import logging import os import sqlite3 from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.enterprise import adbapi log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseSQLiteWalletStorage(object): CREATE_TX_TABLE = """ create table if not exists tx ( txid blob primary key, raw blob not null, height integer not null, is_confirmed boolean not null, is_verified boolean not null ); create table if not exists address_status ( address blob not null, status text not null ); """ CREATE_TXO_TABLE = """ create table if not exists txo ( txoid integer primary key, account blob not null, address blob not null, txid blob references tx, pos integer not null, amount integer not null, script blob not null ); """ CREATE_TXI_TABLE = """ create table if not exists txi ( account blob not null, txid blob references tx, txoid integer references txo ); """ CREATE_TABLES_QUERY = ( CREATE_TX_TABLE + CREATE_TXO_TABLE + CREATE_TXI_TABLE ) def __init__(self, ledger): self._db_path = os.path.join(ledger.path, "blockchain.db") self.db = None def start(self):"connecting to database: %s", self._db_path) self.db = adbapi.ConnectionPool( 'sqlite3', self._db_path, cp_min=1, cp_max=1, check_same_thread=False ) return self.db.runInteraction( lambda t: t.executescript(self.CREATE_TABLES_QUERY) ) def stop(self): self.db.close() return defer.succeed(True) @defer.inlineCallbacks def run_and_return_one_or_none(self, query, *args): result = yield self.db.runQuery(query, args) if result: defer.returnValue(result[0][0]) else: defer.returnValue(None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def run_and_return_list(self, query, *args): result = yield self.db.runQuery(query, args) if result: defer.returnValue([i[0] for i in result]) else: defer.returnValue([]) def run_and_return_id(self, query, *args): def do_save(t): t.execute(query, args) return t.lastrowid return self.db.runInteraction(do_save) def add_transaction(self, tx, height, is_confirmed, is_verified): return self.run_and_return_id( "insert into tx values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", sqlite3.Binary(, sqlite3.Binary(tx.raw), height, is_confirmed, is_verified ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def has_transaction(self, txid): result = yield self.db.runQuery( "select rowid from tx where txid=?", (txid,) ) defer.returnValue(bool(result)) def add_tx_output(self, account, txo): return self.db.runOperation( "insert into txo values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address), sqlite3.Binary(txo.script.values['pubkey_hash']), sqlite3.Binary(txo.txid), txo.index, txo.amount, sqlite3.Binary(txo.script.source), txo.script.is_claim_name, txo.script.is_support_claim, txo.script.is_update_claim ) ) def add_tx_input(self, account, txi): def _ops(t): txoid = t.execute( "select rowid from txo where txid=? and pos=?", ( sqlite3.Binary(txi.output_txid), txi.output_index ) ).fetchone()[0] t.execute( "insert into txi values (?, ?, ?)", ( sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address), sqlite3.Binary(txi.txid), txoid ) ) return self.db.runInteraction(_ops) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_balance_for_account(self, account): result = yield self.db.runQuery( "select sum(amount) from txo where account=:account and rowid not in (select txo from txi where account=:account)", {'account': sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address)} ) if result: defer.returnValue(result[0][0] or 0) else: defer.returnValue(0) def get_used_addresses(self, account): return self.db.runQuery( """ SELECT txios.address, sum(txios.used_count) as total FROM (SELECT address, count(*) as used_count FROM txo WHERE account=:account GROUP BY address UNION SELECT address, count(*) as used_count FROM txi NATURAL JOIN txo WHERE account=:account GROUP BY address) AS txios GROUP BY txios.address ORDER BY total """, {'account': sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address)} ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_earliest_block_height_for_address(self, address): result = yield self.db.runQuery( """ SELECT height FROM (SELECT DISTINCT height FROM txi NATURAL JOIN txo NATURAL JOIN tx WHERE address=:address UNION SELECT DISTINCT height FROM txo NATURAL JOIN tx WHERE address=:address) AS txios ORDER BY height LIMIT 1 """, {'address': sqlite3.Binary(address)} ) if result: defer.returnValue(result[0][0]) else: defer.returnValue(None) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_utxos(self, account, output_class): utxos = yield self.db.runQuery( """ SELECT amount, script, txid FROM txo WHERE account=:account AND txoid NOT IN (SELECT txoid FROM txi WHERE account=:account) """, {'account': sqlite3.Binary(account.public_key.address)} ) defer.returnValue([ output_class( values[0], output_class.script_class(values[1]), values[2] ) for values in utxos ]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_address_status(self, address): result = yield self.db.runQuery( "select status from address_status where address=?", (address,) ) if result: defer.returnValue(result[0][0]) else: defer.returnValue(None) def set_address_status(self, address, status): return self.db.runOperation( "replace into address_status (address, status) values (?, ?)", (address,status) )