import logging import asyncio from lbry.conf import Config from lbry.error import ComponentStartConditionNotMetError from lbry.dht.peer import PeerManager log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RegisteredConditions: conditions = {} class RequiredConditionType(type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, newattrs): klass = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, newattrs) if name != "RequiredCondition": if in RegisteredConditions.conditions: raise SyntaxError("already have a component registered for \"%s\"" % RegisteredConditions.conditions[] = klass return klass class RequiredCondition(metaclass=RequiredConditionType): name = "" component = "" message = "" @staticmethod def evaluate(component): raise NotImplementedError() class ComponentManager: default_component_classes = {} def __init__(self, conf: Config, analytics_manager=None, skip_components=None, peer_manager=None, **override_components): self.conf = conf self.skip_components = skip_components or [] self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.analytics_manager = analytics_manager self.component_classes = {} self.components = set() self.started = asyncio.Event(loop=self.loop) self.peer_manager = peer_manager or PeerManager(asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop()) for component_name, component_class in self.default_component_classes.items(): if component_name in override_components: component_class = override_components.pop(component_name) if component_name not in self.skip_components: self.component_classes[component_name] = component_class if override_components: raise SyntaxError("unexpected components: %s" % override_components) for component_class in self.component_classes.values(): self.components.add(component_class(self)) def evaluate_condition(self, condition_name): if condition_name not in RegisteredConditions.conditions: raise NameError(condition_name) condition = RegisteredConditions.conditions[condition_name] try: component = self.get_component(condition.component) result = condition.evaluate(component) except Exception: log.exception('failed to evaluate condition:') result = False return result, "" if result else condition.message def sort_components(self, reverse=False): """ Sort components by requirements """ steps = [] staged = set() components = set(self.components) # components with no requirements step = [] for component in set(components): if not component.depends_on: step.append(component) staged.add(component.component_name) components.remove(component) if step: step.sort() steps.append(step) while components: step = [] to_stage = set() for component in set(components): reqs_met = 0 for needed in component.depends_on: if needed in staged: reqs_met += 1 if reqs_met == len(component.depends_on): step.append(component) to_stage.add(component.component_name) components.remove(component) if step: step.sort() staged.update(to_stage) steps.append(step) elif components: raise ComponentStartConditionNotMetError(components) if reverse: steps.reverse() return steps async def start(self): """ Start Components in sequence sorted by requirements """ for stage in self.sort_components(): needing_start = [ component._setup() for component in stage if not component.running ] if needing_start: await asyncio.wait(needing_start) self.started.set() async def stop(self): """ Stop Components in reversed startup order """ stages = self.sort_components(reverse=True) for stage in stages: needing_stop = [ component._stop() for component in stage if component.running ] if needing_stop: await asyncio.wait(needing_stop) def all_components_running(self, *component_names): """ Check if components are running :return: (bool) True if all specified components are running """ components = {component.component_name: component for component in self.components} for component in component_names: if component not in components: raise NameError("%s is not a known Component" % component) if not components[component].running: return False return True def get_components_status(self): """ List status of all the components, whether they are running or not :return: (dict) {(str) component_name: (bool) True is running else False} """ return { component.component_name: component.running for component in self.components } def get_component(self, component_name): for component in self.components: if component.component_name == component_name: return component.component raise NameError(component_name) def has_component(self, component_name): return any(component for component in self.components if component_name == component.component_name)