import base64 import hashlib import hmac import struct import logging import aes import ecdsa from ecdsa import numbertheory, util from ecdsa.curves import SECP256k1 from ecdsa.ecdsa import curve_secp256k1, generator_secp256k1 from ecdsa.ellipticcurve import Point from ecdsa.util import number_to_string, string_to_number from lbryschema.address import public_key_to_address from lbryschema.schema import B58_CHARS from lbryschema.base import b58encode_with_checksum, b58decode_strip_checksum from . import msqr from .util import rev_hex, var_int, int_to_hex from .hashing import Hash, sha256, hash_160 from .errors import InvalidPassword, InvalidClaimId from .constants import CLAIM_ID_SIZE log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # AES encryption EncodeAES = lambda secret, s: base64.b64encode(aes.encryptData(secret, s)) DecodeAES = lambda secret, e: aes.decryptData(secret, base64.b64decode(e)) # get the claim id hash from txid bytes and int n def claim_id_hash(txid, n): return hash_160(txid + struct.pack('>I', n)) # deocde a claim_id hex string def decode_claim_id_hex(claim_id_hex): claim_id = rev_hex(claim_id_hex).decode('hex') if len(claim_id) != CLAIM_ID_SIZE: raise InvalidClaimId() return claim_id # encode claim id bytes into hex string def encode_claim_id_hex(claim_id): return rev_hex(claim_id.encode('hex')) def strip_PKCS7_padding(s): """return s stripped of PKCS7 padding""" if len(s) % 16 or not s: raise ValueError("String of len %d can't be PCKS7-padded" % len(s)) numpads = ord(s[-1]) if numpads > 16: raise ValueError("String ending with %r can't be PCKS7-padded" % s[-1]) if s[-numpads:] != numpads * chr(numpads): raise ValueError("Invalid PKCS7 padding") return s[:-numpads] # backport padding fix to AES module aes.strip_PKCS7_padding = strip_PKCS7_padding def aes_encrypt_with_iv(key, iv, data): mode = aes.AESModeOfOperation.modeOfOperation["CBC"] key = map(ord, key) iv = map(ord, iv) data = aes.append_PKCS7_padding(data) keysize = len(key) assert keysize in aes.AES.keySize.values(), 'invalid key size: %s' % keysize moo = aes.AESModeOfOperation() (mode, length, ciph) = moo.encrypt(data, mode, key, keysize, iv) return ''.join(map(chr, ciph)) def aes_decrypt_with_iv(key, iv, data): mode = aes.AESModeOfOperation.modeOfOperation["CBC"] key = map(ord, key) iv = map(ord, iv) keysize = len(key) assert keysize in aes.AES.keySize.values(), 'invalid key size: %s' % keysize data = map(ord, data) moo = aes.AESModeOfOperation() decr = moo.decrypt(data, None, mode, key, keysize, iv) decr = strip_PKCS7_padding(decr) return decr def pw_encode(s, password): if password: secret = Hash(password) return EncodeAES(secret, s.encode("utf8")) else: return s def pw_decode(s, password): if password is not None: secret = Hash(password) try: d = DecodeAES(secret, s).decode("utf8") except Exception: raise InvalidPassword() return d else: return s def op_push(i): if i < 0x4c: return int_to_hex(i) elif i < 0xff: return '4c' + int_to_hex(i) elif i < 0xffff: return '4d' + int_to_hex(i, 2) else: return '4e' + int_to_hex(i, 4) # pywallet openssl private key implementation def i2o_ECPublicKey(pubkey, compressed=False): # public keys are 65 bytes long (520 bits) # 0x04 + 32-byte X-coordinate + 32-byte Y-coordinate # 0x00 = point at infinity, 0x02 and 0x03 = compressed, 0x04 = uncompressed # compressed keys: where is 0x02 if y is even and 0x03 if y is odd if compressed: if pubkey.point.y() & 1: key = '03' + '%064x' % pubkey.point.x() else: key = '02' + '%064x' % pubkey.point.x() else: key = '04' + \ '%064x' % pubkey.point.x() + \ '%064x' % pubkey.point.y() return key.decode('hex') # end pywallet openssl private key implementation # functions from pywallet def PrivKeyToSecret(privkey): return privkey[9:9 + 32] def SecretToASecret(secret, compressed=False, addrtype=0): vchIn = chr((addrtype + 128) & 255) + secret if compressed: vchIn += '\01' return b58encode_with_checksum(vchIn) def ASecretToSecret(key, addrtype=0): vch = b58decode_strip_checksum(key) if vch and vch[0] == chr((addrtype + 128) & 255): return vch[1:] elif is_minikey(key): return minikey_to_private_key(key) else: return False def regenerate_key(sec): b = ASecretToSecret(sec) if not b: return False b = b[0:32] return EC_KEY(b) def GetPubKey(pubkey, compressed=False): return i2o_ECPublicKey(pubkey, compressed) def GetSecret(pkey): return ('%064x' % pkey.secret).decode('hex') def is_compressed(sec): b = ASecretToSecret(sec) return len(b) == 33 def public_key_from_private_key(sec): # rebuild public key from private key, compressed or uncompressed pkey = regenerate_key(sec) assert pkey compressed = is_compressed(sec) public_key = GetPubKey(pkey.pubkey, compressed) return public_key.encode('hex') def address_from_private_key(sec): public_key = public_key_from_private_key(sec) address = public_key_to_address(public_key.decode('hex')) return address def is_private_key(key): try: k = ASecretToSecret(key) return k is not False except: return False # end pywallet functions def is_minikey(text): # Minikeys are typically 22 or 30 characters, but this routine # permits any length of 20 or more provided the minikey is valid. # A valid minikey must begin with an 'S', be in base58, and when # suffixed with '?' have its SHA256 hash begin with a zero byte. # They are widely used in Casascius physical bitoins. return (len(text) >= 20 and text[0] == 'S' and all(c in B58_CHARS for c in text) and ord(sha256(text + '?')[0]) == 0) def minikey_to_private_key(text): return sha256(text) def msg_magic(message): varint = var_int(len(message)) encoded_varint = "".join([chr(int(varint[i:i + 2], 16)) for i in xrange(0, len(varint), 2)]) return "\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n" + encoded_varint + message def verify_message(address, signature, message): try: EC_KEY.verify_message(address, signature, message) return True except Exception as e: return False def encrypt_message(message, pubkey): return EC_KEY.encrypt_message(message, pubkey.decode('hex')) def chunks(l, n): return [l[i:i + n] for i in xrange(0, len(l), n)] def ECC_YfromX(x, curved=curve_secp256k1, odd=True): _p = curved.p() _a = curved.a() _b = curved.b() for offset in range(128): Mx = x + offset My2 = pow(Mx, 3, _p) + _a * pow(Mx, 2, _p) + _b % _p My = pow(My2, (_p + 1) / 4, _p) if curved.contains_point(Mx, My): if odd == bool(My & 1): return [My, offset] return [_p - My, offset] raise Exception('ECC_YfromX: No Y found') def negative_point(P): return Point(P.curve(), P.x(), -P.y(), P.order()) def point_to_ser(P, comp=True): if comp: return (('%02x' % (2 + (P.y() & 1))) + ('%064x' % P.x())).decode('hex') return ('04' + ('%064x' % P.x()) + ('%064x' % P.y())).decode('hex') def ser_to_point(Aser): curve = curve_secp256k1 generator = generator_secp256k1 _r = generator.order() assert Aser[0] in ['\x02', '\x03', '\x04'] if Aser[0] == '\x04': return Point(curve, string_to_number(Aser[1:33]), string_to_number(Aser[33:]), _r) Mx = string_to_number(Aser[1:]) return Point(curve, Mx, ECC_YfromX(Mx, curve, Aser[0] == '\x03')[0], _r) class MyVerifyingKey(ecdsa.VerifyingKey): @classmethod def from_signature(cls, sig, recid, h, curve): """ See, chapter 4.1.6 """ curveFp = curve.curve G = curve.generator order = G.order() # extract r,s from signature r, s = util.sigdecode_string(sig, order) # 1.1 x = r + (recid / 2) * order # 1.3 alpha = (x * x * x + curveFp.a() * x + curveFp.b()) % curveFp.p() beta = msqr.modular_sqrt(alpha, curveFp.p()) y = beta if (beta - recid) % 2 == 0 else curveFp.p() - beta # 1.4 the constructor checks that nR is at infinity R = Point(curveFp, x, y, order) # 1.5 compute e from message: e = string_to_number(h) minus_e = -e % order # 1.6 compute Q = r^-1 (sR - eG) inv_r = numbertheory.inverse_mod(r, order) Q = inv_r * (s * R + minus_e * G) return cls.from_public_point(Q, curve) class MySigningKey(ecdsa.SigningKey): """Enforce low S values in signatures""" def sign_number(self, number, entropy=None, k=None): curve = SECP256k1 G = curve.generator order = G.order() r, s = ecdsa.SigningKey.sign_number(self, number, entropy, k) if s > order / 2: s = order - s return r, s class EC_KEY(object): def __init__(self, k): secret = string_to_number(k) self.pubkey = ecdsa.ecdsa.Public_key(generator_secp256k1, generator_secp256k1 * secret) self.privkey = ecdsa.ecdsa.Private_key(self.pubkey, secret) self.secret = secret def get_public_key(self, compressed=True): return point_to_ser(self.pubkey.point, compressed).encode('hex') def sign(self, msg_hash): private_key = MySigningKey.from_secret_exponent(self.secret, curve=SECP256k1) public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key() signature = private_key.sign_digest_deterministic(msg_hash, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_string) assert public_key.verify_digest(signature, msg_hash, sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string) return signature def sign_message(self, message, compressed, address): signature = self.sign(Hash(msg_magic(message))) for i in range(4): sig = chr(27 + i + (4 if compressed else 0)) + signature try: self.verify_message(address, sig, message) return sig except Exception: log.exception("error: cannot sign message") continue raise Exception("error: cannot sign message") @classmethod def verify_message(cls, address, sig, message): if len(sig) != 65: raise Exception("Wrong encoding") nV = ord(sig[0]) if nV < 27 or nV >= 35: raise Exception("Bad encoding") if nV >= 31: compressed = True nV -= 4 else: compressed = False recid = nV - 27 h = Hash(msg_magic(message)) public_key = MyVerifyingKey.from_signature(sig[1:], recid, h, curve=SECP256k1) # check public key public_key.verify_digest(sig[1:], h, sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string) pubkey = point_to_ser(public_key.pubkey.point, compressed) # check that we get the original signing address addr = public_key_to_address(pubkey) if address != addr: raise Exception("Bad signature") # ECIES encryption/decryption methods; AES-128-CBC with PKCS7 is used as the cipher; # hmac-sha256 is used as the mac @classmethod def encrypt_message(cls, message, pubkey): pk = ser_to_point(pubkey) if not ecdsa.ecdsa.point_is_valid(generator_secp256k1, pk.x(), pk.y()): raise Exception('invalid pubkey') ephemeral_exponent = number_to_string(ecdsa.util.randrange(pow(2, 256)), generator_secp256k1.order()) ephemeral = EC_KEY(ephemeral_exponent) ecdh_key = point_to_ser(pk * ephemeral.privkey.secret_multiplier) key = hashlib.sha512(ecdh_key).digest() iv, key_e, key_m = key[0:16], key[16:32], key[32:] ciphertext = aes_encrypt_with_iv(key_e, iv, message) ephemeral_pubkey = ephemeral.get_public_key(compressed=True).decode('hex') encrypted = 'BIE1' + ephemeral_pubkey + ciphertext mac =, encrypted, hashlib.sha256).digest() return base64.b64encode(encrypted + mac) def decrypt_message(self, encrypted): encrypted = base64.b64decode(encrypted) if len(encrypted) < 85: raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: length') magic = encrypted[:4] ephemeral_pubkey = encrypted[4:37] ciphertext = encrypted[37:-32] mac = encrypted[-32:] if magic != 'BIE1': raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid magic bytes') try: ephemeral_pubkey = ser_to_point(ephemeral_pubkey) except AssertionError, e: raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid ephemeral pubkey') if not ecdsa.ecdsa.point_is_valid(generator_secp256k1, ephemeral_pubkey.x(), ephemeral_pubkey.y()): raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid ephemeral pubkey') ecdh_key = point_to_ser(ephemeral_pubkey * self.privkey.secret_multiplier) key = hashlib.sha512(ecdh_key).digest() iv, key_e, key_m = key[0:16], key[16:32], key[32:] if mac !=, encrypted[:-32], hashlib.sha256).digest(): raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid mac') return aes_decrypt_with_iv(key_e, iv, ciphertext) # BIP32 def random_seed(n): return "%032x" % ecdsa.util.randrange(pow(2, n)) BIP32_PRIME = 0x80000000 def get_pubkeys_from_secret(secret): # public key private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(secret, curve=SECP256k1) public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key() K = public_key.to_string() K_compressed = GetPubKey(public_key.pubkey, True) return K, K_compressed # Child private key derivation function (from master private key) # k = master private key (32 bytes) # c = master chain code (extra entropy for key derivation) (32 bytes) # n = the index of the key we want to derive. (only 32 bits will be used) # If n is negative (i.e. the 32nd bit is set), the resulting private key's # corresponding public key can NOT be determined without the master private key. # However, if n is positive, the resulting private key's corresponding # public key can be determined without the master private key. def CKD_priv(k, c, n): is_prime = n & BIP32_PRIME return _CKD_priv(k, c, rev_hex(int_to_hex(n, 4)).decode('hex'), is_prime) def _CKD_priv(k, c, s, is_prime): order = generator_secp256k1.order() keypair = EC_KEY(k) cK = GetPubKey(keypair.pubkey, True) data = chr(0) + k + s if is_prime else cK + s I =, data, hashlib.sha512).digest() k_n = number_to_string((string_to_number(I[0:32]) + string_to_number(k)) % order, order) c_n = I[32:] return k_n, c_n # Child public key derivation function (from public key only) # K = master public key # c = master chain code # n = index of key we want to derive # This function allows us to find the nth public key, as long as n is # non-negative. If n is negative, we need the master private key to find it. def CKD_pub(cK, c, n): if n & BIP32_PRIME: raise Exception("CKD pub error") return _CKD_pub(cK, c, rev_hex(int_to_hex(n, 4)).decode('hex')) # helper function, callable with arbitrary string def _CKD_pub(cK, c, s): order = generator_secp256k1.order() I =, cK + s, hashlib.sha512).digest() curve = SECP256k1 pubkey_point = string_to_number(I[0:32]) * curve.generator + ser_to_point(cK) public_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(pubkey_point, curve=SECP256k1) c_n = I[32:] cK_n = GetPubKey(public_key.pubkey, True) return cK_n, c_n BITCOIN_HEADER_PRIV = "0488ade4" BITCOIN_HEADER_PUB = "0488b21e" TESTNET_HEADER_PRIV = "04358394" TESTNET_HEADER_PUB = "043587cf" BITCOIN_HEADERS = (BITCOIN_HEADER_PUB, BITCOIN_HEADER_PRIV) TESTNET_HEADERS = (TESTNET_HEADER_PUB, TESTNET_HEADER_PRIV) def _get_headers(testnet): """Returns the correct headers for either testnet or bitcoin, in the form of a 2-tuple, like (public, private).""" if testnet: return TESTNET_HEADERS else: return BITCOIN_HEADERS def deserialize_xkey(xkey): xkey = b58decode_strip_checksum(xkey) assert len(xkey) == 78 xkey_header = xkey[0:4].encode('hex') # Determine if the key is a bitcoin key or a testnet key. if xkey_header in TESTNET_HEADERS: head = TESTNET_HEADER_PRIV elif xkey_header in BITCOIN_HEADERS: head = BITCOIN_HEADER_PRIV else: raise Exception("Unknown xkey header: '%s'" % xkey_header) depth = ord(xkey[4]) fingerprint = xkey[5:9] child_number = xkey[9:13] c = xkey[13:13 + 32] if xkey[0:4].encode('hex') == head: K_or_k = xkey[13 + 33:] else: K_or_k = xkey[13 + 32:] return depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, K_or_k def get_xkey_name(xkey, testnet=False): depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, K = deserialize_xkey(xkey) n = int(child_number.encode('hex'), 16) if n & BIP32_PRIME: child_id = "%d'" % (n - BIP32_PRIME) else: child_id = "%d" % n if depth == 0: return '' elif depth == 1: return child_id else: raise BaseException("xpub depth error") def xpub_from_xprv(xprv, testnet=False): depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, k = deserialize_xkey(xprv) K, cK = get_pubkeys_from_secret(k) header_pub, _ = _get_headers(testnet) xpub = header_pub.decode('hex') + chr(depth) + fingerprint + child_number + c + cK return b58encode_with_checksum(xpub) def bip32_root(seed, testnet=False): header_pub, header_priv = _get_headers(testnet) I ="Bitcoin seed", seed, hashlib.sha512).digest() master_k = I[0:32] master_c = I[32:] K, cK = get_pubkeys_from_secret(master_k) xprv = (header_priv + "00" + "00000000" + "00000000").decode("hex") + master_c + chr( 0) + master_k xpub = (header_pub + "00" + "00000000" + "00000000").decode("hex") + master_c + cK return b58encode_with_checksum(xprv), b58encode_with_checksum(xpub) def xpub_from_pubkey(cK, testnet=False): header_pub, header_priv = _get_headers(testnet) assert cK[0] in ['\x02', '\x03'] master_c = chr(0) * 32 xpub = (header_pub + "00" + "00000000" + "00000000").decode("hex") + master_c + cK return b58encode_with_checksum(xpub) def bip32_private_derivation(xprv, branch, sequence, testnet=False): assert sequence.startswith(branch) if branch == sequence: return xprv, xpub_from_xprv(xprv, testnet) header_pub, header_priv = _get_headers(testnet) depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, k = deserialize_xkey(xprv) sequence = sequence[len(branch):] for n in sequence.split('/'): if n == '': continue i = int(n[:-1]) + BIP32_PRIME if n[-1] == "'" else int(n) parent_k = k k, c = CKD_priv(k, c, i) depth += 1 _, parent_cK = get_pubkeys_from_secret(parent_k) fingerprint = hash_160(parent_cK)[0:4] child_number = ("%08X" % i).decode('hex') K, cK = get_pubkeys_from_secret(k) xprv = header_priv.decode('hex') + chr(depth) + fingerprint + child_number + c + chr(0) + k xpub = header_pub.decode('hex') + chr(depth) + fingerprint + child_number + c + cK return b58encode_with_checksum(xprv), b58encode_with_checksum(xpub) def bip32_public_derivation(xpub, branch, sequence, testnet=False): header_pub, _ = _get_headers(testnet) depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, cK = deserialize_xkey(xpub) assert sequence.startswith(branch) sequence = sequence[len(branch):] for n in sequence.split('/'): if n == '': continue i = int(n) parent_cK = cK cK, c = CKD_pub(cK, c, i) depth += 1 fingerprint = hash_160(parent_cK)[0:4] child_number = ("%08X" % i).decode('hex') xpub = header_pub.decode('hex') + chr(depth) + fingerprint + child_number + c + cK return b58encode_with_checksum(xpub) def bip32_private_key(sequence, k, chain): for i in sequence: k, chain = CKD_priv(k, chain, i) return SecretToASecret(k, True)