sudo: required dist: xenial language: python python: "3.7" jobs: include: - stage: code quality name: "pylint & mypy" install: - pip install astroid pylint mypy==0.701 - make install script: make lint - stage: test name: "LBRY Unit Tests" install: - pip install coverage - make install script: - cd lbry && HOME=/tmp coverage run -p --source=lbry -m unittest discover -vv tests.unit after_success: - coverage combine lbry/ - bash <(curl -s - name: "LBRY Integration Tests" install: - pip install coverage tox-travis script: cd lbry && tox after_success: - coverage combine lbry - bash <(curl -s - &torba-tests name: "Torba Unit Tests" env: TESTTYPE=unit install: - pip install coverage tox-travis script: cd torba && tox after_success: - coverage combine torba/tests - bash <(curl -s - <<: *torba-tests name: "Torba Integration Tests" env: TESTTYPE=integration - name: "Run Examples" install: - pip install coverage - make install script: - cd lbry && HOME=/tmp coverage run -p --source=lbry scripts/ after_success: - coverage combine lbry - bash <(curl -s - stage: build name: "Windows" language: generic services: - docker install: - docker pull lbry/pyinstaller34_32bits:py371 script: - pushd lbry && python scripts/ && popd - docker run -v "$(pwd):/src/lbry" lbry/pyinstaller34_32bits:py371 lbry/lbry/scripts/ - sudo zip -j lbry/dist/ lbry/dist/lbrynet.exe deploy: provider: releases api_key: $GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN file: lbry/dist/ skip_cleanup: true overwrite: true draft: true on: tags: true addons: artifacts: working_dir: dist paths: - target_paths: - /daemon/build-${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}_commit-${TRAVIS_COMMIT:0:7}_branch-${TRAVIS_BRANCH}$([ ! -z ${TRAVIS_TAG} ] && echo _tag-${TRAVIS_TAG}) - &build name: "Linux" env: OS=linux install: - pip3 install pyinstaller - cd torba && pip3 install -e . && cd .. - cd lbry - python3 scripts/ - pip3 install -e . script: - pyinstaller -F -n lbrynet lbry/extras/ - chmod +x dist/lbrynet - zip -j dist/lbrynet-${OS}.zip dist/lbrynet - ./dist/lbrynet --version deploy: provider: releases api_key: $GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN file: lbry/dist/lbrynet-${OS}.zip skip_cleanup: true overwrite: true draft: true on: tags: true addons: artifacts: working_dir: dist paths: - lbrynet-${OS}.zip # artifact uploader thinks lbry is a directory, target_paths: - /daemon/build-${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}_commit-${TRAVIS_COMMIT:0:7}_branch-${TRAVIS_BRANCH}$([ ! -z ${TRAVIS_TAG} ] && echo _tag-${TRAVIS_TAG}) - <<: *build name: "Mac" os: osx osx_image: xcode8.3 language: generic env: OS=mac cache: false before_install: - brew upgrade python || true - if: tag IS present stage: build name: "Wallet Server Docker Image - Tagged Release" script: - set -e - echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login --username "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin - travis_retry docker build -t lbry/wallet-server:$TRAVIS_TAG -f lbry/scripts/Dockerfile.wallet_server . - docker push lbry/wallet-server:$TRAVIS_TAG - if: tag IS blank AND branch = master AND NOT type IN (pull_request) stage: build name: "Wallet Server Docker Image - Master" script: - set -e - echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login --username "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin - travis_retry docker build -t lbry/wallet-server:master -f lbry/scripts/Dockerfile.wallet_server . - docker push lbry/wallet-server:master cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip - $HOME/Library/Caches/pip - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.tox