import re import sys import argparse from pathlib import Path from textwrap import fill, indent INDENT = ' ' * 4 CLASS = """ class {name}({parents}):{doc} """ INIT = """ def __init__({args}):{fields} super().__init__({format}"{message}") """ FUNCTIONS = ['claim_id'] class ErrorClass: def __init__(self, hierarchy, name, message): self.hierarchy = hierarchy.replace('**', '') self.other_parents = [] if '(' in name: assert ')' in name, f"Missing closing parenthesis in '{name}'." self.other_parents = name[name.find('(')+1:name.find(')')].split(',') name = name[:name.find('(')] = name self.class_name = name+'Error' self.message = message self.comment = "" if '--' in message: self.message, self.comment = message.split('--') self.message = self.message.strip() self.comment = self.comment.strip() @property def is_leaf(self): return 'x' not in self.hierarchy @property def code(self): return self.hierarchy.replace('x', '') @property def parent_codes(self): return self.hierarchy[0:2], self.hierarchy[0] def get_arguments(self): args = ['self'] for arg in re.findall('{([a-z0-1_()]+)}', self.message): for func in FUNCTIONS: if arg.startswith(f'{func}('): arg = arg[len(f'{func}('):-1] break args.append(arg) return args @staticmethod def get_fields(args): if len(args) > 1: return ''.join(f'\n{INDENT*2}self.{field} = {field}' for field in args[1:]) return '' @staticmethod def get_doc_string(doc): if doc: return f'\n{INDENT}"""\n{indent(fill(doc, 100), INDENT)}\n{INDENT}"""' return "" def render(self, out, parent): if not parent: parents = ['BaseError'] else: parents = [parent.class_name] parents += self.other_parents args = self.get_arguments() if self.is_leaf: out.write((CLASS + INIT).format( name=self.class_name, parents=', '.join(parents), args=', '.join(args), fields=self.get_fields(args), message=self.message, doc=self.get_doc_string(self.comment), format='f' if len(args) > 1 else '' )) else: out.write(CLASS.format( name=self.class_name, parents=', '.join(parents), doc=self.get_doc_string(self.comment or self.message) )) def get_errors(): with open('', 'r') as readme: lines = iter(readme.readlines()) for line in lines: if line.startswith('## Exceptions Table'): break for line in lines: if line.startswith('---:|'): break for line in lines: if not line: break yield ErrorClass(*[c.strip() for c in line.split('|')]) def find_parent(stack, child): for parent_code in child.parent_codes: parent = stack.get(parent_code) if parent: return parent def generate(out): out.write(f"from .base import BaseError, {', '.join(FUNCTIONS)}\n") stack = {} for error in get_errors(): error.render(out, find_parent(stack, error)) if not error.is_leaf: assert error.code not in stack, f"Duplicate code: {error.code}" stack[error.code] = error def analyze(): errors = {e.class_name: [] for e in get_errors() if e.is_leaf} here = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[0] module = here.parent for file_path in module.glob('**/*.py'): if here in file_path.parents: continue with open(file_path) as src_file: src = for error in errors.keys(): found = src.count(error) if found > 0: errors[error].append((file_path, found)) print('Unused Errors:\n') for error, used in errors.items(): if used: print(f' - {error}') for use in used: print(f' {use[0].relative_to(module.parent)} {use[1]}') print('') print('') print('Unused Errors:') for error, used in errors.items(): if not used: print(f' - {error}') def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("action", choices=['generate', 'analyze']) args = parser.parse_args() if args.action == "analyze": analyze() elif args.action == "generate": generate(sys.stdout) if __name__ == "__main__": main()