#!/usr/bin/env python # # This library is free software, distributed under the terms of # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3, or any later version. # See the COPYING file included in this archive import time import unittest from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import failure import twisted.internet.selectreactor from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol import lbrynet.dht.protocol import lbrynet.dht.contact import lbrynet.dht.constants import lbrynet.dht.msgtypes from lbrynet.dht.node import rpcmethod class FakeNode(object): """ A fake node object implementing some RPC and non-RPC methods to test the Kademlia protocol's behaviour """ def __init__(self, id): self.id = id self.contacts = [] @rpcmethod def ping(self): return 'pong' def pingNoRPC(self): return 'pong' @rpcmethod def echo(self, value): return value def addContact(self, contact): self.contacts.append(contact) def removeContact(self, contact): self.contacts.remove(contact) def indirectPingContact(self, protocol, contact): """ Pings the given contact (using the specified KademliaProtocol object, not the direct Contact API), and removes the contact on a timeout """ df = protocol.sendRPC(contact, 'ping', {}) def handleError(f): if f.check(lbrynet.dht.protocol.TimeoutError): self.removeContact(contact) return f else: # This is some other error return f df.addErrback(handleError) return df class ClientDatagramProtocol(lbrynet.dht.protocol.KademliaProtocol): data = '' msgID = '' destination = ('', 9182) def __init__(self): lbrynet.dht.protocol.KademliaProtocol.__init__(self, None) def startProtocol(self): self.sendDatagram() def sendDatagram(self): if len(self.data): self._send(self.data, self.msgID, self.destination) class KademliaProtocolTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for the Protocol class """ def setUp(self): del lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor = twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor() self.node = FakeNode('node1') self.protocol = lbrynet.dht.protocol.KademliaProtocol(self.node) def testReactor(self): """ Tests if the reactor can start/stop the protocol correctly """ lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.listenUDP(0, self.protocol) lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.callLater(0, lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.stop) lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.run() def testRPCTimeout(self): """ Tests if a RPC message sent to a dead remote node times out correctly """ deadContact = lbrynet.dht.contact.Contact('node2', '', 9182, self.protocol) self.node.addContact(deadContact) # Make sure the contact was added self.failIf(deadContact not in self.node.contacts, 'Contact not added to fake node (error in test code)') # Set the timeout to 0 for testing tempTimeout = lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout = 0 lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.listenUDP(0, self.protocol) # Run the PING RPC (which should timeout) df = self.node.indirectPingContact(self.protocol, deadContact) # Stop the reactor if a result arrives (timeout or not) df.addBoth(lambda _: lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.stop()) lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.run() # See if the contact was removed due to the timeout self.failIf(deadContact in self.node.contacts, 'Contact was not removed after RPC timeout; check exception types.') # Restore the global timeout lbrynet.dht.constants.rpcTimeout = tempTimeout def testRPCRequest(self): """ Tests if a valid RPC request is executed and responded to correctly """ remoteContact = lbrynet.dht.contact.Contact('node2', '', 9182, self.protocol) self.node.addContact(remoteContact) self.error = None def handleError(f): self.error = 'An RPC error occurred: %s' % f.getErrorMessage() def handleResult(result): expectedResult = 'pong' if result != expectedResult: self.error = 'Result from RPC is incorrect; expected "%s", got "%s"' % (expectedResult, result) # Publish the "local" node on the network lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.listenUDP(9182, self.protocol) # Simulate the RPC df = remoteContact.ping() df.addCallback(handleResult) df.addErrback(handleError) df.addBoth(lambda _: lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.stop()) lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.run() self.failIf(self.error, self.error) # The list of sent RPC messages should be empty at this stage self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.protocol._sentMessages), 0, 'The protocol is still waiting for a RPC result, but the transaction is already done!') def testRPCAccess(self): """ Tests invalid RPC requests Verifies that a RPC request for an existing but unpublished method is denied, and that the associated (remote) exception gets raised locally """ remoteContact = lbrynet.dht.contact.Contact('node2', '', 9182, self.protocol) self.node.addContact(remoteContact) self.error = None def handleError(f): try: f.raiseException() except AttributeError, e: # This is the expected outcome since the remote node did not publish the method self.error = None except Exception, e: self.error = 'The remote method failed, but the wrong exception was raised; expected AttributeError, got %s' % type(e) def handleResult(result): self.error = 'The remote method executed successfully, returning: "%s"; this RPC should not have been allowed.' % result # Publish the "local" node on the network lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.listenUDP(9182, self.protocol) # Simulate the RPC df = remoteContact.pingNoRPC() df.addCallback(handleResult) df.addErrback(handleError) df.addBoth(lambda _: lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.stop()) lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.run() self.failIf(self.error, self.error) # The list of sent RPC messages should be empty at this stage self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.protocol._sentMessages), 0, 'The protocol is still waiting for a RPC result, but the transaction is already done!') def testRPCRequestArgs(self): """ Tests if an RPC requiring arguments is executed correctly """ remoteContact = lbrynet.dht.contact.Contact('node2', '', 9182, self.protocol) self.node.addContact(remoteContact) self.error = None def handleError(f): self.error = 'An RPC error occurred: %s' % f.getErrorMessage() def handleResult(result): expectedResult = 'This should be returned.' if result != 'This should be returned.': self.error = 'Result from RPC is incorrect; expected "%s", got "%s"' % (expectedResult, result) # Publish the "local" node on the network lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.listenUDP(9182, self.protocol) # Simulate the RPC df = remoteContact.echo('This should be returned.') df.addCallback(handleResult) df.addErrback(handleError) df.addBoth(lambda _: lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.stop()) lbrynet.dht.protocol.reactor.run() self.failIf(self.error, self.error) # The list of sent RPC messages should be empty at this stage self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.protocol._sentMessages), 0, 'The protocol is still waiting for a RPC result, but the transaction is already done!') def suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(KademliaProtocolTest)) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': # If this module is executed from the commandline, run all its tests unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite())