import urlparse import logging import requests import os import base64 import json from lbrynet.lbrynet_daemon.auth.util import load_api_keys, APIKey, API_KEY_NAME, get_auth_message from lbrynet.conf import settings from jsonrpc.proxy import JSONRPCProxy log = logging.getLogger(__name__) USER_AGENT = "AuthServiceProxy/0.1" TWISTED_SESSION = "TWISTED_SESSION" LBRY_SECRET = "LBRY_SECRET" HTTP_TIMEOUT = 30 class JSONRPCException(Exception): def __init__(self, rpc_error): Exception.__init__(self) self.error = rpc_error class AuthAPIClient(object): def __init__(self, key, timeout, connection, count, service, cookies, auth, url, login_url): self.__service_name = service self.__api_key = key self.__service_url = login_url self.__id_count = count self.__url = url self.__auth_header = auth self.__conn = connection self.__cookies = cookies def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'): # Python internal stuff raise AttributeError if self.__service_name is not None: name = "%s.%s" % (self.__service_name, name) return AuthAPIClient(key=self.__api_key, timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, connection=self.__conn, count=self.__id_count, service=name, cookies=self.__cookies, auth=self.__auth_header, url=self.__url, login_url=self.__service_url) def __call__(self, *args): self.__id_count += 1 pre_auth_postdata = {'version': '1.1', 'method': self.__service_name, 'params': args, 'id': self.__id_count} to_auth = get_auth_message(pre_auth_postdata) token = self.__api_key.get_hmac(to_auth) pre_auth_postdata.update({'hmac': token}) postdata = json.dumps(pre_auth_postdata) service_url = self.__service_url auth_header = self.__auth_header cookies = self.__cookies host = self.__url.hostname req = requests.Request(method='POST', url=service_url, data=postdata, headers={'Host': host, 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Authorization': auth_header, 'Content-type': 'application/json'}, cookies=cookies) r = req.prepare() http_response = self.__conn.send(r) cookies = http_response.cookies headers = http_response.headers next_secret = headers.get(LBRY_SECRET, False) if next_secret: self.__api_key.secret = next_secret self.__cookies = cookies if http_response is None: raise JSONRPCException({ 'code': -342, 'message': 'missing HTTP response from server'}) http_response.raise_for_status() response = http_response.json() if response['error'] is not None: raise JSONRPCException(response['error']) elif 'result' not in response: raise JSONRPCException({ 'code': -343, 'message': 'missing JSON-RPC result'}) else: return response['result'] @classmethod def config(cls, key_name=None, key=None, pw_path=None, timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, connection=None, count=0, service=None, cookies=None, auth=None, url=None, login_url=None): api_key_name = API_KEY_NAME if not key_name else key_name pw_path = os.path.join(settings.data_dir, ".api_keys") if not pw_path else pw_path if not key: keys = load_api_keys(pw_path) api_key = keys.get(api_key_name, False) else: api_key = APIKey(name=api_key_name, secret=key) if login_url is None: service_url = "http://%s:%s@%s:%i/%s" % (api_key_name, api_key.secret, settings.API_INTERFACE, settings.api_port, settings.API_ADDRESS) else: service_url = login_url id_count = count if auth is None and connection is None and cookies is None and url is None: # This is a new client instance, initialize the auth header and start a session url = urlparse.urlparse(service_url) (user, passwd) = (url.username, url.password) try: user = user.encode('utf8') except AttributeError: pass try: passwd = passwd.encode('utf8') except AttributeError: pass authpair = user + b':' + passwd auth_header = b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(authpair) conn = requests.Session() conn.auth = (user, passwd) req = requests.Request(method='POST', url=service_url, auth=conn.auth, headers={'Host': url.hostname, 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Authorization': auth_header, 'Content-type': 'application/json'},) r = req.prepare() http_response = conn.send(r) cookies = http_response.cookies uid = cookies.get(TWISTED_SESSION) api_key = else: # This is a client that already has a session, use it auth_header = auth conn = connection assert cookies.get(LBRY_SECRET, False), "Missing cookie" secret = cookies.get(LBRY_SECRET) api_key = APIKey(secret, api_key_name) return cls(api_key, timeout, conn, id_count, service, cookies, auth_header, url, service_url) class LBRYAPIClient(object): @staticmethod def config(service=None, params=None): if settings.use_auth_http: if service is None: return AuthAPIClient.config() log.error("Try auth") if params is not None: return AuthAPIClient.config(service=service)(params) return AuthAPIClient.config(service=service)() url = settings.API_CONNECTION_STRING if service is None: return JSONRPCProxy.from_url(url) return JSONRPCProxy.from_url(url).call(service, params)