const { Octokit } = require('@octokit/rest'); const octokit = new Octokit(); var wget = require('node-wget'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const { exec } = require('child_process'); const readline = require('readline'); // Global generated from cli prompt let versionToSign; // Why can't I do this with 'fs'? :/ function deleteFolderRecursive(path) { if (fs.existsSync(path)) { fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function(file, index) { var curPath = path + '/' + file; if (fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse deleteFolderRecursive(curPath); } else { // delete file fs.unlinkSync(curPath); } }); fs.rmdirSync(path); } } // Initial setup // Create a file to store the hashes (creates a new copy if one exists) const downloadPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/releaseDownloads'); const fileToSign = path.resolve(downloadPath, '../hashes.txt'); fs.openSync(fileToSign, 'w'); if (!fs.existsSync(downloadPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(downloadPath); } else { deleteFolderRecursive(downloadPath); fs.mkdirSync(downloadPath); } // // Below is the actual code that downloads, hashes, and signs the release // function cleanUpAfterSigning() { fs.unlinkSync(fileToSign); deleteFolderRecursive(downloadPath); console.log('Good to go captain'); process.exit(0); } function signFile() { console.log('Logging in file with hashes using keybase...'); // All files are hashed and added to hashes.txt // Sign it with keybase const fileName = `LBRY_${versionToSign}_sigs.asc`; const pathForSignedFile = path.resolve(__dirname, `../dist/${fileName}`); exec(`keybase pgp sign -i ${fileToSign} -c -o ${pathForSignedFile}`, err => { if (err) { console.log('Error signing file with keybase'); } cleanUpAfterSigning(); }); } function hashFiles() { console.log('Hashing assets downloaded from github...'); fs.readdir(downloadPath, function(err, items) { if (err) { console.log('Error signing files in ', downloadPath); } let count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const file = items[i]; const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/releaseDownloads/', file); exec(`sha256sum ${filePath}`, (err, stdout) => { if (err) { console.log('Error hashing ', filePath); } count += 1; const hash = stdout.split(' ')[0]; const stringToAppend = `${hash} ${file}\n`; fs.appendFileSync(fileToSign, stringToAppend); if (count === items.length - 1) { signFile(); } }); } }); } let downloadCount = 0; let fileCountToDownload; function downloadFile(fileName, url) { wget( { url: url, dest: `${downloadPath}/`, }, (error, response, body) => { console.log(`Finished downloading `, fileName); downloadCount += 1; if (downloadCount === fileCountToDownload) { hashFiles(); } } ); } function downloadAssets() { console.log('Downloading release assets...'); octokit.repos .getReleaseByTag({ owner: 'lbryio', repo: 'lbry-desktop', tag: versionToSign, }) .then(({ data }) => { const release_id =; return octokit.repos.listReleases({ owner: 'lbryio', repo: 'lbry-desktop', release_id, }); }) .then(({ data }) => { const releaseToDownload = data.filter(releaseData => releaseData.tag_name === versionToSign)[0]; const assets = releaseToDownload.assets; fileCountToDownload = assets.length; assets .map(({ browser_download_url, name }) => ({ download_url: browser_download_url, name })) .forEach(({ name, download_url }) => { const fileName = path.resolve(__dirname, `../dist/releaseDownloads/${name}`); downloadFile(fileName, download_url); }); }) .catch(error => console.log('Error downloading releases ', error)); } const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); rl.question('Version to sign: ', function(version) { const tag = version.startsWith('v') ? version : `v${version}`; versionToSign = tag; downloadAssets(); });