from typing import List from itertools import chain from binascii import hexlify from collections import namedtuple from .bcd_data_stream import BCDataStream from .util import subclass_tuple # bitcoin opcodes OP_0 = 0x00 OP_1 = 0x51 OP_16 = 0x60 OP_VERIFY = 0x69 OP_DUP = 0x76 OP_HASH160 = 0xa9 OP_EQUALVERIFY = 0x88 OP_CHECKSIG = 0xac OP_CHECKMULTISIG = 0xae OP_EQUAL = 0x87 OP_PUSHDATA1 = 0x4c OP_PUSHDATA2 = 0x4d OP_PUSHDATA4 = 0x4e OP_RETURN = 0x6a OP_2DROP = 0x6d OP_DROP = 0x75 # lbry custom opcodes # checks OP_PRICECHECK = 0xb0 # checks that the BUY output is >= SELL price # tx types OP_CLAIM_NAME = 0xb5 OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM = 0xb6 OP_UPDATE_CLAIM = 0xb7 OP_SELL_CLAIM = 0xb8 OP_BUY_CLAIM = 0xb9 # template matching opcodes (not real opcodes) # base class for PUSH_DATA related opcodes # pylint: disable=invalid-name PUSH_DATA_OP = namedtuple('PUSH_DATA_OP', 'name') # opcode for variable length strings # pylint: disable=invalid-name PUSH_SINGLE = subclass_tuple('PUSH_SINGLE', PUSH_DATA_OP) # opcode for variable size integers # pylint: disable=invalid-name PUSH_INTEGER = subclass_tuple('PUSH_INTEGER', PUSH_DATA_OP) # opcode for variable number of variable length strings # pylint: disable=invalid-name PUSH_MANY = subclass_tuple('PUSH_MANY', PUSH_DATA_OP) # opcode with embedded subscript parsing # pylint: disable=invalid-name PUSH_SUBSCRIPT = namedtuple('PUSH_SUBSCRIPT', 'name template') def is_push_data_opcode(opcode): return isinstance(opcode, (PUSH_DATA_OP, PUSH_SUBSCRIPT)) def is_push_data_token(token): return 1 <= token <= OP_PUSHDATA4 def push_data(data): size = len(data) if size < OP_PUSHDATA1: yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(size) elif size <= 0xFF: yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(OP_PUSHDATA1) yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(size) elif size <= 0xFFFF: yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(OP_PUSHDATA2) yield BCDataStream.uint16.pack(size) else: yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(OP_PUSHDATA4) yield BCDataStream.uint32.pack(size) yield bytes(data) def read_data(token, stream): if token < OP_PUSHDATA1: return if token == OP_PUSHDATA1: return if token == OP_PUSHDATA2: return return # opcode for OP_1 - OP_16 # pylint: disable=invalid-name SMALL_INTEGER = namedtuple('SMALL_INTEGER', 'name') def is_small_integer(token): return OP_1 <= token <= OP_16 def push_small_integer(num): assert 1 <= num <= 16 yield BCDataStream.uint8.pack(OP_1 + (num - 1)) def read_small_integer(token): return (token - OP_1) + 1 class Token(namedtuple('Token', 'value')): __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): name = None for var_name, var_value in globals().items(): if var_name.startswith('OP_') and var_value == self.value: name = var_name break return name or self.value class DataToken(Token): __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): return f'"{hexlify(self.value)}"' class SmallIntegerToken(Token): __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): return f'SmallIntegerToken({self.value})' def token_producer(source): token = source.read_uint8() while token is not None: if is_push_data_token(token): yield DataToken(read_data(token, source)) elif is_small_integer(token): yield SmallIntegerToken(read_small_integer(token)) else: yield Token(token) token = source.read_uint8() def tokenize(source): return list(token_producer(source)) class ScriptError(Exception): """ General script handling error. """ class ParseError(ScriptError): """ Script parsing error. """ class Parser: def __init__(self, opcodes, tokens): self.opcodes = opcodes self.tokens = tokens self.values = {} self.token_index = 0 self.opcode_index = 0 def parse(self): while self.token_index < len(self.tokens) and self.opcode_index < len(self.opcodes): token = self.tokens[self.token_index] opcode = self.opcodes[self.opcode_index] if token.value == 0 and isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SINGLE): token = DataToken(b'') if isinstance(token, DataToken): if isinstance(opcode, (PUSH_SINGLE, PUSH_INTEGER, PUSH_SUBSCRIPT)): self.push_single(opcode, token.value) elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_MANY): self.consume_many_non_greedy() else: raise ParseError(f"DataToken found but opcode was '{opcode}'.") elif isinstance(token, SmallIntegerToken): if isinstance(opcode, SMALL_INTEGER): self.values[] = token.value else: raise ParseError(f"SmallIntegerToken found but opcode was '{opcode}'.") elif token.value == opcode: pass else: raise ParseError(f"Token is '{token.value}' and opcode is '{opcode}'.") self.token_index += 1 self.opcode_index += 1 if self.token_index < len(self.tokens): raise ParseError("Parse completed without all tokens being consumed.") if self.opcode_index < len(self.opcodes): raise ParseError("Parse completed without all opcodes being consumed.") return self def consume_many_non_greedy(self): """ Allows PUSH_MANY to consume data without being greedy in cases when one or more PUSH_SINGLEs follow a PUSH_MANY. This will prioritize giving all PUSH_SINGLEs some data and only after that subsume the rest into PUSH_MANY. """ token_values = [] while self.token_index < len(self.tokens): token = self.tokens[self.token_index] if not isinstance(token, DataToken): self.token_index -= 1 break token_values.append(token.value) self.token_index += 1 push_opcodes = [] push_many_count = 0 while self.opcode_index < len(self.opcodes): opcode = self.opcodes[self.opcode_index] if not is_push_data_opcode(opcode): self.opcode_index -= 1 break if isinstance(opcode, PUSH_MANY): push_many_count += 1 push_opcodes.append(opcode) self.opcode_index += 1 if push_many_count > 1: raise ParseError( "Cannot have more than one consecutive PUSH_MANY, as there is no way to tell which" " token value should go into which PUSH_MANY." ) if len(push_opcodes) > len(token_values): raise ParseError( "Not enough token values to match all of the PUSH_MANY and PUSH_SINGLE opcodes." ) many_opcode = push_opcodes.pop(0) # consume data into PUSH_SINGLE opcodes, working backwards for opcode in reversed(push_opcodes): self.push_single(opcode, token_values.pop()) # finally PUSH_MANY gets everything that's left self.values[] = token_values def push_single(self, opcode, value): if isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SINGLE): self.values[] = value elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_INTEGER): self.values[] = int.from_bytes(value, 'little') elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SUBSCRIPT): self.values[] = Script.from_source_with_template(value, opcode.template) else: raise ParseError(f"Not a push single or subscript: {opcode}") class Template: __slots__ = 'name', 'opcodes' def __init__(self, name, opcodes): = name self.opcodes = opcodes def parse(self, tokens): return Parser(self.opcodes, tokens).parse().values if self.opcodes else {} def generate(self, values): source = BCDataStream() for opcode in self.opcodes: if isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SINGLE): data = values[] source.write_many(push_data(data)) elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_INTEGER): data = values[] source.write_many(push_data( data.to_bytes((data.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='little') )) elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_SUBSCRIPT): data = values[] source.write_many(push_data(data.source)) elif isinstance(opcode, PUSH_MANY): for data in values[]: source.write_many(push_data(data)) elif isinstance(opcode, SMALL_INTEGER): data = values[] source.write_many(push_small_integer(data)) else: source.write_uint8(opcode) return source.get_bytes() class Script: __slots__ = 'source', '_template', '_values', '_template_hint' templates: List[Template] = [] NO_SCRIPT = Template('no_script', None) # special case def __init__(self, source=None, template=None, values=None, template_hint=None): self.source = source self._template = template self._values = values self._template_hint = template_hint if source is None and template and values: self.generate() @property def template(self): if self._template is None: self.parse(self._template_hint) return self._template @property def values(self): if self._values is None: self.parse(self._template_hint) return self._values @property def tokens(self): return tokenize(BCDataStream(self.source)) @classmethod def from_source_with_template(cls, source, template): return cls(source, template_hint=template) def parse(self, template_hint=None): tokens = self.tokens if not tokens and not template_hint: template_hint = self.NO_SCRIPT for template in chain((template_hint,), self.templates): if not template: continue try: self._values = template.parse(tokens) self._template = template return except ParseError: continue raise ValueError(f'No matching templates for source: {hexlify(self.source)}') def generate(self): self.source = self.template.generate(self._values) class InputScript(Script): __slots__ = () REDEEM_PUBKEY = Template('pubkey', ( PUSH_SINGLE('signature'), )) REDEEM_PUBKEY_HASH = Template('pubkey_hash', ( PUSH_SINGLE('signature'), PUSH_SINGLE('pubkey') )) REDEEM_SCRIPT = Template('script', ( SMALL_INTEGER('signatures_count'), PUSH_MANY('pubkeys'), SMALL_INTEGER('pubkeys_count'), OP_CHECKMULTISIG )) REDEEM_SCRIPT_HASH = Template('script_hash', ( OP_0, PUSH_MANY('signatures'), PUSH_SUBSCRIPT('script', REDEEM_SCRIPT) )) templates = [ REDEEM_PUBKEY, REDEEM_PUBKEY_HASH, REDEEM_SCRIPT_HASH, REDEEM_SCRIPT ] @classmethod def redeem_pubkey_hash(cls, signature, pubkey): return cls(template=cls.REDEEM_PUBKEY_HASH, values={ 'signature': signature, 'pubkey': pubkey }) @classmethod def redeem_script_hash(cls, signatures, pubkeys): return cls(template=cls.REDEEM_SCRIPT_HASH, values={ 'signatures': signatures, 'script': cls.redeem_script(signatures, pubkeys) }) @classmethod def redeem_script(cls, signatures, pubkeys): return cls(template=cls.REDEEM_SCRIPT, values={ 'signatures_count': len(signatures), 'pubkeys': pubkeys, 'pubkeys_count': len(pubkeys) }) class OutputScript(Script): __slots__ = () # output / payment script templates (aka scriptPubKey) PAY_PUBKEY_FULL = Template('pay_pubkey_full', ( PUSH_SINGLE('pubkey'), OP_CHECKSIG )) PAY_PUBKEY_HASH = Template('pay_pubkey_hash', ( OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, PUSH_SINGLE('pubkey_hash'), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG )) PAY_SCRIPT_HASH = Template('pay_script_hash', ( OP_HASH160, PUSH_SINGLE('script_hash'), OP_EQUAL )) PAY_SEGWIT = Template('pay_script_hash+segwit', ( OP_0, PUSH_SINGLE('script_hash') )) RETURN_DATA = Template('return_data', ( OP_RETURN, PUSH_SINGLE('data') )) CLAIM_NAME_OPCODES = ( OP_CLAIM_NAME, PUSH_SINGLE('claim_name'), PUSH_SINGLE('claim'), OP_2DROP, OP_DROP ) CLAIM_NAME_PUBKEY = Template('claim_name+pay_pubkey_hash', ( CLAIM_NAME_OPCODES + PAY_PUBKEY_HASH.opcodes )) CLAIM_NAME_SCRIPT = Template('claim_name+pay_script_hash', ( CLAIM_NAME_OPCODES + PAY_SCRIPT_HASH.opcodes )) SUPPORT_CLAIM_OPCODES = ( OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM, PUSH_SINGLE('claim_name'), PUSH_SINGLE('claim_id'), OP_2DROP, OP_DROP ) SUPPORT_CLAIM_PUBKEY = Template('support_claim+pay_pubkey_hash', ( SUPPORT_CLAIM_OPCODES + PAY_PUBKEY_HASH.opcodes )) SUPPORT_CLAIM_SCRIPT = Template('support_claim+pay_script_hash', ( SUPPORT_CLAIM_OPCODES + PAY_SCRIPT_HASH.opcodes )) UPDATE_CLAIM_OPCODES = ( OP_UPDATE_CLAIM, PUSH_SINGLE('claim_name'), PUSH_SINGLE('claim_id'), PUSH_SINGLE('claim'), OP_2DROP, OP_2DROP ) UPDATE_CLAIM_PUBKEY = Template('update_claim+pay_pubkey_hash', ( UPDATE_CLAIM_OPCODES + PAY_PUBKEY_HASH.opcodes )) UPDATE_CLAIM_SCRIPT = Template('update_claim+pay_script_hash', ( UPDATE_CLAIM_OPCODES + PAY_SCRIPT_HASH.opcodes )) SELL_SCRIPT = Template('sell_script', ( OP_VERIFY, OP_DROP, OP_DROP, OP_DROP, PUSH_INTEGER('price'), OP_PRICECHECK )) SELL_CLAIM = Template('sell_claim+pay_script_hash', ( OP_SELL_CLAIM, PUSH_SINGLE('claim_id'), PUSH_SUBSCRIPT('sell_script', SELL_SCRIPT), PUSH_SUBSCRIPT('receive_script', InputScript.REDEEM_SCRIPT), OP_2DROP, OP_2DROP ) + PAY_SCRIPT_HASH.opcodes) BUY_CLAIM = Template('buy_claim+pay_script_hash', ( OP_BUY_CLAIM, PUSH_SINGLE('sell_id'), PUSH_SINGLE('claim_id'), PUSH_SINGLE('claim_version'), PUSH_SINGLE('owner_pubkey_hash'), PUSH_SINGLE('negotiation_signature'), OP_2DROP, OP_2DROP, OP_2DROP, ) + PAY_SCRIPT_HASH.opcodes) templates = [ PAY_PUBKEY_FULL, PAY_PUBKEY_HASH, PAY_SCRIPT_HASH, PAY_SEGWIT, RETURN_DATA, CLAIM_NAME_PUBKEY, CLAIM_NAME_SCRIPT, SUPPORT_CLAIM_PUBKEY, SUPPORT_CLAIM_SCRIPT, UPDATE_CLAIM_PUBKEY, UPDATE_CLAIM_SCRIPT, SELL_CLAIM, SELL_SCRIPT, BUY_CLAIM, ] @classmethod def pay_pubkey_hash(cls, pubkey_hash): return cls(template=cls.PAY_PUBKEY_HASH, values={ 'pubkey_hash': pubkey_hash }) @classmethod def pay_script_hash(cls, script_hash): return cls(template=cls.PAY_SCRIPT_HASH, values={ 'script_hash': script_hash }) @classmethod def return_data(cls, data): return cls(template=cls.RETURN_DATA, values={ 'data': data }) @property def is_pay_pubkey(self): return'pay_pubkey_full') @classmethod def pay_claim_name_pubkey_hash(cls, claim_name, claim, pubkey_hash): return cls(template=cls.CLAIM_NAME_PUBKEY, values={ 'claim_name': claim_name, 'claim': claim, 'pubkey_hash': pubkey_hash }) @classmethod def pay_update_claim_pubkey_hash(cls, claim_name, claim_id, claim, pubkey_hash): return cls(template=cls.UPDATE_CLAIM_PUBKEY, values={ 'claim_name': claim_name, 'claim_id': claim_id, 'claim': claim, 'pubkey_hash': pubkey_hash }) @classmethod def pay_support_pubkey_hash(cls, claim_name: bytes, claim_id: bytes, pubkey_hash: bytes): return cls(template=cls.SUPPORT_CLAIM_PUBKEY, values={ 'claim_name': claim_name, 'claim_id': claim_id, 'pubkey_hash': pubkey_hash }) @classmethod def sell_script(cls, price): return cls(template=cls.SELL_SCRIPT, values={ 'price': price, }) @classmethod def sell_claim(cls, claim_id, price, signatures, pubkeys): return cls(template=cls.SELL_CLAIM, values={ 'claim_id': claim_id, 'sell_script': OutputScript.sell_script(price), 'receive_script': InputScript.redeem_script(signatures, pubkeys) }) @classmethod def buy_claim(cls, sell_id, claim_id, claim_version, owner_pubkey_hash, negotiation_signature): return cls(template=cls.BUY_CLAIM, values={ 'sell_id': sell_id, 'claim_id': claim_id, 'claim_version': claim_version, 'owner_pubkey_hash': owner_pubkey_hash, 'negotiation_signature': negotiation_signature, }) @property def is_pay_pubkey_hash(self): return'pay_pubkey_hash') @property def is_pay_script_hash(self): return'pay_script_hash') @property def is_return_data(self): return'return_data') @property def is_claim_name(self): return'claim_name+') @property def is_update_claim(self): return'update_claim+') @property def is_support_claim(self): return'support_claim+') @property def is_sell_claim(self): return'sell_claim+') @property def is_buy_claim(self): return'buy_claim+') @property def is_claim_involved(self): return any(( self.is_claim_name, self.is_support_claim, self.is_update_claim, self.is_sell_claim, self.is_buy_claim ))