import sys import json import random import asyncio import argparse import traceback import signal from time import time from datetime import datetime try: import aiohttp import psycopg2 import slack except ImportError: print(f"To run {sys.argv[0]} you need to install aiohttp, psycopg2 and slackclient:") print(f"") print(f" $ pip install aiohttp psycopg2 slackclient") print("") sys.exit(1) if not sys.version_info >= (3, 7): print("Please use Python 3.7 or higher, this script expects that dictionary keys preserve order.") sys.exit(1) async def handle_slow_query(cursor, server, command, queries): for query in queries: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO wallet_server_slow_queries (server, command, query, event_time) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s); """, (server, command, query, async def handle_analytics_event(cursor, event, server): cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO wallet_server_stats (server, sessions, event_time) VALUES (%s,%s,%s); """, (server, event['status']['sessions'], for command, stats in event["api"].items(): data = { 'server': server, 'command': command, 'event_time': } for key, value in stats.items(): if key.endswith("_queries"): if key == "interrupted_queries": await handle_slow_query(cursor, server, command, value) continue if isinstance(value, list): data.update({ key + '_avg': value[0], key + '_min': value[1], key + '_five': value[2], key + '_twenty_five': value[3], key + '_fifty': value[4], key + '_seventy_five': value[5], key + '_ninety_five': value[6], key + '_max': value[7], }) else: data[key] = value cursor.execute(f""" INSERT INTO wallet_server_command_stats ({','.join(data)}) VALUES ({','.join('%s' for _ in data)}); """, list(data.values())) SLACKCLIENT = None async def boris_says(what_boris_says): if SLACKCLIENT: await SLACKCLIENT.chat_postMessage( username="boris the wallet monitor", icon_emoji=":boris:", channel='#tech-sdk', text=what_boris_says ) else: print(what_boris_says) async def monitor(db, server): c = db.cursor() delay = 30 height_changed = None, time() height_change_reported = False first_attempt = True while True: try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(10)) as session: try: ws = await session.ws_connect(server) except (aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, asyncio.TimeoutError): if first_attempt: print(f"failed connecting to {server}") await boris_says(random.choice([ f"{server} is not responding, probably dead, will not connect again.", ])) return raise if first_attempt: await boris_says(f"{server} is online") else: await boris_says(f"{server} is back online") delay = 30 first_attempt = False print(f"connected to {server}") async for msg in ws: event = json.loads( height = event['status'].get('height') height_change_time = int(time()-height_changed[1]) if height is None: pass elif height_changed[0] != height: height_changed = (height, time()) if height_change_reported: await boris_says( f"Server {server} received new block after {height_change_time / 60:.1f} minutes.", ) height_change_reported = False elif height_change_time > 30*60: if not height_change_reported or height_change_time % (2*60) == 0: await boris_says( f"It's been {height_change_time/60:.1f} minutes since {server} received a new block.", ) height_change_reported = True await handle_analytics_event(c, event, server) db.commit() except (aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, asyncio.TimeoutError): await boris_says(random.choice([ f" Guys, we have a problem! Nobody home at {server}. Will check on it again in {delay} seconds.", f" Something wrong with {server}. I think dead. Will poke it again in {delay} seconds.", f" Don't hear anything from {server}, maybe dead. Will try it again in {delay} seconds.", ])) await asyncio.sleep(delay) delay += 30 async def main(dsn, servers): db = ensure_database(dsn) await boris_says(random.choice([ "No fear, Boris is here! I will monitor the servers now and will try not to fall asleep again.", "Comrad the Cat and Boris are here now, monitoring wallet servers.", ])) await asyncio.gather(*( asyncio.create_task(monitor(db, server)) for server in servers )) def ensure_database(dsn): db = psycopg2.connect(**dsn) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT to_regclass('wallet_server_stats');") if c.fetchone()[0] is None: print("creating table 'wallet_server_stats'...") c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE wallet_server_stats ( server text, sessions integer, event_time timestamp ); """) c.execute("SELECT to_regclass('wallet_server_slow_queries');") if c.fetchone()[0] is None: print("creating table 'wallet_server_slow_queries'...") c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE wallet_server_slow_queries ( server text, command text, query text, event_time timestamp ); """) c.execute("SELECT to_regclass('wallet_server_command_stats');") if c.fetchone()[0] is None: print("creating table 'wallet_server_command_stats'...") c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE wallet_server_command_stats ( server text, command text, event_time timestamp, -- total requests received during event window receive_count integer, -- sum of these is total responses made cache_response_count integer, query_response_count integer, intrp_response_count integer, error_response_count integer, -- millisecond timings for non-cache responses (response_*, interrupt_*, error_*) response_avg float, response_min float, response_five float, response_twenty_five float, response_fifty float, response_seventy_five float, response_ninety_five float, response_max float, interrupt_avg float, interrupt_min float, interrupt_five float, interrupt_twenty_five float, interrupt_fifty float, interrupt_seventy_five float, interrupt_ninety_five float, interrupt_max float, error_avg float, error_min float, error_five float, error_twenty_five float, error_fifty float, error_seventy_five float, error_ninety_five float, error_max float, -- response, interrupt and error each also report the python, wait and sql stats python_avg float, python_min float, python_five float, python_twenty_five float, python_fifty float, python_seventy_five float, python_ninety_five float, python_max float, wait_avg float, wait_min float, wait_five float, wait_twenty_five float, wait_fifty float, wait_seventy_five float, wait_ninety_five float, wait_max float, sql_avg float, sql_min float, sql_five float, sql_twenty_five float, sql_fifty float, sql_seventy_five float, sql_ninety_five float, sql_max float, -- extended timings for individual sql executions individual_sql_avg float, individual_sql_min float, individual_sql_five float, individual_sql_twenty_five float, individual_sql_fifty float, individual_sql_seventy_five float, individual_sql_ninety_five float, individual_sql_max float, individual_sql_count integer ); """) db.commit() return db def get_dsn(args): dsn = {} for attr in ('dbname', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'port'): value = getattr(args, f'pg_{attr}') if value: dsn[attr] = value return dsn def get_servers(args): servers = [] for s in args.server_range.split(","): if '..' in s: start, end = s.split('..') servers.extend(range(int(start), int(end)+1)) else: servers.append(int(s)) return [args.server_url.format(i) for i in servers] def get_slack_client(args): if args.slack_token: return slack.WebClient(token=args.slack_token, run_async=True) def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--pg-dbname", default="analytics", help="PostgreSQL database name") parser.add_argument("--pg-user", help="PostgreSQL username") parser.add_argument("--pg-password", help="PostgreSQL password") parser.add_argument("--pg-host", default="localhost", help="PostgreSQL host") parser.add_argument("--pg-port", default="5432", help="PostgreSQL port") parser.add_argument("--server-url", default="http://spv{}", help="URL with '{}' placeholder") parser.add_argument("--server-range", default="1..5", help="Range of numbers or single number to use in URL placeholder") parser.add_argument("--slack-token") return parser.parse_args() async def shutdown(signal, loop): await boris_says(f"I got signal {}. Shutting down.") tasks = [t for t in asyncio.all_tasks() if t is not asyncio.current_task()] [task.cancel() for task in tasks] await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) # loop.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() for sig in (signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT): loop.add_signal_handler(sig, lambda s=sig: asyncio.create_task(shutdown(s, loop))) args = get_args() SLACKCLIENT = get_slack_client(args) try: loop.run_until_complete(main(get_dsn(args), get_servers(args))) except asyncio.CancelledError as e: pass except Exception as e: loop.run_until_complete(boris_says(" I crashed with the following exception:")) loop.run_until_complete(boris_says(traceback.format_exc())) finally: loop.run_until_complete( boris_says(random.choice([ "Wallet servers will have to watch themselves, I'm leaving now.", "I'm going to go take a nap, hopefully nothing blows up while I'm gone.", "Babushka is calling, I'll be back later, someone else watch the servers while I'm gone.", ])) )