import collections import logging from twisted.internet import defer, task from requests import auth from txrequests import Session from lbrynet import conf from lbrynet.core import looping_call_manager, utils, system_info # Things We Track SERVER_STARTUP = 'Server Startup' SERVER_STARTUP_SUCCESS = 'Server Startup Success' SERVER_STARTUP_ERROR = 'Server Startup Error' DOWNLOAD_STARTED = 'Download Started' DOWNLOAD_ERRORED = 'Download Errored' DOWNLOAD_FINISHED = 'Download Finished' HEARTBEAT = 'Heartbeat' CLAIM_ACTION = 'Claim Action' # publish/create/update/abandon NEW_CHANNEL = 'New Channel' CREDITS_SENT = 'Credits Sent' BLOB_BYTES_UPLOADED = 'Blob Bytes Uploaded' BLOB_BYTES_AVAILABLE = 'Blob Bytes Available' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Manager(object): def __init__(self, analytics_api, context=None, installation_id=None, session_id=None): self.analytics_api = analytics_api self._tracked_data = collections.defaultdict(list) self.looping_call_manager = self._setup_looping_calls() self.context = context or self._make_context( system_info.get_platform(), conf.settings['wallet']) self.installation_id = installation_id or conf.settings.installation_id self.session_id = session_id or conf.settings.get_session_id() self.is_started = False @classmethod def new_instance(cls, enabled=None): api = Api.new_instance(enabled) return cls(api) # Things We Track def send_server_startup(self): self.analytics_api.track(self._event(SERVER_STARTUP)) def send_server_startup_success(self): self.analytics_api.track(self._event(SERVER_STARTUP_SUCCESS)) def send_server_startup_error(self, message): self.analytics_api.track(self._event(SERVER_STARTUP_ERROR, {'message': message})) def send_download_started(self, id_, name, claim_dict=None): self.analytics_api.track( self._event(DOWNLOAD_STARTED, self._download_properties(id_, name, claim_dict)) ) def send_download_errored(self, id_, name, claim_dict=None): self.analytics_api.track( self._event(DOWNLOAD_ERRORED, self._download_properties(id_, name, claim_dict)) ) def send_download_finished(self, id_, name, claim_dict=None): self.analytics_api.track( self._event(DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, self._download_properties(id_, name, claim_dict)) ) def send_claim_action(self, action): self.analytics_api.track(self._event(CLAIM_ACTION, {'action': action})) def send_new_channel(self): self.analytics_api.track(self._event(NEW_CHANNEL)) def send_credits_sent(self): self.analytics_api.track(self._event(CREDITS_SENT)) def _send_heartbeat(self): self.analytics_api.track(self._event(HEARTBEAT)) def _update_tracked_metrics(self): should_send, value = self.summarize_and_reset(BLOB_BYTES_UPLOADED) if should_send: self.analytics_api.track(self._metric_event(BLOB_BYTES_UPLOADED, value)) # Setup / Shutdown def start(self): if not self.is_started: for name, _, interval in self._get_looping_calls(): self.looping_call_manager.start(name, interval) self.is_started = True def shutdown(self): self.looping_call_manager.shutdown() def register_repeating_metric(self, event_name, value_generator, frequency=300): lcall = task.LoopingCall(self._send_repeating_metric, event_name, value_generator) self.looping_call_manager.register_looping_call(event_name, lcall) lcall.start(frequency) def _get_looping_calls(self): return [ ('send_heartbeat', self._send_heartbeat, 60), ('update_tracked_metrics', self._update_tracked_metrics, 300), ] def _setup_looping_calls(self): call_manager = looping_call_manager.LoopingCallManager() for name, fn, _ in self._get_looping_calls(): call_manager.register_looping_call(name, task.LoopingCall(fn)) return call_manager def _send_repeating_metric(self, event_name, value_generator): result = value_generator() self._if_deferred(result, self._send_repeating_metric_value, event_name) def _send_repeating_metric_value(self, result, event_name): should_send, value = result if should_send: self.analytics_api.track(self._metric_event(event_name, value)) def add_observation(self, metric, value): self._tracked_data[metric].append(value) def summarize_and_reset(self, metric, op=sum): """Apply `op` on the current values for `metric`. This operation also resets the metric. Returns: a tuple (should_send, value) """ try: values = self._tracked_data.pop(metric) return True, op(values) except KeyError: return False, None def _event(self, event, event_properties=None): return { 'userId': 'lbry', 'event': event, 'properties': self._event_properties(event_properties), 'context': self.context, 'timestamp': utils.isonow() } def _metric_event(self, metric_name, value): return self._event(metric_name, {'value': value}) def _event_properties(self, event_properties=None): properties = { 'lbry_id': self.installation_id, 'session_id': self.session_id, } properties.update(event_properties or {}) return properties @staticmethod def _download_properties(id_, name, claim_dict=None): sd_hash = None if claim_dict: try: sd_hash = claim_dict.source_hash except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): log.debug('Failed to get sd_hash from %s', claim_dict, exc_info=True) return { 'download_id': id_, 'name': name, 'stream_info': sd_hash } @staticmethod def _make_context(platform, wallet): return { 'app': { 'name': 'lbrynet', 'version': platform['lbrynet_version'], 'python_version': platform['python_version'], 'build': platform['build'], 'wallet': { 'name': wallet, 'version': platform['lbryum_version'] if wallet == conf.LBRYUM_WALLET else None }, }, # TODO: expand os info to give linux/osx specific info 'os': { 'name': platform['os_system'], 'version': platform['os_release'] }, 'library': { 'name': 'lbrynet-analytics', 'version': '1.0.0' }, } @staticmethod def _if_deferred(maybe_deferred, callback, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(maybe_deferred, defer.Deferred): maybe_deferred.addCallback(callback, *args, **kwargs) else: callback(maybe_deferred, *args, **kwargs) class Api(object): def __init__(self, session, url, write_key, enabled): self.session = session self.url = url self._write_key = write_key self._enabled = enabled def _post(self, endpoint, data): # there is an issue with a timing condition with keep-alive # that is best explained here: # # If you make a request, wait just the right amount of time, # then make another request, the requests module may opt to # reuse the connection, but by the time the server gets it the # timeout will have expired. # # by forcing the connection to close, we will disable the keep-alive. assert endpoint[0] == '/' headers = {"Connection": "close"} return self.url + endpoint, json=data, auth=auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self._write_key, ''), headers=headers ) def track(self, event): """Send a single tracking event""" if not self._enabled: return defer.succeed('Analytics disabled') def _log_error(failure, event): log.warning('Failed to send track event. %s (%s)', failure.getTraceback(), str(event)) log.debug('Sending track event: %s', event) d = self._post('/track', event) d.addErrback(_log_error, event) return d @classmethod def new_instance(cls, enabled=None): """Initialize an instance using values from the configuration""" session = Session() if enabled is None: enabled = conf.settings['share_usage_data'] return cls( session, conf.settings['ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT'], utils.deobfuscate(conf.settings['ANALYTICS_TOKEN']), enabled, )