### for local debugging fill-in/update YOUR env values and secrets ### and rename this file as ".env" (hidden file with NO extension) ### the ".env" file is also added to the ".dockerignore" and ".gitignore" files, ### to NOT pass them to the container (".dockerignore") or to GitHub (".gitignore") ### ### this ".env" file is then "passed" into the debugging container via ".vscode/tasks.json" ### in the "dockerRun" section: # # "dockerRun": { # "envFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/.env"], // pass additional env-vars from ".env" file to container ### Build Vars ### IMAGE_BASE=madiator2011/better-launcher IMAGE_TAG=dev ### APP specific Vars ### DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS=False # the default is, that app model files, which are found locally (in only one app), # get automatically "pulled-back" into the '/workspace/shared_models' folder. # From there they will be re-linked back not only to their own "pulled-back" model-type folder, # but also will be linked back into all other corresponding app model-type folders. # So the "pulled-back" model is automatically shared to all installed apps. # # if you NOT want this behaviour, then set DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS=True ### USER specific Vars and Secrets (Tokens) - TODO: adjust this for your personal settings ### PUBLIC_KEY=ssh-ed25519 XXX...XXX usermail@domain.com HF_TOKEN=hf_XXX...XXX CIVITAI_API_TOKEN=XXX.XXX ### RUNPOD specific Vars ### RUNPOD_PUBLIC_IP= RUNPOD_TCP_PORT_22=22