// @flow import * as React from 'react'; // @if TARGET='app' import { shell } from 'electron'; // @endif import { Lbry } from 'lbry-redux'; import Native from 'native'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Page from 'component/page'; import 'scss/component/_seed'; type DeamonSettings = { data_dir: string | any, }; type Props = { deamonSettings: DeamonSettings, accessToken: string, fetchAccessToken: () => void, doAuth: () => void, user: any, }; type VersionInfo = { os_system: string, os_release: string, platform: string, lbrynet_version: string, }; type State = { versionInfo: VersionInfo | any, lbryId: String | any, uiVersion: ?string, upgradeAvailable: ?boolean, accessTokenHidden: ?boolean, }; class HelpPage extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { versionInfo: null, lbryId: null, uiVersion: null, upgradeAvailable: null, accessTokenHidden: true, }; (this: any).showAccessToken = this.showAccessToken.bind(this); (this: any).openLogFile = this.openLogFile.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { // @if TARGET='app' Native.getAppVersionInfo().then(({ localVersion, upgradeAvailable }) => { this.setState({ uiVersion: localVersion, upgradeAvailable, }); }); if (!this.props.accessToken) this.props.fetchAccessToken(); // @endif Lbry.version().then((info) => { this.setState({ versionInfo: info, }); }); Lbry.status().then((info) => { this.setState({ lbryId: info.installation_id, }); }); } showAccessToken() { this.setState({ accessTokenHidden: false, }); } openLogFile(userHomeDirectory: string) { const logFileName = 'lbrynet.log'; const os = this.state.versionInfo.os_system; if (os === 'Darwin' || os === 'Linux') { shell.openPath(`${userHomeDirectory}/${logFileName}`); } else { shell.openPath(`${userHomeDirectory}\\${logFileName}`); } } render() { let ver; let osName; let platform; let newVerLink; if (this.state.versionInfo) { ver = this.state.versionInfo; if (ver.os_system === 'Darwin') { osName = parseInt(ver.os_release.match(/^\d+/), 10) < 16 ? 'Mac OS X' : 'Mac OS'; platform = `${osName} ${ver.os_release}`; newVerLink = 'https://lbry.com/get/lbry.dmg'; } else if (process.env.APPIMAGE !== undefined) { platform = `Linux (AppImage)`; newVerLink = 'https://lbry.com/get/lbry.AppImage'; } else if (ver.os_system === 'Linux') { platform = `Linux (${ver.platform})`; newVerLink = 'https://lbry.com/get/lbry.deb'; } else { platform = `Windows (${ver.platform})`; newVerLink = 'https://lbry.com/get/lbry.msi'; } } else { ver = null; } return (

Madiator's Seeding Service

{__('How it works?')}

{__('Hello everyone! I decided to start own seeding service for community to help creators with distribution of their content. By running this service I hope to get donations for improving my project. Everyone is welcome to submit where small channels can be hosted for Free and bigger ones will bo hoste>

1.Do not request channels that host copyrighted content or NSFW. 2.Donators can request more than 1 channel to be seeded. 3.You can donate to seed other people content (Something like gift system). 4.Small channels can be seed for free if they are under 100 vides. 5.Channels above 100 videos will be reviewd based on videos file size (Current price 5.5 LBC / GB ). {/* Crypto Name: Crypto Address */}

); } } export default HelpPage;