import binascii import collections import logging import time import datetime from twisted.internet import defer, task from lbrynet.core import utils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DHTHashAnnouncer(object): ANNOUNCE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 60 CONCURRENT_ANNOUNCERS = 5 """This class announces to the DHT that this peer has certain blobs""" STORE_RETRIES = 3 def __init__(self, dht_node, peer_port): self.dht_node = dht_node self.peer_port = peer_port self.supplier = None self.next_manage_call = None self.hash_queue = collections.deque() self._concurrent_announcers = 0 self._manage_call_lc = task.LoopingCall(self.manage_lc) self._lock = utils.DeferredLockContextManager(defer.DeferredLock()) self._last_checked = time.time(), self.CONCURRENT_ANNOUNCERS self._retries = {} self._total = None def run_manage_loop(self):"Starting hash announcer") if not self._manage_call_lc.running: self._manage_call_lc.start(self.ANNOUNCE_CHECK_INTERVAL) def manage_lc(self): last_time, last_hashes = self._last_checked hashes = len(self.hash_queue) if hashes: t, h = time.time() - last_time, last_hashes - hashes blobs_per_second = float(h) / float(t) if blobs_per_second > 0: estimated_time_remaining = int(float(hashes) / blobs_per_second) remaining = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=estimated_time_remaining)) else: remaining = "unknown""Announcing blobs: %i blobs left to announce, %i%s complete, " "est time remaining: %s", hashes + self._concurrent_announcers, 100 - int(100.0 * float(hashes + self._concurrent_announcers) / float(self._total)), "%", remaining) self._last_checked = t + last_time, hashes else: self._total = 0 if self.peer_port is not None: return self._announce_available_hashes() def stop(self):"Stopping DHT hash announcer.") if self._manage_call_lc.running: self._manage_call_lc.stop() def add_supplier(self, supplier): self.supplier = supplier def immediate_announce(self, blob_hashes): if self.peer_port is not None: return self._announce_hashes(blob_hashes, immediate=True) else: return defer.succeed(False) def hash_queue_size(self): return len(self.hash_queue) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _announce_available_hashes(self): log.debug('Announcing available hashes') if self.supplier: hashes = yield self.supplier.hashes_to_announce() yield self._announce_hashes(hashes) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _announce_hashes(self, hashes, immediate=False): if not hashes: defer.returnValue(None) if not self.dht_node.can_store: log.warning("Client only DHT node cannot store, skipping announce") defer.returnValue(None)'Announcing %s hashes', len(hashes)) # TODO: add a timeit decorator start = time.time() ds = [] with self._lock: for h in hashes: announce_deferred = defer.Deferred() if immediate: self.hash_queue.appendleft((h, announce_deferred)) else: self.hash_queue.append((h, announce_deferred)) if not self._total: self._total = len(hashes) log.debug('There are now %s hashes remaining to be announced', self.hash_queue_size()) @defer.inlineCallbacks def do_store(blob_hash, announce_d): if announce_d.called: defer.returnValue(announce_deferred.result) try: store_nodes = yield self.dht_node.announceHaveBlob(binascii.unhexlify(blob_hash)) if not store_nodes: retries = self._retries.get(blob_hash, 0) retries += 1 self._retries[blob_hash] = retries if retries <= self.STORE_RETRIES: log.debug("No nodes stored %s, retrying", blob_hash) result = yield do_store(blob_hash, announce_d) else: log.warning("No nodes stored %s", blob_hash) else: result = store_nodes if not announce_d.called: announce_d.callback(result) defer.returnValue(result) except Exception as err: if not announce_d.called: announce_d.errback(err) raise err @defer.inlineCallbacks def announce(progress=None): progress = progress or {} if len(self.hash_queue): with self._lock: h, announce_deferred = self.hash_queue.popleft() log.debug('Announcing blob %s to dht', h[:16]) stored_to_nodes = yield do_store(h, announce_deferred) progress[h] = stored_to_nodes log.debug("Stored %s to %i peers (hashes announced by this announcer: %i)", h.encode('hex')[:16], len(stored_to_nodes), len(progress)) yield announce(progress) else: with self._lock: self._concurrent_announcers -= 1 defer.returnValue(progress) for i in range(self._concurrent_announcers, self.CONCURRENT_ANNOUNCERS): self._concurrent_announcers += 1 ds.append(announce()) announcer_results = yield defer.DeferredList(ds) stored_to = {} for _, announced_to in announcer_results: stored_to.update(announced_to)'Took %s seconds to announce %s hashes', time.time() - start, len(hashes)) seconds_per_blob = (time.time() - start) / len(hashes) self.supplier.set_single_hash_announce_duration(seconds_per_blob) defer.returnValue(stored_to) class DHTHashSupplier(object): # 1 hour is the min time hash will be reannounced MIN_HASH_REANNOUNCE_TIME = 60 * 60 # conservative assumption of the time it takes to announce # a single hash DEFAULT_SINGLE_HASH_ANNOUNCE_DURATION = 1 """Classes derived from this class give hashes to a hash announcer""" def __init__(self, announcer): if announcer is not None: announcer.add_supplier(self) self.hash_announcer = announcer self.single_hash_announce_duration = self.DEFAULT_SINGLE_HASH_ANNOUNCE_DURATION def hashes_to_announce(self): pass def set_single_hash_announce_duration(self, seconds): """ Set the duration it takes to announce a single hash in seconds, cannot be less than the default single hash announce duration """ seconds = max(seconds, self.DEFAULT_SINGLE_HASH_ANNOUNCE_DURATION) self.single_hash_announce_duration = seconds def get_next_announce_time(self, num_hashes_to_announce=1): """ Hash reannounce time is set to current time + MIN_HASH_REANNOUNCE_TIME, unless we are announcing a lot of hashes at once which could cause the the announce queue to pile up. To prevent pile up, reannounce only after a conservative estimate of when it will finish to announce all the hashes. Args: num_hashes_to_announce: number of hashes that will be added to the queue Returns: timestamp for next announce time """ queue_size = self.hash_announcer.hash_queue_size() + num_hashes_to_announce reannounce = max(self.MIN_HASH_REANNOUNCE_TIME, queue_size * self.single_hash_announce_duration) return time.time() + reannounce