#!/bin/bash set -e # Exit the script if any statement returns a non-true return value # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Function Definitions # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Start nginx service start_nginx() { echo "Starting Nginx service..." service nginx start } # Execute script if exists execute_script() { local script_path=$1 local script_msg=$2 if [[ -f ${script_path} ]]; then echo "${script_msg}" bash ${script_path} fi } # Setup SSH setup_ssh() { if [[ $PUBLIC_KEY ]]; then echo "Setting up SSH..." mkdir -p ~/.ssh echo "$PUBLIC_KEY" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 700 -R ~/.ssh for key_type in rsa dsa ecdsa ed25519; do key_path="/etc/ssh/ssh_host_${key_type}_key" if [ ! -f ${key_path} ]; then ssh-keygen -t ${key_type} -f ${key_path} -q -N '' echo "${key_type^^} key fingerprint:" ssh-keygen -lf ${key_path}.pub fi done service ssh start echo "SSH host keys:" for key in /etc/ssh/*.pub; do echo "Key: $key" ssh-keygen -lf $key done fi } # Export environment variables export_env_vars() { echo "Exporting environment variables..." printenv | grep -E '^RUNPOD_|^PATH=|^_=' | awk -F = '{ print "export " $1 "=\"" $2 "\"" }' >> /etc/rp_environment echo 'source /etc/rp_environment' >> ~/.bashrc } # Start code-server start_code_server() { echo "Starting code-server..." nohup code-server --bind-addr --auth none --disable-telemetry /workspace &> /code-server.log & echo "code-server started" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Main Program # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # start_nginx setup_ssh start_code_server export_env_vars echo "Pod Started" execute_script "/pre_start.sh" "Running post-start script..." echo "Start script(s) finished, pod is ready to use." sleep infinity