import os import re import sys import typing import logging import yaml from argparse import ArgumentParser from contextlib import contextmanager from appdirs import user_data_dir, user_config_dir from lbrynet.error import InvalidCurrencyError from lbrynet.dht import constants log = logging.getLogger(__name__) NOT_SET = type(str('NOT_SET'), (object,), {}) T = typing.TypeVar('T') KB = 2 ** 10 MB = 2 ** 20 ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT = '' ANALYTICS_TOKEN = 'Ax5LZzR1o3q3Z3WjATASDwR5rKyHH0qOIRIbLmMXn2H=' API_ADDRESS = 'lbryapi' APP_NAME = 'LBRY' BLOBFILES_DIR = 'blobfiles' CRYPTSD_FILE_EXTENSION = '.cryptsd' CURRENCIES = { 'BTC': {'type': 'crypto'}, 'LBC': {'type': 'crypto'}, 'USD': {'type': 'fiat'}, } ICON_PATH = 'icons' if 'win' in sys.platform else 'app.icns' LOG_FILE_NAME = 'lbrynet.log' LOG_POST_URL = '' MAX_BLOB_REQUEST_SIZE = 64 * KB MAX_HANDSHAKE_SIZE = 64 * KB MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 64 * KB MAX_RESPONSE_INFO_SIZE = 64 * KB MAX_BLOB_INFOS_TO_REQUEST = 20 PROTOCOL_PREFIX = 'lbry' SLACK_WEBHOOK = ( 'nUE0pUZ6Yl9bo29epl5moTSwnl5wo20ip2IlqzywMKZiIQSFZR5' 'AHx4mY0VmF0WQZ1ESEP9kMHZlp1WzJwWOoKN3ImR1M2yUAaMyqGZ=' ) HEADERS_FILE_SHA256_CHECKSUM = ( 366295, 'b0c8197153a33ccbc52fb81a279588b6015b68b7726f73f6a2b81f7e25bfe4b9' ) class Setting(typing.Generic[T]): def __init__(self, doc: str, default: typing.Optional[T] = None, previous_names: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, metavar: typing.Optional[str] = None): self.doc = doc self.default = default self.previous_names = previous_names or [] self.metavar = metavar def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name def __get__(self, obj: typing.Optional['BaseConfig'], owner) -> T: if obj is None: return self for location in obj.search_order: if in location: return location[] return self.default def __set__(self, obj: 'BaseConfig', val: typing.Union[T, NOT_SET]): if val == NOT_SET: for location in obj.modify_order: if in location: del location[] else: self.validate(val) for location in obj.modify_order: location[] = val def validate(self, val): raise NotImplementedError() def deserialize(self, value): return value def serialize(self, value): return value class String(Setting[str]): def validate(self, val): assert isinstance(val, str), \ f"Setting '{}' must be a string." class Integer(Setting[int]): def validate(self, val): assert isinstance(val, int), \ f"Setting '{}' must be an integer." class Float(Setting[float]): def validate(self, val): assert isinstance(val, float), \ f"Setting '{}' must be a decimal." class Toggle(Setting[bool]): def validate(self, val): assert isinstance(val, bool), \ f"Setting '{}' must be a true/false value." class Path(String): def __init__(self, doc: str, default: str = '', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(doc, default, *args, **kwargs) def __get__(self, obj, owner): value = super().__get__(obj, owner) if isinstance(value, str): return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(value)) return value class MaxKeyFee(Setting[dict]): def validate(self, value): assert isinstance(value, dict), \ f"Setting '{}' must be of the format \"{'currency': 'USD', 'amount': 50.0}\"." assert set(value) == {'currency', 'amount'}, \ f"Setting '{}' must contain a 'currency' and an 'amount' field." currency = str(value["currency"]).upper() if currency not in CURRENCIES: raise InvalidCurrencyError(currency) class Servers(Setting[list]): def validate(self, val): assert isinstance(val, (tuple, list)), \ f"Setting '{}' must be a tuple or list of servers." for idx, server in enumerate(val): assert isinstance(server, (tuple, list)) and len(server) == 2, \ f"Server defined '{server}' at index {idx} in setting " \ f"'{}' must be a tuple or list of two items." assert isinstance(server[0], str), \ f"Server defined '{server}' at index {idx} in setting " \ f"'{}' must be have hostname as string in first position." assert isinstance(server[1], int), \ f"Server defined '{server}' at index {idx} in setting " \ f"'{}' must be have port as int in second position." def deserialize(self, value): servers = [] if isinstance(value, list): for server in value: if isinstance(server, str) and server.count(':') == 1: host, port = server.split(':') try: servers.append((host, int(port))) except ValueError: pass return servers def serialize(self, value): if value: return [f"{host}:{port}" for host, port in value] return value class Strings(Setting[list]): def validate(self, val): assert isinstance(val, (tuple, list)), \ f"Setting '{}' must be a tuple or list of strings." for idx, string in enumerate(val): assert isinstance(string, str), \ f"Value of '{string}' at index {idx} in setting " \ f"'{}' must be a string." class EnvironmentAccess: PREFIX = 'LBRY_' def __init__(self, environ: dict): self.environ = environ def __contains__(self, item: str): return f'{self.PREFIX}{item.upper()}' in self.environ def __getitem__(self, item: str): return self.environ[f'{self.PREFIX}{item.upper()}'] class ArgumentAccess: def __init__(self, args: dict): self.args = args def __contains__(self, item: str): return getattr(self.args, item, None) is not None def __getitem__(self, item: str): return getattr(self.args, item) class ConfigFileAccess: def __init__(self, config: 'BaseConfig', path: str): self.configuration = config self.path = path = {} if self.exists: self.load() @property def exists(self): return self.path and os.path.exists(self.path) def load(self): cls = type(self.configuration) with open(self.path, 'r') as config_file: raw = serialized = yaml.load(raw) or {} for key, value in serialized.items(): attr = getattr(cls, key, None) if attr is None: for setting in self.configuration.settings: if key in setting.previous_names: attr = setting break if attr is not None:[key] = attr.deserialize(value) def save(self): cls = type(self.configuration) serialized = {} for key, value in attr = getattr(cls, key) serialized[key] = attr.serialize(value) with open(self.path, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(yaml.safe_dump(serialized, default_flow_style=False)) def upgrade(self) -> bool: upgraded = False for key in list( for setting in self.configuration.settings: if key in setting.previous_names:[] =[key] del[key] upgraded = True break return upgraded def __contains__(self, item: str): return item in def __getitem__(self, item: str): return[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del[key] class BaseConfig: config = Path("Path to configuration file.") def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.runtime = {} # set internally or by various API calls self.arguments = {} # from command line arguments self.environment = {} # from environment variables self.persisted = {} # from config file self._updating_config = False for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @contextmanager def update_config(self): if not isinstance(self.persisted, ConfigFileAccess): raise TypeError("Config file cannot be updated.") self._updating_config = True yield self self._updating_config = False @property def modify_order(self): locations = [self.runtime] if self._updating_config: locations.append(self.persisted) return locations @property def search_order(self): return [ self.runtime, self.arguments, self.environment, self.persisted ] @classmethod def get_settings(cls): for setting in cls.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(setting, Setting): yield setting @property def settings(self): return self.get_settings() @property def settings_dict(self): return { getattr(self, for setting in self.settings } @classmethod def create_from_arguments(cls, args): conf = cls() conf.set_arguments(args) conf.set_environment() conf.set_persisted() return conf @classmethod def contribute_args(cls, parser: ArgumentParser): for setting in cls.get_settings(): if isinstance(setting, Toggle): parser.add_argument( f"--{'_', '-')}", help=setting.doc, action="store_true" ) else: parser.add_argument( f"--{'_', '-')}", help=setting.doc, metavar=setting.metavar ) def set_arguments(self, args): self.arguments = ArgumentAccess(args) def set_environment(self, environ=None): self.environment = EnvironmentAccess(environ or os.environ) def set_persisted(self, config_file_path=None): if config_file_path is None: config_file_path = self.config if not config_file_path: return ext = os.path.splitext(config_file_path)[1] assert ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'),\ f"File extension '{ext}' is not supported, " \ f"configuration file must be in YAML (.yaml)." self.persisted = ConfigFileAccess(self, config_file_path) if self.persisted.upgrade(): class CLIConfig(BaseConfig): api = String('Host name and port for lbrynet daemon API.', 'localhost:5279', metavar='HOST:PORT') @property def api_connection_url(self) -> str: return f"http://{self.api}/lbryapi" @property def api_host(self): return self.api.split(':')[0] @property def api_port(self): return int(self.api.split(':')[1]) class Config(CLIConfig): data_dir = Path("Directory path to store blobs.") download_dir = Path("Directory path to place assembled files downloaded from LBRY.") wallet_dir = Path( "Directory containing a 'wallets' subdirectory with 'default_wallet' file.", previous_names=['lbryum_wallet_dir'] ) share_usage_data = Toggle( "Whether to share usage stats and diagnostic info with LBRY.", True, previous_names=['upload_log', 'upload_log', 'share_debug_info'] ) # claims set to expire within this many blocks will be # automatically renewed after startup (if set to 0, renews # will not be made automatically) auto_renew_claim_height_delta = Integer("", 0) cache_time = Integer("", 150) data_rate = Float("points/megabyte", .0001) delete_blobs_on_remove = Toggle("", True) dht_node_port = Integer("", 4444) download_timeout = Float("", 30.0) blob_download_timeout = Float("", 20.0) peer_connect_timeout = Float("", 3.0) node_rpc_timeout = Float("", constants.rpc_timeout) is_generous_host = Toggle("", True) announce_head_blobs_only = Toggle("", True) concurrent_announcers = Integer("", 10) known_dht_nodes = Servers("", [ ('', 4444), # US EAST ('', 4444), # US WEST ('', 4444), # EU ('', 4444) # ASIA ]) max_connections_per_stream = Integer("", 5) seek_head_blob_first = Toggle("", True) # TODO: writing json on the cmd line is a pain, come up with a nicer # parser for this data structure. maybe 'USD:25' max_key_fee = MaxKeyFee("", {'currency': 'USD', 'amount': 50.0}) disable_max_key_fee = Toggle("", False) min_info_rate = Float("points/1000 infos", .02) min_valuable_hash_rate = Float("points/1000 infos", .05) min_valuable_info_rate = Float("points/1000 infos", .05) peer_port = Integer("", 3333) pointtrader_server = String("", '') reflector_port = Integer("", 5566) # if reflect_uploads is True, send files to reflector after publishing (as well as a periodic check in the # event the initial upload failed or was disconnected part way through, provided the auto_re_reflect_interval > 0) reflect_uploads = Toggle("", True) auto_re_reflect_interval = Integer("set to 0 to disable", 86400) reflector_servers = Servers("", [ ('', 5566) ]) run_reflector_server = Toggle("adds reflector to components_to_skip unless True", False) sd_download_timeout = Integer("", 3) peer_search_timeout = Integer("", 60) use_upnp = Toggle("", True) use_keyring = Toggle("", False) blockchain_name = String("", 'lbrycrd_main') lbryum_servers = Servers("", [ ('', 50001), ('', 50001) ]) s3_headers_depth = Integer("download headers from s3 when the local height is more than 10 chunks behind", 96 * 10) components_to_skip = Strings("components which will be skipped during start-up of daemon", []) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_default_paths() def set_default_paths(self): if 'darwin' in sys.platform.lower(): get_directories = get_darwin_directories elif 'win' in sys.platform.lower(): get_directories = get_windows_directories elif 'linux' in sys.platform.lower(): get_directories = get_linux_directories else: return cls = type(self) cls.data_dir.default, cls.wallet_dir.default, cls.download_dir.default = get_directories() cls.config.default = os.path.join( self.data_dir, 'daemon_settings.yml' ) @property def log_file_path(self): return os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'lbrynet.log') def get_windows_directories() -> typing.Tuple[str, str, str]: from lbrynet.winpaths import get_path, FOLDERID, UserHandle download_dir = get_path(FOLDERID.Downloads, UserHandle.current) # old appdata = get_path(FOLDERID.RoamingAppData, UserHandle.current) data_dir = os.path.join(appdata, 'lbrynet') lbryum_dir = os.path.join(appdata, 'lbryum') if os.path.isdir(data_dir) or os.path.isdir(lbryum_dir): return data_dir, lbryum_dir, download_dir # new data_dir = user_data_dir('lbrynet', 'lbry') lbryum_dir = user_data_dir('lbryum', 'lbry') download_dir = get_path(FOLDERID.Downloads, UserHandle.current) return data_dir, lbryum_dir, download_dir def get_darwin_directories() -> typing.Tuple[str, str, str]: data_dir = user_data_dir('LBRY') lbryum_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.lbryum') download_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads') return data_dir, lbryum_dir, download_dir def get_linux_directories() -> typing.Tuple[str, str, str]: try: with open(os.path.join(user_config_dir(), 'user-dirs.dirs'), 'r') as xdg: down_dir ='XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=(.+)', down_dir = re.sub('\$HOME', os.getenv('HOME') or os.path.expanduser("~/"), down_dir) download_dir = re.sub('\"', '', down_dir) except EnvironmentError: download_dir = os.getenv('XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR') if not download_dir: download_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads') # old data_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.lbrynet') lbryum_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.lbryum') if os.path.isdir(data_dir) or os.path.isdir(lbryum_dir): return data_dir, lbryum_dir, download_dir # new return user_data_dir('lbry/lbrynet'), user_data_dir('lbry/lbryum'), download_dir