import os.path import asyncio import sqlite3 from typing import List, Optional from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from lbry.schema.url import normalize_name from .bcd_data_stream import BCDataStream FILES = [ 'claims', 'block_index', ] def make_short_url(r): try: return f'{normalize_name(r["name"].decode())}#{r["shortestID"] or r["claimID"][::-1].hex()[0]}' except UnicodeDecodeError: # print(f'failed making short url due to name parse error for claim_id: {r["claimID"][::-1].hex()}') return "INVALID NAME" class FindShortestID: __slots__ = 'short_id', 'new_id' def __init__(self): self.short_id = '' self.new_id = None def step(self, other_id, new_id): other_id = other_id[::-1].hex() if self.new_id is None: self.new_id = new_id[::-1].hex() for i in range(len(self.new_id)): if other_id[i] != self.new_id[i]: if i > len(self.short_id)-1: self.short_id = self.new_id[:i+1] break def finalize(self): return self.short_id class BlockchainDB: def __init__(self, directory: str): = directory self.connection: Optional[sqlite3.Connection] = None self.executor: Optional[ThreadPoolExecutor] = None async def run_in_executor(self, *args): return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, *args) def sync_open(self): self.connection = sqlite3.connect( os.path.join(, FILES[0]+'.sqlite'), timeout=60.0 * 5 ) for file in FILES[1:]: self.connection.execute( f"ATTACH DATABASE '{os.path.join(, file+'.sqlite')}' AS {file}" ) self.connection.create_aggregate("find_shortest_id", 2, FindShortestID) self.connection.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS claim_originalheight ON claim (originalheight);") self.connection.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS claim_updateheight ON claim (updateheight);") self.connection.execute("create index IF NOT EXISTS support_blockheight on support (blockheight);") self.connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row async def open(self): assert self.executor is None, "Database is already open." self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_open) def sync_close(self): self.connection.close() self.connection = None async def close(self): if self.executor is not None: if self.connection is not None: await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_close) self.executor.shutdown() self.executor = None async def commit(self): await self.run_in_executor(self.connection.commit) def sync_execute(self, sql: str, *args): return self.connection.execute(sql, *args) async def execute(self, sql: str, *args): return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_execute, sql, *args) def sync_execute_fetchall(self, sql: str, *args) -> List[dict]: return self.connection.execute(sql, *args).fetchall() async def execute_fetchall(self, sql: str, *args) -> List[dict]: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_execute_fetchall, sql, *args) def sync_get_best_height(self) -> int: sql = "SELECT MAX(height) FROM block_info" return self.connection.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] async def get_best_height(self) -> int: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_get_best_height) def sync_get_block_files(self, file_number: int = None, start_height: int = None) -> List[dict]: sql = """ SELECT file as file_number, COUNT(hash) as blocks, SUM(txcount) as txs, MAX(height) as best_height, MIN(height) as start_height FROM block_info WHERE status&1 AND status&4 """ args = () if file_number is not None and start_height is not None: sql += "AND file = ? AND height >= ?" args = (file_number, start_height) return [dict(r) for r in self.sync_execute_fetchall(sql + " GROUP BY file ORDER BY file ASC;", args)] async def get_block_files(self, file_number: int = None, start_height: int = None) -> List[dict]: return await self.run_in_executor( self.sync_get_block_files, file_number, start_height ) def sync_get_blocks_in_file(self, block_file: int, start_height=0) -> List[dict]: return [dict(r) for r in self.sync_execute_fetchall( """ SELECT datapos as data_offset, height, hash as block_hash, txCount as txs FROM block_info WHERE file = ? AND height >= ? AND status&1 AND status&4 ORDER BY datapos ASC; """, (block_file, start_height) )] async def get_blocks_in_file(self, block_file: int, start_height=0) -> List[dict]: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_get_blocks_in_file, block_file, start_height) def sync_get_claim_support_txo_hashes(self, at_height: int) -> set: return { r['txID'] + BCDataStream.uint32.pack(r['txN']) for r in self.connection.execute( """ SELECT txID, txN FROM claim WHERE updateHeight = ? UNION SELECT txID, txN FROM support WHERE blockHeight = ? """, (at_height, at_height) ).fetchall() } def sync_get_takeover_count(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> int: sql = """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM claim WHERE name IN ( SELECT name FROM takeover WHERE name IS NOT NULL AND height BETWEEN ? AND ? ) """, (start_height, end_height) return self.connection.execute(*sql).fetchone()[0] async def get_takeover_count(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> int: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_get_takeover_count, start_height, end_height) def sync_get_takeovers(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> List[dict]: sql = """ SELECT name, claimID, MAX(height) AS height FROM takeover WHERE name IS NOT NULL AND height BETWEEN ? AND ? GROUP BY name """, (start_height, end_height) return [{ 'normalized': normalize_name(r['name'].decode()), 'claim_hash': r['claimID'], 'height': r['height'] } for r in self.sync_execute_fetchall(*sql)] async def get_takeovers(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> List[dict]: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_get_takeovers, start_height, end_height) def sync_get_claim_metadata_count(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> int: sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM claim WHERE originalHeight BETWEEN ? AND ?" return self.connection.execute(sql, (start_height, end_height)).fetchone()[0] async def get_claim_metadata_count(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> int: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_get_claim_metadata_count, start_height, end_height) def sync_get_claim_metadata(self, claim_hashes) -> List[dict]: sql = f""" SELECT name, claimID, activationHeight, expirationHeight, originalHeight, (SELECT CASE WHEN takeover.claimID = claim.claimID THEN takeover.height END FROM takeover WHERE = ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT 1 ) AS takeoverHeight, (SELECT find_shortest_id(c.claimid, claim.claimid) FROM claim AS c WHERE c.nodename = claim.nodename AND c.originalheight <= claim.originalheight AND c.claimid != claim.claimid ) AS shortestID FROM claim WHERE claimID IN ({','.join(['?' for _ in claim_hashes])}) ORDER BY claimID """, claim_hashes return [{ "name": r["name"], "claim_hash": r["claimID"], "activation_height": r["activationHeight"], "expiration_height": r["expirationHeight"], "takeover_height": r["takeoverHeight"], "creation_height": r["originalHeight"], "short_url": make_short_url(r), } for r in self.sync_execute_fetchall(*sql)] async def get_claim_metadata(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> List[dict]: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_get_claim_metadata, start_height, end_height) def sync_get_support_metadata_count(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> int: sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM support WHERE blockHeight BETWEEN ? AND ?" return self.connection.execute(sql, (start_height, end_height)).fetchone()[0] async def get_support_metadata_count(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> int: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_get_support_metadata_count, start_height, end_height) def sync_get_support_metadata(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> List[dict]: sql = """ SELECT name, txid, txn, activationHeight, expirationHeight FROM support WHERE blockHeight BETWEEN ? AND ? """, (start_height, end_height) return [{ "name": r['name'], "txo_hash_pk": r['txID'] + BCDataStream.uint32.pack(r['txN']), "activation_height": r['activationHeight'], "expiration_height": r['expirationHeight'], } for r in self.sync_execute_fetchall(*sql)] async def get_support_metadata(self, start_height: int, end_height: int) -> List[dict]: return await self.run_in_executor(self.sync_get_support_metadata, start_height, end_height)