import os import asyncio import time import typing import logging from typing import Optional from aiohttp.web import Request, StreamResponse, HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable from lbry.error import DownloadMetadataTimeoutError from lbry.schema.mime_types import guess_media_type from import StreamDownloader from import StreamDescriptor, sanitize_file_name from import StreamReflectorClient from import StoredContentClaim from lbry.blob import MAX_BLOB_SIZE from lbry.file.source import ManagedDownloadSource if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from lbry.conf import Config from lbry.blob.blob_manager import BlobManager from lbry.blob.blob_info import BlobInfo from import AnalyticsManager from lbry.wallet.transaction import Transaction log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_next_available_file_name(download_directory: str, file_name: str) -> str: base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name)) i = 0 while os.path.isfile(os.path.join(download_directory, file_name)): i += 1 file_name = "%s_%i%s" % (base_name, i, ext) return file_name async def get_next_available_file_name(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, download_directory: str, file_name: str) -> str: return await loop.run_in_executor(None, _get_next_available_file_name, download_directory, file_name) class ManagedStream(ManagedDownloadSource): def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, config: 'Config', blob_manager: 'BlobManager', sd_hash: str, download_directory: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[str] = ManagedDownloadSource.STATUS_STOPPED, claim: Optional[StoredContentClaim] = None, download_id: Optional[str] = None, rowid: Optional[int] = None, descriptor: Optional[StreamDescriptor] = None, content_fee: Optional['Transaction'] = None, analytics_manager: Optional['AnalyticsManager'] = None, added_on: Optional[int] = None): super().__init__(loop, config,, sd_hash, file_name, download_directory, status, claim, download_id, rowid, content_fee, analytics_manager, added_on) self.blob_manager = blob_manager self.purchase_receipt = None self.downloader = StreamDownloader(self.loop, self.config, self.blob_manager, sd_hash, descriptor) self.analytics_manager = analytics_manager self.reflector_progress = 0 self.uploading_to_reflector = False self.file_output_task: typing.Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.delayed_stop_task: typing.Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.streaming_responses: typing.List[typing.Tuple[Request, StreamResponse]] = [] self.fully_reflected = asyncio.Event() self.streaming = asyncio.Event() self._running = asyncio.Event() @property def sd_hash(self) -> str: return self.identifier @property def is_fully_reflected(self) -> bool: return self.fully_reflected.is_set() @property def descriptor(self) -> StreamDescriptor: return self.downloader.descriptor @property def stream_hash(self) -> str: return self.descriptor.stream_hash @property def file_name(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._file_name or self.suggested_file_name @property def suggested_file_name(self) -> Optional[str]: first_option = ((self.descriptor and self.descriptor.suggested_file_name) or '').strip() return sanitize_file_name(first_option or (self.stream_claim_info and self.stream_claim_info.claim and @property def stream_name(self) -> Optional[str]: first_option = ((self.descriptor and self.descriptor.stream_name) or '').strip() return first_option or (self.stream_claim_info and self.stream_claim_info.claim and @property def written_bytes(self) -> int: return 0 if not self.output_file_exists else os.stat(self.full_path).st_size @property def completed(self): return self.written_bytes >= self.descriptor.lower_bound_decrypted_length() async def update_status(self, status: str): assert status in [self.STATUS_RUNNING, self.STATUS_STOPPED, self.STATUS_FINISHED] self._status = status await, status) @property def blobs_completed(self) -> int: return sum([1 if b.blob_hash in self.blob_manager.completed_blob_hashes else 0 for b in self.descriptor.blobs[:-1]]) @property def blobs_in_stream(self) -> int: return len(self.descriptor.blobs) - 1 @property def blobs_remaining(self) -> int: return self.blobs_in_stream - self.blobs_completed @property def mime_type(self): return guess_media_type(os.path.basename(self.suggested_file_name))[0] @property def download_path(self): return f"{self.download_directory}/{self._file_name}" if self.download_directory and self._file_name else None # @classmethod # async def create(cls, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, config: 'Config', # file_path: str, key: Optional[bytes] = None, # iv_generator: Optional[typing.Generator[bytes, None, None]] = None) -> 'ManagedDownloadSource': # """ # Generate a stream from a file and save it to the db # """ # descriptor = await StreamDescriptor.create_stream( # loop, blob_manager.blob_dir, file_path, key=key, iv_generator=iv_generator, # blob_completed_callback=blob_manager.blob_completed # ) # await # blob_manager.get_blob(descriptor.sd_hash), descriptor # ) # row_id = await, os.path.basename(file_path), # os.path.dirname(file_path), 0) # return cls(loop, config, blob_manager, descriptor.sd_hash, os.path.dirname(file_path), # os.path.basename(file_path), status=cls.STATUS_FINISHED, rowid=row_id, descriptor=descriptor) async def start(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None, save_now: bool = False): timeout = timeout or self.config.download_timeout if self._running.is_set(): return"start downloader for stream (sd hash: %s)", self.sd_hash) self._running.set() try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.downloader.start(), timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: self._running.clear() raise DownloadMetadataTimeoutError(self.identifier) if self.delayed_stop_task and not self.delayed_stop_task.done(): self.delayed_stop_task.cancel() self.delayed_stop_task = self.loop.create_task(self._delayed_stop()) if not await if save_now: if not self._file_name: self._file_name = await get_next_available_file_name( self.loop, self.download_directory, self._file_name or sanitize_file_name(self.suggested_file_name) ) file_name, download_dir = self._file_name, self.download_directory else: file_name, download_dir = None, None self._added_on = int(time.time()) self.rowid = await self.stream_hash, file_name, download_dir, 0.0, added_on=self._added_on ) if self.status != self.STATUS_RUNNING: await self.update_status(self.STATUS_RUNNING) async def stop(self, finished: bool = False): """ Stop any running save/stream tasks as well as the downloader and update the status in the database """ self.stop_tasks() if (finished and self.status != self.STATUS_FINISHED) or self.status == self.STATUS_RUNNING: await self.update_status(self.STATUS_FINISHED if finished else self.STATUS_STOPPED) async def _aiter_read_stream(self, start_blob_num: Optional[int] = 0, connection_id: int = 0)\ -> typing.AsyncIterator[typing.Tuple['BlobInfo', bytes]]: if start_blob_num >= len(self.descriptor.blobs[:-1]): raise IndexError(start_blob_num) for i, blob_info in enumerate(self.descriptor.blobs[start_blob_num:-1]): assert i + start_blob_num == blob_info.blob_num if connection_id == self.STREAMING_ID: decrypted = await self.downloader.cached_read_blob(blob_info) else: decrypted = await self.downloader.read_blob(blob_info, connection_id) yield (blob_info, decrypted) async def stream_file(self, request: Request) -> StreamResponse:"stream file to browser for lbry://%s#%s (sd hash %s...)", self.claim_name, self.claim_id, self.sd_hash[:6]) headers, size, skip_blobs, first_blob_start_offset = self._prepare_range_response_headers( request.headers.get('range', 'bytes=0-') ) await self.start() response = StreamResponse( status=206, headers=headers ) await response.prepare(request) self.streaming_responses.append((request, response)) self.streaming.set() wrote = 0 try: async for blob_info, decrypted in self._aiter_read_stream(skip_blobs, connection_id=self.STREAMING_ID): if not wrote: decrypted = decrypted[first_blob_start_offset:] if (blob_info.blob_num == len(self.descriptor.blobs) - 2) or (len(decrypted) + wrote >= size): decrypted += (b'\x00' * (size - len(decrypted) - wrote - (skip_blobs * (MAX_BLOB_SIZE - 1)))) log.debug("sending browser final blob (%i/%i)", blob_info.blob_num + 1, len(self.descriptor.blobs) - 1) await response.write_eof(decrypted) else: log.debug("sending browser blob (%i/%i)", blob_info.blob_num + 1, len(self.descriptor.blobs) - 1) await response.write(decrypted) wrote += len(decrypted)"sent browser %sblob %i/%i", "(final) " if response._eof_sent else "", blob_info.blob_num + 1, len(self.descriptor.blobs) - 1) if response._eof_sent: break return response except ConnectionResetError: log.warning("connection was reset after sending browser %i blob bytes", wrote) raise asyncio.CancelledError("range request transport was reset") finally: response.force_close() if (request, response) in self.streaming_responses: self.streaming_responses.remove((request, response)) if not self.streaming_responses: self.streaming.clear() @staticmethod def _write_decrypted_blob(output_path: str, data: bytes): with open(output_path, 'ab') as handle: handle.write(data) handle.flush() async def _save_file(self, output_path: str):"save file for lbry://%s#%s (sd hash %s...) -> %s", self.claim_name, self.claim_id, self.sd_hash[:6], output_path) self.saving.set() self.finished_write_attempt.clear() self.finished_writing.clear() self.started_writing.clear() try: open(output_path, 'wb').close() # pylint: disable=consider-using-with async for blob_info, decrypted in self._aiter_read_stream(connection_id=self.SAVING_ID):"write blob %i/%i", blob_info.blob_num + 1, len(self.descriptor.blobs) - 1) await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self._write_decrypted_blob, output_path, decrypted) if not self.started_writing.is_set(): self.started_writing.set() await self.update_status(ManagedStream.STATUS_FINISHED) if self.analytics_manager: self.loop.create_task(self.analytics_manager.send_download_finished( self.download_id, self.claim_name, self.sd_hash )) self.finished_writing.set()"finished saving file for lbry://%s#%s (sd hash %s...) -> %s", self.claim_name, self.claim_id, self.sd_hash[:6], self.full_path) await except Exception as err: if os.path.isfile(output_path): log.warning("removing incomplete download %s for %s", output_path, self.sd_hash) os.remove(output_path) if isinstance(err, asyncio.TimeoutError): self.downloader.stop() await self.stream_hash, None, None ) self._file_name, self.download_directory = None, None await await self.update_status(self.STATUS_STOPPED) return elif not isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): log.exception("unexpected error encountered writing file for stream %s", self.sd_hash) raise err finally: self.saving.clear() self.finished_write_attempt.set() async def save_file(self, file_name: Optional[str] = None, download_directory: Optional[str] = None): await self.start() if self.file_output_task and not self.file_output_task.done(): # cancel an already running save task self.file_output_task.cancel() self.download_directory = download_directory or self.download_directory or self.config.download_dir if not self.download_directory: raise ValueError("no directory to download to") if not (file_name or self._file_name or self.suggested_file_name): raise ValueError("no file name to download to") if not os.path.isdir(self.download_directory): log.warning("download directory '%s' does not exist, attempting to make it", self.download_directory) os.mkdir(self.download_directory) self._file_name = await get_next_available_file_name( self.loop, self.download_directory, file_name or self._file_name or sanitize_file_name(self.suggested_file_name) ) await self.stream_hash, self.download_directory, self.file_name ) await self.update_status(ManagedStream.STATUS_RUNNING) self.file_output_task = self.loop.create_task(self._save_file(self.full_path)) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.started_writing.wait(), self.config.download_timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: log.warning("timeout starting to write data for lbry://%s#%s", self.claim_name, self.claim_id) self.stop_tasks() await self.update_status(ManagedStream.STATUS_STOPPED) def stop_tasks(self): if self.file_output_task and not self.file_output_task.done(): self.file_output_task.cancel() self.file_output_task = None while self.streaming_responses: req, response = self.streaming_responses.pop() response.force_close() req.transport.close() self.downloader.stop() self._running.clear() async def upload_to_reflector(self, host: str, port: int) -> typing.List[str]: sent = [] protocol = StreamReflectorClient(self.blob_manager, self.descriptor) try: self.uploading_to_reflector = True await self.loop.create_connection(lambda: protocol, host, port) await protocol.send_handshake() sent_sd, needed = await protocol.send_descriptor() if sent_sd: # reflector needed the sd blob sent.append(self.sd_hash) if not sent_sd and not needed: # reflector already has the stream if not self.fully_reflected.is_set(): self.fully_reflected.set() await, f"{host}:{port}") return [] we_have = [ blob_hash for blob_hash in needed if blob_hash in self.blob_manager.completed_blob_hashes ]"we have %i/%i needed blobs needed by reflector for lbry://%s#%s", len(we_have), len(needed), self.claim_name, self.claim_id) for i, blob_hash in enumerate(we_have): await protocol.send_blob(blob_hash) sent.append(blob_hash) self.reflector_progress = int((i + 1) / len(we_have) * 100) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, ValueError): return sent except ConnectionError: return sent except (OSError, Exception) as err: if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): log.warning("stopped uploading %s#%s to reflector", self.claim_name, self.claim_id) elif isinstance(err, OSError): log.warning( "stopped uploading %s#%s to reflector because blobs were deleted or moved", self.claim_name, self.claim_id ) else: log.exception("unexpected error reflecting %s#%s", self.claim_name, self.claim_id) return sent finally: if protocol.transport: protocol.transport.close() self.uploading_to_reflector = False return sent async def update_content_claim(self, claim_info: Optional[typing.Dict] = None): if not claim_info: claim_info = await self.set_claim(claim_info, claim_info['value']) async def _delayed_stop(self): stalled_count = 0 while self._running.is_set(): if self.saving.is_set() or self.streaming.is_set(): stalled_count = 0 else: stalled_count += 1 if stalled_count > 1:"stopping inactive download for lbry://%s#%s (%s...)", self.claim_name, self.claim_id, self.sd_hash[:6]) await self.stop() return await asyncio.sleep(1) def _prepare_range_response_headers(self, get_range: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Dict[str, str], int, int, int]: if '=' in get_range: get_range = get_range.split('=')[1] start, end = get_range.split('-') size = 0 for blob in self.descriptor.blobs[:-1]: size += blob.length - 1 if self.stream_claim_info and size_from_claim = int( if not size_from_claim <= size <= size_from_claim + 16: raise ValueError("claim contains implausible stream size") log.debug("using stream size from claim") size = size_from_claim elif self.stream_claim_info: log.debug("estimating stream size") start = int(start) if not 0 <= start < size: raise HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable() end = int(end) if end else size - 1 if end >= size: raise HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable() skip_blobs = start // (MAX_BLOB_SIZE - 2) # -2 because ... dont remember skip = skip_blobs * (MAX_BLOB_SIZE - 1) # -1 because skip_first_blob = start - skip start = skip_first_blob + skip final_size = end - start + 1 headers = { 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Range': f'bytes {start}-{end}/{size}', 'Content-Length': str(final_size), 'Content-Type': self.mime_type } return headers, size, skip_blobs, skip_first_blob