from lbrynet.interfaces import IRequestCreator, IQueryHandlerFactory, IQueryHandler, ILBRYWallet from lbrynet.core.client.ClientRequest import ClientRequest from lbrynet.core.Error import UnknownNameError, InvalidStreamInfoError, RequestCanceledError from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException from twisted.internet import threads, reactor, defer, task from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from collections import defaultdict, deque from zope.interface import implements from decimal import Decimal import datetime import logging import json import subprocess import socket import time import os log = logging.getLogger(__name__) alert = logging.getLogger("lbryalert." + __name__) class ReservedPoints(object): def __init__(self, identifier, amount): self.identifier = identifier self.amount = amount def _catch_connection_error(f): def w(*args): try: return f(*args) except socket.error: raise ValueError("Unable to connect to an lbrycrd server. Make sure an lbrycrd server " + "is running and that this application can connect to it.") return w class LBRYcrdWallet(object): """This class implements the LBRYWallet interface for the LBRYcrd payment system""" implements(ILBRYWallet) def __init__(self, db_dir, wallet_dir=None, wallet_conf=None, lbrycrdd_path=None): self.db_dir = db_dir self.db = None self.next_manage_call = None self.wallet_balance = Decimal(0.0) self.total_reserved_points = Decimal(0.0) self.peer_addresses = {} # {Peer: string} self.queued_payments = defaultdict(Decimal) # {address(string): amount(Decimal)} self.expected_balances = defaultdict(Decimal) # {address(string): amount(Decimal)} self.current_address_given_to_peer = {} # {Peer: address(string)} self.expected_balance_at_time = deque() # (Peer, address(string), amount(Decimal), time(datetime), count(int), # incremental_amount(float)) self.max_expected_payment_time = datetime.timedelta(minutes=3) self.stopped = True self.started_lbrycrdd = False self.wallet_dir = wallet_dir self.wallet_conf = wallet_conf self.lbrycrdd = None self.manage_running = False self.lbrycrdd_path = lbrycrdd_path settings = self.get_rpc_conf() rpc_user = settings["username"] rpc_pass = settings["password"] rpc_port = settings["rpc_port"] rpc_url = "" self.rpc_conn_string = "http://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (rpc_user, rpc_pass, rpc_url, str(rpc_port)) def start(self): def make_connection():"Connecting to lbrycrdd...") if self.lbrycrdd_path is not None: self._start_daemon() self._get_info()"Connected!")"Connected to lbrycrdd.") def start_manage(): self.stopped = False self.manage() return True d = self._open_db() d.addCallback(lambda _: threads.deferToThread(make_connection)) d.addCallback(lambda _: start_manage()) return d def stop(self): def log_stop_error(err): log.error("An error occurred stopping the wallet. %s", err.getTraceback()) self.stopped = True # If self.next_manage_call is None, then manage is currently running or else # start has not been called, so set stopped and do nothing else. if self.next_manage_call is not None: self.next_manage_call.cancel() self.next_manage_call = None d = self.manage() d.addErrback(log_stop_error) if self.lbrycrdd_path is not None: d.addCallback(lambda _: self._stop_daemon()) d.addErrback(log_stop_error) return d def manage(self):"Doing manage") self.next_manage_call = None have_set_manage_running = [False] def check_if_manage_running(): d = defer.Deferred() def fire_if_not_running(): if self.manage_running is False: self.manage_running = True have_set_manage_running[0] = True d.callback(True) else: task.deferLater(reactor, 1, fire_if_not_running) fire_if_not_running() return d d = check_if_manage_running() d.addCallback(lambda _: self._check_expected_balances()) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._send_payments()) d.addCallback(lambda _: threads.deferToThread(self._get_wallet_balance)) def set_wallet_balance(balance): self.wallet_balance = balance d.addCallback(set_wallet_balance) def set_next_manage_call(): if not self.stopped: self.next_manage_call = reactor.callLater(60, self.manage) d.addCallback(lambda _: set_next_manage_call()) def log_error(err): log.error("Something went wrong during manage. Error message: %s", err.getErrorMessage()) return err d.addErrback(log_error) def set_manage_not_running(arg): if have_set_manage_running[0] is True: self.manage_running = False return arg d.addBoth(set_manage_not_running) return d def get_info_exchanger(self): return LBRYcrdAddressRequester(self) def get_wallet_info_query_handler_factory(self): return LBRYcrdAddressQueryHandlerFactory(self) def get_balance(self): d = threads.deferToThread(self._get_wallet_balance) return d def reserve_points(self, identifier, amount): """ Ensure a certain amount of points are available to be sent as payment, before the service is rendered @param identifier: The peer to which the payment will ultimately be sent @param amount: The amount of points to reserve @return: A ReservedPoints object which is given to send_points once the service has been rendered """ rounded_amount = Decimal(str(round(amount, 8))) #if peer in self.peer_addresses: if self.wallet_balance >= self.total_reserved_points + rounded_amount: self.total_reserved_points += rounded_amount return ReservedPoints(identifier, rounded_amount) return None def cancel_point_reservation(self, reserved_points): """ Return all of the points that were reserved previously for some ReservedPoints object @param reserved_points: ReservedPoints previously returned by reserve_points @return: None """ self.total_reserved_points -= reserved_points.amount def send_points(self, reserved_points, amount): """ Schedule a payment to be sent to a peer @param reserved_points: ReservedPoints object previously returned by reserve_points @param amount: amount of points to actually send, must be less than or equal to the amount reserved in reserved_points @return: Deferred which fires when the payment has been scheduled """ rounded_amount = Decimal(str(round(amount, 8))) peer = reserved_points.identifier assert(rounded_amount <= reserved_points.amount) assert(peer in self.peer_addresses) self.queued_payments[self.peer_addresses[peer]] += rounded_amount # make any unused points available self.total_reserved_points -= (reserved_points.amount - rounded_amount)"ordering that %s points be sent to %s", str(rounded_amount), str(self.peer_addresses[peer])) peer.update_stats('points_sent', amount) return defer.succeed(True) def send_points_to_address(self, reserved_points, amount): """ Schedule a payment to be sent to an address @param reserved_points: ReservedPoints object previously returned by reserve_points @param amount: amount of points to actually send. must be less than or equal to the amount reselved in reserved_points @return: Deferred which fires when the payment has been scheduled """ rounded_amount = Decimal(str(round(amount, 8))) address = reserved_points.identifier assert(rounded_amount <= reserved_points.amount) self.queued_payments[address] += rounded_amount self.total_reserved_points -= (reserved_points.amount - rounded_amount)"Ordering that %s points be sent to %s", str(rounded_amount), str(address)) return defer.succeed(True) def add_expected_payment(self, peer, amount): """Increase the number of points expected to be paid by a peer""" rounded_amount = Decimal(str(round(amount, 8))) assert(peer in self.current_address_given_to_peer) address = self.current_address_given_to_peer[peer]"expecting a payment at address %s in the amount of %s", str(address), str(rounded_amount)) self.expected_balances[address] += rounded_amount expected_balance = self.expected_balances[address] expected_time = + self.max_expected_payment_time self.expected_balance_at_time.append((peer, address, expected_balance, expected_time, 0, amount)) peer.update_stats('expected_points', amount) def update_peer_address(self, peer, address): self.peer_addresses[peer] = address def get_new_address_for_peer(self, peer): def set_address_for_peer(address): self.current_address_given_to_peer[peer] = address return address d = threads.deferToThread(self._get_new_address) d.addCallback(set_address_for_peer) return d def get_stream_info_for_name(self, name): def get_stream_info_from_value(result): r_dict = {} if 'value' in result: value = result['value'] try: value_dict = json.loads(value) except ValueError: return Failure(InvalidStreamInfoError(name)) known_fields = ['stream_hash', 'name', 'description', 'key_fee', 'key_fee_address'] for field in known_fields: if field in value_dict: r_dict[field] = value_dict[field] if 'stream_hash' in r_dict and 'txid' in result: d = self._save_name_metadata(name, r_dict['stream_hash'], str(result['txid'])) else: d = defer.succeed(True) d.addCallback(lambda _: r_dict) return d return Failure(UnknownNameError(name)) d = threads.deferToThread(self._get_value_for_name, name) d.addCallback(get_stream_info_from_value) return d def claim_name(self, name, sd_hash, amount, description=None, key_fee=None, key_fee_address=None): value = {"stream_hash": sd_hash} if description is not None: value['description'] = description if key_fee is not None: value['key_fee'] = key_fee if key_fee_address is not None: value['key_fee_address'] = key_fee_address d = threads.deferToThread(self._claim_name, name, json.dumps(value), amount) def _save_metadata(txid): d = self._save_name_metadata(name, sd_hash, txid) d.addCallback(lambda _: txid) return d d.addCallback(_save_metadata) return d def get_name_and_validity_for_sd_hash(self, sd_hash): d = self._get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(sd_hash) d.addCallback(lambda name_txid: self._get_status_of_claim(name_txid[1], name_txid[0], sd_hash) if name_txid is not None else None) return d def get_available_balance(self): return float(self.wallet_balance - self.total_reserved_points) def get_new_address(self): return threads.deferToThread(self._get_new_address) def get_rpc_conf(self): settings = {"username": "rpcuser", "password": "rpcpassword", "rpc_port": 8332} if os.path.exists(self.wallet_conf): conf = open(self.wallet_conf) for l in conf: if l.startswith("rpcuser="): settings["username"] = l[8:].rstrip('\n') if l.startswith("rpcpassword="): settings["password"] = l[12:].rstrip('\n') if l.startswith("rpcport="): settings["rpc_port"] = int(l[8:].rstrip('\n')) return settings def _get_rpc_conn(self): return AuthServiceProxy(self.rpc_conn_string) def get_rpc_conn_x(self): return AuthServiceProxy(self.rpc_conn_string) def _start_daemon(self): tries = 0 try: rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() rpc_conn.getinfo()"lbrycrdd was already running when LBRYcrdWallet was started.") return except (socket.error, JSONRPCException): tries += 1"lbrcyrdd was not running when LBRYcrdWallet was started. Attempting to start it.") try: if == "nt": si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO si.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE self.lbrycrdd = subprocess.Popen([self.lbrycrdd_path, "-datadir=%s" % self.wallet_dir, "-conf=%s" % self.wallet_conf], startupinfo=si) else: self.lbrycrdd = subprocess.Popen([self.lbrycrdd_path, "-datadir=%s" % self.wallet_dir, "-conf=%s" % self.wallet_conf]) self.started_lbrycrdd = True except OSError: import traceback log.error("Couldn't launch lbrycrdd at path %s: %s", self.lbrycrdd_path, traceback.format_exc()) raise ValueError("Couldn't launch lbrycrdd. Tried %s" % self.lbrycrdd_path) while tries < 6: try: rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() rpc_conn.getinfo() break except (socket.error, JSONRPCException): tries += 1 log.warning("Failed to connect to lbrycrdd.") if tries < 5: time.sleep(2 ** tries) log.warning("Trying again in %d seconds", 2 ** tries) else: log.warning("Giving up.") else: self.lbrycrdd.terminate() raise ValueError("Couldn't open lbrycrdd") def _stop_daemon(self): if self.lbrycrdd is not None and self.started_lbrycrdd is True: d = threads.deferToThread(self._rpc_stop) return d return defer.succeed(True) def _check_expected_balances(self): now = balances_to_check = [] try: while self.expected_balance_at_time[0][3] < now: balances_to_check.append(self.expected_balance_at_time.popleft()) except IndexError: pass ds = [] for balance_to_check in balances_to_check: d = threads.deferToThread(self._check_expected_balance, balance_to_check) ds.append(d) dl = defer.DeferredList(ds) def handle_checks(results): from future_builtins import zip for balance, (success, result) in zip(balances_to_check, results): peer = balance[0] if success is True: if result is False: if balance[4] <= 1: # first or second strike, give them another chance new_expected_balance = (balance[0], balance[1], balance[2], + self.max_expected_payment_time, balance[4] + 1, balance[5]) self.expected_balance_at_time.append(new_expected_balance) peer.update_score(-5.0) else: peer.update_score(-50.0) else: if balance[4] == 0: peer.update_score(balance[5]) peer.update_stats('points_received', balance[5]) else: log.warning("Something went wrong checking a balance. Peer: %s, account: %s," "expected balance: %s, expected time: %s, count: %s, error: %s", str(balance[0]), str(balance[1]), str(balance[2]), str(balance[3]), str(balance[4]), str(result.getErrorMessage())) dl.addCallback(handle_checks) return dl @_catch_connection_error def _check_expected_balance(self, expected_balance): rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn()"Checking balance of address %s", str(expected_balance[1])) balance = rpc_conn.getreceivedbyaddress(expected_balance[1]) log.debug("received balance: %s", str(balance)) log.debug("expected balance: %s", str(expected_balance[2])) return balance >= expected_balance[2] def _send_payments(self):"Trying to send payments, if there are any to be sent") def do_send(payments): rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() rpc_conn.sendmany("", payments) payments_to_send = {} for address, points in self.queued_payments.items():"Should be sending %s points to %s", str(points), str(address)) payments_to_send[address] = float(points) self.total_reserved_points -= points self.wallet_balance -= points del self.queued_payments[address] if payments_to_send:"Creating a transaction with outputs %s", str(payments_to_send)) return threads.deferToThread(do_send, payments_to_send)"There were no payments to send") return defer.succeed(True) @_catch_connection_error def _get_info(self): rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() return rpc_conn.getinfo() @_catch_connection_error def _get_wallet_balance(self): rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() return rpc_conn.getbalance("") @_catch_connection_error def _get_new_address(self): rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() return rpc_conn.getnewaddress() @_catch_connection_error def _get_value_for_name(self, name): rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() return rpc_conn.getvalueforname(name) @_catch_connection_error def _claim_name(self, name, value, amount): rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() return str(rpc_conn.claimname(name, value, amount)) @_catch_connection_error def _get_status_of_claim(self, txhash, name, sd_hash): rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() claims = rpc_conn.getclaimsfortx(txhash) for claim in claims: if 'in claim trie' in claim: if 'name' in claim and str(claim['name']) == name and 'value' in claim: try: value_dict = json.loads(claim['value']) except ValueError: return None if 'stream_hash' in value_dict and str(value_dict['stream_hash']) == sd_hash: if 'is controlling' in claim and claim['is controlling']: return name, "valid" if claim['in claim trie']: return name, "invalid" if 'in queue' in claim and claim['in queue']: return name, "pending" return name, "unconfirmed" return None @_catch_connection_error def _rpc_stop(self): # check if our lbrycrdd is actually running, or if we connected to one that was already # running and ours failed to start if self.lbrycrdd.poll() is None: rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn() rpc_conn.stop() self.lbrycrdd.wait() def _open_db(self): self.db = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', os.path.join(self.db_dir, "blockchainname.db"), check_same_thread=False) return self.db.runQuery("create table if not exists name_metadata (" + " name text, " + " txid text, " + " sd_hash text)") def _save_name_metadata(self, name, sd_hash, txid): d = self.db.runQuery("insert into name_metadata values (?, ?, ?)", (name, txid, sd_hash)) return d def _get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(self, sd_hash): d = self.db.runQuery("select name, txid from name_metadata where sd_hash=?", (sd_hash,)) d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0] if len(r) else None) return d class LBRYcrdAddressRequester(object): implements([IRequestCreator]) def __init__(self, wallet): self.wallet = wallet self._protocols = [] ######### IRequestCreator ######### def send_next_request(self, peer, protocol): if not protocol in self._protocols: r = ClientRequest({'lbrycrd_address': True}, 'lbrycrd_address') d = protocol.add_request(r) d.addCallback(self._handle_address_response, peer, r, protocol) d.addErrback(self._request_failed, peer) self._protocols.append(protocol) return defer.succeed(True) else: return defer.succeed(False) ######### internal calls ######### def _handle_address_response(self, response_dict, peer, request, protocol): assert request.response_identifier in response_dict, \ "Expected %s in dict but did not get it" % request.response_identifier assert protocol in self._protocols, "Responding protocol is not in our list of protocols" address = response_dict[request.response_identifier] self.wallet.update_peer_address(peer, address) def _request_failed(self, err, peer): if not err.check(RequestCanceledError): log.warning("A peer failed to send a valid public key response. Error: %s, peer: %s", err.getErrorMessage(), str(peer)) #return err class LBRYcrdAddressQueryHandlerFactory(object): implements(IQueryHandlerFactory) def __init__(self, wallet): self.wallet = wallet ######### IQueryHandlerFactory ######### def build_query_handler(self): q_h = LBRYcrdAddressQueryHandler(self.wallet) return q_h def get_primary_query_identifier(self): return 'lbrycrd_address' def get_description(self): return "LBRYcrd Address - an address for receiving payments via LBRYcrd" class LBRYcrdAddressQueryHandler(object): implements(IQueryHandler) def __init__(self, wallet): self.wallet = wallet self.query_identifiers = ['lbrycrd_address'] self.address = None self.peer = None ######### IQueryHandler ######### def register_with_request_handler(self, request_handler, peer): self.peer = peer request_handler.register_query_handler(self, self.query_identifiers) def handle_queries(self, queries): def create_response(address): self.address = address fields = {'lbrycrd_address': address} return fields if self.query_identifiers[0] in queries: d = self.wallet.get_new_address_for_peer(self.peer) d.addCallback(create_response) return d if self.address is None: log.warning("Expected a request for an address, but did not receive one") return"Expected but did not receive an address request"))) else: return defer.succeed({})