# lutzapps - use the specified CUDA version ARG BASE_IMAGE FROM ${BASE_IMAGE:-madiator2011/better-base:cuda12.4} AS base # lutzapps - pass the build-arg into the docker ENV as reference # as BASE_IMAGE is in "global scope" of the Dockerfile, it need to be "consumed" to be available in this stage ARG BASE_IMAGE ENV BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMAGE # lutzapps - replaced by above bake build-args #FROM madiator2011/better-base:cuda12.4 AS base # lutzapps - prepare for local developement and debugging # needed to change the ORDER of "apt-get commands" and move the "update-alternatives" for python3 # AFTER the "apt-get remove -y python3.10" cmd, OTHERWISE the symlink to python3 # is broken in the image and the VSCode debugger could not exec "python3" as CMD overwrite # also fixed a boring "Blinker" blocking error RUN apt-get update && \ ### ---> needed Tools for Installer # removed: 2x git nginx ffmpeg (as they are already installed with the base image) # added: pigz (for parallel execution of TAR files); zip (for easier folder compression) apt-get install -y aria2 pigz zip pv rsync zstd tree libtcmalloc-minimal4 bc \ # add Python3.11 as system Python version, serving the Python Flask App python3.11 python3.11-venv python3.11-dev python3.11-distutils && \ # not remove Python3.10, as we need it for "official" app support (e.g. for kohya_ss VENV) ###apt-get remove -y python3.10 python3.10-minimal libpython3.10-minimal libpython3.10-stdlib && \ # # setup an "alias" for "python" be symlinked to Python3.11 # (which is the default anyway after this installation here of Python 3.11) update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.11 1 && \ # # setup the "python3" alias for Python3.11, as this is what the debugger needs (not work with 3.10) update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 1 && \ # # VENV will have their own "preferred/supported/recommended" Python version, as e.g. # the "kohya_ss" app, only supports Python up to version 3.10 (but not 3.11) # # until here we have a broken "Blinker" installation from some base images before, # and if we try to "update" "Blinker" for Python3.10 or via e.g. "pip install --upgrade blinker", # or "pip install blinker==x.y.z.z", this breaks, as it was installed in an APT bundle, # which can not be safely upgraded (= Uninstall/Reinstall)! It breaks as follows: # we get a blinker 1.4 uninstall error chained by trying to uninstall "distutils": # 8.568 Found existing installation: blinker 1.4 # 8.782 error: uninstall-distutils-installed-package # 8.782 # 8.782 × Cannot uninstall blinker 1.4 # 8.782 ╰─> It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall. # that not only blocks building the docker image, but later also breaks the "kohya_ss" app during setup, # which try to install Blinker and Python310-venv from "setup-runpod.sh": # # Install tk and python3.10-venv # echo "Installing tk and python3.10-venv..." # apt update -y && apt install -y python3-tk python3.10-venv # # Python 3.10 needs to run as Kohya's "official" requirement, and is used in the VENV # # first uninstall the APT bundle package for "Blinker" apt-get remove -y python3-blinker && \ # then re-install the APT unbundled package of "Blinker back", # together with Python3.10 venv, which we need to setup the kohya_ss VENV apt-get install -y python3-tk python3.10-venv && \ # this re-captures back the "python3" alias for Python3.10, but not the "python" alias (stays for Python3.11) # the "Python3.11" and "Python3.10" cmds work too # global PIP is 3.11, VENV pip is 3.10 # # ---> CUDA 12.4 Toolkit (is already in the 12.4 base-image) wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2204/x86_64/cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb && \ dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb && \ ### need to refresh the repository metatdata, after downloading this NVIDIA downloaded package list!!! apt-get update && \ apt-get -y install cuda-toolkit-12-4 && \ # # ---> get the latest cuDNN 9.x version supporting CUDA 12.x # remove the current dev package which depends on libcudnn9-cuda-12 and breaks the upgrade otherwise apt-get remove -y --allow-change-held-packages libcudnn9-cuda-12 libcudnn9-dev-cuda-12 && \ apt-get -y --allow-change-held-packages install cudnn-cuda-12 && \ # # clean-up resources and caches apt-get autoremove -y && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Install pip for Python 3.11 RUN curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py && \ python3.11 get-pip.py && \ rm get-pip.py # set the default python_cmd (and version) for the apps 'ba1111' and 'bforge' default launch script 'webui.sh' ENV python_cmd=python3.11 # Set the working directory WORKDIR /app # Copy the requirements file COPY requirements.txt . # Install the Python dependencies (as "managed pip") RUN python3.11 -mpip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Copy the application code # lutzapps - only copy the "app" folder and not the root (".") to avoid cluttering the docker container with src-files COPY app . # Install File Browser RUN curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/filebrowser/get/master/get.sh | bash # Set environment variables for developent/production # ENV vars alternatively could also stay in two different Dockerfiles: 'Dockerfile-Prod' and 'Dockerfile-Dev') ### PROD START: # # ENV APP_CONFIGS_MANIFEST_URL=https://better.s3.madiator.com/app_configs.json # # overwrite this ENV in "tasks.json" docker run "env" section, docker-compose-debug.yml, or overwrite in your ".env" file to "development" ENV FLASK_ENV=production # ### PROD END ### DEV START: # ENV APP_CONFIGS_MANIFEST_URL=https://better-dev.s3.madiator.com/app_configs.json # # alternativly add the following ENV vars in "tasks.json" docker run "env" section, docker-compose-debug.yml, # or populate them in in your ".env" file, instead of setting them here in the Dockerfile # # gevent monkey-patching is being used, enable gevent support in the debugger with GEVENT_SUPPORT=True # ENV GEVENT_SUPPORT=True # # keep Python from generating .pyc files in the container # this should however be removed for production as it disables bytecode caching # ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 # ### DEV END # Turns off buffering for easier container logging ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ENV APP_PATH=/app/app.py # Expose the port Nginx will listen on EXPOSE 7222 # lutzapps - moved the 4 static assets (3x PNG, 1x MP3) into the /app/static" folder for cleaner view # lutzapps - added a "app/tests" folder with script and testdata and readme file # lutzapps - grouped NGINX files in a sub-folder for cleaner view # NGINX configuration COPY nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf COPY nginx/readme.html /usr/share/nginx/html/readme.html # HELP configuration ('/static/' is configured be hosting '/app/static/' content in nginx.conf) COPY README.md /app/static/README.md COPY README-Development.txt /app/static/README-Development.txt COPY app/tests/README-SHARED_MODELS.txt /app/static/README-SHARED_MODELS.txt # Copy all necessary scripts COPY --from=scripts start.sh / # --from=scripts is defined as a "shared" location in "docker-bake.hcl" in the "contexts" dict: # scripts = "../../container-template" # the local "start.sh" is (intentionally) empty # to build all from *one* location, copy "start.sh" here into the project workspace folder first # cp ../../container-template/scripts/start.sh start.sh #COPY start.sh / COPY pre_start.sh / # lutzapps - add execution flags to added "/app/tests/populate_testdata.sh" RUN chmod +x /pre_start.sh /start.sh /app/tests/populate_testdata.sh # Copy the download_venv.sh script and make it executable COPY download_venv.sh /app/download_venv.sh RUN chmod +x /app/download_venv.sh # CMD # During debugging, this entry point will be overridden as "python3". # For more information, please refer to https://aka.ms/vscode-docker-python-debug CMD ["/start.sh"]