# pylint: disable=singleton-comparison from sqlalchemy.future import select from lbry.db.constants import CLAIM_TYPE_CODES, TXO_TYPES from lbry.db.queries import select_txos, rows_to_txos from lbry.db.query_context import progress, Event from lbry.db.tables import ( TXO, TXI, Claim, Support ) def process_all_things_after_sync(): with progress(Event.INPUT_UPDATE) as p: p.start(2) set_input_addresses(p.ctx) p.step(1) update_spent_outputs(p.ctx) p.step(2) with progress(Event.SUPPORT_DELETE) as p: p.start(1) sql = Support.delete().where(condition_spent_supports) p.ctx.execute(sql) with progress(Event.SUPPORT_INSERT) as p: loader = p.ctx.get_bulk_loader() for support in rows_to_txos(p.ctx.fetchall(select_missing_supports)): loader.add_support(support) loader.save() with progress(Event.CLAIM_DELETE) as p: p.start(1) sql = Claim.delete().where(condition_spent_claims()) p.ctx.execute(sql) with progress(Event.CLAIM_INSERT) as p: loader = p.ctx.get_bulk_loader() for claim in rows_to_txos(p.ctx.fetchall(select_missing_claims)): loader.add_claim(claim) loader.save() with progress(Event.CLAIM_UPDATE) as p: loader = p.ctx.get_bulk_loader() for claim in rows_to_txos(p.ctx.fetchall(select_stale_claims)): loader.update_claim(claim) loader.save() def set_input_addresses(ctx): # Update TXIs to have the address of TXO they are spending. if ctx.is_sqlite: address_query = select(TXO.c.address).where(TXI.c.txo_hash == TXO.c.txo_hash) set_addresses = ( TXI.update() .values(address=address_query.scalar_subquery()) .where(TXI.c.address == None) ) else: set_addresses = ( TXI.update() .values({TXI.c.address: TXO.c.address}) .where((TXI.c.address == None) & (TXI.c.txo_hash == TXO.c.txo_hash)) ) ctx.execute(set_addresses) def update_spent_outputs(ctx): # Update spent TXOs setting spent_height set_spent_height = ( TXO.update() .values({ TXO.c.spent_height: ( select(TXI.c.height) .where(TXI.c.txo_hash == TXO.c.txo_hash) ) }).where( (TXO.c.spent_height == 0) & (TXO.c.txo_hash.in_(select(TXI.c.txo_hash))) ) ) ctx.execute(set_spent_height) def condition_spent_claims(claim_type: list = None): if claim_type is not None: if len(claim_type) == 0: raise ValueError("Missing 'claim_type'.") if len(claim_type) == 1: type_filter = TXO.c.txo_type == claim_type[0] else: type_filter = TXO.c.txo_type.in_(claim_type) else: type_filter = TXO.c.txo_type.in_(CLAIM_TYPE_CODES) return Claim.c.claim_hash.notin_( select(TXO.c.claim_hash).where(type_filter & (TXO.c.spent_height == 0)) ) # find UTXOs that are claims and their claim_id is not in claim table, # this means they need to be inserted select_missing_claims = ( select_txos(txo_type__in=CLAIM_TYPE_CODES, spent_height=0, claim_id_not_in_claim_table=True) ) # find UTXOs that are claims and their txo_id is not in claim table, # this ONLY works if you first ran select_missing_claims and inserted the missing claims, then # all claims_ids should match between TXO and Claim table but txo_hashes will not match for # claims that are not up-to-date select_stale_claims = ( select_txos(txo_type__in=CLAIM_TYPE_CODES, spent_height=0, txo_id_not_in_claim_table=True) ) condition_spent_supports = ( Support.c.txo_hash.notin_( select(TXO.c.txo_hash).where( (TXO.c.txo_type == TXO_TYPES['support']) & (TXO.c.spent_height == 0) ) ) ) condition_missing_supports = ( (TXO.c.txo_type == TXO_TYPES['support']) & (TXO.c.spent_height == 0) & (TXO.c.txo_hash.notin_(select(Support.c.txo_hash))) ) select_missing_supports = ( select_txos(txo_type=TXO_TYPES['support'], spent_height=0, txo_id_not_in_support_table=True) )