2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
import re
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
import logging
from xml.etree import ElementTree
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientFactory
from twisted.internet import defer, error
from txupnp.constants import XML_VERSION, DEVICE, ROOT, SERVICE, ENVELOPE, BODY
from txupnp.util import etree_to_dict, flatten_keys
2018-07-29 04:08:24 +02:00
from txupnp.fault import handle_fault, UPnPError
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
CONTENT_PATTERN = re.compile(
"(\<\?xml version=\"1\.0\"\?\>(\s*.)*|\>)".encode()
"(\<s\:Envelope xmlns\:s=\"http\:\/\/schemas\.xmlsoap\.org\/soap\/envelope\/\"(\s*.)*\>)".encode()
def parse_service_description(content: bytes):
2018-10-05 00:58:56 +02:00
if not content:
return []
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
element_dict = etree_to_dict(ElementTree.fromstring(content.decode()))
service_info = flatten_keys(element_dict, "{%s}" % SERVICE)
if "scpd" not in service_info:
return []
action_list = service_info["scpd"]["actionList"]
if not len(action_list): # it could be an empty string
return []
result = []
if isinstance(action_list["action"], dict):
arg_dicts = action_list["action"]['argumentList']['argument']
if not isinstance(arg_dicts, list): # when there is one arg, ew
arg_dicts = [arg_dicts]
return [[
[i['name'] for i in arg_dicts if i['direction'] == 'in'],
[i['name'] for i in arg_dicts if i['direction'] == 'out']
for action in action_list["action"]:
if not action.get('argumentList'):
result.append((action['name'], [], []))
arg_dicts = action['argumentList']['argument']
if not isinstance(arg_dicts, list): # when there is one arg, ew
arg_dicts = [arg_dicts]
[i['name'] for i in arg_dicts if i['direction'] == 'in'],
[i['name'] for i in arg_dicts if i['direction'] == 'out']
return result
class SCPDHTTPClientProtocol(Protocol):
def connectionMade(self):
self.response_buff = b""
2018-10-05 00:35:17 +02:00
log.debug("Sending HTTP:\n%s", self.factory.packet.decode())
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
self.factory.reactor.callLater(0, self.transport.write, self.factory.packet)
def dataReceived(self, data):
self.response_buff += data
def connectionLost(self, reason):
if reason.trap(error.ConnectionDone):
2018-10-05 00:35:17 +02:00
log.debug("Received HTTP:\n%s", self.response_buff.decode())
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
if XML_VERSION.encode() in self.response_buff:
parsed = CONTENT_PATTERN.findall(self.response_buff)
result = b'' if not parsed else parsed[0][0]
parsed = CONTENT_NO_XML_VERSION_PATTERN.findall(self.response_buff)
result = b'' if not parsed else XML_VERSION.encode() + b'\r\n' + parsed[0][0]
class SCPDHTTPClientFactory(ClientFactory):
protocol = SCPDHTTPClientProtocol
def __init__(self, reactor, packet):
self.reactor = reactor
self.finished_deferred = defer.Deferred()
self.packet = packet
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
p = self.protocol()
p.factory = self
return p
def post(cls, reactor, command, **kwargs):
args = "".join("<%s>%s</%s>" % (n, kwargs.get(n), n) for n in command.param_names)
soap_body = ('\r\n%s\r\n<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" '
'<u:%s xmlns:u="%s">%s</u:%s></s:Body></s:Envelope>' % (
XML_VERSION, command.method, command.service_id.decode(),
args, command.method))
2018-10-05 00:58:56 +02:00
if "http://" in command.gateway_address.decode():
host = command.gateway_address.decode().split("http://")[1]
host = command.gateway_address.decode()
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
data = (
'POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Host: %s\r\n'
2018-10-05 00:58:56 +02:00
'User-Agent: python3/txupnp, UPnP/1.0, MiniUPnPc/1.9\r\n'
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
'Content-Length: %i\r\n'
'Content-Type: text/xml\r\n'
'SOAPAction: \"%s#%s\"\r\n'
'Connection: Close\r\n'
'Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n'
'Pragma: no-cache\r\n'
) % (
command.control_url.decode(), # could be just / even if it shouldn't be
2018-10-05 00:58:56 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
command.service_id.decode(), # maybe no quotes
return cls(reactor, data)
def get(cls, reactor, control_url: str, address: str):
2018-10-05 00:58:56 +02:00
if "http://" in address:
host = address.split("http://")[1]
host = address
if ":" in host:
host = host.split(":")[0]
if not control_url.startswith("/"):
control_url = "/" + control_url
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
data = (
'GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n'
'Host: %s\r\n'
2018-10-05 00:58:56 +02:00
) % (control_url, host)
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
return cls(reactor, data)
class SCPDRequester:
client_factory = SCPDHTTPClientFactory
def __init__(self, reactor):
self._reactor = reactor
self._get_requests = {}
self._post_requests = {}
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
def _save_get(self, request: bytes, response: bytes, destination: str) -> None:
self._get_requests[destination.lstrip("/")] = {
'request': request,
'response': response
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
def _save_post(self, request: bytes, response: bytes, destination: str) -> None:
p = self._post_requests.get(destination.lstrip("/"), [])
'request': request,
'response': response,
self._post_requests[destination.lstrip("/")] = p
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
def _scpd_get_soap_xml(self, control_url: str, address: str, service_port: int) -> bytes:
factory = self.client_factory.get(self._reactor, control_url, address)
url = address.split("http://")[1].split(":")[0]
self._reactor.connectTCP(url, service_port, factory)
xml_response_bytes = yield factory.finished_deferred
self._save_get(factory.packet, xml_response_bytes, control_url)
return xml_response_bytes
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
def scpd_post_soap(self, command, **kwargs) -> tuple:
factory = self.client_factory.post(self._reactor, command, **kwargs)
url = command.gateway_address.split(b"http://")[1].split(b":")[0]
self._reactor.connectTCP(url.decode(), command.service_port, factory)
xml_response_bytes = yield factory.finished_deferred
factory.packet, xml_response_bytes, command.gateway_address.decode() + command.control_url.decode()
content_dict = etree_to_dict(ElementTree.fromstring(xml_response_bytes.decode()))
envelope = content_dict[ENVELOPE]
response_body = flatten_keys(envelope[BODY], "{%s}" % command.service_id)
body = handle_fault(response_body) # raises UPnPError if there is a fault
response_key = None
for key in body:
if command.method in key:
response_key = key
if not response_key:
raise UPnPError("unknown response fields for %s")
response = body[response_key]
extracted_response = tuple([response[n] for n in command.returns])
return extracted_response
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
def scpd_get_supported_actions(self, service, address: str, port: int) -> list:
xml_bytes = yield self._scpd_get_soap_xml(service.SCPDURL, address, port)
return parse_service_description(xml_bytes)
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
def scpd_get(self, control_url: str, service_address: str, service_port: int) -> dict:
xml_bytes = yield self._scpd_get_soap_xml(control_url, service_address, service_port)
xml_dict = etree_to_dict(ElementTree.fromstring(xml_bytes.decode()))
schema_key = DEVICE
root = ROOT
for k in xml_dict.keys():
if len(m) == 3 and m[1][0] and m[2][5]:
schema_key = m[1][0]
root = m[2][5]
flattened_xml = flatten_keys(xml_dict, "{%s}" % schema_key)[root]
return flattened_xml
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
def dump_packets(self) -> dict:
return {
'GET': self._get_requests,
'POST': self._post_requests
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
class SCPDCommand:
def __init__(self, scpd_requester: SCPDRequester, gateway_address, service_port, control_url, service_id, method,
2018-08-02 02:52:40 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
self.scpd_requester = scpd_requester
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
self.gateway_address = gateway_address
self.service_port = service_port
self.control_url = control_url
self.service_id = service_id
self.method = method
self.param_names = param_names
self.returns = returns
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
def _process_result(*results):
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00
this method gets decorated automatically with a function that maps result types to the types
defined in the @return_types decorator
return results
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
if set(kwargs.keys()) != set(self.param_names):
2018-08-07 19:53:35 +02:00
raise Exception("argument mismatch: %s vs %s" % (kwargs.keys(), self.param_names))
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
response = yield self.scpd_requester.scpd_post_soap(self, **kwargs)
2018-08-02 01:27:35 +02:00
2018-10-01 15:51:31 +02:00
result = self._process_result(*response)
2018-08-02 01:27:35 +02:00
except Exception as err:
log.error("error formatting response (%s):\n%s", err, response)
raise err
2018-07-27 01:49:33 +02:00