import json import os import sys import colorama from docopt import docopt from collections import OrderedDict from lbrynet import conf from lbrynet.core import utils from lbrynet.daemon.auth.client import JSONRPCException, LBRYAPIClient from lbrynet.daemon.Daemon import LOADING_WALLET_CODE, Daemon from lbrynet.core.system_info import get_platform from jsonrpc.common import RPCError from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError from httplib import UNAUTHORIZED def remove_brackets(key): if key.startswith("<") and key.endswith(">"): return str(key[1:-1]) return key def set_flag_vals(flag_names, parsed_args): kwargs = OrderedDict() for key, arg in parsed_args.iteritems(): if arg is None: continue elif key.startswith("--"): if remove_brackets(key[2:]) not in kwargs: k = remove_brackets(key[2:]) elif key in flag_names: if remove_brackets(flag_names[key]) not in kwargs: k = remove_brackets(flag_names[key]) elif remove_brackets(key) not in kwargs: k = remove_brackets(key) kwargs[k] = guess_type(arg, k) return kwargs def main(): if len(sys.argv[1:]): method, args = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:] else: print_help() return if method in ['help', '--help', '-h']: if len(args) == 1: print_help_for_command(args[0]) else: print_help() return elif method in ['version', '--version']: print utils.json_dumps_pretty(get_platform(get_ip=False)) return if method not in Daemon.callable_methods: if method not in Daemon.deprecated_methods: print_error("\"%s\" is not a valid command." % method) return new_method = Daemon.deprecated_methods[method]._new_command print_error("\"%s\" is deprecated, using \"%s\"." % (method, new_method)) method = new_method fn = Daemon.callable_methods[method] if hasattr(fn, "_flags"): flag_names = fn._flags else: flag_names = {} parsed = docopt(fn.__doc__, args) kwargs = set_flag_vals(flag_names, parsed) colorama.init() conf.initialize_settings() api = LBRYAPIClient.get_client() try: status = api.status() except URLError as err: if isinstance(err, HTTPError) and err.code == UNAUTHORIZED: print_error("Daemon requires authentication, but none was provided.", suggest_help=False) else: print_error("Could not connect to daemon. Are you sure it's running?", suggest_help=False) return 1 status_code = status['startup_status']['code'] if status_code != "started" and method not in Daemon.allowed_during_startup: print "Daemon is in the process of starting. Please try again in a bit." message = status['startup_status']['message'] if message: if ( status['startup_status']['code'] == LOADING_WALLET_CODE and status['blockchain_status']['blocks_behind'] > 0 ): message += '. Blocks left: ' + str(status['blockchain_status']['blocks_behind']) print " Status: " + message return 1 # TODO: check if port is bound. Error if its not try: result =, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, basestring): # printing the undumped string is prettier print result else: print utils.json_dumps_pretty(result) except (RPCError, KeyError, JSONRPCException, HTTPError) as err: if isinstance(err, HTTPError): error_body = try: error_data = json.loads(error_body) except ValueError: print ( "There was an error, and the response was not valid JSON.\n" + "Raw JSONRPC response:\n" + error_body ) return 1 print_error(error_data['error']['message'] + "\n", suggest_help=False) if 'data' in error_data['error'] and 'traceback' in error_data['error']['data']: print "Here's the traceback for the error you encountered:" print "\n".join(error_data['error']['data']['traceback']) print_help_for_command(method) elif isinstance(err, RPCError): print_error(err.msg, suggest_help=False) # print_help_for_command(method) else: print_error("Something went wrong\n", suggest_help=False) print str(err) return 1 def guess_type(x, key=None): if not isinstance(x, (unicode, str)): return x if key in ('uri', 'channel_name', 'name', 'file_name', 'download_directory'): return x if x in ('true', 'True', 'TRUE'): return True if x in ('false', 'False', 'FALSE'): return False if '.' in x: try: return float(x) except ValueError: # not a float pass try: return int(x) except ValueError: return x def print_help_suggestion(): print "See `{} help` for more information.".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) def print_error(message, suggest_help=True): error_style = colorama.Style.BRIGHT + colorama.Fore.RED print error_style + "ERROR: " + message + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL if suggest_help: print_help_suggestion() def print_help(): commands = Daemon.callable_methods.keys() print "\n".join([ "NAME", " lbrynet-cli - LBRY command line client.", "", "USAGE", " lbrynet-cli <command> [<args>]", "", "EXAMPLES", " lbrynet-cli commands # list available commands", " lbrynet-cli status # get daemon status", " lbrynet-cli resolve_name what # resolve a name", " lbrynet-cli help resolve_name # get help for a command", "", "COMMANDS", wrap_list_to_term_width(commands, prefix=' ') ]) def print_help_for_command(command): fn = Daemon.callable_methods.get(command) if fn: print "Help for %s method:\n%s" % (command, fn.__doc__) def wrap_list_to_term_width(l, width=None, separator=', ', prefix=''): if width is None: try: _, width = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() width = int(width) except: pass if not width: width = 80 lines = [] curr_line = '' for item in l: new_line = curr_line + item + separator if len(new_line) + len(prefix) > width: lines.append(curr_line) curr_line = item + separator else: curr_line = new_line lines.append(curr_line) ret = prefix + ("\n" + prefix).join(lines) if ret.endswith(separator): ret = ret[:-len(separator)] return ret if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())