import asyncio, sqlite3, time from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from contextvars import ContextVar db_path = '/tmp/wallet-server/claims.db' db = ContextVar('db') def init(): conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) db.set(conn) def reader(): conn = db.get() for _ in range(1): conn.execute(""" SELECT claimtrie.claim_hash as is_controlling, claimtrie.last_take_over_height, claim.claim_hash, claim.txo_hash, claim.claims_in_channel, claim.height, claim.creation_height, claim.activation_height, claim.expiration_height, claim.effective_amount, claim.support_amount, claim.trending_group, claim.trending_mixed, claim.trending_local, claim.trending_global, claim.short_url, claim.canonical_url, claim.channel_hash, channel.txo_hash AS channel_txo_hash, channel.height AS channel_height, claim.signature_valid FROM claim LEFT JOIN claimtrie USING (claim_hash) LEFT JOIN claim as channel ON (claim.channel_hash=channel.claim_hash) WHERE EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM tag WHERE claim.claim_hash=tag.claim_hash AND tag IN ('alexandria ocasio-cortez', 'Alien', 'alt news', 'art', 'audio', 'automotive', 'beliefs', 'blockchain', 'dog grooming', 'economics', 'food', 'learning', 'mature', 'nature', 'news', 'physics', 'science', 'technology') ) AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM tag WHERE claim.claim_hash=tag.claim_hash AND tag IN ('nsfw', 'xxx', 'mature') ) ORDER BY claim.height DESC, claim.normalized ASC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 100 """).fetchall() async def run_times(executor, iterations, show=True): start = time.time() await asyncio.gather(*(asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(executor, reader) for _ in range(iterations))) elapsed = time.time() - start if show: print(f"{iterations:3}: {elapsed:.5f}ms total, {elapsed/iterations:.5f}ms/query") async def main(): executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(4, initializer=init) await run_times(executor, 4, show=False) await run_times(executor, 1) await run_times(executor, 4) await run_times(executor, 8) await run_times(executor, 16) await run_times(executor, 32) await run_times(executor, 64) await run_times(executor, 128) await run_times(executor, 256) executor.shutdown(True) if __name__ == '__main__':