import os import time import textwrap import argparse import asyncio import logging from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor from lbry.wallet.server.db.reader import search_to_bytes, initializer, _get_claims, interpolate from lbry.wallet.ledger import MainNetLedger log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) DEFAULT_ANY_TAGS = [ 'blockchain', 'news', 'learning', 'technology', 'automotive', 'economics', 'food', 'science', 'art', 'nature' ] COMMON_AND_RARE = [ 'gaming', 'ufos' ] COMMON_AND_RARE2 = [ 'city fix', 'gaming' ] RARE_ANY_TAGS = [ 'city fix', 'ufos', ] CITY_FIX = [ 'city fix' ] MATURE_TAGS = [ 'porn', 'nsfw', 'mature', 'xxx' ] ORDER_BY = [ [ "trending_global", "trending_mixed", ], [ "release_time" ], [ "effective_amount" ] ] def get_args(limit=20): args = [] any_tags_combinations = [DEFAULT_ANY_TAGS, COMMON_AND_RARE, RARE_ANY_TAGS, COMMON_AND_RARE2, CITY_FIX, []] not_tags_combinations = [MATURE_TAGS, []] for no_fee in [False, True]: for claim_type in [None, 'stream', 'channel']: for no_totals in [True]: for offset in [0, 100]: for any_tags in any_tags_combinations: for not_tags in not_tags_combinations: for order_by in ORDER_BY: kw = { 'order_by': order_by, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'no_totals': no_totals } if not_tags: kw['not_tags'] = not_tags if any_tags: kw['any_tags'] = any_tags if claim_type: kw['claim_type'] = claim_type if no_fee: kw['fee_amount'] = 0 args.append(kw) print(f"-- Trying {len(args)} argument combinations") return args def _search(kwargs): start = time.perf_counter() error = None try: search_to_bytes(kwargs) except Exception as err: error = str(err) return time.perf_counter() - start, kwargs, error async def search(executor, kwargs): return await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor( executor, _search, kwargs ) async def main(db_path, max_query_time): args = dict(initializer=initializer, initargs=(log, db_path, MainNetLedger, 0.25)) workers = max(os.cpu_count(), 4)"using {workers} reader processes") query_executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(workers, **args) tasks = [search(query_executor, constraints) for constraints in get_args()] try: results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) query_times = [ { 'sql': interpolate(*_get_claims(""" claimtrie.claim_hash as is_controlling, claimtrie.last_take_over_height, claim.claim_hash, claim.txo_hash, claim.claims_in_channel, claim.height, claim.creation_height, claim.activation_height, claim.expiration_height, claim.effective_amount, claim.support_amount, claim.trending_group, claim.trending_mixed, claim.trending_local, claim.trending_global, claim.short_url, claim.canonical_url, claim.channel_hash, channel.txo_hash AS channel_txo_hash, channel.height AS channel_height, claim.signature_valid """, **constraints)), 'duration': ts, 'error': error } for ts, constraints, error in results ] errored = [query_info for query_info in query_times if query_info['error']] errors = {str(query_info['error']): [] for query_info in errored} for error in errored: errors[str(error['error'])].append(error['sql']) slow = [ query_info for query_info in query_times if not query_info['error'] and query_info['duration'] > (max_query_time / 2.0) ] fast = [ query_info for query_info in query_times if not query_info['error'] and query_info['duration'] <= (max_query_time / 2.0) ] print(f"-- {len(fast)} queries were fast") slow.sort(key=lambda query_info: query_info['duration'], reverse=True) print(f"-- Failing queries:") for error in errors: print(f"-- Failure: \"{error}\"") for failing_query in errors[error]: print(f"{textwrap.dedent(failing_query)};\n") print() print(f"-- Slow queries:") for slow_query in slow: print(f"-- Query took {slow_query['duration']}\n{textwrap.dedent(slow_query['sql'])};\n") finally: query_executor.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--db_path', dest='db_path', default=os.path.expanduser('~/claims.db'), type=str) parser.add_argument('--max_time', dest='max_time', default=0.25, type=float) args = parser.parse_args() db_path = args.db_path max_query_time = args.max_time, max_query_time))