import os import logging import asyncio import sqlite3 import platform from binascii import hexlify from dataclasses import dataclass from contextvars import ContextVar from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Callable, Any, Awaitable, Iterable, Dict, Optional from .bip32 import PubKey from .transaction import Transaction, Output, OutputScript, TXRefImmutable from .constants import TXO_TYPES, CLAIM_TYPES log = logging.getLogger(__name__) sqlite3.enable_callback_tracebacks(True) @dataclass class ReaderProcessState: cursor: sqlite3.Cursor reader_context: Optional[ContextVar[ReaderProcessState]] = ContextVar('reader_context') def initializer(path): db = sqlite3.connect(path) db.row_factory = dict_row_factory db.executescript("pragma journal_mode=WAL;") reader = ReaderProcessState(db.cursor()) reader_context.set(reader) def run_read_only_fetchall(sql, params): cursor = reader_context.get().cursor try: return cursor.execute(sql, params).fetchall() except (Exception, OSError) as e: log.exception('Error running transaction:', exc_info=e) raise def run_read_only_fetchone(sql, params): cursor = reader_context.get().cursor try: return cursor.execute(sql, params).fetchone() except (Exception, OSError) as e: log.exception('Error running transaction:', exc_info=e) raise if platform.system() == 'Windows' or 'ANDROID_ARGUMENT' in os.environ: ReaderExecutorClass = ThreadPoolExecutor else: ReaderExecutorClass = ProcessPoolExecutor class AIOSQLite: reader_executor: ReaderExecutorClass def __init__(self): # has to be single threaded as there is no mapping of thread:connection self.writer_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.writer_connection: Optional[sqlite3.Connection] = None self._closing = False self.query_count = 0 self.write_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.writers = 0 self.read_ready = asyncio.Event() @classmethod async def connect(cls, path: Union[bytes, str], *args, **kwargs): sqlite3.enable_callback_tracebacks(True) db = cls() def _connect_writer(): db.writer_connection = sqlite3.connect(path, *args, **kwargs) readers = max(os.cpu_count() - 2, 2) db.reader_executor = ReaderExecutorClass( max_workers=readers, initializer=initializer, initargs=(path, ) ) await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(db.writer_executor, _connect_writer) db.read_ready.set() return db async def close(self): if self._closing: return self._closing = True await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.writer_executor, self.writer_connection.close) self.writer_executor.shutdown(wait=True) self.reader_executor.shutdown(wait=True) self.read_ready.clear() self.writer_connection = None def executemany(self, sql: str, params: Iterable): params = params if params is not None else [] # this fetchall is needed to prevent SQLITE_MISUSE return conn: conn.executemany(sql, params).fetchall()) def executescript(self, script: str) -> Awaitable: return conn: conn.executescript(script)) async def _execute_fetch(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable = None, read_only=False, fetch_all: bool = False) -> List[dict]: read_only_fn = run_read_only_fetchall if fetch_all else run_read_only_fetchone parameters = parameters if parameters is not None else [] if read_only: while self.writers: await self.read_ready.wait() return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( self.reader_executor, read_only_fn, sql, parameters ) if fetch_all: return await conn: conn.execute(sql, parameters).fetchall()) return await conn: conn.execute(sql, parameters).fetchone()) async def execute_fetchall(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable = None, read_only=False) -> List[dict]: return await self._execute_fetch(sql, parameters, read_only, fetch_all=True) async def execute_fetchone(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable = None, read_only=False) -> List[dict]: return await self._execute_fetch(sql, parameters, read_only, fetch_all=False) def execute(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable = None) -> Awaitable[sqlite3.Cursor]: parameters = parameters if parameters is not None else [] return conn: conn.execute(sql, parameters)) async def run(self, fun, *args, **kwargs): self.writers += 1 self.read_ready.clear() async with self.write_lock: try: return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( self.writer_executor, lambda: self.__run_transaction(fun, *args, **kwargs) ) finally: self.writers -= 1 if not self.writers: self.read_ready.set() def __run_transaction(self, fun: Callable[[sqlite3.Connection, Any, Any], Any], *args, **kwargs): self.writer_connection.execute('begin') try: self.query_count += 1 result = fun(self.writer_connection, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore self.writer_connection.commit() return result except (Exception, OSError) as e: log.exception('Error running transaction:', exc_info=e) self.writer_connection.rollback() log.warning("rolled back") raise def run_with_foreign_keys_disabled(self, fun, *args, **kwargs) -> Awaitable: return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( self.writer_executor, self.__run_transaction_with_foreign_keys_disabled, fun, args, kwargs ) def __run_transaction_with_foreign_keys_disabled(self, fun: Callable[[sqlite3.Connection, Any, Any], Any], args, kwargs): foreign_keys_enabled, = self.writer_connection.execute("pragma foreign_keys").fetchone() if not foreign_keys_enabled: raise sqlite3.IntegrityError("foreign keys are disabled, use `` instead") try: self.writer_connection.execute('pragma foreign_keys=off').fetchone() return self.__run_transaction(fun, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.writer_connection.execute('pragma foreign_keys=on').fetchone() def constraints_to_sql(constraints, joiner=' AND ', prepend_key=''): sql, values = [], {} for key, constraint in constraints.items(): tag = '0' if '#' in key: key, tag = key[:key.index('#')], key[key.index('#')+1:] col, op, key = key, '=', key.replace('.', '_') if not key: sql.append(constraint) continue if key.startswith('$$'): col, key = col[2:], key[1:] elif key.startswith('$'): values[key] = constraint continue if key.endswith('__not'): col, op = col[:-len('__not')], '!=' elif key.endswith('__is_null'): col = col[:-len('__is_null')] sql.append(f'{col} IS NULL') continue if key.endswith('__is_not_null'): col = col[:-len('__is_not_null')] sql.append(f'{col} IS NOT NULL') continue if key.endswith('__lt'): col, op = col[:-len('__lt')], '<' elif key.endswith('__lte'): col, op = col[:-len('__lte')], '<=' elif key.endswith('__gt'): col, op = col[:-len('__gt')], '>' elif key.endswith('__gte'): col, op = col[:-len('__gte')], '>=' elif key.endswith('__like'): col, op = col[:-len('__like')], 'LIKE' elif key.endswith('__not_like'): col, op = col[:-len('__not_like')], 'NOT LIKE' elif key.endswith('__in') or key.endswith('__not_in'): if key.endswith('__in'): col, op, one_val_op = col[:-len('__in')], 'IN', '=' else: col, op, one_val_op = col[:-len('__not_in')], 'NOT IN', '!=' if constraint: if isinstance(constraint, (list, set, tuple)): if len(constraint) == 1: values[f'{key}{tag}'] = next(iter(constraint)) sql.append(f'{col} {one_val_op} :{key}{tag}') else: keys = [] for i, val in enumerate(constraint): keys.append(f':{key}{tag}_{i}') values[f'{key}{tag}_{i}'] = val sql.append(f'{col} {op} ({", ".join(keys)})') elif isinstance(constraint, str): sql.append(f'{col} {op} ({constraint})') else: raise ValueError(f"{col} requires a list, set or string as constraint value.") continue elif key.endswith('__any') or key.endswith('__or'): where, subvalues = constraints_to_sql(constraint, ' OR ', key+tag+'_') sql.append(f'({where})') values.update(subvalues) continue if key.endswith('__and'): where, subvalues = constraints_to_sql(constraint, ' AND ', key+tag+'_') sql.append(f'({where})') values.update(subvalues) continue sql.append(f'{col} {op} :{prepend_key}{key}{tag}') values[prepend_key+key+tag] = constraint return joiner.join(sql) if sql else '', values def query(select, **constraints) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: sql = [select] limit = constraints.pop('limit', None) offset = constraints.pop('offset', None) order_by = constraints.pop('order_by', None) accounts = constraints.pop('accounts', []) if accounts: constraints['account__in'] = [a.public_key.address for a in accounts] where, values = constraints_to_sql(constraints) if where: sql.append('WHERE') sql.append(where) if order_by: sql.append('ORDER BY') if isinstance(order_by, str): sql.append(order_by) elif isinstance(order_by, list): sql.append(', '.join(order_by)) else: raise ValueError("order_by must be string or list") if limit is not None: sql.append(f'LIMIT {limit}') if offset is not None: sql.append(f'OFFSET {offset}') return ' '.join(sql), values def interpolate(sql, values): for k in sorted(values.keys(), reverse=True): value = values[k] if isinstance(value, bytes): value = f"X'{hexlify(value).decode()}'" elif isinstance(value, str): value = f"'{value}'" else: value = str(value) sql = sql.replace(f":{k}", value) return sql def constrain_single_or_list(constraints, column, value, convert=lambda x: x): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, list): value = [convert(v) for v in value] if len(value) == 1: constraints[column] = value[0] elif len(value) > 1: constraints[f"{column}__in"] = value else: constraints[column] = convert(value) return constraints class SQLiteMixin: SCHEMA_VERSION: Optional[str] = None CREATE_TABLES_QUERY: str MAX_QUERY_VARIABLES = 900 CREATE_VERSION_TABLE = """ create table if not exists version ( version text ); """ def __init__(self, path): self._db_path = path self.db: AIOSQLite = None self.ledger = None async def open(self):"connecting to database: %s", self._db_path) self.db = await AIOSQLite.connect(self._db_path, isolation_level=None) if self.SCHEMA_VERSION: tables = [t[0] for t in await self.db.execute_fetchall( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';" )] if tables: if 'version' in tables: version = await self.db.execute_fetchone("SELECT version FROM version LIMIT 1;") if version == (self.SCHEMA_VERSION,): return await self.db.executescript('\n'.join( f"DROP TABLE {table};" for table in tables )) await self.db.execute(self.CREATE_VERSION_TABLE) await self.db.execute("INSERT INTO version VALUES (?)", (self.SCHEMA_VERSION,)) await self.db.executescript(self.CREATE_TABLES_QUERY) async def close(self): await self.db.close() @staticmethod def _insert_sql(table: str, data: dict, ignore_duplicate: bool = False, replace: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, List]: columns, values = [], [] for column, value in data.items(): columns.append(column) values.append(value) policy = "" if ignore_duplicate: policy = " OR IGNORE" if replace: policy = " OR REPLACE" sql = "INSERT{} INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})".format( policy, table, ', '.join(columns), ', '.join(['?'] * len(values)) ) return sql, values @staticmethod def _update_sql(table: str, data: dict, where: str, constraints: Union[list, tuple]) -> Tuple[str, list]: columns, values = [], [] for column, value in data.items(): columns.append(f"{column} = ?") values.append(value) values.extend(constraints) sql = "UPDATE {} SET {} WHERE {}".format( table, ', '.join(columns), where ) return sql, values def dict_row_factory(cursor, row): d = {} for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description): d[col[0]] = row[idx] return d class Database(SQLiteMixin): SCHEMA_VERSION = "1.2" PRAGMAS = """ pragma journal_mode=WAL; """ CREATE_ACCOUNT_TABLE = """ create table if not exists account_address ( account text not null, address text not null, chain integer not null, pubkey blob not null, chain_code blob not null, n integer not null, depth integer not null, primary key (account, address) ); create index if not exists address_account_idx on account_address (address, account); """ CREATE_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_TABLE = """ create table if not exists pubkey_address ( address text primary key, history text, used_times integer not null default 0 ); """ CREATE_TX_TABLE = """ create table if not exists tx ( txid text primary key, raw blob not null, height integer not null, position integer not null, is_verified boolean not null default 0, purchased_claim_id text ); create index if not exists tx_purchased_claim_id_idx on tx (purchased_claim_id); """ CREATE_TXO_TABLE = """ create table if not exists txo ( txid text references tx, txoid text primary key, address text references pubkey_address, position integer not null, amount integer not null, script blob not null, is_reserved boolean not null default 0, txo_type integer not null default 0, claim_id text, claim_name text, channel_id text, reposted_claim_id text ); create index if not exists txo_txid_idx on txo (txid); create index if not exists txo_address_idx on txo (address); create index if not exists txo_claim_id_idx on txo (claim_id, txo_type); create index if not exists txo_claim_name_idx on txo (claim_name); create index if not exists txo_txo_type_idx on txo (txo_type); create index if not exists txo_channel_id_idx on txo (channel_id); create index if not exists txo_reposted_claim_idx on txo (reposted_claim_id); """ CREATE_TXI_TABLE = """ create table if not exists txi ( txid text references tx, txoid text references txo primary key, address text references pubkey_address, position integer not null ); create index if not exists txi_address_idx on txi (address); create index if not exists first_input_idx on txi (txid, address) where position=0; """ CREATE_TABLES_QUERY = ( PRAGMAS + CREATE_ACCOUNT_TABLE + CREATE_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_TABLE + CREATE_TX_TABLE + CREATE_TXO_TABLE + CREATE_TXI_TABLE ) async def open(self): await super().open() self.db.writer_connection.row_factory = dict_row_factory def txo_to_row(self, tx, txo): row = { 'txid':, 'txoid':, 'address': txo.get_address(self.ledger), 'position': txo.position, 'amount': txo.amount, 'script': sqlite3.Binary(txo.script.source) } if txo.is_claim: if txo.can_decode_claim: claim = txo.claim row['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES.get(claim.claim_type, TXO_TYPES['stream']) if claim.is_repost: row['reposted_claim_id'] = claim.repost.reference.claim_id if claim.is_signed: row['channel_id'] = claim.signing_channel_id else: row['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['stream'] elif txo.is_support: row['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['support'] elif txo.purchase is not None: row['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['purchase'] row['claim_id'] = txo.purchased_claim_id if txo.script.is_claim_involved: row['claim_id'] = txo.claim_id row['claim_name'] = txo.claim_name return row @staticmethod def tx_to_row(tx): row = { 'txid':, 'raw': sqlite3.Binary(tx.raw), 'height': tx.height, 'position': tx.position, 'is_verified': tx.is_verified } txos = tx.outputs if len(txos) >= 2 and txos[1].can_decode_purchase_data: txos[0].purchase = txos[1] row['purchased_claim_id'] = txos[1].purchase_data.claim_id return row async def insert_transaction(self, tx): await self.db.execute_fetchall(*self._insert_sql('tx', self.tx_to_row(tx))) async def update_transaction(self, tx): await self.db.execute_fetchall(*self._update_sql("tx", { 'height': tx.height, 'position': tx.position, 'is_verified': tx.is_verified }, 'txid = ?', (,))) def _transaction_io(self, conn: sqlite3.Connection, tx: Transaction, address, txhash): conn.execute(*self._insert_sql('tx', self.tx_to_row(tx), replace=True)).fetchall() is_my_input = False for txi in tx.inputs: if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None: txo = txi.txo_ref.txo if txo.has_address and txo.get_address(self.ledger) == address: is_my_input = True conn.execute(*self._insert_sql("txi", { 'txid':, 'txoid':, 'address': address, 'position': txi.position }, ignore_duplicate=True)).fetchall() for txo in tx.outputs: if txo.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash and (txo.pubkey_hash == txhash or is_my_input): conn.execute(*self._insert_sql( "txo", self.txo_to_row(tx, txo), ignore_duplicate=True )).fetchall() elif txo.script.is_pay_script_hash: # TODO: implement script hash payments log.warning('Database.save_transaction_io: pay script hash is not implemented!') def save_transaction_io(self, tx: Transaction, address, txhash, history): return self.save_transaction_io_batch([tx], address, txhash, history) def save_transaction_io_batch(self, txs: Iterable[Transaction], address, txhash, history): history_count = history.count(':') // 2 def __many(conn): for tx in txs: self._transaction_io(conn, tx, address, txhash) conn.execute( "UPDATE pubkey_address SET history = ?, used_times = ? WHERE address = ?", (history, history_count, address) ).fetchall() return async def reserve_outputs(self, txos, is_reserved=True): txoids = ((is_reserved, for txo in txos) await self.db.executemany("UPDATE txo SET is_reserved = ? WHERE txoid = ?", txoids) async def release_outputs(self, txos): await self.reserve_outputs(txos, is_reserved=False) async def rewind_blockchain(self, above_height): # pylint: disable=no-self-use # TODO: # 1. delete transactions above_height # 2. update address histories removing deleted TXs return True async def select_transactions(self, cols, accounts=None, read_only=False, **constraints): if not {'txid', 'txid__in'}.intersection(constraints): assert accounts, "'accounts' argument required when no 'txid' constraint is present" where, values = constraints_to_sql({ '$$account_address.account__in': [a.public_key.address for a in accounts] }) constraints['txid__in'] = f""" SELECT txo.txid FROM txo JOIN account_address USING (address) WHERE {where} UNION SELECT txi.txid FROM txi JOIN account_address USING (address) WHERE {where} """ constraints.update(values) return await self.db.execute_fetchall( *query(f"SELECT {cols} FROM tx", **constraints), read_only=read_only ) TXO_NOT_MINE = Output(None, None, is_my_output=False) async def get_transactions(self, wallet=None, **constraints): include_is_spent = constraints.pop('include_is_spent', False) include_is_my_input = constraints.pop('include_is_my_input', False) include_is_my_output = constraints.pop('include_is_my_output', False) tx_rows = await self.select_transactions( 'txid, raw, height, position, is_verified', order_by=constraints.pop('order_by', ["height=0 DESC", "height DESC", "position DESC"]), **constraints ) if not tx_rows: return [] txids, txs, txi_txoids = [], [], [] for row in tx_rows: txids.append(row['txid']) txs.append(Transaction( raw=row['raw'], height=row['height'], position=row['position'], is_verified=bool(row['is_verified']) )) for txi in txs[-1].inputs: txi_txoids.append( step = self.MAX_QUERY_VARIABLES annotated_txos = {} for offset in range(0, len(txids), step): annotated_txos.update({ txo for txo in (await self.get_txos( wallet=wallet, txid__in=txids[offset:offset+step], order_by='txo.txid', include_is_spent=include_is_spent, include_is_my_input=include_is_my_input, include_is_my_output=include_is_my_output, )) }) referenced_txos = {} for offset in range(0, len(txi_txoids), step): referenced_txos.update({ txo for txo in (await self.get_txos( wallet=wallet, txoid__in=txi_txoids[offset:offset+step], order_by='txo.txoid', include_is_my_output=include_is_my_output, )) }) for tx in txs: for txi in tx.inputs: txo = referenced_txos.get( if txo: txi.txo_ref = txo.ref for txo in tx.outputs: _txo = annotated_txos.get( if _txo: txo.update_annotations(_txo) else: txo.update_annotations(self.TXO_NOT_MINE) for tx in txs: txos = tx.outputs if len(txos) >= 2 and txos[1].can_decode_purchase_data: txos[0].purchase = txos[1] return txs async def get_transaction_count(self, **constraints): constraints.pop('wallet', None) constraints.pop('offset', None) constraints.pop('limit', None) constraints.pop('order_by', None) count = await self.select_transactions('COUNT(*) as total', **constraints) return count[0]['total'] or 0 async def get_transaction(self, **constraints): txs = await self.get_transactions(limit=1, **constraints) if txs: return txs[0] async def select_txos( self, cols, accounts=None, is_my_input=None, is_my_output=True, is_my_input_or_output=None, exclude_internal_transfers=False, include_is_spent=False, include_is_my_input=False, read_only=False, **constraints): for rename_col in ('txid', 'txoid'): for rename_constraint in (rename_col, rename_col+'__in', rename_col+'__not_in'): if rename_constraint in constraints: constraints['txo.'+rename_constraint] = constraints.pop(rename_constraint) if accounts: account_in_sql, values = constraints_to_sql({ '$$account__in': [a.public_key.address for a in accounts] }) my_addresses = f"SELECT address FROM account_address WHERE {account_in_sql}" constraints.update(values) if is_my_input_or_output: include_is_my_input = True constraints['received_or_sent__or'] = { 'txo.address__in': my_addresses, 'sent__and': { 'txi.address__is_not_null': True, 'txi.address__in': my_addresses } } else: if is_my_output: constraints['txo.address__in'] = my_addresses elif is_my_output is False: constraints['txo.address__not_in'] = my_addresses if is_my_input: include_is_my_input = True constraints['txi.address__is_not_null'] = True constraints['txi.address__in'] = my_addresses elif is_my_input is False: include_is_my_input = True constraints['is_my_input_false__or'] = { 'txi.address__is_null': True, 'txi.address__not_in': my_addresses } if exclude_internal_transfers: include_is_my_input = True constraints['exclude_internal_payments__or'] = { 'txo.txo_type__not': TXO_TYPES['other'], 'txi.address__is_null': True, 'txi.address__not_in': my_addresses } sql = [f"SELECT {cols} FROM txo JOIN tx ON (tx.txid=txo.txid)"] if include_is_spent: sql.append("LEFT JOIN txi AS spent ON (spent.txoid=txo.txoid)") if include_is_my_input: sql.append("LEFT JOIN txi ON (txi.position=0 AND txi.txid=txo.txid)") return await self.db.execute_fetchall(*query(' '.join(sql), **constraints), read_only=read_only) @staticmethod def constrain_unspent(constraints): constraints['is_reserved'] = False constraints['include_is_spent'] = True constraints['spent.txoid__is_null'] = True async def get_txos(self, wallet=None, no_tx=False, unspent=False, read_only=False, **constraints): if unspent: self.constrain_unspent(constraints) include_is_spent = constraints.get('include_is_spent', False) include_is_my_input = constraints.get('include_is_my_input', False) include_is_my_output = constraints.pop('include_is_my_output', False) select_columns = [ "tx.txid, raw, tx.height, tx.position as tx_position, tx.is_verified, " "txo_type, txo.position as txo_position, amount, script" ] my_accounts = {a.public_key.address for a in wallet.accounts} if wallet else set() my_accounts_sql = "" if include_is_my_output or include_is_my_input: my_accounts_sql, values = constraints_to_sql({'$$account__in#_wallet': my_accounts}) constraints.update(values) if include_is_my_output and my_accounts: if constraints.get('is_my_output', None) in (True, False): select_columns.append(f"{1 if constraints['is_my_output'] else 0} AS is_my_output") else: select_columns.append(f"""( txo.address IN (SELECT address FROM account_address WHERE {my_accounts_sql}) ) AS is_my_output""") if include_is_my_input and my_accounts: if constraints.get('is_my_input', None) in (True, False): select_columns.append(f"{1 if constraints['is_my_input'] else 0} AS is_my_input") else: select_columns.append(f"""( txi.address IS NOT NULL AND txi.address IN (SELECT address FROM account_address WHERE {my_accounts_sql}) ) AS is_my_input """) if include_is_spent: select_columns.append("spent.txoid IS NOT NULL AS is_spent") if 'order_by' not in constraints or constraints['order_by'] == 'height': constraints['order_by'] = [ "tx.height=0 DESC", "tx.height DESC", "tx.position DESC", "txo.position" ] elif constraints.get('order_by', None) == 'none': del constraints['order_by'] rows = await self.select_txos(', '.join(select_columns), read_only=read_only, **constraints) txos = [] txs = {} for row in rows: if no_tx: txo = Output( amount=row['amount'], script=OutputScript(row['script']), tx_ref=TXRefImmutable.from_id(row['txid'], row['height']), position=row['txo_position'] ) else: if row['txid'] not in txs: txs[row['txid']] = Transaction( row['raw'], height=row['height'], position=row['tx_position'], is_verified=bool(row['is_verified']) ) txo = txs[row['txid']].outputs[row['txo_position']] if include_is_spent: txo.is_spent = bool(row['is_spent']) if include_is_my_input: txo.is_my_input = bool(row['is_my_input']) if include_is_my_output: txo.is_my_output = bool(row['is_my_output']) if include_is_my_input and include_is_my_output: if txo.is_my_input and txo.is_my_output and row['txo_type'] == TXO_TYPES['other']: txo.is_internal_transfer = True else: txo.is_internal_transfer = False txos.append(txo) channel_ids = set() for txo in txos: if txo.is_claim and txo.can_decode_claim: if txo.claim.is_signed: channel_ids.add(txo.claim.signing_channel_id) if txo.claim.is_channel and wallet: for account in wallet.accounts: private_key = account.get_channel_private_key( ) if private_key: txo.private_key = private_key break if channel_ids: channels = { txo.claim_id: txo for txo in (await self.get_channels( wallet=wallet, claim_id__in=channel_ids, read_only=read_only )) } for txo in txos: if txo.is_claim and txo.can_decode_claim: = channels.get(txo.claim.signing_channel_id, None) return txos def _clean_txo_constraints_for_aggregation(self, unspent, constraints): constraints.pop('include_is_my_input', None) constraints.pop('include_is_my_output', None) constraints.pop('wallet', None) constraints.pop('resolve', None) constraints.pop('offset', None) constraints.pop('limit', None) constraints.pop('order_by', None) if unspent: self.constrain_unspent(constraints) async def get_txo_count(self, unspent=False, **constraints): self._clean_txo_constraints_for_aggregation(unspent, constraints) count = await self.select_txos('COUNT(*) as total', **constraints) return count[0]['total'] or 0 async def get_txo_sum(self, unspent=False, **constraints): self._clean_txo_constraints_for_aggregation(unspent, constraints) result = await self.select_txos('SUM(amount) as total', **constraints) return result[0]['total'] or 0 def get_utxos(self, read_only=False, **constraints): return self.get_txos(unspent=True, read_only=read_only, **constraints) def get_utxo_count(self, **constraints): return self.get_txo_count(unspent=True, **constraints) async def get_balance(self, wallet=None, accounts=None, read_only=False, **constraints): assert wallet or accounts, \ "'wallet' or 'accounts' constraints required to calculate balance" constraints['accounts'] = accounts or wallet.accounts self.constrain_unspent(constraints) balance = await self.select_txos('SUM(amount) as total', read_only=read_only, **constraints) return balance[0]['total'] or 0 async def select_addresses(self, cols, read_only=False, **constraints): return await self.db.execute_fetchall(*query( f"SELECT {cols} FROM pubkey_address JOIN account_address USING (address)", **constraints ), read_only=read_only) async def get_addresses(self, cols=None, read_only=False, **constraints): cols = cols or ( 'address', 'account', 'chain', 'history', 'used_times', 'pubkey', 'chain_code', 'n', 'depth' ) addresses = await self.select_addresses(', '.join(cols), read_only=read_only, **constraints) if 'pubkey' in cols: for address in addresses: address['pubkey'] = PubKey( self.ledger, address.pop('pubkey'), address.pop('chain_code'), address.pop('n'), address.pop('depth') ) return addresses async def get_address_count(self, cols=None, read_only=False, **constraints): count = await self.select_addresses('COUNT(*) as total', read_only=read_only, **constraints) return count[0]['total'] or 0 async def get_address(self, read_only=False, **constraints): addresses = await self.get_addresses(read_only=read_only, limit=1, **constraints) if addresses: return addresses[0] async def add_keys(self, account, chain, pubkeys): await self.db.executemany( "insert or ignore into account_address " "(account, address, chain, pubkey, chain_code, n, depth) values " "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ((, k.address, chain, sqlite3.Binary(k.pubkey_bytes), sqlite3.Binary(k.chain_code), k.n, k.depth ) for k in pubkeys) ) await self.db.executemany( "insert or ignore into pubkey_address (address) values (?)", ((pubkey.address,) for pubkey in pubkeys) ) async def _set_address_history(self, address, history): await self.db.execute_fetchall( "UPDATE pubkey_address SET history = ?, used_times = ? WHERE address = ?", (history, history.count(':')//2, address) ) async def set_address_history(self, address, history): await self._set_address_history(address, history) @staticmethod def constrain_purchases(constraints): accounts = constraints.pop('accounts', None) assert accounts, "'accounts' argument required to find purchases" if not {'purchased_claim_id', 'purchased_claim_id__in'}.intersection(constraints): constraints['purchased_claim_id__is_not_null'] = True constraints.update({ f'$account{i}': a.public_key.address for i, a in enumerate(accounts) }) account_values = ', '.join([f':$account{i}' for i in range(len(accounts))]) constraints['txid__in'] = f""" SELECT txid FROM txi JOIN account_address USING (address) WHERE account_address.account IN ({account_values}) """ async def get_purchases(self, **constraints): self.constrain_purchases(constraints) return [tx.outputs[0] for tx in await self.get_transactions(**constraints)] def get_purchase_count(self, **constraints): self.constrain_purchases(constraints) return self.get_transaction_count(**constraints) @staticmethod def constrain_claims(constraints): if {'txo_type', 'txo_type__in'}.intersection(constraints): return claim_types = constraints.pop('claim_type', None) if claim_types: constrain_single_or_list( constraints, 'txo_type', claim_types, lambda x: TXO_TYPES[x] ) else: constraints['txo_type__in'] = CLAIM_TYPES async def get_claims(self, read_only=False, **constraints) -> List[Output]: self.constrain_claims(constraints) return await self.get_utxos(read_only=read_only, **constraints) def get_claim_count(self, **constraints): self.constrain_claims(constraints) return self.get_utxo_count(**constraints) @staticmethod def constrain_streams(constraints): constraints['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['stream'] def get_streams(self, read_only=False, **constraints): self.constrain_streams(constraints) return self.get_claims(read_only=read_only, **constraints) def get_stream_count(self, **constraints): self.constrain_streams(constraints) return self.get_claim_count(**constraints) @staticmethod def constrain_channels(constraints): constraints['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['channel'] def get_channels(self, **constraints): self.constrain_channels(constraints) return self.get_claims(**constraints) def get_channel_count(self, **constraints): self.constrain_channels(constraints) return self.get_claim_count(**constraints) @staticmethod def constrain_supports(constraints): constraints['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['support'] def get_supports(self, **constraints): self.constrain_supports(constraints) return self.get_utxos(**constraints) def get_support_count(self, **constraints): self.constrain_supports(constraints) return self.get_utxo_count(**constraints) @staticmethod def constrain_collections(constraints): constraints['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['collection'] def get_collections(self, **constraints): self.constrain_collections(constraints) return self.get_utxos(**constraints) def get_collection_count(self, **constraints): self.constrain_collections(constraints) return self.get_utxo_count(**constraints) async def release_all_outputs(self, account): await self.db.execute_fetchall( "UPDATE txo SET is_reserved = 0 WHERE" " is_reserved = 1 AND txo.address IN (" " SELECT address from account_address WHERE account = ?" " )", (account.public_key.address, ) ) def get_supports_summary(self, read_only=False, **constraints): return self.get_txos( txo_type=TXO_TYPES['support'], unspent=True, is_my_output=True, include_is_my_input=True, no_tx=True, read_only=read_only, **constraints )