How to watch It's a Wonderful Life via LBRY ## Quickest quick guide Create a directory called lbry, and go into that directory Download the file and run it in that directory Once it's done building, type: ``` ./lbrycrd/src/lbrycrdd -server -daemon lbrynet-gui ``` A window should show up with an entry box Type wonderfullife into the box, hit go, and choose to stream or save To stop lbrycrdd: `./lbrycrd/src/lbrycrd-cli stop` ## Slightly longer install guide ### Installing lbrycrd from source ``` git clone --depth=1 cd lbrycrd sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libqt4-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler ./ ./configure --with-incompatible-bdb --without-gui make ``` When make has completed, create the directory where LBRYcrd data will be stored. ~/.lbrycrd is where LBRYcrd will look by default and so is recommended. ``` mkdir ~/.lbrycrd echo 'rpcuser=rpcuser rpcpassword=rpcpassword' > ~/.lbrycrd/lbrycrd.conf # (use a long random password if your computer is on a network anyone else has access to. e.g, pwgen -s 20) cd .. ``` ### Installing lbrynet from source Acquire the LBRYnet source code from ``` cd lbry sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev build-essential python-dev python-pip ``` (with virtualenv) ``` python-virtualenv virtualenv . source bin/activate python install ``` to deactivate the virtualenv later: ``` deactivate ``` to reactivate it, go to the directory in which you created it and: ``` source bin/activate ``` (without virtualenv) ``` python build bdist_egg sudo python install ``` ## Slightly longer running guide ###In order to use lbrynet-console or lbrynet-gui, lbyrcrd must be running. ### Running lbrycrd If you ran the easy install script, the lbrycrd folder will be in the directory you ran from. Otherwise it is the root of the cloned lbrycrd repository. Go to that directory. ``` ./src/lbrycrdd -server -daemon ``` If you want to mine LBC, also use the flag '-gen', so: ``` ./src/lbrycrdd -server -daemon -gen ``` It will take a few minutes for your client to download the whole block chain. lbrycrdd must be running in order for lbrynet to function. To shut lbrycrdd down: from the lbrycrd directory, run ``` ./src/lbrycrd-cli stop ``` ### Option 1) Running lbrynet-console If you used the virtualenv instructions above, make sure the virtualenv is still active. If not, reactivate it according to the instructions above, under "Installing lbrynet from source" In your terminal: `lbrynet-console` You should be presented with a prompt. Watch It's a Wonderful Life via LBRY Type into the prompt: `get wonderfullife` To shut it down, press ctrl-c at any time or enter `exit` into the prompt. ### Option 2) Running lbrynet-gui If you used the virtualenv instructions above, make sure the virtualenv is still active. If not, reactivate it according to the instructions above, under "Installing lbrynet from source" In your terminal: `lbrynet-gui` A window should pop up with an entry box. Type `wonderfullife` into the box, hit go, and then choose to save it or stream it. Enjoy! Any questions or problems, email