import logging from typing import List, Union from operator import itemgetter import sqlite3 from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.enterprise import adbapi import torba.baseaccount log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SQLiteMixin(object): CREATE_TABLES_QUERY = None def __init__(self, path): self._db_path = path self.db = None def start(self):"connecting to database: %s", self._db_path) self.db = adbapi.ConnectionPool( 'sqlite3', self._db_path, cp_min=1, cp_max=1, check_same_thread=False ) return self.db.runInteraction( lambda t: t.executescript(self.CREATE_TABLES_QUERY) ) def stop(self): self.db.close() return defer.succeed(True) def _debug_sql(self, sql): """ For use during debugging to execute arbitrary SQL queries without waiting on reactor. """ conn = self.db.connectionFactory(self.db) trans = self.db.transactionFactory(self, conn) return trans.execute(sql).fetchall() def _insert_sql(self, table, data): # type: (str, dict) -> tuple[str, List] columns, values = [], [] for column, value in data.items(): columns.append(column) values.append(value) sql = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})".format( table, ', '.join(columns), ', '.join(['?'] * len(values)) ) return sql, values def _update_sql(self, table, data, where, constraints): # type: (str, dict) -> tuple[str, List] columns, values = [], [] for column, value in data.items(): columns.append("{} = ?".format(column)) values.append(value) values.extend(constraints) sql = "UPDATE {} SET {} WHERE {}".format( table, ', '.join(columns), where ) return sql, values @defer.inlineCallbacks def query_one_value_list(self, query, params): # type: (str, Union[dict,tuple]) -> defer.Deferred[List] result = yield self.db.runQuery(query, params) if result: defer.returnValue([i[0] for i in result]) else: defer.returnValue([]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def query_one_value(self, query, params=None, default=None): result = yield self.db.runQuery(query, params) if result: defer.returnValue(result[0][0]) else: defer.returnValue(default) @defer.inlineCallbacks def query_dict_value_list(self, query, fields, params=None): result = yield self.db.runQuery(query.format(', '.join(fields)), params) if result: defer.returnValue([dict(zip(fields, r)) for r in result]) else: defer.returnValue([]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def query_dict_value(self, query, fields, params=None, default=None): result = yield self.query_dict_value_list(query, fields, params) if result: defer.returnValue(result[0]) else: defer.returnValue(default) def query_count(self, sql, params): return self.query_one_value( "SELECT count(*) FROM ({})".format(sql), params ) def insert_and_return_id(self, table, data): def do_insert(t): t.execute(*self._insert_sql(table, data)) return t.lastrowid return self.db.runInteraction(do_insert) class BaseDatabase(SQLiteMixin): CREATE_TX_TABLE = """ create table if not exists tx ( txhash blob primary key, raw blob not null, height integer not null, is_verified boolean not null default 0 ); """ CREATE_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_TABLE = """ create table if not exists pubkey_address ( address blob primary key, account blob not null, chain integer not null, position integer not null, pubkey blob not null, history text, used_times integer not null default 0 ); """ CREATE_TXO_TABLE = """ create table if not exists txo ( txoid integer primary key, txhash blob references tx, address blob references pubkey_address, position integer not null, amount integer not null, script blob not null, is_reserved boolean not null default 0 ); """ CREATE_TXI_TABLE = """ create table if not exists txi ( txhash blob references tx, address blob references pubkey_address, txoid integer references txo ); """ CREATE_TABLES_QUERY = ( CREATE_TX_TABLE + CREATE_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_TABLE + CREATE_TXO_TABLE + CREATE_TXI_TABLE ) def txo_to_row(self, tx, address, txo): return { 'txhash': sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash), 'address': sqlite3.Binary(address), 'position': txo.index, 'amount': txo.amount, 'script': sqlite3.Binary(txo.script.source) } def save_transaction_io(self, save_tx, tx, height, is_verified, address, hash, history): def _steps(t): if save_tx == 'insert': t.execute(*self._insert_sql('tx', { 'txhash': sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash), 'raw': sqlite3.Binary(tx.raw), 'height': height, 'is_verified': is_verified })) elif save_tx == 'update': t.execute(*self._update_sql("tx", { 'height': height, 'is_verified': is_verified }, 'txhash = ?', (sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash),) )) existing_txos = list(map(itemgetter(0), t.execute( "SELECT position FROM txo WHERE txhash = ?", (sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash),) ).fetchall())) for txo in tx.outputs: if txo.index in existing_txos: continue if txo.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash and txo.script.values['pubkey_hash'] == hash: t.execute(*self._insert_sql("txo", self.txo_to_row(tx, address, txo))) elif txo.script.is_pay_script_hash: # TODO: implement script hash payments print('Database.save_transaction_io: pay script hash is not implemented!') existing_txis = [txi[0] for txi in t.execute( "SELECT txoid FROM txi WHERE txhash = ? AND address = ?", (sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash), sqlite3.Binary(address))).fetchall()] for txi in tx.inputs: txoid = t.execute( "SELECT txoid FROM txo WHERE txhash = ? AND position = ?", (sqlite3.Binary(txi.output_txhash), txi.output_index) ).fetchone() if txoid is not None and txoid[0] not in existing_txis: t.execute(*self._insert_sql("txi", { 'txhash': sqlite3.Binary(tx.hash), 'address': sqlite3.Binary(address), 'txoid': txoid[0], })) self._set_address_history(t, address, history) return self.db.runInteraction(_steps) def reserve_spent_outputs(self, txoids, is_reserved=True): return self.db.runOperation( "UPDATE txo SET is_reserved = ? WHERE txoid IN ({})".format( ', '.join(['?']*len(txoids)) ), [is_reserved]+txoids ) def release_reserved_outputs(self, txoids): return self.reserve_spent_outputs(txoids, is_reserved=False) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_transaction(self, txhash): result = yield self.db.runQuery( "SELECT raw, height, is_verified FROM tx WHERE txhash = ?", (sqlite3.Binary(txhash),) ) if result: defer.returnValue(result[0]) else: defer.returnValue((None, None, False)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_balance_for_account(self, account, **constraints): extra_sql = "" if constraints: extra_sql = ' AND ' + ' AND '.join( '{} = :{}'.format(c, c) for c in constraints.keys() ) values = {'account': sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address)} values.update(constraints) result = yield self.db.runQuery( """ SELECT SUM(amount) FROM txo JOIN pubkey_address ON pubkey_address.address=txo.address WHERE account=:account AND txoid NOT IN (SELECT txoid FROM txi) """+extra_sql, values ) if result: defer.returnValue(result[0][0] or 0) else: defer.returnValue(0) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_utxos(self, account, output_class): utxos = yield self.db.runQuery( """ SELECT amount, script, txhash, txo.position, txoid FROM txo JOIN pubkey_address ON pubkey_address.address=txo.address WHERE account=:account AND txo.is_reserved=0 AND txoid NOT IN (SELECT txoid FROM txi) """, {'account': sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address)} ) defer.returnValue([ output_class( values[0], output_class.script_class(values[1]), values[2], index=values[3], txoid=values[4] ) for values in utxos ]) def add_keys(self, account, chain, keys): sql = ( "insert into pubkey_address " "(address, account, chain, position, pubkey) " "values " ) + ', '.join(['(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'] * len(keys)) values = [] for position, pubkey in keys: values.append(sqlite3.Binary(pubkey.address)) values.append(sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address)) values.append(chain) values.append(position) values.append(sqlite3.Binary(pubkey.pubkey_bytes)) return self.db.runOperation(sql, values) def get_addresses(self, account, chain, limit=None, details=False): sql = ["SELECT {} FROM pubkey_address WHERE account = :account"] params = {'account': sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address)} if chain is not None: sql.append("AND chain = :chain") params['chain'] = chain sql.append("ORDER BY position DESC") if limit is not None: sql.append("LIMIT {}".format(limit)) if details: return self.query_dict_value_list(' '.join(sql), ('address', 'position', 'used_times'), params) else: return self.query_one_value_list(' '.join(sql).format('address'), params) def _used_address_sql(self, account, chain, comparison_op, used_times, limit=None): sql = [ "SELECT address FROM pubkey_address", "WHERE account = :account AND" ] params = { 'account': sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address), 'used_times': used_times } if chain is not None: sql.append("chain = :chain AND") params['chain'] = chain sql.append("used_times {} :used_times".format(comparison_op)) sql.append("ORDER BY used_times ASC") if limit is not None: sql.append('LIMIT {}'.format(limit)) return ' '.join(sql), params @staticmethod def _set_address_history(t, address, history): t.execute( "UPDATE pubkey_address SET history = ?, used_times = ? WHERE address = ?", (history, history.count(':')//2, sqlite3.Binary(address)) ) def set_address_history(self, address, history): return self.db.runInteraction(lambda t: self._set_address_history(t, address, history)) def get_unused_addresses(self, account, chain): # type: (torba.baseaccount.BaseAccount, int) -> defer.Deferred[List[str]] return self.query_one_value_list(*self._used_address_sql( account, chain, '=', 0 )) def get_usable_addresses(self, account, chain, max_used_times, limit): return self.query_one_value_list(*self._used_address_sql( account, chain, '<=', max_used_times, limit )) def get_address(self, address): return self.query_dict_value( "SELECT {} FROM pubkey_address WHERE address= :address", ('address', 'account', 'chain', 'position', 'pubkey', 'history', 'used_times'), {'address': sqlite3.Binary(address)} )