#!/usr/bin/env python
# This library is free software, distributed under the terms of
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3, or any later version.
# See the COPYING file included in this archive

import hashlib
import unittest
import struct

from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, selectreactor
from lbrynet.dht.msgtypes import ResponseMessage
import lbrynet.dht.node
import lbrynet.dht.constants
import lbrynet.dht.datastore

class NodeIDTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test case for the Node class's ID """
    def setUp(self):
        self.node = lbrynet.dht.node.Node()

    def testAutoCreatedID(self):
        """ Tests if a new node has a valid node ID """
        self.failUnlessEqual(type(self.node.node_id), str, 'Node does not have a valid ID')
        self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.node.node_id), 48, 'Node ID length is incorrect! '
                                                        'Expected 384 bits, got %d bits.' %
                             (len(self.node.node_id) * 8))

    def testUniqueness(self):
        """ Tests the uniqueness of the values created by the NodeID generator """
        generatedIDs = []
        for i in range(100):
            newID = self.node._generateID()
            # ugly uniqueness test
            self.failIf(newID in generatedIDs, 'Generated ID #%d not unique!' % (i+1))

    def testKeyLength(self):
        """ Tests the key Node ID key length """
        for i in range(20):
            id = self.node._generateID()
            # Key length: 20 bytes == 160 bits
            self.failUnlessEqual(len(id), 48,
                                 'Length of generated ID is incorrect! Expected 384 bits, '
                                 'got %d bits.' % (len(id)*8))

class NodeDataTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test case for the Node class's data-related functions """
    def setUp(self):
        import lbrynet.dht.contact
        h = hashlib.sha384()
        self.node = lbrynet.dht.node.Node()
        self.contact = lbrynet.dht.contact.Contact(h.digest(), '', 12345,
        self.token = self.node.make_token(self.contact.compact_ip())
        self.cases = []
        for i in xrange(5):
            self.cases.append((h.digest(), 5000+2*i))
            self.cases.append((h.digest(), 5001+2*i))

    def testStore(self):
        """ Tests if the node can store (and privately retrieve) some data """
        for key, value in self.cases:
            request = {
                'port': value,
                'lbryid': self.contact.id,
                'token': self.token
            yield self.node.store(key, request, self.contact.id, _rpcNodeContact=self.contact)
        for key, value in self.cases:
            expected_result = self.contact.compact_ip() + str(struct.pack('>H', value)) + \
                            'Stored key not found in node\'s DataStore: "%s"' % key)
            self.failUnless(expected_result in self.node._dataStore.getPeersForBlob(key),
                            'Stored val not found in node\'s DataStore: key:"%s" port:"%s" %s'
                            % (key, value, self.node._dataStore.getPeersForBlob(key)))

class NodeContactTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test case for the Node class's contact management-related functions """
    def setUp(self):
        self.node = lbrynet.dht.node.Node()

    def testAddContact(self):
        """ Tests if a contact can be added and retrieved correctly """
        import lbrynet.dht.contact
        # Create the contact
        h = hashlib.sha384()
        contactID = h.digest()
        contact = lbrynet.dht.contact.Contact(contactID, '', 91824, self.node._protocol)
        # Now add it...
        # ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE
        closestNodes = self.node._routingTable.findCloseNodes(contactID, lbrynet.dht.constants.k)
        self.failUnlessEqual(len(closestNodes), 1, 'Wrong amount of contacts returned; '
                                                   'expected 1, got %d' % len(closestNodes))
        self.failUnless(contact in closestNodes, 'Added contact not found by issueing '

    def testAddSelfAsContact(self):
        """ Tests the node's behaviour when attempting to add itself as a contact """
        import lbrynet.dht.contact
        # Create a contact with the same ID as the local node's ID
        contact = lbrynet.dht.contact.Contact(self.node.node_id, '', 91824, None)
        # Now try to add it
        # ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE
        closestNodes = self.node._routingTable.findCloseNodes(self.node.node_id,
        self.failIf(contact in closestNodes, 'Node added itself as a contact')

class FakeRPCProtocol(protocol.DatagramProtocol):
    def __init__(self):
        self.reactor = selectreactor.SelectReactor()
        self.testResponse = None
        self.network = None

    def createNetwork(self, contactNetwork):
        set up a list of contacts together with their closest contacts
        @param contactNetwork: a sequence of tuples, each containing a contact together with its
        closest contacts:  C{(<contact>, <closest contact 1, ...,closest contact n>)}
        self.network = contactNetwork

    def sendRPC(self, contact, method, args, rawResponse=False):
        """ Fake RPC protocol; allows entangled.kademlia.contact.Contact objects to "send" RPCs"""

        h = hashlib.sha384()
        rpc_id = h.digest()[:20]

        if method == "findNode":
            # get the specific contacts closest contacts
            closestContacts = []
            closestContactsList = []
            for contactTuple in self.network:
                if contact == contactTuple[0]:
                    # get the list of closest contacts for this contact
                    closestContactsList = contactTuple[1]
            # Pack the closest contacts into a ResponseMessage
            for closeContact in closestContactsList:
                closestContacts.append((closeContact.id, closeContact.address, closeContact.port))

            message = ResponseMessage(rpc_id, contact.id, closestContacts)
            df = defer.Deferred()
            df.callback((message, (contact.address, contact.port)))
            return df
        elif method == "findValue":
            for contactTuple in self.network:
                if contact == contactTuple[0]:
                    # Get the data stored by this remote contact
                    dataDict = contactTuple[2]
                    dataKey = dataDict.keys()[0]
                    data = dataDict.get(dataKey)
                    # Check if this contact has the requested value
                    if dataKey == args[0]:
                        # Return the data value
                        response = dataDict
                        print "data found at contact: " + contact.id
                        # Return the closest contact to the requested data key
                        print "data not found at contact: " + contact.id
                        closeContacts = contactTuple[1]
                        closestContacts = []
                        for closeContact in closeContacts:
                            closestContacts.append((closeContact.id, closeContact.address,
                            response = closestContacts

            # Create the response message
            message = ResponseMessage(rpc_id, contact.id, response)
            df = defer.Deferred()
            df.callback((message, (contact.address, contact.port)))
            return df

    def _send(self, data, rpcID, address):
        """ fake sending data """

class NodeLookupTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test case for the Node class's iterativeFind node lookup algorithm """

    def setUp(self):
        # create a fake protocol to imitate communication with other nodes
        self._protocol = FakeRPCProtocol()
        # Note: The reactor is never started for this test. All deferred calls run sequentially,
        # since there is no asynchronous network communication
        # create the node to be tested in isolation
        h = hashlib.sha384()
        node_id = str(h.digest())
        self.node = lbrynet.dht.node.Node(node_id, 4000, None, None, self._protocol)
        self.updPort = 81173
        self.contactsAmount = 80
        # Reinitialise the routing table
        self.node._routingTable = lbrynet.dht.routingtable.OptimizedTreeRoutingTable(

        # create 160 bit node ID's for test purposes
        self.testNodeIDs = []
        idNum = int(self.node.node_id.encode('hex'), 16)
        for i in range(self.contactsAmount):
            # create the testNodeIDs in ascending order, away from the actual node ID,
            # with regards to the distance metric
            self.testNodeIDs.append(str("%X" % (idNum + i + 1)).decode('hex'))

        # generate contacts
        self.contacts = []
        for i in range(self.contactsAmount):
            contact = lbrynet.dht.contact.Contact(self.testNodeIDs[i], "",
                                                  self.updPort + i + 1, self._protocol)

        # create the network of contacts in format: (contact, closest contacts)
        contactNetwork = ((self.contacts[0], self.contacts[8:15]),
                          (self.contacts[1], self.contacts[16:23]),
                          (self.contacts[2], self.contacts[24:31]),
                          (self.contacts[3], self.contacts[32:39]),
                          (self.contacts[4], self.contacts[40:47]),
                          (self.contacts[5], self.contacts[48:55]),
                          (self.contacts[6], self.contacts[56:63]),
                          (self.contacts[7], self.contacts[64:71]),
                          (self.contacts[8], self.contacts[72:79]),
                          (self.contacts[40], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[41], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[42], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[43], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[44], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[45], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[46], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[47], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[48], self.contacts[41:48]),
                          (self.contacts[50], self.contacts[0:7]),
                          (self.contacts[51], self.contacts[8:15]),
                          (self.contacts[52], self.contacts[16:23]))

        contacts_with_datastores = []

        for contact_tuple in contactNetwork:
            contacts_with_datastores.append((contact_tuple[0], contact_tuple[1],

    def testNodeBootStrap(self):
        """  Test bootstrap with the closest possible contacts """

        activeContacts = yield self.node._iterativeFind(self.node.node_id, self.contacts[0:8])
        # Set the expected result
        expectedResult = set()
        for item in self.contacts[0:6]:
        # Get the result from the deferred

        # Check the length of the active contacts
        self.failUnlessEqual(activeContacts.__len__(), expectedResult.__len__(),
                             "More active contacts should exist, there should be %d "
                             "contacts but there are %d" % (len(expectedResult),

        # Check that the received active contacts are the same as the input contacts
        self.failUnlessEqual({contact.id for contact in activeContacts}, expectedResult,
                             "Active should only contain the closest possible contacts"
                             " which were used as input for the boostrap")