import os import time from glob import glob import sqlite3 import asyncio import struct from contextvars import ContextVar from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from lbry.wallet.bcd_data_stream import BCDataStream from lbry.crypto.hash import double_sha256 from lbry.wallet.transaction import Transaction from binascii import hexlify db = ContextVar('db') def initializer(_path): _db = sqlite3.connect(_path, isolation_level=None, uri=True, timeout=60.0*5) _db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row _db.executescript(""" pragma journal_mode=wal; """) db.set(_db) def read_block(block: bytes): reader = BCDataStream() = block ZERO_BLOCK = bytes((0,)*32) def parse_header(header): version, = struct.unpack('<I', header[:4]) timestamp, bits, nonce = struct.unpack('<III', header[100:112]) return { 'version': version, 'block_hash': double_sha256(header), 'prev_block_hash': header[4:36], 'merkle_root': header[36:68], 'claim_trie_root': header[68:100][::-1], 'timestamp': timestamp, 'bits': bits, 'nonce': nonce, } def parse_txs(stream): tx_count = stream.read_compact_size() return [Transaction(position=i)._deserialize(stream) for i in range(tx_count)] def process_file(file_path): print(f'started: {file_path}') sql = db.get() stream = BCDataStream() = open(file_path, 'rb') blocks, txs, claims, supports, spends = [], [], [], [], [] while stream.read_uint32() == 4054508794: block_size = stream.read_uint32() header = parse_header( is_first_block = header['prev_block_hash'] == ZERO_BLOCK for tx in parse_txs(stream): txs.append((header['block_hash'], tx.position, tx.hash)) for txi in tx.inputs: if not txi.is_coinbase: spends.append((header['block_hash'], tx.hash, txi.txo_ref.hash)) for output in tx.outputs: try: if output.is_support: supports.append(( header['block_hash'], tx.hash, output.ref.hash, output.claim_hash, output.amount )) elif output.script.is_claim_name: claims.append(( header['block_hash'], tx.hash, tx.position, output.ref.hash, output.claim_hash, output.claim_name, 1, output.amount, None, None )) elif output.script.is_update_claim: claims.append(( header['block_hash'], tx.hash, tx.position, output.ref.hash, output.claim_hash, output.claim_name, 2, output.amount, None, None )) except: pass blocks.append((header['block_hash'], header['prev_block_hash'], 0 if is_first_block else None)) print(f'inserting sql in {file_path}') sql.execute('begin;') sql.executemany("insert into block values (?, ?, ?)", blocks) sql.execute('commit;') sql.execute('begin;') sql.executemany("insert into tx values (?, ?, ?)", txs) sql.execute('commit;') sql.execute('begin;') sql.executemany("insert into txi values (?, ?, ?)", spends) sql.execute('commit;') sql.execute('begin;') sql.executemany("insert into support values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", supports) sql.execute('commit;') sql.execute('begin;') sql.executemany("insert into claim_history values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", claims) sql.execute('commit;') return len(blocks), len(txs) def create_db(): sql = db.get() sql.executescript(""" create table block ( block_hash bytes not null, previous_hash bytes not null, height int ); create table tx ( block_hash integer not null, position integer not null, tx_hash bytes not null ); create table txi ( block_hash bytes not null, tx_hash bytes not null, txo_hash bytes not null ); create table claim ( txo_hash bytes not null, claim_hash bytes not null, claim_name text not null, amount integer not null, height integer ); create table claim_history ( block_hash bytes not null, tx_hash bytes not null, tx_position integer not null, txo_hash bytes not null, claim_hash bytes not null, claim_name text not null, action integer not null, amount integer not null, height integer, is_spent bool ); create table support ( block_hash bytes not null, tx_hash bytes not null, txo_hash bytes not null, claim_hash bytes not null, amount integer not null ); """) def clean_chain(): sql = db.get() print('traversing chain and setting height') sql.execute('begin;') print(' + adding unique block (block_hash) index') sql.execute("create unique index block_hash_idx on block (block_hash)") print(' + adding block (previous_hash) index') sql.execute("create index block_previous_block_hash_idx on block (previous_hash)") print(' * setting block.height') sql.execute(""" WITH RECURSIVE blocks(block_hash, previous_hash, height) AS ( SELECT block_hash, previous_hash, height from block WHERE height = 0 UNION SELECT block.block_hash, block.previous_hash, blocks.height+1 FROM block, blocks WHERE block.previous_hash=blocks.block_hash ) UPDATE block SET height=(SELECT height FROM blocks WHERE block.block_hash=blocks.block_hash) """) print(' + adding block (height) index') sql.execute("create index block_height_idx on block (height)") for table in ('tx', 'txi', 'claim_history', 'support'): print(f' + adding {table} (block_hash) index') sql.execute(f"create index {table}_block_hash_idx on {table} (block_hash)") sql.execute('commit;') sql.execute('begin;') print(' - deleting forks:') forks = sql.execute(""" WITH RECURSIVE blocks(block_hash, previous_hash) AS ( SELECT block_hash, previous_hash FROM block WHERE block_hash NOT IN (SELECT previous_hash FROM block) AND height != (SELECT MAX(height) FROM block) UNION SELECT block.block_hash, block.previous_hash FROM block, blocks WHERE block.block_hash=blocks.previous_hash AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM block forks WHERE forks.height=block.height) > 1 ) SELECT block_hash FROM blocks; """) for i, fork in enumerate(forks): sql.execute('DELETE FROM block WHERE block_hash = ?', (fork[0],)) print(f' - block (fork:{i+1}): {hexlify(fork[0][::-1]).decode()}') deleted_stats = {} for table in ('tx', 'txi', 'claim_history', 'support'): deleted = sql.execute(f"DELETE FROM {table} WHERE block_hash = ?", (fork[0],)).rowcount if deleted > 0: deleted_stats[table] = deleted print(f' - {deleted_stats}') sql.execute('commit;') sql.execute('begin;') print(' + adding unique tx (tx_hash, block_hash) index') sql.execute("create unique index tx_hash_idx on tx (tx_hash, block_hash)") print(' + adding unique txi (txo_hash) index') sql.execute("create unique index txi_txo_hash_idx on txi (txo_hash)") print('processing claim history & populating claim table') print(' * setting claim_history.height and claim_history.is_spent') sql.execute(""" UPDATE claim_history SET height = (SELECT height FROM tx JOIN block USING (block_hash) WHERE tx.tx_hash=claim_history.tx_hash), is_spent = COALESCE((SELECT 1 FROM txi WHERE txo_hash=claim_history.txo_hash), 0) """) print(' + adding claim_history (claim_hash) index') sql.execute("create index claim_history_hash_idx on claim_history (claim_hash)") print(' * populating claim table') sql.execute(""" INSERT INTO claim SELECT txo_hash, claim_history.claim_hash, claim_name, amount, height FROM ( SELECT claim_hash, is_spent FROM claim_history GROUP BY claim_hash HAVING MAX(height) AND MAX(tx_position) ) AS latest_claim_state JOIN claim_history USING (claim_hash) WHERE latest_claim_state.is_spent=0; """) sql.execute('commit;') async def main(): db_file = '/tmp/fast_sync.db' if os.path.exists(db_file): os.remove(db_file) initializer(db_file) create_db() executor = ProcessPoolExecutor( 4, initializer=initializer, initargs=(db_file,) ) file_paths = glob(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.lbrycrd/blocks/'), 'blk*.dat')) file_paths.sort() total_blocks, total_txs = 0, 0 start = time.perf_counter() for file_path, (blocks, txs) in zip(file_paths,, file_paths)): print(f"{file_path} {blocks}") total_blocks += blocks total_txs += txs print(f'blocks: {total_blocks} (txs: {total_txs}) in {time.perf_counter()-start}s') print('cleaning chain: set block heights and delete forks') #clean_chain() print(f'done in {time.perf_counter()-start}s') executor.shutdown(True) if __name__ == '__main__':