import os import time import stat import json import zlib import typing import logging from typing import List, Sequence, MutableSequence, Optional from collections import UserDict from hashlib import sha256 from operator import attrgetter from lbry.crypto.crypt import better_aes_encrypt, better_aes_decrypt from .account import Account if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from lbry.wallet.manager import WalletManager from lbry.wallet.ledger import Ledger log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ENCRYPT_ON_DISK = 'encrypt-on-disk' class TimestampedPreferences(UserDict): def __init__(self, d: dict = None): super().__init__() if d is not None: = d.copy() def __getitem__(self, key): return[key]['value'] def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = { 'value': value, 'ts': int(time.time()) } def __repr__(self): return repr(self.to_dict_without_ts()) def to_dict_without_ts(self): return { key: value['value'] for key, value in } @property def hash(self): return sha256(json.dumps( def merge(self, other: dict): for key, value in other.items(): if key in and value['ts'] <[key]['ts']: continue[key] = value class Wallet: """ The primary role of Wallet is to encapsulate a collection of accounts (seed/private keys) and the spending rules / settings for the coins attached to those accounts. Wallets are represented by physical files on the filesystem. """ preferences: TimestampedPreferences encryption_password: Optional[str] def __init__(self, name: str = 'Wallet', accounts: MutableSequence['Account'] = None, storage: 'WalletStorage' = None, preferences: dict = None) -> None: = name self.accounts = accounts or [] = storage or WalletStorage() self.preferences = TimestampedPreferences(preferences or {}) self.encryption_password = None = self.get_id() def get_id(self): return os.path.basename( if else def add_account(self, account: 'Account'): self.accounts.append(account) def generate_account(self, ledger: 'Ledger') -> 'Account': return Account.generate(ledger, self) @property def default_account(self) -> Optional['Account']: for account in self.accounts: return account return None def get_account_or_default(self, account_id: str) -> Optional['Account']: if account_id is None: return self.default_account return self.get_account_or_error(account_id) def get_account_or_error(self, account_id: str) -> 'Account': for account in self.accounts: if == account_id: return account raise ValueError(f"Couldn't find account: {account_id}.") def get_accounts_or_all(self, account_ids: List[str]) -> Sequence['Account']: return [ self.get_account_or_error(account_id) for account_id in account_ids ] if account_ids else self.accounts async def get_detailed_accounts(self, **kwargs): accounts = [] for i, account in enumerate(self.accounts): details = await account.get_details(**kwargs) details['is_default'] = i == 0 accounts.append(details) return accounts @classmethod def from_storage(cls, storage: 'WalletStorage', manager: 'WalletManager') -> 'Wallet': json_dict = wallet = cls( name=json_dict.get('name', 'Wallet'), preferences=json_dict.get('preferences', {}), storage=storage ) account_dicts: Sequence[dict] = json_dict.get('accounts', []) for account_dict in account_dicts: ledger = manager.get_or_create_ledger(account_dict['ledger']) Account.from_dict(ledger, wallet, account_dict) return wallet def to_dict(self, encrypt_password: str = None): return { 'version': WalletStorage.LATEST_VERSION, 'name':, 'preferences':, 'accounts': [a.to_dict(encrypt_password) for a in self.accounts] } def save(self): if self.preferences.get(ENCRYPT_ON_DISK, False): if self.encryption_password is not None: return elif not self.is_locked: log.warning( "Disk encryption requested but no password available for encryption. " "Resetting encryption preferences and saving wallet in an unencrypted state." ) self.preferences[ENCRYPT_ON_DISK] = False return @property def hash(self) -> bytes: h = sha256() if self.is_encrypted: assert self.encryption_password is not None, \ "Encryption is enabled but no password is available, cannot generate hash." h.update(self.encryption_password.encode()) h.update(self.preferences.hash) for account in sorted(self.accounts, key=attrgetter('id')): h.update(account.hash) return h.digest() def pack(self, password): assert not self.is_locked, "Cannot pack a wallet with locked/encrypted accounts." new_data = json.dumps(self.to_dict()) new_data_compressed = zlib.compress(new_data.encode()) return better_aes_encrypt(password, new_data_compressed) @classmethod def unpack(cls, password, encrypted): decrypted = better_aes_decrypt(password, encrypted) decompressed = zlib.decompress(decrypted) return json.loads(decompressed) def merge(self, manager: 'WalletManager', password: str, data: str) -> List['Account']: assert not self.is_locked, "Cannot sync apply on a locked wallet." added_accounts = [] decrypted_data = self.unpack(password, data) self.preferences.merge(decrypted_data.get('preferences', {})) for account_dict in decrypted_data['accounts']: ledger = manager.get_or_create_ledger(account_dict['ledger']) _, _, pubkey = Account.keys_from_dict(ledger, account_dict) account_id = pubkey.address local_match = None for local_account in self.accounts: if account_id == local_match = local_account break if local_match is not None: local_match.merge(account_dict) else: new_account = Account.from_dict(ledger, self, account_dict) added_accounts.append(new_account) return added_accounts @property def is_locked(self) -> bool: for account in self.accounts: if account.encrypted: return True return False async def unlock(self, password): for account in self.accounts: if account.encrypted: if not account.decrypt(password): return False await account.deterministic_channel_keys.ensure_cache_primed() self.encryption_password = password return True def lock(self): assert self.encryption_password is not None, "Cannot lock an unencrypted wallet, encrypt first." for account in self.accounts: if not account.encrypted: account.encrypt(self.encryption_password) return True @property def is_encrypted(self) -> bool: # either its locked or it was unlocked using a password. # if its set to encrypt on preferences but isnt encrypted and no password was given so far, # then its not encrypted return self.is_locked or ( self.preferences.get(ENCRYPT_ON_DISK, False) and self.encryption_password is not None) def decrypt(self): assert not self.is_locked, "Cannot decrypt a locked wallet, unlock first." self.preferences[ENCRYPT_ON_DISK] = False return True def encrypt(self, password): assert not self.is_locked, "Cannot re-encrypt a locked wallet, unlock first." assert password, "Cannot encrypt with blank password." self.encryption_password = password self.preferences[ENCRYPT_ON_DISK] = True return True class WalletStorage: LATEST_VERSION = 1 def __init__(self, path=None, default=None): self.path = path self._default = default or { 'version': self.LATEST_VERSION, 'name': 'My Wallet', 'preferences': {}, 'accounts': [] } def read(self): if self.path and os.path.exists(self.path): with open(self.path, 'r') as f: json_data = json_dict = json.loads(json_data) if json_dict.get('version') == self.LATEST_VERSION and \ set(json_dict) == set(self._default): return json_dict else: return self.upgrade(json_dict) else: return self._default.copy() def upgrade(self, json_dict): json_dict = json_dict.copy() version = json_dict.pop('version', -1) if version == -1: pass upgraded = self._default.copy() upgraded.update(json_dict) return json_dict def write(self, json_dict): json_data = json.dumps(json_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True) if self.path is None: return json_data temp_path = "{}.tmp.{}".format(self.path, os.getpid()) with open(temp_path, "w") as f: f.write(json_data) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) if os.path.exists(self.path): mode = os.stat(self.path).st_mode else: mode = stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE try: os.rename(temp_path, self.path) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except os.remove(self.path) os.rename(temp_path, self.path) os.chmod(self.path, mode)