import platform import json import subprocess import os from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError from lbryschema import __version__ as lbryschema_version from lbrynet import build_type, __version__ as lbrynet_version from lbrynet.conf import ROOT_DIR def get_lbrynet_version(): if build_type.BUILD == "dev": try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: git_dir = ROOT_DIR + '/.git' return subprocess.check_output( ['git', '--git-dir='+git_dir, 'describe', '--dirty', '--always'], stderr=devnull ).strip().lstrip('v') except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): print "failed to get version from git" return lbrynet_version def get_platform(get_ip=True): p = { "processor": platform.processor(), "python_version": platform.python_version(), "platform": platform.platform(), "os_release": platform.release(), "os_system": platform.system(), "lbrynet_version": get_lbrynet_version(), "lbryschema_version": lbryschema_version, "build": build_type.BUILD, # CI server sets this during build step } if p["os_system"] == "Linux": import distro p["distro"] = p["desktop"] = os.environ.get('XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP', 'Unknown') # TODO: remove this from get_platform and add a get_external_ip function using treq if get_ip: try: response = json.loads(urlopen("").read()) if not response['success']: raise URLError("failed to get external ip") p['ip'] = response['data']['ip'] except (URLError, AssertionError): p['ip'] = "Could not determine IP" return p