))
+ elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_MANY):
+ for data in values[opcode.name]:
+ source.write_many(push_data(data))
+ elif isinstance(opcode, SMALL_INTEGER):
+ data = values[opcode.name]
+ source.write_many(push_small_integer(data))
+ else:
+ source.write_uint8(opcode)
+ return source.get_bytes()
+class Script:
+ __slots__ = 'source', '_template', '_values', '_template_hint'
+ templates: List[Template] = []
+ def __init__(self, source=None, template=None, values=None, template_hint=None):
+ self.source = source
+ self._template = template
+ self._values = values
+ self._template_hint = template_hint
+ if source is None and template and values:
+ self.generate()
+ @property
+ def template(self):
+ if self._template is None:
+ self.parse(self._template_hint)
+ return self._template
+ @property
+ def values(self):
+ if self._values is None:
+ self.parse(self._template_hint)
+ return self._values
+ @property
+ def tokens(self):
+ return tokenize(BCDataStream(self.source))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_source_with_template(cls, source, template):
+ return cls(source, template_hint=template)
+ def parse(self, template_hint=None):
+ tokens = self.tokens
+ for template in chain((template_hint,), self.templates):
+ if not template:
+ continue
+ try:
+ self._values = template.parse(tokens)
+ self._template = template
+ return
+ except ParseError:
+ continue
+ raise ValueError('No matching templates for source: {}'.format(hexlify(self.source)))
+ def generate(self):
+ self.source = self.template.generate(self._values)
+class BaseInputScript(Script):
+ """ Input / redeem script templates (aka scriptSig) """
+ __slots__ = ()
+ REDEEM_PUBKEY = Template('pubkey', (
+ PUSH_SINGLE('signature'),
+ ))
+ REDEEM_PUBKEY_HASH = Template('pubkey_hash', (
+ PUSH_SINGLE('signature'), PUSH_SINGLE('pubkey')
+ ))
+ REDEEM_SCRIPT = Template('script', (
+ SMALL_INTEGER('signatures_count'), PUSH_MANY('pubkeys'), SMALL_INTEGER('pubkeys_count'),
+ ))
+ REDEEM_SCRIPT_HASH = Template('script_hash', (
+ OP_0, PUSH_MANY('signatures'), PUSH_SUBSCRIPT('script', REDEEM_SCRIPT)
+ ))
+ templates = [
+ ]
+ @classmethod
+ def redeem_pubkey_hash(cls, signature, pubkey):
+ return cls(template=cls.REDEEM_PUBKEY_HASH, values={
+ 'signature': signature,
+ 'pubkey': pubkey
+ })
+ @classmethod
+ def redeem_script_hash(cls, signatures, pubkeys):
+ return cls(template=cls.REDEEM_SCRIPT_HASH, values={
+ 'signatures': signatures,
+ 'script': cls.redeem_script(signatures, pubkeys)
+ })
+ @classmethod
+ def redeem_script(cls, signatures, pubkeys):
+ return cls(template=cls.REDEEM_SCRIPT, values={
+ 'signatures_count': len(signatures),
+ 'pubkeys': pubkeys,
+ 'pubkeys_count': len(pubkeys)
+ })
+class BaseOutputScript(Script):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ # output / payment script templates (aka scriptPubKey)
+ PAY_PUBKEY_FULL = Template('pay_pubkey_full', (
+ ))
+ PAY_PUBKEY_HASH = Template('pay_pubkey_hash', (
+ ))
+ PAY_SCRIPT_HASH = Template('pay_script_hash', (
+ OP_HASH160, PUSH_SINGLE('script_hash'), OP_EQUAL
+ ))
+ RETURN_DATA = Template('return_data', (
+ ))
+ templates = [
+ ]
+ @classmethod
+ def pay_pubkey_hash(cls, pubkey_hash):
+ return cls(template=cls.PAY_PUBKEY_HASH, values={
+ 'pubkey_hash': pubkey_hash
+ })
+ @classmethod
+ def pay_script_hash(cls, script_hash):
+ return cls(template=cls.PAY_SCRIPT_HASH, values={
+ 'script_hash': script_hash
+ })
+ @property
+ def is_pay_pubkey(self):
+ return self.template.name.endswith('pay_pubkey_full')
+ @property
+ def is_pay_pubkey_hash(self):
+ return self.template.name.endswith('pay_pubkey_hash')
+ @property
+ def is_pay_script_hash(self):
+ return self.template.name.endswith('pay_script_hash')
+ @property
+ def is_return_data(self):
+ return self.template.name.endswith('return_data')
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/basetransaction.py b/torba/torba/client/basetransaction.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e80679e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/basetransaction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+import logging
+import typing
+from typing import List, Iterable, Optional
+from binascii import hexlify
+from torba.client.basescript import BaseInputScript, BaseOutputScript
+from torba.client.baseaccount import BaseAccount
+from torba.client.constants import COIN, NULL_HASH32
+from torba.client.bcd_data_stream import BCDataStream
+from torba.client.hash import sha256, TXRef, TXRefImmutable
+from torba.client.util import ReadOnlyList
+from torba.client.errors import InsufficientFundsError
+if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
+ from torba.client import baseledger
+log = logging.getLogger()
+class TXRefMutable(TXRef):
+ __slots__ = ('tx',)
+ def __init__(self, tx: 'BaseTransaction') -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.tx = tx
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ if self._id is None:
+ self._id = hexlify(self.hash[::-1]).decode()
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def hash(self):
+ if self._hash is None:
+ self._hash = sha256(sha256(self.tx.raw))
+ return self._hash
+ @property
+ def height(self):
+ return self.tx.height
+ def reset(self):
+ self._id = None
+ self._hash = None
+class TXORef:
+ __slots__ = 'tx_ref', 'position'
+ def __init__(self, tx_ref: TXRef, position: int) -> None:
+ self.tx_ref = tx_ref
+ self.position = position
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return '{}:{}'.format(self.tx_ref.id, self.position)
+ @property
+ def hash(self):
+ return self.tx_ref.hash + BCDataStream.uint32.pack(self.position)
+ @property
+ def is_null(self):
+ return self.tx_ref.is_null
+ @property
+ def txo(self) -> Optional['BaseOutput']:
+ return None
+class TXORefResolvable(TXORef):
+ __slots__ = ('_txo',)
+ def __init__(self, txo: 'BaseOutput') -> None:
+ assert txo.tx_ref is not None
+ assert txo.position is not None
+ super().__init__(txo.tx_ref, txo.position)
+ self._txo = txo
+ @property
+ def txo(self):
+ return self._txo
+class InputOutput:
+ __slots__ = 'tx_ref', 'position'
+ def __init__(self, tx_ref: TXRef = None, position: int = None) -> None:
+ self.tx_ref = tx_ref
+ self.position = position
+ @property
+ def size(self) -> int:
+ """ Size of this input / output in bytes. """
+ stream = BCDataStream()
+ self.serialize_to(stream)
+ return len(stream.get_bytes())
+ def get_fee(self, ledger):
+ return self.size * ledger.fee_per_byte
+ def serialize_to(self, stream, alternate_script=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class BaseInput(InputOutput):
+ script_class = BaseInputScript
+ NULL_SIGNATURE = b'\x00'*72
+ NULL_PUBLIC_KEY = b'\x00'*33
+ __slots__ = 'txo_ref', 'sequence', 'coinbase', 'script'
+ def __init__(self, txo_ref: TXORef, script: BaseInputScript, sequence: int = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ tx_ref: TXRef = None, position: int = None) -> None:
+ super().__init__(tx_ref, position)
+ self.txo_ref = txo_ref
+ self.sequence = sequence
+ self.coinbase = script if txo_ref.is_null else None
+ self.script = script if not txo_ref.is_null else None
+ @property
+ def is_coinbase(self):
+ return self.coinbase is not None
+ @classmethod
+ def spend(cls, txo: 'BaseOutput') -> 'BaseInput':
+ """ Create an input to spend the output."""
+ assert txo.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash, 'Attempting to spend unsupported output.'
+ script = cls.script_class.redeem_pubkey_hash(cls.NULL_SIGNATURE, cls.NULL_PUBLIC_KEY)
+ return cls(txo.ref, script)
+ @property
+ def amount(self) -> int:
+ """ Amount this input adds to the transaction. """
+ if self.txo_ref.txo is None:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot resolve output to get amount.')
+ return self.txo_ref.txo.amount
+ @property
+ def is_my_account(self) -> Optional[bool]:
+ """ True if the output this input spends is yours. """
+ if self.txo_ref.txo is None:
+ return False
+ return self.txo_ref.txo.is_my_account
+ @classmethod
+ def deserialize_from(cls, stream):
+ tx_ref = TXRefImmutable.from_hash(stream.read(32), -1)
+ position = stream.read_uint32()
+ script = stream.read_string()
+ sequence = stream.read_uint32()
+ return cls(
+ TXORef(tx_ref, position),
+ cls.script_class(script) if not tx_ref.is_null else script,
+ sequence
+ )
+ def serialize_to(self, stream, alternate_script=None):
+ stream.write(self.txo_ref.tx_ref.hash)
+ stream.write_uint32(self.txo_ref.position)
+ if alternate_script is not None:
+ stream.write_string(alternate_script)
+ else:
+ if self.is_coinbase:
+ stream.write_string(self.coinbase)
+ else:
+ stream.write_string(self.script.source)
+ stream.write_uint32(self.sequence)
+class BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator:
+ __slots__ = 'txo', 'txi', 'fee', 'effective_amount'
+ def __init__(self, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', txo: 'BaseOutput') -> None:
+ self.txo = txo
+ self.txi = ledger.transaction_class.input_class.spend(txo)
+ self.fee: int = self.txi.get_fee(ledger)
+ self.effective_amount: int = txo.amount - self.fee
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.effective_amount < other.effective_amount
+class BaseOutput(InputOutput):
+ script_class = BaseOutputScript
+ estimator_class = BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator
+ __slots__ = 'amount', 'script', 'is_change', 'is_my_account'
+ def __init__(self, amount: int, script: BaseOutputScript,
+ tx_ref: TXRef = None, position: int = None,
+ is_change: Optional[bool] = None, is_my_account: Optional[bool] = None
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__(tx_ref, position)
+ self.amount = amount
+ self.script = script
+ self.is_change = is_change
+ self.is_my_account = is_my_account
+ def update_annotations(self, annotated):
+ if annotated is None:
+ self.is_change = False
+ self.is_my_account = False
+ else:
+ self.is_change = annotated.is_change
+ self.is_my_account = annotated.is_my_account
+ @property
+ def ref(self):
+ return TXORefResolvable(self)
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return self.ref.id
+ @property
+ def pubkey_hash(self):
+ return self.script.values['pubkey_hash']
+ def get_address(self, ledger):
+ return ledger.hash160_to_address(self.pubkey_hash)
+ def get_estimator(self, ledger):
+ return self.estimator_class(ledger, self)
+ @classmethod
+ def pay_pubkey_hash(cls, amount, pubkey_hash):
+ return cls(amount, cls.script_class.pay_pubkey_hash(pubkey_hash))
+ @classmethod
+ def deserialize_from(cls, stream):
+ return cls(
+ amount=stream.read_uint64(),
+ script=cls.script_class(stream.read_string())
+ )
+ def serialize_to(self, stream, alternate_script=None):
+ stream.write_uint64(self.amount)
+ stream.write_string(self.script.source)
+class BaseTransaction:
+ input_class = BaseInput
+ output_class = BaseOutput
+ def __init__(self, raw=None, version: int = 1, locktime: int = 0, is_verified: bool = False,
+ height: int = -2, position: int = -1) -> None:
+ self._raw = raw
+ self.ref = TXRefMutable(self)
+ self.version = version
+ self.locktime = locktime
+ self._inputs: List[BaseInput] = []
+ self._outputs: List[BaseOutput] = []
+ self.is_verified = is_verified
+ # Height Progression
+ # -2: not broadcast
+ # -1: in mempool but has unconfirmed inputs
+ # 0: in mempool and all inputs confirmed
+ # +num: confirmed in a specific block (height)
+ self.height = height
+ self.position = position
+ if raw is not None:
+ self._deserialize()
+ @property
+ def is_broadcast(self):
+ return self.height > -2
+ @property
+ def is_mempool(self):
+ return self.height in (-1, 0)
+ @property
+ def is_confirmed(self):
+ return self.height > 0
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return self.ref.id
+ @property
+ def hash(self):
+ return self.ref.hash
+ @property
+ def raw(self):
+ if self._raw is None:
+ self._raw = self._serialize()
+ return self._raw
+ def _reset(self):
+ self._raw = None
+ self.ref.reset()
+ @property
+ def inputs(self) -> ReadOnlyList[BaseInput]:
+ return ReadOnlyList(self._inputs)
+ @property
+ def outputs(self) -> ReadOnlyList[BaseOutput]:
+ return ReadOnlyList(self._outputs)
+ def _add(self, new_ios: Iterable[InputOutput], existing_ios: List) -> 'BaseTransaction':
+ for txio in new_ios:
+ txio.tx_ref = self.ref
+ txio.position = len(existing_ios)
+ existing_ios.append(txio)
+ self._reset()
+ return self
+ def add_inputs(self, inputs: Iterable[BaseInput]) -> 'BaseTransaction':
+ return self._add(inputs, self._inputs)
+ def add_outputs(self, outputs: Iterable[BaseOutput]) -> 'BaseTransaction':
+ return self._add(outputs, self._outputs)
+ @property
+ def size(self) -> int:
+ """ Size in bytes of the entire transaction. """
+ return len(self.raw)
+ @property
+ def base_size(self) -> int:
+ """ Size of transaction without inputs or outputs in bytes. """
+ return (
+ self.size
+ - sum(txi.size for txi in self._inputs)
+ - sum(txo.size for txo in self._outputs)
+ )
+ @property
+ def input_sum(self):
+ return sum(i.amount for i in self.inputs if i.txo_ref.txo is not None)
+ @property
+ def output_sum(self):
+ return sum(o.amount for o in self.outputs)
+ @property
+ def net_account_balance(self) -> int:
+ balance = 0
+ for txi in self.inputs:
+ if txi.txo_ref.txo is None:
+ continue
+ if txi.is_my_account is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot access net_account_balance if inputs/outputs do not "
+ "have is_my_account set properly."
+ )
+ if txi.is_my_account:
+ balance -= txi.amount
+ for txo in self.outputs:
+ if txo.is_my_account is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot access net_account_balance if inputs/outputs do not "
+ "have is_my_account set properly."
+ )
+ if txo.is_my_account:
+ balance += txo.amount
+ return balance
+ @property
+ def fee(self) -> int:
+ return self.input_sum - self.output_sum
+ def get_base_fee(self, ledger) -> int:
+ """ Fee for base tx excluding inputs and outputs. """
+ return self.base_size * ledger.fee_per_byte
+ def get_effective_input_sum(self, ledger) -> int:
+ """ Sum of input values *minus* the cost involved to spend them. """
+ return sum(txi.amount - txi.get_fee(ledger) for txi in self._inputs)
+ def get_total_output_sum(self, ledger) -> int:
+ """ Sum of output values *plus* the cost involved to spend them. """
+ return sum(txo.amount + txo.get_fee(ledger) for txo in self._outputs)
+ def _serialize(self, with_inputs: bool = True) -> bytes:
+ stream = BCDataStream()
+ stream.write_uint32(self.version)
+ if with_inputs:
+ stream.write_compact_size(len(self._inputs))
+ for txin in self._inputs:
+ txin.serialize_to(stream)
+ stream.write_compact_size(len(self._outputs))
+ for txout in self._outputs:
+ txout.serialize_to(stream)
+ stream.write_uint32(self.locktime)
+ return stream.get_bytes()
+ def _serialize_for_signature(self, signing_input: int) -> bytes:
+ stream = BCDataStream()
+ stream.write_uint32(self.version)
+ stream.write_compact_size(len(self._inputs))
+ for i, txin in enumerate(self._inputs):
+ if signing_input == i:
+ assert txin.txo_ref.txo is not None
+ txin.serialize_to(stream, txin.txo_ref.txo.script.source)
+ else:
+ txin.serialize_to(stream, b'')
+ stream.write_compact_size(len(self._outputs))
+ for txout in self._outputs:
+ txout.serialize_to(stream)
+ stream.write_uint32(self.locktime)
+ stream.write_uint32(self.signature_hash_type(1)) # signature hash type: SIGHASH_ALL
+ return stream.get_bytes()
+ def _deserialize(self):
+ if self._raw is not None:
+ stream = BCDataStream(self._raw)
+ self.version = stream.read_uint32()
+ input_count = stream.read_compact_size()
+ self.add_inputs([
+ self.input_class.deserialize_from(stream) for _ in range(input_count)
+ ])
+ output_count = stream.read_compact_size()
+ self.add_outputs([
+ self.output_class.deserialize_from(stream) for _ in range(output_count)
+ ])
+ self.locktime = stream.read_uint32()
+ @classmethod
+ def ensure_all_have_same_ledger(cls, funding_accounts: Iterable[BaseAccount],
+ change_account: BaseAccount = None) -> 'baseledger.BaseLedger':
+ ledger = None
+ for account in funding_accounts:
+ if ledger is None:
+ ledger = account.ledger
+ if ledger != account.ledger:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'All funding accounts used to create a transaction must be on the same ledger.'
+ )
+ if change_account is not None and change_account.ledger != ledger:
+ raise ValueError('Change account must use same ledger as funding accounts.')
+ if ledger is None:
+ raise ValueError('No ledger found.')
+ return ledger
+ @classmethod
+ async def create(cls, inputs: Iterable[BaseInput], outputs: Iterable[BaseOutput],
+ funding_accounts: Iterable[BaseAccount], change_account: BaseAccount,
+ sign: bool = True):
+ """ Find optimal set of inputs when only outputs are provided; add change
+ outputs if only inputs are provided or if inputs are greater than outputs. """
+ tx = cls() \
+ .add_inputs(inputs) \
+ .add_outputs(outputs)
+ ledger = cls.ensure_all_have_same_ledger(funding_accounts, change_account)
+ # value of the outputs plus associated fees
+ cost = (
+ tx.get_base_fee(ledger) +
+ tx.get_total_output_sum(ledger)
+ )
+ # value of the inputs less the cost to spend those inputs
+ payment = tx.get_effective_input_sum(ledger)
+ try:
+ for _ in range(5):
+ if payment < cost:
+ deficit = cost - payment
+ spendables = await ledger.get_spendable_utxos(deficit, funding_accounts)
+ if not spendables:
+ raise InsufficientFundsError('Not enough funds to cover this transaction.')
+ payment += sum(s.effective_amount for s in spendables)
+ tx.add_inputs(s.txi for s in spendables)
+ cost_of_change = (
+ tx.get_base_fee(ledger) +
+ cls.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(COIN, NULL_HASH32).get_fee(ledger)
+ )
+ if payment > cost:
+ change = payment - cost
+ if change > cost_of_change:
+ change_address = await change_account.change.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ change_hash160 = change_account.ledger.address_to_hash160(change_address)
+ change_amount = change - cost_of_change
+ change_output = cls.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(change_amount, change_hash160)
+ change_output.is_change = True
+ tx.add_outputs([cls.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(change_amount, change_hash160)])
+ if tx._outputs:
+ break
+ else:
+ # this condition and the outer range(5) loop cover an edge case
+ # whereby a single input is just enough to cover the fee and
+ # has some change left over, but the change left over is less
+ # than the cost_of_change: thus the input is completely
+ # consumed and no output is added, which is an invalid tx.
+ # to be able to spend this input we must increase the cost
+ # of the TX and run through the balance algorithm a second time
+ # adding an extra input and change output, making tx valid.
+ # we do this 5 times in case the other UTXOs added are also
+ # less than the fee, after 5 attempts we give up and go home
+ cost += cost_of_change + 1
+ if sign:
+ await tx.sign(funding_accounts)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception('Failed to create transaction:')
+ await ledger.release_tx(tx)
+ raise e
+ return tx
+ @staticmethod
+ def signature_hash_type(hash_type):
+ return hash_type
+ async def sign(self, funding_accounts: Iterable[BaseAccount]):
+ ledger = self.ensure_all_have_same_ledger(funding_accounts)
+ for i, txi in enumerate(self._inputs):
+ assert txi.script is not None
+ assert txi.txo_ref.txo is not None
+ txo_script = txi.txo_ref.txo.script
+ if txo_script.is_pay_pubkey_hash:
+ address = ledger.hash160_to_address(txo_script.values['pubkey_hash'])
+ private_key = await ledger.get_private_key_for_address(address)
+ tx = self._serialize_for_signature(i)
+ txi.script.values['signature'] = \
+ private_key.sign(tx) + bytes((self.signature_hash_type(1),))
+ txi.script.values['pubkey'] = private_key.public_key.pubkey_bytes
+ txi.script.generate()
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Don't know how to spend this output.")
+ self._reset()
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/bcd_data_stream.py b/torba/torba/client/bcd_data_stream.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c04be005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/bcd_data_stream.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import struct
+from io import BytesIO
+class BCDataStream:
+ def __init__(self, data=None):
+ self.data = BytesIO(data)
+ def reset(self):
+ self.data.seek(0)
+ def get_bytes(self):
+ return self.data.getvalue()
+ def read(self, size):
+ return self.data.read(size)
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.data.write(data)
+ def write_many(self, many):
+ self.data.writelines(many)
+ def read_string(self):
+ return self.read(self.read_compact_size())
+ def write_string(self, s):
+ self.write_compact_size(len(s))
+ self.write(s)
+ def read_compact_size(self):
+ size = self.read_uint8()
+ if size < 253:
+ return size
+ if size == 253:
+ return self.read_uint16()
+ if size == 254:
+ return self.read_uint32()
+ if size == 255:
+ return self.read_uint64()
+ def write_compact_size(self, size):
+ if size < 253:
+ self.write_uint8(size)
+ elif size <= 0xFFFF:
+ self.write_uint8(253)
+ self.write_uint16(size)
+ elif size <= 0xFFFFFFFF:
+ self.write_uint8(254)
+ self.write_uint32(size)
+ else:
+ self.write_uint8(255)
+ self.write_uint64(size)
+ def read_boolean(self):
+ return self.read_uint8() != 0
+ def write_boolean(self, val):
+ return self.write_uint8(1 if val else 0)
+ int8 = struct.Struct('b')
+ uint8 = struct.Struct('B')
+ int16 = struct.Struct('= self.HARDENED:
+ serkey = b'\0' + self.private_key_bytes
+ else:
+ serkey = self.public_key.pubkey_bytes
+ msg = serkey + n.to_bytes(4, 'big')
+ L_b, R_b = self._hmac_sha512(msg) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ derived_key = self.signing_key.add(L_b)
+ return PrivateKey(self.ledger, derived_key, R_b, n, self.depth + 1, self)
+ def sign(self, data):
+ """ Produce a signature for piece of data by double hashing it and signing the hash. """
+ return self.signing_key.sign(data, hasher=double_sha256)
+ def identifier(self):
+ """Return the key's identifier as 20 bytes."""
+ return self.public_key.identifier()
+ def extended_key(self):
+ """Return a raw extended private key."""
+ return self._extended_key(
+ self.ledger.extended_private_key_prefix,
+ b'\0' + self.private_key_bytes
+ )
+def _from_extended_key(ledger, ekey):
+ """Return a PubKey or PrivateKey from an extended key raw bytes."""
+ if not isinstance(ekey, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ raise TypeError('extended key must be raw bytes')
+ if len(ekey) != 78:
+ raise ValueError('extended key must have length 78')
+ depth = ekey[4]
+ n = int.from_bytes(ekey[9:13], 'big')
+ chain_code = ekey[13:45]
+ if ekey[:4] == ledger.extended_public_key_prefix:
+ pubkey = ekey[45:]
+ key = PubKey(ledger, pubkey, chain_code, n, depth)
+ elif ekey[:4] == ledger.extended_private_key_prefix:
+ if ekey[45] != 0:
+ raise ValueError('invalid extended private key prefix byte')
+ privkey = ekey[46:]
+ key = PrivateKey(ledger, privkey, chain_code, n, depth)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('version bytes unrecognised')
+ return key
+def from_extended_key_string(ledger, ekey_str):
+ """Given an extended key string, such as
+ xpub6BsnM1W2Y7qLMiuhi7f7dbAwQZ5Cz5gYJCRzTNainXzQXYjFwtuQXHd
+ 3qfi3t3KJtHxshXezfjft93w4UE7BGMtKwhqEHae3ZA7d823DVrL
+ return a PubKey or PrivateKey.
+ """
+ return _from_extended_key(ledger, Base58.decode_check(ekey_str))
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/cli.py b/torba/torba/client/cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..917dffc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import logging
+import argparse
+import asyncio
+import aiohttp
+from torba.orchstr8.node import Conductor, get_ledger_from_environment, get_blockchain_node_from_ledger
+from torba.orchstr8.service import ConductorService
+def get_argument_parser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="torba"
+ )
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help='sub-command help')
+ subparsers.add_parser("gui", help="Start Qt GUI.")
+ subparsers.add_parser("download", help="Download blockchain node binary.")
+ start = subparsers.add_parser("start", help="Start orchstr8 service.")
+ start.add_argument("--blockchain", help="Start blockchain node.", action="store_true")
+ start.add_argument("--spv", help="Start SPV server.", action="store_true")
+ start.add_argument("--wallet", help="Start wallet daemon.", action="store_true")
+ generate = subparsers.add_parser("generate", help="Call generate method on running orchstr8 instance.")
+ generate.add_argument("blocks", type=int, help="Number of blocks to generate")
+ subparsers.add_parser("transfer", help="Call transfer method on running orchstr8 instance.")
+ return parser
+async def run_remote_command(command, **kwargs):
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.post('http://localhost:7954/'+command, data=kwargs) as resp:
+ print(resp.status)
+ print(await resp.text())
+def main():
+ parser = get_argument_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ command = getattr(args, 'command', 'help')
+ if command == 'gui':
+ from torba.workbench import main as start_app # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
+ return start_app()
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ ledger = get_ledger_from_environment()
+ if command == 'download':
+ logging.getLogger('blockchain').setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ get_blockchain_node_from_ledger(ledger).ensure()
+ elif command == 'generate':
+ loop.run_until_complete(run_remote_command(
+ 'generate', blocks=args.blocks
+ ))
+ elif command == 'start':
+ conductor = Conductor()
+ if getattr(args, 'blockchain', False):
+ loop.run_until_complete(conductor.start_blockchain())
+ if getattr(args, 'spv', False):
+ loop.run_until_complete(conductor.start_spv())
+ if getattr(args, 'wallet', False):
+ loop.run_until_complete(conductor.start_wallet())
+ service = ConductorService(conductor, loop)
+ loop.run_until_complete(service.start())
+ try:
+ print('========== Orchstr8 API Service Started ========')
+ loop.run_forever()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ loop.run_until_complete(service.stop())
+ loop.run_until_complete(conductor.stop())
+ loop.close()
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/coinselection.py b/torba/torba/client/coinselection.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61cff6909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/coinselection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+from random import Random
+from typing import List
+from torba.client import basetransaction
+def strategy(method):
+ STRATEGIES.append(method.__name__)
+ return method
+class CoinSelector:
+ def __init__(self, txos: List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator],
+ target: int, cost_of_change: int, seed: str = None) -> None:
+ self.txos = txos
+ self.target = target
+ self.cost_of_change = cost_of_change
+ self.exact_match = False
+ self.tries = 0
+ self.available = sum(c.effective_amount for c in self.txos)
+ self.random = Random(seed)
+ if seed is not None:
+ self.random.seed(seed, version=1)
+ def select(self, strategy_name: str = None) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
+ if not self.txos:
+ return []
+ if self.target > self.available:
+ return []
+ if strategy_name is not None:
+ return getattr(self, strategy_name)()
+ return (
+ self.branch_and_bound() or
+ self.closest_match() or
+ self.random_draw()
+ )
+ @strategy
+ def prefer_confirmed(self) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
+ self.txos = [t for t in self.txos if t.txo.tx_ref and t.txo.tx_ref.height > 0] or self.txos
+ self.available = sum(c.effective_amount for c in self.txos)
+ return (
+ self.branch_and_bound() or
+ self.closest_match() or
+ self.random_draw()
+ )
+ @strategy
+ def branch_and_bound(self) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
+ # see bitcoin implementation for more info:
+ # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/wallet/coinselection.cpp
+ self.txos.sort(reverse=True)
+ current_value = 0
+ current_available_value = self.available
+ current_selection: List[bool] = []
+ best_waste = self.cost_of_change
+ best_selection: List[bool] = []
+ while self.tries < MAXIMUM_TRIES:
+ self.tries += 1
+ backtrack = False
+ if current_value + current_available_value < self.target or \
+ current_value > self.target + self.cost_of_change:
+ backtrack = True
+ elif current_value >= self.target:
+ new_waste = current_value - self.target
+ if new_waste <= best_waste:
+ best_waste = new_waste
+ best_selection = current_selection[:]
+ backtrack = True
+ if backtrack:
+ while current_selection and not current_selection[-1]:
+ current_selection.pop()
+ current_available_value += self.txos[len(current_selection)].effective_amount
+ if not current_selection:
+ break
+ current_selection[-1] = False
+ utxo = self.txos[len(current_selection) - 1]
+ current_value -= utxo.effective_amount
+ else:
+ utxo = self.txos[len(current_selection)]
+ current_available_value -= utxo.effective_amount
+ previous_utxo = self.txos[len(current_selection) - 1] if current_selection else None
+ if current_selection and not current_selection[-1] and previous_utxo and \
+ utxo.effective_amount == previous_utxo.effective_amount and \
+ utxo.fee == previous_utxo.fee:
+ current_selection.append(False)
+ else:
+ current_selection.append(True)
+ current_value += utxo.effective_amount
+ if best_selection:
+ self.exact_match = True
+ return [
+ self.txos[i] for i, include in enumerate(best_selection) if include
+ ]
+ return []
+ @strategy
+ def closest_match(self) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
+ """ Pick one UTXOs that is larger than the target but with the smallest change. """
+ target = self.target + self.cost_of_change
+ smallest_change = None
+ best_match = None
+ for txo in self.txos:
+ if txo.effective_amount >= target:
+ change = txo.effective_amount - target
+ if smallest_change is None or change < smallest_change:
+ smallest_change, best_match = change, txo
+ return [best_match] if best_match else []
+ @strategy
+ def random_draw(self) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
+ """ Accumulate UTXOs at random until there is enough to cover the target. """
+ target = self.target + self.cost_of_change
+ self.random.shuffle(self.txos, self.random.random)
+ selection = []
+ amount = 0
+ for coin in self.txos:
+ selection.append(coin)
+ amount += coin.effective_amount
+ if amount >= target:
+ return selection
+ return []
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/constants.py b/torba/torba/client/constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c790f02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+NULL_HASH32 = b'\x00'*32
+CENT = 1000000
+COIN = 100*CENT
+TIMEOUT = 30.0
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/errors.py b/torba/torba/client/errors.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd290cf05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/errors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+class InsufficientFundsError(Exception):
+ pass
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/hash.py b/torba/torba/client/hash.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e25bfff11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/hash.py
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
+# Copyright (c) 2018, LBRY Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
+# and warranty status of this software.
+""" Cryptography hash functions and related classes. """
+import os
+import base64
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+import typing
+from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt import Scrypt
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, modes
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms import AES
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.padding import PKCS7
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+from torba.client.util import bytes_to_int, int_to_bytes
+from torba.client.constants import NULL_HASH32
+class TXRef:
+ __slots__ = '_id', '_hash'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._id = None
+ self._hash = None
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def hash(self):
+ return self._hash
+ @property
+ def height(self):
+ return -1
+ @property
+ def is_null(self):
+ return self.hash == NULL_HASH32
+class TXRefImmutable(TXRef):
+ __slots__ = ('_height',)
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._height = -1
+ @classmethod
+ def from_hash(cls, tx_hash: bytes, height: int) -> 'TXRefImmutable':
+ ref = cls()
+ ref._hash = tx_hash
+ ref._id = hexlify(tx_hash[::-1]).decode()
+ ref._height = height
+ return ref
+ @classmethod
+ def from_id(cls, tx_id: str, height: int) -> 'TXRefImmutable':
+ ref = cls()
+ ref._id = tx_id
+ ref._hash = unhexlify(tx_id)[::-1]
+ ref._height = height
+ return ref
+ @property
+ def height(self):
+ return self._height
+def sha256(x):
+ """ Simple wrapper of hashlib sha256. """
+ return hashlib.sha256(x).digest()
+def sha512(x):
+ """ Simple wrapper of hashlib sha512. """
+ return hashlib.sha512(x).digest()
+def ripemd160(x):
+ """ Simple wrapper of hashlib ripemd160. """
+ h = hashlib.new('ripemd160')
+ h.update(x)
+ return h.digest()
+def double_sha256(x):
+ """ SHA-256 of SHA-256, as used extensively in bitcoin. """
+ return sha256(sha256(x))
+def hmac_sha512(key, msg):
+ """ Use SHA-512 to provide an HMAC. """
+ return hmac.new(key, msg, hashlib.sha512).digest()
+def hash160(x):
+ """ RIPEMD-160 of SHA-256.
+ Used to make bitcoin addresses from pubkeys. """
+ return ripemd160(sha256(x))
+def hash_to_hex_str(x):
+ """ Convert a big-endian binary hash to displayed hex string.
+ Display form of a binary hash is reversed and converted to hex. """
+ return hexlify(reversed(x))
+def hex_str_to_hash(x):
+ """ Convert a displayed hex string to a binary hash. """
+ return reversed(unhexlify(x))
+def aes_encrypt(secret: str, value: str, init_vector: bytes = None) -> str:
+ if init_vector is not None:
+ assert len(init_vector) == 16
+ else:
+ init_vector = os.urandom(16)
+ key = double_sha256(secret.encode())
+ encryptor = Cipher(AES(key), modes.CBC(init_vector), default_backend()).encryptor()
+ padder = PKCS7(AES.block_size).padder()
+ padded_data = padder.update(value.encode()) + padder.finalize()
+ encrypted_data = encryptor.update(padded_data) + encryptor.finalize()
+ return base64.b64encode(init_vector + encrypted_data).decode()
+def aes_decrypt(secret: str, value: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, bytes]:
+ data = base64.b64decode(value.encode())
+ key = double_sha256(secret.encode())
+ init_vector, data = data[:16], data[16:]
+ decryptor = Cipher(AES(key), modes.CBC(init_vector), default_backend()).decryptor()
+ unpadder = PKCS7(AES.block_size).unpadder()
+ result = unpadder.update(decryptor.update(data)) + unpadder.finalize()
+ return result.decode(), init_vector
+def better_aes_encrypt(secret: str, value: bytes) -> bytes:
+ init_vector = os.urandom(16)
+ key = scrypt(secret.encode(), salt=init_vector)
+ encryptor = Cipher(AES(key), modes.CBC(init_vector), default_backend()).encryptor()
+ padder = PKCS7(AES.block_size).padder()
+ padded_data = padder.update(value) + padder.finalize()
+ encrypted_data = encryptor.update(padded_data) + encryptor.finalize()
+ return base64.b64encode(b's:8192:16:1:' + init_vector + encrypted_data)
+def better_aes_decrypt(secret: str, value: bytes) -> bytes:
+ data = base64.b64decode(value)
+ _, scryp_n, scrypt_r, scrypt_p, data = data.split(b':', maxsplit=4)
+ init_vector, data = data[:16], data[16:]
+ key = scrypt(secret.encode(), init_vector, int(scryp_n), int(scrypt_r), int(scrypt_p))
+ decryptor = Cipher(AES(key), modes.CBC(init_vector), default_backend()).decryptor()
+ unpadder = PKCS7(AES.block_size).unpadder()
+ return unpadder.update(decryptor.update(data)) + unpadder.finalize()
+def scrypt(passphrase, salt, scrypt_n=1<<13, scrypt_r=16, scrypt_p=1):
+ kdf = Scrypt(salt, length=32, n=scrypt_n, r=scrypt_r, p=scrypt_p, backend=default_backend())
+ return kdf.derive(passphrase)
+class Base58Error(Exception):
+ """ Exception used for Base58 errors. """
+class Base58:
+ """ Class providing base 58 functionality. """
+ chars = u'123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+ assert len(chars) == 58
+ char_map = {c: n for n, c in enumerate(chars)}
+ @classmethod
+ def char_value(cls, c):
+ val = cls.char_map.get(c)
+ if val is None:
+ raise Base58Error('invalid base 58 character "{}"'.format(c))
+ return val
+ @classmethod
+ def decode(cls, txt):
+ """ Decodes txt into a big-endian bytearray. """
+ if isinstance(txt, memoryview):
+ txt = str(txt)
+ if isinstance(txt, bytes):
+ txt = txt.decode()
+ if not isinstance(txt, str):
+ raise TypeError('a string is required')
+ if not txt:
+ raise Base58Error('string cannot be empty')
+ value = 0
+ for c in txt:
+ value = value * 58 + cls.char_value(c)
+ result = int_to_bytes(value)
+ # Prepend leading zero bytes if necessary
+ count = 0
+ for c in txt:
+ if c != u'1':
+ break
+ count += 1
+ if count:
+ result = bytes((0,)) * count + result
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def encode(cls, be_bytes):
+ """Converts a big-endian bytearray into a base58 string."""
+ value = bytes_to_int(be_bytes)
+ txt = u''
+ while value:
+ value, mod = divmod(value, 58)
+ txt += cls.chars[mod]
+ for byte in be_bytes:
+ if byte != 0:
+ break
+ txt += u'1'
+ return txt[::-1]
+ @classmethod
+ def decode_check(cls, txt, hash_fn=double_sha256):
+ """ Decodes a Base58Check-encoded string to a payload. The version prefixes it. """
+ be_bytes = cls.decode(txt)
+ result, check = be_bytes[:-4], be_bytes[-4:]
+ if check != hash_fn(result)[:4]:
+ raise Base58Error('invalid base 58 checksum for {}'.format(txt))
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def encode_check(cls, payload, hash_fn=double_sha256):
+ """ Encodes a payload bytearray (which includes the version byte(s))
+ into a Base58Check string."""
+ be_bytes = payload + hash_fn(payload)[:4]
+ return cls.encode(be_bytes)
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/mnemonic.py b/torba/torba/client/mnemonic.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57659e54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/mnemonic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Thomas Voegtlin
+# Copyright (C) 2018 LBRY Inc.
+import hmac
+import math
+import hashlib
+import importlib
+import unicodedata
+import string
+from binascii import hexlify
+from secrets import randbelow
+import pbkdf2
+from torba.client.hash import hmac_sha512
+from torba.client.words import english
+# The hash of the mnemonic seed must begin with this
+SEED_PREFIX = b'01' # Standard wallet
+SEED_PREFIX_2FA = b'101' # Two-factor authentication
+SEED_PREFIX_SW = b'100' # Segwit wallet
+# http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ax2s-kmtn/ref/unicode/e_asia.html
+ (0x4E00, 0x9FFF, 'CJK Unified Ideographs'),
+ (0x3400, 0x4DBF, 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A'),
+ (0x20000, 0x2A6DF, 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B'),
+ (0x2A700, 0x2B73F, 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C'),
+ (0x2B740, 0x2B81F, 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D'),
+ (0xF900, 0xFAFF, 'CJK Compatibility Ideographs'),
+ (0x2F800, 0x2FA1D, 'CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement'),
+ (0x3190, 0x319F, 'Kanbun'),
+ (0x2E80, 0x2EFF, 'CJK Radicals Supplement'),
+ (0x2F00, 0x2FDF, 'CJK Radicals'),
+ (0x31C0, 0x31EF, 'CJK Strokes'),
+ (0x2FF0, 0x2FFF, 'Ideographic Description Characters'),
+ (0xE0100, 0xE01EF, 'Variation Selectors Supplement'),
+ (0x3100, 0x312F, 'Bopomofo'),
+ (0x31A0, 0x31BF, 'Bopomofo Extended'),
+ (0xFF00, 0xFFEF, 'Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms'),
+ (0x3040, 0x309F, 'Hiragana'),
+ (0x30A0, 0x30FF, 'Katakana'),
+ (0x31F0, 0x31FF, 'Katakana Phonetic Extensions'),
+ (0x1B000, 0x1B0FF, 'Kana Supplement'),
+ (0xAC00, 0xD7AF, 'Hangul Syllables'),
+ (0x1100, 0x11FF, 'Hangul Jamo'),
+ (0xA960, 0xA97F, 'Hangul Jamo Extended A'),
+ (0xD7B0, 0xD7FF, 'Hangul Jamo Extended B'),
+ (0x3130, 0x318F, 'Hangul Compatibility Jamo'),
+ (0xA4D0, 0xA4FF, 'Lisu'),
+ (0x16F00, 0x16F9F, 'Miao'),
+ (0xA000, 0xA48F, 'Yi Syllables'),
+ (0xA490, 0xA4CF, 'Yi Radicals'),
+def is_cjk(c):
+ n = ord(c)
+ for start, end, _ in CJK_INTERVALS:
+ if start <= n <= end:
+ return True
+ return False
+def normalize_text(seed):
+ seed = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', seed)
+ seed = seed.lower()
+ # remove accents
+ seed = u''.join([c for c in seed if not unicodedata.combining(c)])
+ # normalize whitespaces
+ seed = u' '.join(seed.split())
+ # remove whitespaces between CJK
+ seed = u''.join([
+ seed[i] for i in range(len(seed))
+ if not (seed[i] in string.whitespace and is_cjk(seed[i-1]) and is_cjk(seed[i+1]))
+ ])
+ return seed
+def load_words(language_name):
+ if language_name == 'english':
+ return english.words
+ language_module = importlib.import_module('torba.words.'+language_name)
+ return list(map(
+ lambda s: unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', s),
+ language_module.words
+ ))
+ 'en': 'english',
+ 'es': 'spanish',
+ 'ja': 'japanese',
+ 'pt': 'portuguese',
+ 'zh': 'chinese_simplified'
+class Mnemonic:
+ # Seed derivation no longer follows BIP39
+ # Mnemonic phrase uses a hash based checksum, instead of a words-dependent checksum
+ def __init__(self, lang='en'):
+ language_name = LANGUAGE_NAMES.get(lang, 'english')
+ self.words = load_words(language_name)
+ @staticmethod
+ def mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic, passphrase=u''):
+ pbkdf2_rounds = 2048
+ mnemonic = normalize_text(mnemonic)
+ passphrase = normalize_text(passphrase)
+ return pbkdf2.PBKDF2(
+ mnemonic, passphrase, iterations=pbkdf2_rounds, macmodule=hmac, digestmodule=hashlib.sha512
+ ).read(64)
+ def mnemonic_encode(self, i):
+ n = len(self.words)
+ words = []
+ while i:
+ x = i%n
+ i = i//n
+ words.append(self.words[x])
+ return ' '.join(words)
+ def mnemonic_decode(self, seed):
+ n = len(self.words)
+ words = seed.split()
+ i = 0
+ while words:
+ word = words.pop()
+ k = self.words.index(word)
+ i = i*n + k
+ return i
+ def make_seed(self, prefix=SEED_PREFIX, num_bits=132):
+ # increase num_bits in order to obtain a uniform distribution for the last word
+ bpw = math.log(len(self.words), 2)
+ # rounding
+ n = int(math.ceil(num_bits/bpw) * bpw)
+ entropy = 1
+ while 0 < entropy < pow(2, n - bpw):
+ # try again if seed would not contain enough words
+ entropy = randbelow(pow(2, n))
+ nonce = 0
+ while True:
+ nonce += 1
+ i = entropy + nonce
+ seed = self.mnemonic_encode(i)
+ if i != self.mnemonic_decode(seed):
+ raise Exception('Cannot extract same entropy from mnemonic!')
+ if is_new_seed(seed, prefix):
+ break
+ return seed
+def is_new_seed(seed, prefix):
+ seed = normalize_text(seed)
+ seed_hash = hexlify(hmac_sha512(b"Seed version", seed.encode('utf8')))
+ return seed_hash.startswith(prefix)
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/util.py b/torba/torba/client/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f57963a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import re
+from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
+from typing import TypeVar, Sequence, Optional
+from torba.client.constants import COIN
+def coins_to_satoshis(coins):
+ if not isinstance(coins, str):
+ raise ValueError("{coins} must be a string")
+ result = re.search(r'^(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,8})$', coins)
+ if result is not None:
+ whole, fractional = result.groups()
+ return int(whole+fractional.ljust(8, "0"))
+ raise ValueError("'{lbc}' is not a valid coin decimal")
+def satoshis_to_coins(satoshis):
+ coins = '{:.8f}'.format(satoshis / COIN).rstrip('0')
+ if coins.endswith('.'):
+ return coins+'0'
+ else:
+ return coins
+T = TypeVar('T')
+class ReadOnlyList(Sequence[T]):
+ def __init__(self, lst):
+ self.lst = lst
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.lst[key]
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ return len(self.lst)
+def subclass_tuple(name, base):
+ return type(name, (base,), {'__slots__': ()})
+class cachedproperty:
+ def __init__(self, f):
+ self.f = f
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
+ obj = obj or objtype
+ value = self.f(obj)
+ setattr(obj, self.f.__name__, value)
+ return value
+def bytes_to_int(be_bytes):
+ """ Interprets a big-endian sequence of bytes as an integer. """
+ return int(hexlify(be_bytes), 16)
+def int_to_bytes(value):
+ """ Converts an integer to a big-endian sequence of bytes. """
+ length = (value.bit_length() + 7) // 8
+ s = '%x' % value
+ return unhexlify(('0' * (len(s) % 2) + s).zfill(length * 2))
+class ArithUint256:
+ # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/arith_uint256.cpp
+ __slots__ = '_value', '_compact'
+ def __init__(self, value: int) -> None:
+ self._value = value
+ self._compact: Optional[int] = None
+ @classmethod
+ def from_compact(cls, compact) -> 'ArithUint256':
+ size = compact >> 24
+ word = compact & 0x007fffff
+ if size <= 3:
+ return cls(word >> 8 * (3 - size))
+ else:
+ return cls(word << 8 * (size - 3))
+ @property
+ def value(self) -> int:
+ return self._value
+ @property
+ def compact(self) -> int:
+ if self._compact is None:
+ self._compact = self._calculate_compact()
+ return self._compact
+ @property
+ def negative(self) -> int:
+ return self._calculate_compact(negative=True)
+ @property
+ def bits(self) -> int:
+ """ Returns the position of the highest bit set plus one. """
+ bits = bin(self._value)[2:]
+ for i, d in enumerate(bits):
+ if d:
+ return (len(bits) - i) + 1
+ return 0
+ @property
+ def low64(self) -> int:
+ return self._value & 0xffffffffffffffff
+ def _calculate_compact(self, negative=False) -> int:
+ size = (self.bits + 7) // 8
+ if size <= 3:
+ compact = self.low64 << 8 * (3 - size)
+ else:
+ compact = ArithUint256(self._value >> 8 * (size - 3)).low64
+ # The 0x00800000 bit denotes the sign.
+ # Thus, if it is already set, divide the mantissa by 256 and increase the exponent.
+ if compact & 0x00800000:
+ compact >>= 8
+ size += 1
+ assert (compact & ~0x007fffff) == 0
+ assert size < 256
+ compact |= size << 24
+ if negative and compact & 0x007fffff:
+ compact |= 0x00800000
+ return compact
+ def __mul__(self, x):
+ # Take the mod because we are limited to an unsigned 256 bit number
+ return ArithUint256((self._value * x) % 2 ** 256)
+ def __truediv__(self, x):
+ return ArithUint256(int(self._value / x))
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return self._value > other
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self._value < other
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/wallet.py b/torba/torba/client/wallet.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0496a99ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/wallet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import os
+import stat
+import json
+import zlib
+import typing
+from typing import Sequence, MutableSequence
+from hashlib import sha256
+from operator import attrgetter
+from torba.client.hash import better_aes_encrypt, better_aes_decrypt
+if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
+ from torba.client import basemanager, baseaccount, baseledger
+class Wallet:
+ """ The primary role of Wallet is to encapsulate a collection
+ of accounts (seed/private keys) and the spending rules / settings
+ for the coins attached to those accounts. Wallets are represented
+ by physical files on the filesystem.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name: str = 'Wallet', accounts: MutableSequence['baseaccount.BaseAccount'] = None,
+ storage: 'WalletStorage' = None) -> None:
+ self.name = name
+ self.accounts = accounts or []
+ self.storage = storage or WalletStorage()
+ def add_account(self, account):
+ self.accounts.append(account)
+ def generate_account(self, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger') -> 'baseaccount.BaseAccount':
+ return ledger.account_class.generate(ledger, self)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_storage(cls, storage: 'WalletStorage', manager: 'basemanager.BaseWalletManager') -> 'Wallet':
+ json_dict = storage.read()
+ wallet = cls(
+ name=json_dict.get('name', 'Wallet'),
+ storage=storage
+ )
+ account_dicts: Sequence[dict] = json_dict.get('accounts', [])
+ for account_dict in account_dicts:
+ ledger = manager.get_or_create_ledger(account_dict['ledger'])
+ ledger.account_class.from_dict(ledger, wallet, account_dict)
+ return wallet
+ def to_dict(self):
+ return {
+ 'version': WalletStorage.LATEST_VERSION,
+ 'name': self.name,
+ 'accounts': [a.to_dict() for a in self.accounts]
+ }
+ def save(self):
+ self.storage.write(self.to_dict())
+ @property
+ def default_account(self):
+ for account in self.accounts:
+ return account
+ @property
+ def hash(self) -> bytes:
+ h = sha256()
+ for account in sorted(self.accounts, key=attrgetter('id')):
+ h.update(account.hash)
+ return h.digest()
+ def pack(self, password):
+ new_data = json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ new_data_compressed = zlib.compress(new_data.encode())
+ return better_aes_encrypt(password, new_data_compressed)
+ @classmethod
+ def unpack(cls, password, encrypted):
+ decrypted = better_aes_decrypt(password, encrypted)
+ decompressed = zlib.decompress(decrypted)
+ return json.loads(decompressed)
+class WalletStorage:
+ def __init__(self, path=None, default=None):
+ self.path = path
+ self._default = default or {
+ 'version': self.LATEST_VERSION,
+ 'name': 'My Wallet',
+ 'accounts': []
+ }
+ def read(self):
+ if self.path and os.path.exists(self.path):
+ with open(self.path, 'r') as f:
+ json_data = f.read()
+ json_dict = json.loads(json_data)
+ if json_dict.get('version') == self.LATEST_VERSION and \
+ set(json_dict) == set(self._default):
+ return json_dict
+ else:
+ return self.upgrade(json_dict)
+ else:
+ return self._default.copy()
+ def upgrade(self, json_dict):
+ json_dict = json_dict.copy()
+ version = json_dict.pop('version', -1)
+ if version == -1:
+ pass
+ upgraded = self._default.copy()
+ upgraded.update(json_dict)
+ return json_dict
+ def write(self, json_dict):
+ json_data = json.dumps(json_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
+ if self.path is None:
+ return json_data
+ temp_path = "%s.tmp.%s" % (self.path, os.getpid())
+ with open(temp_path, "w") as f:
+ f.write(json_data)
+ f.flush()
+ os.fsync(f.fileno())
+ if os.path.exists(self.path):
+ mode = os.stat(self.path).st_mode
+ else:
+ mode = stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE
+ try:
+ os.rename(temp_path, self.path)
+ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ os.remove(self.path)
+ os.rename(temp_path, self.path)
+ os.chmod(self.path, mode)
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/words/__init__.py b/torba/torba/client/words/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/words/chinese_simplified.py b/torba/torba/client/words/chinese_simplified.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b6e70013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/words/chinese_simplified.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2050 @@
+words = [
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/words/english.py b/torba/torba/client/words/english.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df2eef708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/words/english.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2050 @@
+words = [
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/words/japanese.py b/torba/torba/client/words/japanese.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..170bb6172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/words/japanese.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2050 @@
+words = [
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/words/portuguese.py b/torba/torba/client/words/portuguese.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a8d60da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/words/portuguese.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1628 @@
+words = [
diff --git a/torba/torba/client/words/spanish.py b/torba/torba/client/words/spanish.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b4de2841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/client/words/spanish.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2050 @@
+words = [
diff --git a/torba/torba/coin/__init__.py b/torba/torba/coin/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97b69ed6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/coin/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+__path__: str = __import__('pkgutil').extend_path(__path__, __name__)
diff --git a/torba/torba/coin/bitcoincash.py b/torba/torba/coin/bitcoincash.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69bd2553a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/coin/bitcoincash.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+__node_daemon__ = 'bitcoind'
+__node_cli__ = 'bitcoin-cli'
+__node_bin__ = 'bitcoin-abc-0.17.2/bin'
+__node_url__ = (
+ 'https://download.bitcoinabc.org/0.17.2/linux/bitcoin-abc-0.17.2-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz'
+__spvserver__ = 'torba.server.coins.BitcoinCashRegtest'
+from binascii import unhexlify
+from torba.client.baseledger import BaseLedger
+from torba.client.basetransaction import BaseTransaction
+from .bitcoinsegwit import MainHeaders, UnverifiedHeaders
+class Transaction(BaseTransaction):
+ def signature_hash_type(self, hash_type):
+ return hash_type | 0x40
+class MainNetLedger(BaseLedger):
+ name = 'BitcoinCash'
+ symbol = 'BCH'
+ network_name = 'mainnet'
+ headers_class = MainHeaders
+ transaction_class = Transaction
+ pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((0,))
+ script_address_prefix = bytes((5,))
+ extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488b21e')
+ extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488ade4')
+ default_fee_per_byte = 50
+class RegTestLedger(MainNetLedger):
+ headers_class = UnverifiedHeaders
+ network_name = 'regtest'
+ pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((111,))
+ script_address_prefix = bytes((196,))
+ extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('043587cf')
+ extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('04358394')
+ max_target = 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
+ genesis_hash = '0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206'
+ genesis_bits = 0x207fffff
+ target_timespan = 1
diff --git a/torba/torba/coin/bitcoinsegwit.py b/torba/torba/coin/bitcoinsegwit.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22b451147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/coin/bitcoinsegwit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+__node_daemon__ = 'bitcoind'
+__node_cli__ = 'bitcoin-cli'
+__node_bin__ = 'bitcoin-0.16.3/bin'
+__node_url__ = (
+ 'https://bitcoin.org/bin/bitcoin-core-0.16.3/bitcoin-0.16.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz'
+__spvserver__ = 'torba.server.coins.BitcoinSegwitRegtest'
+import struct
+from typing import Optional
+from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+from torba.client.baseledger import BaseLedger
+from torba.client.baseheader import BaseHeaders, ArithUint256
+class MainHeaders(BaseHeaders):
+ header_size = 80
+ chunk_size = 2016
+ max_target = 0x00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
+ genesis_hash: Optional[bytes] = b'000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f'
+ target_timespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60
+ @staticmethod
+ def serialize(header: dict) -> bytes:
+ return b''.join([
+ struct.pack(' ArithUint256:
+ if chunk == -1:
+ return ArithUint256(self.max_target)
+ previous = self[chunk * 2016]
+ current = self[chunk * 2016 + 2015]
+ actual_timespan = current['timestamp'] - previous['timestamp']
+ actual_timespan = max(actual_timespan, int(self.target_timespan / 4))
+ actual_timespan = min(actual_timespan, self.target_timespan * 4)
+ target = ArithUint256.from_compact(current['bits'])
+ new_target = min(ArithUint256(self.max_target), (target * actual_timespan) / self.target_timespan)
+ return new_target
+class MainNetLedger(BaseLedger):
+ name = 'BitcoinSegwit'
+ symbol = 'BTC'
+ network_name = 'mainnet'
+ headers_class = MainHeaders
+ pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((0,))
+ script_address_prefix = bytes((5,))
+ extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488b21e')
+ extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488ade4')
+ default_fee_per_byte = 50
+class UnverifiedHeaders(MainHeaders):
+ max_target = 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
+ genesis_hash = None
+ validate_difficulty = False
+class RegTestLedger(MainNetLedger):
+ network_name = 'regtest'
+ headers_class = UnverifiedHeaders
+ pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((111,))
+ script_address_prefix = bytes((196,))
+ extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('043587cf')
+ extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('04358394')
diff --git a/torba/torba/orchstr8/__init__.py b/torba/torba/orchstr8/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eea5d88be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/orchstr8/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from .node import Conductor
+from .service import ConductorService
diff --git a/torba/torba/orchstr8/cli.py b/torba/torba/orchstr8/cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3639ecdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/orchstr8/cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import logging
+import argparse
+import asyncio
+import aiohttp
+from torba.orchstr8.node import Conductor, get_ledger_from_environment, get_blockchain_node_from_ledger
+from torba.orchstr8.service import ConductorService
+def get_argument_parser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="torba"
+ )
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help='sub-command help')
+ subparsers.add_parser("gui", help="Start Qt GUI.")
+ subparsers.add_parser("download", help="Download blockchain node binary.")
+ start = subparsers.add_parser("start", help="Start orchstr8 service.")
+ start.add_argument("--blockchain", help="Hostname to start blockchain node.")
+ start.add_argument("--spv", help="Hostname to start SPV server.")
+ start.add_argument("--wallet", help="Hostname to start wallet daemon.")
+ generate = subparsers.add_parser("generate", help="Call generate method on running orchstr8 instance.")
+ generate.add_argument("blocks", type=int, help="Number of blocks to generate")
+ subparsers.add_parser("transfer", help="Call transfer method on running orchstr8 instance.")
+ return parser
+async def run_remote_command(command, **kwargs):
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.post('http://localhost:7954/'+command, data=kwargs) as resp:
+ print(resp.status)
+ print(await resp.text())
+def main():
+ parser = get_argument_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ command = getattr(args, 'command', 'help')
+ if command == 'gui':
+ from torba.workbench import main as start_app # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
+ return start_app()
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
+ ledger = get_ledger_from_environment()
+ if command == 'download':
+ logging.getLogger('blockchain').setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ get_blockchain_node_from_ledger(ledger).ensure()
+ elif command == 'generate':
+ loop.run_until_complete(run_remote_command(
+ 'generate', blocks=args.blocks
+ ))
+ elif command == 'start':
+ conductor = Conductor()
+ if getattr(args, 'blockchain', False):
+ conductor.blockchain_node.hostname = args.blockchain
+ loop.run_until_complete(conductor.start_blockchain())
+ if getattr(args, 'spv', False):
+ conductor.spv_node.hostname = args.spv
+ loop.run_until_complete(conductor.start_spv())
+ if getattr(args, 'wallet', False):
+ conductor.wallet_node.hostname = args.wallet
+ loop.run_until_complete(conductor.start_wallet())
+ service = ConductorService(conductor, loop)
+ loop.run_until_complete(service.start())
+ try:
+ print('========== Orchstr8 API Service Started ========')
+ loop.run_forever()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ loop.run_until_complete(service.stop())
+ loop.run_until_complete(conductor.stop())
+ loop.close()
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/torba/torba/orchstr8/node.py b/torba/torba/orchstr8/node.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..885e78508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/orchstr8/node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+import os
+import shutil
+import asyncio
+import zipfile
+import tarfile
+import logging
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+import importlib
+from binascii import hexlify
+from typing import Type, Optional
+import urllib.request
+from torba.server.server import Server
+from torba.server.env import Env
+from torba.client.wallet import Wallet
+from torba.client.baseledger import BaseLedger, BlockHeightEvent
+from torba.client.basemanager import BaseWalletManager
+from torba.client.baseaccount import BaseAccount
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_manager_from_environment(default_manager=BaseWalletManager):
+ if 'TORBA_MANAGER' not in os.environ:
+ return default_manager
+ module_name = os.environ['TORBA_MANAGER'].split('-')[-1] # tox support
+ return importlib.import_module(module_name)
+def get_ledger_from_environment():
+ if 'TORBA_LEDGER' not in os.environ:
+ raise ValueError('Environment variable TORBA_LEDGER must point to a torba based ledger module.')
+ module_name = os.environ['TORBA_LEDGER'].split('-')[-1] # tox support
+ return importlib.import_module(module_name)
+def get_spvserver_from_ledger(ledger_module):
+ spvserver_path, regtest_class_name = ledger_module.__spvserver__.rsplit('.', 1)
+ spvserver_module = importlib.import_module(spvserver_path)
+ return getattr(spvserver_module, regtest_class_name)
+def get_blockchain_node_from_ledger(ledger_module):
+ return BlockchainNode(
+ ledger_module.__node_url__,
+ os.path.join(ledger_module.__node_bin__, ledger_module.__node_daemon__),
+ os.path.join(ledger_module.__node_bin__, ledger_module.__node_cli__)
+ )
+def set_logging(ledger_module, level, handler=None):
+ modules = [
+ 'torba',
+ 'torba.client',
+ 'torba.server',
+ 'blockchain',
+ ledger_module.__name__
+ ]
+ for module_name in modules:
+ module = logging.getLogger(module_name)
+ module.setLevel(level)
+ if handler is not None:
+ module.addHandler(handler)
+class Conductor:
+ def __init__(self, ledger_module=None, manager_module=None, verbosity=logging.WARNING):
+ self.ledger_module = ledger_module or get_ledger_from_environment()
+ self.manager_module = manager_module or get_manager_from_environment()
+ self.spv_module = get_spvserver_from_ledger(self.ledger_module)
+ self.blockchain_node = get_blockchain_node_from_ledger(self.ledger_module)
+ self.spv_node = SPVNode(self.spv_module)
+ self.wallet_node = WalletNode(self.manager_module, self.ledger_module.RegTestLedger)
+ set_logging(self.ledger_module, verbosity)
+ self.blockchain_started = False
+ self.spv_started = False
+ self.wallet_started = False
+ self.log = log.getChild('conductor')
+ async def start_blockchain(self):
+ if not self.blockchain_started:
+ await self.blockchain_node.start()
+ await self.blockchain_node.generate(200)
+ self.blockchain_started = True
+ async def stop_blockchain(self):
+ if self.blockchain_started:
+ await self.blockchain_node.stop(cleanup=True)
+ self.blockchain_started = False
+ async def start_spv(self):
+ if not self.spv_started:
+ await self.spv_node.start(self.blockchain_node)
+ self.spv_started = True
+ async def stop_spv(self):
+ if self.spv_started:
+ await self.spv_node.stop(cleanup=True)
+ self.spv_started = False
+ async def start_wallet(self):
+ if not self.wallet_started:
+ await self.wallet_node.start(self.spv_node)
+ self.wallet_started = True
+ async def stop_wallet(self):
+ if self.wallet_started:
+ await self.wallet_node.stop(cleanup=True)
+ self.wallet_started = False
+ async def start(self):
+ await self.start_blockchain()
+ await self.start_spv()
+ await self.start_wallet()
+ async def stop(self):
+ all_the_stops = [
+ self.stop_wallet,
+ self.stop_spv,
+ self.stop_blockchain
+ ]
+ for stop in all_the_stops:
+ try:
+ await stop()
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception('Exception raised while stopping services:', exc_info=e)
+class WalletNode:
+ def __init__(self, manager_class: Type[BaseWalletManager], ledger_class: Type[BaseLedger],
+ verbose: bool = False, port: int = 5280) -> None:
+ self.manager_class = manager_class
+ self.ledger_class = ledger_class
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ self.manager: Optional[BaseWalletManager] = None
+ self.ledger: Optional[BaseLedger] = None
+ self.wallet: Optional[Wallet] = None
+ self.account: Optional[BaseAccount] = None
+ self.data_path: Optional[str] = None
+ self.port = port
+ async def start(self, spv_node: 'SPVNode', seed=None, connect=True):
+ self.data_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ wallet_file_name = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'my_wallet.json')
+ with open(wallet_file_name, 'w') as wallet_file:
+ wallet_file.write('{"version": 1, "accounts": []}\n')
+ self.manager = self.manager_class.from_config({
+ 'ledgers': {
+ self.ledger_class.get_id(): {
+ 'api_port': self.port,
+ 'default_servers': [(spv_node.hostname, spv_node.port)],
+ 'data_path': self.data_path
+ }
+ },
+ 'wallets': [wallet_file_name]
+ })
+ self.ledger = self.manager.ledgers[self.ledger_class]
+ self.wallet = self.manager.default_wallet
+ if seed is None and self.wallet is not None:
+ self.wallet.generate_account(self.ledger)
+ elif self.wallet is not None:
+ self.ledger.account_class.from_dict(
+ self.ledger, self.wallet, {'seed': seed}
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Wallet is required.')
+ self.account = self.wallet.default_account
+ if connect:
+ await self.manager.start()
+ async def stop(self, cleanup=True):
+ try:
+ await self.manager.stop()
+ finally:
+ cleanup and self.cleanup()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.data_path, ignore_errors=True)
+class SPVNode:
+ def __init__(self, coin_class):
+ self.coin_class = coin_class
+ self.controller = None
+ self.data_path = None
+ self.server = None
+ self.hostname = 'localhost'
+ self.port = 50001 + 1 # avoid conflict with default daemon
+ async def start(self, blockchain_node: 'BlockchainNode'):
+ self.data_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ conf = {
+ 'DB_DIRECTORY': self.data_path,
+ 'DAEMON_URL': blockchain_node.rpc_url,
+ 'REORG_LIMIT': '100',
+ 'HOST': self.hostname,
+ 'TCP_PORT': str(self.port)
+ }
+ # TODO: don't use os.environ
+ os.environ.update(conf)
+ self.server = Server(Env(self.coin_class))
+ self.server.mempool.refresh_secs = self.server.bp.prefetcher.polling_delay = 0.5
+ await self.server.start()
+ async def stop(self, cleanup=True):
+ try:
+ await self.server.stop()
+ finally:
+ cleanup and self.cleanup()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.data_path, ignore_errors=True)
+class BlockchainProcess(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol):
+ b'keypool keep',
+ b'keypool reserve',
+ b'keypool return',
+ ]
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ready = asyncio.Event()
+ self.stopped = asyncio.Event()
+ self.log = log.getChild('blockchain')
+ def pipe_data_received(self, fd, data):
+ if self.log and not any(ignore in data for ignore in self.IGNORE_OUTPUT):
+ if b'Error:' in data:
+ self.log.error(data.decode())
+ else:
+ self.log.info(data.decode())
+ if b'Error:' in data:
+ self.ready.set()
+ raise SystemError(data.decode())
+ if b'Done loading' in data:
+ self.ready.set()
+ def process_exited(self):
+ self.stopped.set()
+class BlockchainNode:
+ def __init__(self, url, daemon, cli):
+ self.latest_release_url = url
+ self.project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ self.bin_dir = os.path.join(self.project_dir, 'bin')
+ self.daemon_bin = os.path.join(self.bin_dir, daemon)
+ self.cli_bin = os.path.join(self.bin_dir, cli)
+ self.log = log.getChild('blockchain')
+ self.data_path = None
+ self.protocol = None
+ self.transport = None
+ self._block_expected = 0
+ self.hostname = 'localhost'
+ self.peerport = 9246 + 2 # avoid conflict with default peer port
+ self.rpcport = 9245 + 2 # avoid conflict with default rpc port
+ self.rpcuser = 'rpcuser'
+ self.rpcpassword = 'rpcpassword'
+ @property
+ def rpc_url(self):
+ return f'http://{self.rpcuser}:{self.rpcpassword}@{self.hostname}:{self.rpcport}/'
+ def is_expected_block(self, e: BlockHeightEvent):
+ return self._block_expected == e.height
+ @property
+ def exists(self):
+ return (
+ os.path.exists(self.cli_bin) and
+ os.path.exists(self.daemon_bin)
+ )
+ def download(self):
+ downloaded_file = os.path.join(
+ self.bin_dir,
+ self.latest_release_url[self.latest_release_url.rfind('/')+1:]
+ )
+ if not os.path.exists(self.bin_dir):
+ os.mkdir(self.bin_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(downloaded_file):
+ self.log.info('Downloading: %s', self.latest_release_url)
+ with urllib.request.urlopen(self.latest_release_url) as response:
+ with open(downloaded_file, 'wb') as out_file:
+ shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file)
+ self.log.info('Extracting: %s', downloaded_file)
+ if downloaded_file.endswith('.zip'):
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(downloaded_file) as dotzip:
+ dotzip.extractall(self.bin_dir)
+ # zipfile bug https://bugs.python.org/issue15795
+ os.chmod(self.cli_bin, 0o755)
+ os.chmod(self.daemon_bin, 0o755)
+ elif downloaded_file.endswith('.tar.gz'):
+ with tarfile.open(downloaded_file) as tar:
+ tar.extractall(self.bin_dir)
+ return self.exists
+ def ensure(self):
+ return self.exists or self.download()
+ async def start(self):
+ assert self.ensure()
+ self.data_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ asyncio.get_child_watcher().attach_loop(loop)
+ command = (
+ self.daemon_bin,
+ f'-datadir={self.data_path}', '-printtoconsole', '-regtest', '-server', '-txindex',
+ f'-rpcuser={self.rpcuser}', f'-rpcpassword={self.rpcpassword}', f'-rpcport={self.rpcport}',
+ f'-port={self.peerport}'
+ )
+ self.log.info(' '.join(command))
+ self.transport, self.protocol = await loop.subprocess_exec(
+ BlockchainProcess, *command
+ )
+ await self.protocol.ready.wait()
+ async def stop(self, cleanup=True):
+ try:
+ self.transport.terminate()
+ await self.protocol.stopped.wait()
+ self.transport.close()
+ finally:
+ if cleanup:
+ self.cleanup()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.data_path, ignore_errors=True)
+ async def _cli_cmnd(self, *args):
+ cmnd_args = [
+ self.cli_bin, f'-datadir={self.data_path}', '-regtest',
+ f'-rpcuser={self.rpcuser}', f'-rpcpassword={self.rpcpassword}', f'-rpcport={self.rpcport}'
+ ] + list(args)
+ self.log.info(' '.join(cmnd_args))
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ asyncio.get_child_watcher().attach_loop(loop)
+ process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
+ *cmnd_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
+ )
+ out, _ = await process.communicate()
+ self.log.info(out.decode().strip())
+ return out.decode().strip()
+ def generate(self, blocks):
+ self._block_expected += blocks
+ return self._cli_cmnd('generate', str(blocks))
+ def invalidate_block(self, blockhash):
+ return self._cli_cmnd('invalidateblock', blockhash)
+ def get_block_hash(self, block):
+ return self._cli_cmnd('getblockhash', str(block))
+ def get_raw_change_address(self):
+ return self._cli_cmnd('getrawchangeaddress')
+ async def get_balance(self):
+ return float(await self._cli_cmnd('getbalance'))
+ def send_to_address(self, address, amount):
+ return self._cli_cmnd('sendtoaddress', address, str(amount))
+ def send_raw_transaction(self, tx):
+ return self._cli_cmnd('sendrawtransaction', tx.decode())
+ def decode_raw_transaction(self, tx):
+ return self._cli_cmnd('decoderawtransaction', hexlify(tx.raw).decode())
+ def get_raw_transaction(self, txid):
+ return self._cli_cmnd('getrawtransaction', txid, '1')
diff --git a/torba/torba/orchstr8/service.py b/torba/torba/orchstr8/service.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c368c457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/orchstr8/service.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import asyncio
+import logging
+from aiohttp.web import Application, WebSocketResponse, json_response
+from aiohttp.http_websocket import WSMsgType, WSCloseCode
+from torba.client.util import satoshis_to_coins
+from .node import Conductor, set_logging
+PORT = 7954
+class WebSocketLogHandler(logging.Handler):
+ def __init__(self, send_message):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.send_message = send_message
+ def emit(self, record):
+ try:
+ self.send_message({
+ 'type': 'log',
+ 'name': record.name,
+ 'message': self.format(record)
+ })
+ except Exception:
+ self.handleError(record)
+class ConductorService:
+ def __init__(self, stack: Conductor, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
+ self.stack = stack
+ self.loop = loop
+ self.app = Application()
+ self.app.router.add_post('/start', self.start_stack)
+ self.app.router.add_post('/generate', self.generate)
+ self.app.router.add_post('/transfer', self.transfer)
+ self.app.router.add_post('/balance', self.balance)
+ self.app.router.add_get('/log', self.log)
+ self.app['websockets'] = set()
+ self.app.on_shutdown.append(self.on_shutdown)
+ self.handler = self.app.make_handler()
+ self.server = None
+ async def start(self):
+ self.server = await self.loop.create_server(
+ self.handler, '', PORT
+ )
+ print('serving on', self.server.sockets[0].getsockname())
+ async def stop(self):
+ await self.stack.stop()
+ self.server.close()
+ await self.server.wait_closed()
+ await self.app.shutdown()
+ await self.handler.shutdown(60.0)
+ await self.app.cleanup()
+ async def start_stack(self, _):
+ set_logging(
+ self.stack.ledger_module, logging.DEBUG, WebSocketLogHandler(self.send_message)
+ )
+ self.stack.blockchain_started or await self.stack.start_blockchain()
+ self.send_message({'type': 'service', 'name': 'blockchain', 'port': self.stack.blockchain_node.port})
+ self.stack.spv_started or await self.stack.start_spv()
+ self.send_message({'type': 'service', 'name': 'spv', 'port': self.stack.spv_node.port})
+ self.stack.wallet_started or await self.stack.start_wallet()
+ self.send_message({'type': 'service', 'name': 'wallet', 'port': self.stack.wallet_node.port})
+ self.stack.wallet_node.ledger.on_header.listen(self.on_status)
+ self.stack.wallet_node.ledger.on_transaction.listen(self.on_status)
+ return json_response({'started': True})
+ async def generate(self, request):
+ data = await request.post()
+ blocks = data.get('blocks', 1)
+ await self.stack.blockchain_node.generate(int(blocks))
+ return json_response({'blocks': blocks})
+ async def transfer(self, request):
+ data = await request.post()
+ address = data.get('address')
+ if not address and self.stack.wallet_started:
+ address = await self.stack.wallet_node.account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+ if not address:
+ raise ValueError("No address was provided.")
+ amount = data.get('amount', 1)
+ txid = await self.stack.blockchain_node.send_to_address(address, amount)
+ if self.stack.wallet_started:
+ await self.stack.wallet_node.ledger.on_transaction.where(
+ lambda e: e.tx.id == txid and e.address == address
+ )
+ return json_response({
+ 'address': address,
+ 'amount': amount,
+ 'txid': txid
+ })
+ async def balance(self, _):
+ return json_response({
+ 'balance': await self.stack.blockchain_node.get_balance()
+ })
+ async def log(self, request):
+ web_socket = WebSocketResponse()
+ await web_socket.prepare(request)
+ self.app['websockets'].add(web_socket)
+ try:
+ async for msg in web_socket:
+ if msg.type == WSMsgType.TEXT:
+ if msg.data == 'close':
+ await web_socket.close()
+ elif msg.type == WSMsgType.ERROR:
+ print('web socket connection closed with exception %s' %
+ web_socket.exception())
+ finally:
+ self.app['websockets'].remove(web_socket)
+ return web_socket
+ @staticmethod
+ async def on_shutdown(app):
+ for web_socket in app['websockets']:
+ await web_socket.close(code=WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY, message='Server shutdown')
+ async def on_status(self, _):
+ if not self.app['websockets']:
+ return
+ self.send_message({
+ 'type': 'status',
+ 'height': self.stack.wallet_node.ledger.headers.height,
+ 'balance': satoshis_to_coins(await self.stack.wallet_node.account.get_balance()),
+ 'miner': await self.stack.blockchain_node.get_balance()
+ })
+ def send_message(self, msg):
+ for web_socket in self.app['websockets']:
+ self.loop.create_task(web_socket.send_json(msg))
diff --git a/torba/torba/rpc/__init__.py b/torba/torba/rpc/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2b585547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/rpc/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from .framing import *
+from .jsonrpc import *
+from .socks import *
+from .session import *
+from .util import *
+__all__ = (framing.__all__ +
+ jsonrpc.__all__ +
+ socks.__all__ +
+ session.__all__ +
+ util.__all__)
diff --git a/torba/torba/rpc/framing.py b/torba/torba/rpc/framing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..754d68139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/rpc/framing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""RPC message framing in a byte stream."""
+__all__ = ('FramerBase', 'NewlineFramer', 'BinaryFramer', 'BitcoinFramer',
+ 'OversizedPayloadError', 'BadChecksumError', 'BadMagicError')
+from hashlib import sha256 as _sha256
+from struct import Struct
+from asyncio import Queue
+class FramerBase(object):
+ """Abstract base class for a framer.
+ A framer breaks an incoming byte stream into protocol messages,
+ buffering if necesary. It also frames outgoing messages into
+ a byte stream.
+ """
+ def frame(self, message):
+ """Return the framed message."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def received_bytes(self, data):
+ """Pass incoming network bytes."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ async def receive_message(self):
+ """Wait for a complete unframed message to arrive, and return it."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class NewlineFramer(FramerBase):
+ """A framer for a protocol where messages are separated by newlines."""
+ # The default max_size value is motivated by JSONRPC, where a
+ # normal request will be 250 bytes or less, and a reasonable
+ # batch may contain 4000 requests.
+ def __init__(self, max_size=250 * 4000):
+ """max_size - an anti-DoS measure. If, after processing an incoming
+ message, buffered data would exceed max_size bytes, that
+ buffered data is dropped entirely and the framer waits for a
+ newline character to re-synchronize the stream.
+ """
+ self.max_size = max_size
+ self.queue = Queue()
+ self.received_bytes = self.queue.put_nowait
+ self.synchronizing = False
+ self.residual = b''
+ def frame(self, message):
+ return message + b'\n'
+ async def receive_message(self):
+ parts = []
+ buffer_size = 0
+ while True:
+ part = self.residual
+ self.residual = b''
+ if not part:
+ part = await self.queue.get()
+ npos = part.find(b'\n')
+ if npos == -1:
+ parts.append(part)
+ buffer_size += len(part)
+ # Ignore over-sized messages; re-synchronize
+ if buffer_size <= self.max_size:
+ continue
+ self.synchronizing = True
+ raise MemoryError(f'dropping message over {self.max_size:,d} '
+ f'bytes and re-synchronizing')
+ tail, self.residual = part[:npos], part[npos + 1:]
+ if self.synchronizing:
+ self.synchronizing = False
+ return await self.receive_message()
+ else:
+ parts.append(tail)
+ return b''.join(parts)
+class ByteQueue(object):
+ """A producer-comsumer queue. Incoming network data is put as it
+ arrives, and the consumer calls an async method waiting for data of
+ a specific length."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.queue = Queue()
+ self.parts = []
+ self.parts_len = 0
+ self.put_nowait = self.queue.put_nowait
+ async def receive(self, size):
+ while self.parts_len < size:
+ part = await self.queue.get()
+ self.parts.append(part)
+ self.parts_len += len(part)
+ self.parts_len -= size
+ whole = b''.join(self.parts)
+ self.parts = [whole[size:]]
+ return whole[:size]
+class BinaryFramer(object):
+ """A framer for binary messaging protocols."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.byte_queue = ByteQueue()
+ self.message_queue = Queue()
+ self.received_bytes = self.byte_queue.put_nowait
+ def frame(self, message):
+ command, payload = message
+ return b''.join((
+ self._build_header(command, payload),
+ payload
+ ))
+ async def receive_message(self):
+ command, payload_len, checksum = await self._receive_header()
+ payload = await self.byte_queue.receive(payload_len)
+ payload_checksum = self._checksum(payload)
+ if payload_checksum != checksum:
+ raise BadChecksumError(payload_checksum, checksum)
+ return command, payload
+ def _checksum(self, payload):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _build_header(self, command, payload):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ async def _receive_header(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+# Helpers
+struct_le_I = Struct(' 1024 * 1024:
+ if command != b'block' or payload_len > self._max_block_size:
+ raise OversizedPayloadError(command, payload_len)
+ return command, payload_len, checksum
diff --git a/torba/torba/rpc/jsonrpc.py b/torba/torba/rpc/jsonrpc.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84830ecd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/rpc/jsonrpc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""Classes for JSONRPC versions 1.0 and 2.0, and a loose interpretation."""
+__all__ = ('JSONRPC', 'JSONRPCv1', 'JSONRPCv2', 'JSONRPCLoose',
+ 'JSONRPCAutoDetect', 'Request', 'Notification', 'Batch',
+ 'RPCError', 'ProtocolError',
+ 'JSONRPCConnection', 'handler_invocation')
+import itertools
+import json
+from functools import partial
+from numbers import Number
+import attr
+from asyncio import Queue, Event, CancelledError
+from .util import signature_info
+class SingleRequest(object):
+ __slots__ = ('method', 'args')
+ def __init__(self, method, args):
+ if not isinstance(method, str):
+ raise ProtocolError(JSONRPC.METHOD_NOT_FOUND,
+ 'method must be a string')
+ if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple, dict)):
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_args('request arguments must be a '
+ 'list or a dictionary')
+ self.args = args
+ self.method = method
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.method!r}, {self.args!r})'
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
+ self.method == other.method and self.args == other.args)
+class Request(SingleRequest):
+ def send_result(self, response):
+ return None
+class Notification(SingleRequest):
+ pass
+class Batch:
+ __slots__ = ('items', )
+ def __init__(self, items):
+ if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('items must be a list')
+ if not items:
+ raise ProtocolError.empty_batch()
+ if not (all(isinstance(item, SingleRequest) for item in items) or
+ all(isinstance(item, Response) for item in items)):
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('batch must be homogeneous')
+ self.items = items
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.items)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ return self.items[item]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.items)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f'Batch({len(self.items)} items)'
+class Response(object):
+ __slots__ = ('result', )
+ def __init__(self, result):
+ # Type checking happens when converting to a message
+ self.result = result
+class CodeMessageError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, code, message):
+ super().__init__(code, message)
+ @property
+ def code(self):
+ return self.args[0]
+ @property
+ def message(self):
+ return self.args[1]
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
+ self.code == other.code and self.message == other.message)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ # overridden to make the exception hashable
+ # see https://bugs.python.org/issue28603
+ return hash((self.code, self.message))
+ @classmethod
+ def invalid_args(cls, message):
+ return cls(JSONRPC.INVALID_ARGS, message)
+ @classmethod
+ def invalid_request(cls, message):
+ return cls(JSONRPC.INVALID_REQUEST, message)
+ @classmethod
+ def empty_batch(cls):
+ return cls.invalid_request('batch is empty')
+class RPCError(CodeMessageError):
+ pass
+class ProtocolError(CodeMessageError):
+ def __init__(self, code, message):
+ super().__init__(code, message)
+ # If not None send this unframed message over the network
+ self.error_message = None
+ # If the error was in a JSON response message; its message ID.
+ # Since None can be a response message ID, "id" means the
+ # error was not sent in a JSON response
+ self.response_msg_id = id
+class JSONRPC(object):
+ """Abstract base class that interprets and constructs JSON RPC messages."""
+ # Error codes. See http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification
+ PARSE_ERROR = -32700
+ INVALID_ARGS = -32602
+ # Codes specific to this library
+ # Can be overridden by derived classes
+ allow_batches = True
+ @classmethod
+ def _message_id(cls, message, require_id):
+ """Validate the message is a dictionary and return its ID.
+ Raise an error if the message is invalid or the ID is of an
+ invalid type. If it has no ID, raise an error if require_id
+ is True, otherwise return None.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def _validate_message(cls, message):
+ """Validate other parts of the message other than those
+ done in _message_id."""
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def _request_args(cls, request):
+ """Validate the existence and type of the arguments passed
+ in the request dictionary."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def _process_request(cls, payload):
+ request_id = None
+ try:
+ request_id = cls._message_id(payload, False)
+ cls._validate_message(payload)
+ method = payload.get('method')
+ if request_id is None:
+ item = Notification(method, cls._request_args(payload))
+ else:
+ item = Request(method, cls._request_args(payload))
+ return item, request_id
+ except ProtocolError as error:
+ code, message = error.code, error.message
+ raise cls._error(code, message, True, request_id)
+ @classmethod
+ def _process_response(cls, payload):
+ request_id = None
+ try:
+ request_id = cls._message_id(payload, True)
+ cls._validate_message(payload)
+ return Response(cls.response_value(payload)), request_id
+ except ProtocolError as error:
+ code, message = error.code, error.message
+ raise cls._error(code, message, False, request_id)
+ @classmethod
+ def _message_to_payload(cls, message):
+ """Returns a Python object or a ProtocolError."""
+ try:
+ return json.loads(message.decode())
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ message = 'messages must be encoded in UTF-8'
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ message = 'invalid JSON'
+ raise cls._error(cls.PARSE_ERROR, message, True, None)
+ @classmethod
+ def _error(cls, code, message, send, msg_id):
+ error = ProtocolError(code, message)
+ if send:
+ error.error_message = cls.response_message(error, msg_id)
+ else:
+ error.response_msg_id = msg_id
+ return error
+ #
+ # External API
+ #
+ @classmethod
+ def message_to_item(cls, message):
+ """Translate an unframed received message and return an
+ (item, request_id) pair.
+ The item can be a Request, Notification, Response or a list.
+ A JSON RPC error response is returned as an RPCError inside a
+ Response object.
+ If a Batch is returned, request_id is an iterable of request
+ ids, one per batch member.
+ If the message violates the protocol in some way a
+ ProtocolError is returned, except if the message was
+ determined to be a response, in which case the ProtocolError
+ is placed inside a Response object. This is so that client
+ code can mark a request as having been responded to even if
+ the response was bad.
+ raises: ProtocolError
+ """
+ payload = cls._message_to_payload(message)
+ if isinstance(payload, dict):
+ if 'method' in payload:
+ return cls._process_request(payload)
+ else:
+ return cls._process_response(payload)
+ elif isinstance(payload, list) and cls.allow_batches:
+ if not payload:
+ raise cls._error(JSONRPC.INVALID_REQUEST, 'batch is empty',
+ True, None)
+ return payload, None
+ raise cls._error(cls.INVALID_REQUEST,
+ 'request object must be a dictionary', True, None)
+ # Message formation
+ @classmethod
+ def request_message(cls, item, request_id):
+ """Convert an RPCRequest item to a message."""
+ assert isinstance(item, Request)
+ return cls.encode_payload(cls.request_payload(item, request_id))
+ @classmethod
+ def notification_message(cls, item):
+ """Convert an RPCRequest item to a message."""
+ assert isinstance(item, Notification)
+ return cls.encode_payload(cls.request_payload(item, None))
+ @classmethod
+ def response_message(cls, result, request_id):
+ """Convert a response result (or RPCError) to a message."""
+ if isinstance(result, CodeMessageError):
+ payload = cls.error_payload(result, request_id)
+ else:
+ payload = cls.response_payload(result, request_id)
+ return cls.encode_payload(payload)
+ @classmethod
+ def batch_message(cls, batch, request_ids):
+ """Convert a request Batch to a message."""
+ assert isinstance(batch, Batch)
+ if not cls.allow_batches:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ 'protocol does not permit batches')
+ id_iter = iter(request_ids)
+ rm = cls.request_message
+ nm = cls.notification_message
+ parts = (rm(request, next(id_iter)) if isinstance(request, Request)
+ else nm(request) for request in batch)
+ return cls.batch_message_from_parts(parts)
+ @classmethod
+ def batch_message_from_parts(cls, messages):
+ """Convert messages, one per batch item, into a batch message. At
+ least one message must be passed.
+ """
+ # Comma-separate the messages and wrap the lot in square brackets
+ middle = b', '.join(messages)
+ if not middle:
+ raise ProtocolError.empty_batch()
+ return b''.join([b'[', middle, b']'])
+ @classmethod
+ def encode_payload(cls, payload):
+ """Encode a Python object as JSON and convert it to bytes."""
+ try:
+ return json.dumps(payload).encode()
+ except TypeError:
+ msg = f'JSON payload encoding error: {payload}'
+ raise ProtocolError(cls.INTERNAL_ERROR, msg) from None
+ """JSON RPC version 1.0."""
+ allow_batches = False
+ @classmethod
+ def _message_id(cls, message, require_id):
+ # JSONv1 requires an ID always, but without constraint on its type
+ # No need to test for a dictionary here as we don't handle batches.
+ if 'id' not in message:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('request has no "id"')
+ return message['id']
+ @classmethod
+ def _request_args(cls, request):
+ args = request.get('params')
+ if not isinstance(args, list):
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_args(
+ f'invalid request arguments: {args}')
+ return args
+ @classmethod
+ def _best_effort_error(cls, error):
+ # Do our best to interpret the error
+ message = 'no error message provided'
+ if isinstance(error, str):
+ message = error
+ elif isinstance(error, int):
+ code = error
+ elif isinstance(error, dict):
+ if isinstance(error.get('message'), str):
+ message = error['message']
+ if isinstance(error.get('code'), int):
+ code = error['code']
+ return RPCError(code, message)
+ @classmethod
+ def response_value(cls, payload):
+ if 'result' not in payload or 'error' not in payload:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ 'response must contain both "result" and "error"')
+ result = payload['result']
+ error = payload['error']
+ if error is None:
+ return result # It seems None can be a valid result
+ if result is not None:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ 'response has a "result" and an "error"')
+ return cls._best_effort_error(error)
+ @classmethod
+ def request_payload(cls, request, request_id):
+ """JSON v1 request (or notification) payload."""
+ if isinstance(request.args, dict):
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_args(
+ 'JSONRPCv1 does not support named arguments')
+ return {
+ 'method': request.method,
+ 'params': request.args,
+ 'id': request_id
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def response_payload(cls, result, request_id):
+ """JSON v1 response payload."""
+ return {
+ 'result': result,
+ 'error': None,
+ 'id': request_id
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def error_payload(cls, error, request_id):
+ return {
+ 'result': None,
+ 'error': {'code': error.code, 'message': error.message},
+ 'id': request_id
+ }
+ """JSON RPC version 2.0."""
+ @classmethod
+ def _message_id(cls, message, require_id):
+ if not isinstance(message, dict):
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ 'request object must be a dictionary')
+ if 'id' in message:
+ request_id = message['id']
+ if not isinstance(request_id, (Number, str, type(None))):
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ f'invalid "id": {request_id}')
+ return request_id
+ else:
+ if require_id:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('request has no "id"')
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ def _validate_message(cls, message):
+ if message.get('jsonrpc') != '2.0':
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('"jsonrpc" is not "2.0"')
+ @classmethod
+ def _request_args(cls, request):
+ args = request.get('params', [])
+ if not isinstance(args, (dict, list)):
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_args(
+ f'invalid request arguments: {args}')
+ return args
+ @classmethod
+ def response_value(cls, payload):
+ if 'result' in payload:
+ if 'error' in payload:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ 'response contains both "result" and "error"')
+ return payload['result']
+ if 'error' not in payload:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ 'response contains neither "result" nor "error"')
+ # Return an RPCError object
+ error = payload['error']
+ if isinstance(error, dict):
+ code = error.get('code')
+ message = error.get('message')
+ if isinstance(code, int) and isinstance(message, str):
+ return RPCError(code, message)
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ f'ill-formed response error object: {error}')
+ @classmethod
+ def request_payload(cls, request, request_id):
+ """JSON v2 request (or notification) payload."""
+ payload = {
+ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ 'method': request.method,
+ }
+ # A notification?
+ if request_id is not None:
+ payload['id'] = request_id
+ # Preserve empty dicts as missing params is read as an array
+ if request.args or request.args == {}:
+ payload['params'] = request.args
+ return payload
+ @classmethod
+ def response_payload(cls, result, request_id):
+ """JSON v2 response payload."""
+ return {
+ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ 'result': result,
+ 'id': request_id
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def error_payload(cls, error, request_id):
+ return {
+ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ 'error': {'code': error.code, 'message': error.message},
+ 'id': request_id
+ }
+ """A relaxed versin of JSON RPC."""
+ # Don't be so loose we accept any old message ID
+ _message_id = JSONRPCv2._message_id
+ _validate_message = JSONRPC._validate_message
+ _request_args = JSONRPCv2._request_args
+ # Outoing messages are JSONRPCv2 so we give the other side the
+ # best chance to assume / detect JSONRPCv2 as default protocol.
+ error_payload = JSONRPCv2.error_payload
+ request_payload = JSONRPCv2.request_payload
+ response_payload = JSONRPCv2.response_payload
+ @classmethod
+ def response_value(cls, payload):
+ # Return result, unless it is None and there is an error
+ if payload.get('error') is not None:
+ if payload.get('result') is not None:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ 'response contains both "result" and "error"')
+ return JSONRPCv1._best_effort_error(payload['error'])
+ if 'result' not in payload:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(
+ 'response contains neither "result" nor "error"')
+ # Can be None
+ return payload['result']
+class JSONRPCAutoDetect(JSONRPCv2):
+ @classmethod
+ def message_to_item(cls, message):
+ return cls.detect_protocol(message), None
+ @classmethod
+ def detect_protocol(cls, message):
+ """Attempt to detect the protocol from the message."""
+ main = cls._message_to_payload(message)
+ def protocol_for_payload(payload):
+ if not isinstance(payload, dict):
+ return JSONRPCLoose # Will error
+ # Obey an explicit "jsonrpc"
+ version = payload.get('jsonrpc')
+ if version == '2.0':
+ return JSONRPCv2
+ if version == '1.0':
+ return JSONRPCv1
+ # Now to decide between JSONRPCLoose and JSONRPCv1 if possible
+ if 'result' in payload and 'error' in payload:
+ return JSONRPCv1
+ return JSONRPCLoose
+ if isinstance(main, list):
+ parts = set(protocol_for_payload(payload) for payload in main)
+ # If all same protocol, return it
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ return parts.pop()
+ # If strict protocol detected, return it, preferring JSONRPCv2.
+ # This means a batch of JSONRPCv1 will fail
+ for protocol in (JSONRPCv2, JSONRPCv1):
+ if protocol in parts:
+ return protocol
+ # Will error if no parts
+ return JSONRPCLoose
+ return protocol_for_payload(main)
+class JSONRPCConnection(object):
+ """Maintains state of a JSON RPC connection, in particular
+ encapsulating the handling of request IDs.
+ protocol - the JSON RPC protocol to follow
+ max_response_size - responses over this size send an error response
+ instead.
+ """
+ _id_counter = itertools.count()
+ def __init__(self, protocol):
+ self._protocol = protocol
+ # Sent Requests and Batches that have not received a response.
+ # The key is its request ID; for a batch it is sorted tuple
+ # of request IDs
+ self._requests = {}
+ # A public attribute intended to be settable dynamically
+ self.max_response_size = 0
+ def _oversized_response_message(self, request_id):
+ text = f'response too large (over {self.max_response_size:,d} bytes'
+ error = RPCError.invalid_request(text)
+ return self._protocol.response_message(error, request_id)
+ def _receive_response(self, result, request_id):
+ if request_id not in self._requests:
+ if request_id is None and isinstance(result, RPCError):
+ message = f'diagnostic error received: {result}'
+ else:
+ message = f'response to unsent request (ID: {request_id})'
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(message) from None
+ request, event = self._requests.pop(request_id)
+ event.result = result
+ event.set()
+ return []
+ def _receive_request_batch(self, payloads):
+ def item_send_result(request_id, result):
+ nonlocal size
+ part = protocol.response_message(result, request_id)
+ size += len(part) + 2
+ if size > self.max_response_size > 0:
+ part = self._oversized_response_message(request_id)
+ parts.append(part)
+ if len(parts) == count:
+ return protocol.batch_message_from_parts(parts)
+ return None
+ parts = []
+ items = []
+ size = 0
+ count = 0
+ protocol = self._protocol
+ for payload in payloads:
+ try:
+ item, request_id = protocol._process_request(payload)
+ items.append(item)
+ if isinstance(item, Request):
+ count += 1
+ item.send_result = partial(item_send_result, request_id)
+ except ProtocolError as error:
+ count += 1
+ parts.append(error.error_message)
+ if not items and parts:
+ protocol_error = ProtocolError(0, "")
+ protocol_error.error_message = protocol.batch_message_from_parts(parts)
+ raise protocol_error
+ return items
+ def _receive_response_batch(self, payloads):
+ request_ids = []
+ results = []
+ for payload in payloads:
+ # Let ProtocolError exceptions through
+ item, request_id = self._protocol._process_response(payload)
+ request_ids.append(request_id)
+ results.append(item.result)
+ ordered = sorted(zip(request_ids, results), key=lambda t: t[0])
+ ordered_ids, ordered_results = zip(*ordered)
+ if ordered_ids not in self._requests:
+ raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('response to unsent batch')
+ request_batch, event = self._requests.pop(ordered_ids)
+ event.result = ordered_results
+ event.set()
+ return []
+ def _send_result(self, request_id, result):
+ message = self._protocol.response_message(result, request_id)
+ if len(message) > self.max_response_size > 0:
+ message = self._oversized_response_message(request_id)
+ return message
+ def _event(self, request, request_id):
+ event = Event()
+ self._requests[request_id] = (request, event)
+ return event
+ #
+ # External API
+ #
+ def send_request(self, request):
+ """Send a Request. Return a (message, event) pair.
+ The message is an unframed message to send over the network.
+ Wait on the event for the response; which will be in the
+ "result" attribute.
+ Raises: ProtocolError if the request violates the protocol
+ in some way..
+ """
+ request_id = next(self._id_counter)
+ message = self._protocol.request_message(request, request_id)
+ return message, self._event(request, request_id)
+ def send_notification(self, notification):
+ return self._protocol.notification_message(notification)
+ def send_batch(self, batch):
+ ids = tuple(next(self._id_counter)
+ for request in batch if isinstance(request, Request))
+ message = self._protocol.batch_message(batch, ids)
+ event = self._event(batch, ids) if ids else None
+ return message, event
+ def receive_message(self, message):
+ """Call with an unframed message received from the network.
+ Raises: ProtocolError if the message violates the protocol in
+ some way. However, if it happened in a response that can be
+ paired with a request, the ProtocolError is instead set in the
+ result attribute of the send_request() that caused the error.
+ """
+ try:
+ item, request_id = self._protocol.message_to_item(message)
+ except ProtocolError as e:
+ if e.response_msg_id is not id:
+ return self._receive_response(e, e.response_msg_id)
+ raise
+ if isinstance(item, Request):
+ item.send_result = partial(self._send_result, request_id)
+ return [item]
+ if isinstance(item, Notification):
+ return [item]
+ if isinstance(item, Response):
+ return self._receive_response(item.result, request_id)
+ if isinstance(item, list):
+ if all(isinstance(payload, dict)
+ and ('result' in payload or 'error' in payload)
+ for payload in item):
+ return self._receive_response_batch(item)
+ else:
+ return self._receive_request_batch(item)
+ else:
+ # Protocol auto-detection hack
+ assert issubclass(item, JSONRPC)
+ self._protocol = item
+ return self.receive_message(message)
+ def cancel_pending_requests(self):
+ """Cancel all pending requests."""
+ exception = CancelledError()
+ for request, event in self._requests.values():
+ event.result = exception
+ event.set()
+ self._requests.clear()
+ def pending_requests(self):
+ """All sent requests that have not received a response."""
+ return [request for request, event in self._requests.values()]
+def handler_invocation(handler, request):
+ method, args = request.method, request.args
+ if handler is None:
+ f'unknown method "{method}"')
+ # We must test for too few and too many arguments. How
+ # depends on whether the arguments were passed as a list or as
+ # a dictionary.
+ info = signature_info(handler)
+ if isinstance(args, (tuple, list)):
+ if len(args) < info.min_args:
+ s = '' if len(args) == 1 else 's'
+ raise RPCError.invalid_args(
+ f'{len(args)} argument{s} passed to method '
+ f'"{method}" but it requires {info.min_args}')
+ if info.max_args is not None and len(args) > info.max_args:
+ s = '' if len(args) == 1 else 's'
+ raise RPCError.invalid_args(
+ f'{len(args)} argument{s} passed to method '
+ f'{method} taking at most {info.max_args}')
+ return partial(handler, *args)
+ # Arguments passed by name
+ if info.other_names is None:
+ raise RPCError.invalid_args(f'method "{method}" cannot '
+ f'be called with named arguments')
+ missing = set(info.required_names).difference(args)
+ if missing:
+ s = '' if len(missing) == 1 else 's'
+ missing = ', '.join(sorted(f'"{name}"' for name in missing))
+ raise RPCError.invalid_args(f'method "{method}" requires '
+ f'parameter{s} {missing}')
+ if info.other_names is not any:
+ excess = set(args).difference(info.required_names)
+ excess = excess.difference(info.other_names)
+ if excess:
+ s = '' if len(excess) == 1 else 's'
+ excess = ', '.join(sorted(f'"{name}"' for name in excess))
+ raise RPCError.invalid_args(f'method "{method}" does not '
+ f'take parameter{s} {excess}')
+ return partial(handler, **args)
diff --git a/torba/torba/rpc/session.py b/torba/torba/rpc/session.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8b8c6945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/rpc/session.py
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+__all__ = ('Connector', 'RPCSession', 'MessageSession', 'Server',
+ 'BatchError')
+import asyncio
+from asyncio import Event, CancelledError
+import logging
+import time
+from contextlib import suppress
+from torba.tasks import TaskGroup
+from .jsonrpc import Request, JSONRPCConnection, JSONRPCv2, JSONRPC, Batch, Notification
+from .jsonrpc import RPCError, ProtocolError
+from .framing import BadMagicError, BadChecksumError, OversizedPayloadError, BitcoinFramer, NewlineFramer
+from .util import Concurrency
+class Connector:
+ def __init__(self, session_factory, host=None, port=None, proxy=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ self.session_factory = session_factory
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.proxy = proxy
+ self.loop = kwargs.get('loop', asyncio.get_event_loop())
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ async def create_connection(self):
+ """Initiate a connection."""
+ connector = self.proxy or self.loop
+ return await connector.create_connection(
+ self.session_factory, self.host, self.port, **self.kwargs)
+ async def __aenter__(self):
+ transport, self.protocol = await self.create_connection()
+ # By default, do not limit outgoing connections
+ self.protocol.bw_limit = 0
+ return self.protocol
+ async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ await self.protocol.close()
+class SessionBase(asyncio.Protocol):
+ """Base class of networking sessions.
+ There is no client / server distinction other than who initiated
+ the connection.
+ To initiate a connection to a remote server pass host, port and
+ proxy to the constructor, and then call create_connection(). Each
+ successful call should have a corresponding call to close().
+ Alternatively if used in a with statement, the connection is made
+ on entry to the block, and closed on exit from the block.
+ """
+ max_errors = 10
+ def __init__(self, *, framer=None, loop=None):
+ self.framer = framer or self.default_framer()
+ self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
+ self.transport = None
+ # Set when a connection is made
+ self._address = None
+ self._proxy_address = None
+ # For logger.debug messsages
+ self.verbosity = 0
+ # Cleared when the send socket is full
+ self._can_send = Event()
+ self._can_send.set()
+ self._pm_task = None
+ self._task_group = TaskGroup(self.loop)
+ # Force-close a connection if a send doesn't succeed in this time
+ self.max_send_delay = 60
+ # Statistics. The RPC object also keeps its own statistics.
+ self.start_time = time.time()
+ self.errors = 0
+ self.send_count = 0
+ self.send_size = 0
+ self.last_send = self.start_time
+ self.recv_count = 0
+ self.recv_size = 0
+ self.last_recv = self.start_time
+ # Bandwidth usage per hour before throttling starts
+ self.bw_limit = 2000000
+ self.bw_time = self.start_time
+ self.bw_charge = 0
+ # Concurrency control
+ self.max_concurrent = 6
+ self._concurrency = Concurrency(self.max_concurrent)
+ async def _update_concurrency(self):
+ # A non-positive value means not to limit concurrency
+ if self.bw_limit <= 0:
+ return
+ now = time.time()
+ # Reduce the recorded usage in proportion to the elapsed time
+ refund = (now - self.bw_time) * (self.bw_limit / 3600)
+ self.bw_charge = max(0, self.bw_charge - int(refund))
+ self.bw_time = now
+ # Reduce concurrency allocation by 1 for each whole bw_limit used
+ throttle = int(self.bw_charge / self.bw_limit)
+ target = max(1, self.max_concurrent - throttle)
+ current = self._concurrency.max_concurrent
+ if target != current:
+ self.logger.info(f'changing task concurrency from {current} '
+ f'to {target}')
+ await self._concurrency.set_max_concurrent(target)
+ def _using_bandwidth(self, size):
+ """Called when sending or receiving size bytes."""
+ self.bw_charge += size
+ async def _limited_wait(self, secs):
+ try:
+ await asyncio.wait_for(self._can_send.wait(), secs)
+ except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+ self.abort()
+ raise asyncio.CancelledError(f'task timed out after {secs}s')
+ async def _send_message(self, message):
+ if not self._can_send.is_set():
+ await self._limited_wait(self.max_send_delay)
+ if not self.is_closing():
+ framed_message = self.framer.frame(message)
+ self.send_size += len(framed_message)
+ self._using_bandwidth(len(framed_message))
+ self.send_count += 1
+ self.last_send = time.time()
+ if self.verbosity >= 4:
+ self.logger.debug(f'Sending framed message {framed_message}')
+ self.transport.write(framed_message)
+ def _bump_errors(self):
+ self.errors += 1
+ if self.errors >= self.max_errors:
+ # Don't await self.close() because that is self-cancelling
+ self._close()
+ def _close(self):
+ if self.transport:
+ self.transport.close()
+ # asyncio framework
+ def data_received(self, framed_message):
+ """Called by asyncio when a message comes in."""
+ if self.verbosity >= 4:
+ self.logger.debug(f'Received framed message {framed_message}')
+ self.recv_size += len(framed_message)
+ self._using_bandwidth(len(framed_message))
+ self.framer.received_bytes(framed_message)
+ def pause_writing(self):
+ """Transport calls when the send buffer is full."""
+ if not self.is_closing():
+ self._can_send.clear()
+ self.transport.pause_reading()
+ def resume_writing(self):
+ """Transport calls when the send buffer has room."""
+ if not self._can_send.is_set():
+ self._can_send.set()
+ self.transport.resume_reading()
+ def connection_made(self, transport):
+ """Called by asyncio when a connection is established.
+ Derived classes overriding this method must call this first."""
+ self.transport = transport
+ # This would throw if called on a closed SSL transport. Fixed
+ # in asyncio in Python 3.6.1 and 3.5.4
+ peer_address = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
+ # If the Socks proxy was used then _address is already set to
+ # the remote address
+ if self._address:
+ self._proxy_address = peer_address
+ else:
+ self._address = peer_address
+ self._pm_task = self.loop.create_task(self._receive_messages())
+ def connection_lost(self, exc):
+ """Called by asyncio when the connection closes.
+ Tear down things done in connection_made."""
+ self._address = None
+ self.transport = None
+ self._task_group.cancel()
+ self._pm_task.cancel()
+ # Release waiting tasks
+ self._can_send.set()
+ # External API
+ def default_framer(self):
+ """Return a default framer."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def peer_address(self):
+ """Returns the peer's address (Python networking address), or None if
+ no connection or an error.
+ This is the result of socket.getpeername() when the connection
+ was made.
+ """
+ return self._address
+ def peer_address_str(self):
+ """Returns the peer's IP address and port as a human-readable
+ string."""
+ if not self._address:
+ return 'unknown'
+ ip_addr_str, port = self._address[:2]
+ if ':' in ip_addr_str:
+ return f'[{ip_addr_str}]:{port}'
+ else:
+ return f'{ip_addr_str}:{port}'
+ def is_closing(self):
+ """Return True if the connection is closing."""
+ return not self.transport or self.transport.is_closing()
+ def abort(self):
+ """Forcefully close the connection."""
+ if self.transport:
+ self.transport.abort()
+ async def close(self, *, force_after=30):
+ """Close the connection and return when closed."""
+ self._close()
+ if self._pm_task:
+ with suppress(CancelledError):
+ await asyncio.wait([self._pm_task], timeout=force_after)
+ self.abort()
+ await self._pm_task
+class MessageSession(SessionBase):
+ """Session class for protocols where messages are not tied to responses,
+ such as the Bitcoin protocol.
+ To use as a client (connection-opening) session, pass host, port
+ and perhaps a proxy.
+ """
+ async def _receive_messages(self):
+ while not self.is_closing():
+ try:
+ message = await self.framer.receive_message()
+ except BadMagicError as e:
+ magic, expected = e.args
+ self.logger.error(
+ f'bad network magic: got {magic} expected {expected}, '
+ f'disconnecting'
+ )
+ self._close()
+ except OversizedPayloadError as e:
+ command, payload_len = e.args
+ self.logger.error(
+ f'oversized payload of {payload_len:,d} bytes to command '
+ f'{command}, disconnecting'
+ )
+ self._close()
+ except BadChecksumError as e:
+ payload_checksum, claimed_checksum = e.args
+ self.logger.warning(
+ f'checksum mismatch: actual {payload_checksum.hex()} '
+ f'vs claimed {claimed_checksum.hex()}'
+ )
+ self._bump_errors()
+ else:
+ self.last_recv = time.time()
+ self.recv_count += 1
+ if self.recv_count % 10 == 0:
+ await self._update_concurrency()
+ await self._task_group.add(self._throttled_message(message))
+ async def _throttled_message(self, message):
+ """Process a single request, respecting the concurrency limit."""
+ async with self._concurrency.semaphore:
+ try:
+ await self.handle_message(message)
+ except ProtocolError as e:
+ self.logger.error(f'{e}')
+ self._bump_errors()
+ except CancelledError:
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ self.logger.exception(f'exception handling {message}')
+ self._bump_errors()
+ # External API
+ def default_framer(self):
+ """Return a bitcoin framer."""
+ return BitcoinFramer(bytes.fromhex('e3e1f3e8'), 128_000_000)
+ async def handle_message(self, message):
+ """message is a (command, payload) pair."""
+ pass
+ async def send_message(self, message):
+ """Send a message (command, payload) over the network."""
+ await self._send_message(message)
+class BatchError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, request):
+ self.request = request # BatchRequest object
+class BatchRequest(object):
+ """Used to build a batch request to send to the server. Stores
+ the
+ Attributes batch and results are initially None.
+ Adding an invalid request or notification immediately raises a
+ ProtocolError.
+ On exiting the with clause, it will:
+ 1) create a Batch object for the requests in the order they were
+ added. If the batch is empty this raises a ProtocolError.
+ 2) set the "batch" attribute to be that batch
+ 3) send the batch request and wait for a response
+ 4) raise a ProtocolError if the protocol was violated by the
+ server. Currently this only happens if it gave more than one
+ response to any request
+ 5) otherwise there is precisely one response to each Request. Set
+ the "results" attribute to the tuple of results; the responses
+ are ordered to match the Requests in the batch. Notifications
+ do not get a response.
+ 6) if raise_errors is True and any individual response was a JSON
+ RPC error response, or violated the protocol in some way, a
+ BatchError exception is raised. Otherwise the caller can be
+ certain each request returned a standard result.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, session, raise_errors):
+ self._session = session
+ self._raise_errors = raise_errors
+ self._requests = []
+ self.batch = None
+ self.results = None
+ def add_request(self, method, args=()):
+ self._requests.append(Request(method, args))
+ def add_notification(self, method, args=()):
+ self._requests.append(Notification(method, args))
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._requests)
+ async def __aenter__(self):
+ return self
+ async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ if exc_type is None:
+ self.batch = Batch(self._requests)
+ message, event = self._session.connection.send_batch(self.batch)
+ await self._session._send_message(message)
+ await event.wait()
+ self.results = event.result
+ if self._raise_errors:
+ if any(isinstance(item, Exception) for item in event.result):
+ raise BatchError(self)
+class RPCSession(SessionBase):
+ """Base class for protocols where a message can lead to a response,
+ for example JSON RPC."""
+ def __init__(self, *, framer=None, loop=None, connection=None):
+ super().__init__(framer=framer, loop=loop)
+ self.connection = connection or self.default_connection()
+ async def _receive_messages(self):
+ while not self.is_closing():
+ try:
+ message = await self.framer.receive_message()
+ except MemoryError as e:
+ self.logger.warning(f'{e!r}')
+ continue
+ self.last_recv = time.time()
+ self.recv_count += 1
+ if self.recv_count % 10 == 0:
+ await self._update_concurrency()
+ try:
+ requests = self.connection.receive_message(message)
+ except ProtocolError as e:
+ self.logger.debug(f'{e}')
+ if e.error_message:
+ await self._send_message(e.error_message)
+ if e.code == JSONRPC.PARSE_ERROR:
+ self.max_errors = 0
+ self._bump_errors()
+ else:
+ for request in requests:
+ await self._task_group.add(self._throttled_request(request))
+ async def _throttled_request(self, request):
+ """Process a single request, respecting the concurrency limit."""
+ async with self._concurrency.semaphore:
+ try:
+ result = await self.handle_request(request)
+ except (ProtocolError, RPCError) as e:
+ result = e
+ except CancelledError:
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ self.logger.exception(f'exception handling {request}')
+ 'internal server error')
+ if isinstance(request, Request):
+ message = request.send_result(result)
+ if message:
+ await self._send_message(message)
+ if isinstance(result, Exception):
+ self._bump_errors()
+ def connection_lost(self, exc):
+ # Cancel pending requests and message processing
+ self.connection.cancel_pending_requests()
+ super().connection_lost(exc)
+ # External API
+ def default_connection(self):
+ """Return a default connection if the user provides none."""
+ return JSONRPCConnection(JSONRPCv2)
+ def default_framer(self):
+ """Return a default framer."""
+ return NewlineFramer()
+ async def handle_request(self, request):
+ pass
+ async def send_request(self, method, args=()):
+ """Send an RPC request over the network."""
+ message, event = self.connection.send_request(Request(method, args))
+ await self._send_message(message)
+ await event.wait()
+ result = event.result
+ if isinstance(result, Exception):
+ raise result
+ return result
+ async def send_notification(self, method, args=()):
+ """Send an RPC notification over the network."""
+ message = self.connection.send_notification(Notification(method, args))
+ await self._send_message(message)
+ def send_batch(self, raise_errors=False):
+ """Return a BatchRequest. Intended to be used like so:
+ async with session.send_batch() as batch:
+ batch.add_request("method1")
+ batch.add_request("sum", (x, y))
+ batch.add_notification("updated")
+ for result in batch.results:
+ ...
+ Note that in some circumstances exceptions can be raised; see
+ BatchRequest doc string.
+ """
+ return BatchRequest(self, raise_errors)
+class Server(object):
+ """A simple wrapper around an asyncio.Server object."""
+ def __init__(self, session_factory, host=None, port=None, *,
+ loop=None, **kwargs):
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ self.server = None
+ self._session_factory = session_factory
+ self._kwargs = kwargs
+ async def listen(self):
+ self.server = await self.loop.create_server(
+ self._session_factory, self.host, self.port, **self._kwargs)
+ async def close(self):
+ """Close the listening socket. This does not close any ServerSession
+ objects created to handle incoming connections.
+ """
+ if self.server:
+ self.server.close()
+ await self.server.wait_closed()
+ self.server = None
diff --git a/torba/torba/rpc/socks.py b/torba/torba/rpc/socks.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64bfe9866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/rpc/socks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""SOCKS proxying."""
+import sys
+import asyncio
+import collections
+import ipaddress
+import socket
+import struct
+from functools import partial
+__all__ = ('SOCKSUserAuth', 'SOCKS4', 'SOCKS4a', 'SOCKS5', 'SOCKSProxy',
+ 'SOCKSError', 'SOCKSProtocolError', 'SOCKSFailure')
+SOCKSUserAuth = collections.namedtuple("SOCKSUserAuth", "username password")
+class SOCKSError(Exception):
+ """Base class for SOCKS exceptions. Each raised exception will be
+ an instance of a derived class."""
+class SOCKSProtocolError(SOCKSError):
+ """Raised when the proxy does not follow the SOCKS protocol"""
+class SOCKSFailure(SOCKSError):
+ """Raised when the proxy refuses or fails to make a connection"""
+class NeedData(Exception):
+ pass
+class SOCKSBase(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def name(cls):
+ return cls.__name__
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._buffer = bytes()
+ self._state = self._start
+ def _read(self, size):
+ if len(self._buffer) < size:
+ raise NeedData(size - len(self._buffer))
+ result = self._buffer[:size]
+ self._buffer = self._buffer[size:]
+ return result
+ def receive_data(self, data):
+ self._buffer += data
+ def next_message(self):
+ return self._state()
+class SOCKS4(SOCKSBase):
+ """SOCKS4 protocol wrapper."""
+ # See http://ftp.icm.edu.pl/packages/socks/socks4/SOCKS4.protocol
+ 90: 'request granted',
+ 91: 'request rejected or failed',
+ 92: ('request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect '
+ 'to identd on the client'),
+ 93: ('request rejected because the client program and identd '
+ 'report different user-ids')
+ }
+ def __init__(self, dst_host, dst_port, auth):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._dst_host = self._check_host(dst_host)
+ self._dst_port = dst_port
+ self._auth = auth
+ @classmethod
+ def _check_host(cls, host):
+ if not isinstance(host, ipaddress.IPv4Address):
+ try:
+ host = ipaddress.IPv4Address(host)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(
+ f'SOCKS4 requires an IPv4 address: {host}') from None
+ return host
+ def _start(self):
+ self._state = self._first_response
+ if isinstance(self._dst_host, ipaddress.IPv4Address):
+ # SOCKS4
+ dst_ip_packed = self._dst_host.packed
+ host_bytes = b''
+ else:
+ # SOCKS4a
+ dst_ip_packed = b'\0\0\0\1'
+ host_bytes = self._dst_host.encode() + b'\0'
+ if isinstance(self._auth, SOCKSUserAuth):
+ user_id = self._auth.username.encode()
+ else:
+ user_id = b''
+ # Send TCP/IP stream CONNECT request
+ return b''.join([b'\4\1', struct.pack('>H', self._dst_port),
+ dst_ip_packed, user_id, b'\0', host_bytes])
+ def _first_response(self):
+ # Wait for 8-byte response
+ data = self._read(8)
+ if data[0] != 0:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(f'invalid {self.name()} proxy '
+ f'response: {data}')
+ reply_code = data[1]
+ if reply_code != 90:
+ msg = self.REPLY_CODES.get(
+ reply_code, f'unknown {self.name()} reply code {reply_code}')
+ raise SOCKSFailure(f'{self.name()} proxy request failed: {msg}')
+ # Other fields ignored
+ return None
+class SOCKS4a(SOCKS4):
+ @classmethod
+ def _check_host(cls, host):
+ if not isinstance(host, (str, ipaddress.IPv4Address)):
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(
+ f'SOCKS4a requires an IPv4 address or host name: {host}')
+ return host
+class SOCKS5(SOCKSBase):
+ """SOCKS protocol wrapper."""
+ # See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1928
+ 1: 'general SOCKS server failure',
+ 2: 'connection not allowed by ruleset',
+ 3: 'network unreachable',
+ 4: 'host unreachable',
+ 5: 'connection refused',
+ 6: 'TTL expired',
+ 7: 'command not supported',
+ 8: 'address type not supported',
+ }
+ def __init__(self, dst_host, dst_port, auth):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._dst_bytes = self._destination_bytes(dst_host, dst_port)
+ self._auth_bytes, self._auth_methods = self._authentication(auth)
+ def _destination_bytes(self, host, port):
+ if isinstance(host, ipaddress.IPv4Address):
+ addr_bytes = b'\1' + host.packed
+ elif isinstance(host, ipaddress.IPv6Address):
+ addr_bytes = b'\4' + host.packed
+ elif isinstance(host, str):
+ host = host.encode()
+ if len(host) > 255:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(f'hostname too long: '
+ f'{len(host)} bytes')
+ addr_bytes = b'\3' + bytes([len(host)]) + host
+ else:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(f'SOCKS5 requires an IPv4 address, IPv6 '
+ f'address, or host name: {host}')
+ return addr_bytes + struct.pack('>H', port)
+ def _authentication(self, auth):
+ if isinstance(auth, SOCKSUserAuth):
+ user_bytes = auth.username.encode()
+ if not 0 < len(user_bytes) < 256:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(f'username {auth.username} has '
+ f'invalid length {len(user_bytes)}')
+ pwd_bytes = auth.password.encode()
+ if not 0 < len(pwd_bytes) < 256:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(f'password has invalid length '
+ f'{len(pwd_bytes)}')
+ return b''.join([bytes([1, len(user_bytes)]), user_bytes,
+ bytes([len(pwd_bytes)]), pwd_bytes]), [0, 2]
+ return b'', [0]
+ def _start(self):
+ self._state = self._first_response
+ return (b'\5' + bytes([len(self._auth_methods)])
+ + bytes(m for m in self._auth_methods))
+ def _first_response(self):
+ # Wait for 2-byte response
+ data = self._read(2)
+ if data[0] != 5:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(f'invalid SOCKS5 proxy response: {data}')
+ if data[1] not in self._auth_methods:
+ raise SOCKSFailure('SOCKS5 proxy rejected authentication methods')
+ # Authenticate if user-password authentication
+ if data[1] == 2:
+ self._state = self._auth_response
+ return self._auth_bytes
+ return self._request_connection()
+ def _auth_response(self):
+ data = self._read(2)
+ if data[0] != 1:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(f'invalid SOCKS5 proxy auth '
+ f'response: {data}')
+ if data[1] != 0:
+ raise SOCKSFailure(f'SOCKS5 proxy auth failure code: '
+ f'{data[1]}')
+ return self._request_connection()
+ def _request_connection(self):
+ # Send connection request
+ self._state = self._connect_response
+ return b'\5\1\0' + self._dst_bytes
+ def _connect_response(self):
+ data = self._read(5)
+ if data[0] != 5 or data[2] != 0 or data[3] not in (1, 3, 4):
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError(f'invalid SOCKS5 proxy response: {data}')
+ if data[1] != 0:
+ raise SOCKSFailure(self.ERROR_CODES.get(
+ data[1], f'unknown SOCKS5 error code: {data[1]}'))
+ if data[3] == 1:
+ addr_len = 3 # IPv4
+ elif data[3] == 3:
+ addr_len = data[4] # Hostname
+ else:
+ addr_len = 15 # IPv6
+ self._state = partial(self._connect_response_rest, addr_len)
+ return self.next_message()
+ def _connect_response_rest(self, addr_len):
+ self._read(addr_len + 2)
+ return None
+class SOCKSProxy(object):
+ def __init__(self, address, protocol, auth):
+ """A SOCKS proxy at an address following a SOCKS protocol. auth is an
+ authentication method to use when connecting, or None.
+ address is a (host, port) pair; for IPv6 it can instead be a
+ (host, port, flowinfo, scopeid) 4-tuple.
+ """
+ self.address = address
+ self.protocol = protocol
+ self.auth = auth
+ # Set on each successful connection via the proxy to the
+ # result of socket.getpeername()
+ self.peername = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ auth = 'username' if self.auth else 'none'
+ return f'{self.protocol.name()} proxy at {self.address}, auth: {auth}'
+ async def _handshake(self, client, sock, loop):
+ while True:
+ count = 0
+ try:
+ message = client.next_message()
+ except NeedData as e:
+ count = e.args[0]
+ else:
+ if message is None:
+ return
+ await loop.sock_sendall(sock, message)
+ if count:
+ data = await loop.sock_recv(sock, count)
+ if not data:
+ raise SOCKSProtocolError("EOF received")
+ client.receive_data(data)
+ async def _connect_one(self, host, port):
+ """Connect to the proxy and perform a handshake requesting a
+ connection to (host, port).
+ Return the open socket on success, or the exception on failure.
+ """
+ client = self.protocol(host, port, self.auth)
+ sock = socket.socket()
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ try:
+ # A non-blocking socket is required by loop socket methods
+ sock.setblocking(False)
+ await loop.sock_connect(sock, self.address)
+ await self._handshake(client, sock, loop)
+ self.peername = sock.getpeername()
+ return sock
+ except Exception as e:
+ # Don't close - see https://github.com/kyuupichan/aiorpcX/issues/8
+ if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform == "darwin":
+ sock.close()
+ return e
+ async def _connect(self, addresses):
+ """Connect to the proxy and perform a handshake requesting a
+ connection to each address in addresses.
+ Return an (open_socket, address) pair on success.
+ """
+ assert len(addresses) > 0
+ exceptions = []
+ for address in addresses:
+ host, port = address[:2]
+ sock = await self._connect_one(host, port)
+ if isinstance(sock, socket.socket):
+ return sock, address
+ exceptions.append(sock)
+ strings = set(f'{exc!r}' for exc in exceptions)
+ raise (exceptions[0] if len(strings) == 1 else
+ OSError(f'multiple exceptions: {", ".join(strings)}'))
+ async def _detect_proxy(self):
+ """Return True if it appears we can connect to a SOCKS proxy,
+ otherwise False.
+ """
+ if self.protocol is SOCKS4a:
+ host, port = 'www.apple.com', 80
+ else:
+ host, port = ipaddress.IPv4Address(''), 53
+ sock = await self._connect_one(host, port)
+ if isinstance(sock, socket.socket):
+ sock.close()
+ return True
+ # SOCKSFailure indicates something failed, but that we are
+ # likely talking to a proxy
+ return isinstance(sock, SOCKSFailure)
+ @classmethod
+ async def auto_detect_address(cls, address, auth):
+ """Try to detect a SOCKS proxy at address using the authentication
+ method (or None). SOCKS5, SOCKS4a and SOCKS are tried in
+ order. If a SOCKS proxy is detected a SOCKSProxy object is
+ returned.
+ Returning a SOCKSProxy does not mean it is functioning - for
+ example, it may have no network connectivity.
+ If no proxy is detected return None.
+ """
+ for protocol in (SOCKS5, SOCKS4a, SOCKS4):
+ proxy = cls(address, protocol, auth)
+ if await proxy._detect_proxy():
+ return proxy
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ async def auto_detect_host(cls, host, ports, auth):
+ """Try to detect a SOCKS proxy on a host on one of the ports.
+ Calls auto_detect for the ports in order. Returns SOCKS are
+ tried in order; a SOCKSProxy object for the first detected
+ proxy is returned.
+ Returning a SOCKSProxy does not mean it is functioning - for
+ example, it may have no network connectivity.
+ If no proxy is detected return None.
+ """
+ for port in ports:
+ address = (host, port)
+ proxy = await cls.auto_detect_address(address, auth)
+ if proxy:
+ return proxy
+ return None
+ async def create_connection(self, protocol_factory, host, port, *,
+ resolve=False, ssl=None,
+ family=0, proto=0, flags=0):
+ """Set up a connection to (host, port) through the proxy.
+ If resolve is True then host is resolved locally with
+ getaddrinfo using family, proto and flags, otherwise the proxy
+ is asked to resolve host.
+ The function signature is similar to loop.create_connection()
+ with the same result. The attribute _address is set on the
+ protocol to the address of the successful remote connection.
+ Additionally raises SOCKSError if something goes wrong with
+ the proxy handshake.
+ """
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ if resolve:
+ infos = await loop.getaddrinfo(host, port, family=family,
+ type=socket.SOCK_STREAM,
+ proto=proto, flags=flags)
+ addresses = [info[4] for info in infos]
+ else:
+ addresses = [(host, port)]
+ sock, address = await self._connect(addresses)
+ def set_address():
+ protocol = protocol_factory()
+ protocol._address = address
+ return protocol
+ return await loop.create_connection(
+ set_address, sock=sock, ssl=ssl,
+ server_hostname=host if ssl else None)
diff --git a/torba/torba/rpc/util.py b/torba/torba/rpc/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f62587b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/rpc/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+__all__ = ()
+import asyncio
+from collections import namedtuple
+import inspect
+# other_params: None means cannot be called with keyword arguments only
+# any means any name is good
+SignatureInfo = namedtuple('SignatureInfo', 'min_args max_args '
+ 'required_names other_names')
+def signature_info(func):
+ params = inspect.signature(func).parameters
+ min_args = max_args = 0
+ required_names = []
+ other_names = []
+ no_names = False
+ for p in params.values():
+ if p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
+ max_args += 1
+ if p.default is p.empty:
+ min_args += 1
+ required_names.append(p.name)
+ else:
+ other_names.append(p.name)
+ elif p.kind == p.KEYWORD_ONLY:
+ other_names.append(p.name)
+ elif p.kind == p.VAR_POSITIONAL:
+ max_args = None
+ elif p.kind == p.VAR_KEYWORD:
+ other_names = any
+ elif p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
+ max_args += 1
+ if p.default is p.empty:
+ min_args += 1
+ no_names = True
+ if no_names:
+ other_names = None
+ return SignatureInfo(min_args, max_args, required_names, other_names)
+class Concurrency(object):
+ def __init__(self, max_concurrent):
+ self._require_non_negative(max_concurrent)
+ self._max_concurrent = max_concurrent
+ self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(max_concurrent)
+ def _require_non_negative(self, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, int) or value < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('concurrency must be a natural number')
+ @property
+ def max_concurrent(self):
+ return self._max_concurrent
+ async def set_max_concurrent(self, value):
+ self._require_non_negative(value)
+ diff = value - self._max_concurrent
+ self._max_concurrent = value
+ if diff >= 0:
+ for _ in range(diff):
+ self.semaphore.release()
+ else:
+ for _ in range(-diff):
+ await self.semaphore.acquire()
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/__init__.py b/torba/torba/server/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7f2cf595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .server import Server
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/block_processor.py b/torba/torba/server/block_processor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49bb30cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/block_processor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
+# Copyright (c) 2017, the ElectrumX authors
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Block prefetcher and chain processor."""
+import asyncio
+from struct import pack, unpack
+import time
+import torba
+from torba.server.daemon import DaemonError
+from torba.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, HASHX_LEN
+from torba.server.util import chunks, class_logger
+from torba.server.db import FlushData
+class Prefetcher:
+ """Prefetches blocks (in the forward direction only)."""
+ def __init__(self, daemon, coin, blocks_event):
+ self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ self.daemon = daemon
+ self.coin = coin
+ self.blocks_event = blocks_event
+ self.blocks = []
+ self.caught_up = False
+ # Access to fetched_height should be protected by the semaphore
+ self.fetched_height = None
+ self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore()
+ self.refill_event = asyncio.Event()
+ # The prefetched block cache size. The min cache size has
+ # little effect on sync time.
+ self.cache_size = 0
+ self.min_cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024
+ # This makes the first fetch be 10 blocks
+ self.ave_size = self.min_cache_size // 10
+ self.polling_delay = 5
+ async def main_loop(self, bp_height):
+ """Loop forever polling for more blocks."""
+ await self.reset_height(bp_height)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ # Sleep a while if there is nothing to prefetch
+ await self.refill_event.wait()
+ if not await self._prefetch_blocks():
+ await asyncio.sleep(self.polling_delay)
+ except DaemonError as e:
+ self.logger.info(f'ignoring daemon error: {e}')
+ def get_prefetched_blocks(self):
+ """Called by block processor when it is processing queued blocks."""
+ blocks = self.blocks
+ self.blocks = []
+ self.cache_size = 0
+ self.refill_event.set()
+ return blocks
+ async def reset_height(self, height):
+ """Reset to prefetch blocks from the block processor's height.
+ Used in blockchain reorganisations. This coroutine can be
+ called asynchronously to the _prefetch_blocks coroutine so we
+ must synchronize with a semaphore.
+ """
+ async with self.semaphore:
+ self.blocks.clear()
+ self.cache_size = 0
+ self.fetched_height = height
+ self.refill_event.set()
+ daemon_height = await self.daemon.height()
+ behind = daemon_height - height
+ if behind > 0:
+ self.logger.info('catching up to daemon height {:,d} '
+ '({:,d} blocks behind)'
+ .format(daemon_height, behind))
+ else:
+ self.logger.info('caught up to daemon height {:,d}'
+ .format(daemon_height))
+ async def _prefetch_blocks(self):
+ """Prefetch some blocks and put them on the queue.
+ Repeats until the queue is full or caught up.
+ """
+ daemon = self.daemon
+ daemon_height = await daemon.height()
+ async with self.semaphore:
+ while self.cache_size < self.min_cache_size:
+ # Try and catch up all blocks but limit to room in cache.
+ # Constrain fetch count to between 0 and 500 regardless;
+ # testnet can be lumpy.
+ cache_room = self.min_cache_size // self.ave_size
+ count = min(daemon_height - self.fetched_height, cache_room)
+ count = min(500, max(count, 0))
+ if not count:
+ self.caught_up = True
+ return False
+ first = self.fetched_height + 1
+ hex_hashes = await daemon.block_hex_hashes(first, count)
+ if self.caught_up:
+ self.logger.info('new block height {:,d} hash {}'
+ .format(first + count-1, hex_hashes[-1]))
+ blocks = await daemon.raw_blocks(hex_hashes)
+ assert count == len(blocks)
+ # Special handling for genesis block
+ if first == 0:
+ blocks[0] = self.coin.genesis_block(blocks[0])
+ self.logger.info('verified genesis block with hash {}'
+ .format(hex_hashes[0]))
+ # Update our recent average block size estimate
+ size = sum(len(block) for block in blocks)
+ if count >= 10:
+ self.ave_size = size // count
+ else:
+ self.ave_size = (size + (10 - count) * self.ave_size) // 10
+ self.blocks.extend(blocks)
+ self.cache_size += size
+ self.fetched_height += count
+ self.blocks_event.set()
+ self.refill_event.clear()
+ return True
+class ChainError(Exception):
+ """Raised on error processing blocks."""
+class BlockProcessor:
+ """Process blocks and update the DB state to match.
+ Employ a prefetcher to prefetch blocks in batches for processing.
+ Coordinate backing up in case of chain reorganisations.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env, db, daemon, notifications):
+ self.env = env
+ self.db = db
+ self.daemon = daemon
+ self.notifications = notifications
+ self.coin = env.coin
+ self.blocks_event = asyncio.Event()
+ self.prefetcher = Prefetcher(daemon, env.coin, self.blocks_event)
+ self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Meta
+ self.next_cache_check = 0
+ self.touched = set()
+ self.reorg_count = 0
+ # Caches of unflushed items.
+ self.headers = []
+ self.tx_hashes = []
+ self.undo_infos = []
+ # UTXO cache
+ self.utxo_cache = {}
+ self.db_deletes = []
+ # If the lock is successfully acquired, in-memory chain state
+ # is consistent with self.height
+ self.state_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+ async def run_in_thread_with_lock(self, func, *args):
+ # Run in a thread to prevent blocking. Shielded so that
+ # cancellations from shutdown don't lose work - when the task
+ # completes the data will be flushed and then we shut down.
+ # Take the state lock to be certain in-memory state is
+ # consistent and not being updated elsewhere.
+ async def run_in_thread_locked():
+ async with self.state_lock:
+ return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, func, *args)
+ return await asyncio.shield(run_in_thread_locked())
+ async def check_and_advance_blocks(self, raw_blocks):
+ """Process the list of raw blocks passed. Detects and handles
+ reorgs.
+ """
+ if not raw_blocks:
+ return
+ first = self.height + 1
+ blocks = [self.coin.block(raw_block, first + n)
+ for n, raw_block in enumerate(raw_blocks)]
+ headers = [block.header for block in blocks]
+ hprevs = [self.coin.header_prevhash(h) for h in headers]
+ chain = [self.tip] + [self.coin.header_hash(h) for h in headers[:-1]]
+ if hprevs == chain:
+ start = time.time()
+ await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(self.advance_blocks, blocks)
+ await self._maybe_flush()
+ if not self.db.first_sync:
+ s = '' if len(blocks) == 1 else 's'
+ self.logger.info('processed {:,d} block{} in {:.1f}s'
+ .format(len(blocks), s,
+ time.time() - start))
+ if self._caught_up_event.is_set():
+ await self.notifications.on_block(self.touched, self.height)
+ self.touched = set()
+ elif hprevs[0] != chain[0]:
+ await self.reorg_chain()
+ else:
+ # It is probably possible but extremely rare that what
+ # bitcoind returns doesn't form a chain because it
+ # reorg-ed the chain as it was processing the batched
+ # block hash requests. Should this happen it's simplest
+ # just to reset the prefetcher and try again.
+ self.logger.warning('daemon blocks do not form a chain; '
+ 'resetting the prefetcher')
+ await self.prefetcher.reset_height(self.height)
+ async def reorg_chain(self, count=None):
+ """Handle a chain reorganisation.
+ Count is the number of blocks to simulate a reorg, or None for
+ a real reorg."""
+ if count is None:
+ self.logger.info('chain reorg detected')
+ else:
+ self.logger.info(f'faking a reorg of {count:,d} blocks')
+ await self.flush(True)
+ async def get_raw_blocks(last_height, hex_hashes):
+ heights = range(last_height, last_height - len(hex_hashes), -1)
+ try:
+ blocks = [self.db.read_raw_block(height) for height in heights]
+ self.logger.info(f'read {len(blocks)} blocks from disk')
+ return blocks
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return await self.daemon.raw_blocks(hex_hashes)
+ def flush_backup():
+ # self.touched can include other addresses which is
+ # harmless, but remove None.
+ self.touched.discard(None)
+ self.db.flush_backup(self.flush_data(), self.touched)
+ start, last, hashes = await self.reorg_hashes(count)
+ # Reverse and convert to hex strings.
+ hashes = [hash_to_hex_str(hash) for hash in reversed(hashes)]
+ for hex_hashes in chunks(hashes, 50):
+ raw_blocks = await get_raw_blocks(last, hex_hashes)
+ await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(self.backup_blocks, raw_blocks)
+ await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(flush_backup)
+ last -= len(raw_blocks)
+ await self.prefetcher.reset_height(self.height)
+ async def reorg_hashes(self, count):
+ """Return a pair (start, last, hashes) of blocks to back up during a
+ reorg.
+ The hashes are returned in order of increasing height. Start
+ is the height of the first hash, last of the last.
+ """
+ start, count = await self.calc_reorg_range(count)
+ last = start + count - 1
+ s = '' if count == 1 else 's'
+ self.logger.info(f'chain was reorganised replacing {count:,d} '
+ f'block{s} at heights {start:,d}-{last:,d}')
+ return start, last, await self.db.fs_block_hashes(start, count)
+ async def calc_reorg_range(self, count):
+ """Calculate the reorg range"""
+ def diff_pos(hashes1, hashes2):
+ """Returns the index of the first difference in the hash lists.
+ If both lists match returns their length."""
+ for n, (hash1, hash2) in enumerate(zip(hashes1, hashes2)):
+ if hash1 != hash2:
+ return n
+ return len(hashes)
+ if count is None:
+ # A real reorg
+ start = self.height - 1
+ count = 1
+ while start > 0:
+ hashes = await self.db.fs_block_hashes(start, count)
+ hex_hashes = [hash_to_hex_str(hash) for hash in hashes]
+ d_hex_hashes = await self.daemon.block_hex_hashes(start, count)
+ n = diff_pos(hex_hashes, d_hex_hashes)
+ if n > 0:
+ start += n
+ break
+ count = min(count * 2, start)
+ start -= count
+ count = (self.height - start) + 1
+ else:
+ start = (self.height - count) + 1
+ return start, count
+ def estimate_txs_remaining(self):
+ # Try to estimate how many txs there are to go
+ daemon_height = self.daemon.cached_height()
+ coin = self.coin
+ tail_count = daemon_height - max(self.height, coin.TX_COUNT_HEIGHT)
+ # Damp the initial enthusiasm
+ realism = max(2.0 - 0.9 * self.height / coin.TX_COUNT_HEIGHT, 1.0)
+ return (tail_count * coin.TX_PER_BLOCK +
+ max(coin.TX_COUNT - self.tx_count, 0)) * realism
+ # - Flushing
+ def flush_data(self):
+ """The data for a flush. The lock must be taken."""
+ assert self.state_lock.locked()
+ return FlushData(self.height, self.tx_count, self.headers,
+ self.tx_hashes, self.undo_infos, self.utxo_cache,
+ self.db_deletes, self.tip)
+ async def flush(self, flush_utxos):
+ def flush():
+ self.db.flush_dbs(self.flush_data(), flush_utxos,
+ self.estimate_txs_remaining)
+ await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(flush)
+ async def _maybe_flush(self):
+ # If caught up, flush everything as client queries are
+ # performed on the DB.
+ if self._caught_up_event.is_set():
+ await self.flush(True)
+ elif time.time() > self.next_cache_check:
+ flush_arg = self.check_cache_size()
+ if flush_arg is not None:
+ await self.flush(flush_arg)
+ self.next_cache_check = time.time() + 30
+ def check_cache_size(self):
+ """Flush a cache if it gets too big."""
+ # Good average estimates based on traversal of subobjects and
+ # requesting size from Python (see deep_getsizeof).
+ one_MB = 1000*1000
+ utxo_cache_size = len(self.utxo_cache) * 205
+ db_deletes_size = len(self.db_deletes) * 57
+ hist_cache_size = self.db.history.unflushed_memsize()
+ # Roughly ntxs * 32 + nblocks * 42
+ tx_hash_size = ((self.tx_count - self.db.fs_tx_count) * 32
+ + (self.height - self.db.fs_height) * 42)
+ utxo_MB = (db_deletes_size + utxo_cache_size) // one_MB
+ hist_MB = (hist_cache_size + tx_hash_size) // one_MB
+ self.logger.info('our height: {:,d} daemon: {:,d} '
+ 'UTXOs {:,d}MB hist {:,d}MB'
+ .format(self.height, self.daemon.cached_height(),
+ utxo_MB, hist_MB))
+ # Flush history if it takes up over 20% of cache memory.
+ # Flush UTXOs once they take up 80% of cache memory.
+ cache_MB = self.env.cache_MB
+ if utxo_MB + hist_MB >= cache_MB or hist_MB >= cache_MB // 5:
+ return utxo_MB >= cache_MB * 4 // 5
+ return None
+ def advance_blocks(self, blocks):
+ """Synchronously advance the blocks.
+ It is already verified they correctly connect onto our tip.
+ """
+ min_height = self.db.min_undo_height(self.daemon.cached_height())
+ height = self.height
+ for block in blocks:
+ height += 1
+ undo_info = self.advance_txs(
+ height, block.transactions, self.coin.electrum_header(block.header, height)
+ )
+ if height >= min_height:
+ self.undo_infos.append((undo_info, height))
+ self.db.write_raw_block(block.raw, height)
+ headers = [block.header for block in blocks]
+ self.height = height
+ self.headers.extend(headers)
+ self.tip = self.coin.header_hash(headers[-1])
+ def advance_txs(self, height, txs, header):
+ self.tx_hashes.append(b''.join(tx_hash for tx, tx_hash in txs))
+ # Use local vars for speed in the loops
+ undo_info = []
+ tx_num = self.tx_count
+ script_hashX = self.coin.hashX_from_script
+ s_pack = pack
+ put_utxo = self.utxo_cache.__setitem__
+ spend_utxo = self.spend_utxo
+ undo_info_append = undo_info.append
+ update_touched = self.touched.update
+ hashXs_by_tx = []
+ append_hashXs = hashXs_by_tx.append
+ for tx, tx_hash in txs:
+ hashXs = []
+ append_hashX = hashXs.append
+ tx_numb = s_pack('= len(raw_blocks)
+ coin = self.coin
+ for raw_block in raw_blocks:
+ # Check and update self.tip
+ block = coin.block(raw_block, self.height)
+ header_hash = coin.header_hash(block.header)
+ if header_hash != self.tip:
+ raise ChainError('backup block {} not tip {} at height {:,d}'
+ .format(hash_to_hex_str(header_hash),
+ hash_to_hex_str(self.tip),
+ self.height))
+ self.tip = coin.header_prevhash(block.header)
+ self.backup_txs(block.transactions)
+ self.height -= 1
+ self.db.tx_counts.pop()
+ self.logger.info('backed up to height {:,d}'.format(self.height))
+ def backup_txs(self, txs):
+ # Prevout values, in order down the block (coinbase first if present)
+ # undo_info is in reverse block order
+ undo_info = self.db.read_undo_info(self.height)
+ if undo_info is None:
+ raise ChainError('no undo information found for height {:,d}'
+ .format(self.height))
+ n = len(undo_info)
+ # Use local vars for speed in the loops
+ s_pack = pack
+ put_utxo = self.utxo_cache.__setitem__
+ spend_utxo = self.spend_utxo
+ script_hashX = self.coin.hashX_from_script
+ touched = self.touched
+ undo_entry_len = 12 + HASHX_LEN
+ for tx, tx_hash in reversed(txs):
+ for idx, txout in enumerate(tx.outputs):
+ # Spend the TX outputs. Be careful with unspendable
+ # outputs - we didn't save those in the first place.
+ hashX = script_hashX(txout.pk_script)
+ if hashX:
+ cache_value = spend_utxo(tx_hash, idx)
+ touched.add(cache_value[:-12])
+ # Restore the inputs
+ for txin in reversed(tx.inputs):
+ if txin.is_generation():
+ continue
+ n -= undo_entry_len
+ undo_item = undo_info[n:n + undo_entry_len]
+ put_utxo(txin.prev_hash + s_pack(' 1:
+ tx_num, = unpack('False state.
+ first_sync = self.db.first_sync
+ self.db.first_sync = False
+ await self.flush(True)
+ if first_sync:
+ self.logger.info(f'{torba.__version__} synced to '
+ f'height {self.height:,d}')
+ # Reopen for serving
+ await self.db.open_for_serving()
+ async def _first_open_dbs(self):
+ await self.db.open_for_sync()
+ self.height = self.db.db_height
+ self.tip = self.db.db_tip
+ self.tx_count = self.db.db_tx_count
+ # --- External API
+ async def fetch_and_process_blocks(self, caught_up_event):
+ """Fetch, process and index blocks from the daemon.
+ Sets caught_up_event when first caught up. Flushes to disk
+ and shuts down cleanly if cancelled.
+ This is mainly because if, during initial sync ElectrumX is
+ asked to shut down when a large number of blocks have been
+ processed but not written to disk, it should write those to
+ disk before exiting, as otherwise a significant amount of work
+ could be lost.
+ """
+ self._caught_up_event = caught_up_event
+ await self._first_open_dbs()
+ try:
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ self.prefetcher.main_loop(self.height),
+ self._process_prefetched_blocks()
+ ])
+ finally:
+ # Shut down block processing
+ self.logger.info('flushing to DB for a clean shutdown...')
+ await self.flush(True)
+ self.db.close()
+ def force_chain_reorg(self, count):
+ """Force a reorg of the given number of blocks.
+ Returns True if a reorg is queued, false if not caught up.
+ """
+ if self._caught_up_event.is_set():
+ self.reorg_count = count
+ self.blocks_event.set()
+ return True
+ return False
+class DecredBlockProcessor(BlockProcessor):
+ async def calc_reorg_range(self, count):
+ start, count = await super().calc_reorg_range(count)
+ if start > 0:
+ # A reorg in Decred can invalidate the previous block
+ start -= 1
+ count += 1
+ return start, count
+class NamecoinBlockProcessor(BlockProcessor):
+ def advance_txs(self, txs):
+ result = super().advance_txs(txs)
+ tx_num = self.tx_count - len(txs)
+ script_name_hashX = self.coin.name_hashX_from_script
+ update_touched = self.touched.update
+ hashXs_by_tx = []
+ append_hashXs = hashXs_by_tx.append
+ for tx, tx_hash in txs:
+ hashXs = []
+ append_hashX = hashXs.append
+ # Add the new UTXOs and associate them with the name script
+ for idx, txout in enumerate(tx.outputs):
+ # Get the hashX of the name script. Ignore non-name scripts.
+ hashX = script_name_hashX(txout.pk_script)
+ if hashX:
+ append_hashX(hashX)
+ append_hashXs(hashXs)
+ update_touched(hashXs)
+ tx_num += 1
+ self.db.history.add_unflushed(hashXs_by_tx, self.tx_count - len(txs))
+ return result
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/cli.py b/torba/torba/server/cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf32bfb6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import logging
+import traceback
+import argparse
+import importlib
+from torba.server.env import Env
+from torba.server.server import Server
+def get_argument_parser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="torba-server"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("spvserver", type=str, help="Python class path to SPV server implementation.")
+ return parser
+def get_coin_class(spvserver):
+ spvserver_path, coin_class_name = spvserver.rsplit('.', 1)
+ spvserver_module = importlib.import_module(spvserver_path)
+ return getattr(spvserver_module, coin_class_name)
+def main():
+ parser = get_argument_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ coin_class = get_coin_class(args.spvserver)
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ logging.info('torba.server starting')
+ try:
+ server = Server(Env(coin_class))
+ server.run()
+ except Exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ logging.critical('torba.server terminated abnormally')
+ else:
+ logging.info('torba.server terminated normally')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/coins.py b/torba/torba/server/coins.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd3e16b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/coins.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2292 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
+# Copyright (c) 2017, the ElectrumX authors
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""Module providing coin abstraction.
+Anything coin-specific should go in this file and be subclassed where
+necessary for appropriate handling.
+from collections import namedtuple
+import re
+import struct
+from decimal import Decimal
+from hashlib import sha256
+from functools import partial
+import base64
+from typing import Type, List
+import torba.server.util as util
+from torba.server.hash import Base58, hash160, double_sha256, hash_to_hex_str
+from torba.server.hash import HASHX_LEN, hex_str_to_hash
+from torba.server.script import ScriptPubKey, OpCodes
+import torba.server.tx as lib_tx
+import torba.server.block_processor as block_proc
+from torba.server.db import DB
+import torba.server.daemon as daemon
+from torba.server.session import ElectrumX, DashElectrumX
+Block = namedtuple("Block", "raw header transactions")
+class CoinError(Exception):
+ """Exception raised for coin-related errors."""
+class Coin:
+ """Base class of coin hierarchy."""
+ # Not sure if these are coin-specific
+ RPC_URL_REGEX = re.compile('.+@(\\[[0-9a-fA-F:]+\\]|[^:]+)(:[0-9]+)?')
+ VALUE_PER_COIN = 100000000
+ CHUNK_SIZE = 2016
+ SESSIONCLS = ElectrumX
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.Deserializer
+ DAEMON = daemon.Daemon
+ BLOCK_PROCESSOR = block_proc.BlockProcessor
+ DB = DB
+ 'version', 'prev_block_hash', 'merkle_root', 'timestamp', 'bits', 'nonce'
+ ]
+ HEADER_UNPACK = struct.Struct('< I 32s 32s I I I').unpack_from
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes('????', 'utf-8')
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes('????', 'utf-8')
+ ENCODE_CHECK = Base58.encode_check
+ DECODE_CHECK = Base58.decode_check
+ # Peer discovery
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '50001', 's': '50002'}
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+ @classmethod
+ def lookup_coin_class(cls, name, net):
+ """Return a coin class given name and network.
+ Raise an exception if unrecognised."""
+ req_attrs = ['TX_COUNT', 'TX_COUNT_HEIGHT', 'TX_PER_BLOCK']
+ for coin in util.subclasses(Coin):
+ if (coin.NAME.lower() == name.lower() and
+ coin.NET.lower() == net.lower()):
+ coin_req_attrs = req_attrs.copy()
+ missing = [attr for attr in coin_req_attrs
+ if not hasattr(coin, attr)]
+ if missing:
+ raise CoinError('coin {} missing {} attributes'
+ .format(name, missing))
+ return coin
+ raise CoinError('unknown coin {} and network {} combination'
+ .format(name, net))
+ @classmethod
+ def sanitize_url(cls, url):
+ # Remove surrounding ws and trailing /s
+ url = url.strip().rstrip('/')
+ match = cls.RPC_URL_REGEX.match(url)
+ if not match:
+ raise CoinError('invalid daemon URL: "{}"'.format(url))
+ if match.groups()[1] is None:
+ url += ':{:d}'.format(cls.RPC_PORT)
+ if not url.startswith('http://') and not url.startswith('https://'):
+ url = 'http://' + url
+ return url + '/'
+ @classmethod
+ def genesis_block(cls, block):
+ """Check the Genesis block is the right one for this coin.
+ Return the block less its unspendable coinbase.
+ """
+ header = cls.block_header(block, 0)
+ header_hex_hash = hash_to_hex_str(cls.header_hash(header))
+ if header_hex_hash != cls.GENESIS_HASH:
+ raise CoinError('genesis block has hash {} expected {}'
+ .format(header_hex_hash, cls.GENESIS_HASH))
+ return header + bytes(1)
+ @classmethod
+ def hashX_from_script(cls, script):
+ """Returns a hashX from a script, or None if the script is provably
+ unspendable so the output can be dropped.
+ """
+ if script and script[0] == OP_RETURN:
+ return None
+ return sha256(script).digest()[:HASHX_LEN]
+ @staticmethod
+ def lookup_xverbytes(verbytes):
+ """Return a (is_xpub, coin_class) pair given xpub/xprv verbytes."""
+ # Order means BTC testnet will override NMC testnet
+ for coin in util.subclasses(Coin):
+ if verbytes == coin.XPUB_VERBYTES:
+ return True, coin
+ if verbytes == coin.XPRV_VERBYTES:
+ return False, coin
+ raise CoinError('version bytes unrecognised')
+ @classmethod
+ def address_to_hashX(cls, address):
+ """Return a hashX given a coin address."""
+ return cls.hashX_from_script(cls.pay_to_address_script(address))
+ @classmethod
+ def P2PKH_address_from_hash160(cls, hash160):
+ """Return a P2PKH address given a public key."""
+ assert len(hash160) == 20
+ return cls.ENCODE_CHECK(cls.P2PKH_VERBYTE + hash160)
+ @classmethod
+ def P2PKH_address_from_pubkey(cls, pubkey):
+ """Return a coin address given a public key."""
+ return cls.P2PKH_address_from_hash160(hash160(pubkey))
+ @classmethod
+ def P2SH_address_from_hash160(cls, hash160):
+ """Return a coin address given a hash160."""
+ assert len(hash160) == 20
+ return cls.ENCODE_CHECK(cls.P2SH_VERBYTES[0] + hash160)
+ @classmethod
+ def hash160_to_P2PKH_script(cls, hash160):
+ return ScriptPubKey.P2PKH_script(hash160)
+ @classmethod
+ def hash160_to_P2PKH_hashX(cls, hash160):
+ return cls.hashX_from_script(cls.hash160_to_P2PKH_script(hash160))
+ @classmethod
+ def pay_to_address_script(cls, address):
+ """Return a pubkey script that pays to a pubkey hash.
+ Pass the address (either P2PKH or P2SH) in base58 form.
+ """
+ raw = cls.DECODE_CHECK(address)
+ # Require version byte(s) plus hash160.
+ verbyte = -1
+ verlen = len(raw) - 20
+ if verlen > 0:
+ verbyte, hash160 = raw[:verlen], raw[verlen:]
+ if verbyte == cls.P2PKH_VERBYTE:
+ return cls.hash160_to_P2PKH_script(hash160)
+ if verbyte in cls.P2SH_VERBYTES:
+ return ScriptPubKey.P2SH_script(hash160)
+ raise CoinError('invalid address: {}'.format(address))
+ @classmethod
+ def privkey_WIF(cls, privkey_bytes, compressed):
+ """Return the private key encoded in Wallet Import Format."""
+ payload = bytearray(cls.WIF_BYTE) + privkey_bytes
+ if compressed:
+ payload.append(0x01)
+ return cls.ENCODE_CHECK(payload)
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return hash"""
+ return double_sha256(header)
+ @classmethod
+ def header_prevhash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return previous hash"""
+ return header[4:36]
+ @classmethod
+ def static_header_offset(cls, height):
+ """Given a header height return its offset in the headers file.
+ If header sizes change at some point, this is the only code
+ that needs updating."""
+ return height * cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE
+ @classmethod
+ def static_header_len(cls, height):
+ """Given a header height return its length."""
+ return (cls.static_header_offset(height + 1)
+ - cls.static_header_offset(height))
+ @classmethod
+ def block_header(cls, block, height):
+ """Returns the block header given a block and its height."""
+ return block[:cls.static_header_len(height)]
+ @classmethod
+ def block(cls, raw_block, height):
+ """Return a Block namedtuple given a raw block and its height."""
+ header = cls.block_header(raw_block, height)
+ txs = cls.DESERIALIZER(raw_block, start=len(header)).read_tx_block()
+ return Block(raw_block, header, txs)
+ @classmethod
+ def decimal_value(cls, value):
+ """Return the number of standard coin units as a Decimal given a
+ quantity of smallest units.
+ For example 1 BTC is returned for 100 million satoshis.
+ """
+ return Decimal(value) / cls.VALUE_PER_COIN
+ @classmethod
+ def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
+ h = dict(zip(cls.HEADER_VALUES, cls.HEADER_UNPACK(header)))
+ # Add the height that is not present in the header itself
+ h['block_height'] = height
+ # Convert bytes to str
+ h['prev_block_hash'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['prev_block_hash'])
+ h['merkle_root'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['merkle_root'])
+ return h
+class AuxPowMixin:
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerAuxPow
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return hash"""
+ return double_sha256(header[:cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE])
+ @classmethod
+ def block_header(cls, block, height):
+ """Return the AuxPow block header bytes"""
+ deserializer = cls.DESERIALIZER(block)
+ return deserializer.read_header(height, cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE)
+class EquihashMixin:
+ BASIC_HEADER_SIZE = 140 # Excluding Equihash solution
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerEquihash
+ HEADER_VALUES = ['version', 'prev_block_hash', 'merkle_root', 'reserved',
+ 'timestamp', 'bits', 'nonce']
+ HEADER_UNPACK = struct.Struct('< I 32s 32s 32s I I 32s').unpack_from
+ @classmethod
+ def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
+ h = dict(zip(cls.HEADER_VALUES, cls.HEADER_UNPACK(header)))
+ # Add the height that is not present in the header itself
+ h['block_height'] = height
+ # Convert bytes to str
+ h['prev_block_hash'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['prev_block_hash'])
+ h['merkle_root'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['merkle_root'])
+ h['reserved'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['reserved'])
+ h['nonce'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['nonce'])
+ return h
+ @classmethod
+ def block_header(cls, block, height):
+ """Return the block header bytes"""
+ deserializer = cls.DESERIALIZER(block)
+ return deserializer.read_header(height, cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE)
+class ScryptMixin:
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerTxTime
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ if cls.HEADER_HASH is None:
+ import scrypt
+ cls.HEADER_HASH = lambda x: scrypt.hash(x, x, 1024, 1, 1, 32)
+ version, = util.unpack_le_uint32_from(header)
+ if version > 6:
+ return super().header_hash(header)
+ else:
+ return cls.HEADER_HASH(header)
+class KomodoMixin:
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("3C")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("55")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("BC")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a'
+ '63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerZcash
+class BitcoinMixin:
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("00")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000000000019d6689c085ae165831e93'
+ '4ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f')
+ RPC_PORT = 8332
+class HOdlcoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "HOdlcoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("28")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("a8")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('008872e5582924544e5c707ee4b839bb'
+ '82c28a9e94e917c94b40538d5658c04b')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 258858
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 382138
+class BitcoinCash(BitcoinMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "BitcoinCash"
+ TX_COUNT = 246362688
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 511484
+ TX_PER_BLOCK = 400
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electroncash.cascharia.com s50002',
+ 'bch.electrumx.cash s t',
+ 'bccarihace4jdcnt.onion t52001 s52002',
+ 'abc1.hsmiths.com t60001 s60002',
+ 'electroncash.checksum0.com s t',
+ 'electrumx-cash.1209k.com s t',
+ 'electrum.leblancnet.us t50011 s50012',
+ 'electroncash.dk s t',
+ 'electrum.imaginary.cash s t',
+ ]
+class BitcoinSegwit(BitcoinMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "BitcoinSegwit"
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 318337769
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 524213
+ TX_PER_BLOCK = 1400
+ PEERS = [
+ 'btc.smsys.me s995',
+ 'E-X.not.fyi s t',
+ 'elec.luggs.co s443',
+ 'electrum.vom-stausee.de s t',
+ 'electrum3.hachre.de s t',
+ 'electrum.hsmiths.com s t',
+ 'helicarrier.bauerj.eu s t',
+ 'hsmiths4fyqlw5xw.onion s t',
+ 'luggscoqbymhvnkp.onion t80',
+ 'ozahtqwp25chjdjd.onion s t',
+ 'node.arihanc.com s t',
+ 'arihancckjge66iv.onion s t',
+ ]
+class BitcoinGold(EquihashMixin, BitcoinMixin, Coin):
+ CHUNK_SIZE = 252
+ NAME = "BitcoinGold"
+ FORK_HEIGHT = 491407
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("26")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("17")]
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerEquihashSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 265026255
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 499923
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ RPC_PORT = 8338
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrumx-eu.bitcoingold.org s50002 t50001',
+ 'electrumx-us.bitcoingold.org s50002 t50001',
+ 'electrumx-eu.btcgpu.org s50002 t50001',
+ 'electrumx-us.btcgpu.org s50002 t50001'
+ ]
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return hash"""
+ height, = util.unpack_le_uint32_from(header, 68)
+ if height >= cls.FORK_HEIGHT:
+ return double_sha256(header)
+ else:
+ return double_sha256(header[:68] + header[100:112])
+ @classmethod
+ def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
+ h = super().electrum_header(header, height)
+ h['reserved'] = hash_to_hex_str(header[72:100])
+ h['solution'] = hash_to_hex_str(header[140:])
+ return h
+class BitcoinGoldTestnet(BitcoinGold):
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587CF")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6F")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("C4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("EF")
+ TX_COUNT = 0
+ NET = 'testnet'
+ RPC_PORT = 18338
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000000e0781ebe24b91eedc293adfe'
+ 'a2f557b53ec379e78959de3853e6f9f6')
+ PEERS = [
+ 'test-node1.bitcoingold.org s50002',
+ 'test-node2.bitcoingold.org s50002',
+ 'test-node3.bitcoingold.org s50002',
+ 'test-node1.btcgpu.org s50002',
+ 'test-node2.btcgpu.org s50002',
+ 'test-node3.btcgpu.org s50002'
+ ]
+class BitcoinGoldRegtest(BitcoinGold):
+ FORK_HEIGHT = 2000
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587CF")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6F")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("C4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("EF")
+ TX_COUNT = 0
+ NET = 'regtest'
+ RPC_PORT = 18444
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328'
+ 'bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206')
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+class Emercoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Emercoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("21")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("5c")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000000bcccd459d036a588d1008fce'
+ '8da3754b205736f32ddfd35350e84c2d')
+ TX_COUNT = 217380620
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 464000
+ TX_PER_BLOCK = 1700
+ VALUE_PER_COIN = 1000000
+ RPC_PORT = 6662
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerTxTimeAuxPow
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+ @classmethod
+ def block_header(cls, block, height):
+ """Returns the block header given a block and its height."""
+ deserializer = cls.DESERIALIZER(block)
+ if deserializer.is_merged_block():
+ return deserializer.read_header(height, cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE)
+ return block[:cls.static_header_len(height)]
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return hash"""
+ return double_sha256(header[:cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE])
+class BitcoinTestnetMixin:
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587cf")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ef")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779ba'
+ 'aec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943')
+ REORG_LIMIT = 8000
+ TX_COUNT = 12242438
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1035428
+ RPC_PORT = 18332
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '51001', 's': '51002'}
+class BitcoinCashTestnet(BitcoinTestnetMixin, Coin):
+ """Bitcoin Testnet for Bitcoin Cash daemons."""
+ NAME = "BitcoinCash"
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum-testnet-abc.criptolayer.net s50112',
+ 'bchtestnet.arihanc.com t53001 s53002',
+ 'ciiattqkgzebpp6jofjbrkhvhwmgnsfoayljdcrve2p3qmkbv3duaoyd.onion '
+ 't53001 s53002',
+ ]
+class BitcoinCashRegtest(BitcoinCashTestnet):
+ NET = "regtest"
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328'
+ 'bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206')
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+ TX_COUNT = 1
+class BitcoinSegwitTestnet(BitcoinTestnetMixin, Coin):
+ """Bitcoin Testnet for Core bitcoind >= 0.13.1."""
+ NAME = "BitcoinSegwit"
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum.akinbo.org s t',
+ 'he36kyperp3kbuxu.onion s t',
+ 'testnet.hsmiths.com t53011 s53012',
+ 'hsmithsxurybd7uh.onion t53011 s53012',
+ 'testnetnode.arihanc.com s t',
+ 'w3e2orjpiiv2qwem3dw66d7c4krink4nhttngkylglpqe5r22n6n5wid.onion s t',
+ 'testnet.qtornado.com s t',
+ ]
+class BitcoinSegwitRegtest(BitcoinSegwitTestnet):
+ NAME = "BitcoinSegwit"
+ NET = "regtest"
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328'
+ 'bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206')
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+ TX_COUNT = 1
+class BitcoinNolnet(BitcoinCash):
+ """Bitcoin Unlimited nolimit testnet."""
+ NET = "nolnet"
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000000057e31bd2066c939a63b7b862'
+ '3bd0f10d8c001304bdfc1a7902ae6d35')
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+ REORG_LIMIT = 8000
+ TX_COUNT = 583589
+ RPC_PORT = 28332
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '52001', 's': '52002'}
+class Litecoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Litecoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("30")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("32"), bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("b0")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('12a765e31ffd4059bada1e25190f6e98'
+ 'c99d9714d334efa41a195a7e7e04bfe2')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 8908766
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1105256
+ RPC_PORT = 9332
+ PEERS = [
+ 'elec.luggs.co s444',
+ 'electrum-ltc.bysh.me s t',
+ 'electrum-ltc.ddns.net s t',
+ 'electrum-ltc.wilv.in s t',
+ 'electrum.cryptomachine.com p1000 s t',
+ 'electrum.ltc.xurious.com s t',
+ 'eywr5eubdbbe2laq.onion s50008 t50007',
+ ]
+class LitecoinTestnet(Litecoin):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587cf")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("3a"), bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ef")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('4966625a4b2851d9fdee139e56211a0d'
+ '88575f59ed816ff5e6a63deb4e3e29a0')
+ TX_COUNT = 21772
+ RPC_PORT = 19332
+ REORG_LIMIT = 4000
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '51001', 's': '51002'}
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum-ltc.bysh.me s t',
+ 'electrum.ltc.xurious.com s t',
+ ]
+class Viacoin(AuxPowMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Viacoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("47")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("21")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("c7")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('4e9b54001f9976049830128ec0331515'
+ 'eaabe35a70970d79971da1539a400ba1')
+ TX_COUNT = 113638
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 3473674
+ RPC_PORT = 5222
+ REORG_LIMIT = 5000
+ DESERIALIZER: Type = lib_tx.DeserializerAuxPowSegWit
+ PEERS = [
+ 'vialectrum.bitops.me s t',
+ 'server.vialectrum.org s t',
+ 'vialectrum.viacoin.net s t',
+ 'viax1.bitops.me s t',
+ ]
+class ViacoinTestnet(Viacoin):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("7f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ff")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000007199508e34a9ff81e6ec0c477'
+ 'a4cccff2a4767a8eee39c11db367b008')
+ RPC_PORT = 25222
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2500
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '51001', 's': '51002'}
+ PEERS = [
+ 'vialectrum.bysh.me s t',
+ ]
+class ViacoinTestnetSegWit(ViacoinTestnet):
+ NET = "testnet-segwit"
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+# Source: namecoin.org
+class Namecoin(AuxPowMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Namecoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("d7dd6370")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("d7dc6e31")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("34")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0d")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("e4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000000000062b72c5e2ceb45fbc8587e'
+ '807c155b0da735e6483dfba2f0a9c770')
+ TX_COUNT = 4415768
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 329065
+ PEERS = [
+ 'elec.luggs.co s446',
+ ]
+ BLOCK_PROCESSOR = block_proc.NamecoinBlockProcessor
+ @classmethod
+ def split_name_script(cls, script):
+ from torba.server.script import _match_ops, Script, ScriptError
+ try:
+ ops = Script.get_ops(script)
+ except ScriptError:
+ return None, script
+ match = _match_ops
+ # Name opcodes
+ OP_NAME_NEW = OpCodes.OP_1
+ # Opcode sequences for name operations
+ OpCodes.OP_2DROP, OpCodes.OP_2DROP]
+ OpCodes.OP_DROP]
+ name_script_op_count = None
+ name_pushdata = None
+ # Detect name operations; determine count of opcodes.
+ # Also extract the name field -- we might use that for something in a
+ # future version.
+ if match(ops[:len(NAME_NEW_OPS)], NAME_NEW_OPS):
+ name_script_op_count = len(NAME_NEW_OPS)
+ name_script_op_count = len(NAME_FIRSTUPDATE_OPS)
+ name_pushdata = ops[1]
+ elif match(ops[:len(NAME_UPDATE_OPS)], NAME_UPDATE_OPS):
+ name_script_op_count = len(NAME_UPDATE_OPS)
+ name_pushdata = ops[1]
+ if name_script_op_count is None:
+ return None, script
+ # Find the end position of the name data
+ n = 0
+ for i in range(name_script_op_count):
+ # Content of this loop is copied from Script.get_ops's loop
+ op = script[n]
+ n += 1
+ if op <= OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA4:
+ # Raw bytes follow
+ if op < OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ dlen = op
+ elif op == OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ dlen = script[n]
+ n += 1
+ elif op == OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA2:
+ dlen, = struct.unpack(' len(script):
+ raise IndexError
+ op = (op, script[n:n + dlen])
+ n += dlen
+ # Strip the name data to yield the address script
+ address_script = script[n:]
+ if name_pushdata is None:
+ return None, address_script
+ normalized_name_op_script = bytearray()
+ normalized_name_op_script.append(OP_NAME_UPDATE)
+ normalized_name_op_script.extend(Script.push_data(name_pushdata[1]))
+ normalized_name_op_script.extend(Script.push_data(bytes([])))
+ normalized_name_op_script.append(OpCodes.OP_2DROP)
+ normalized_name_op_script.append(OpCodes.OP_DROP)
+ normalized_name_op_script.append(OpCodes.OP_RETURN)
+ return bytes(normalized_name_op_script), address_script
+ @classmethod
+ def hashX_from_script(cls, script):
+ name_op_script, address_script = cls.split_name_script(script)
+ return super().hashX_from_script(address_script)
+ @classmethod
+ def address_from_script(cls, script):
+ name_op_script, address_script = cls.split_name_script(script)
+ return super().address_from_script(address_script)
+ @classmethod
+ def name_hashX_from_script(cls, script):
+ name_op_script, address_script = cls.split_name_script(script)
+ if name_op_script is None:
+ return None
+ return super().hashX_from_script(name_op_script)
+class NamecoinTestnet(Namecoin):
+ NAME = "Namecoin"
+ NET = "testnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ef")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000007199508e34a9ff81e6ec0c477'
+ 'a4cccff2a4767a8eee39c11db367b008')
+class Dogecoin(AuxPowMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Dogecoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02facafd")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fac398")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1e")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("16")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("9e")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('1a91e3dace36e2be3bf030a65679fe82'
+ '1aa1d6ef92e7c9902eb318182c355691')
+ TX_COUNT = 27583427
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1604979
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+class DogecoinTestnet(Dogecoin):
+ NAME = "Dogecoin"
+ NET = "testnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("71")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("f1")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('bb0a78264637406b6360aad926284d54'
+ '4d7049f45189db5664f3c4d07350559e')
+# Source: https://github.com/motioncrypto/motion
+class Motion(Coin):
+ NAME = "Motion"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488B21E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ADE4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000001e9dc60dd2618e91f7b90141349'
+ '22c374496b61c1a272519b1c39979d78')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("32")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("12")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ TX_COUNT = 92701
+ RPC_PORT = 3385
+ SESSIONCLS = DashElectrumX
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import x16r_hash
+ return x16r_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+# Source: https://github.com/dashpay/dash
+class Dash(Coin):
+ NAME = "Dash"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fe52cc")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fe52f8")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000ffd590b1485b3caadc19b22e637'
+ '9c733355108f107a430458cdf3407ab6')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("4c")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("10")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("cc")
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 569399
+ TX_COUNT = 2157510
+ RPC_PORT = 9998
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum.dash.org s t',
+ 'electrum.masternode.io s t',
+ 'electrum-drk.club s t',
+ 'dashcrypto.space s t',
+ 'electrum.dash.siampm.com s t',
+ 'wl4sfwq2hwxnodof.onion s t',
+ ]
+ SESSIONCLS = DashElectrumX
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import x11_hash
+ return x11_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class DashTestnet(Dash):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("3a805837")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("3a8061a0")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000bafbc94add76cb75e2ec9289483'
+ '7288a481e5c005f6563d91623bf8bc2c')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("8c")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("13")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ef")
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 101619
+ TX_COUNT = 132681
+ RPC_PORT = 19998
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '51001', 's': '51002'}
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum.dash.siampm.com s t',
+ 'dasht.random.re s54002 t54001',
+ ]
+class Argentum(AuxPowMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Argentum"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("17")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("97")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('88c667bc63167685e4e4da058fffdfe8'
+ 'e007e5abffd6855de52ad59df7bb0bb2')
+ TX_COUNT = 2263089
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 2050260
+ TX_PER_BLOCK = 2000
+ RPC_PORT = 13581
+class ArgentumTestnet(Argentum):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ef")
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+class DigiByte(Coin):
+ NAME = "DigiByte"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1E")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('7497ea1b465eb39f1c8f507bc877078f'
+ 'e016d6fcb6dfad3a64c98dcc6e1e8496')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 1046018
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1435000
+ TX_PER_BLOCK = 1000
+ RPC_PORT = 12022
+class DigiByteTestnet(DigiByte):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ef")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('b5dca8039e300198e5fe7cd23bdd1728'
+ 'e2a444af34c447dbd0916fa3430a68c2')
+ RPC_PORT = 15022
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+class FairCoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "FairCoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("5f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("24")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("df")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('beed44fa5e96150d95d56ebd5d262578'
+ '1825a9407a5215dd7eda723373a0a1d7')
+ HEADER_VALUES = ['version', 'prev_block_hash', 'merkle_root',
+ 'payload_hash', 'timestamp', 'creatorId']
+ HEADER_UNPACK = struct.Struct('< I 32s 32s 32s I I').unpack_from
+ TX_COUNT = 505
+ RPC_PORT = 40405
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '51811', 's': '51812'}
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum.faircoin.world s',
+ 'electrumfair.punto0.org s',
+ ]
+ @classmethod
+ def block(cls, raw_block, height):
+ """Return a Block namedtuple given a raw block and its height."""
+ if height > 0:
+ return super().block(raw_block, height)
+ else:
+ return Block(raw_block, cls.block_header(raw_block, height), [])
+ @classmethod
+ def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
+ h = super().electrum_header(header, height)
+ h['payload_hash'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['payload_hash'])
+ return h
+class Zcash(EquihashMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Zcash"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1CB8")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("1CBD")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00040fe8ec8471911baa1db1266ea15d'
+ 'd06b4a8a5c453883c000b031973dce08')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerZcash
+ TX_COUNT = 329196
+ RPC_PORT = 8232
+class ZcashTestnet(Zcash):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1D25")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("1CBA")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("EF")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('05a60a92d99d85997cce3b87616c089f'
+ '6124d7342af37106edc76126334a2c38')
+ TX_COUNT = 242312
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 321685
+ RPC_PORT = 18232
+class SnowGem(EquihashMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "SnowGem"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1C28")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("1C2D")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00068b35729d9d2b0c294ff1fe9af009'
+ '4740524311a131de40e7f705e4c29a5b')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerZcash
+ TX_COUNT = 140698
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 102802
+ RPC_PORT = 16112
+ CHUNK_SIZE = 200
+ @classmethod
+ def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
+ h = super().electrum_header(header, height)
+ h['n_solution'] = base64.b64encode(lib_tx.Deserializer(
+ header, start=140)._read_varbytes()).decode('utf8')
+ return h
+class BitcoinZ(EquihashMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "BitcoinZ"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1CB8")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("1CBD")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('f499ee3d498b4298ac6a64205b8addb7'
+ 'c43197e2a660229be65db8a4534d75c1')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerZcash
+ TX_COUNT = 171976
+ RPC_PORT = 1979
+class Hush(EquihashMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Hush"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1CB8")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("1CBD")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0003a67bc26fe564b75daf11186d3606'
+ '52eb435a35ba3d9d3e7e5d5f8e62dc17')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerZcash
+ TX_COUNT = 329196
+ RPC_PORT = 8822
+class Zclassic(EquihashMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Zclassic"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1CB8")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("1CBD")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0007104ccda289427919efc39dc9e4d4'
+ '99804b7bebc22df55f8b834301260602')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerZcash
+ TX_COUNT = 329196
+ RPC_PORT = 8023
+class Koto(Coin):
+ NAME = "Koto"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1836")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("183B")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('6d424c350729ae633275d51dc3496e16'
+ 'cd1b1d195c164da00f39c499a2e9959e')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerZcash
+ TX_COUNT = 158914
+ RPC_PORT = 8432
+ PEERS = [
+ 'fr.kotocoin.info s t',
+ 'electrum.kotocoin.info s t',
+ ]
+class KotoTestnet(Koto):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("18A4")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("1839")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("EF")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('bf84afbde20c2d213b68b231ddb585ab'
+ '616ef7567226820f00d9b397d774d2f0')
+ TX_COUNT = 91144
+ RPC_PORT = 18432
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '51001', 's': '51002'}
+ PEERS = [
+ 'testnet.kotocoin.info s t',
+ ]
+class Komodo(KomodoMixin, EquihashMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Komodo"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ TX_COUNT = 693629
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 491777
+ RPC_PORT = 7771
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+class Monaize(KomodoMixin, EquihashMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Monaize"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ TX_COUNT = 256
+ RPC_PORT = 14337
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+class Einsteinium(Coin):
+ NAME = "Einsteinium"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("21")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("b0")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('4e56204bb7b8ac06f860ff1c845f03f9'
+ '84303b5b97eb7b42868f714611aed94b')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 2087559
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1358517
+ RPC_PORT = 41879
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+class Blackcoin(ScryptMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Blackcoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("19")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("55")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("99")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000001faef25dec4fbcf906e6242621d'
+ 'f2c183bf232f263d0ba5b101911e4563')
+ DAEMON = daemon.LegacyRPCDaemon
+ TX_COUNT = 4594999
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1667070
+ RPC_PORT = 15715
+ REORG_LIMIT = 5000
+class Bitbay(ScryptMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Bitbay"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("19")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("55")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("99")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000075685d3be1f253ce777174b1594'
+ '354e79954d2a32a6f77fe9cba00e6467')
+ TX_COUNT = 4594999
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1667070
+ RPC_PORT = 19914
+ REORG_LIMIT = 5000
+class Peercoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Peercoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("37")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("75")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("b7")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000000032fe677166d54963b62a4677'
+ 'd8957e87c508eaa4fd7eb1c880cd27e3')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerTxTime
+ DAEMON = daemon.LegacyRPCDaemon
+ TX_COUNT = 1207356
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 306425
+ RPC_PORT = 9902
+ REORG_LIMIT = 5000
+class Reddcoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Reddcoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("3d")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("bd")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('b868e0d95a3c3c0e0dadc67ee587aaf9'
+ 'dc8acbf99e3b4b3110fad4eb74c1decc')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerReddcoin
+ TX_COUNT = 5413508
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1717382
+ RPC_PORT = 45443
+class TokenPay(ScryptMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "TokenPay"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("41")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("7e")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("b3")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000008b71ab32e585a23f0de642dc113'
+ '740144e94c0ece047751e9781f953ae9')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerTokenPay
+ DAEMON = daemon.LegacyRPCDaemon
+ TX_COUNT = 147934
+ TX_PER_BLOCK = 100
+ RPC_PORT = 8800
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488B21E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ADE4")
+ PEERS = [
+ "electrum-us.tpay.ai s",
+ "electrum-eu.tpay.ai s",
+ ]
+class Vertcoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Vertcoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488B21E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ADE4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("47")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('4d96a915f49d40b1e5c2844d1ee2dccb'
+ '90013a990ccea12c492d22110489f0c4')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 2383423
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 759076
+ RPC_PORT = 5888
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+class Monacoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Monacoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488B21E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ADE4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("32")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("37"), bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("B0")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('ff9f1c0116d19de7c9963845e129f9ed'
+ '1bfc0b376eb54fd7afa42e0d418c8bb6')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 2568580
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1029766
+ RPC_PORT = 9402
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrumx.tamami-foundation.org s t',
+ 'electrumx2.tamami-foundation.org s t',
+ 'electrumx3.tamami-foundation.org s t',
+ 'electrumx1.monacoin.nl s t',
+ 'electrumx2.monacoin.nl s t',
+ 'electrumx1.monacoin.ninja s t',
+ 'electrumx2.monacoin.ninja s t',
+ 'electrumx2.movsign.info s t',
+ 'electrum-mona.bitbank.cc s t',
+ 'ri7rzlmdaf4eqbza.onion s t',
+ ]
+class MonacoinTestnet(Monacoin):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587CF")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6F")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("75"), bytes.fromhex("C4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("EF")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('a2b106ceba3be0c6d097b2a6a6aacf9d'
+ '638ba8258ae478158f449c321061e0b2')
+ TX_COUNT = 83602
+ RPC_PORT = 19402
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ PEER_DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t': '51001', 's': '51002'}
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrumx1.testnet.monacoin.ninja s t',
+ 'electrumx1.testnet.monacoin.nl s t',
+ ]
+class Crown(AuxPowMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Crown"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("00")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("1c")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000000085370d5e122f64f4ab19c686'
+ '14ff3df78c8d13cb814fd7e69a1dc6da')
+ TX_COUNT = 13336629
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1268206
+ RPC_PORT = 9341
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ PEERS = [
+ 'sgp-crwseed.crowndns.info s t',
+ 'blr-crwseed.crowndns.info s t',
+ 'sfo-crwseed.crowndns.info s t',
+ 'nyc-crwseed.crowndns.info s t',
+ 'ams-crwseed.crowndns.info s t',
+ 'tor-crwseed.crowndns.info s t',
+ 'lon-crwseed.crowndns.info s t',
+ 'fra-crwseed.crowndns.info s t',
+ ]
+class Fujicoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Fujicoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("24")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("10")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("a4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('adb6d9cfd74075e7f91608add4bd2a2e'
+ 'a636f70856183086842667a1597714a0')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 170478
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1521676
+ RPC_PORT = 3776
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+class Neblio(ScryptMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Neblio"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("35")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("70")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('7286972be4dbc1463d256049b7471c25'
+ '2e6557e222cab9be73181d359cd28bcc')
+ TX_COUNT = 23675
+ RPC_PORT = 6326
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+class Bitzeny(Coin):
+ NAME = "Bitzeny"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("51")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000009f7e55e9e3b4781e22bd87a7cfa'
+ '4acada9e4340d43ca738bf4e9fb8f5ce')
+ ESTIMATE_FEE = 0.001
+ RELAY_FEE = 0.001
+ DAEMON = daemon.FakeEstimateFeeDaemon
+ TX_COUNT = 1408733
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1015115
+ RPC_PORT = 9252
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import zny_yescrypt
+ return zny_yescrypt.getPoWHash(header)
+class CanadaeCoin(AuxPowMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "CanadaeCoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1C")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("9c")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('863626dadaef221e2e2f30ff3dacae44'
+ 'cabdae9e0028058072181b3fb675d94a')
+ ESTIMATE_FEE = 0.0001
+ RELAY_FEE = 0.0001
+ DAEMON = daemon.FakeEstimateFeeDaemon
+ TX_COUNT = 3455905
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 3645419
+ RPC_PORT = 34330
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+class Denarius(Coin):
+ NAME = "Denarius"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1E") # Address starts with a D
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("5A")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("9E") # WIF starts with a 6
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000d5dbbda01621cfc16bbc1f9bf32'
+ '64d641a5dbf0de89fd0182c2c4828fcd')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerTxTime
+ TX_COUNT = 4230
+ RPC_PORT = 32339
+ ESTIMATE_FEE = 0.00001
+ RELAY_FEE = 0.00001
+ DAEMON = daemon.FakeEstimateFeeDaemon
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 306187
+ TX_PER_BLOCK = 4000
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import tribus_hash
+ return tribus_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class DenariusTestnet(Denarius):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587cf")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("12")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("74")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ef")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000086bfe8264d241f7f8e5393f74778'
+ '4b8ca2aa98bdd066278d590462a4fdb4')
+ RPC_PORT = 32338
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+class Sibcoin(Dash):
+ NAME = "Sibcoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("3F")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("28")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000c492bf73490420868bc577680bf'
+ 'c4c60116e7e85343bc624787c21efa4c')
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ TX_COUNT = 1000
+ RPC_PORT = 1944
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """
+ Given a header return the hash for sibcoin.
+ Need to download `x11_gost_hash` module
+ Source code: https://github.com/ivansib/x11_gost_hash
+ """
+ import x11_gost_hash
+ return x11_gost_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class Chips(Coin):
+ NAME = "Chips"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("3c")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("55")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("bc")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000006e75f6aa0efdbf7db03132aa4e'
+ '4d0c84951537a6f5a7c39a0a9d30e1e7')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 145290
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 318637
+ RPC_PORT = 57776
+class Feathercoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Feathercoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488BC26")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488DAEE")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("0E")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("8E")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('12a765e31ffd4059bada1e25190f6e98'
+ 'c99d9714d334efa41a195a7e7e04bfe2')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 3170843
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1981777
+ RPC_PORT = 9337
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrumx-ch-1.feathercoin.ch s t',
+ ]
+class UFO(Coin):
+ NAME = "UniformFiscalObject"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488B21E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ADE4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1B")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("44")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("9B")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('ba1d39b4928ab03d813d952daf65fb77'
+ '97fcf538a9c1b8274f4edc8557722d13')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 1608926
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1300154
+ RPC_PORT = 9888
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrumx1.ufobject.com s t',
+ ]
+class Newyorkcoin(AuxPowMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Newyorkcoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("3c")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("16")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("bc")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('5597f25c062a3038c7fd815fe46c67de'
+ 'dfcb3c839fbc8e01ed4044540d08fe48')
+ TX_COUNT = 5161944
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 3948743
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+class NewyorkcoinTestnet(Newyorkcoin):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("71")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("f1")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('24463e4d3c625b0a9059f309044c2cf0'
+ 'd7e196cf2a6ecce901f24f681be33c8f')
+ TX_COUNT = 5161944
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 3948743
+ REORG_LIMIT = 2000
+class Bitcore(BitcoinMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Bitcore"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("03")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("7D")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('604148281e5c4b7f2487e5d03cd60d8e'
+ '6f69411d613f6448034508cea52e9574')
+ TX_COUNT = 126979
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 126946
+ RPC_PORT = 8556
+class GameCredits(Coin):
+ NAME = "GameCredits"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("26")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("a6")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('91ec5f25ee9a0ffa1af7d4da4db9a552'
+ '228dd2dc77cdb15b738be4e1f55f30ee')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 316796
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 2040250
+ RPC_PORT = 40001
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+class Machinecoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Machinecoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("32")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("26"), bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("b2")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('6a1f879bcea5471cbfdee1fd0cb2ddcc'
+ '4fed569a500e352d41de967703e83172')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerSegWit
+ TX_COUNT = 137641
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 513020
+ RPC_PORT = 40332
+class BitcoinAtom(Coin):
+ NAME = "BitcoinAtom"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("17")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0a")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000000000019d6689c085ae165831e93'
+ '4ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerBitcoinAtom
+ BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE_FLAGS = b'\x01\x00\x00\x00'
+ TX_COUNT = 295158744
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 589197
+ RPC_PORT = 9136
+ REORG_LIMIT = 5000
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return hash"""
+ header_to_be_hashed = header[:cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE]
+ # New block header format has some extra flags in the end
+ if len(header) == cls.HEADER_SIZE_POST_FORK:
+ flags, = util.unpack_le_uint32_from(header, len(header) - 4)
+ # Proof of work blocks have special serialization
+ if flags & cls.BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE != 0:
+ header_to_be_hashed += cls.BLOCK_PROOF_OF_STAKE_FLAGS
+ return double_sha256(header_to_be_hashed)
+ @classmethod
+ def block_header(cls, block, height):
+ """Return the block header bytes"""
+ deserializer = cls.DESERIALIZER(block)
+ return deserializer.read_header(height, cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE)
+class Decred(Coin):
+ NAME = "Decred"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fda926")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fda4e8")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("073f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("071a")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("22de")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('298e5cc3d985bfe7f81dc135f360abe0'
+ '89edd4396b86d2de66b0cef42b21d980')
+ HEADER_HASH = lib_tx.DeserializerDecred.blake256
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerDecred
+ DAEMON = daemon.DecredDaemon
+ BLOCK_PROCESSOR = block_proc.DecredBlockProcessor
+ ENCODE_CHECK = partial(Base58.encode_check,
+ hash_fn=lib_tx.DeserializerDecred.blake256d)
+ DECODE_CHECK = partial(Base58.decode_check,
+ hash_fn=lib_tx.DeserializerDecred.blake256d)
+ HEADER_VALUES = ['version', 'prev_block_hash', 'merkle_root', 'stake_root',
+ 'vote_bits', 'final_state', 'voters', 'fresh_stake',
+ 'revocations', 'pool_size', 'bits', 'sbits',
+ 'block_height', 'size', 'timestamp', 'nonce',
+ 'extra_data', 'stake_version']
+ HEADER_UNPACK = struct.Struct(
+ '< i 32s 32s 32s H 6s H B B I I Q I I I I 32s I').unpack_from
+ TX_COUNT = 4629388
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 260628
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ RPC_PORT = 9109
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ return cls.HEADER_HASH(header)
+ @classmethod
+ def block(cls, raw_block, height):
+ """Return a Block namedtuple given a raw block and its height."""
+ if height > 0:
+ return super().block(raw_block, height)
+ else:
+ return Block(raw_block, cls.block_header(raw_block, height), [])
+ @classmethod
+ def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
+ h = super().electrum_header(header, height)
+ h['stake_root'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['stake_root'])
+ h['final_state'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['final_state'])
+ h['extra_data'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['extra_data'])
+ return h
+class DecredTestnet(Decred):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587d1")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358397")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("0f21")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0efc")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("230e")
+ 'a649dce53918caf422e9c711c858837e08d626ecfcd198969b24f7b634a49bac')
+ TX_COUNT = 217380620
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 464000
+ TX_PER_BLOCK = 1800
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ RPC_PORT = 19109
+class Axe(Dash):
+ NAME = "Axe"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fe52cc")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fe52f8")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("37")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("10")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("cc")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000c33631ca6f2f61368991ce2dc03'
+ '306b5bb50bf7cede5cfbba6db38e52e6')
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ TX_COUNT = 18405
+ RPC_PORT = 9337
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """
+ Given a header return the hash for AXE.
+ Need to download `axe_hash` module
+ Source code: https://github.com/AXErunners/axe_hash
+ """
+ import x11_hash
+ return x11_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class Xuez(Coin):
+ NAME = "Xuez"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("022d2533")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0221312b")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("48")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("12")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("d4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000000e1febc39965b055e8e0117179a'
+ '4d18e24e7aaa0c69864c4054b4f29445')
+ TX_COUNT = 30000
+ RPC_PORT = 41799
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ PEERS: List[str] = []
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """
+ Given a header return the hash for Xuez.
+ Need to download `xevan_hash` module
+ Source code: https://github.com/xuez/xuez
+ """
+ version, = util.unpack_le_uint32_from(header)
+ import xevan_hash
+ if version == 1:
+ return xevan_hash.getPoWHash(header[:80])
+ else:
+ return xevan_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+ @classmethod
+ def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
+ h = super().electrum_header(header, height)
+ if h['version'] > 1:
+ h['nAccumulatorCheckpoint'] = hash_to_hex_str(header[80:])
+ return h
+class Pac(Coin):
+ NAME = "PAC"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488B21E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ADE4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000354655ff039a51273fe61d3b493'
+ 'bd2897fe6c16f732dbc4ae19f04b789e')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("37")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0A")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("CC")
+ TX_COUNT = 23708
+ RPC_PORT = 7111
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum.paccoin.io s t',
+ 'electro-pac.paccoin.io s t'
+ ]
+ SESSIONCLS = DashElectrumX
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ ESTIMATE_FEE = 0.00001
+ RELAY_FEE = 0.00001
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import x11_hash
+ return x11_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class PacTestnet(Pac):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587CF")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000da63bd9478b655ef6bf1bf76cd9'
+ 'af05202ab68643f9091e049b2b5280ed')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("78")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0E")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("EF")
+ TX_COUNT = 16275
+ RPC_PORT = 17111
+class Polis(Coin):
+ NAME = "Polis"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("03E25D7E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("03E25945")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000009701eb781a8113b1af1d814e2f0'
+ '60f6408a2c990db291bc5108a1345c1e')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("37")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("38")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("3c")
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 111111
+ TX_COUNT = 256128
+ RPC_PORT = 24127
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum1-polis.polispay.org',
+ 'electrum2-polis.polispay.org'
+ ]
+ SESSIONCLS = DashElectrumX
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import x11_hash
+ return x11_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class ColossusXT(Coin):
+ NAME = "ColossusXT"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("022D2533")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0221312B")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('a0ce8206c908357008c1b9a8ba2813af'
+ 'f0989ca7f72d62b14e652c55f02b4f5c')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1E")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0D")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("D4")
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 356500
+ TX_COUNT = 761041
+ RPC_PORT = 51473
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum1-colx.polispay.org',
+ 'electrum2-colx.polispay.org'
+ ]
+ SESSIONCLS = DashElectrumX
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import quark_hash
+ return quark_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class GoByte(Coin):
+ NAME = "GoByte"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488B21E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ADE4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000033b01055cf8df90b01a14734cae'
+ '92f7039b9b0e48887b4e33a469d7bc07')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("26")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0A")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("C6")
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 115890
+ TX_COUNT = 245030
+ RPC_PORT = 12454
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum1-gbx.polispay.org',
+ 'electrum2-gbx.polispay.org'
+ ]
+ SESSIONCLS = DashElectrumX
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import neoscrypt
+ return neoscrypt.getPoWHash(header)
+class Monoeci(Coin):
+ NAME = "Monoeci"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488B21E")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ADE4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000005be1eb05b05fb45ae38ee9c144'
+ '1514a65343cd146100a574de4278f1a3')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("32")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("49")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("4D")
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 140000
+ TX_COUNT = 140000
+ RPC_PORT = 24156
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum1-gbx.polispay.org',
+ 'electrum2-gbx.polispay.org'
+ ]
+ SESSIONCLS = DashElectrumX
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import x11_hash
+ return x11_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class Minexcoin(EquihashMixin, Coin):
+ NAME = "Minexcoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("4b")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('490a36d9451a55ed197e34aca7414b35'
+ 'd775baa4a8e896f1c577f65ce2d214cb')
+ TX_COUNT = 327963
+ RPC_PORT = 8022
+ CHUNK_SIZE = 960
+ PEERS = [
+ 'elex01-ams.turinex.eu s t',
+ 'eu.minexpool.nl s t'
+ ]
+ @classmethod
+ def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
+ h = super().electrum_header(header, height)
+ h['solution'] = hash_to_hex_str(header[cls.HEADER_SIZE_NO_SOLUTION:])
+ return h
+ @classmethod
+ def block_header(cls, block, height):
+ """Return the block header bytes"""
+ deserializer = cls.DESERIALIZER(block)
+ return deserializer.read_header(height, cls.HEADER_SIZE_NO_SOLUTION)
+class Groestlcoin(Coin):
+ NAME = "Groestlcoin"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("24")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("05")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("80")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000ac5927c594d49cc0bdb81759d0d'
+ 'a8297eb614683d3acb62f0703b639023')
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerGroestlcoin
+ TX_COUNT = 115900
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1601528
+ RPC_PORT = 1441
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum1.groestlcoin.org s t',
+ 'electrum2.groestlcoin.org s t',
+ '6brsrbiinpc32tfc.onion t',
+ 'xkj42efxrcy6vbfw.onion t',
+ ]
+ def grshash(data):
+ import groestlcoin_hash
+ return groestlcoin_hash.getHash(data, len(data))
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ return cls.grshash(header)
+ ENCODE_CHECK = partial(Base58.encode_check, hash_fn=grshash)
+ DECODE_CHECK = partial(Base58.decode_check, hash_fn=grshash)
+class GroestlcoinTestnet(Groestlcoin):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587cf")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("6f")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("c4")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("ef")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('000000ffbb50fc9898cdd36ec163e6ba'
+ '23230164c0052a28876255b7dcf2cd36')
+ RPC_PORT = 17766
+ PEERS = [
+ 'electrum-test1.groestlcoin.org s t',
+ 'electrum-test2.groestlcoin.org s t',
+ '7frvhgofuf522b5i.onion t',
+ 'aocojvqcybdoxekv.onion t',
+ ]
+class Pivx(Coin):
+ NAME = "Pivx"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("022D2533")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0221312B")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1e")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0d")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("d4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000041e482b9b9691d98eefb4847340'
+ '5c0b8ec31b76df3797c74a78680ef818')
+ HDR_V4_SIZE = 112
+ HDR_V4_HEIGHT = 863787
+ TX_COUNT = 2930206
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 1299212
+ RPC_PORT = 51473
+ @classmethod
+ def static_header_offset(cls, height):
+ if height >= cls.HDR_V4_HEIGHT:
+ relative_v4_offset = (height - cls.HDR_V4_HEIGHT) * cls.HDR_V4_SIZE
+ return cls.HDR_V4_START_OFFSET + relative_v4_offset
+ else:
+ return height * cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ version, = util.unpack_le_uint32_from(header)
+ if version >= 4:
+ return super().header_hash(header)
+ else:
+ import quark_hash
+ return quark_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class PivxTestnet(Pivx):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("3a8061a0")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("3a805837")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("8B")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("13")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("EF")
+ '0000041e482b9b9691d98eefb48473405c0b8ec31b76df3797c74a78680ef818')
+ HDR_V4_SIZE = 112
+ HDR_V4_HEIGHT = 863787
+ TX_COUNT = 2157510
+ TX_COUNT_HEIGHT = 569399
+ RPC_PORT = 51472
+class Bitg(Coin):
+ NAME = "BitcoinGreen"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("26")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("06")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("2e")
+ '000008467c3a9c587533dea06ad9380cded3ed32f9742a6c0c1aebc21bf2bc9b')
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ TX_COUNT = 1000
+ RPC_PORT = 9332
+ REORG_LIMIT = 1000
+ SESSIONCLS = DashElectrumX
+ DAEMON = daemon.DashDaemon
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ """Given a header return the hash."""
+ import quark_hash
+ return quark_hash.getPoWHash(header)
+class tBitg(Bitg):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587cf")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("62")
+ P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("0c")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("6c")
+ '000008467c3a9c587533dea06ad9380cded3ed32f9742a6c0c1aebc21bf2bc9b')
+ RPC_PORT = 19332
+class CivX(Coin):
+ NAME = "CivX"
+ NET = "mainnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488b21e")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("0488ade4")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('00000036090a68c523471da7a4f0f958'
+ 'c1b4403fef74a003be7f71877699cab7')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("1C")
+ P2SH_VERBYTE = [bytes.fromhex("57")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("9C")
+ RPC_PORT = 4561
+ TX_COUNT = 1000
+ DAEMON = daemon.PreLegacyRPCDaemon
+ DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerTxTime
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ version, = util.unpack_le_uint32_from(header)
+ if version > 2:
+ return double_sha256(header)
+ else:
+ return hex_str_to_hash(CivX.GENESIS_HASH)
+class CivXTestnet(CivX):
+ NET = "testnet"
+ XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("043587cf")
+ XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("04358394")
+ GENESIS_HASH = ('0000059bb2c2048493efcb0f1a034972'
+ 'b3ce4089d54c93b69aaab212fb369887')
+ P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("4B")
+ P2SH_VERBYTE = [bytes.fromhex("CE")]
+ WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("CB")
+ RPC_PORT = 14561
+ @classmethod
+ def header_hash(cls, header):
+ version, = util.unpack_le_uint32_from(header)
+ if version > 2:
+ return double_sha256(header)
+ else:
+ return hex_str_to_hash(CivXTestnet.GENESIS_HASH)
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/daemon.py b/torba/torba/server/daemon.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a89bb1f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/daemon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Class for handling asynchronous connections to a blockchain
+import asyncio
+import itertools
+import json
+import time
+from calendar import timegm
+from struct import pack
+from time import strptime
+import aiohttp
+from torba.server.util import hex_to_bytes, class_logger,\
+ unpack_le_uint16_from, pack_varint
+from torba.server.hash import hex_str_to_hash, hash_to_hex_str
+from torba.server.tx import DeserializerDecred
+from torba.rpc import JSONRPC
+class DaemonError(Exception):
+ """Raised when the daemon returns an error in its results."""
+class WarmingUpError(Exception):
+ """Internal - when the daemon is warming up."""
+class WorkQueueFullError(Exception):
+ """Internal - when the daemon's work queue is full."""
+class Daemon:
+ """Handles connections to a daemon at the given URL."""
+ WARMING_UP = -28
+ id_counter = itertools.count()
+ def __init__(self, coin, url, max_workqueue=10, init_retry=0.25,
+ max_retry=4.0):
+ self.coin = coin
+ self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ self.set_url(url)
+ # Limit concurrent RPC calls to this number.
+ # See DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE in bitcoind, which is typically 16
+ self.workqueue_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(value=max_workqueue)
+ self.init_retry = init_retry
+ self.max_retry = max_retry
+ self._height = None
+ self.available_rpcs = {}
+ def set_url(self, url):
+ """Set the URLS to the given list, and switch to the first one."""
+ urls = url.split(',')
+ urls = [self.coin.sanitize_url(url) for url in urls]
+ for n, url in enumerate(urls):
+ status = '' if n else ' (current)'
+ logged_url = self.logged_url(url)
+ self.logger.info(f'daemon #{n + 1} at {logged_url}{status}')
+ self.url_index = 0
+ self.urls = urls
+ def current_url(self):
+ """Returns the current daemon URL."""
+ return self.urls[self.url_index]
+ def logged_url(self, url=None):
+ """The host and port part, for logging."""
+ url = url or self.current_url()
+ return url[url.rindex('@') + 1:]
+ def failover(self):
+ """Call to fail-over to the next daemon URL.
+ Returns False if there is only one, otherwise True.
+ """
+ if len(self.urls) > 1:
+ self.url_index = (self.url_index + 1) % len(self.urls)
+ self.logger.info(f'failing over to {self.logged_url()}')
+ return True
+ return False
+ def client_session(self):
+ """An aiohttp client session."""
+ return aiohttp.ClientSession()
+ async def _send_data(self, data):
+ async with self.workqueue_semaphore:
+ async with self.client_session() as session:
+ async with session.post(self.current_url(), data=data) as resp:
+ kind = resp.headers.get('Content-Type', None)
+ if kind == 'application/json':
+ return await resp.json()
+ # bitcoind's HTTP protocol "handling" is a bad joke
+ text = await resp.text()
+ if 'Work queue depth exceeded' in text:
+ raise WorkQueueFullError
+ text = text.strip() or resp.reason
+ self.logger.error(text)
+ raise DaemonError(text)
+ async def _send(self, payload, processor):
+ """Send a payload to be converted to JSON.
+ Handles temporary connection issues. Daemon reponse errors
+ are raise through DaemonError.
+ """
+ def log_error(error):
+ nonlocal last_error_log, retry
+ now = time.time()
+ if now - last_error_log > 60:
+ last_error_log = now
+ self.logger.error(f'{error} Retrying occasionally...')
+ if retry == self.max_retry and self.failover():
+ retry = 0
+ on_good_message = None
+ last_error_log = 0
+ data = json.dumps(payload)
+ retry = self.init_retry
+ while True:
+ try:
+ result = await self._send_data(data)
+ result = processor(result)
+ if on_good_message:
+ self.logger.info(on_good_message)
+ return result
+ except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+ log_error('timeout error.')
+ except aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError:
+ log_error('disconnected.')
+ on_good_message = 'connection restored'
+ except aiohttp.ClientConnectionError:
+ log_error('connection problem - is your daemon running?')
+ on_good_message = 'connection restored'
+ except aiohttp.ClientError as e:
+ log_error(f'daemon error: {e}')
+ on_good_message = 'running normally'
+ except WarmingUpError:
+ log_error('starting up checking blocks.')
+ on_good_message = 'running normally'
+ except WorkQueueFullError:
+ log_error('work queue full.')
+ on_good_message = 'running normally'
+ await asyncio.sleep(retry)
+ retry = max(min(self.max_retry, retry * 2), self.init_retry)
+ async def _send_single(self, method, params=None):
+ """Send a single request to the daemon."""
+ def processor(result):
+ err = result['error']
+ if not err:
+ return result['result']
+ if err.get('code') == self.WARMING_UP:
+ raise WarmingUpError
+ raise DaemonError(err)
+ payload = {'method': method, 'id': next(self.id_counter)}
+ if params:
+ payload['params'] = params
+ return await self._send(payload, processor)
+ async def _send_vector(self, method, params_iterable, replace_errs=False):
+ """Send several requests of the same method.
+ The result will be an array of the same length as params_iterable.
+ If replace_errs is true, any item with an error is returned as None,
+ otherwise an exception is raised."""
+ def processor(result):
+ errs = [item['error'] for item in result if item['error']]
+ if any(err.get('code') == self.WARMING_UP for err in errs):
+ raise WarmingUpError
+ if not errs or replace_errs:
+ return [item['result'] for item in result]
+ raise DaemonError(errs)
+ payload = [{'method': method, 'params': p, 'id': next(self.id_counter)}
+ for p in params_iterable]
+ if payload:
+ return await self._send(payload, processor)
+ return []
+ async def _is_rpc_available(self, method):
+ """Return whether given RPC method is available in the daemon.
+ Results are cached and the daemon will generally not be queried with
+ the same method more than once."""
+ available = self.available_rpcs.get(method)
+ if available is None:
+ available = True
+ try:
+ await self._send_single(method)
+ except DaemonError as e:
+ err = e.args[0]
+ error_code = err.get("code")
+ available = error_code != JSONRPC.METHOD_NOT_FOUND
+ self.available_rpcs[method] = available
+ return available
+ async def block_hex_hashes(self, first, count):
+ """Return the hex hashes of count block starting at height first."""
+ params_iterable = ((h, ) for h in range(first, first + count))
+ return await self._send_vector('getblockhash', params_iterable)
+ async def deserialised_block(self, hex_hash):
+ """Return the deserialised block with the given hex hash."""
+ return await self._send_single('getblock', (hex_hash, True))
+ async def raw_blocks(self, hex_hashes):
+ """Return the raw binary blocks with the given hex hashes."""
+ params_iterable = ((h, False) for h in hex_hashes)
+ blocks = await self._send_vector('getblock', params_iterable)
+ # Convert hex string to bytes
+ return [hex_to_bytes(block) for block in blocks]
+ async def mempool_hashes(self):
+ """Update our record of the daemon's mempool hashes."""
+ return await self._send_single('getrawmempool')
+ async def estimatefee(self, block_count):
+ """Return the fee estimate for the block count. Units are whole
+ currency units per KB, e.g. 0.00000995, or -1 if no estimate
+ is available.
+ """
+ args = (block_count, )
+ if await self._is_rpc_available('estimatesmartfee'):
+ estimate = await self._send_single('estimatesmartfee', args)
+ return estimate.get('feerate', -1)
+ return await self._send_single('estimatefee', args)
+ async def getnetworkinfo(self):
+ """Return the result of the 'getnetworkinfo' RPC call."""
+ return await self._send_single('getnetworkinfo')
+ async def relayfee(self):
+ """The minimum fee a low-priority tx must pay in order to be accepted
+ to the daemon's memory pool."""
+ network_info = await self.getnetworkinfo()
+ return network_info['relayfee']
+ async def getrawtransaction(self, hex_hash, verbose=False):
+ """Return the serialized raw transaction with the given hash."""
+ # Cast to int because some coin daemons are old and require it
+ return await self._send_single('getrawtransaction',
+ (hex_hash, int(verbose)))
+ async def getrawtransactions(self, hex_hashes, replace_errs=True):
+ """Return the serialized raw transactions with the given hashes.
+ Replaces errors with None by default."""
+ params_iterable = ((hex_hash, 0) for hex_hash in hex_hashes)
+ txs = await self._send_vector('getrawtransaction', params_iterable,
+ replace_errs=replace_errs)
+ # Convert hex strings to bytes
+ return [hex_to_bytes(tx) if tx else None for tx in txs]
+ async def broadcast_transaction(self, raw_tx):
+ """Broadcast a transaction to the network."""
+ return await self._send_single('sendrawtransaction', (raw_tx, ))
+ async def height(self):
+ """Query the daemon for its current height."""
+ self._height = await self._send_single('getblockcount')
+ return self._height
+ def cached_height(self):
+ """Return the cached daemon height.
+ If the daemon has not been queried yet this returns None."""
+ return self._height
+class DashDaemon(Daemon):
+ async def masternode_broadcast(self, params):
+ """Broadcast a transaction to the network."""
+ return await self._send_single('masternodebroadcast', params)
+ async def masternode_list(self, params):
+ """Return the masternode status."""
+ return await self._send_single('masternodelist', params)
+class FakeEstimateFeeDaemon(Daemon):
+ """Daemon that simulates estimatefee and relayfee RPC calls. Coin that
+ wants to use this daemon must define ESTIMATE_FEE & RELAY_FEE"""
+ async def estimatefee(self, block_count):
+ """Return the fee estimate for the given parameters."""
+ return self.coin.ESTIMATE_FEE
+ async def relayfee(self):
+ """The minimum fee a low-priority tx must pay in order to be accepted
+ to the daemon's memory pool."""
+ return self.coin.RELAY_FEE
+class LegacyRPCDaemon(Daemon):
+ """Handles connections to a daemon at the given URL.
+ This class is useful for daemons that don't have the new 'getblock'
+ RPC call that returns the block in hex, the workaround is to manually
+ recreate the block bytes. The recreated block bytes may not be the exact
+ as in the underlying blockchain but it is good enough for our indexing
+ purposes."""
+ async def raw_blocks(self, hex_hashes):
+ """Return the raw binary blocks with the given hex hashes."""
+ params_iterable = ((h, ) for h in hex_hashes)
+ block_info = await self._send_vector('getblock', params_iterable)
+ blocks = []
+ for i in block_info:
+ raw_block = await self.make_raw_block(i)
+ blocks.append(raw_block)
+ # Convert hex string to bytes
+ return blocks
+ async def make_raw_header(self, b):
+ pbh = b.get('previousblockhash')
+ if pbh is None:
+ pbh = '0' * 64
+ return b''.join([
+ pack(' 0:
+ transactions = await self.getrawtransactions(b.get('tx'), False)
+ raw_block = header
+ num_txs = len(transactions)
+ if num_txs > 0:
+ raw_block += pack_varint(num_txs)
+ raw_block += b''.join(transactions)
+ else:
+ raw_block += b'\x00'
+ return raw_block
+ def timestamp_safe(self, t):
+ if isinstance(t, int):
+ return t
+ return timegm(strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"))
+class DecredDaemon(Daemon):
+ async def raw_blocks(self, hex_hashes):
+ """Return the raw binary blocks with the given hex hashes."""
+ params_iterable = ((h, False) for h in hex_hashes)
+ blocks = await self._send_vector('getblock', params_iterable)
+ raw_blocks = []
+ valid_tx_tree = {}
+ for block in blocks:
+ # Convert to bytes from hex
+ raw_block = hex_to_bytes(block)
+ raw_blocks.append(raw_block)
+ # Check if previous block is valid
+ prev = self.prev_hex_hash(raw_block)
+ votebits = unpack_le_uint16_from(raw_block[100:102])[0]
+ valid_tx_tree[prev] = self.is_valid_tx_tree(votebits)
+ processed_raw_blocks = []
+ for hash, raw_block in zip(hex_hashes, raw_blocks):
+ if hash in valid_tx_tree:
+ is_valid = valid_tx_tree[hash]
+ else:
+ # Do something complicated to figure out if this block is valid
+ header = await self._send_single('getblockheader', (hash, ))
+ if 'nextblockhash' not in header:
+ raise DaemonError(f'Could not find next block for {hash}')
+ next_hash = header['nextblockhash']
+ next_header = await self._send_single('getblockheader',
+ (next_hash, ))
+ is_valid = self.is_valid_tx_tree(next_header['votebits'])
+ if is_valid:
+ processed_raw_blocks.append(raw_block)
+ else:
+ # If this block is invalid remove the normal transactions
+ self.logger.info(f'block {hash} is invalidated')
+ processed_raw_blocks.append(self.strip_tx_tree(raw_block))
+ return processed_raw_blocks
+ @staticmethod
+ def prev_hex_hash(raw_block):
+ return hash_to_hex_str(raw_block[4:36])
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_valid_tx_tree(votebits):
+ # Check if previous block was invalidated.
+ return bool(votebits & (1 << 0) != 0)
+ def strip_tx_tree(self, raw_block):
+ c = self.coin
+ assert issubclass(c.DESERIALIZER, DeserializerDecred)
+ d = c.DESERIALIZER(raw_block, start=c.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE)
+ d.read_tx_tree() # Skip normal transactions
+ # Create a fake block without any normal transactions
+ return raw_block[:c.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE] + b'\x00' + raw_block[d.cursor:]
+ async def height(self):
+ height = await super().height()
+ if height > 0:
+ # Lie about the daemon height as the current tip can be invalidated
+ height -= 1
+ self._height = height
+ return height
+ async def mempool_hashes(self):
+ mempool = await super().mempool_hashes()
+ # Add current tip transactions to the 'fake' mempool.
+ real_height = await self._send_single('getblockcount')
+ tip_hash = await self._send_single('getblockhash', (real_height,))
+ tip = await self.deserialised_block(tip_hash)
+ # Add normal transactions except coinbase
+ mempool += tip['tx'][1:]
+ # Add stake transactions if applicable
+ mempool += tip.get('stx', [])
+ return mempool
+ def client_session(self):
+ # FIXME allow self signed certificates
+ connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False)
+ return aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector)
+class PreLegacyRPCDaemon(LegacyRPCDaemon):
+ """Handles connections to a daemon at the given URL.
+ This class is useful for daemons that don't have the new 'getblock'
+ RPC call that returns the block in hex, and need the False parameter
+ for the getblock"""
+ async def deserialised_block(self, hex_hash):
+ """Return the deserialised block with the given hex hash."""
+ return await self._send_single('getblock', (hex_hash, False))
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/db.py b/torba/torba/server/db.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fff9dadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016, Neil Booth
+# Copyright (c) 2017, the ElectrumX authors
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Interface to the blockchain database."""
+import asyncio
+import array
+import ast
+import os
+import time
+from asyncio import sleep
+from bisect import bisect_right
+from collections import namedtuple
+from glob import glob
+from struct import pack, unpack
+import attr
+from torba.server import util
+from torba.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, HASHX_LEN
+from torba.server.merkle import Merkle, MerkleCache
+from torba.server.util import formatted_time
+from torba.server.storage import db_class
+from torba.server.history import History
+UTXO = namedtuple("UTXO", "tx_num tx_pos tx_hash height value")
+class FlushData:
+ height = attr.ib()
+ tx_count = attr.ib()
+ headers = attr.ib()
+ block_tx_hashes = attr.ib()
+ # The following are flushed to the UTXO DB if undo_infos is not None
+ undo_infos = attr.ib()
+ adds = attr.ib()
+ deletes = attr.ib()
+ tip = attr.ib()
+class DB:
+ """Simple wrapper of the backend database for querying.
+ Performs no DB update, though the DB will be cleaned on opening if
+ it was shutdown uncleanly.
+ """
+ class DBError(Exception):
+ """Raised on general DB errors generally indicating corruption."""
+ def __init__(self, env):
+ self.logger = util.class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ self.env = env
+ self.coin = env.coin
+ # Setup block header size handlers
+ if self.coin.STATIC_BLOCK_HEADERS:
+ self.header_offset = self.coin.static_header_offset
+ self.header_len = self.coin.static_header_len
+ else:
+ self.header_offset = self.dynamic_header_offset
+ self.header_len = self.dynamic_header_len
+ self.logger.info(f'switching current directory to {env.db_dir}')
+ os.chdir(env.db_dir)
+ self.db_class = db_class(self.env.db_engine)
+ self.history = History()
+ self.utxo_db = None
+ self.tx_counts = None
+ self.last_flush = time.time()
+ self.logger.info(f'using {self.env.db_engine} for DB backend')
+ # Header merkle cache
+ self.merkle = Merkle()
+ self.header_mc = MerkleCache(self.merkle, self.fs_block_hashes)
+ self.headers_file = util.LogicalFile('meta/headers', 2, 16000000)
+ self.tx_counts_file = util.LogicalFile('meta/txcounts', 2, 2000000)
+ self.hashes_file = util.LogicalFile('meta/hashes', 4, 16000000)
+ if not self.coin.STATIC_BLOCK_HEADERS:
+ self.headers_offsets_file = util.LogicalFile(
+ 'meta/headers_offsets', 2, 16000000)
+ async def _read_tx_counts(self):
+ if self.tx_counts is not None:
+ return
+ # tx_counts[N] has the cumulative number of txs at the end of
+ # height N. So tx_counts[0] is 1 - the genesis coinbase
+ size = (self.db_height + 1) * 4
+ tx_counts = self.tx_counts_file.read(0, size)
+ assert len(tx_counts) == size
+ self.tx_counts = array.array('I', tx_counts)
+ if self.tx_counts:
+ assert self.db_tx_count == self.tx_counts[-1]
+ else:
+ assert self.db_tx_count == 0
+ async def _open_dbs(self, for_sync, compacting):
+ assert self.utxo_db is None
+ # First UTXO DB
+ self.utxo_db = self.db_class('utxo', for_sync)
+ if self.utxo_db.is_new:
+ self.logger.info('created new database')
+ self.logger.info('creating metadata directory')
+ os.mkdir('meta')
+ with util.open_file('COIN', create=True) as f:
+ f.write(f'ElectrumX databases and metadata for '
+ f'{self.coin.NAME} {self.coin.NET}'.encode())
+ if not self.coin.STATIC_BLOCK_HEADERS:
+ self.headers_offsets_file.write(0, bytes(8))
+ else:
+ self.logger.info(f'opened UTXO DB (for sync: {for_sync})')
+ self.read_utxo_state()
+ # Then history DB
+ self.utxo_flush_count = self.history.open_db(self.db_class, for_sync,
+ self.utxo_flush_count,
+ compacting)
+ self.clear_excess_undo_info()
+ # Read TX counts (requires meta directory)
+ await self._read_tx_counts()
+ def close(self):
+ self.utxo_db.close()
+ self.history.close_db()
+ async def open_for_compacting(self):
+ await self._open_dbs(True, True)
+ async def open_for_sync(self):
+ """Open the databases to sync to the daemon.
+ When syncing we want to reserve a lot of open files for the
+ synchronization. When serving clients we want the open files for
+ serving network connections.
+ """
+ await self._open_dbs(True, False)
+ async def open_for_serving(self):
+ """Open the databases for serving. If they are already open they are
+ closed first.
+ """
+ if self.utxo_db:
+ self.logger.info('closing DBs to re-open for serving')
+ self.utxo_db.close()
+ self.history.close_db()
+ self.utxo_db = None
+ await self._open_dbs(False, False)
+ # Header merkle cache
+ async def populate_header_merkle_cache(self):
+ self.logger.info('populating header merkle cache...')
+ length = max(1, self.db_height - self.env.reorg_limit)
+ start = time.time()
+ await self.header_mc.initialize(length)
+ elapsed = time.time() - start
+ self.logger.info(f'header merkle cache populated in {elapsed:.1f}s')
+ async def header_branch_and_root(self, length, height):
+ return await self.header_mc.branch_and_root(length, height)
+ # Flushing
+ def assert_flushed(self, flush_data):
+ """Asserts state is fully flushed."""
+ assert flush_data.tx_count == self.fs_tx_count == self.db_tx_count
+ assert flush_data.height == self.fs_height == self.db_height
+ assert flush_data.tip == self.db_tip
+ assert not flush_data.headers
+ assert not flush_data.block_tx_hashes
+ assert not flush_data.adds
+ assert not flush_data.deletes
+ assert not flush_data.undo_infos
+ self.history.assert_flushed()
+ def flush_dbs(self, flush_data, flush_utxos, estimate_txs_remaining):
+ """Flush out cached state. History is always flushed; UTXOs are
+ flushed if flush_utxos."""
+ if flush_data.height == self.db_height:
+ self.assert_flushed(flush_data)
+ return
+ start_time = time.time()
+ prior_flush = self.last_flush
+ tx_delta = flush_data.tx_count - self.last_flush_tx_count
+ # Flush to file system
+ self.flush_fs(flush_data)
+ # Then history
+ self.flush_history()
+ # Flush state last as it reads the wall time.
+ with self.utxo_db.write_batch() as batch:
+ if flush_utxos:
+ self.flush_utxo_db(batch, flush_data)
+ self.flush_state(batch)
+ # Update and put the wall time again - otherwise we drop the
+ # time it took to commit the batch
+ self.flush_state(self.utxo_db)
+ elapsed = self.last_flush - start_time
+ self.logger.info(f'flush #{self.history.flush_count:,d} took '
+ f'{elapsed:.1f}s. Height {flush_data.height:,d} '
+ f'txs: {flush_data.tx_count:,d} ({tx_delta:+,d})')
+ # Catch-up stats
+ if self.utxo_db.for_sync:
+ flush_interval = self.last_flush - prior_flush
+ tx_per_sec_gen = int(flush_data.tx_count / self.wall_time)
+ tx_per_sec_last = 1 + int(tx_delta / flush_interval)
+ eta = estimate_txs_remaining() / tx_per_sec_last
+ self.logger.info(f'tx/sec since genesis: {tx_per_sec_gen:,d}, '
+ f'since last flush: {tx_per_sec_last:,d}')
+ self.logger.info(f'sync time: {formatted_time(self.wall_time)} '
+ f'ETA: {formatted_time(eta)}')
+ def flush_fs(self, flush_data):
+ """Write headers, tx counts and block tx hashes to the filesystem.
+ The first height to write is self.fs_height + 1. The FS
+ metadata is all append-only, so in a crash we just pick up
+ again from the height stored in the DB.
+ """
+ prior_tx_count = (self.tx_counts[self.fs_height]
+ if self.fs_height >= 0 else 0)
+ assert len(flush_data.block_tx_hashes) == len(flush_data.headers)
+ assert flush_data.height == self.fs_height + len(flush_data.headers)
+ assert flush_data.tx_count == (self.tx_counts[-1] if self.tx_counts
+ else 0)
+ assert len(self.tx_counts) == flush_data.height + 1
+ hashes = b''.join(flush_data.block_tx_hashes)
+ flush_data.block_tx_hashes.clear()
+ assert len(hashes) % 32 == 0
+ assert len(hashes) // 32 == flush_data.tx_count - prior_tx_count
+ # Write the headers, tx counts, and tx hashes
+ start_time = time.time()
+ height_start = self.fs_height + 1
+ offset = self.header_offset(height_start)
+ self.headers_file.write(offset, b''.join(flush_data.headers))
+ self.fs_update_header_offsets(offset, height_start, flush_data.headers)
+ flush_data.headers.clear()
+ offset = height_start * self.tx_counts.itemsize
+ self.tx_counts_file.write(offset,
+ self.tx_counts[height_start:].tobytes())
+ offset = prior_tx_count * 32
+ self.hashes_file.write(offset, hashes)
+ self.fs_height = flush_data.height
+ self.fs_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
+ if self.utxo_db.for_sync:
+ elapsed = time.time() - start_time
+ self.logger.info(f'flushed filesystem data in {elapsed:.2f}s')
+ def flush_history(self):
+ self.history.flush()
+ def flush_utxo_db(self, batch, flush_data):
+ """Flush the cached DB writes and UTXO set to the batch."""
+ # Care is needed because the writes generated by flushing the
+ # UTXO state may have keys in common with our write cache or
+ # may be in the DB already.
+ start_time = time.time()
+ add_count = len(flush_data.adds)
+ spend_count = len(flush_data.deletes) // 2
+ # Spends
+ batch_delete = batch.delete
+ for key in sorted(flush_data.deletes):
+ batch_delete(key)
+ flush_data.deletes.clear()
+ # New UTXOs
+ batch_put = batch.put
+ for key, value in flush_data.adds.items():
+ # suffix = tx_idx + tx_num
+ hashX = value[:-12]
+ suffix = key[-2:] + value[-12:-8]
+ batch_put(b'h' + key[:4] + suffix, hashX)
+ batch_put(b'u' + hashX + suffix, value[-8:])
+ flush_data.adds.clear()
+ # New undo information
+ self.flush_undo_infos(batch_put, flush_data.undo_infos)
+ flush_data.undo_infos.clear()
+ if self.utxo_db.for_sync:
+ block_count = flush_data.height - self.db_height
+ tx_count = flush_data.tx_count - self.db_tx_count
+ elapsed = time.time() - start_time
+ self.logger.info(f'flushed {block_count:,d} blocks with '
+ f'{tx_count:,d} txs, {add_count:,d} UTXO adds, '
+ f'{spend_count:,d} spends in '
+ f'{elapsed:.1f}s, committing...')
+ self.utxo_flush_count = self.history.flush_count
+ self.db_height = flush_data.height
+ self.db_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
+ self.db_tip = flush_data.tip
+ def flush_state(self, batch):
+ """Flush chain state to the batch."""
+ now = time.time()
+ self.wall_time += now - self.last_flush
+ self.last_flush = now
+ self.last_flush_tx_count = self.fs_tx_count
+ self.write_utxo_state(batch)
+ def flush_backup(self, flush_data, touched):
+ """Like flush_dbs() but when backing up. All UTXOs are flushed."""
+ assert not flush_data.headers
+ assert not flush_data.block_tx_hashes
+ assert flush_data.height < self.db_height
+ self.history.assert_flushed()
+ start_time = time.time()
+ tx_delta = flush_data.tx_count - self.last_flush_tx_count
+ self.backup_fs(flush_data.height, flush_data.tx_count)
+ self.history.backup(touched, flush_data.tx_count)
+ with self.utxo_db.write_batch() as batch:
+ self.flush_utxo_db(batch, flush_data)
+ # Flush state last as it reads the wall time.
+ self.flush_state(batch)
+ elapsed = self.last_flush - start_time
+ self.logger.info(f'backup flush #{self.history.flush_count:,d} took '
+ f'{elapsed:.1f}s. Height {flush_data.height:,d} '
+ f'txs: {flush_data.tx_count:,d} ({tx_delta:+,d})')
+ def fs_update_header_offsets(self, offset_start, height_start, headers):
+ if self.coin.STATIC_BLOCK_HEADERS:
+ return
+ offset = offset_start
+ offsets = []
+ for h in headers:
+ offset += len(h)
+ offsets.append(pack("= 0, count >= 0. Reads as many headers as
+ are available starting at start_height up to count. This
+ would be zero if start_height is beyond self.db_height, for
+ example.
+ Returns a (binary, n) pair where binary is the concatenated
+ binary headers, and n is the count of headers returned.
+ """
+ if start_height < 0 or count < 0:
+ raise self.DBError(f'{count:,d} headers starting at '
+ f'{start_height:,d} not on disk')
+ def read_headers():
+ # Read some from disk
+ disk_count = max(0, min(count, self.db_height + 1 - start_height))
+ if disk_count:
+ offset = self.header_offset(start_height)
+ size = self.header_offset(start_height + disk_count) - offset
+ return self.headers_file.read(offset, size), disk_count
+ return b'', 0
+ return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, read_headers)
+ def fs_tx_hash(self, tx_num):
+ """Return a par (tx_hash, tx_height) for the given tx number.
+ If the tx_height is not on disk, returns (None, tx_height)."""
+ tx_height = bisect_right(self.tx_counts, tx_num)
+ if tx_height > self.db_height:
+ tx_hash = None
+ else:
+ tx_hash = self.hashes_file.read(tx_num * 32, 32)
+ return tx_hash, tx_height
+ async def fs_block_hashes(self, height, count):
+ headers_concat, headers_count = await self.read_headers(height, count)
+ if headers_count != count:
+ raise self.DBError('only got {:,d} headers starting at {:,d}, not '
+ '{:,d}'.format(headers_count, height, count))
+ offset = 0
+ headers = []
+ for n in range(count):
+ hlen = self.header_len(height + n)
+ headers.append(headers_concat[offset:offset + hlen])
+ offset += hlen
+ return [self.coin.header_hash(header) for header in headers]
+ async def limited_history(self, hashX, *, limit=1000):
+ """Return an unpruned, sorted list of (tx_hash, height) tuples of
+ confirmed transactions that touched the address, earliest in
+ the blockchain first. Includes both spending and receiving
+ transactions. By default returns at most 1000 entries. Set
+ limit to None to get them all.
+ """
+ def read_history():
+ tx_nums = list(self.history.get_txnums(hashX, limit))
+ fs_tx_hash = self.fs_tx_hash
+ return [fs_tx_hash(tx_num) for tx_num in tx_nums]
+ while True:
+ history = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, read_history)
+ if all(hash is not None for hash, height in history):
+ return history
+ self.logger.warning(f'limited_history: tx hash '
+ f'not found (reorg?), retrying...')
+ await sleep(0.25)
+ # -- Undo information
+ def min_undo_height(self, max_height):
+ """Returns a height from which we should store undo info."""
+ return max_height - self.env.reorg_limit + 1
+ def undo_key(self, height):
+ """DB key for undo information at the given height."""
+ return b'U' + pack('>I', height)
+ def read_undo_info(self, height):
+ """Read undo information from a file for the current height."""
+ return self.utxo_db.get(self.undo_key(height))
+ def flush_undo_infos(self, batch_put, undo_infos):
+ """undo_infos is a list of (undo_info, height) pairs."""
+ for undo_info, height in undo_infos:
+ batch_put(self.undo_key(height), b''.join(undo_info))
+ def raw_block_prefix(self):
+ return 'meta/block'
+ def raw_block_path(self, height):
+ return f'{self.raw_block_prefix()}{height:d}'
+ def read_raw_block(self, height):
+ """Returns a raw block read from disk. Raises FileNotFoundError
+ if the block isn't on-disk."""
+ with util.open_file(self.raw_block_path(height)) as f:
+ return f.read(-1)
+ def write_raw_block(self, block, height):
+ """Write a raw block to disk."""
+ with util.open_truncate(self.raw_block_path(height)) as f:
+ f.write(block)
+ # Delete old blocks to prevent them accumulating
+ try:
+ del_height = self.min_undo_height(height) - 1
+ os.remove(self.raw_block_path(del_height))
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ def clear_excess_undo_info(self):
+ """Clear excess undo info. Only most recent N are kept."""
+ prefix = b'U'
+ min_height = self.min_undo_height(self.db_height)
+ keys = []
+ for key, hist in self.utxo_db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
+ height, = unpack('>I', key[-4:])
+ if height >= min_height:
+ break
+ keys.append(key)
+ if keys:
+ with self.utxo_db.write_batch() as batch:
+ for key in keys:
+ batch.delete(key)
+ self.logger.info(f'deleted {len(keys):,d} stale undo entries')
+ # delete old block files
+ prefix = self.raw_block_prefix()
+ paths = [path for path in glob(f'{prefix}[0-9]*')
+ if len(path) > len(prefix)
+ and int(path[len(prefix):]) < min_height]
+ if paths:
+ for path in paths:
+ try:
+ os.remove(path)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ self.logger.info(f'deleted {len(paths):,d} stale block files')
+ # -- UTXO database
+ def read_utxo_state(self):
+ state = self.utxo_db.get(b'state')
+ if not state:
+ self.db_height = -1
+ self.db_tx_count = 0
+ self.db_tip = b'\0' * 32
+ self.db_version = max(self.DB_VERSIONS)
+ self.utxo_flush_count = 0
+ self.wall_time = 0
+ self.first_sync = True
+ else:
+ state = ast.literal_eval(state.decode())
+ if not isinstance(state, dict):
+ raise self.DBError('failed reading state from DB')
+ self.db_version = state['db_version']
+ if self.db_version not in self.DB_VERSIONS:
+ raise self.DBError('your UTXO DB version is {} but this '
+ 'software only handles versions {}'
+ .format(self.db_version, self.DB_VERSIONS))
+ # backwards compat
+ genesis_hash = state['genesis']
+ if isinstance(genesis_hash, bytes):
+ genesis_hash = genesis_hash.decode()
+ if genesis_hash != self.coin.GENESIS_HASH:
+ raise self.DBError('DB genesis hash {} does not match coin {}'
+ .format(genesis_hash,
+ self.coin.GENESIS_HASH))
+ self.db_height = state['height']
+ self.db_tx_count = state['tx_count']
+ self.db_tip = state['tip']
+ self.utxo_flush_count = state['utxo_flush_count']
+ self.wall_time = state['wall_time']
+ self.first_sync = state['first_sync']
+ # These are our state as we move ahead of DB state
+ self.fs_height = self.db_height
+ self.fs_tx_count = self.db_tx_count
+ self.last_flush_tx_count = self.fs_tx_count
+ # Log some stats
+ self.logger.info('DB version: {:d}'.format(self.db_version))
+ self.logger.info('coin: {}'.format(self.coin.NAME))
+ self.logger.info('network: {}'.format(self.coin.NET))
+ self.logger.info('height: {:,d}'.format(self.db_height))
+ self.logger.info('tip: {}'.format(hash_to_hex_str(self.db_tip)))
+ self.logger.info('tx count: {:,d}'.format(self.db_tx_count))
+ if self.utxo_db.for_sync:
+ self.logger.info(f'flushing DB cache at {self.env.cache_MB:,d} MB')
+ if self.first_sync:
+ self.logger.info('sync time so far: {}'
+ .format(util.formatted_time(self.wall_time)))
+ def write_utxo_state(self, batch):
+ """Write (UTXO) state to the batch."""
+ state = {
+ 'genesis': self.coin.GENESIS_HASH,
+ 'height': self.db_height,
+ 'tx_count': self.db_tx_count,
+ 'tip': self.db_tip,
+ 'utxo_flush_count': self.utxo_flush_count,
+ 'wall_time': self.wall_time,
+ 'first_sync': self.first_sync,
+ 'db_version': self.db_version,
+ }
+ batch.put(b'state', repr(state).encode())
+ def set_flush_count(self, count):
+ self.utxo_flush_count = count
+ with self.utxo_db.write_batch() as batch:
+ self.write_utxo_state(batch)
+ async def all_utxos(self, hashX):
+ """Return all UTXOs for an address sorted in no particular order."""
+ def read_utxos():
+ utxos = []
+ utxos_append = utxos.append
+ s_unpack = unpack
+ # Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
+ # Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
+ prefix = b'u' + hashX
+ for db_key, db_value in self.utxo_db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
+ tx_pos, tx_num = s_unpack(' utxo_flush_count:
+ keys.append(key)
+ self.logger.info(f'deleting {len(keys):,d} history entries')
+ self.flush_count = utxo_flush_count
+ with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
+ for key in keys:
+ batch.delete(key)
+ self.write_state(batch)
+ self.logger.info('deleted excess history entries')
+ def write_state(self, batch):
+ """Write state to the history DB."""
+ state = {
+ 'flush_count': self.flush_count,
+ 'comp_flush_count': self.comp_flush_count,
+ 'comp_cursor': self.comp_cursor,
+ 'db_version': self.db_version,
+ }
+ # History entries are not prefixed; the suffix \0\0 ensures we
+ # look similar to other entries and aren't interfered with
+ batch.put(b'state\0\0', repr(state).encode())
+ def add_unflushed(self, hashXs_by_tx, first_tx_num):
+ unflushed = self.unflushed
+ count = 0
+ for tx_num, hashXs in enumerate(hashXs_by_tx, start=first_tx_num):
+ hashXs = set(hashXs)
+ for hashX in hashXs:
+ unflushed[hashX].append(tx_num)
+ count += len(hashXs)
+ self.unflushed_count += count
+ def unflushed_memsize(self):
+ return len(self.unflushed) * 180 + self.unflushed_count * 4
+ def assert_flushed(self):
+ assert not self.unflushed
+ def flush(self):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ self.flush_count += 1
+ flush_id = pack_be_uint16(self.flush_count)
+ unflushed = self.unflushed
+ with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
+ for hashX in sorted(unflushed):
+ key = hashX + flush_id
+ batch.put(key, unflushed[hashX].tobytes())
+ self.write_state(batch)
+ count = len(unflushed)
+ unflushed.clear()
+ self.unflushed_count = 0
+ if self.db.for_sync:
+ elapsed = time.time() - start_time
+ self.logger.info(f'flushed history in {elapsed:.1f}s '
+ f'for {count:,d} addrs')
+ def backup(self, hashXs, tx_count):
+ # Not certain this is needed, but it doesn't hurt
+ self.flush_count += 1
+ nremoves = 0
+ bisect_left = bisect.bisect_left
+ with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
+ for hashX in sorted(hashXs):
+ deletes = []
+ puts = {}
+ for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=hashX, reverse=True):
+ a = array.array('I')
+ a.frombytes(hist)
+ # Remove all history entries >= tx_count
+ idx = bisect_left(a, tx_count)
+ nremoves += len(a) - idx
+ if idx > 0:
+ puts[key] = a[:idx].tobytes()
+ break
+ deletes.append(key)
+ for key in deletes:
+ batch.delete(key)
+ for key, value in puts.items():
+ batch.put(key, value)
+ self.write_state(batch)
+ self.logger.info(f'backing up removed {nremoves:,d} history entries')
+ def get_txnums(self, hashX, limit=1000):
+ """Generator that returns an unpruned, sorted list of tx_nums in the
+ history of a hashX. Includes both spending and receiving
+ transactions. By default yields at most 1000 entries. Set
+ limit to None to get them all. """
+ limit = util.resolve_limit(limit)
+ for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=hashX):
+ a = array.array('I')
+ a.frombytes(hist)
+ for tx_num in a:
+ if limit == 0:
+ return
+ yield tx_num
+ limit -= 1
+ #
+ # History compaction
+ #
+ # comp_cursor is a cursor into compaction progress.
+ # -1: no compaction in progress
+ # 0-65535: Compaction in progress; all prefixes < comp_cursor have
+ # been compacted, and later ones have not.
+ # 65536: compaction complete in-memory but not flushed
+ #
+ # comp_flush_count applies during compaction, and is a flush count
+ # for history with prefix < comp_cursor. flush_count applies
+ # to still uncompacted history. It is -1 when no compaction is
+ # taking place. Key suffixes up to and including comp_flush_count
+ # are used, so a parallel history flush must first increment this
+ #
+ # When compaction is complete and the final flush takes place,
+ # flush_count is reset to comp_flush_count, and comp_flush_count to -1
+ def _flush_compaction(self, cursor, write_items, keys_to_delete):
+ """Flush a single compaction pass as a batch."""
+ # Update compaction state
+ if cursor == 65536:
+ self.flush_count = self.comp_flush_count
+ self.comp_cursor = -1
+ self.comp_flush_count = -1
+ else:
+ self.comp_cursor = cursor
+ # History DB. Flush compacted history and updated state
+ with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
+ # Important: delete first! The keyspace may overlap.
+ for key in keys_to_delete:
+ batch.delete(key)
+ for key, value in write_items:
+ batch.put(key, value)
+ self.write_state(batch)
+ def _compact_hashX(self, hashX, hist_map, hist_list,
+ write_items, keys_to_delete):
+ """Compres history for a hashX. hist_list is an ordered list of
+ the histories to be compressed."""
+ # History entries (tx numbers) are 4 bytes each. Distribute
+ # over rows of up to 50KB in size. A fixed row size means
+ # future compactions will not need to update the first N - 1
+ # rows.
+ max_row_size = self.max_hist_row_entries * 4
+ full_hist = b''.join(hist_list)
+ nrows = (len(full_hist) + max_row_size - 1) // max_row_size
+ if nrows > 4:
+ self.logger.info('hashX {} is large: {:,d} entries across '
+ '{:,d} rows'
+ .format(hash_to_hex_str(hashX),
+ len(full_hist) // 4, nrows))
+ # Find what history needs to be written, and what keys need to
+ # be deleted. Start by assuming all keys are to be deleted,
+ # and then remove those that are the same on-disk as when
+ # compacted.
+ write_size = 0
+ keys_to_delete.update(hist_map)
+ for n, chunk in enumerate(util.chunks(full_hist, max_row_size)):
+ key = hashX + pack_be_uint16(n)
+ if hist_map.get(key) == chunk:
+ keys_to_delete.remove(key)
+ else:
+ write_items.append((key, chunk))
+ write_size += len(chunk)
+ assert n + 1 == nrows
+ self.comp_flush_count = max(self.comp_flush_count, n)
+ return write_size
+ def _compact_prefix(self, prefix, write_items, keys_to_delete):
+ """Compact all history entries for hashXs beginning with the
+ given prefix. Update keys_to_delete and write."""
+ prior_hashX = None
+ hist_map = {}
+ hist_list = []
+ key_len = HASHX_LEN + 2
+ write_size = 0
+ for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
+ # Ignore non-history entries
+ if len(key) != key_len:
+ continue
+ hashX = key[:-2]
+ if hashX != prior_hashX and prior_hashX:
+ write_size += self._compact_hashX(prior_hashX, hist_map,
+ hist_list, write_items,
+ keys_to_delete)
+ hist_map.clear()
+ hist_list.clear()
+ prior_hashX = hashX
+ hist_map[key] = hist
+ hist_list.append(hist)
+ if prior_hashX:
+ write_size += self._compact_hashX(prior_hashX, hist_map, hist_list,
+ write_items, keys_to_delete)
+ return write_size
+ def _compact_history(self, limit):
+ """Inner loop of history compaction. Loops until limit bytes have
+ been processed.
+ """
+ keys_to_delete = set()
+ write_items = [] # A list of (key, value) pairs
+ write_size = 0
+ # Loop over 2-byte prefixes
+ cursor = self.comp_cursor
+ while write_size < limit and cursor < 65536:
+ prefix = pack_be_uint16(cursor)
+ write_size += self._compact_prefix(prefix, write_items,
+ keys_to_delete)
+ cursor += 1
+ max_rows = self.comp_flush_count + 1
+ self._flush_compaction(cursor, write_items, keys_to_delete)
+ self.logger.info('history compaction: wrote {:,d} rows ({:.1f} MB), '
+ 'removed {:,d} rows, largest: {:,d}, {:.1f}% complete'
+ .format(len(write_items), write_size / 1000000,
+ len(keys_to_delete), max_rows,
+ 100 * cursor / 65536))
+ return write_size
+ def _cancel_compaction(self):
+ if self.comp_cursor != -1:
+ self.logger.warning('cancelling in-progress history compaction')
+ self.comp_flush_count = -1
+ self.comp_cursor = -1
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/mempool.py b/torba/torba/server/mempool.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bb71fcf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/mempool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Mempool handling."""
+import asyncio
+import itertools
+import time
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from asyncio import Lock, sleep
+from collections import defaultdict
+import attr
+from torba.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, hex_str_to_hash
+from torba.server.util import class_logger, chunks
+from torba.server.db import UTXO
+class MemPoolTx:
+ prevouts = attr.ib()
+ # A pair is a (hashX, value) tuple
+ in_pairs = attr.ib()
+ out_pairs = attr.ib()
+ fee = attr.ib()
+ size = attr.ib()
+class MemPoolTxSummary:
+ hash = attr.ib()
+ fee = attr.ib()
+ has_unconfirmed_inputs = attr.ib()
+class MemPoolAPI(ABC):
+ """A concrete instance of this class is passed to the MemPool object
+ and used by it to query DB and blockchain state."""
+ @abstractmethod
+ async def height(self):
+ """Query bitcoind for its height."""
+ @abstractmethod
+ def cached_height(self):
+ """Return the height of bitcoind the last time it was queried,
+ for any reason, without actually querying it.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ async def mempool_hashes(self):
+ """Query bitcoind for the hashes of all transactions in its
+ mempool, returned as a list."""
+ @abstractmethod
+ async def raw_transactions(self, hex_hashes):
+ """Query bitcoind for the serialized raw transactions with the given
+ hashes. Missing transactions are returned as None.
+ hex_hashes is an iterable of hexadecimal hash strings."""
+ @abstractmethod
+ async def lookup_utxos(self, prevouts):
+ """Return a list of (hashX, value) pairs each prevout if unspent,
+ otherwise return None if spent or not found.
+ prevouts - an iterable of (hash, index) pairs
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ async def on_mempool(self, touched, height):
+ """Called each time the mempool is synchronized. touched is a set of
+ hashXs touched since the previous call. height is the
+ daemon's height at the time the mempool was obtained."""
+class MemPool:
+ """Representation of the daemon's mempool.
+ coin - a coin class from coins.py
+ api - an object implementing MemPoolAPI
+ Updated regularly in caught-up state. Goal is to enable efficient
+ response to the calls in the external interface. To that end we
+ maintain the following maps:
+ tx: tx_hash -> MemPoolTx
+ hashXs: hashX -> set of all hashes of txs touching the hashX
+ """
+ def __init__(self, coin, api, refresh_secs=5.0, log_status_secs=120.0):
+ assert isinstance(api, MemPoolAPI)
+ self.coin = coin
+ self.api = api
+ self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ self.txs = {}
+ self.hashXs = defaultdict(set) # None can be a key
+ self.cached_compact_histogram = []
+ self.refresh_secs = refresh_secs
+ self.log_status_secs = log_status_secs
+ # Prevents mempool refreshes during fee histogram calculation
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ async def _logging(self, synchronized_event):
+ """Print regular logs of mempool stats."""
+ self.logger.info('beginning processing of daemon mempool. '
+ 'This can take some time...')
+ start = time.time()
+ await synchronized_event.wait()
+ elapsed = time.time() - start
+ self.logger.info(f'synced in {elapsed:.2f}s')
+ while True:
+ self.logger.info(f'{len(self.txs):,d} txs '
+ f'touching {len(self.hashXs):,d} addresses')
+ await sleep(self.log_status_secs)
+ await synchronized_event.wait()
+ async def _refresh_histogram(self, synchronized_event):
+ while True:
+ await synchronized_event.wait()
+ async with self.lock:
+ # Threaded as can be expensive
+ await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, self._update_histogram, 100_000)
+ await sleep(self.coin.MEMPOOL_HISTOGRAM_REFRESH_SECS)
+ def _update_histogram(self, bin_size):
+ # Build a histogram by fee rate
+ histogram = defaultdict(int)
+ for tx in self.txs.values():
+ histogram[tx.fee // tx.size] += tx.size
+ # Now compact it. For efficiency, get_fees returns a
+ # compact histogram with variable bin size. The compact
+ # histogram is an array of (fee_rate, vsize) values.
+ # vsize_n is the cumulative virtual size of mempool
+ # transactions with a fee rate in the interval
+ # [rate_(n-1), rate_n)], and rate_(n-1) > rate_n.
+ # Intervals are chosen to create tranches containing at
+ # least 100kb of transactions
+ compact = []
+ cum_size = 0
+ r = 0 # ?
+ for fee_rate, size in sorted(histogram.items(), reverse=True):
+ cum_size += size
+ if cum_size + r > bin_size:
+ compact.append((fee_rate, cum_size))
+ r += cum_size - bin_size
+ cum_size = 0
+ bin_size *= 1.1
+ self.logger.info(f'compact fee histogram: {compact}')
+ self.cached_compact_histogram = compact
+ def _accept_transactions(self, tx_map, utxo_map, touched):
+ """Accept transactions in tx_map to the mempool if all their inputs
+ can be found in the existing mempool or a utxo_map from the
+ DB.
+ Returns an (unprocessed tx_map, unspent utxo_map) pair.
+ """
+ hashXs = self.hashXs
+ txs = self.txs
+ deferred = {}
+ unspent = set(utxo_map)
+ # Try to find all prevouts so we can accept the TX
+ for hash, tx in tx_map.items():
+ in_pairs = []
+ try:
+ for prevout in tx.prevouts:
+ utxo = utxo_map.get(prevout)
+ if not utxo:
+ prev_hash, prev_index = prevout
+ # Raises KeyError if prev_hash is not in txs
+ utxo = txs[prev_hash].out_pairs[prev_index]
+ in_pairs.append(utxo)
+ except KeyError:
+ deferred[hash] = tx
+ continue
+ # Spend the prevouts
+ unspent.difference_update(tx.prevouts)
+ # Save the in_pairs, compute the fee and accept the TX
+ tx.in_pairs = tuple(in_pairs)
+ # Avoid negative fees if dealing with generation-like transactions
+ # because some in_parts would be missing
+ tx.fee = max(0, (sum(v for _, v in tx.in_pairs) -
+ sum(v for _, v in tx.out_pairs)))
+ txs[hash] = tx
+ for hashX, value in itertools.chain(tx.in_pairs, tx.out_pairs):
+ touched.add(hashX)
+ hashXs[hashX].add(hash)
+ return deferred, {prevout: utxo_map[prevout] for prevout in unspent}
+ async def _refresh_hashes(self, synchronized_event):
+ """Refresh our view of the daemon's mempool."""
+ while True:
+ height = self.api.cached_height()
+ hex_hashes = await self.api.mempool_hashes()
+ if height != await self.api.height():
+ continue
+ hashes = set(hex_str_to_hash(hh) for hh in hex_hashes)
+ async with self.lock:
+ touched = await self._process_mempool(hashes)
+ synchronized_event.set()
+ synchronized_event.clear()
+ await self.api.on_mempool(touched, height)
+ await sleep(self.refresh_secs)
+ async def _process_mempool(self, all_hashes):
+ # Re-sync with the new set of hashes
+ txs = self.txs
+ hashXs = self.hashXs
+ touched = set()
+ # First handle txs that have disappeared
+ for tx_hash in set(txs).difference(all_hashes):
+ tx = txs.pop(tx_hash)
+ tx_hashXs = set(hashX for hashX, value in tx.in_pairs)
+ tx_hashXs.update(hashX for hashX, value in tx.out_pairs)
+ for hashX in tx_hashXs:
+ hashXs[hashX].remove(tx_hash)
+ if not hashXs[hashX]:
+ del hashXs[hashX]
+ touched.update(tx_hashXs)
+ # Process new transactions
+ new_hashes = list(all_hashes.difference(txs))
+ if new_hashes:
+ fetches = []
+ for hashes in chunks(new_hashes, 200):
+ fetches.append(self._fetch_and_accept(hashes, all_hashes, touched))
+ tx_map = {}
+ utxo_map = {}
+ for fetch in asyncio.as_completed(fetches):
+ deferred, unspent = await fetch
+ tx_map.update(deferred)
+ utxo_map.update(unspent)
+ prior_count = 0
+ # FIXME: this is not particularly efficient
+ while tx_map and len(tx_map) != prior_count:
+ prior_count = len(tx_map)
+ tx_map, utxo_map = self._accept_transactions(tx_map, utxo_map,
+ touched)
+ if tx_map:
+ self.logger.info(f'{len(tx_map)} txs dropped')
+ return touched
+ async def _fetch_and_accept(self, hashes, all_hashes, touched):
+ """Fetch a list of mempool transactions."""
+ hex_hashes_iter = (hash_to_hex_str(hash) for hash in hashes)
+ raw_txs = await self.api.raw_transactions(hex_hashes_iter)
+ def deserialize_txs(): # This function is pure
+ to_hashX = self.coin.hashX_from_script
+ deserializer = self.coin.DESERIALIZER
+ txs = {}
+ for hash, raw_tx in zip(hashes, raw_txs):
+ # The daemon may have evicted the tx from its
+ # mempool or it may have gotten in a block
+ if not raw_tx:
+ continue
+ tx, tx_size = deserializer(raw_tx).read_tx_and_vsize()
+ # Convert the inputs and outputs into (hashX, value) pairs
+ # Drop generation-like inputs from MemPoolTx.prevouts
+ txin_pairs = tuple((txin.prev_hash, txin.prev_idx)
+ for txin in tx.inputs
+ if not txin.is_generation())
+ txout_pairs = tuple((to_hashX(txout.pk_script), txout.value)
+ for txout in tx.outputs)
+ txs[hash] = MemPoolTx(txin_pairs, None, txout_pairs,
+ 0, tx_size)
+ return txs
+ # Thread this potentially slow operation so as not to block
+ tx_map = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, deserialize_txs)
+ # Determine all prevouts not in the mempool, and fetch the
+ # UTXO information from the database. Failed prevout lookups
+ # return None - concurrent database updates happen - which is
+ # relied upon by _accept_transactions. Ignore prevouts that are
+ # generation-like.
+ prevouts = tuple(prevout for tx in tx_map.values()
+ for prevout in tx.prevouts
+ if prevout[0] not in all_hashes)
+ utxos = await self.api.lookup_utxos(prevouts)
+ utxo_map = {prevout: utxo for prevout, utxo in zip(prevouts, utxos)}
+ return self._accept_transactions(tx_map, utxo_map, touched)
+ #
+ # External interface
+ #
+ async def keep_synchronized(self, synchronized_event):
+ """Keep the mempool synchronized with the daemon."""
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ self._refresh_hashes(synchronized_event),
+ self._refresh_histogram(synchronized_event),
+ self._logging(synchronized_event)
+ ])
+ async def balance_delta(self, hashX):
+ """Return the unconfirmed amount in the mempool for hashX.
+ Can be positive or negative.
+ """
+ value = 0
+ if hashX in self.hashXs:
+ for hash in self.hashXs[hashX]:
+ tx = self.txs[hash]
+ value -= sum(v for h168, v in tx.in_pairs if h168 == hashX)
+ value += sum(v for h168, v in tx.out_pairs if h168 == hashX)
+ return value
+ async def compact_fee_histogram(self):
+ """Return a compact fee histogram of the current mempool."""
+ return self.cached_compact_histogram
+ async def potential_spends(self, hashX):
+ """Return a set of (prev_hash, prev_idx) pairs from mempool
+ transactions that touch hashX.
+ None, some or all of these may be spends of the hashX, but all
+ actual spends of it (in the DB or mempool) will be included.
+ """
+ result = set()
+ for tx_hash in self.hashXs.get(hashX, ()):
+ tx = self.txs[tx_hash]
+ result.update(tx.prevouts)
+ return result
+ async def transaction_summaries(self, hashX):
+ """Return a list of MemPoolTxSummary objects for the hashX."""
+ result = []
+ for tx_hash in self.hashXs.get(hashX, ()):
+ tx = self.txs[tx_hash]
+ has_ui = any(hash in self.txs for hash, idx in tx.prevouts)
+ result.append(MemPoolTxSummary(tx_hash, tx.fee, has_ui))
+ return result
+ async def unordered_UTXOs(self, hashX):
+ """Return an unordered list of UTXO named tuples from mempool
+ transactions that pay to hashX.
+ This does not consider if any other mempool transactions spend
+ the outputs.
+ """
+ utxos = []
+ for tx_hash in self.hashXs.get(hashX, ()):
+ tx = self.txs.get(tx_hash)
+ for pos, (hX, value) in enumerate(tx.out_pairs):
+ if hX == hashX:
+ utxos.append(UTXO(-1, pos, tx_hash, 0, value))
+ return utxos
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/merkle.py b/torba/torba/server/merkle.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cfa89c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/merkle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Merkle trees, branches, proofs and roots."""
+from asyncio import Event
+from math import ceil, log
+from torba.server.hash import double_sha256
+class Merkle:
+ """Perform merkle tree calculations on binary hashes using a given hash
+ function.
+ If the hash count is not even, the final hash is repeated when
+ calculating the next merkle layer up the tree.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, hash_func=double_sha256):
+ self.hash_func = hash_func
+ def tree_depth(self, hash_count):
+ return self.branch_length(hash_count) + 1
+ def branch_length(self, hash_count):
+ """Return the length of a merkle branch given the number of hashes."""
+ if not isinstance(hash_count, int):
+ raise TypeError('hash_count must be an integer')
+ if hash_count < 1:
+ raise ValueError('hash_count must be at least 1')
+ return ceil(log(hash_count, 2))
+ def branch_and_root(self, hashes, index, length=None):
+ """Return a (merkle branch, merkle_root) pair given hashes, and the
+ index of one of those hashes.
+ """
+ hashes = list(hashes)
+ if not isinstance(index, int):
+ raise TypeError('index must be an integer')
+ # This also asserts hashes is not empty
+ if not 0 <= index < len(hashes):
+ raise ValueError('index out of range')
+ natural_length = self.branch_length(len(hashes))
+ if length is None:
+ length = natural_length
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(length, int):
+ raise TypeError('length must be an integer')
+ if length < natural_length:
+ raise ValueError('length out of range')
+ hash_func = self.hash_func
+ branch = []
+ for _ in range(length):
+ if len(hashes) & 1:
+ hashes.append(hashes[-1])
+ branch.append(hashes[index ^ 1])
+ index >>= 1
+ hashes = [hash_func(hashes[n] + hashes[n + 1])
+ for n in range(0, len(hashes), 2)]
+ return branch, hashes[0]
+ def root(self, hashes, length=None):
+ """Return the merkle root of a non-empty iterable of binary hashes."""
+ branch, root = self.branch_and_root(hashes, 0, length)
+ return root
+ def root_from_proof(self, hash, branch, index):
+ """Return the merkle root given a hash, a merkle branch to it, and
+ its index in the hashes array.
+ branch is an iterable sorted deepest to shallowest. If the
+ returned root is the expected value then the merkle proof is
+ verified.
+ The caller should have confirmed the length of the branch with
+ branch_length(). Unfortunately this is not easily done for
+ bitcoin transactions as the number of transactions in a block
+ is unknown to an SPV client.
+ """
+ hash_func = self.hash_func
+ for elt in branch:
+ if index & 1:
+ hash = hash_func(elt + hash)
+ else:
+ hash = hash_func(hash + elt)
+ index >>= 1
+ if index:
+ raise ValueError('index out of range for branch')
+ return hash
+ def level(self, hashes, depth_higher):
+ """Return a level of the merkle tree of hashes the given depth
+ higher than the bottom row of the original tree."""
+ size = 1 << depth_higher
+ root = self.root
+ return [root(hashes[n: n + size], depth_higher)
+ for n in range(0, len(hashes), size)]
+ def branch_and_root_from_level(self, level, leaf_hashes, index,
+ depth_higher):
+ """Return a (merkle branch, merkle_root) pair when a merkle-tree has a
+ level cached.
+ To maximally reduce the amount of data hashed in computing a
+ markle branch, cache a tree of depth N at level N // 2.
+ level is a list of hashes in the middle of the tree (returned
+ by level())
+ leaf_hashes are the leaves needed to calculate a partial branch
+ up to level.
+ depth_higher is how much higher level is than the leaves of the tree
+ index is the index in the full list of hashes of the hash whose
+ merkle branch we want.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(level, list):
+ raise TypeError("level must be a list")
+ if not isinstance(leaf_hashes, list):
+ raise TypeError("leaf_hashes must be a list")
+ leaf_index = (index >> depth_higher) << depth_higher
+ leaf_branch, leaf_root = self.branch_and_root(
+ leaf_hashes, index - leaf_index, depth_higher)
+ index >>= depth_higher
+ level_branch, root = self.branch_and_root(level, index)
+ # Check last so that we know index is in-range
+ if leaf_root != level[index]:
+ raise ValueError('leaf hashes inconsistent with level')
+ return leaf_branch + level_branch, root
+class MerkleCache:
+ """A cache to calculate merkle branches efficiently."""
+ def __init__(self, merkle, source_func):
+ """Initialise a cache hashes taken from source_func:
+ async def source_func(index, count):
+ ...
+ """
+ self.merkle = merkle
+ self.source_func = source_func
+ self.length = 0
+ self.depth_higher = 0
+ self.initialized = Event()
+ def _segment_length(self):
+ return 1 << self.depth_higher
+ def _leaf_start(self, index):
+ """Given a level's depth higher and a hash index, return the leaf
+ index and leaf hash count needed to calculate a merkle branch.
+ """
+ depth_higher = self.depth_higher
+ return (index >> depth_higher) << depth_higher
+ def _level(self, hashes):
+ return self.merkle.level(hashes, self.depth_higher)
+ async def _extend_to(self, length):
+ """Extend the length of the cache if necessary."""
+ if length <= self.length:
+ return
+ # Start from the beginning of any final partial segment.
+ # Retain the value of depth_higher; in practice this is fine
+ start = self._leaf_start(self.length)
+ hashes = await self.source_func(start, length - start)
+ self.level[start >> self.depth_higher:] = self._level(hashes)
+ self.length = length
+ async def _level_for(self, length):
+ """Return a (level_length, final_hash) pair for a truncation
+ of the hashes to the given length."""
+ if length == self.length:
+ return self.level
+ level = self.level[:length >> self.depth_higher]
+ leaf_start = self._leaf_start(length)
+ count = min(self._segment_length(), length - leaf_start)
+ hashes = await self.source_func(leaf_start, count)
+ level += self._level(hashes)
+ return level
+ async def initialize(self, length):
+ """Call to initialize the cache to a source of given length."""
+ self.length = length
+ self.depth_higher = self.merkle.tree_depth(length) // 2
+ self.level = self._level(await self.source_func(0, length))
+ self.initialized.set()
+ def truncate(self, length):
+ """Truncate the cache so it covers no more than length underlying
+ hashes."""
+ if not isinstance(length, int):
+ raise TypeError('length must be an integer')
+ if length <= 0:
+ raise ValueError('length must be positive')
+ if length >= self.length:
+ return
+ length = self._leaf_start(length)
+ self.length = length
+ self.level[length >> self.depth_higher:] = []
+ async def branch_and_root(self, length, index):
+ """Return a merkle branch and root. Length is the number of
+ hashes used to calculate the merkle root, index is the position
+ of the hash to calculate the branch of.
+ index must be less than length, which must be at least 1."""
+ if not isinstance(length, int):
+ raise TypeError('length must be an integer')
+ if not isinstance(index, int):
+ raise TypeError('index must be an integer')
+ if length <= 0:
+ raise ValueError('length must be positive')
+ if index >= length:
+ raise ValueError('index must be less than length')
+ await self.initialized.wait()
+ await self._extend_to(length)
+ leaf_start = self._leaf_start(index)
+ count = min(self._segment_length(), length - leaf_start)
+ leaf_hashes = await self.source_func(leaf_start, count)
+ if length < self._segment_length():
+ return self.merkle.branch_and_root(leaf_hashes, index)
+ level = await self._level_for(length)
+ return self.merkle.branch_and_root_from_level(
+ level, leaf_hashes, index, self.depth_higher)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3f268da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/peer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""Representation of a peer server."""
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+from torba.server import util
+from torba.server.util import cachedproperty
+from typing import Dict
+class Peer:
+ # Protocol version
+ ATTRS = ('host', 'features',
+ # metadata
+ 'source', 'ip_addr',
+ 'last_good', 'last_try', 'try_count')
+ FEATURES = ('pruning', 'server_version', 'protocol_min', 'protocol_max',
+ 'ssl_port', 'tcp_port')
+ # This should be set by the application
+ DEFAULT_PORTS: Dict[str, int] = {}
+ def __init__(self, host, features, source='unknown', ip_addr=None,
+ last_good=0, last_try=0, try_count=0):
+ """Create a peer given a host name (or IP address as a string),
+ a dictionary of features, and a record of the source."""
+ assert isinstance(host, str)
+ assert isinstance(features, dict)
+ assert host in features.get('hosts', {})
+ self.host = host
+ self.features = features.copy()
+ # Canonicalize / clean-up
+ for feature in self.FEATURES:
+ self.features[feature] = getattr(self, feature)
+ # Metadata
+ self.source = source
+ self.ip_addr = ip_addr
+ # last_good represents the last connection that was
+ # successful *and* successfully verified, at which point
+ # try_count is set to 0. Failure to connect or failure to
+ # verify increment the try_count.
+ self.last_good = last_good
+ self.last_try = last_try
+ self.try_count = try_count
+ # Transient, non-persisted metadata
+ self.bad = False
+ self.other_port_pairs = set()
+ @classmethod
+ def peers_from_features(cls, features, source):
+ peers = []
+ if isinstance(features, dict):
+ hosts = features.get('hosts')
+ if isinstance(hosts, dict):
+ peers = [Peer(host, features, source=source)
+ for host in hosts if isinstance(host, str)]
+ return peers
+ @classmethod
+ def deserialize(cls, item):
+ """Deserialize from a dictionary."""
+ return cls(**item)
+ def matches(self, peers):
+ """Return peers whose host matches our hostname or IP address.
+ Additionally include all peers whose IP address matches our
+ hostname if that is an IP address.
+ """
+ candidates = (self.host.lower(), self.ip_addr)
+ return [peer for peer in peers
+ if peer.host.lower() in candidates
+ or peer.ip_addr == self.host]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.host
+ def update_features(self, features):
+ """Update features in-place."""
+ try:
+ tmp = Peer(self.host, features)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.update_features_from_peer(tmp)
+ def update_features_from_peer(self, peer):
+ if peer != self:
+ self.features = peer.features
+ for feature in self.FEATURES:
+ setattr(self, feature, getattr(peer, feature))
+ def connection_port_pairs(self):
+ """Return a list of (kind, port) pairs to try when making a
+ connection."""
+ # Use a list not a set - it's important to try the registered
+ # ports first.
+ pairs = [('SSL', self.ssl_port), ('TCP', self.tcp_port)]
+ while self.other_port_pairs:
+ pairs.append(self.other_port_pairs.pop())
+ return [pair for pair in pairs if pair[1]]
+ def mark_bad(self):
+ """Mark as bad to avoid reconnects but also to remember for a
+ while."""
+ self.bad = True
+ def check_ports(self, other):
+ """Remember differing ports in case server operator changed them
+ or removed one."""
+ if other.ssl_port != self.ssl_port:
+ self.other_port_pairs.add(('SSL', other.ssl_port))
+ if other.tcp_port != self.tcp_port:
+ self.other_port_pairs.add(('TCP', other.tcp_port))
+ return bool(self.other_port_pairs)
+ @cachedproperty
+ def is_tor(self):
+ return self.host.endswith('.onion')
+ @cachedproperty
+ def is_valid(self):
+ ip = self.ip_address
+ if ip:
+ return ((ip.is_global or ip.is_private)
+ and not (ip.is_multicast or ip.is_unspecified))
+ return util.is_valid_hostname(self.host)
+ @cachedproperty
+ def is_public(self):
+ ip = self.ip_address
+ if ip:
+ return self.is_valid and not ip.is_private
+ else:
+ return self.is_valid and self.host != 'localhost'
+ @cachedproperty
+ def ip_address(self):
+ """The host as a python ip_address object, or None."""
+ try:
+ return ip_address(self.host)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ def bucket(self):
+ if self.is_tor:
+ return 'onion'
+ if not self.ip_addr:
+ return ''
+ return tuple(self.ip_addr.split('.')[:2])
+ def serialize(self):
+ """Serialize to a dictionary."""
+ return {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.ATTRS}
+ def _port(self, key):
+ hosts = self.features.get('hosts')
+ if isinstance(hosts, dict):
+ host = hosts.get(self.host)
+ port = self._integer(key, host)
+ if port and 0 < port < 65536:
+ return port
+ return None
+ def _integer(self, key, d=None):
+ d = d or self.features
+ result = d.get(key) if isinstance(d, dict) else None
+ if isinstance(result, str):
+ try:
+ result = int(result)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return result if isinstance(result, int) else None
+ def _string(self, key):
+ result = self.features.get(key)
+ return result if isinstance(result, str) else None
+ @cachedproperty
+ def genesis_hash(self):
+ """Returns None if no SSL port, otherwise the port as an integer."""
+ return self._string('genesis_hash')
+ @cachedproperty
+ def ssl_port(self):
+ """Returns None if no SSL port, otherwise the port as an integer."""
+ return self._port('ssl_port')
+ @cachedproperty
+ def tcp_port(self):
+ """Returns None if no TCP port, otherwise the port as an integer."""
+ return self._port('tcp_port')
+ @cachedproperty
+ def server_version(self):
+ """Returns the server version as a string if known, otherwise None."""
+ return self._string('server_version')
+ @cachedproperty
+ def pruning(self):
+ """Returns the pruning level as an integer. None indicates no
+ pruning."""
+ pruning = self._integer('pruning')
+ if pruning and pruning > 0:
+ return pruning
+ return None
+ def _protocol_version_string(self, key):
+ version_str = self.features.get(key)
+ ptuple = util.protocol_tuple(version_str)
+ return util.version_string(ptuple)
+ @cachedproperty
+ def protocol_min(self):
+ """Minimum protocol version as a string, e.g., 1.0"""
+ return self._protocol_version_string('protocol_min')
+ @cachedproperty
+ def protocol_max(self):
+ """Maximum protocol version as a string, e.g., 1.1"""
+ return self._protocol_version_string('protocol_max')
+ def to_tuple(self):
+ """The tuple ((ip, host, details) expected in response
+ to a peers subscription."""
+ details = self.real_name().split()[1:]
+ return (self.ip_addr or self.host, self.host, details)
+ def real_name(self):
+ """Real name of this peer as used on IRC."""
+ def port_text(letter, port):
+ if port == self.DEFAULT_PORTS.get(letter):
+ return letter
+ else:
+ return letter + str(port)
+ parts = [self.host, 'v' + self.protocol_max]
+ if self.pruning:
+ parts.append('p{:d}'.format(self.pruning))
+ for letter, port in (('s', self.ssl_port), ('t', self.tcp_port)):
+ if port:
+ parts.append(port_text(letter, port))
+ return ' '.join(parts)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_real_name(cls, real_name, source):
+ """Real name is a real name as on IRC, such as
+ "erbium1.sytes.net v1.0 s t"
+ Returns an instance of this Peer class.
+ """
+ host = 'nohost'
+ features = {}
+ ports = {}
+ for n, part in enumerate(real_name.split()):
+ if n == 0:
+ host = part
+ continue
+ if part[0] in ('s', 't'):
+ if len(part) == 1:
+ port = cls.DEFAULT_PORTS[part[0]]
+ else:
+ port = part[1:]
+ if part[0] == 's':
+ ports['ssl_port'] = port
+ else:
+ ports['tcp_port'] = port
+ elif part[0] == 'v':
+ features['protocol_max'] = features['protocol_min'] = part[1:]
+ elif part[0] == 'p':
+ features['pruning'] = part[1:]
+ features.update(ports)
+ features['hosts'] = {host: ports}
+ return cls(host, features, source)
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/peers.py b/torba/torba/server/peers.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ea4ebc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/peers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Peer management."""
+import asyncio
+import random
+import socket
+import ssl
+import time
+from asyncio import Event, sleep
+from collections import defaultdict, Counter
+from torba.tasks import TaskGroup
+from torba.rpc import (
+ Connector, RPCSession, SOCKSProxy, Notification, handler_invocation,
+ SOCKSError, RPCError
+from torba.server.peer import Peer
+from torba.server.util import class_logger, protocol_tuple
+STALE_SECS = 24 * 3600
+class BadPeerError(Exception):
+ pass
+def assert_good(message, result, instance):
+ if not isinstance(result, instance):
+ raise BadPeerError(f'{message} returned bad result type '
+ f'{type(result).__name__}')
+class PeerSession(RPCSession):
+ """An outgoing session to a peer."""
+ async def handle_request(self, request):
+ # We subscribe so might be unlucky enough to get a notification...
+ if (isinstance(request, Notification) and
+ request.method == 'blockchain.headers.subscribe'):
+ pass
+ else:
+ await handler_invocation(None, request) # Raises
+class PeerManager:
+ """Looks after the DB of peer network servers.
+ Attempts to maintain a connection with up to 8 peers.
+ Issues a 'peers.subscribe' RPC to them and tells them our data.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env, db):
+ self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ # Initialise the Peer class
+ self.env = env
+ self.db = db
+ # Our clearnet and Tor Peers, if any
+ sclass = env.coin.SESSIONCLS
+ self.myselves = [Peer(ident.host, sclass.server_features(env), 'env')
+ for ident in env.identities]
+ self.server_version_args = sclass.server_version_args()
+ # Peers have one entry per hostname. Once connected, the
+ # ip_addr property is either None, an onion peer, or the
+ # IP address that was connected to. Adding a peer will evict
+ # any other peers with the same host name or IP address.
+ self.peers = set()
+ self.permit_onion_peer_time = time.time()
+ self.proxy = None
+ self.group = TaskGroup()
+ def _my_clearnet_peer(self):
+ """Returns the clearnet peer representing this server, if any."""
+ clearnet = [peer for peer in self.myselves if not peer.is_tor]
+ return clearnet[0] if clearnet else None
+ def _set_peer_statuses(self):
+ """Set peer statuses."""
+ cutoff = time.time() - STALE_SECS
+ for peer in self.peers:
+ if peer.bad:
+ peer.status = PEER_BAD
+ elif peer.last_good > cutoff:
+ peer.status = PEER_GOOD
+ elif peer.last_good:
+ peer.status = PEER_STALE
+ else:
+ peer.status = PEER_NEVER
+ def _features_to_register(self, peer, remote_peers):
+ """If we should register ourselves to the remote peer, which has
+ reported the given list of known peers, return the clearnet
+ identity features to register, otherwise None.
+ """
+ # Announce ourself if not present. Don't if disabled, we
+ # are a non-public IP address, or to ourselves.
+ if not self.env.peer_announce or peer in self.myselves:
+ return None
+ my = self._my_clearnet_peer()
+ if not my or not my.is_public:
+ return None
+ # Register if no matches, or ports have changed
+ for peer in my.matches(remote_peers):
+ if peer.tcp_port == my.tcp_port and peer.ssl_port == my.ssl_port:
+ return None
+ return my.features
+ def _permit_new_onion_peer(self):
+ """Accept a new onion peer only once per random time interval."""
+ now = time.time()
+ if now < self.permit_onion_peer_time:
+ return False
+ self.permit_onion_peer_time = now + random.randrange(0, 1200)
+ return True
+ async def _import_peers(self):
+ """Import hard-coded peers from a file or the coin defaults."""
+ imported_peers = self.myselves.copy()
+ # Add the hard-coded ones unless only reporting ourself
+ if self.env.peer_discovery != self.env.PD_SELF:
+ imported_peers.extend(Peer.from_real_name(real_name, 'coins.py')
+ for real_name in self.env.coin.PEERS)
+ await self._note_peers(imported_peers, limit=None)
+ async def _detect_proxy(self):
+ """Detect a proxy if we don't have one and some time has passed since
+ the last attempt.
+ If found self.proxy is set to a SOCKSProxy instance, otherwise
+ None.
+ """
+ host = self.env.tor_proxy_host
+ if self.env.tor_proxy_port is None:
+ ports = [9050, 9150, 1080]
+ else:
+ ports = [self.env.tor_proxy_port]
+ while True:
+ self.logger.info(f'trying to detect proxy on "{host}" '
+ f'ports {ports}')
+ proxy = await SOCKSProxy.auto_detect_host(host, ports, None)
+ if proxy:
+ self.proxy = proxy
+ self.logger.info(f'detected {proxy}')
+ return
+ self.logger.info('no proxy detected, will try later')
+ await sleep(900)
+ async def _note_peers(self, peers, limit=2, check_ports=False,
+ source=None):
+ """Add a limited number of peers that are not already present."""
+ new_peers = []
+ for peer in peers:
+ if not peer.is_public or (peer.is_tor and not self.proxy):
+ continue
+ matches = peer.matches(self.peers)
+ if not matches:
+ new_peers.append(peer)
+ elif check_ports:
+ for match in matches:
+ if match.check_ports(peer):
+ self.logger.info(f'ports changed for {peer}')
+ match.retry_event.set()
+ if new_peers:
+ source = source or new_peers[0].source
+ if limit:
+ random.shuffle(new_peers)
+ use_peers = new_peers[:limit]
+ else:
+ use_peers = new_peers
+ for peer in use_peers:
+ self.logger.info(f'accepted new peer {peer} from {source}')
+ peer.retry_event = Event()
+ self.peers.add(peer)
+ await self.group.add(self._monitor_peer(peer))
+ async def _monitor_peer(self, peer):
+ # Stop monitoring if we were dropped (a duplicate peer)
+ while peer in self.peers:
+ if await self._should_drop_peer(peer):
+ self.peers.discard(peer)
+ break
+ # Figure out how long to sleep before retrying. Retry a
+ # good connection when it is about to turn stale, otherwise
+ # exponentially back off retries.
+ if peer.try_count == 0:
+ pause = STALE_SECS - WAKEUP_SECS * 2
+ else:
+ pause = WAKEUP_SECS * 2 ** peer.try_count
+ pending, done = await asyncio.wait([peer.retry_event.wait()], timeout=pause)
+ if done:
+ peer.retry_event.clear()
+ async def _should_drop_peer(self, peer):
+ peer.try_count += 1
+ is_good = False
+ for kind, port in peer.connection_port_pairs():
+ peer.last_try = time.time()
+ kwargs = {}
+ if kind == 'SSL':
+ kwargs['ssl'] = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
+ host = self.env.cs_host(for_rpc=False)
+ if isinstance(host, list):
+ host = host[0]
+ if self.env.force_proxy or peer.is_tor:
+ if not self.proxy:
+ return
+ kwargs['proxy'] = self.proxy
+ kwargs['resolve'] = not peer.is_tor
+ elif host:
+ # Use our listening Host/IP for outgoing non-proxy
+ # connections so our peers see the correct source.
+ kwargs['local_addr'] = (host, None)
+ peer_text = f'[{peer}:{port} {kind}]'
+ try:
+ async with Connector(PeerSession, peer.host, port,
+ **kwargs) as session:
+ await asyncio.wait_for(
+ self._verify_peer(session, peer),
+ 120 if peer.is_tor else 30
+ )
+ is_good = True
+ break
+ except BadPeerError as e:
+ self.logger.error(f'{peer_text} marking bad: ({e})')
+ peer.mark_bad()
+ break
+ except RPCError as e:
+ self.logger.error(f'{peer_text} RPC error: {e.message} '
+ f'({e.code})')
+ except (OSError, SOCKSError, ConnectionError, asyncio.TimeoutError) as e:
+ self.logger.info(f'{peer_text} {e}')
+ if is_good:
+ now = time.time()
+ elapsed = now - peer.last_try
+ self.logger.info(f'{peer_text} verified in {elapsed:.1f}s')
+ peer.try_count = 0
+ peer.last_good = now
+ peer.source = 'peer'
+ # At most 2 matches if we're a host name, potentially
+ # several if we're an IP address (several instances
+ # can share a NAT).
+ matches = peer.matches(self.peers)
+ for match in matches:
+ if match.ip_address:
+ if len(matches) > 1:
+ self.peers.remove(match)
+ # Force the peer's monitoring task to exit
+ match.retry_event.set()
+ elif peer.host in match.features['hosts']:
+ match.update_features_from_peer(peer)
+ else:
+ # Forget the peer if long-term unreachable
+ if peer.last_good and not peer.bad:
+ try_limit = 10
+ else:
+ try_limit = 3
+ if peer.try_count >= try_limit:
+ desc = 'bad' if peer.bad else 'unreachable'
+ self.logger.info(f'forgetting {desc} peer: {peer}')
+ return True
+ return False
+ async def _verify_peer(self, session, peer):
+ if not peer.is_tor:
+ address = session.peer_address()
+ if address:
+ peer.ip_addr = address[0]
+ # server.version goes first
+ message = 'server.version'
+ result = await session.send_request(message, self.server_version_args)
+ assert_good(message, result, list)
+ # Protocol version 1.1 returns a pair with the version first
+ if len(result) != 2 or not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in result):
+ raise BadPeerError(f'bad server.version result: {result}')
+ server_version, protocol_version = result
+ peer.server_version = server_version
+ peer.features['server_version'] = server_version
+ ptuple = protocol_tuple(protocol_version)
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ self._send_headers_subscribe(session, peer, ptuple),
+ self._send_server_features(session, peer),
+ self._send_peers_subscribe(session, peer)
+ ])
+ async def _send_headers_subscribe(self, session, peer, ptuple):
+ message = 'blockchain.headers.subscribe'
+ result = await session.send_request(message)
+ assert_good(message, result, dict)
+ our_height = self.db.db_height
+ if ptuple < (1, 3):
+ their_height = result.get('block_height')
+ else:
+ their_height = result.get('height')
+ if not isinstance(their_height, int):
+ raise BadPeerError(f'invalid height {their_height}')
+ if abs(our_height - their_height) > 5:
+ raise BadPeerError(f'bad height {their_height:,d} '
+ f'(ours: {our_height:,d})')
+ # Check prior header too in case of hard fork.
+ check_height = min(our_height, their_height)
+ raw_header = await self.db.raw_header(check_height)
+ if ptuple >= (1, 4):
+ ours = raw_header.hex()
+ message = 'blockchain.block.header'
+ theirs = await session.send_request(message, [check_height])
+ assert_good(message, theirs, str)
+ if ours != theirs:
+ raise BadPeerError(f'our header {ours} and '
+ f'theirs {theirs} differ')
+ else:
+ ours = self.env.coin.electrum_header(raw_header, check_height)
+ ours = ours.get('prev_block_hash')
+ message = 'blockchain.block.get_header'
+ theirs = await session.send_request(message, [check_height])
+ assert_good(message, theirs, dict)
+ theirs = theirs.get('prev_block_hash')
+ if ours != theirs:
+ raise BadPeerError(f'our header hash {ours} and '
+ f'theirs {theirs} differ')
+ async def _send_server_features(self, session, peer):
+ message = 'server.features'
+ features = await session.send_request(message)
+ assert_good(message, features, dict)
+ hosts = [host.lower() for host in features.get('hosts', {})]
+ if self.env.coin.GENESIS_HASH != features.get('genesis_hash'):
+ raise BadPeerError('incorrect genesis hash')
+ elif peer.host.lower() in hosts:
+ peer.update_features(features)
+ else:
+ raise BadPeerError(f'not listed in own hosts list {hosts}')
+ async def _send_peers_subscribe(self, session, peer):
+ message = 'server.peers.subscribe'
+ raw_peers = await session.send_request(message)
+ assert_good(message, raw_peers, list)
+ # Check the peers list we got from a remote peer.
+ # Each is expected to be of the form:
+ # [ip_addr, hostname, ['v1.0', 't51001', 's51002']]
+ # Call add_peer if the remote doesn't appear to know about us.
+ try:
+ real_names = [' '.join([u[1]] + u[2]) for u in raw_peers]
+ peers = [Peer.from_real_name(real_name, str(peer))
+ for real_name in real_names]
+ except Exception:
+ raise BadPeerError('bad server.peers.subscribe response')
+ await self._note_peers(peers)
+ features = self._features_to_register(peer, peers)
+ if not features:
+ return
+ self.logger.info(f'registering ourself with {peer}')
+ # We only care to wait for the response
+ await session.send_request('server.add_peer', [features])
+ #
+ # External interface
+ #
+ async def discover_peers(self):
+ """Perform peer maintenance. This includes
+ 1) Forgetting unreachable peers.
+ 2) Verifying connectivity of new peers.
+ 3) Retrying old peers at regular intervals.
+ """
+ if self.env.peer_discovery != self.env.PD_ON:
+ self.logger.info('peer discovery is disabled')
+ return
+ self.logger.info(f'beginning peer discovery. Force use of '
+ f'proxy: {self.env.force_proxy}')
+ self.group.add(self._detect_proxy())
+ self.group.add(self._import_peers())
+ def info(self):
+ """The number of peers."""
+ self._set_peer_statuses()
+ counter = Counter(peer.status for peer in self.peers)
+ return {
+ 'bad': counter[PEER_BAD],
+ 'good': counter[PEER_GOOD],
+ 'never': counter[PEER_NEVER],
+ 'stale': counter[PEER_STALE],
+ 'total': len(self.peers),
+ }
+ async def add_localRPC_peer(self, real_name):
+ """Add a peer passed by the admin over LocalRPC."""
+ await self._note_peers([Peer.from_real_name(real_name, 'RPC')])
+ async def on_add_peer(self, features, source_info):
+ """Add a peer (but only if the peer resolves to the source)."""
+ if not source_info:
+ self.logger.info('ignored add_peer request: no source info')
+ return False
+ source = source_info[0]
+ peers = Peer.peers_from_features(features, source)
+ if not peers:
+ self.logger.info('ignored add_peer request: no peers given')
+ return False
+ # Just look at the first peer, require it
+ peer = peers[0]
+ host = peer.host
+ if peer.is_tor:
+ permit = self._permit_new_onion_peer()
+ reason = 'rate limiting'
+ else:
+ getaddrinfo = asyncio.get_event_loop().getaddrinfo
+ try:
+ infos = await getaddrinfo(host, 80, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ except socket.gaierror:
+ permit = False
+ reason = 'address resolution failure'
+ else:
+ permit = any(source == info[-1][0] for info in infos)
+ reason = 'source-destination mismatch'
+ if permit:
+ self.logger.info(f'accepted add_peer request from {source} '
+ f'for {host}')
+ await self._note_peers([peer], check_ports=True)
+ else:
+ self.logger.warning(f'rejected add_peer request from {source} '
+ f'for {host} ({reason})')
+ return permit
+ def on_peers_subscribe(self, is_tor):
+ """Returns the server peers as a list of (ip, host, details) tuples.
+ We return all peers we've connected to in the last day.
+ Additionally, if we don't have onion routing, we return a few
+ hard-coded onion servers.
+ """
+ cutoff = time.time() - STALE_SECS
+ recent = [peer for peer in self.peers
+ if peer.last_good > cutoff and
+ not peer.bad and peer.is_public]
+ onion_peers = []
+ # Always report ourselves if valid (even if not public)
+ peers = set(myself for myself in self.myselves
+ if myself.last_good > cutoff)
+ # Bucket the clearnet peers and select up to two from each
+ buckets = defaultdict(list)
+ for peer in recent:
+ if peer.is_tor:
+ onion_peers.append(peer)
+ else:
+ buckets[peer.bucket()].append(peer)
+ for bucket_peers in buckets.values():
+ random.shuffle(bucket_peers)
+ peers.update(bucket_peers[:2])
+ # Add up to 20% onion peers (but up to 10 is OK anyway)
+ random.shuffle(onion_peers)
+ max_onion = 50 if is_tor else max(10, len(peers) // 4)
+ peers.update(onion_peers[:max_onion])
+ return [peer.to_tuple() for peer in peers]
+ def proxy_peername(self):
+ """Return the peername of the proxy, if there is a proxy, otherwise
+ None."""
+ return self.proxy.peername if self.proxy else None
+ def rpc_data(self):
+ """Peer data for the peers RPC method."""
+ self._set_peer_statuses()
+ descs = ['good', 'stale', 'never', 'bad']
+ def peer_data(peer):
+ data = peer.serialize()
+ data['status'] = descs[peer.status]
+ return data
+ def peer_key(peer):
+ return (peer.bad, -peer.last_good)
+ return [peer_data(peer) for peer in sorted(self.peers, key=peer_key)]
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/script.py b/torba/torba/server/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d47811eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Script-related classes and functions."""
+import struct
+from collections import namedtuple
+from torba.server.enum import Enumeration
+from torba.server.hash import hash160
+from torba.server.util import unpack_le_uint16_from, unpack_le_uint32_from, \
+ pack_le_uint16, pack_le_uint32
+class ScriptError(Exception):
+ """Exception used for script errors."""
+OpCodes = Enumeration("Opcodes", [
+ ("OP_0", 0), ("OP_PUSHDATA1", 76),
+ "OP_1", "OP_2", "OP_3", "OP_4", "OP_5", "OP_6", "OP_7", "OP_8",
+ "OP_9", "OP_10", "OP_11", "OP_12", "OP_13", "OP_14", "OP_15", "OP_16",
+ "OP_1ADD", "OP_1SUB", "OP_2MUL", "OP_2DIV", "OP_NEGATE", "OP_ABS",
+ "OP_RIPEMD160", "OP_SHA1", "OP_SHA256", "OP_HASH160", "OP_HASH256",
+ "OP_NOP1",
+# Paranoia to make it hard to create bad scripts
+assert OpCodes.OP_DUP == 0x76
+assert OpCodes.OP_HASH160 == 0xa9
+assert OpCodes.OP_EQUAL == 0x87
+assert OpCodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY == 0x88
+assert OpCodes.OP_CHECKSIG == 0xac
+assert OpCodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG == 0xae
+def _match_ops(ops, pattern):
+ if len(ops) != len(pattern):
+ return False
+ for op, pop in zip(ops, pattern):
+ if pop != op:
+ # -1 means 'data push', whose op is an (op, data) tuple
+ if pop == -1 and isinstance(op, tuple):
+ continue
+ return False
+ return True
+class ScriptPubKey:
+ """A class for handling a tx output script that gives conditions
+ necessary for spending.
+ """
+ TO_ADDRESS_OPS = [OpCodes.OP_DUP, OpCodes.OP_HASH160, -1,
+ TO_P2SH_OPS = [OpCodes.OP_HASH160, -1, OpCodes.OP_EQUAL]
+ PayToHandlers = namedtuple('PayToHandlers', 'address script_hash pubkey '
+ 'unspendable strange')
+ @classmethod
+ def pay_to(cls, handlers, script):
+ """Parse a script, invoke the appropriate handler and
+ return the result.
+ One of the following handlers is invoked:
+ handlers.address(hash160)
+ handlers.script_hash(hash160)
+ handlers.pubkey(pubkey)
+ handlers.unspendable()
+ handlers.strange(script)
+ """
+ try:
+ ops = Script.get_ops(script)
+ except ScriptError:
+ return handlers.unspendable()
+ match = _match_ops
+ if match(ops, cls.TO_ADDRESS_OPS):
+ return handlers.address(ops[2][-1])
+ if match(ops, cls.TO_P2SH_OPS):
+ return handlers.script_hash(ops[1][-1])
+ if match(ops, cls.TO_PUBKEY_OPS):
+ return handlers.pubkey(ops[0][-1])
+ if ops and ops[0] == OpCodes.OP_RETURN:
+ return handlers.unspendable()
+ return handlers.strange(script)
+ @classmethod
+ def P2SH_script(cls, hash160):
+ return (bytes([OpCodes.OP_HASH160])
+ + Script.push_data(hash160)
+ + bytes([OpCodes.OP_EQUAL]))
+ @classmethod
+ def P2PKH_script(cls, hash160):
+ return (bytes([OpCodes.OP_DUP, OpCodes.OP_HASH160])
+ + Script.push_data(hash160)
+ + bytes([OpCodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, OpCodes.OP_CHECKSIG]))
+ @classmethod
+ def validate_pubkey(cls, pubkey, req_compressed=False):
+ if isinstance(pubkey, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ if len(pubkey) == 33 and pubkey[0] in (2, 3):
+ return # Compressed
+ if len(pubkey) == 65 and pubkey[0] == 4:
+ if not req_compressed:
+ return
+ raise PubKeyError('uncompressed pubkeys are invalid')
+ raise PubKeyError('invalid pubkey {}'.format(pubkey))
+ @classmethod
+ def pubkey_script(cls, pubkey):
+ cls.validate_pubkey(pubkey)
+ return Script.push_data(pubkey) + bytes([OpCodes.OP_CHECKSIG])
+ @classmethod
+ def multisig_script(cls, m, pubkeys):
+ """Returns the script for a pay-to-multisig transaction."""
+ n = len(pubkeys)
+ if not 1 <= m <= n <= 15:
+ raise ScriptError('{:d} of {:d} multisig script not possible'
+ .format(m, n))
+ for pubkey in pubkeys:
+ cls.validate_pubkey(pubkey, req_compressed=True)
+ # See https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide
+ # 2 of 3 is: OP_2 pubkey1 pubkey2 pubkey3 OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
+ return (bytes([OP_1 + m - 1])
+ + b''.join(cls.push_data(pubkey) for pubkey in pubkeys)
+ + bytes([OP_1 + n - 1, OP_CHECK_MULTISIG]))
+class Script:
+ @classmethod
+ def get_ops(cls, script):
+ ops = []
+ # The unpacks or script[n] below throw on truncated scripts
+ try:
+ n = 0
+ while n < len(script):
+ op = script[n]
+ n += 1
+ if op <= OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA4:
+ # Raw bytes follow
+ if op < OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ dlen = op
+ elif op == OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ dlen = script[n]
+ n += 1
+ elif op == OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA2:
+ dlen, = unpack_le_uint16_from(script[n: n + 2])
+ n += 2
+ else:
+ dlen, = unpack_le_uint32_from(script[n: n + 4])
+ n += 4
+ if n + dlen > len(script):
+ raise IndexError
+ op = (op, script[n:n + dlen])
+ n += dlen
+ ops.append(op)
+ except Exception:
+ # Truncated script; e.g. tx_hash
+ # ebc9fa1196a59e192352d76c0f6e73167046b9d37b8302b6bb6968dfd279b767
+ raise ScriptError('truncated script')
+ return ops
+ @classmethod
+ def push_data(cls, data):
+ """Returns the opcodes to push the data on the stack."""
+ assert isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray))
+ n = len(data)
+ if n < OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ return bytes([n]) + data
+ if n < 256:
+ return bytes([OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA1, n]) + data
+ if n < 65536:
+ return bytes([OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA2]) + pack_le_uint16(n) + data
+ return bytes([OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA4]) + pack_le_uint32(n) + data
+ @classmethod
+ def opcode_name(cls, opcode):
+ if OpCodes.OP_0 < opcode < OpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA1:
+ return 'OP_{:d}'.format(opcode)
+ try:
+ return OpCodes.whatis(opcode)
+ except KeyError:
+ return 'OP_UNKNOWN:{:d}'.format(opcode)
+ @classmethod
+ def dump(cls, script):
+ opcodes, datas = cls.get_ops(script)
+ for opcode, data in zip(opcodes, datas):
+ name = cls.opcode_name(opcode)
+ if data is None:
+ print(name)
+ else:
+ print('{} {} ({:d} bytes)'
+ .format(name, data.hex(), len(data)))
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/server.py b/torba/torba/server/server.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..384287d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import signal
+import logging
+import asyncio
+from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
+import torba
+from torba.server.mempool import MemPool, MemPoolAPI
+from torba.server.session import SessionManager
+class Notifications:
+ # hashX notifications come from two sources: new blocks and
+ # mempool refreshes.
+ #
+ # A user with a pending transaction is notified after the block it
+ # gets in is processed. Block processing can take an extended
+ # time, and the prefetcher might poll the daemon after the mempool
+ # code in any case. In such cases the transaction will not be in
+ # the mempool after the mempool refresh. We want to avoid
+ # notifying clients twice - for the mempool refresh and when the
+ # block is done. This object handles that logic by deferring
+ # notifications appropriately.
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._touched_mp = {}
+ self._touched_bp = {}
+ self._highest_block = -1
+ async def _maybe_notify(self):
+ tmp, tbp = self._touched_mp, self._touched_bp
+ common = set(tmp).intersection(tbp)
+ if common:
+ height = max(common)
+ elif tmp and max(tmp) == self._highest_block:
+ height = self._highest_block
+ else:
+ # Either we are processing a block and waiting for it to
+ # come in, or we have not yet had a mempool update for the
+ # new block height
+ return
+ touched = tmp.pop(height)
+ for old in [h for h in tmp if h <= height]:
+ del tmp[old]
+ for old in [h for h in tbp if h <= height]:
+ touched.update(tbp.pop(old))
+ await self.notify(height, touched)
+ async def notify(self, height, touched):
+ pass
+ async def start(self, height, notify_func):
+ self._highest_block = height
+ self.notify = notify_func
+ await self.notify(height, set())
+ async def on_mempool(self, touched, height):
+ self._touched_mp[height] = touched
+ await self._maybe_notify()
+ async def on_block(self, touched, height):
+ self._touched_bp[height] = touched
+ self._highest_block = height
+ await self._maybe_notify()
+class Server:
+ def __init__(self, env):
+ self.env = env
+ self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__).getChild(self.__class__.__name__)
+ self.shutdown_event = asyncio.Event()
+ self.cancellable_tasks = []
+ self.notifications = notifications = Notifications()
+ self.daemon = daemon = env.coin.DAEMON(env.coin, env.daemon_url)
+ self.db = db = env.coin.DB(env)
+ self.bp = bp = env.coin.BLOCK_PROCESSOR(env, db, daemon, notifications)
+ # Set notifications up to implement the MemPoolAPI
+ notifications.height = daemon.height
+ notifications.cached_height = daemon.cached_height
+ notifications.mempool_hashes = daemon.mempool_hashes
+ notifications.raw_transactions = daemon.getrawtransactions
+ notifications.lookup_utxos = db.lookup_utxos
+ MemPoolAPI.register(Notifications)
+ self.mempool = mempool = MemPool(env.coin, notifications)
+ self.session_mgr = SessionManager(
+ env, db, bp, daemon, mempool, self.shutdown_event
+ )
+ async def start(self):
+ env = self.env
+ min_str, max_str = env.coin.SESSIONCLS.protocol_min_max_strings()
+ self.log.info(f'software version: {torba.__version__}')
+ self.log.info(f'supported protocol versions: {min_str}-{max_str}')
+ self.log.info(f'event loop policy: {env.loop_policy}')
+ self.log.info(f'reorg limit is {env.reorg_limit:,d} blocks')
+ await self.daemon.height()
+ def _start_cancellable(run, *args):
+ _flag = asyncio.Event()
+ self.cancellable_tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(run(*args, _flag)))
+ return _flag.wait()
+ await _start_cancellable(self.bp.fetch_and_process_blocks)
+ await self.db.populate_header_merkle_cache()
+ await _start_cancellable(self.mempool.keep_synchronized)
+ await _start_cancellable(self.session_mgr.serve, self.notifications)
+ async def stop(self):
+ for task in reversed(self.cancellable_tasks):
+ task.cancel()
+ await asyncio.wait(self.cancellable_tasks)
+ self.shutdown_event.set()
+ def run(self):
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(1)
+ loop.set_default_executor(executor)
+ def __exit():
+ raise SystemExit()
+ try:
+ loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, __exit)
+ loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, __exit)
+ loop.run_until_complete(self.start())
+ loop.run_until_complete(self.shutdown_event.wait())
+ except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ pass
+ finally:
+ loop.run_until_complete(self.stop())
+ executor.shutdown(True)
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/session.py b/torba/torba/server/session.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47d611484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/session.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1437 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Classes for local RPC server and remote client TCP/SSL servers."""
+import asyncio
+import codecs
+import datetime
+import itertools
+import json
+import os
+import pylru
+import ssl
+import time
+from asyncio import Event, sleep
+from collections import defaultdict
+from functools import partial
+import torba
+from torba.rpc import (
+ RPCSession, JSONRPCAutoDetect, JSONRPCConnection,
+ handler_invocation, RPCError, Request
+from torba.server import text
+from torba.server import util
+from torba.server.hash import (sha256, hash_to_hex_str, hex_str_to_hash,
+ HASHX_LEN, Base58Error)
+from torba.server.daemon import DaemonError
+from torba.server.peers import PeerManager
+def scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash):
+ try:
+ bin_hash = hex_str_to_hash(scripthash)
+ if len(bin_hash) == 32:
+ return bin_hash[:HASHX_LEN]
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'{scripthash} is not a valid script hash')
+def non_negative_integer(value):
+ """Return param value it is or can be converted to a non-negative
+ integer, otherwise raise an RPCError."""
+ try:
+ value = int(value)
+ if value >= 0:
+ return value
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST,
+ f'{value} should be a non-negative integer')
+def assert_boolean(value):
+ """Return param value it is boolean otherwise raise an RPCError."""
+ if value in (False, True):
+ return value
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'{value} should be a boolean value')
+def assert_tx_hash(value):
+ """Raise an RPCError if the value is not a valid transaction
+ hash."""
+ try:
+ if len(util.hex_to_bytes(value)) == 32:
+ return
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'{value} should be a transaction hash')
+class Semaphores:
+ """For aiorpcX's semaphore handling."""
+ def __init__(self, semaphores):
+ self.semaphores = semaphores
+ self.acquired = []
+ async def __aenter__(self):
+ for semaphore in self.semaphores:
+ await semaphore.acquire()
+ self.acquired.append(semaphore)
+ async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ for semaphore in self.acquired:
+ semaphore.release()
+class SessionGroup:
+ def __init__(self, gid):
+ self.gid = gid
+ # Concurrency per group
+ self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(20)
+class SessionManager:
+ """Holds global state about all sessions."""
+ def __init__(self, env, db, bp, daemon, mempool, shutdown_event):
+ env.max_send = max(350000, env.max_send)
+ self.env = env
+ self.db = db
+ self.bp = bp
+ self.daemon = daemon
+ self.mempool = mempool
+ self.peer_mgr = PeerManager(env, db)
+ self.shutdown_event = shutdown_event
+ self.logger = util.class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ self.servers = {}
+ self.sessions = set()
+ self.max_subs = env.max_subs
+ self.cur_group = SessionGroup(0)
+ self.txs_sent = 0
+ self.start_time = time.time()
+ self.history_cache = pylru.lrucache(256)
+ self.notified_height = None
+ # Cache some idea of room to avoid recounting on each subscription
+ self.subs_room = 0
+ # Masternode stuff only for such coins
+ if issubclass(env.coin.SESSIONCLS, DashElectrumX):
+ self.mn_cache_height = 0
+ self.mn_cache = []
+ self.session_event = Event()
+ # Set up the RPC request handlers
+ cmds = ('add_peer daemon_url disconnect getinfo groups log peers '
+ 'query reorg sessions stop'.split())
+ LocalRPC.request_handlers = {cmd: getattr(self, 'rpc_' + cmd)
+ for cmd in cmds}
+ async def _start_server(self, kind, *args, **kw_args):
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ if kind == 'RPC':
+ protocol_class = LocalRPC
+ else:
+ protocol_class = self.env.coin.SESSIONCLS
+ protocol_factory = partial(protocol_class, self, self.db,
+ self.mempool, self.peer_mgr, kind)
+ server = loop.create_server(protocol_factory, *args, **kw_args)
+ host, port = args[:2]
+ try:
+ self.servers[kind] = await server
+ except OSError as e: # don't suppress CancelledError
+ self.logger.error(f'{kind} server failed to listen on {host}:'
+ f'{port:d} :{e!r}')
+ else:
+ self.logger.info(f'{kind} server listening on {host}:{port:d}')
+ async def _start_external_servers(self):
+ """Start listening on TCP and SSL ports, but only if the respective
+ port was given in the environment.
+ """
+ env = self.env
+ host = env.cs_host(for_rpc=False)
+ if env.tcp_port is not None:
+ await self._start_server('TCP', host, env.tcp_port)
+ if env.ssl_port is not None:
+ sslc = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
+ sslc.load_cert_chain(env.ssl_certfile, keyfile=env.ssl_keyfile)
+ await self._start_server('SSL', host, env.ssl_port, ssl=sslc)
+ async def _close_servers(self, kinds):
+ """Close the servers of the given kinds (TCP etc.)."""
+ if kinds:
+ self.logger.info('closing down {} listening servers'
+ .format(', '.join(kinds)))
+ for kind in kinds:
+ server = self.servers.pop(kind, None)
+ if server:
+ server.close()
+ await server.wait_closed()
+ async def _manage_servers(self):
+ paused = False
+ max_sessions = self.env.max_sessions
+ low_watermark = max_sessions * 19 // 20
+ while True:
+ await self.session_event.wait()
+ self.session_event.clear()
+ if not paused and len(self.sessions) >= max_sessions:
+ self.logger.info(f'maximum sessions {max_sessions:,d} '
+ f'reached, stopping new connections until '
+ f'count drops to {low_watermark:,d}')
+ await self._close_servers(['TCP', 'SSL'])
+ paused = True
+ # Start listening for incoming connections if paused and
+ # session count has fallen
+ if paused and len(self.sessions) <= low_watermark:
+ self.logger.info('resuming listening for incoming connections')
+ await self._start_external_servers()
+ paused = False
+ async def _log_sessions(self):
+ """Periodically log sessions."""
+ log_interval = self.env.log_sessions
+ if log_interval:
+ while True:
+ await sleep(log_interval)
+ data = self._session_data(for_log=True)
+ for line in text.sessions_lines(data):
+ self.logger.info(line)
+ self.logger.info(json.dumps(self._get_info()))
+ def _group_map(self):
+ group_map = defaultdict(list)
+ for session in self.sessions:
+ group_map[session.group].append(session)
+ return group_map
+ def _sub_count(self):
+ return sum(s.sub_count() for s in self.sessions)
+ def _lookup_session(self, session_id):
+ try:
+ session_id = int(session_id)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for session in self.sessions:
+ if session.session_id == session_id:
+ return session
+ return None
+ async def _for_each_session(self, session_ids, operation):
+ if not isinstance(session_ids, list):
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'expected a list of session IDs')
+ result = []
+ for session_id in session_ids:
+ session = self._lookup_session(session_id)
+ if session:
+ result.append(await operation(session))
+ else:
+ result.append(f'unknown session: {session_id}')
+ return result
+ async def _clear_stale_sessions(self):
+ """Cut off sessions that haven't done anything for 10 minutes."""
+ while True:
+ await sleep(60)
+ stale_cutoff = time.time() - self.env.session_timeout
+ stale_sessions = [session for session in self.sessions
+ if session.last_recv < stale_cutoff]
+ if stale_sessions:
+ text = ', '.join(str(session.session_id)
+ for session in stale_sessions)
+ self.logger.info(f'closing stale connections {text}')
+ # Give the sockets some time to close gracefully
+ if stale_sessions:
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ session.close() for session in stale_sessions
+ ])
+ # Consolidate small groups
+ bw_limit = self.env.bandwidth_limit
+ group_map = self._group_map()
+ groups = [group for group, sessions in group_map.items()
+ if len(sessions) <= 5 and
+ sum(s.bw_charge for s in sessions) < bw_limit]
+ if len(groups) > 1:
+ new_group = groups[-1]
+ for group in groups:
+ for session in group_map[group]:
+ session.group = new_group
+ def _get_info(self):
+ """A summary of server state."""
+ group_map = self._group_map()
+ return {
+ 'closing': len([s for s in self.sessions if s.is_closing()]),
+ 'daemon': self.daemon.logged_url(),
+ 'daemon_height': self.daemon.cached_height(),
+ 'db_height': self.db.db_height,
+ 'errors': sum(s.errors for s in self.sessions),
+ 'groups': len(group_map),
+ 'logged': len([s for s in self.sessions if s.log_me]),
+ 'paused': sum(not s.can_send.is_set() for s in self.sessions),
+ 'pid': os.getpid(),
+ 'peers': self.peer_mgr.info(),
+ 'requests': sum(s.count_pending_items() for s in self.sessions),
+ 'sessions': self.session_count(),
+ 'subs': self._sub_count(),
+ 'txs_sent': self.txs_sent,
+ 'uptime': util.formatted_time(time.time() - self.start_time),
+ 'version': torba.__version__,
+ }
+ def _session_data(self, for_log):
+ """Returned to the RPC 'sessions' call."""
+ now = time.time()
+ sessions = sorted(self.sessions, key=lambda s: s.start_time)
+ return [(session.session_id,
+ session.flags(),
+ session.peer_address_str(for_log=for_log),
+ session.client,
+ session.protocol_version_string(),
+ session.count_pending_items(),
+ session.txs_sent,
+ session.sub_count(),
+ session.recv_count, session.recv_size,
+ session.send_count, session.send_size,
+ now - session.start_time)
+ for session in sessions]
+ def _group_data(self):
+ """Returned to the RPC 'groups' call."""
+ result = []
+ group_map = self._group_map()
+ for group, sessions in group_map.items():
+ result.append([group.gid,
+ len(sessions),
+ sum(s.bw_charge for s in sessions),
+ sum(s.count_pending_items() for s in sessions),
+ sum(s.txs_sent for s in sessions),
+ sum(s.sub_count() for s in sessions),
+ sum(s.recv_count for s in sessions),
+ sum(s.recv_size for s in sessions),
+ sum(s.send_count for s in sessions),
+ sum(s.send_size for s in sessions),
+ ])
+ return result
+ async def _electrum_and_raw_headers(self, height):
+ raw_header = await self.raw_header(height)
+ electrum_header = self.env.coin.electrum_header(raw_header, height)
+ return electrum_header, raw_header
+ async def _refresh_hsub_results(self, height):
+ """Refresh the cached header subscription responses to be for height,
+ and record that as notified_height.
+ """
+ # Paranoia: a reorg could race and leave db_height lower
+ height = min(height, self.db.db_height)
+ electrum, raw = await self._electrum_and_raw_headers(height)
+ self.hsub_results = (electrum, {'hex': raw.hex(), 'height': height})
+ self.notified_height = height
+ # --- LocalRPC command handlers
+ async def rpc_add_peer(self, real_name):
+ """Add a peer.
+ real_name: "bch.electrumx.cash t50001 s50002" for example
+ """
+ await self.peer_mgr.add_localRPC_peer(real_name)
+ return "peer '{}' added".format(real_name)
+ async def rpc_disconnect(self, session_ids):
+ """Disconnect sesssions.
+ session_ids: array of session IDs
+ """
+ async def close(session):
+ """Close the session's transport."""
+ await session.close(force_after=2)
+ return f'disconnected {session.session_id}'
+ return await self._for_each_session(session_ids, close)
+ async def rpc_log(self, session_ids):
+ """Toggle logging of sesssions.
+ session_ids: array of session IDs
+ """
+ async def toggle_logging(session):
+ """Toggle logging of the session."""
+ session.toggle_logging()
+ return f'log {session.session_id}: {session.log_me}'
+ return await self._for_each_session(session_ids, toggle_logging)
+ async def rpc_daemon_url(self, daemon_url):
+ """Replace the daemon URL."""
+ daemon_url = daemon_url or self.env.daemon_url
+ try:
+ self.daemon.set_url(daemon_url)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'an error occured: {e!r}')
+ return f'now using daemon at {self.daemon.logged_url()}'
+ async def rpc_stop(self):
+ """Shut down the server cleanly."""
+ self.shutdown_event.set()
+ return 'stopping'
+ async def rpc_getinfo(self):
+ """Return summary information about the server process."""
+ return self._get_info()
+ async def rpc_groups(self):
+ """Return statistics about the session groups."""
+ return self._group_data()
+ async def rpc_peers(self):
+ """Return a list of data about server peers."""
+ return self.peer_mgr.rpc_data()
+ async def rpc_query(self, items, limit):
+ """Return a list of data about server peers."""
+ coin = self.env.coin
+ db = self.db
+ lines = []
+ def arg_to_hashX(arg):
+ try:
+ script = bytes.fromhex(arg)
+ lines.append(f'Script: {arg}')
+ return coin.hashX_from_script(script)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ hashX = coin.address_to_hashX(arg)
+ except Base58Error as e:
+ lines.append(e.args[0])
+ return None
+ lines.append(f'Address: {arg}')
+ return hashX
+ for arg in items:
+ hashX = arg_to_hashX(arg)
+ if not hashX:
+ continue
+ n = None
+ history = await db.limited_history(hashX, limit=limit)
+ for n, (tx_hash, height) in enumerate(history):
+ lines.append(f'History #{n:,d}: height {height:,d} '
+ f'tx_hash {hash_to_hex_str(tx_hash)}')
+ if n is None:
+ lines.append('No history found')
+ n = None
+ utxos = await db.all_utxos(hashX)
+ for n, utxo in enumerate(utxos, start=1):
+ lines.append(f'UTXO #{n:,d}: tx_hash '
+ f'{hash_to_hex_str(utxo.tx_hash)} '
+ f'tx_pos {utxo.tx_pos:,d} height '
+ f'{utxo.height:,d} value {utxo.value:,d}')
+ if n == limit:
+ break
+ if n is None:
+ lines.append('No UTXOs found')
+ balance = sum(utxo.value for utxo in utxos)
+ lines.append(f'Balance: {coin.decimal_value(balance):,f} '
+ f'{coin.SHORTNAME}')
+ return lines
+ async def rpc_sessions(self):
+ """Return statistics about connected sessions."""
+ return self._session_data(for_log=False)
+ async def rpc_reorg(self, count):
+ """Force a reorg of the given number of blocks.
+ count: number of blocks to reorg
+ """
+ count = non_negative_integer(count)
+ if not self.bp.force_chain_reorg(count):
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'still catching up with daemon')
+ return f'scheduled a reorg of {count:,d} blocks'
+ # --- External Interface
+ async def serve(self, notifications, server_listening_event):
+ """Start the RPC server if enabled. When the event is triggered,
+ start TCP and SSL servers."""
+ try:
+ if self.env.rpc_port is not None:
+ await self._start_server('RPC', self.env.cs_host(for_rpc=True),
+ self.env.rpc_port)
+ self.logger.info(f'max session count: {self.env.max_sessions:,d}')
+ self.logger.info(f'session timeout: '
+ f'{self.env.session_timeout:,d} seconds')
+ self.logger.info('session bandwidth limit {:,d} bytes'
+ .format(self.env.bandwidth_limit))
+ self.logger.info('max response size {:,d} bytes'
+ .format(self.env.max_send))
+ self.logger.info('max subscriptions across all sessions: {:,d}'
+ .format(self.max_subs))
+ self.logger.info('max subscriptions per session: {:,d}'
+ .format(self.env.max_session_subs))
+ if self.env.drop_client is not None:
+ self.logger.info('drop clients matching: {}'
+ .format(self.env.drop_client.pattern))
+ # Start notifications; initialize hsub_results
+ await notifications.start(self.db.db_height, self._notify_sessions)
+ await self._start_external_servers()
+ server_listening_event.set()
+ # Peer discovery should start after the external servers
+ # because we connect to ourself
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ self.peer_mgr.discover_peers(),
+ self._clear_stale_sessions(),
+ self._log_sessions(),
+ self._manage_servers()
+ ])
+ finally:
+ await self._close_servers(list(self.servers.keys()))
+ if self.sessions:
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ session.close(force_after=1) for session in self.sessions
+ ])
+ def session_count(self):
+ """The number of connections that we've sent something to."""
+ return len(self.sessions)
+ async def daemon_request(self, method, *args):
+ """Catch a DaemonError and convert it to an RPCError."""
+ try:
+ return await getattr(self.daemon, method)(*args)
+ except DaemonError as e:
+ raise RPCError(DAEMON_ERROR, f'daemon error: {e!r}') from None
+ async def raw_header(self, height):
+ """Return the binary header at the given height."""
+ try:
+ return await self.db.raw_header(height)
+ except IndexError:
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'height {height:,d} '
+ 'out of range') from None
+ async def electrum_header(self, height):
+ """Return the deserialized header at the given height."""
+ electrum_header, _ = await self._electrum_and_raw_headers(height)
+ return electrum_header
+ async def broadcast_transaction(self, raw_tx):
+ hex_hash = await self.daemon.broadcast_transaction(raw_tx)
+ self.txs_sent += 1
+ return hex_hash
+ async def limited_history(self, hashX):
+ """A caching layer."""
+ hc = self.history_cache
+ if hashX not in hc:
+ # History DoS limit. Each element of history is about 99
+ # bytes when encoded as JSON. This limits resource usage
+ # on bloated history requests, and uses a smaller divisor
+ # so large requests are logged before refusing them.
+ limit = self.env.max_send // 97
+ hc[hashX] = await self.db.limited_history(hashX, limit=limit)
+ return hc[hashX]
+ async def _notify_sessions(self, height, touched):
+ """Notify sessions about height changes and touched addresses."""
+ height_changed = height != self.notified_height
+ if height_changed:
+ await self._refresh_hsub_results(height)
+ # Invalidate our history cache for touched hashXs
+ hc = self.history_cache
+ for hashX in set(hc).intersection(touched):
+ del hc[hashX]
+ if self.sessions:
+ await asyncio.wait([
+ session.notify(touched, height_changed) for session in self.sessions
+ ])
+ def add_session(self, session):
+ self.sessions.add(session)
+ self.session_event.set()
+ gid = int(session.start_time - self.start_time) // 900
+ if self.cur_group.gid != gid:
+ self.cur_group = SessionGroup(gid)
+ return self.cur_group
+ def remove_session(self, session):
+ """Remove a session from our sessions list if there."""
+ self.sessions.remove(session)
+ self.session_event.set()
+ def new_subscription(self):
+ if self.subs_room <= 0:
+ self.subs_room = self.max_subs - self._sub_count()
+ if self.subs_room <= 0:
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'server subscription limit '
+ f'{self.max_subs:,d} reached')
+ self.subs_room -= 1
+class SessionBase(RPCSession):
+ """Base class of ElectrumX JSON sessions.
+ Each session runs its tasks in asynchronous parallelism with other
+ sessions.
+ """
+ session_counter = itertools.count()
+ def __init__(self, session_mgr, db, mempool, peer_mgr, kind):
+ connection = JSONRPCConnection(JSONRPCAutoDetect)
+ super().__init__(connection=connection)
+ self.logger = util.class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ self.session_mgr = session_mgr
+ self.db = db
+ self.mempool = mempool
+ self.peer_mgr = peer_mgr
+ self.kind = kind # 'RPC', 'TCP' etc.
+ self.env = session_mgr.env
+ self.coin = self.env.coin
+ self.client = 'unknown'
+ self.anon_logs = self.env.anon_logs
+ self.txs_sent = 0
+ self.log_me = False
+ self.bw_limit = self.env.bandwidth_limit
+ self.daemon_request = self.session_mgr.daemon_request
+ # Hijack the connection so we can log messages
+ self._receive_message_orig = self.connection.receive_message
+ self.connection.receive_message = self.receive_message
+ async def notify(self, touched, height_changed):
+ pass
+ def peer_address_str(self, *, for_log=True):
+ """Returns the peer's IP address and port as a human-readable
+ string, respecting anon logs if the output is for a log."""
+ if for_log and self.anon_logs:
+ return 'xx.xx.xx.xx:xx'
+ return super().peer_address_str()
+ def receive_message(self, message):
+ if self.log_me:
+ self.logger.info(f'processing {message}')
+ return self._receive_message_orig(message)
+ def toggle_logging(self):
+ self.log_me = not self.log_me
+ def flags(self):
+ """Status flags."""
+ status = self.kind[0]
+ if self.is_closing():
+ status += 'C'
+ if self.log_me:
+ status += 'L'
+ status += str(self._concurrency.max_concurrent)
+ return status
+ def connection_made(self, transport):
+ """Handle an incoming client connection."""
+ super().connection_made(transport)
+ self.session_id = next(self.session_counter)
+ context = {'conn_id': f'{self.session_id}'}
+ self.logger = util.ConnectionLogger(self.logger, context)
+ self.group = self.session_mgr.add_session(self)
+ self.logger.info(f'{self.kind} {self.peer_address_str()}, '
+ f'{self.session_mgr.session_count():,d} total')
+ def connection_lost(self, exc):
+ """Handle client disconnection."""
+ super().connection_lost(exc)
+ self.session_mgr.remove_session(self)
+ msg = ''
+ if not self._can_send.is_set():
+ msg += ' whilst paused'
+ if self._concurrency.max_concurrent != self.max_concurrent:
+ msg += ' whilst throttled'
+ if self.send_size >= 1024*1024:
+ msg += ('. Sent {:,d} bytes in {:,d} messages'
+ .format(self.send_size, self.send_count))
+ if msg:
+ msg = 'disconnected' + msg
+ self.logger.info(msg)
+ def count_pending_items(self):
+ return len(self.connection.pending_requests())
+ def semaphore(self):
+ return Semaphores([self._concurrency.semaphore, self.group.semaphore])
+ def sub_count(self):
+ return 0
+ async def handle_request(self, request):
+ """Handle an incoming request. ElectrumX doesn't receive
+ notifications from client sessions.
+ """
+ if isinstance(request, Request):
+ handler = self.request_handlers.get(request.method)
+ else:
+ handler = None
+ coro = handler_invocation(handler, request)()
+ return await coro
+class ElectrumX(SessionBase):
+ """A TCP server that handles incoming Electrum connections."""
+ PROTOCOL_MIN = (1, 1)
+ PROTOCOL_MAX = (1, 4)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.subscribe_headers = False
+ self.subscribe_headers_raw = False
+ self.connection.max_response_size = self.env.max_send
+ self.max_subs = self.env.max_session_subs
+ self.hashX_subs = {}
+ self.sv_seen = False
+ self.mempool_statuses = {}
+ self.set_request_handlers(self.PROTOCOL_MIN)
+ @classmethod
+ def protocol_min_max_strings(cls):
+ return [util.version_string(ver)
+ for ver in (cls.PROTOCOL_MIN, cls.PROTOCOL_MAX)]
+ @classmethod
+ def server_features(cls, env):
+ """Return the server features dictionary."""
+ min_str, max_str = cls.protocol_min_max_strings()
+ return {
+ 'hosts': env.hosts_dict(),
+ 'pruning': None,
+ 'server_version': torba.__version__,
+ 'protocol_min': min_str,
+ 'protocol_max': max_str,
+ 'genesis_hash': env.coin.GENESIS_HASH,
+ 'hash_function': 'sha256',
+ }
+ async def server_features_async(self):
+ return self.server_features(self.env)
+ @classmethod
+ def server_version_args(cls):
+ """The arguments to a server.version RPC call to a peer."""
+ return [torba.__version__, cls.protocol_min_max_strings()]
+ def protocol_version_string(self):
+ return util.version_string(self.protocol_tuple)
+ def sub_count(self):
+ return len(self.hashX_subs)
+ async def notify(self, touched, height_changed):
+ """Notify the client about changes to touched addresses (from mempool
+ updates or new blocks) and height.
+ """
+ if height_changed and self.subscribe_headers:
+ args = (await self.subscribe_headers_result(), )
+ await self.send_notification('blockchain.headers.subscribe', args)
+ touched = touched.intersection(self.hashX_subs)
+ if touched or (height_changed and self.mempool_statuses):
+ changed = {}
+ for hashX in touched:
+ alias = self.hashX_subs[hashX]
+ status = await self.address_status(hashX)
+ changed[alias] = status
+ # Check mempool hashXs - the status is a function of the
+ # confirmed state of other transactions. Note: we cannot
+ # iterate over mempool_statuses as it changes size.
+ for hashX in tuple(self.mempool_statuses):
+ # Items can be evicted whilst await-ing status; False
+ # ensures such hashXs are notified
+ old_status = self.mempool_statuses.get(hashX, False)
+ status = await self.address_status(hashX)
+ if status != old_status:
+ alias = self.hashX_subs[hashX]
+ changed[alias] = status
+ for alias, status in changed.items():
+ if len(alias) == 64:
+ method = 'blockchain.scripthash.subscribe'
+ else:
+ method = 'blockchain.address.subscribe'
+ await self.send_notification(method, (alias, status))
+ if changed:
+ es = '' if len(changed) == 1 else 'es'
+ self.logger.info(f'notified of {len(changed):,d} address{es}')
+ async def subscribe_headers_result(self):
+ """The result of a header subscription or notification."""
+ return self.session_mgr.hsub_results[self.subscribe_headers_raw]
+ async def _headers_subscribe(self, raw):
+ """Subscribe to get headers of new blocks."""
+ self.subscribe_headers_raw = assert_boolean(raw)
+ self.subscribe_headers = True
+ return await self.subscribe_headers_result()
+ async def headers_subscribe(self):
+ """Subscribe to get raw headers of new blocks."""
+ return await self._headers_subscribe(True)
+ async def headers_subscribe_True(self, raw=True):
+ """Subscribe to get headers of new blocks."""
+ return await self._headers_subscribe(raw)
+ async def headers_subscribe_False(self, raw=False):
+ """Subscribe to get headers of new blocks."""
+ return await self._headers_subscribe(raw)
+ async def add_peer(self, features):
+ """Add a peer (but only if the peer resolves to the source)."""
+ return await self.peer_mgr.on_add_peer(features, self.peer_address())
+ async def peers_subscribe(self):
+ """Return the server peers as a list of (ip, host, details) tuples."""
+ return self.peer_mgr.on_peers_subscribe(self.is_tor())
+ async def address_status(self, hashX):
+ """Returns an address status.
+ Status is a hex string, but must be None if there is no history.
+ """
+ # Note history is ordered and mempool unordered in electrum-server
+ # For mempool, height is -1 if it has unconfirmed inputs, otherwise 0
+ db_history = await self.session_mgr.limited_history(hashX)
+ mempool = await self.mempool.transaction_summaries(hashX)
+ status = ''.join(f'{hash_to_hex_str(tx_hash)}:'
+ f'{height:d}:'
+ for tx_hash, height in db_history)
+ status += ''.join(f'{hash_to_hex_str(tx.hash)}:'
+ f'{-tx.has_unconfirmed_inputs:d}:'
+ for tx in mempool)
+ if status:
+ status = sha256(status.encode()).hex()
+ else:
+ status = None
+ if mempool:
+ self.mempool_statuses[hashX] = status
+ else:
+ self.mempool_statuses.pop(hashX, None)
+ return status
+ async def hashX_listunspent(self, hashX):
+ """Return the list of UTXOs of a script hash, including mempool
+ effects."""
+ utxos = await self.db.all_utxos(hashX)
+ utxos = sorted(utxos)
+ utxos.extend(await self.mempool.unordered_UTXOs(hashX))
+ spends = await self.mempool.potential_spends(hashX)
+ return [{'tx_hash': hash_to_hex_str(utxo.tx_hash),
+ 'tx_pos': utxo.tx_pos,
+ 'height': utxo.height, 'value': utxo.value}
+ for utxo in utxos
+ if (utxo.tx_hash, utxo.tx_pos) not in spends]
+ async def hashX_subscribe(self, hashX, alias):
+ # First check our limit.
+ if len(self.hashX_subs) >= self.max_subs:
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'your address subscription limit '
+ f'{self.max_subs:,d} reached')
+ # Now let the session manager check its limit
+ self.session_mgr.new_subscription()
+ self.hashX_subs[hashX] = alias
+ return await self.address_status(hashX)
+ def address_to_hashX(self, address):
+ try:
+ return self.coin.address_to_hashX(address)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'{address} is not a valid address')
+ async def address_get_balance(self, address):
+ """Return the confirmed and unconfirmed balance of an address."""
+ hashX = self.address_to_hashX(address)
+ return await self.get_balance(hashX)
+ async def address_get_history(self, address):
+ """Return the confirmed and unconfirmed history of an address."""
+ hashX = self.address_to_hashX(address)
+ return await self.confirmed_and_unconfirmed_history(hashX)
+ async def address_get_mempool(self, address):
+ """Return the mempool transactions touching an address."""
+ hashX = self.address_to_hashX(address)
+ return await self.unconfirmed_history(hashX)
+ async def address_listunspent(self, address):
+ """Return the list of UTXOs of an address."""
+ hashX = self.address_to_hashX(address)
+ return await self.hashX_listunspent(hashX)
+ async def address_subscribe(self, address):
+ """Subscribe to an address.
+ address: the address to subscribe to"""
+ hashX = self.address_to_hashX(address)
+ return await self.hashX_subscribe(hashX, address)
+ async def get_balance(self, hashX):
+ utxos = await self.db.all_utxos(hashX)
+ confirmed = sum(utxo.value for utxo in utxos)
+ unconfirmed = await self.mempool.balance_delta(hashX)
+ return {'confirmed': confirmed, 'unconfirmed': unconfirmed}
+ async def scripthash_get_balance(self, scripthash):
+ """Return the confirmed and unconfirmed balance of a scripthash."""
+ hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
+ return await self.get_balance(hashX)
+ async def unconfirmed_history(self, hashX):
+ # Note unconfirmed history is unordered in electrum-server
+ # height is -1 if it has unconfirmed inputs, otherwise 0
+ return [{'tx_hash': hash_to_hex_str(tx.hash),
+ 'height': -tx.has_unconfirmed_inputs,
+ 'fee': tx.fee}
+ for tx in await self.mempool.transaction_summaries(hashX)]
+ async def confirmed_and_unconfirmed_history(self, hashX):
+ # Note history is ordered but unconfirmed is unordered in e-s
+ history = await self.session_mgr.limited_history(hashX)
+ conf = [{'tx_hash': hash_to_hex_str(tx_hash), 'height': height}
+ for tx_hash, height in history]
+ return conf + await self.unconfirmed_history(hashX)
+ async def scripthash_get_history(self, scripthash):
+ """Return the confirmed and unconfirmed history of a scripthash."""
+ hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
+ return await self.confirmed_and_unconfirmed_history(hashX)
+ async def scripthash_get_mempool(self, scripthash):
+ """Return the mempool transactions touching a scripthash."""
+ hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
+ return await self.unconfirmed_history(hashX)
+ async def scripthash_listunspent(self, scripthash):
+ """Return the list of UTXOs of a scripthash."""
+ hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
+ return await self.hashX_listunspent(hashX)
+ async def scripthash_subscribe(self, scripthash):
+ """Subscribe to a script hash.
+ scripthash: the SHA256 hash of the script to subscribe to"""
+ hashX = scripthash_to_hashX(scripthash)
+ return await self.hashX_subscribe(hashX, scripthash)
+ async def _merkle_proof(self, cp_height, height):
+ max_height = self.db.db_height
+ if not height <= cp_height <= max_height:
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST,
+ f'require header height {height:,d} <= '
+ f'cp_height {cp_height:,d} <= '
+ f'chain height {max_height:,d}')
+ branch, root = await self.db.header_branch_and_root(cp_height + 1,
+ height)
+ return {
+ 'branch': [hash_to_hex_str(elt) for elt in branch],
+ 'root': hash_to_hex_str(root),
+ }
+ async def block_header(self, height, cp_height=0):
+ """Return a raw block header as a hexadecimal string, or as a
+ dictionary with a merkle proof."""
+ height = non_negative_integer(height)
+ cp_height = non_negative_integer(cp_height)
+ raw_header_hex = (await self.session_mgr.raw_header(height)).hex()
+ if cp_height == 0:
+ return raw_header_hex
+ result = {'header': raw_header_hex}
+ result.update(await self._merkle_proof(cp_height, height))
+ return result
+ async def block_header_13(self, height):
+ """Return a raw block header as a hexadecimal string.
+ height: the header's height"""
+ return await self.block_header(height)
+ async def block_headers(self, start_height, count, cp_height=0):
+ """Return count concatenated block headers as hex for the main chain;
+ starting at start_height.
+ start_height and count must be non-negative integers. At most
+ MAX_CHUNK_SIZE headers will be returned.
+ """
+ start_height = non_negative_integer(start_height)
+ count = non_negative_integer(count)
+ cp_height = non_negative_integer(cp_height)
+ max_size = self.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE
+ count = min(count, max_size)
+ headers, count = await self.db.read_headers(start_height, count)
+ result = {'hex': headers.hex(), 'count': count, 'max': max_size}
+ if count and cp_height:
+ last_height = start_height + count - 1
+ result.update(await self._merkle_proof(cp_height, last_height))
+ return result
+ async def block_headers_12(self, start_height, count):
+ return await self.block_headers(start_height, count)
+ async def block_get_chunk(self, index):
+ """Return a chunk of block headers as a hexadecimal string.
+ index: the chunk index"""
+ index = non_negative_integer(index)
+ size = self.coin.CHUNK_SIZE
+ start_height = index * size
+ headers, _ = await self.db.read_headers(start_height, size)
+ return headers.hex()
+ async def block_get_header(self, height):
+ """The deserialized header at a given height.
+ height: the header's height"""
+ height = non_negative_integer(height)
+ return await self.session_mgr.electrum_header(height)
+ def is_tor(self):
+ """Try to detect if the connection is to a tor hidden service we are
+ running."""
+ peername = self.peer_mgr.proxy_peername()
+ if not peername:
+ return False
+ peer_address = self.peer_address()
+ return peer_address and peer_address[0] == peername[0]
+ async def replaced_banner(self, banner):
+ network_info = await self.daemon_request('getnetworkinfo')
+ ni_version = network_info['version']
+ major, minor = divmod(ni_version, 1000000)
+ minor, revision = divmod(minor, 10000)
+ revision //= 100
+ daemon_version = '{:d}.{:d}.{:d}'.format(major, minor, revision)
+ for pair in [
+ ('$SERVER_VERSION', torba.__version__),
+ ('$DAEMON_VERSION', daemon_version),
+ ('$DAEMON_SUBVERSION', network_info['subversion']),
+ ('$DONATION_ADDRESS', self.env.donation_address),
+ ]:
+ banner = banner.replace(*pair)
+ return banner
+ async def donation_address(self):
+ """Return the donation address as a string, empty if there is none."""
+ return self.env.donation_address
+ async def banner(self):
+ """Return the server banner text."""
+ banner = f'You are connected to an {torba.__version__} server.'
+ if self.is_tor():
+ banner_file = self.env.tor_banner_file
+ else:
+ banner_file = self.env.banner_file
+ if banner_file:
+ try:
+ with codecs.open(banner_file, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
+ banner = f.read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error(f'reading banner file {banner_file}: {e!r}')
+ else:
+ banner = await self.replaced_banner(banner)
+ return banner
+ async def relayfee(self):
+ """The minimum fee a low-priority tx must pay in order to be accepted
+ to the daemon's memory pool."""
+ return await self.daemon_request('relayfee')
+ async def estimatefee(self, number):
+ """The estimated transaction fee per kilobyte to be paid for a
+ transaction to be included within a certain number of blocks.
+ number: the number of blocks
+ """
+ number = non_negative_integer(number)
+ return await self.daemon_request('estimatefee', number)
+ async def ping(self):
+ """Serves as a connection keep-alive mechanism and for the client to
+ confirm the server is still responding.
+ """
+ return None
+ async def server_version(self, client_name='', protocol_version=None):
+ """Returns the server version as a string.
+ client_name: a string identifying the client
+ protocol_version: the protocol version spoken by the client
+ """
+ if self.sv_seen and self.protocol_tuple >= (1, 4):
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'server.version already sent')
+ self.sv_seen = True
+ if client_name:
+ client_name = str(client_name)
+ if self.env.drop_client is not None and \
+ self.env.drop_client.match(client_name):
+ self.close_after_send = True
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST,
+ f'unsupported client: {client_name}')
+ self.client = client_name[:17]
+ # Find the highest common protocol version. Disconnect if
+ # that protocol version in unsupported.
+ ptuple, client_min = util.protocol_version(
+ protocol_version, self.PROTOCOL_MIN, self.PROTOCOL_MAX)
+ if ptuple is None:
+ if client_min > self.PROTOCOL_MIN:
+ self.logger.info(f'client requested future protocol version '
+ f'{util.version_string(client_min)} '
+ f'- is your software out of date?')
+ self.close_after_send = True
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST,
+ f'unsupported protocol version: {protocol_version}')
+ self.set_request_handlers(ptuple)
+ return torba.__version__, self.protocol_version_string()
+ async def transaction_broadcast(self, raw_tx):
+ """Broadcast a raw transaction to the network.
+ raw_tx: the raw transaction as a hexadecimal string"""
+ # This returns errors as JSON RPC errors, as is natural
+ try:
+ hex_hash = await self.session_mgr.broadcast_transaction(raw_tx)
+ self.txs_sent += 1
+ self.logger.info(f'sent tx: {hex_hash}')
+ return hex_hash
+ except DaemonError as e:
+ error, = e.args
+ message = error['message']
+ self.logger.info(f'error sending transaction: {message}')
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'the transaction was rejected by '
+ f'network rules.\n\n{message}\n[{raw_tx}]')
+ async def transaction_get(self, tx_hash, verbose=False):
+ """Return the serialized raw transaction given its hash
+ tx_hash: the transaction hash as a hexadecimal string
+ verbose: passed on to the daemon
+ """
+ assert_tx_hash(tx_hash)
+ if verbose not in (True, False):
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'"verbose" must be a boolean')
+ return await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash, verbose)
+ async def _block_hash_and_tx_hashes(self, height):
+ """Returns a pair (block_hash, tx_hashes) for the main chain block at
+ the given height.
+ block_hash is a hexadecimal string, and tx_hashes is an
+ ordered list of hexadecimal strings.
+ """
+ height = non_negative_integer(height)
+ hex_hashes = await self.daemon_request('block_hex_hashes', height, 1)
+ block_hash = hex_hashes[0]
+ block = await self.daemon_request('deserialised_block', block_hash)
+ return block_hash, block['tx']
+ def _get_merkle_branch(self, tx_hashes, tx_pos):
+ """Return a merkle branch to a transaction.
+ tx_hashes: ordered list of hex strings of tx hashes in a block
+ tx_pos: index of transaction in tx_hashes to create branch for
+ """
+ hashes = [hex_str_to_hash(hash) for hash in tx_hashes]
+ branch, root = self.db.merkle.branch_and_root(hashes, tx_pos)
+ branch = [hash_to_hex_str(hash) for hash in branch]
+ return branch
+ async def transaction_merkle(self, tx_hash, height):
+ """Return the markle branch to a confirmed transaction given its hash
+ and height.
+ tx_hash: the transaction hash as a hexadecimal string
+ height: the height of the block it is in
+ """
+ assert_tx_hash(tx_hash)
+ block_hash, tx_hashes = await self._block_hash_and_tx_hashes(height)
+ try:
+ pos = tx_hashes.index(tx_hash)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'tx hash {tx_hash} not in '
+ f'block {block_hash} at height {height:,d}')
+ branch = self._get_merkle_branch(tx_hashes, pos)
+ return {"block_height": height, "merkle": branch, "pos": pos}
+ async def transaction_id_from_pos(self, height, tx_pos, merkle=False):
+ """Return the txid and optionally a merkle proof, given
+ a block height and position in the block.
+ """
+ tx_pos = non_negative_integer(tx_pos)
+ if merkle not in (True, False):
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'"merkle" must be a boolean')
+ block_hash, tx_hashes = await self._block_hash_and_tx_hashes(height)
+ try:
+ tx_hash = tx_hashes[tx_pos]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'no tx at position {tx_pos:,d} in '
+ f'block {block_hash} at height {height:,d}')
+ if merkle:
+ branch = self._get_merkle_branch(tx_hashes, tx_pos)
+ return {"tx_hash": tx_hash, "merkle": branch}
+ else:
+ return tx_hash
+ def set_request_handlers(self, ptuple):
+ self.protocol_tuple = ptuple
+ handlers = {
+ 'blockchain.block.get_chunk': self.block_get_chunk,
+ 'blockchain.block.get_header': self.block_get_header,
+ 'blockchain.estimatefee': self.estimatefee,
+ 'blockchain.relayfee': self.relayfee,
+ 'blockchain.scripthash.get_balance': self.scripthash_get_balance,
+ 'blockchain.scripthash.get_history': self.scripthash_get_history,
+ 'blockchain.scripthash.get_mempool': self.scripthash_get_mempool,
+ 'blockchain.scripthash.listunspent': self.scripthash_listunspent,
+ 'blockchain.scripthash.subscribe': self.scripthash_subscribe,
+ 'blockchain.transaction.broadcast': self.transaction_broadcast,
+ 'blockchain.transaction.get': self.transaction_get,
+ 'blockchain.transaction.get_merkle': self.transaction_merkle,
+ 'server.add_peer': self.add_peer,
+ 'server.banner': self.banner,
+ 'server.donation_address': self.donation_address,
+ 'server.features': self.server_features_async,
+ 'server.peers.subscribe': self.peers_subscribe,
+ 'server.version': self.server_version,
+ }
+ if ptuple >= (1, 2):
+ # New handler as of 1.2
+ handlers.update({
+ 'mempool.get_fee_histogram':
+ self.mempool.compact_fee_histogram,
+ 'blockchain.block.headers': self.block_headers_12,
+ 'server.ping': self.ping,
+ })
+ if ptuple >= (1, 4):
+ handlers.update({
+ 'blockchain.block.header': self.block_header,
+ 'blockchain.block.headers': self.block_headers,
+ 'blockchain.headers.subscribe': self.headers_subscribe,
+ 'blockchain.transaction.id_from_pos':
+ self.transaction_id_from_pos,
+ })
+ elif ptuple >= (1, 3):
+ handlers.update({
+ 'blockchain.block.header': self.block_header_13,
+ 'blockchain.headers.subscribe': self.headers_subscribe_True,
+ })
+ else:
+ handlers.update({
+ 'blockchain.headers.subscribe': self.headers_subscribe_False,
+ 'blockchain.address.get_balance': self.address_get_balance,
+ 'blockchain.address.get_history': self.address_get_history,
+ 'blockchain.address.get_mempool': self.address_get_mempool,
+ 'blockchain.address.listunspent': self.address_listunspent,
+ 'blockchain.address.subscribe': self.address_subscribe,
+ })
+ self.request_handlers = handlers
+class LocalRPC(SessionBase):
+ """A local TCP RPC server session."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.client = 'RPC'
+ self.connection._max_response_size = 0
+ def protocol_version_string(self):
+ return 'RPC'
+class DashElectrumX(ElectrumX):
+ """A TCP server that handles incoming Electrum Dash connections."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.mns = set()
+ def set_request_handlers(self, ptuple):
+ super().set_request_handlers(ptuple)
+ self.request_handlers.update({
+ 'masternode.announce.broadcast':
+ self.masternode_announce_broadcast,
+ 'masternode.subscribe': self.masternode_subscribe,
+ 'masternode.list': self.masternode_list
+ })
+ async def notify(self, touched, height_changed):
+ """Notify the client about changes in masternode list."""
+ await super().notify(touched, height_changed)
+ for mn in self.mns:
+ status = await self.daemon_request('masternode_list',
+ ['status', mn])
+ await self.send_notification('masternode.subscribe',
+ [mn, status.get(mn)])
+ # Masternode command handlers
+ async def masternode_announce_broadcast(self, signmnb):
+ """Pass through the masternode announce message to be broadcast
+ by the daemon.
+ signmnb: signed masternode broadcast message."""
+ try:
+ return await self.daemon_request('masternode_broadcast',
+ ['relay', signmnb])
+ except DaemonError as e:
+ error, = e.args
+ message = error['message']
+ self.logger.info(f'masternode_broadcast: {message}')
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'the masternode broadcast was '
+ f'rejected.\n\n{message}\n[{signmnb}]')
+ async def masternode_subscribe(self, collateral):
+ """Returns the status of masternode.
+ collateral: masternode collateral.
+ """
+ result = await self.daemon_request('masternode_list',
+ ['status', collateral])
+ if result is not None:
+ self.mns.add(collateral)
+ return result.get(collateral)
+ return None
+ async def masternode_list(self, payees):
+ """
+ Returns the list of masternodes.
+ payees: a list of masternode payee addresses.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(payees, list):
+ raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, 'expected a list of payees')
+ def get_masternode_payment_queue(mns):
+ """Returns the calculated position in the payment queue for all the
+ valid masterernodes in the given mns list.
+ mns: a list of masternodes information.
+ """
+ now = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%s"))
+ mn_queue = []
+ # Only ENABLED masternodes are considered for the list.
+ for line in mns:
+ mnstat = mns[line].split()
+ if mnstat[0] == 'ENABLED':
+ # if last paid time == 0
+ if int(mnstat[5]) == 0:
+ # use active seconds
+ mnstat.append(int(mnstat[4]))
+ else:
+ # now minus last paid
+ delta = now - int(mnstat[5])
+ # if > active seconds, use active seconds
+ if delta >= int(mnstat[4]):
+ mnstat.append(int(mnstat[4]))
+ # use active seconds
+ else:
+ mnstat.append(delta)
+ mn_queue.append(mnstat)
+ mn_queue = sorted(mn_queue, key=lambda x: x[8], reverse=True)
+ return mn_queue
+ def get_payment_position(payment_queue, address):
+ """
+ Returns the position of the payment list for the given address.
+ payment_queue: position in the payment queue for the masternode.
+ address: masternode payee address.
+ """
+ position = -1
+ for pos, mn in enumerate(payment_queue, start=1):
+ if mn[2] == address:
+ position = pos
+ break
+ return position
+ # Accordingly with the masternode payment queue, a custom list
+ # with the masternode information including the payment
+ # position is returned.
+ cache = self.session_mgr.mn_cache
+ if not cache or self.session_mgr.mn_cache_height != self.db.db_height:
+ full_mn_list = await self.daemon_request('masternode_list',
+ ['full'])
+ mn_payment_queue = get_masternode_payment_queue(full_mn_list)
+ mn_payment_count = len(mn_payment_queue)
+ mn_list = []
+ for key, value in full_mn_list.items():
+ mn_data = value.split()
+ mn_info = {}
+ mn_info['vin'] = key
+ mn_info['status'] = mn_data[0]
+ mn_info['protocol'] = mn_data[1]
+ mn_info['payee'] = mn_data[2]
+ mn_info['lastseen'] = mn_data[3]
+ mn_info['activeseconds'] = mn_data[4]
+ mn_info['lastpaidtime'] = mn_data[5]
+ mn_info['lastpaidblock'] = mn_data[6]
+ mn_info['ip'] = mn_data[7]
+ mn_info['paymentposition'] = get_payment_position(
+ mn_payment_queue, mn_info['payee'])
+ mn_info['inselection'] = (
+ mn_info['paymentposition'] < mn_payment_count // 10)
+ balance = await self.address_get_balance(mn_info['payee'])
+ mn_info['balance'] = (sum(balance.values())
+ / self.coin.VALUE_PER_COIN)
+ mn_list.append(mn_info)
+ cache.clear()
+ cache.extend(mn_list)
+ self.session_mgr.mn_cache_height = self.db.db_height
+ # If payees is an empty list the whole masternode list is returned
+ if payees:
+ return [mn for mn in cache if mn['payee'] in payees]
+ else:
+ return cache
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/storage.py b/torba/torba/server/storage.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d52d2eba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/storage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, the ElectrumX authors
+# All rights reserved.
+# See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Backend database abstraction."""
+import os
+from functools import partial
+from torba.server import util
+def db_class(name):
+ """Returns a DB engine class."""
+ for db_class in util.subclasses(Storage):
+ if db_class.__name__.lower() == name.lower():
+ db_class.import_module()
+ return db_class
+ raise RuntimeError('unrecognised DB engine "{}"'.format(name))
+class Storage:
+ """Abstract base class of the DB backend abstraction."""
+ def __init__(self, name, for_sync):
+ self.is_new = not os.path.exists(name)
+ self.for_sync = for_sync or self.is_new
+ self.open(name, create=self.is_new)
+ @classmethod
+ def import_module(cls):
+ """Import the DB engine module."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def open(self, name, create):
+ """Open an existing database or create a new one."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def close(self):
+ """Close an existing database."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get(self, key):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def put(self, key, value):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def write_batch(self):
+ """Return a context manager that provides `put` and `delete`.
+ Changes should only be committed when the context manager
+ closes without an exception.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def iterator(self, prefix=b'', reverse=False):
+ """Return an iterator that yields (key, value) pairs from the
+ database sorted by key.
+ If `prefix` is set, only keys starting with `prefix` will be
+ included. If `reverse` is True the items are returned in
+ reverse order.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class LevelDB(Storage):
+ """LevelDB database engine."""
+ @classmethod
+ def import_module(cls):
+ import plyvel
+ cls.module = plyvel
+ def open(self, name, create):
+ mof = 512 if self.for_sync else 128
+ # Use snappy compression (the default)
+ self.db = self.module.DB(name, create_if_missing=create,
+ max_open_files=mof)
+ self.close = self.db.close
+ self.get = self.db.get
+ self.put = self.db.put
+ self.iterator = self.db.iterator
+ self.write_batch = partial(self.db.write_batch, transaction=True,
+ sync=True)
+class RocksDB(Storage):
+ """RocksDB database engine."""
+ @classmethod
+ def import_module(cls):
+ import rocksdb
+ cls.module = rocksdb
+ def open(self, name, create):
+ mof = 512 if self.for_sync else 128
+ # Use snappy compression (the default)
+ options = self.module.Options(create_if_missing=create,
+ use_fsync=True,
+ target_file_size_base=33554432,
+ max_open_files=mof)
+ self.db = self.module.DB(name, options)
+ self.get = self.db.get
+ self.put = self.db.put
+ def close(self):
+ # PyRocksDB doesn't provide a close method; hopefully this is enough
+ self.db = self.get = self.put = None
+ import gc
+ gc.collect()
+ def write_batch(self):
+ return RocksDBWriteBatch(self.db)
+ def iterator(self, prefix=b'', reverse=False):
+ return RocksDBIterator(self.db, prefix, reverse)
+class RocksDBWriteBatch:
+ """A write batch for RocksDB."""
+ def __init__(self, db):
+ self.batch = RocksDB.module.WriteBatch()
+ self.db = db
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self.batch
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ if not exc_val:
+ self.db.write(self.batch)
+class RocksDBIterator:
+ """An iterator for RocksDB."""
+ def __init__(self, db, prefix, reverse):
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ if reverse:
+ self.iterator = reversed(db.iteritems())
+ nxt_prefix = util.increment_byte_string(prefix)
+ if nxt_prefix:
+ self.iterator.seek(nxt_prefix)
+ try:
+ next(self.iterator)
+ except StopIteration:
+ self.iterator.seek(nxt_prefix)
+ else:
+ self.iterator.seek_to_last()
+ else:
+ self.iterator = db.iteritems()
+ self.iterator.seek(prefix)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __next__(self):
+ k, v = next(self.iterator)
+ if not k.startswith(self.prefix):
+ raise StopIteration
+ return k, v
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/text.py b/torba/torba/server/text.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..800ba0be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/text.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import time
+from torba.server import util
+def sessions_lines(data):
+ """A generator returning lines for a list of sessions.
+ data is the return value of rpc_sessions()."""
+ fmt = ('{:<6} {:<5} {:>17} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} '
+ '{:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>9} {:>21}')
+ yield fmt.format('ID', 'Flags', 'Client', 'Proto',
+ 'Reqs', 'Txs', 'Subs',
+ 'Recv', 'Recv KB', 'Sent', 'Sent KB', 'Time', 'Peer')
+ for (id_, flags, peer, client, proto, reqs, txs_sent, subs,
+ recv_count, recv_size, send_count, send_size, time) in data:
+ yield fmt.format(id_, flags, client, proto,
+ '{:,d}'.format(reqs),
+ '{:,d}'.format(txs_sent),
+ '{:,d}'.format(subs),
+ '{:,d}'.format(recv_count),
+ '{:,d}'.format(recv_size // 1024),
+ '{:,d}'.format(send_count),
+ '{:,d}'.format(send_size // 1024),
+ util.formatted_time(time, sep=''), peer)
+def groups_lines(data):
+ """A generator returning lines for a list of groups.
+ data is the return value of rpc_groups()."""
+ fmt = ('{:<6} {:>9} {:>9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>8}'
+ '{:>7} {:>9} {:>7} {:>9}')
+ yield fmt.format('ID', 'Sessions', 'Bwidth KB', 'Reqs', 'Txs', 'Subs',
+ 'Recv', 'Recv KB', 'Sent', 'Sent KB')
+ for (id_, session_count, bandwidth, reqs, txs_sent, subs,
+ recv_count, recv_size, send_count, send_size) in data:
+ yield fmt.format(id_,
+ '{:,d}'.format(session_count),
+ '{:,d}'.format(bandwidth // 1024),
+ '{:,d}'.format(reqs),
+ '{:,d}'.format(txs_sent),
+ '{:,d}'.format(subs),
+ '{:,d}'.format(recv_count),
+ '{:,d}'.format(recv_size // 1024),
+ '{:,d}'.format(send_count),
+ '{:,d}'.format(send_size // 1024))
+def peers_lines(data):
+ """A generator returning lines for a list of peers.
+ data is the return value of rpc_peers()."""
+ def time_fmt(t):
+ if not t:
+ return 'Never'
+ return util.formatted_time(now - t)
+ now = time.time()
+ fmt = ('{:<30} {:<6} {:>5} {:>5} {:<17} {:>4} '
+ '{:>4} {:>8} {:>11} {:>11} {:>5} {:>20} {:<15}')
+ yield fmt.format('Host', 'Status', 'TCP', 'SSL', 'Server', 'Min',
+ 'Max', 'Pruning', 'Last Good', 'Last Try',
+ 'Tries', 'Source', 'IP Address')
+ for item in data:
+ features = item['features']
+ hostname = item['host']
+ host = features['hosts'][hostname]
+ yield fmt.format(hostname[:30],
+ item['status'],
+ host.get('tcp_port') or '',
+ host.get('ssl_port') or '',
+ features['server_version'] or 'unknown',
+ features['protocol_min'],
+ features['protocol_max'],
+ features['pruning'] or '',
+ time_fmt(item['last_good']),
+ time_fmt(item['last_try']),
+ item['try_count'],
+ item['source'][:20],
+ item['ip_addr'] or '')
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/tx.py b/torba/torba/server/tx.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..212589d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/tx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
+# Copyright (c) 2017, the ElectrumX authors
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Transaction-related classes and functions."""
+from collections import namedtuple
+from torba.server.hash import sha256, double_sha256, hash_to_hex_str
+from torba.server.script import OpCodes
+from torba.server.util import (
+ unpack_le_int32_from, unpack_le_int64_from, unpack_le_uint16_from,
+ unpack_le_uint32_from, unpack_le_uint64_from, pack_le_int32, pack_varint,
+ pack_le_uint32, pack_le_int64, pack_varbytes,
+ZERO = bytes(32)
+MINUS_1 = 4294967295
+class Tx(namedtuple("Tx", "version inputs outputs locktime")):
+ """Class representing a transaction."""
+ def serialize(self):
+ return b''.join((
+ pack_le_int32(self.version),
+ pack_varint(len(self.inputs)),
+ b''.join(tx_in.serialize() for tx_in in self.inputs),
+ pack_varint(len(self.outputs)),
+ b''.join(tx_out.serialize() for tx_out in self.outputs),
+ pack_le_uint32(self.locktime)
+ ))
+class TxInput(namedtuple("TxInput", "prev_hash prev_idx script sequence")):
+ """Class representing a transaction input."""
+ def __str__(self):
+ script = self.script.hex()
+ prev_hash = hash_to_hex_str(self.prev_hash)
+ return ("Input({}, {:d}, script={}, sequence={:d})"
+ .format(prev_hash, self.prev_idx, script, self.sequence))
+ def is_generation(self):
+ """Test if an input is generation/coinbase like"""
+ return self.prev_idx == MINUS_1 and self.prev_hash == ZERO
+ def serialize(self):
+ return b''.join((
+ self.prev_hash,
+ pack_le_uint32(self.prev_idx),
+ pack_varbytes(self.script),
+ pack_le_uint32(self.sequence),
+ ))
+class TxOutput(namedtuple("TxOutput", "value pk_script")):
+ def serialize(self):
+ return b''.join((
+ pack_le_int64(self.value),
+ pack_varbytes(self.pk_script),
+ ))
+class Deserializer:
+ """Deserializes blocks into transactions.
+ External entry points are read_tx(), read_tx_and_hash(),
+ read_tx_and_vsize() and read_block().
+ This code is performance sensitive as it is executed 100s of
+ millions of times during sync.
+ """
+ TX_HASH_FN = staticmethod(double_sha256)
+ def __init__(self, binary, start=0):
+ assert isinstance(binary, bytes)
+ self.binary = binary
+ self.binary_length = len(binary)
+ self.cursor = start
+ def read_tx(self):
+ """Return a deserialized transaction."""
+ return Tx(
+ self._read_le_int32(), # version
+ self._read_inputs(), # inputs
+ self._read_outputs(), # outputs
+ self._read_le_uint32() # locktime
+ )
+ def read_tx_and_hash(self):
+ """Return a (deserialized TX, tx_hash) pair.
+ The hash needs to be reversed for human display; for efficiency
+ we process it in the natural serialized order.
+ """
+ start = self.cursor
+ return self.read_tx(), self.TX_HASH_FN(self.binary[start:self.cursor])
+ def read_tx_and_vsize(self):
+ """Return a (deserialized TX, vsize) pair."""
+ return self.read_tx(), self.binary_length
+ def read_tx_block(self):
+ """Returns a list of (deserialized_tx, tx_hash) pairs."""
+ read = self.read_tx_and_hash
+ # Some coins have excess data beyond the end of the transactions
+ return [read() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]
+ def _read_inputs(self):
+ read_input = self._read_input
+ return [read_input() for i in range(self._read_varint())]
+ def _read_input(self):
+ return TxInput(
+ self._read_nbytes(32), # prev_hash
+ self._read_le_uint32(), # prev_idx
+ self._read_varbytes(), # script
+ self._read_le_uint32() # sequence
+ )
+ def _read_outputs(self):
+ read_output = self._read_output
+ return [read_output() for i in range(self._read_varint())]
+ def _read_output(self):
+ return TxOutput(
+ self._read_le_int64(), # value
+ self._read_varbytes(), # pk_script
+ )
+ def _read_byte(self):
+ cursor = self.cursor
+ self.cursor += 1
+ return self.binary[cursor]
+ def _read_nbytes(self, n):
+ cursor = self.cursor
+ self.cursor = end = cursor + n
+ assert self.binary_length >= end
+ return self.binary[cursor:end]
+ def _read_varbytes(self):
+ return self._read_nbytes(self._read_varint())
+ def _read_varint(self):
+ n = self.binary[self.cursor]
+ self.cursor += 1
+ if n < 253:
+ return n
+ if n == 253:
+ return self._read_le_uint16()
+ if n == 254:
+ return self._read_le_uint32()
+ return self._read_le_uint64()
+ def _read_le_int32(self):
+ result, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.binary, self.cursor)
+ self.cursor += 4
+ return result
+ def _read_le_int64(self):
+ result, = unpack_le_int64_from(self.binary, self.cursor)
+ self.cursor += 8
+ return result
+ def _read_le_uint16(self):
+ result, = unpack_le_uint16_from(self.binary, self.cursor)
+ self.cursor += 2
+ return result
+ def _read_le_uint32(self):
+ result, = unpack_le_uint32_from(self.binary, self.cursor)
+ self.cursor += 4
+ return result
+ def _read_le_uint64(self):
+ result, = unpack_le_uint64_from(self.binary, self.cursor)
+ self.cursor += 8
+ return result
+class TxSegWit(namedtuple("Tx", "version marker flag inputs outputs "
+ "witness locktime")):
+ """Class representing a SegWit transaction."""
+class DeserializerSegWit(Deserializer):
+ # https://bitcoincore.org/en/segwit_wallet_dev/#transaction-serialization
+ def _read_witness(self, fields):
+ read_witness_field = self._read_witness_field
+ return [read_witness_field() for i in range(fields)]
+ def _read_witness_field(self):
+ read_varbytes = self._read_varbytes
+ return [read_varbytes() for i in range(self._read_varint())]
+ def _read_tx_parts(self):
+ """Return a (deserialized TX, tx_hash, vsize) tuple."""
+ start = self.cursor
+ marker = self.binary[self.cursor + 4]
+ if marker:
+ tx = super().read_tx()
+ tx_hash = self.TX_HASH_FN(self.binary[start:self.cursor])
+ return tx, tx_hash, self.binary_length
+ # Ugh, this is nasty.
+ version = self._read_le_int32()
+ orig_ser = self.binary[start:self.cursor]
+ marker = self._read_byte()
+ flag = self._read_byte()
+ start = self.cursor
+ inputs = self._read_inputs()
+ outputs = self._read_outputs()
+ orig_ser += self.binary[start:self.cursor]
+ base_size = self.cursor - start
+ witness = self._read_witness(len(inputs))
+ start = self.cursor
+ locktime = self._read_le_uint32()
+ orig_ser += self.binary[start:self.cursor]
+ vsize = (3 * base_size + self.binary_length) // 4
+ return TxSegWit(version, marker, flag, inputs, outputs, witness,
+ locktime), self.TX_HASH_FN(orig_ser), vsize
+ def read_tx(self):
+ return self._read_tx_parts()[0]
+ def read_tx_and_hash(self):
+ tx, tx_hash, vsize = self._read_tx_parts()
+ return tx, tx_hash
+ def read_tx_and_vsize(self):
+ tx, tx_hash, vsize = self._read_tx_parts()
+ return tx, vsize
+class DeserializerAuxPow(Deserializer):
+ VERSION_AUXPOW = (1 << 8)
+ def read_header(self, height, static_header_size):
+ """Return the AuxPow block header bytes"""
+ start = self.cursor
+ version = self._read_le_uint32()
+ if version & self.VERSION_AUXPOW:
+ # We are going to calculate the block size then read it as bytes
+ self.cursor = start
+ self.cursor += static_header_size # Block normal header
+ self.read_tx() # AuxPow transaction
+ self.cursor += 32 # Parent block hash
+ merkle_size = self._read_varint()
+ self.cursor += 32 * merkle_size # Merkle branch
+ self.cursor += 4 # Index
+ merkle_size = self._read_varint()
+ self.cursor += 32 * merkle_size # Chain merkle branch
+ self.cursor += 4 # Chain index
+ self.cursor += 80 # Parent block header
+ header_end = self.cursor
+ else:
+ header_end = static_header_size
+ self.cursor = start
+ return self._read_nbytes(header_end)
+class DeserializerAuxPowSegWit(DeserializerSegWit, DeserializerAuxPow):
+ pass
+class DeserializerEquihash(Deserializer):
+ def read_header(self, height, static_header_size):
+ """Return the block header bytes"""
+ start = self.cursor
+ # We are going to calculate the block size then read it as bytes
+ self.cursor += static_header_size
+ solution_size = self._read_varint()
+ self.cursor += solution_size
+ header_end = self.cursor
+ self.cursor = start
+ return self._read_nbytes(header_end)
+class DeserializerEquihashSegWit(DeserializerSegWit, DeserializerEquihash):
+ pass
+class TxJoinSplit(namedtuple("Tx", "version inputs outputs locktime")):
+ """Class representing a JoinSplit transaction."""
+class DeserializerZcash(DeserializerEquihash):
+ def read_tx(self):
+ header = self._read_le_uint32()
+ overwintered = ((header >> 31) == 1)
+ if overwintered:
+ version = header & 0x7fffffff
+ self.cursor += 4 # versionGroupId
+ else:
+ version = header
+ is_overwinter_v3 = version == 3
+ is_sapling_v4 = version == 4
+ base_tx = TxJoinSplit(
+ version,
+ self._read_inputs(), # inputs
+ self._read_outputs(), # outputs
+ self._read_le_uint32() # locktime
+ )
+ if is_overwinter_v3 or is_sapling_v4:
+ self.cursor += 4 # expiryHeight
+ has_shielded = False
+ if is_sapling_v4:
+ self.cursor += 8 # valueBalance
+ shielded_spend_size = self._read_varint()
+ self.cursor += shielded_spend_size * 384 # vShieldedSpend
+ shielded_output_size = self._read_varint()
+ self.cursor += shielded_output_size * 948 # vShieldedOutput
+ has_shielded = shielded_spend_size > 0 or shielded_output_size > 0
+ if base_tx.version >= 2:
+ joinsplit_size = self._read_varint()
+ if joinsplit_size > 0:
+ joinsplit_desc_len = 1506 + (192 if is_sapling_v4 else 296)
+ # JSDescription
+ self.cursor += joinsplit_size * joinsplit_desc_len
+ self.cursor += 32 # joinSplitPubKey
+ self.cursor += 64 # joinSplitSig
+ if is_sapling_v4 and has_shielded:
+ self.cursor += 64 # bindingSig
+ return base_tx
+class TxTime(namedtuple("Tx", "version time inputs outputs locktime")):
+ """Class representing transaction that has a time field."""
+class DeserializerTxTime(Deserializer):
+ def read_tx(self):
+ return TxTime(
+ self._read_le_int32(), # version
+ self._read_le_uint32(), # time
+ self._read_inputs(), # inputs
+ self._read_outputs(), # outputs
+ self._read_le_uint32(), # locktime
+ )
+class DeserializerReddcoin(Deserializer):
+ def read_tx(self):
+ version = self._read_le_int32()
+ inputs = self._read_inputs()
+ outputs = self._read_outputs()
+ locktime = self._read_le_uint32()
+ if version > 1:
+ time = self._read_le_uint32()
+ else:
+ time = 0
+ return TxTime(version, time, inputs, outputs, locktime)
+class DeserializerTxTimeAuxPow(DeserializerTxTime):
+ VERSION_AUXPOW = (1 << 8)
+ def is_merged_block(self):
+ start = self.cursor
+ self.cursor = 0
+ version = self._read_le_uint32()
+ self.cursor = start
+ if version & self.VERSION_AUXPOW:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def read_header(self, height, static_header_size):
+ """Return the AuxPow block header bytes"""
+ start = self.cursor
+ version = self._read_le_uint32()
+ if version & self.VERSION_AUXPOW:
+ # We are going to calculate the block size then read it as bytes
+ self.cursor = start
+ self.cursor += static_header_size # Block normal header
+ self.read_tx() # AuxPow transaction
+ self.cursor += 32 # Parent block hash
+ merkle_size = self._read_varint()
+ self.cursor += 32 * merkle_size # Merkle branch
+ self.cursor += 4 # Index
+ merkle_size = self._read_varint()
+ self.cursor += 32 * merkle_size # Chain merkle branch
+ self.cursor += 4 # Chain index
+ self.cursor += 80 # Parent block header
+ header_end = self.cursor
+ else:
+ header_end = static_header_size
+ self.cursor = start
+ return self._read_nbytes(header_end)
+class DeserializerBitcoinAtom(DeserializerSegWit):
+ def read_header(self, height, static_header_size):
+ """Return the block header bytes"""
+ header_len = static_header_size
+ if height >= self.FORK_BLOCK_HEIGHT:
+ header_len += 4 # flags
+ return self._read_nbytes(header_len)
+class DeserializerGroestlcoin(DeserializerSegWit):
+ TX_HASH_FN = staticmethod(sha256)
+class TxInputTokenPay(TxInput):
+ """Class representing a TokenPay transaction input."""
+ # 2byte marker (cpubkey + sigc + sigr)
+ MIN_ANON_IN_SIZE = 2 + (33 + 32 + 32)
+ def _is_anon_input(self):
+ return (len(self.script) >= self.MIN_ANON_IN_SIZE and
+ self.script[0] == OpCodes.OP_RETURN and
+ self.script[1] == self.OP_ANON_MARKER)
+ def is_generation(self):
+ # Transactions comming in from stealth addresses are seen by
+ # the blockchain as newly minted coins. The reverse, where coins
+ # are sent TO a stealth address, are seen by the blockchain as
+ # a coin burn.
+ if self._is_anon_input():
+ return True
+ return super(TxInputTokenPay, self).is_generation()
+class TxInputTokenPayStealth(
+ namedtuple("TxInput", "keyimage ringsize script sequence")):
+ """Class representing a TokenPay stealth transaction input."""
+ def __str__(self):
+ script = self.script.hex()
+ keyimage = bytes(self.keyimage).hex()
+ return ("Input({}, {:d}, script={}, sequence={:d})"
+ .format(keyimage, self.ringsize[1], script, self.sequence))
+ def is_generation(self):
+ return True
+ def serialize(self):
+ return b''.join((
+ self.keyimage,
+ self.ringsize,
+ pack_varbytes(self.script),
+ pack_le_uint32(self.sequence),
+ ))
+class DeserializerTokenPay(DeserializerTxTime):
+ def _read_input(self):
+ txin = TxInputTokenPay(
+ self._read_nbytes(32), # prev_hash
+ self._read_le_uint32(), # prev_idx
+ self._read_varbytes(), # script
+ self._read_le_uint32(), # sequence
+ )
+ if txin._is_anon_input():
+ # Not sure if this is actually needed, and seems
+ # extra work for no immediate benefit, but it at
+ # least correctly represents a stealth input
+ raw = txin.serialize()
+ deserializer = Deserializer(raw)
+ txin = TxInputTokenPayStealth(
+ deserializer._read_nbytes(33), # keyimage
+ deserializer._read_nbytes(3), # ringsize
+ deserializer._read_varbytes(), # script
+ deserializer._read_le_uint32() # sequence
+ )
+ return txin
+# Decred
+class TxInputDcr(namedtuple("TxInput", "prev_hash prev_idx tree sequence")):
+ """Class representing a Decred transaction input."""
+ def __str__(self):
+ prev_hash = hash_to_hex_str(self.prev_hash)
+ return ("Input({}, {:d}, tree={}, sequence={:d})"
+ .format(prev_hash, self.prev_idx, self.tree, self.sequence))
+ def is_generation(self):
+ """Test if an input is generation/coinbase like"""
+ return self.prev_idx == MINUS_1 and self.prev_hash == ZERO
+class TxOutputDcr(namedtuple("TxOutput", "value version pk_script")):
+ """Class representing a Decred transaction output."""
+ pass
+class TxDcr(namedtuple("Tx", "version inputs outputs locktime expiry "
+ "witness")):
+ """Class representing a Decred transaction."""
+class DeserializerDecred(Deserializer):
+ @staticmethod
+ def blake256(data):
+ from blake256.blake256 import blake_hash
+ return blake_hash(data)
+ @staticmethod
+ def blake256d(data):
+ from blake256.blake256 import blake_hash
+ return blake_hash(blake_hash(data))
+ def read_tx(self):
+ return self._read_tx_parts(produce_hash=False)[0]
+ def read_tx_and_hash(self):
+ tx, tx_hash, vsize = self._read_tx_parts()
+ return tx, tx_hash
+ def read_tx_and_vsize(self):
+ tx, tx_hash, vsize = self._read_tx_parts(produce_hash=False)
+ return tx, vsize
+ def read_tx_block(self):
+ """Returns a list of (deserialized_tx, tx_hash) pairs."""
+ read = self.read_tx_and_hash
+ txs = [read() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]
+ stxs = [read() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]
+ return txs + stxs
+ def read_tx_tree(self):
+ """Returns a list of deserialized_tx without tx hashes."""
+ read_tx = self.read_tx
+ return [read_tx() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]
+ def _read_input(self):
+ return TxInputDcr(
+ self._read_nbytes(32), # prev_hash
+ self._read_le_uint32(), # prev_idx
+ self._read_byte(), # tree
+ self._read_le_uint32(), # sequence
+ )
+ def _read_output(self):
+ return TxOutputDcr(
+ self._read_le_int64(), # value
+ self._read_le_uint16(), # version
+ self._read_varbytes(), # pk_script
+ )
+ def _read_witness(self, fields):
+ read_witness_field = self._read_witness_field
+ assert fields == self._read_varint()
+ return [read_witness_field() for _ in range(fields)]
+ def _read_witness_field(self):
+ value_in = self._read_le_int64()
+ block_height = self._read_le_uint32()
+ block_index = self._read_le_uint32()
+ script = self._read_varbytes()
+ return value_in, block_height, block_index, script
+ def _read_tx_parts(self, produce_hash=True):
+ start = self.cursor
+ version = self._read_le_int32()
+ inputs = self._read_inputs()
+ outputs = self._read_outputs()
+ locktime = self._read_le_uint32()
+ expiry = self._read_le_uint32()
+ end_prefix = self.cursor
+ witness = self._read_witness(len(inputs))
+ if produce_hash:
+ # TxSerializeNoWitness << 16 == 0x10000
+ no_witness_header = pack_le_uint32(0x10000 | (version & 0xffff))
+ prefix_tx = no_witness_header + self.binary[start+4:end_prefix]
+ tx_hash = self.blake256(prefix_tx)
+ else:
+ tx_hash = None
+ return TxDcr(
+ version,
+ inputs,
+ outputs,
+ locktime,
+ expiry,
+ witness
+ ), tx_hash, self.cursor - start
diff --git a/torba/torba/server/util.py b/torba/torba/server/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74dfb9566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/server/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Neil Booth
+# All rights reserved.
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# and warranty status of this software.
+"""Miscellaneous utility classes and functions."""
+import array
+import inspect
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+import logging
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import Container, Mapping
+from struct import pack, Struct
+# Logging utilities
+class ConnectionLogger(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+ """Prepends a connection identifier to a logging message."""
+ def process(self, msg, kwargs):
+ conn_id = self.extra.get('conn_id', 'unknown')
+ return f'[{conn_id}] {msg}', kwargs
+class CompactFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+ """Strips the module from the logger name to leave the class only."""
+ def format(self, record):
+ record.name = record.name.rpartition('.')[-1]
+ return super().format(record)
+def make_logger(name, *, handler, level):
+ """Return the root ElectrumX logger."""
+ logger = logging.getLogger(name)
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ logger.propagate = False
+ return logger
+def class_logger(path, classname):
+ """Return a hierarchical logger for a class."""
+ return logging.getLogger(path).getChild(classname)
+# Method decorator. To be used for calculations that will always
+# deliver the same result. The method cannot take any arguments
+# and should be accessed as an attribute.
+class cachedproperty:
+ def __init__(self, f):
+ self.f = f
+ def __get__(self, obj, type):
+ obj = obj or type
+ value = self.f(obj)
+ setattr(obj, self.f.__name__, value)
+ return value
+def formatted_time(t, sep=' '):
+ """Return a number of seconds as a string in days, hours, mins and
+ maybe secs."""
+ t = int(t)
+ fmts = (('{:d}d', 86400), ('{:02d}h', 3600), ('{:02d}m', 60))
+ parts = []
+ for fmt, n in fmts:
+ val = t // n
+ if parts or val:
+ parts.append(fmt.format(val))
+ t %= n
+ if len(parts) < 3:
+ parts.append('{:02d}s'.format(t))
+ return sep.join(parts)
+def deep_getsizeof(obj):
+ """Find the memory footprint of a Python object.
+ Based on code from code.tutsplus.com: http://goo.gl/fZ0DXK
+ This is a recursive function that drills down a Python object graph
+ like a dictionary holding nested dictionaries with lists of lists
+ and tuples and sets.
+ The sys.getsizeof function does a shallow size of only. It counts each
+ object inside a container as pointer only regardless of how big it
+ really is.
+ """
+ ids = set()
+ def size(o):
+ if id(o) in ids:
+ return 0
+ r = sys.getsizeof(o)
+ ids.add(id(o))
+ if isinstance(o, (str, bytes, bytearray, array.array)):
+ return r
+ if isinstance(o, Mapping):
+ return r + sum(size(k) + size(v) for k, v in o.items())
+ if isinstance(o, Container):
+ return r + sum(size(x) for x in o)
+ return r
+ return size(obj)
+def subclasses(base_class, strict=True):
+ """Return a list of subclasses of base_class in its module."""
+ def select(obj):
+ return (inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, base_class) and
+ (not strict or obj != base_class))
+ pairs = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[base_class.__module__], select)
+ return [pair[1] for pair in pairs]
+def chunks(items, size):
+ """Break up items, an iterable, into chunks of length size."""
+ for i in range(0, len(items), size):
+ yield items[i: i + size]
+def resolve_limit(limit):
+ if limit is None:
+ return -1
+ assert isinstance(limit, int) and limit >= 0
+ return limit
+def bytes_to_int(be_bytes):
+ """Interprets a big-endian sequence of bytes as an integer"""
+ return int.from_bytes(be_bytes, 'big')
+def int_to_bytes(value):
+ """Converts an integer to a big-endian sequence of bytes"""
+ return value.to_bytes((value.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')
+def increment_byte_string(bs):
+ """Return the lexicographically next byte string of the same length.
+ Return None if there is none (when the input is all 0xff bytes)."""
+ for n in range(1, len(bs) + 1):
+ if bs[-n] != 0xff:
+ return bs[:-n] + bytes([bs[-n] + 1]) + bytes(n - 1)
+ return None
+class LogicalFile:
+ """A logical binary file split across several separate files on disk."""
+ def __init__(self, prefix, digits, file_size):
+ digit_fmt = '{' + ':0{:d}d'.format(digits) + '}'
+ self.filename_fmt = prefix + digit_fmt
+ self.file_size = file_size
+ def read(self, start, size=-1):
+ """Read up to size bytes from the virtual file, starting at offset
+ start, and return them.
+ If size is -1 all bytes are read."""
+ parts = []
+ while size != 0:
+ try:
+ with self.open_file(start, False) as f:
+ part = f.read(size)
+ if not part:
+ break
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ break
+ parts.append(part)
+ start += len(part)
+ if size > 0:
+ size -= len(part)
+ return b''.join(parts)
+ def write(self, start, b):
+ """Write the bytes-like object, b, to the underlying virtual file."""
+ while b:
+ size = min(len(b), self.file_size - (start % self.file_size))
+ with self.open_file(start, True) as f:
+ f.write(b if size == len(b) else b[:size])
+ b = b[size:]
+ start += size
+ def open_file(self, start, create):
+ """Open the virtual file and seek to start. Return a file handle.
+ Raise FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist and create
+ is False.
+ """
+ file_num, offset = divmod(start, self.file_size)
+ filename = self.filename_fmt.format(file_num)
+ f = open_file(filename, create)
+ f.seek(offset)
+ return f
+def open_file(filename, create=False):
+ """Open the file name. Return its handle."""
+ try:
+ return open(filename, 'rb+')
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ if create:
+ return open(filename, 'wb+')
+ raise
+def open_truncate(filename):
+ """Open the file name. Return its handle."""
+ return open(filename, 'wb+')
+def address_string(address):
+ """Return an address as a correctly formatted string."""
+ fmt = '{}:{:d}'
+ host, port = address
+ try:
+ host = ip_address(host)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if host.version == 6:
+ fmt = '[{}]:{:d}'
+ return fmt.format(host, port)
+# See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2532053/validate-a-hostname-string
+# Note underscores are valid in domain names, but strictly invalid in host
+# names. We ignore that distinction.
+SEGMENT_REGEX = re.compile("(?!-)[A-Z_\\d-]{1,63}(? 255:
+ return False
+ # strip exactly one dot from the right, if present
+ if hostname and hostname[-1] == ".":
+ hostname = hostname[:-1]
+ return all(SEGMENT_REGEX.match(x) for x in hostname.split("."))
+def protocol_tuple(s):
+ """Converts a protocol version number, such as "1.0" to a tuple (1, 0).
+ If the version number is bad, (0, ) indicating version 0 is returned."""
+ try:
+ return tuple(int(part) for part in s.split('.'))
+ except Exception:
+ return (0, )
+def version_string(ptuple):
+ """Convert a version tuple such as (1, 2) to "1.2".
+ There is always at least one dot, so (1, ) becomes "1.0"."""
+ while len(ptuple) < 2:
+ ptuple += (0, )
+ return '.'.join(str(p) for p in ptuple)
+def protocol_version(client_req, min_tuple, max_tuple):
+ """Given a client's protocol version string, return a pair of
+ protocol tuples:
+ (negotiated version, client min request)
+ If the request is unsupported, the negotiated protocol tuple is
+ None.
+ """
+ if client_req is None:
+ client_min = client_max = min_tuple
+ else:
+ if isinstance(client_req, list) and len(client_req) == 2:
+ client_min, client_max = client_req
+ else:
+ client_min = client_max = client_req
+ client_min = protocol_tuple(client_min)
+ client_max = protocol_tuple(client_max)
+ result = min(client_max, max_tuple)
+ if result < max(client_min, min_tuple) or result == (0, ):
+ result = None
+ return result, client_min
+struct_le_i = Struct('H')
+struct_be_I = Struct('>I')
+structB = Struct('B')
+unpack_le_int32_from = struct_le_i.unpack_from
+unpack_le_int64_from = struct_le_q.unpack_from
+unpack_le_uint16_from = struct_le_H.unpack_from
+unpack_le_uint32_from = struct_le_I.unpack_from
+unpack_le_uint64_from = struct_le_Q.unpack_from
+unpack_be_uint16_from = struct_be_H.unpack_from
+unpack_be_uint32_from = struct_be_I.unpack_from
+pack_le_int32 = struct_le_i.pack
+pack_le_int64 = struct_le_q.pack
+pack_le_uint16 = struct_le_H.pack
+pack_le_uint32 = struct_le_I.pack
+pack_le_uint64 = struct_le_Q.pack
+pack_be_uint16 = struct_be_H.pack
+pack_be_uint32 = struct_be_I.pack
+pack_byte = structB.pack
+hex_to_bytes = bytes.fromhex
+def pack_varint(n):
+ if n < 253:
+ return pack_byte(n)
+ if n < 65536:
+ return pack_byte(253) + pack_le_uint16(n)
+ if n < 4294967296:
+ return pack_byte(254) + pack_le_uint32(n)
+ return pack_byte(255) + pack_le_uint64(n)
+def pack_varbytes(data):
+ return pack_varint(len(data)) + data
diff --git a/torba/torba/stream.py b/torba/torba/stream.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40589ade0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/stream.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import asyncio
+class BroadcastSubscription:
+ def __init__(self, controller, on_data, on_error, on_done):
+ self._controller = controller
+ self._previous = self._next = None
+ self._on_data = on_data
+ self._on_error = on_error
+ self._on_done = on_done
+ self.is_paused = False
+ self.is_canceled = False
+ self.is_closed = False
+ def pause(self):
+ self.is_paused = True
+ def resume(self):
+ self.is_paused = False
+ def cancel(self):
+ self._controller._cancel(self)
+ self.is_canceled = True
+ @property
+ def can_fire(self):
+ return not any((self.is_paused, self.is_canceled, self.is_closed))
+ def _add(self, data):
+ if self.can_fire and self._on_data is not None:
+ return self._on_data(data)
+ def _add_error(self, exception):
+ if self.can_fire and self._on_error is not None:
+ return self._on_error(exception)
+ def _close(self):
+ try:
+ if self.can_fire and self._on_done is not None:
+ return self._on_done()
+ finally:
+ self.is_closed = True
+class StreamController:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stream = Stream(self)
+ self._first_subscription = None
+ self._last_subscription = None
+ @property
+ def has_listener(self):
+ return self._first_subscription is not None
+ @property
+ def _iterate_subscriptions(self):
+ next_sub = self._first_subscription
+ while next_sub is not None:
+ subscription = next_sub
+ next_sub = next_sub._next
+ yield subscription
+ def _notify_and_ensure_future(self, notify):
+ tasks = []
+ for subscription in self._iterate_subscriptions:
+ maybe_coroutine = notify(subscription)
+ if asyncio.iscoroutine(maybe_coroutine):
+ tasks.append(maybe_coroutine)
+ if tasks:
+ return asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.wait(tasks))
+ else:
+ f = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()
+ f.set_result(None)
+ return f
+ def add(self, event):
+ return self._notify_and_ensure_future(
+ lambda subscription: subscription._add(event)
+ )
+ def add_error(self, exception):
+ return self._notify_and_ensure_future(
+ lambda subscription: subscription._add_error(exception)
+ )
+ def close(self):
+ for subscription in self._iterate_subscriptions:
+ subscription._close()
+ def _cancel(self, subscription):
+ previous = subscription._previous
+ next_sub = subscription._next
+ if previous is None:
+ self._first_subscription = next_sub
+ else:
+ previous._next = next_sub
+ if next_sub is None:
+ self._last_subscription = previous
+ else:
+ next_sub._previous = previous
+ subscription._next = subscription._previous = subscription
+ def _listen(self, on_data, on_error, on_done):
+ subscription = BroadcastSubscription(self, on_data, on_error, on_done)
+ old_last = self._last_subscription
+ self._last_subscription = subscription
+ subscription._previous = old_last
+ subscription._next = None
+ if old_last is None:
+ self._first_subscription = subscription
+ else:
+ old_last._next = subscription
+ return subscription
+class Stream:
+ def __init__(self, controller):
+ self._controller = controller
+ def listen(self, on_data, on_error=None, on_done=None):
+ return self._controller._listen(on_data, on_error, on_done)
+ def where(self, condition) -> asyncio.Future:
+ future = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()
+ def where_test(value):
+ if condition(value):
+ self._cancel_and_callback(subscription, future, value)
+ subscription = self.listen(
+ where_test,
+ lambda exception: self._cancel_and_error(subscription, future, exception)
+ )
+ return future
+ @property
+ def first(self):
+ future = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()
+ subscription = self.listen(
+ lambda value: self._cancel_and_callback(subscription, future, value),
+ lambda exception: self._cancel_and_error(subscription, future, exception)
+ )
+ return future
+ @staticmethod
+ def _cancel_and_callback(subscription: BroadcastSubscription, future: asyncio.Future, value):
+ subscription.cancel()
+ future.set_result(value)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _cancel_and_error(subscription: BroadcastSubscription, future: asyncio.Future, exception):
+ subscription.cancel()
+ future.set_exception(exception)
diff --git a/torba/torba/tasks.py b/torba/torba/tasks.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4978c2185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/tasks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from asyncio import Event, get_event_loop
+class TaskGroup:
+ def __init__(self, loop=None):
+ self._loop = loop or get_event_loop()
+ self._tasks = set()
+ self.done = Event()
+ def add(self, coro):
+ task = self._loop.create_task(coro)
+ self._tasks.add(task)
+ self.done.clear()
+ task.add_done_callback(self._remove)
+ return task
+ def _remove(self, task):
+ self._tasks.remove(task)
+ len(self._tasks) < 1 and self.done.set()
+ def cancel(self):
+ for task in self._tasks:
+ task.cancel()
diff --git a/torba/torba/testcase.py b/torba/torba/testcase.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42390ee07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/testcase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+import sys
+import logging
+import functools
+import asyncio
+from asyncio.runners import _cancel_all_tasks # type: ignore
+import unittest
+from unittest.case import _Outcome
+from typing import Optional
+from torba.orchstr8 import Conductor
+from torba.orchstr8.node import BlockchainNode, WalletNode
+from torba.client.baseledger import BaseLedger
+from torba.client.baseaccount import BaseAccount
+from torba.client.basemanager import BaseWalletManager
+from torba.client.wallet import Wallet
+from torba.client.util import satoshis_to_coins
+class ColorHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
+ level_color = {
+ logging.DEBUG: "black",
+ logging.INFO: "light_gray",
+ logging.WARNING: "yellow",
+ logging.ERROR: "red"
+ }
+ color_code = dict(
+ black=30,
+ red=31,
+ green=32,
+ yellow=33,
+ blue=34,
+ magenta=35,
+ cyan=36,
+ white=37,
+ light_gray='0;37',
+ dark_gray='1;30'
+ )
+ def emit(self, record):
+ try:
+ msg = self.format(record)
+ color_name = self.level_color.get(record.levelno, "black")
+ color_code = self.color_code[color_name]
+ stream = self.stream
+ stream.write('\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (color_code, msg))
+ stream.write(self.terminator)
+ self.flush()
+ except Exception:
+ self.handleError(record)
+HANDLER = ColorHandler(sys.stdout)
+ logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
+class AsyncioTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ # Implementation inspired by discussion:
+ # https://bugs.python.org/issue32972
+ maxDiff = None
+ async def asyncSetUp(self): # pylint: disable=C0103
+ pass
+ async def asyncTearDown(self): # pylint: disable=C0103
+ pass
+ def run(self, result=None): # pylint: disable=R0915
+ orig_result = result
+ if result is None:
+ result = self.defaultTestResult()
+ startTestRun = getattr(result, 'startTestRun', None) # pylint: disable=C0103
+ if startTestRun is not None:
+ startTestRun()
+ result.startTest(self)
+ testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName) # pylint: disable=C0103
+ if (getattr(self.__class__, "__unittest_skip__", False) or
+ getattr(testMethod, "__unittest_skip__", False)):
+ # If the class or method was skipped.
+ try:
+ skip_why = (getattr(self.__class__, '__unittest_skip_why__', '')
+ or getattr(testMethod, '__unittest_skip_why__', ''))
+ self._addSkip(result, self, skip_why)
+ finally:
+ result.stopTest(self)
+ return
+ expecting_failure_method = getattr(testMethod,
+ "__unittest_expecting_failure__", False)
+ expecting_failure_class = getattr(self,
+ "__unittest_expecting_failure__", False)
+ expecting_failure = expecting_failure_class or expecting_failure_method
+ outcome = _Outcome(result)
+ self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() # pylint: disable=W0201
+ asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop)
+ self.loop.set_debug(True)
+ try:
+ self._outcome = outcome
+ with outcome.testPartExecutor(self):
+ self.setUp()
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(self.asyncSetUp())
+ if outcome.success:
+ outcome.expecting_failure = expecting_failure
+ with outcome.testPartExecutor(self, isTest=True):
+ maybe_coroutine = testMethod()
+ if asyncio.iscoroutine(maybe_coroutine):
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(maybe_coroutine)
+ outcome.expecting_failure = False
+ with outcome.testPartExecutor(self):
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(self.asyncTearDown())
+ self.tearDown()
+ self.doAsyncCleanups()
+ try:
+ _cancel_all_tasks(self.loop)
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(self.loop.shutdown_asyncgens())
+ finally:
+ asyncio.set_event_loop(None)
+ self.loop.close()
+ for test, reason in outcome.skipped:
+ self._addSkip(result, test, reason)
+ self._feedErrorsToResult(result, outcome.errors)
+ if outcome.success:
+ if expecting_failure:
+ if outcome.expectedFailure:
+ self._addExpectedFailure(result, outcome.expectedFailure)
+ else:
+ self._addUnexpectedSuccess(result)
+ else:
+ result.addSuccess(self)
+ return result
+ finally:
+ result.stopTest(self)
+ if orig_result is None:
+ stopTestRun = getattr(result, 'stopTestRun', None) # pylint: disable=C0103
+ if stopTestRun is not None:
+ stopTestRun() # pylint: disable=E1102
+ # explicitly break reference cycles:
+ # outcome.errors -> frame -> outcome -> outcome.errors
+ # outcome.expectedFailure -> frame -> outcome -> outcome.expectedFailure
+ outcome.errors.clear()
+ outcome.expectedFailure = None
+ # clear the outcome, no more needed
+ self._outcome = None
+ def doAsyncCleanups(self): # pylint: disable=C0103
+ outcome = self._outcome or _Outcome()
+ while self._cleanups:
+ function, args, kwargs = self._cleanups.pop()
+ with outcome.testPartExecutor(self):
+ maybe_coroutine = function(*args, **kwargs)
+ if asyncio.iscoroutine(maybe_coroutine):
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(maybe_coroutine)
+class AdvanceTimeTestCase(AsyncioTestCase):
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self._time = 0 # pylint: disable=W0201
+ self.loop.time = functools.wraps(self.loop.time)(lambda: self._time)
+ await super().asyncSetUp()
+ async def advance(self, seconds):
+ while self.loop._ready:
+ await asyncio.sleep(0)
+ self._time += seconds
+ await asyncio.sleep(0)
+ while self.loop._ready:
+ await asyncio.sleep(0)
+class IntegrationTestCase(AsyncioTestCase):
+ LEDGER = None
+ MANAGER = None
+ VERBOSITY = logging.WARN
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.conductor: Optional[Conductor] = None
+ self.blockchain: Optional[BlockchainNode] = None
+ self.wallet_node: Optional[WalletNode] = None
+ self.manager: Optional[BaseWalletManager] = None
+ self.ledger: Optional[BaseLedger] = None
+ self.wallet: Optional[Wallet] = None
+ self.account: Optional[BaseAccount] = None
+ async def asyncSetUp(self):
+ self.conductor = Conductor(
+ ledger_module=self.LEDGER, manager_module=self.MANAGER, verbosity=self.VERBOSITY
+ )
+ await self.conductor.start_blockchain()
+ self.addCleanup(self.conductor.stop_blockchain)
+ await self.conductor.start_spv()
+ self.addCleanup(self.conductor.stop_spv)
+ await self.conductor.start_wallet()
+ self.addCleanup(self.conductor.stop_wallet)
+ self.blockchain = self.conductor.blockchain_node
+ self.wallet_node = self.conductor.wallet_node
+ self.manager = self.wallet_node.manager
+ self.ledger = self.wallet_node.ledger
+ self.wallet = self.wallet_node.wallet
+ self.account = self.wallet_node.wallet.default_account
+ async def assertBalance(self, account, expected_balance: str): # pylint: disable=C0103
+ balance = await account.get_balance()
+ self.assertEqual(satoshis_to_coins(balance), expected_balance)
+ def broadcast(self, tx):
+ return self.ledger.broadcast(tx)
+ async def on_header(self, height):
+ if self.ledger.headers.height < height:
+ await self.ledger.on_header.where(
+ lambda e: e.height == height
+ )
+ return True
+ def on_transaction_id(self, txid, ledger=None):
+ return (ledger or self.ledger).on_transaction.where(
+ lambda e: e.tx.id == txid
+ )
+ def on_transaction_address(self, tx, address):
+ return self.ledger.on_transaction.where(
+ lambda e: e.tx.id == tx.id and e.address == address
+ )
diff --git a/torba/torba/ui/__init__.py b/torba/torba/ui/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/torba/torba/workbench/Makefile b/torba/torba/workbench/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..524c22557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/workbench/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+all: _blockchain_dock.py _output_dock.py
+_blockchain_dock.py: blockchain_dock.ui
+ pyside2-uic -d blockchain_dock.ui -o _blockchain_dock.py
+_output_dock.py: output_dock.ui
+ pyside2-uic -d output_dock.ui -o _output_dock.py
diff --git a/torba/torba/workbench/__init__.py b/torba/torba/workbench/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3449276fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/workbench/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .application import main
diff --git a/torba/torba/workbench/_blockchain_dock.py b/torba/torba/workbench/_blockchain_dock.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a7cc11d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/workbench/_blockchain_dock.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'blockchain_dock.ui',
+# licensing of 'blockchain_dock.ui' applies.
+# Created: Sun Jan 13 02:56:21 2019
+# by: pyside2-uic running on PySide2 5.12.0
+# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
+from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
+class Ui_BlockchainDock(object):
+ def setupUi(self, BlockchainDock):
+ BlockchainDock.setObjectName("BlockchainDock")
+ BlockchainDock.resize(416, 167)
+ BlockchainDock.setFloating(False)
+ BlockchainDock.setFeatures(QtWidgets.QDockWidget.AllDockWidgetFeatures)
+ self.dockWidgetContents = QtWidgets.QWidget()
+ self.dockWidgetContents.setObjectName("dockWidgetContents")
+ self.formLayout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.formLayout.setObjectName("formLayout")
+ self.generate = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.generate.setObjectName("generate")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.generate)
+ self.blocks = QtWidgets.QSpinBox(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.blocks.setMinimum(1)
+ self.blocks.setMaximum(9999)
+ self.blocks.setProperty("value", 1)
+ self.blocks.setObjectName("blocks")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.blocks)
+ self.transfer = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.transfer.setObjectName("transfer")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.transfer)
+ self.horizontalLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
+ self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName("horizontalLayout")
+ self.amount = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.amount.setSuffix("")
+ self.amount.setMaximum(9999.99)
+ self.amount.setProperty("value", 10.0)
+ self.amount.setObjectName("amount")
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.amount)
+ self.to_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.to_label.setObjectName("to_label")
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.to_label)
+ self.address = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.address.setObjectName("address")
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.address)
+ self.formLayout.setLayout(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.horizontalLayout)
+ self.invalidate = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.invalidate.setObjectName("invalidate")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(2, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.invalidate)
+ self.block_hash = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.block_hash.setObjectName("block_hash")
+ self.formLayout.setWidget(2, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.block_hash)
+ BlockchainDock.setWidget(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.retranslateUi(BlockchainDock)
+ QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(BlockchainDock)
+ def retranslateUi(self, BlockchainDock):
+ BlockchainDock.setWindowTitle(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("BlockchainDock", "Blockchain", None, -1))
+ self.generate.setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("BlockchainDock", "generate", None, -1))
+ self.blocks.setSuffix(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("BlockchainDock", " block(s)", None, -1))
+ self.transfer.setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("BlockchainDock", "transfer", None, -1))
+ self.to_label.setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("BlockchainDock", "to", None, -1))
+ self.address.setPlaceholderText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("BlockchainDock", "recipient address", None, -1))
+ self.invalidate.setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("BlockchainDock", "invalidate", None, -1))
+ self.block_hash.setPlaceholderText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("BlockchainDock", "block hash", None, -1))
diff --git a/torba/torba/workbench/_output_dock.py b/torba/torba/workbench/_output_dock.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..980343735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/workbench/_output_dock.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'output_dock.ui',
+# licensing of 'output_dock.ui' applies.
+# Created: Sat Oct 27 16:41:03 2018
+# by: pyside2-uic running on PySide2 5.11.2
+# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
+from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
+class Ui_OutputDock(object):
+ def setupUi(self, OutputDock):
+ OutputDock.setObjectName("OutputDock")
+ OutputDock.resize(700, 397)
+ OutputDock.setFloating(False)
+ OutputDock.setFeatures(QtWidgets.QDockWidget.AllDockWidgetFeatures)
+ self.dockWidgetContents = QtWidgets.QWidget()
+ self.dockWidgetContents.setObjectName("dockWidgetContents")
+ self.horizontalLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName("horizontalLayout")
+ self.textEdit = QtWidgets.QTextEdit(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.textEdit.setReadOnly(True)
+ self.textEdit.setObjectName("textEdit")
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.textEdit)
+ OutputDock.setWidget(self.dockWidgetContents)
+ self.retranslateUi(OutputDock)
+ QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(OutputDock)
+ def retranslateUi(self, OutputDock):
+ OutputDock.setWindowTitle(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("OutputDock", "Output", None, -1))
diff --git a/torba/torba/workbench/application.py b/torba/torba/workbench/application.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56b282844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/workbench/application.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+import sys
+import json
+import math
+from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, QtNetwork, QtWebSockets, QtSvg
+from torba.workbench._output_dock import Ui_OutputDock as OutputDock
+from torba.workbench._blockchain_dock import Ui_BlockchainDock as BlockchainDock
+def dict_to_post_data(d):
+ query = QtCore.QUrlQuery()
+ for key, value in d.items():
+ query.addQueryItem(str(key), str(value))
+ return QtCore.QByteArray(query.toString().encode())
+class LoggingOutput(QtWidgets.QDockWidget, OutputDock):
+ def __init__(self, title, parent):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.setupUi(self)
+ self.setWindowTitle(title)
+class BlockchainControls(QtWidgets.QDockWidget, BlockchainDock):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.setupUi(self)
+ self.generate.clicked.connect(self.on_generate)
+ self.transfer.clicked.connect(self.on_transfer)
+ def on_generate(self):
+ print('generating')
+ self.parent().run_command('generate', blocks=self.blocks.value())
+ def on_transfer(self):
+ print('transfering')
+ self.parent().run_command('transfer', amount=self.amount.value())
+class Arrow(QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem):
+ def __init__(self, start_node, end_node, parent=None, scene=None):
+ super().__init__(parent, scene)
+ self.start_node = start_node
+ self.start_node.connect_arrow(self)
+ self.end_node = end_node
+ self.end_node.connect_arrow(self)
+ self.arrow_head = QtGui.QPolygonF()
+ self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
+ self.setZValue(-1000.0)
+ self.arrow_color = QtCore.Qt.black
+ self.setPen(QtGui.QPen(
+ self.arrow_color, 2, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine, QtCore.Qt.RoundCap, QtCore.Qt.RoundJoin
+ ))
+ def boundingRect(self):
+ extra = (self.pen().width() + 20) / 2.0
+ p1 = self.line().p1()
+ p2 = self.line().p2()
+ size = QtCore.QSizeF(p2.x() - p1.x(), p2.y() - p1.y())
+ return QtCore.QRectF(p1, size).normalized().adjusted(-extra, -extra, extra, extra)
+ def shape(self):
+ path = super().shape()
+ path.addPolygon(self.arrow_head)
+ return path
+ def update_position(self):
+ line = QtCore.QLineF(
+ self.mapFromItem(self.start_node, 0, 0),
+ self.mapFromItem(self.end_node, 0, 0)
+ )
+ self.setLine(line)
+ def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
+ if self.start_node.collidesWithItem(self.end_node):
+ return
+ start_node = self.start_node
+ end_node = self.end_node
+ color = self.arrow_color
+ pen = self.pen()
+ pen.setColor(self.arrow_color)
+ arrow_size = 20.0
+ painter.setPen(pen)
+ painter.setBrush(self.arrow_color)
+ end_rectangle = end_node.sceneBoundingRect()
+ start_center = start_node.sceneBoundingRect().center()
+ end_center = end_rectangle.center()
+ center_line = QtCore.QLineF(start_center, end_center)
+ end_polygon = QtGui.QPolygonF(end_rectangle)
+ p1 = end_polygon.at(0)
+ intersect_point = QtCore.QPointF()
+ for p2 in end_polygon:
+ poly_line = QtCore.QLineF(p1, p2)
+ intersect_type, intersect_point = poly_line.intersect(center_line)
+ if intersect_type == QtCore.QLineF.BoundedIntersection:
+ break
+ p1 = p2
+ self.setLine(QtCore.QLineF(intersect_point, start_center))
+ line = self.line()
+ angle = math.acos(line.dx() / line.length())
+ if line.dy() >= 0:
+ angle = (math.pi * 2.0) - angle
+ arrow_p1 = line.p1() + QtCore.QPointF(
+ math.sin(angle + math.pi / 3.0) * arrow_size,
+ math.cos(angle + math.pi / 3.0) * arrow_size
+ )
+ arrow_p2 = line.p1() + QtCore.QPointF(
+ math.sin(angle + math.pi - math.pi / 3.0) * arrow_size,
+ math.cos(angle + math.pi - math.pi / 3.0) * arrow_size
+ )
+ self.arrow_head.clear()
+ for point in [line.p1(), arrow_p1, arrow_p2]:
+ self.arrow_head.append(point)
+ painter.drawLine(line)
+ painter.drawPolygon(self.arrow_head)
+ if self.isSelected():
+ painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.DashLine))
+ line = QtCore.QLineF(line)
+ line.translate(0, 4.0)
+ painter.drawLine(line)
+ line.translate(0, -8.0)
+ painter.drawLine(line)
+ONLINE_COLOR = "limegreen"
+OFFLINE_COLOR = "lightsteelblue"
+class NodeItem(QtSvg.QGraphicsSvgItem):
+ def __init__(self, context_menu):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._port = ''
+ self._color = OFFLINE_COLOR
+ self.context_menu = context_menu
+ self.arrows = set()
+ self.renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer()
+ self.update_svg()
+ self.setSharedRenderer(self.renderer)
+ #self.setScale(2.0)
+ #self.setTransformOriginPoint(24, 24)
+ self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True)
+ self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
+ def get_svg(self):
+ return self.SVG.format(
+ port=self.port,
+ color=self._color
+ )
+ def update_svg(self):
+ self.renderer.load(QtCore.QByteArray(self.get_svg().encode()))
+ self.update()
+ @property
+ def port(self):
+ return self._port
+ @port.setter
+ def port(self, port):
+ self._port = port
+ self.update_svg()
+ @property
+ def online(self):
+ return self._color == ONLINE_COLOR
+ @online.setter
+ def online(self, online):
+ if online:
+ self._color = ONLINE_COLOR
+ else:
+ self._color = OFFLINE_COLOR
+ self.update_svg()
+ def connect_arrow(self, arrow):
+ self.arrows.add(arrow)
+ def disconnect_arrow(self, arrow):
+ self.arrows.discard(arrow)
+ def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
+ self.scene().clearSelection()
+ self.setSelected(True)
+ self.myContextMenu.exec_(event.screenPos())
+ def itemChange(self, change, value):
+ if change == QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange:
+ for arrow in self.arrows:
+ arrow.update_position()
+ return value
+class BlockchainNode(NodeItem):
+ SVG = """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ self._block_height = ''
+ super().__init__(*args)
+ @property
+ def block_height(self):
+ return self._block_height
+ @block_height.setter
+ def block_height(self, block_height):
+ self._block_height = block_height
+ self.update_svg()
+ def get_svg(self):
+ return self.SVG.format(
+ port=self.port,
+ block=self.block_height,
+ color=self._color
+ )
+class SPVNode(NodeItem):
+ SVG = """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ super().__init__(*args)
+class WalletNode(NodeItem):
+ SVG = """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ self._coins = '--'
+ super().__init__(*args)
+ @property
+ def coins(self):
+ return self._coins
+ @coins.setter
+ def coins(self, coins):
+ self._coins = coins
+ self.update_svg()
+ def get_svg(self):
+ return self.SVG.format(
+ coins=self.coins,
+ color=self._color
+ )
+class Stage(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.blockchain = b = BlockchainNode(None)
+ b.port = ''
+ b.block_height = ''
+ b.setZValue(0)
+ b.setPos(-25, -100)
+ self.addItem(b)
+ self.spv = s = SPVNode(None)
+ s.port = ''
+ s.setZValue(0)
+ self.addItem(s)
+ s.setPos(-10, -10)
+ self.wallet = w = WalletNode(None)
+ w.coins = ''
+ w.setZValue(0)
+ w.update_svg()
+ self.addItem(w)
+ w.setPos(0, 100)
+ self.addItem(Arrow(b, s))
+ self.addItem(Arrow(s, w))
+class Orchstr8Workbench(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.stage = Stage(self)
+ self.view = QtWidgets.QGraphicsView(self.stage)
+ self.status_bar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar(self)
+ self.setWindowTitle('Orchstr8 Workbench')
+ self.setCentralWidget(self.view)
+ self.setStatusBar(self.status_bar)
+ self.block_height = self.make_status_label('Height: -- ')
+ self.user_balance = self.make_status_label('User Balance: -- ')
+ self.mining_balance = self.make_status_label('Mining Balance: -- ')
+ self.wallet_log = LoggingOutput('Wallet', self)
+ self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.wallet_log)
+ self.spv_log = LoggingOutput('SPV Server', self)
+ self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.spv_log)
+ self.blockchain_log = LoggingOutput('Blockchain', self)
+ self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.blockchain_log)
+ self.blockchain_controls = BlockchainControls(self)
+ self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.blockchain_controls)
+ self.network = QtNetwork.QNetworkAccessManager(self)
+ self.socket = QtWebSockets.QWebSocket()
+ self.socket.connected.connect(lambda: self.run_command('start'))
+ self.socket.error.connect(lambda e: print(f'errored: {e}'))
+ self.socket.textMessageReceived.connect(self.on_message)
+ self.socket.open('ws://localhost:7954/log')
+ def make_status_label(self, text):
+ label = QtWidgets.QLabel(text)
+ label.setFrameStyle(QtWidgets.QLabel.Panel | QtWidgets.QLabel.Sunken)
+ self.status_bar.addPermanentWidget(label)
+ return label
+ def on_message(self, text):
+ msg = json.loads(text)
+ if msg['type'] == 'status':
+ self.stage.wallet.coins = msg['balance']
+ self.stage.blockchain.block_height = msg['height']
+ self.block_height.setText(f"Height: {msg['height']} ")
+ self.user_balance.setText(f"User Balance: {msg['balance']} ")
+ self.mining_balance.setText(f"Mining Balance: {msg['miner']} ")
+ elif msg['type'] == 'service':
+ node = {
+ 'blockchain': self.stage.blockchain,
+ 'spv': self.stage.spv,
+ 'wallet': self.stage.wallet
+ }[msg['name']]
+ node.online = True
+ node.port = f":{msg['port']}"
+ elif msg['type'] == 'log':
+ log = {
+ 'blockchain': self.blockchain_log,
+ 'electrumx': self.spv_log,
+ 'lbryumx': self.spv_log,
+ 'Controller': self.spv_log,
+ 'LBRYBlockProcessor': self.spv_log,
+ 'LBCDaemon': self.spv_log,
+ }.get(msg['name'].split('.')[-1], self.wallet_log)
+ log.textEdit.append(msg['message'])
+ def run_command(self, command, **kwargs):
+ request = QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest(QtCore.QUrl('http://localhost:7954/'+command))
+ request.setHeader(QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+ reply = self.network.post(request, dict_to_post_data(kwargs))
+ # reply.finished.connect(cb)
+ reply.error.connect(self.on_command_error)
+ @staticmethod
+ def on_command_error(error):
+ print('failed executing command:')
+ print(error)
+def main():
+ app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
+ workbench = Orchstr8Workbench()
+ workbench.setGeometry(100, 100, 1200, 600)
+ workbench.show()
+ return app.exec_()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/torba/torba/workbench/blockchain_dock.ui b/torba/torba/workbench/blockchain_dock.ui
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2946b839d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/workbench/blockchain_dock.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ BlockchainDock
+ 0
+ 0
+ 416
+ 167
+ false
+ QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures
+ Blockchain
+ -
+ generate
+ -
+ block(s)
+ 1
+ 9999
+ 1
+ -
+ transfer
+ -
+ 9999.989999999999782
+ 10.000000000000000
+ -
+ to
+ -
+ recipient address
+ -
+ invalidate
+ -
+ block hash
diff --git a/torba/torba/workbench/output_dock.ui b/torba/torba/workbench/output_dock.ui
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e1136659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/torba/workbench/output_dock.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ OutputDock
+ 0
+ 0
+ 700
+ 397
+ false
+ QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures
+ Output
+ -
+ true
diff --git a/torba/tox.ini b/torba/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e2c2e424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torba/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#envlist = unit,integration-{torba.coin.bitcoincash,torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit}
+envlist = py37-unit,py37-integration-torba.coin.bitcoinsegwit
+ unit: unit
+ integration: integration
+deps = coverage
+changedir = {toxinidir}/tests
+setenv =
+ integration: TORBA_LEDGER={envname}
+commands =
+ unit: coverage run -p --source={envsitepackagesdir}/torba -m unittest discover -t . client_tests.unit
+ integration: orchstr8 download
+ integration: coverage run -p --source={envsitepackagesdir}/torba -m unittest discover -t . client_tests.integration