import math from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify from torba.rpc.jsonrpc import RPCError from torba.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str from torba.server.session import ElectrumX from torba.server import util from lbrynet.schema.uri import parse_lbry_uri from lbrynet.schema.error import URIParseError from lbrynet.extras.wallet.server.block_processor import LBRYBlockProcessor from lbrynet.extras.wallet.server.db import LBRYDB class LBRYElectrumX(ElectrumX): PROTOCOL_MIN = (0, 0) # temporary, for supporting 0.10 protocol max_errors = math.inf # don't disconnect people for errors! let them happen... def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fixme: this is a rebase hack, we need to go through ChainState instead later self.daemon = self.session_mgr.daemon self.bp: LBRYBlockProcessor = self.session_mgr.bp self.db: LBRYDB = self.bp.db # fixme: lbryum specific subscribe self.subscribe_height = False def set_request_handlers(self, ptuple): super().set_request_handlers(ptuple) handlers = { 'blockchain.transaction.get_height': self.transaction_get_height, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimbyid': self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsforname': self.claimtrie_getclaimsforname, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsbyids': self.claimtrie_getclaimsbyids, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getvalue': self.claimtrie_getvalue, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getnthclaimforname': self.claimtrie_getnthclaimforname, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsintx': self.claimtrie_getclaimsintx, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimssignedby': self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedby, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimssignedbynthtoname': self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbynthtoname, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getvalueforuri': self.claimtrie_getvalueforuri, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getvaluesforuris': self.claimtrie_getvalueforuris, 'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimssignedbyid': self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid, 'blockchain.block.get_server_height': self.get_server_height, 'blockchain.block.get_block': self.get_block, } # fixme: methods we use but shouldnt be using anymore. To be removed when torba goes out handlers.update({ 'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe': self.numblocks_subscribe, 'blockchain.utxo.get_address': self.utxo_get_address, 'blockchain.transaction.broadcast': self.transaction_broadcast_1_0, 'blockchain.transaction.get': self.transaction_get, }) self.request_handlers.update(handlers) async def utxo_get_address(self, tx_hash, index): # fixme: lbryum # Used only for electrum client command-line requests. We no # longer index by address, so need to request the raw # transaction. So it works for any TXO not just UTXOs. self.assert_tx_hash(tx_hash) try: index = int(index) if index < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise RPCError(1, "index has to be >= 0 and integer") raw_tx = await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash) if not raw_tx: return None raw_tx = util.hex_to_bytes(raw_tx) tx = self.coin.DESERIALIZER(raw_tx).read_tx() if index >= len(tx.outputs): return None return self.coin.address_from_script(tx.outputs[index].pk_script) async def transaction_broadcast_1_0(self, raw_tx): # fixme: lbryum # An ugly API: current Electrum clients only pass the raw # transaction in hex and expect error messages to be returned in # the result field. And the server shouldn't be doing the client's # user interface job here. try: return await self.transaction_broadcast(raw_tx) except RPCError as e: return e.message async def numblocks_subscribe(self): # fixme workaround for lbryum '''Subscribe to get height of new blocks.''' self.subscribe_height = True return self.bp.height async def notify(self, height, touched): # fixme workaround for lbryum await super().notify(height, touched) if self.subscribe_height and height != self.notified_height: self.send_notification('blockchain.numblocks.subscribe', (height,)) async def transaction_get(self, tx_hash, verbose=False): # fixme: workaround for lbryum sending the height instead of True/False. # fixme: lbryum_server ignored that and always used False, but this is out of spec if verbose not in (True, False): verbose = False return await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash, verbose) async def get_block(self, block_hash): return await self.daemon.deserialised_block(block_hash) async def get_server_height(self): return self.bp.height async def transaction_get_height(self, tx_hash): self.assert_tx_hash(tx_hash) transaction_info = await self.daemon.getrawtransaction(tx_hash, True) if transaction_info and 'hex' in transaction_info and 'confirmations' in transaction_info: # an unconfirmed transaction from lbrycrdd will not have a 'confirmations' field height = self.db.db_height height = height - transaction_info['confirmations'] return height elif transaction_info and 'hex' in transaction_info: return -1 return None async def claimtrie_getclaimssignedby(self, name): winning_claim = await self.daemon.getvalueforname(name) if winning_claim: return await self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid(winning_claim['claimId']) async def claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid(self, certificate_id): claim_ids = self.get_claim_ids_signed_by(certificate_id) return await self.batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(claim_ids) def get_claim_ids_signed_by(self, certificate_id): raw_certificate_id = unhexlify(certificate_id)[::-1] raw_claim_ids = self.db.get_signed_claim_ids_by_cert_id(raw_certificate_id) return list(map(hash_to_hex_str, raw_claim_ids)) def get_signed_claims_with_name_for_channel(self, channel_id, name): claim_ids_for_name = list(self.db.get_claims_for_name(name.encode('ISO-8859-1')).keys()) claim_ids_for_name = set(map(hash_to_hex_str, claim_ids_for_name)) channel_claim_ids = set(self.get_claim_ids_signed_by(channel_id)) return claim_ids_for_name.intersection(channel_claim_ids) async def claimtrie_getclaimssignedbynthtoname(self, name, n): n = int(n) for claim_id, sequence in self.db.get_claims_for_name(name.encode('ISO-8859-1')).items(): if n == sequence: return await self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid(hash_to_hex_str(claim_id)) async def claimtrie_getclaimsintx(self, txid): # TODO: this needs further discussion. # Code on lbryum-server is wrong and we need to gather what we clearly expect from this command claim_ids = [claim['claimId'] for claim in (await self.daemon.getclaimsfortx(txid)) if 'claimId' in claim] return await self.batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(claim_ids) async def claimtrie_getvalue(self, name, block_hash=None): proof = await self.daemon.getnameproof(name, block_hash) result = {'proof': proof, 'supports': []} if proof_has_winning_claim(proof): tx_hash, nout = proof['txhash'], int(proof['nOut']) transaction_info = await self.daemon.getrawtransaction(tx_hash, True) result['transaction'] = transaction_info['hex'] result['height'] = (self.db.db_height - transaction_info['confirmations']) + 1 raw_claim_id = self.db.get_claim_id_from_outpoint(unhexlify(tx_hash)[::-1], nout) sequence = self.db.get_claims_for_name(name.encode('ISO-8859-1')).get(raw_claim_id) if sequence: claim_id = hexlify(raw_claim_id[::-1]).decode() claim_info = await self.daemon.getclaimbyid(claim_id) if not claim_info or not claim_info.get('value'): claim_info = await self.slow_get_claim_by_id_using_name(claim_id) result['claim_sequence'] = sequence result['claim_id'] = claim_id supports = self.format_supports_from_daemon(claim_info.get('supports', [])) # fixme: lbrycrd#124 result['supports'] = supports else: self.logger.warning('tx has no claims in db: %s %s', tx_hash, nout) return result async def claimtrie_getnthclaimforname(self, name, n): n = int(n) for claim_id, sequence in self.db.get_claims_for_name(name.encode('ISO-8859-1')).items(): if n == sequence: return await self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid(hash_to_hex_str(claim_id)) async def claimtrie_getclaimsforname(self, name): claims = await self.daemon.getclaimsforname(name) if claims: claims['claims'] = [self.format_claim_from_daemon(claim, name) for claim in claims['claims']] claims['supports_without_claims'] = claims['supports without claims'] del claims['supports without claims'] claims['last_takeover_height'] = claims['nLastTakeoverHeight'] del claims['nLastTakeoverHeight'] return claims return {} async def batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(self, claim_ids): claims = await self.daemon.getclaimsbyids(claim_ids) result = [] for claim, claim_id in zip(claims, claim_ids): if claim and claim.get('value'): result.append(self.format_claim_from_daemon(claim)) else: recovered_claim = await self.slow_get_claim_by_id_using_name(claim_id) if recovered_claim: result.append(self.format_claim_from_daemon(recovered_claim)) return result def format_claim_from_daemon(self, claim, name=None): '''Changes the returned claim data to the format expected by lbrynet and adds missing fields.''' if not claim: return {} name = name or claim['name'] claim_id = claim['claimId'] raw_claim_id = unhexlify(claim_id)[::-1] if not self.db.get_claim_info(raw_claim_id): #raise RPCError("Lbrycrd has {} but not lbryumx, please submit a bug report.".format(claim_id)) return {} address = self.db.get_claim_info(raw_claim_id).address.decode() sequence = self.db.get_claims_for_name(name.encode('ISO-8859-1')).get(raw_claim_id) if not sequence: return {} supports = self.format_supports_from_daemon(claim.get('supports', [])) # fixme: lbrycrd#124 amount = get_from_possible_keys(claim, 'amount', 'nAmount') height = get_from_possible_keys(claim, 'height', 'nHeight') effective_amount = get_from_possible_keys(claim, 'effective amount', 'nEffectiveAmount') valid_at_height = get_from_possible_keys(claim, 'valid at height', 'nValidAtHeight') return { "name": name, "claim_id": claim['claimId'], "txid": claim['txid'], "nout": claim['n'], "amount": amount, "depth": self.db.db_height - height, "height": height, "value": hexlify(claim['value'].encode('ISO-8859-1')).decode(), "claim_sequence": sequence, # from index "address": address, # from index "supports": supports, # fixme: to be included in lbrycrd#124 "effective_amount": effective_amount, "valid_at_height": valid_at_height # TODO PR lbrycrd to include it } def format_supports_from_daemon(self, supports): return [[support['txid'], support['n'], get_from_possible_keys(support, 'amount', 'nAmount')] for support in supports] async def claimtrie_getclaimbyid(self, claim_id): self.assert_claim_id(claim_id) claim = await self.daemon.getclaimbyid(claim_id) if not claim or not claim.get('value'): claim = await self.slow_get_claim_by_id_using_name(claim_id) return self.format_claim_from_daemon(claim) async def claimtrie_getclaimsbyids(self, *claim_ids): claims = await self.batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(claim_ids) return dict(zip(claim_ids, claims)) def assert_tx_hash(self, value): '''Raise an RPCError if the value is not a valid transaction hash.''' try: if len(util.hex_to_bytes(value)) == 32: return except Exception: pass raise RPCError(1, f'{value} should be a transaction hash') def assert_claim_id(self, value): '''Raise an RPCError if the value is not a valid claim id hash.''' try: if len(util.hex_to_bytes(value)) == 20: return except Exception: pass raise RPCError(1, f'{value} should be a claim id hash') async def slow_get_claim_by_id_using_name(self, claim_id): # TODO: temporary workaround for a lbrycrd bug on indexing. Should be removed when it gets stable raw_claim_id = unhexlify(claim_id)[::-1] claim = self.db.get_claim_info(raw_claim_id) if claim: name ='ISO-8859-1') claims = await self.daemon.getclaimsforname(name) for claim in claims['claims']: if claim['claimId'] == claim_id: claim['name'] = name self.logger.warning( 'Recovered a claim missing from lbrycrd index: %s %s', name, claim_id ) return claim async def claimtrie_getvalueforuri(self, block_hash, uri, known_certificates=None): # TODO: this thing is huge, refactor CLAIM_ID = "claim_id" WINNING = "winning" SEQUENCE = "sequence" uri = uri block_hash = block_hash try: parsed_uri = parse_lbry_uri(uri) except URIParseError as err: return {'error': err.message} result = {} if parsed_uri.contains_channel: certificate = None # TODO: this is also done on the else, refactor if parsed_uri.claim_id: certificate_info = await self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid(parsed_uri.claim_id) if certificate_info and certificate_info['name'] == certificate = {'resolution_type': CLAIM_ID, 'result': certificate_info} elif parsed_uri.claim_sequence: certificate_info = await self.claimtrie_getnthclaimforname(, parsed_uri.claim_sequence) if certificate_info: certificate = {'resolution_type': SEQUENCE, 'result': certificate_info} else: certificate_info = await self.claimtrie_getvalue(, block_hash) if certificate_info: certificate = {'resolution_type': WINNING, 'result': certificate_info} if certificate and 'claim_id' not in certificate['result']: return result if certificate and not parsed_uri.path: result['certificate'] = certificate channel_id = certificate['result']['claim_id'] claims_in_channel = await self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid(channel_id) result['unverified_claims_in_channel'] = {claim['claim_id']: (claim['name'], claim['height']) for claim in claims_in_channel if claim} elif certificate: result['certificate'] = certificate channel_id = certificate['result']['claim_id'] claim_ids_matching_name = self.get_signed_claims_with_name_for_channel(channel_id, parsed_uri.path) claims = await self.batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(claim_ids_matching_name) claims_in_channel = {claim['claim_id']: (claim['name'], claim['height']) for claim in claims} result['unverified_claims_for_name'] = claims_in_channel else: claim = None if parsed_uri.claim_id: claim_info = await self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid(parsed_uri.claim_id) if claim_info and claim_info['name'] == claim = {'resolution_type': CLAIM_ID, 'result': claim_info} elif parsed_uri.claim_sequence: claim_info = await self.claimtrie_getnthclaimforname(, parsed_uri.claim_sequence) if claim_info: claim = {'resolution_type': SEQUENCE, 'result': claim_info} else: claim_info = await self.claimtrie_getvalue(, block_hash) if claim_info: claim = {'resolution_type': WINNING, 'result': claim_info} if (claim and # is not an unclaimed winning name (claim['resolution_type'] != WINNING or proof_has_winning_claim(claim['result']['proof']))): raw_claim_id = unhexlify(claim['result']['claim_id'])[::-1] raw_certificate_id = self.db.get_claim_info(raw_claim_id).cert_id if raw_certificate_id: certificate_id = hash_to_hex_str(raw_certificate_id) certificate = await self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid(certificate_id) if certificate: certificate = {'resolution_type': CLAIM_ID, 'result': certificate} result['certificate'] = certificate result['claim'] = claim return result async def claimtrie_getvalueforuris(self, block_hash, *uris): MAX_BATCH_URIS = 500 if len(uris) > MAX_BATCH_URIS: raise Exception("Exceeds max batch uris of {}".format(MAX_BATCH_URIS)) return {uri: await self.claimtrie_getvalueforuri(block_hash, uri) for uri in uris} # TODO: get it all concurrently when lbrycrd pending changes goes into a stable release #async def getvalue(uri): # value = await self.claimtrie_getvalueforuri(block_hash, uri) # return uri, value, #return dict([await asyncio.gather(*tuple(getvalue(uri) for uri in uris))][0]) def proof_has_winning_claim(proof): return {'txhash', 'nOut'}.issubset(proof.keys()) def get_from_possible_keys(dictionary, *keys): for key in keys: if key in dictionary: return dictionary[key]