import os import json import binascii import logging import typing import asyncio import re from collections import OrderedDict from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms import AES from lbry.blob import MAX_BLOB_SIZE from lbry.blob.blob_info import BlobInfo from lbry.blob.blob_file import AbstractBlob, BlobFile from lbry.cryptoutils import get_lbry_hash_obj from lbry.error import InvalidStreamDescriptorError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) RE_ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS = re.compile( '(' '[<>:"/\\\|\?\*]+|' # Illegal characters '[\\x00-\\x1F]+|' # All characters in range 0-31 '[ \t]*(\.)+[ \t]*$|' # Dots at the end '(^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$)|' # Leading and trailing whitespace '^CON$|^PRN$|^AUX$|' # Illegal names '^NUL$|^COM[1-9]$|^LPT[1-9]$' # ... ')' ) def format_sd_info(stream_name: str, key: str, suggested_file_name: str, stream_hash: str, blobs: typing.List[typing.Dict]) -> typing.Dict: return { "stream_type": "lbryfile", "stream_name": stream_name, "key": key, "suggested_file_name": suggested_file_name, "stream_hash": stream_hash, "blobs": blobs } def random_iv_generator() -> typing.Generator[bytes, None, None]: while 1: yield os.urandom(AES.block_size // 8) def file_reader(file_path: str): length = int(os.stat(file_path).st_size) offset = 0 with open(file_path, 'rb') as stream_file: while offset < length: bytes_to_read = min((length - offset), MAX_BLOB_SIZE - 1) if not bytes_to_read: break blob_bytes = yield blob_bytes offset += bytes_to_read def sanitize_file_name(dirty_name: str, default_file_name: str = 'lbry_download'): file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(dirty_name) file_name = re.sub(RE_ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS, '', file_name) ext = re.sub(RE_ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS, '', ext) if not file_name: log.warning('Unable to sanitize file name for %s, returning default value %s', dirty_name, default_file_name) file_name = default_file_name if len(ext) > 1: file_name += ext return file_name class StreamDescriptor: __slots__ = [ 'loop', 'blob_dir', 'stream_name', 'key', 'suggested_file_name', 'blobs', 'stream_hash', 'sd_hash' ] def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, blob_dir: str, stream_name: str, key: str, suggested_file_name: str, blobs: typing.List[BlobInfo], stream_hash: typing.Optional[str] = None, sd_hash: typing.Optional[str] = None): self.loop = loop self.blob_dir = blob_dir self.stream_name = stream_name self.key = key self.suggested_file_name = suggested_file_name self.blobs = blobs self.stream_hash = stream_hash or self.get_stream_hash() self.sd_hash = sd_hash @property def length(self) -> int: return len(self.as_json()) def get_stream_hash(self) -> str: return self.calculate_stream_hash( binascii.hexlify(self.stream_name.encode()), self.key.encode(), binascii.hexlify(self.suggested_file_name.encode()), [blob_info.as_dict() for blob_info in self.blobs] ) def calculate_sd_hash(self) -> str: h = get_lbry_hash_obj() h.update(self.as_json()) return h.hexdigest() def as_json(self) -> bytes: return json.dumps( format_sd_info(binascii.hexlify(self.stream_name.encode()).decode(), self.key, binascii.hexlify(self.suggested_file_name.encode()).decode(), self.stream_hash, [blob_info.as_dict() for blob_info in self.blobs]), sort_keys=True ).encode() def old_sort_json(self) -> bytes: blobs = [] for b in self.blobs: blobs.append(OrderedDict( [('length', b.length), ('blob_num', b.blob_num), ('iv', b.iv)] if not b.blob_hash else [('length', b.length), ('blob_num', b.blob_num), ('blob_hash', b.blob_hash), ('iv', b.iv)] )) if not b.blob_hash: break return json.dumps( OrderedDict([ ('stream_name', binascii.hexlify(self.stream_name.encode()).decode()), ('blobs', blobs), ('stream_type', 'lbryfile'), ('key', self.key), ('suggested_file_name', binascii.hexlify(self.suggested_file_name.encode()).decode()), ('stream_hash', self.stream_hash), ]) ).encode() def calculate_old_sort_sd_hash(self) -> str: h = get_lbry_hash_obj() h.update(self.old_sort_json()) return h.hexdigest() async def make_sd_blob(self, blob_file_obj: typing.Optional[AbstractBlob] = None, old_sort: typing.Optional[bool] = False, blob_completed_callback: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[['AbstractBlob'], None]] = None): sd_hash = self.calculate_sd_hash() if not old_sort else self.calculate_old_sort_sd_hash() if not old_sort: sd_data = self.as_json() else: sd_data = self.old_sort_json() sd_blob = blob_file_obj or BlobFile(self.loop, sd_hash, len(sd_data), blob_completed_callback, self.blob_dir) if blob_file_obj: blob_file_obj.set_length(len(sd_data)) if not sd_blob.get_is_verified(): writer = sd_blob.get_blob_writer() writer.write(sd_data) await sd_blob.verified.wait() sd_blob.close() return sd_blob @classmethod def _from_stream_descriptor_blob(cls, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, blob_dir: str, blob: AbstractBlob) -> 'StreamDescriptor': with blob.reader_context() as blob_reader: json_bytes = try: decoded = json.loads(json_bytes.decode()) except json.JSONDecodeError: blob.delete() raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Does not decode as valid JSON") if decoded['blobs'][-1]['length'] != 0: raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Does not end with a zero-length blob.") if any([blob_info['length'] == 0 for blob_info in decoded['blobs'][:-1]]): raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Contains zero-length data blob") if 'blob_hash' in decoded['blobs'][-1]: raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Stream terminator blob should not have a hash") if any([i != blob_info['blob_num'] for i, blob_info in enumerate(decoded['blobs'])]): raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Stream contains out of order or skipped blobs") descriptor = cls( loop, blob_dir, binascii.unhexlify(decoded['stream_name']).decode(), decoded['key'], binascii.unhexlify(decoded['suggested_file_name']).decode(), [BlobInfo(info['blob_num'], info['length'], info['iv'], info.get('blob_hash')) for info in decoded['blobs']], decoded['stream_hash'], blob.blob_hash ) if descriptor.get_stream_hash() != decoded['stream_hash']: raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Stream hash does not match stream metadata") return descriptor @classmethod async def from_stream_descriptor_blob(cls, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, blob_dir: str, blob: AbstractBlob) -> 'StreamDescriptor': if not blob.is_readable(): raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError(f"unreadable/missing blob: {blob.blob_hash}") return await loop.run_in_executor(None, cls._from_stream_descriptor_blob, loop, blob_dir, blob) @staticmethod def get_blob_hashsum(b: typing.Dict): length = b['length'] if length != 0: blob_hash = b['blob_hash'] else: blob_hash = None blob_num = b['blob_num'] iv = b['iv'] blob_hashsum = get_lbry_hash_obj() if length != 0: blob_hashsum.update(blob_hash.encode()) blob_hashsum.update(str(blob_num).encode()) blob_hashsum.update(iv.encode()) blob_hashsum.update(str(length).encode()) return blob_hashsum.digest() @staticmethod def calculate_stream_hash(hex_stream_name: bytes, key: bytes, hex_suggested_file_name: bytes, blob_infos: typing.List[typing.Dict]) -> str: h = get_lbry_hash_obj() h.update(hex_stream_name) h.update(key) h.update(hex_suggested_file_name) blobs_hashsum = get_lbry_hash_obj() for blob in blob_infos: blobs_hashsum.update(StreamDescriptor.get_blob_hashsum(blob)) h.update(blobs_hashsum.digest()) return h.hexdigest() @classmethod async def create_stream( cls, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, blob_dir: str, file_path: str, key: typing.Optional[bytes] = None, iv_generator: typing.Optional[typing.Generator[bytes, None, None]] = None, old_sort: bool = False, blob_completed_callback: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[['AbstractBlob'], asyncio.Task]] = None) -> 'StreamDescriptor': blobs: typing.List[BlobInfo] = [] iv_generator = iv_generator or random_iv_generator() key = key or os.urandom(AES.block_size // 8) blob_num = -1 for blob_bytes in file_reader(file_path): blob_num += 1 blob_info = await BlobFile.create_from_unencrypted( loop, blob_dir, key, next(iv_generator), blob_bytes, blob_num, blob_completed_callback ) blobs.append(blob_info) blobs.append( BlobInfo(len(blobs), 0, binascii.hexlify(next(iv_generator)).decode())) # add the stream terminator file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) suggested_file_name = sanitize_file_name(file_name) descriptor = cls( loop, blob_dir, file_name, binascii.hexlify(key).decode(), suggested_file_name, blobs ) sd_blob = await descriptor.make_sd_blob(old_sort=old_sort, blob_completed_callback=blob_completed_callback) descriptor.sd_hash = sd_blob.blob_hash return descriptor def lower_bound_decrypted_length(self) -> int: length = sum(blob.length - 1 for blob in self.blobs[:-2]) return length + self.blobs[-2].length - (AES.block_size // 8) def upper_bound_decrypted_length(self) -> int: return self.lower_bound_decrypted_length() + (AES.block_size // 8) @classmethod async def recover(cls, blob_dir: str, sd_blob: 'AbstractBlob', stream_hash: str, stream_name: str, suggested_file_name: str, key: str, blobs: typing.List['BlobInfo']) -> typing.Optional['StreamDescriptor']: descriptor = cls(asyncio.get_event_loop(), blob_dir, stream_name, key, suggested_file_name, blobs, stream_hash, sd_blob.blob_hash) if descriptor.calculate_sd_hash() == sd_blob.blob_hash: # first check for a normal valid sd old_sort = False elif descriptor.calculate_old_sort_sd_hash() == sd_blob.blob_hash: # check if old field sorting works old_sort = True else: return await descriptor.make_sd_blob(sd_blob, old_sort) return descriptor