import binascii import logging from io import BytesIO from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.web.client import FileBodyProducer from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, modes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms import AES from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.padding import PKCS7 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from lbrynet.core.BlobInfo import BlobInfo from lbrynet.blob.blob_file import MAX_BLOB_SIZE log = logging.getLogger(__name__) backend = default_backend() class CryptBlobInfo(BlobInfo): def __init__(self, blob_hash, blob_num, length, iv): super().__init__(blob_hash, blob_num, length) self.iv = iv def get_dict(self): info = { "blob_num": self.blob_num, "length": self.length, "iv": self.iv } if self.blob_hash: info['blob_hash'] = self.blob_hash return info class StreamBlobDecryptor: def __init__(self, blob, key, iv, length): """ This class decrypts blob blob - object which implements read() function. key = encryption_key iv = initialization vector blob_num = blob number (has no effect on encryption) length = length in bytes of blob """ self.blob = blob self.key = key self.iv = iv self.length = length self.buff = b'' self.len_read = 0 cipher = Cipher(AES(self.key), modes.CBC(self.iv), backend=backend) self.unpadder = PKCS7(AES.block_size).unpadder() self.cipher = cipher.decryptor() def decrypt(self, write_func): """ Decrypt blob and write its content useing write_func write_func - function that takes decrypted string as arugment and writes it somewhere Returns: deferred that returns after decrypting blob and writing content """ def remove_padding(data): return self.unpadder.update(data) + self.unpadder.finalize() def write_bytes(): if self.len_read < self.length: num_bytes_to_decrypt = greatest_multiple(len(self.buff), (AES.block_size / 8)) data_to_decrypt, self.buff = split(self.buff, num_bytes_to_decrypt) write_func(self.cipher.update(data_to_decrypt)) def finish_decrypt(): bytes_left = len(self.buff) % (AES.block_size / 8) if bytes_left != 0: log.warning(self.buff[-1 * (AES.block_size / 8):].encode('hex')) raise Exception("blob %s has incorrect padding: %i bytes left" % (self.blob.blob_hash, bytes_left)) data_to_decrypt, self.buff = self.buff, b'' last_chunk = self.cipher.update(data_to_decrypt) + self.cipher.finalize() write_func(remove_padding(last_chunk)) read_handle = self.blob.open_for_reading() @defer.inlineCallbacks def decrypt_bytes(): producer = FileBodyProducer(read_handle) buff = BytesIO() yield producer.startProducing(buff) self.buff = buff.getvalue() self.len_read += len(self.buff) write_bytes() finish_decrypt() d = decrypt_bytes() return d class CryptStreamBlobMaker: def __init__(self, key, iv, blob_num, blob): """ This class encrypts data and writes it to a new blob key = encryption_key iv = initialization vector blob_num = blob number (has no effect on encryption) blob = object which implements write(), close() function , close() function must be a deferred. (Will generally be of HashBlobCreator type) """ self.key = key self.iv = iv self.blob_num = blob_num self.blob = blob cipher = Cipher(AES(self.key), modes.CBC(self.iv), backend=backend) self.padder = PKCS7(AES.block_size).padder() self.cipher = cipher.encryptor() self.length = 0 def write(self, data): """ encrypt and write string data Returns: tuple (done, num_bytes_to_write) where done is True if max bytes are written. num_bytes_to_write is the number of bytes that will be written from data in this call """ if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode() max_bytes_to_write = MAX_BLOB_SIZE - self.length - 1 done = False if max_bytes_to_write <= len(data): num_bytes_to_write = max_bytes_to_write done = True else: num_bytes_to_write = len(data) data_to_write = data[:num_bytes_to_write] self.length += len(data_to_write) padded_data = self.padder.update(data_to_write) encrypted_data = self.cipher.update(padded_data) self.blob.write(encrypted_data) return done, num_bytes_to_write @defer.inlineCallbacks def close(self): log.debug("closing blob %s with plaintext len %s", str(self.blob_num), str(self.length)) if self.length != 0: self.length += (AES.block_size // 8) - (self.length % (AES.block_size // 8)) padded_data = self.padder.finalize() encrypted_data = self.cipher.update(padded_data) + self.cipher.finalize() self.blob.write(encrypted_data) blob_hash = yield self.blob.close() log.debug("called the finished_callback from CryptStreamBlobMaker.close") blob = CryptBlobInfo(blob_hash, self.blob_num, self.length, binascii.hexlify(self.iv)) defer.returnValue(blob) def greatest_multiple(a, b): """return the largest value `c`, that is a multiple of `b` and is <= `a`""" return (a // b) * b def split(buff, cutoff): return buff[:cutoff], buff[cutoff:]