2019-08-15 14:53:35 -04:00

417 lines
18 KiB

import asyncio
import time
import typing
import logging
from aioupnp.protocols.scpd import scpd_post
from aioupnp.device import Service
from aioupnp.fault import UPnPError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def soap_optional_str(x: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]]) -> typing.Optional[str]:
return str(x) if x is not None and str(x).lower() not in ['none', 'nil'] else None
def soap_bool(x: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int]]) -> bool:
return False if not x or str(x).lower() in ['false', 'False'] else True
class GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse(typing.NamedTuple):
internal_port: int
lan_address: str
enabled: bool
description: str
lease_time: int
class GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse(typing.NamedTuple):
gateway_address: str
external_port: int
protocol: str
internal_port: int
lan_address: str
enabled: bool
description: str
lease_time: int
class SCPDRequestDebuggingInfo(typing.NamedTuple):
method: str
kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, int, bool]]
response_xml: bytes
result: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int, bool, GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse,
err: typing.Optional[Exception]
ts: float
def recast_return(return_annotation, result: typing.Union[str, int, bool, typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, str]]],
result_keys: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Optional[
typing.Union[str, int, bool, GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse, GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse]]:
if len(result_keys) == 1:
if isinstance(result, (str, int, bool)):
single_result = result
if result_keys[0] in result:
single_result = result[result_keys[0]]
else: # check for the field having incorrect capitalization
flattened = {k.lower(): v for k, v in result.items()}
if result_keys[0].lower() in flattened:
single_result = flattened[result_keys[0].lower()]
raise UPnPError(f"expected response key {result_keys[0]}, got {list(result.keys())}")
if return_annotation is bool:
return soap_bool(single_result)
if return_annotation is str:
return soap_optional_str(single_result)
return None if single_result is None else int(single_result)
elif return_annotation in [GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse, GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse]:
assert isinstance(result, dict)
arg_types: typing.Dict[str, typing.Type[typing.Any]] = return_annotation._field_types
assert len(arg_types) == len(result_keys)
recast_results: typing.Dict[str, typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, int, bool]]] = {}
for i, (field_name, result_key) in enumerate(zip(arg_types, result_keys)):
result_field_name = result_keys[i]
field_type = arg_types[field_name]
if field_type is bool:
recast_results[field_name] = soap_bool(result.get(result_field_name, None))
elif field_type is str:
recast_results[field_name] = soap_optional_str(result.get(result_field_name, None))
elif field_type is int:
recast_results[field_name] = int(result[result_field_name]) if result_field_name in result else None
return return_annotation(**recast_results)
return None
class SOAPCommands:
Type annotated wrappers for common UPnP SOAP functions
A SOAPCommands object has its command attributes overridden during device discovery with SOAPCommand objects
for the commands implemented by the gateway.
SOAPCommand will use the typing annotations provided here to properly cast the types of arguments and results
to their expected types.
SOAP_COMMANDS: typing.List[str] = [
# 'SetConnectionType',
# 'GetNATRSIPStatus',
# 'GetConnectionTypeInfo',
# 'GetStatusInfo',
# 'ForceTermination',
# 'RequestConnection',
# 'GetCommonLinkProperties',
# 'GetTotalBytesSent',
# 'GetTotalBytesReceived',
# 'GetTotalPacketsSent',
# 'GetTotalPacketsReceived',
# 'X_GetICSStatistics',
# 'GetDefaultConnectionService',
# 'SetDefaultConnectionService',
# 'SetEnabledForInternet',
# 'GetEnabledForInternet',
# 'GetMaximumActiveConnections',
# 'GetActiveConnections'
def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, base_address: bytes, port: int) -> None:
self._loop = loop
self._registered: typing.Dict[Service,
typing.Dict[str, typing.Tuple[typing.List[str], typing.List[str]]]] = {}
self._wrappers_no_args: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable[[], typing.Awaitable[typing.Any]]] = {}
self._wrappers_kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable[..., typing.Awaitable[typing.Any]]] = {}
self._base_address = base_address
self._port = port
self._request_debug_infos: typing.List[SCPDRequestDebuggingInfo] = []
def is_registered(self, name: str) -> bool:
if name not in self.SOAP_COMMANDS:
raise ValueError("unknown command")
for service in self._registered.values():
if name in service:
return True
return False
def get_service(self, name: str) -> Service:
if name not in self.SOAP_COMMANDS:
raise ValueError("unknown command")
for service, commands in self._registered.items():
if name in commands:
return service
raise ValueError(name)
def _register_soap_wrapper(self, name: str) -> None:
annotations: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = typing.get_type_hints(getattr(self, name))
service = self.get_service(name)
input_names: typing.List[str] = self._registered[service][name][0]
output_names: typing.List[str] = self._registered[service][name][1]
async def wrapper(**kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Optional[
typing.Union[str, int, bool, GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse, GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse]]:
assert service.controlURL is not None
assert service.serviceType is not None
response, xml_bytes, err = await scpd_post(
service.controlURL, self._base_address.decode(), self._port, name, input_names,
service.serviceType.encode(), self._loop, **kwargs
if err is not None:
assert isinstance(xml_bytes, bytes)
self._request_debug_infos.append(SCPDRequestDebuggingInfo(name, kwargs, xml_bytes, None, err, time.time()))
raise err
assert 'return' in annotations
result = recast_return(annotations['return'], response, output_names)
self._request_debug_infos.append(SCPDRequestDebuggingInfo(name, kwargs, xml_bytes, result, None, time.time()))
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError):
self._request_debug_infos.append(SCPDRequestDebuggingInfo(name, kwargs, xml_bytes, None, err, time.time()))
raise UPnPError(f"Raised {str(type(err).__name__)}({str(err)}) parsing response for {name}")
return result
if not len(list(k for k in annotations if k != 'return')):
self._wrappers_no_args[name] = wrapper
self._wrappers_kwargs[name] = wrapper
return None
def register(self, name: str, service: Service, inputs: typing.List[str], outputs: typing.List[str]) -> None:
if name not in self.SOAP_COMMANDS:
raise AttributeError(name)
if self.is_registered(name):
raise AttributeError(f"{name} is already a registered SOAP command")
if service not in self._registered:
self._registered[service] = {}
self._registered[service][name] = inputs, outputs
async def AddPortMapping(self, NewRemoteHost: str, NewExternalPort: int, NewProtocol: str, NewInternalPort: int,
NewInternalClient: str, NewEnabled: int, NewPortMappingDescription: str,
NewLeaseDuration: str) -> None:
"""Returns None"""
name = "AddPortMapping"
if not self.is_registered(name):
raise NotImplementedError()
assert name in self._wrappers_kwargs
await self._wrappers_kwargs[name](
NewRemoteHost=NewRemoteHost, NewExternalPort=NewExternalPort, NewProtocol=NewProtocol,
NewInternalPort=NewInternalPort, NewInternalClient=NewInternalClient, NewEnabled=NewEnabled,
NewPortMappingDescription=NewPortMappingDescription, NewLeaseDuration=NewLeaseDuration
return None
async def GetGenericPortMappingEntry(self, NewPortMappingIndex: int) -> GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse:
Returns (NewRemoteHost, NewExternalPort, NewProtocol, NewInternalPort, NewInternalClient, NewEnabled,
NewPortMappingDescription, NewLeaseDuration)
name = "GetGenericPortMappingEntry"
if not self.is_registered(name):
raise NotImplementedError()
assert name in self._wrappers_kwargs
result: GetGenericPortMappingEntryResponse = await self._wrappers_kwargs[name](
return result
async def GetSpecificPortMappingEntry(self, NewRemoteHost: str, NewExternalPort: int,
NewProtocol: str) -> GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse:
"""Returns (NewInternalPort, NewInternalClient, NewEnabled, NewPortMappingDescription, NewLeaseDuration)"""
name = "GetSpecificPortMappingEntry"
if not self.is_registered(name):
raise NotImplementedError()
assert name in self._wrappers_kwargs
result: GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse = await self._wrappers_kwargs[name](
NewRemoteHost=NewRemoteHost, NewExternalPort=NewExternalPort, NewProtocol=NewProtocol
return result
async def DeletePortMapping(self, NewRemoteHost: str, NewExternalPort: int, NewProtocol: str) -> None:
"""Returns None"""
name = "DeletePortMapping"
if not self.is_registered(name):
raise NotImplementedError()
assert name in self._wrappers_kwargs
await self._wrappers_kwargs[name](
NewRemoteHost=NewRemoteHost, NewExternalPort=NewExternalPort, NewProtocol=NewProtocol
return None
async def GetExternalIPAddress(self) -> str:
"""Returns (NewExternalIPAddress)"""
name = "GetExternalIPAddress"
if not self.is_registered(name):
raise NotImplementedError()
assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
result: str = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
return result
# async def GetNATRSIPStatus(self) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
# """Returns (NewRSIPAvailable, NewNATEnabled)"""
# name = "GetNATRSIPStatus"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[bool, bool] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result[0], result[1]
# async def SetConnectionType(self, NewConnectionType: str) -> None:
# """Returns None"""
# name = "SetConnectionType"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_kwargs
# await self._wrappers_kwargs[name](NewConnectionType=NewConnectionType)
# return None
# async def GetConnectionTypeInfo(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
# """Returns (NewConnectionType, NewPossibleConnectionTypes)"""
# name = "GetConnectionTypeInfo"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[str, str] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result
# async def GetStatusInfo(self) -> Tuple[str, str, int]:
# """Returns (NewConnectionStatus, NewLastConnectionError, NewUptime)"""
# name = "GetStatusInfo"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[str, str, int] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result
# async def ForceTermination(self) -> None:
# """Returns None"""
# name = "ForceTermination"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return None
# async def RequestConnection(self) -> None:
# """Returns None"""
# name = "RequestConnection"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return None
# async def GetCommonLinkProperties(self) -> Tuple[str, int, int, str]:
# """Returns (NewWANAccessType, NewLayer1UpstreamMaxBitRate, NewLayer1DownstreamMaxBitRate,
# NewPhysicalLinkStatus)"""
# name = "GetCommonLinkProperties"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[str, int, int, str] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result
# async def GetTotalBytesSent(self) -> int:
# """Returns (NewTotalBytesSent)"""
# name = "GetTotalBytesSent"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[int] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result[0]
# async def GetTotalBytesReceived(self) -> int:
# """Returns (NewTotalBytesReceived)"""
# name = "GetTotalBytesReceived"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[int] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result[0]
# async def GetTotalPacketsSent(self) -> int:
# """Returns (NewTotalPacketsSent)"""
# name = "GetTotalPacketsSent"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[int] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result[0]
# async def GetTotalPacketsReceived(self) -> int:
# """Returns (NewTotalPacketsReceived)"""
# name = "GetTotalPacketsReceived"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[int] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result[0]
# async def X_GetICSStatistics(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int, str, str]:
# """Returns (TotalBytesSent, TotalBytesReceived, TotalPacketsSent, TotalPacketsReceived,
# Layer1DownstreamMaxBitRate, Uptime)"""
# name = "X_GetICSStatistics"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[int, int, int, int, str, str] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result
# async def GetDefaultConnectionService(self) -> str:
# """Returns (NewDefaultConnectionService)"""
# name = "GetDefaultConnectionService"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[str] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result[0]
# async def SetDefaultConnectionService(self, NewDefaultConnectionService: str) -> None:
# """Returns (None)"""
# name = "SetDefaultConnectionService"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_kwargs
# await self._wrappers_kwargs[name](NewDefaultConnectionService=NewDefaultConnectionService)
# return None
# async def SetEnabledForInternet(self, NewEnabledForInternet: bool) -> None:
# name = "SetEnabledForInternet"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_kwargs
# await self._wrappers_kwargs[name](NewEnabledForInternet=NewEnabledForInternet)
# return None
# async def GetEnabledForInternet(self) -> bool:
# name = "GetEnabledForInternet"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[bool] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result[0]
# async def GetMaximumActiveConnections(self, NewActiveConnectionIndex: int) -> None:
# name = "GetMaximumActiveConnections"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_kwargs
# await self._wrappers_kwargs[name](NewActiveConnectionIndex=NewActiveConnectionIndex)
# return None
# async def GetActiveConnections(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
# """Returns (NewActiveConnDeviceContainer, NewActiveConnectionServiceID"""
# name = "GetActiveConnections"
# if not self.is_registered(name):
# raise NotImplementedError()
# assert name in self._wrappers_no_args
# result: Tuple[str, str] = await self._wrappers_no_args[name]()
# return result