# -*- mode: python -*- import platform import os dir = 'build'; cwd = os.getcwd() if os.path.basename(cwd) != dir: raise Exception('pyinstaller build needs to be run from the ' + dir + ' directory') repo_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, '..')) system = platform.system() if system == 'Darwin': icns = os.path.join(repo_base, 'build', 'icon.icns') elif system == 'Linux': icns = os.path.join(repo_base, 'build', 'icons', '256x256.png') elif system == 'Windows': icns = os.path.join(repo_base, 'build', 'icons', 'lbry256.ico') else: print 'Warning: System {} has no icons'.format(system) icns = None block_cipher = None a = Analysis( ['cli.py'], pathex=[cwd], binaries=None, datas=[], hiddenimports=[], hookspath=[], runtime_hooks=[], excludes=[], win_no_prefer_redirects=False, win_private_assemblies=False, cipher=block_cipher ) pyz = PYZ( a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher ) exe = EXE( pyz, a.scripts, a.binaries, a.zipfiles, a.datas, name='lbrynet-cli', debug=False, strip=False, upx=True, console=True, icon=icns )