import os import sys from lbry import __name__, __version__ from setuptools import setup, find_packages BASE = os.path.dirname(__file__) with open(os.path.join(BASE, ''), encoding='utf-8') as fh: long_description = setup( name=__name__, version=__version__, author="LBRY Inc.", author_email="", url="", description="A decentralized media library and marketplace", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", keywords="lbry protocol media", license='MIT', python_requires='>=3.7', packages=find_packages(exclude=('tests',)), zip_safe=False, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'lbrynet=lbry.extras.cli:main', 'orchstr8=lbry.wallet.orchstr8.cli:main' ], }, install_requires=[ 'aiohttp==3.7.4', 'aioupnp==0.0.18', 'appdirs==1.4.3', 'certifi>=2021.10.08', 'colorama==0.3.7', 'distro==1.4.0', 'base58==1.0.0', 'cffi==1.13.2', 'cryptography==2.5', 'protobuf==3.17.2', 'prometheus_client==0.7.1', 'ecdsa==0.13.3', 'pyyaml==5.3.1', 'docopt==0.6.2', 'hachoir==3.1.2', 'coincurve==15.0.0', 'pbkdf2==1.3', 'filetype==1.0.9', 'libtorrent==2.0.6', ], extras_require={ 'lint': [ 'pylint==2.10.0' ], 'test': [ 'coverage', 'jsonschema==4.4.0', ], 'hub': [ 'hub@git+' ] }, classifiers=[ 'Framework :: AsyncIO', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Internet', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Testing', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing', 'Topic :: Utilities', ], )