#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generate docs: python gen_api_docs.py # See docs: pip install mkdocs; mkdocs serve # Push docs: mkdocs build import re import inspect import subprocess import os import sys from lbrynet.daemon.Daemon import Daemon import pip installed_packages = [package.project_name for package in pip.get_installed_distributions()] for package in ["mkdocs", "mkdocs-material"]: if package not in installed_packages: print "'" + package + "' is not installed" sys.exit(1) try: from tabulate import tabulate except ImportError: raise ImportError("tabulate is not installed") INDENT = " " REQD_CMD_REGEX = r"\(.*?=<(?P<reqd>.*?)>\)" OPT_CMD_REGEX = r"\[.*?=<(?P<opt>.*?)>\]" CMD_REGEX = r"--.*?(?P<cmd>.*?)[=,\s,<]" DOCS_BUILD_DIR = "docs_build" # must match mkdocs.yml def _cli_tabulate_options(_options_docstr, method): _option_list = [] for line in _options_docstr.splitlines(): if (line.strip().startswith("--")): # separates command name and description parts = line.split(":", 1) # separates command type(in brackets) and description new_parts = parts[1].lstrip().split(" ", 1) else: parts = [line] # len will be 2 when there's cmd name and description if len(parts) == 2: _option_list.append([parts[0], ":", new_parts[0], new_parts[1]]) # len will be 1 when there's continuation of multiline description in the next line # check `blob_announce`'s `stream_hash` command elif len(parts) == 1: _option_list.append([None, None, None, parts[0]]) else: print "Error: Ill formatted doc string for {}".format(method) print "Error causing line: {}".format(line) # tabulate to make the options look pretty _options_docstr_no_indent = tabulate(_option_list, missingval="", tablefmt="plain") # Indent the options properly _options_docstr = "" for line in _options_docstr_no_indent.splitlines(): _options_docstr += INDENT + line + '\n' return _options_docstr def _api_tabulate_options(_options_docstr, method, reqd_matches, opt_matches): _option_list = [] for line in _options_docstr.splitlines(): if (line.strip().startswith("--")): # separates command name and description parts = line.split(":", 1) # checks whether the command is optional or required # and remove the cli type formatting and convert to # api style formatitng match = re.findall(CMD_REGEX, parts[0]) if match[0] not in reqd_matches: parts[0] = "'" + match[0] + "'" else: parts[0] = "'" + match[0] + "' (required)" # separates command type(in brackets) and description new_parts = parts[1].lstrip().split(" ", 1) else: parts = [line] # len will be 2 when there's cmd name and description if len(parts) == 2: _option_list.append([parts[0], ":", new_parts[0], new_parts[1]]) # len will be 1 when there's continuation of multiline description in the next line # check `blob_announce`'s `stream_hash` command elif len(parts) == 1: _option_list.append([None, None, None, parts[0]]) else: print "Error: Ill formatted doc string for {}".format(method) print "Error causing line: {}".format(line) # tabulate to make the options look pretty _options_docstr_no_indent = tabulate(_option_list, missingval="", tablefmt="plain") # tabulate to make the options look pretty _options_docstr = "" for line in _options_docstr_no_indent.splitlines(): _options_docstr += INDENT + line + '\n' return _options_docstr def _cli_doc(obj): docstr = (inspect.getdoc(obj) or '').strip() try: _usage_docstr, _docstr_after_options = docstr.split("Options:", 1) _options_docstr, _returns_docstr = _docstr_after_options.split("Returns:", 1) except(ValueError): print "Error: Ill formatted doc string for {}".format(obj) print "Please ensure that the docstring has all the three headings i.e. \"Usage:\"" print "\"Options:\" and \"Returns:\" exactly as specified, including the colon" return "Error!" try: _options_docstr = _cli_tabulate_options(_options_docstr.strip(), obj) except Exception as e: print "Please make sure that the individual options are properly formatted" print "It should be strictly of the format:" print "--command_name=<command_name> : (type) desc" print e.message docstr = _usage_docstr + \ "\nOptions:\n" + \ _options_docstr + \ "\nReturns:" + \ _returns_docstr return docstr def _api_doc(obj): docstr = (inspect.getdoc(obj) or '').strip() try: _desc, _docstr_after_desc = docstr.split("Usage:", 1) _usage_docstr, _docstr_after_options = _docstr_after_desc.split("Options:", 1) _options_docstr, _returns_docstr = _docstr_after_options.split("Returns:", 1) except(ValueError): print "Error: Ill formatted doc string for {}".format(obj) print "Please ensure that the docstring has all the three headings i.e. \"Usage:\"" print "\"Options:\" and \"Returns:\" exactly as specified, including the colon" return "Error!" opt_matches = re.findall(OPT_CMD_REGEX, _usage_docstr) reqd_matches = re.findall(REQD_CMD_REGEX, _usage_docstr) try: _options_docstr = _api_tabulate_options(_options_docstr.strip(), obj, reqd_matches, opt_matches) except Exception as e: print "Please make sure that the individual options are properly formatted" print "It should be strictly of the format:" print "--command_name=<command_name> : (type) desc" print e.message docstr = _desc + \ "Args:\n" + \ _options_docstr + \ "\nReturns:" + \ _returns_docstr return docstr def main(): root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) build_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root_dir, DOCS_BUILD_DIR)) if not os.path.exists(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) api_doc_path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'index.md') cli_doc_path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'cli.md') _api_docs = '' _cli_docs = '' for method_name in sorted(Daemon.callable_methods.keys()): method = Daemon.callable_methods[method_name] _api_docs += '## ' + method_name + "\n\n```text\n" + _api_doc(method) + "\n```\n\n" _cli_docs += '## ' + method_name + "\n\n```text\n" + _cli_doc(method) + "\n```\n\n" _api_docs = "# LBRY JSON-RPC API Documentation\n\n" + _api_docs with open(api_doc_path, 'w+') as f: f.write(_api_docs) _cli_docs = "# LBRY JSON-RPC API Documentation\n\n" + _cli_docs with open(cli_doc_path, 'w+') as f: f.write(_cli_docs) try: subprocess.check_output("exec mkdocs build", cwd=root_dir, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print e.output return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())